4: tf TM 7 VX urtcytpr r v A latM In avarjr ss1s T tw a tw vwweij, aw pfnnmi aw w"-1 ewvOOa, Ar. y an WEEKLY CNTCRPRISC - ESTABLISHED 15 66 VOL 1 17N". Ml. , . CIIDMQ FAR WORK OKKUON CITY, OREGON, HUNDAY, DECKMHEU 3, 1911. Vtm Wm, 10 Own 3 THE LOUDEST SUIT HE'S EVER HAD! ELECTION IS FREE FROM BITTERNESS FINAL STATEMENTS MADE BY ,. TOO CANDIDATES FOR iWD "A tUllliu 1 vii iiyiiii EKPKBS'E PtTfCTIVK IN DYNAMITE CAIC iAYS OTHtAS WILL f AIUTID. HAN UNO SCOT SHADOWED lit Asaart TrU Oo Styand In-d'SnapoU And Intimate Man WnU4 Ar Not M CoSet, CHICAGO. !). 1 Detective Bursa, ho gathered the evidence against th MeNsmsr brother In connection lib the ti Angelr dynamiting, an sownred tonight that the arrest of Hllli'D A Bclsmldt and imvld M Kap ha, alleged accomplice of J. U. Ma Mirtra. would be mad nut long af 1 a forthcoming vlalt 10 loa Ange la adld Ibal sensational disclos ure undoubtedly would follow ibla visit, whlrh ha would make lu about 1 . or after ha bad mad a trip Ip Nw York on another case. Just rtt luiura pruaocutlona or addition al raa will h mad ba declined to tallmtl. but ba would nut deny that UiWnu4 on page 4 ) rr cdH I N IT RIGHT COLO. INT ITT - Wt'r aoarlne, In Overcoat. Thyr tiling brlekly, too. Maavy military UitMra and Motor Coota that aacaad tha apaad limit In etyla and hitting an all cyllndara In fabrio and tailoring. High gaarad Coala at low gaarad pricaa. tvary Coat aaay riding. 12.&0 to Mo oa Price Brothers IXCLUtlVI CLOTHIIR Not Llho Othara. trt and Main fa. N. B Parhapa you. will bo Intaraat d In Bulta, too. C If W v I . B S , Select Your Holiday Gifts Now WE WILL GLADLY SET THEM ASIDE EOR YOU UNTIL XMAS Suitable Gifts For Ymtoheu Ring Pnm Chain Looketm Braoofotm EarHngm We are now prepared to submit tor your mspecu,. Jewelry, Clocks, Cut Glass, Chinaware. Silverware, To.let ArUcles, Fountam Pens Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc., that we have ever shown. If you are wondering what to give to a young or old man woman or child, call and see us. We have something for every person and every pocket book. We- would advise that you buy early as we have more tune to watt upon you and you have more to select from. , orc WB PNr.RAVE ARTICLES WE, aci, v- HORSE WITH MANE 5 FEET COMES TO CITY "'aU." a buraa blonlng U Wil liam Itanlvla. ona of tba pro ml nan t raatdanta of IwaTar Croali, attracted luurh allantloD In ibla city Saturday. Tba hoaro haa man fla fil lu(. whlrb almnat rarbaa ' tha (round, (turliig tba paat few montha tba man baa lakrn on a wondrrful grow lb, and no doubt If tha hair waa hruahod and properly al tended tha owner con Id make amall fortune In exhibiting the animal la ahowa. Tba hoaro haa been In tba poeaeealon or Mr. Danlela over alnro It waa one year old Tha horae la of a rbralaut aorrel. and waa brought to thla city Raturday to have tta picture taken. Mr. Calvert photo, graphing It Tha animal worka Id the field every day. Tete" aeema to be proud of Ma mane, and when many In thla city etopped to look at him wblle he waa In front of the gallery waiting to be photographed by Mr. Calvert he eeenied to enjoy tha a cltement ha waa caualng. Head I he Morning Bbterprlaa Ladies Back Combs Sliver Purses Toilet Sets Fountain Pens LaValllers Back Combs Btftfmeiste ERNEST liSIASITO LECTURE TOMORROW Erneet J. 8laa, the lecturer, will lecture In thla city tomorrow night on "The l.ot Chord." The lecture will U the third entertainment of tho Lyceum aerlea. which haa been guar anleed by twenty realdenta of the city. That It will be one of tho uiont popular Wturea over given here la aaaureU. Wherever Mr. Blaaahaa ap peared the newapupera have been uu sparing la tbelr ralae. He waa for two yeara managnt at the Weatern Lyceum Circuit of the Redpath-Cen-tral In tha Weat. While Mr. 8laa haa labored with aucb marked aucccae for the church of which be waa a paator, ba Is broader than denominational llnea; hla horlion on manklnd'a affairs baa not been limited y theological tech nlralltlea. hut every one who haa come Into contact with him haa been won by hla broad aplrlt, hla aplendld energy and hla contagloua enthusiasm and baa felt the winning magnetiam arising from hla sincerity of purpose, and hla frlendnhlp for those about htm. Hla DoDularllr Is aa broad and deep aa bla Christian chnrlty. Suitable Cuffbuttons Scarfplns Watches Chains Lockets Signet Rings Watch Fobs & Andcsen . Suspension Bridge Corner HEAD OF. C. A. R. TO BE HERE TOMORROW The National Department Comman der of tba Grand Army of the Repub lic will visit Meade Tost No. 2, Oregon City tomorrow, Pension Day. A lunch eon will be given the distinguished gueat and the exerclaea will begin promptly at 10 o'clock. D. K. Bill. Commander of the Post, will be In charge of tho exerclsee. All members of tba post are urged to be lu atten dance. 'Addressee will be made by distinguished cltlsena and tha old sol dier will do everything possible to give their commander a delightful time while he la In tho city. ADVENT 8UNOAY. Today la called by the Episcopal and Roman Catholic churchea Advent Sunday. The color of the vestmenta la purple. It la with theae churchea a aeaaon of solemnity in preparation of Christmas and of the great coming of Christ to Judge the world,. In St. Paul'a Episcopal church the rector will preach each Sunday evening on what are callid the ''Four boat Things." tv-ath. Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. Gifts for Men Shaving Sets Smoking Sets Fountain Pens Traveling Sets Military Brushes Safety Razors ANORCSCN AND DIMICK CON DUCT CAMPAIGNS ON MIOH PLANE. UIOTTE LS niALLY Council Candidate Man of Standing And Worker for Clty'a Wel fare Poll Open at t o'Cloefc. . Mayor 'WILLIAM ANDRESES GRANT B. DIMICK. Treasurer M. D. LATOURETTE Councilman Ward 1 MKRKILL D. PHILLIPS JOHN T. ALBRIGHT Councilman Ward 2 . FRED J. TOOZE Councilman Ward 3 WILLIAM BEARD ERNEST P. ELLIOTT That the city election tomorrow will be a quiet one la assured. Tho campaign haa been free from bltter nesa. Grant B. Dimlck and William Aodresen. the candldatea for mayor, are men of atanding and Integrity Judge Dimlck aerved four year as Mayor and Mr. Andreaen haa been a member of the city council als yeara, and part of that time chairman of the Finance Committee. No matter which one la elected the city will bavo a faithful, conscientious and capable executive. The men who" are offering for the city council are well-known. No mla rake will be made no matter who ar cboeen. M. D Latourette, the effic ient city treaaurer, la without opposi tion, and It ahould be so. Although a young man, Mr. Latourette, In the opinion of many of hla friends, Ja the most conspicuous figure in public life In Oregon City today. He doe things, and his efforts are making for a big scr and better Oregon City: The election books and ballots will be distributed early tomorrow morn ing, and It Is thought a heavy rota will be cast early. Chief of Police 8haw haa had plenty of wood deliv ered at each polling place. The sa loons will be closed during the day. Tha polling places. Judges and clerka of election will be aa follows: Ward No. , 1. at Cataract Hoe Company House, Judges: W. W. My ers. John Bradley. H. W. Trembath; clerka, Alex Schramm and Eber Chap man. Ward No. 2. at Fountain Hoae Com pany House, Judaea: 8. 8. Walker, 8. F. Scripture, W. A. White; clerka, Charles Kelly and Roy Cox. Ward No. 3. at Hoae Company No. S House, ludgea: Sam Francis, C. I Gottbcrg, William Estee; clerks, F- M. Darling, M. uraar The polla will open at 9 o clock In tlie morning and will close o'clock In the evening. at 7 ELKS TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THEIR DEAD TODAY The Oregon City Lodge of Elka, No. 1189, will hold memorial services at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Congregational chuich. The members of the lodge who hav died are Ralph C. Dtmlck and Dr. Walter E. Caril. Dr. Clyde Mount. Exalted Ruler, will have charge of the exercises, and the memorial address will bo deliver ed by George L. Hutchlns, of Port land Lodge. No. 142. The memorial committee consists of C. W. Evans, Theodore Osmund and E. A. Chapman. A quartet, consisting of J. W. Alsock, J. A. Touscher. M J. Keating and A. W. Iedburg, which rendered a selec tion at the funeral or Dr. Carll, will sing "Not Dead But Sleepeth." An excellent program has been ar ranged. SAYS WIFE DESERTED HIM, TAKING $700 -J. W. Roger has filed suit for dl voice against Roxle W. Rogers, the defendant being charged with deser tion and Uklng $700 which plaintiff bad saved. Th couple were married, November 14. 1910. Cruel and In human conduct also Is alleged. The plaintiff charge that defendant left September 24. taking the money. Leota Nelcken seeks a divorce from Henry J. Nelcken, alleging cruelty. They were married In Portland, June 15, 1910. rialntlff declared that her husband struck her. Amanda J. lg gett asks a dlvorc from William B. Doggett. charging desertion. The plaiLtlff wants the custody of their chili . May Brooks Clarke has filed a suit for divorce ag.ilnst George T. Clark, alleging crueliy. They wer mnrrled May 6, 1911. Coupl Granted Llcana. Nettl Haaselbrlnk and Lenter W. Mallory were granted a marriage li cense Saturday. (BY WILLIAM ANDRBSEN.) . Having come Into poteealoa of In formation ?ht partlea, ixloua for my defeat, ar circulating' reports that tho city' debt haa been greatly In creased during the all yeara that I have acted aa chairman t tho Fi nance Committee, tn Juatico to my self and aa a source of Information to the clt:zna of Oregon City, at my augreatlon, the City Treasurer, has prepared the following report: Oregon City, Oregon. December 2, 1911. To Whom It May Concern: Thla Is to certify that I have ex amined the Warrant Register of the city of Oregon City, and find That on December 14th. 190S, there were paid Gneral Fund Warrants en dorsed prior to July 2nd, 1903. That on October 10th. 1911, there were paiu General Fund Warrants en dorsed pHor to November 25th, 1910, and That on December 14th. 1906, there were ld Road Fund Warrants en dorsed prior to October 4th. 1904. That on October ISth. 191L there wei paid Road Fund Warrants en dorsed prior to August 6th. 1910, ex cepting Warrants Noe. 157J and 1586 for $41 and $250.00 respectively, and That on December 2nd, 1911. there ahows an Indebtednesa of $547723 againai Permanent ' Street Improve ment Funu. Thla certificate la given at tho re quest of Mr. William Andreaen. M". D. LATOURETTE. Treasurer of the city of Oregon City. Subscribed and aworn to before me thla 2nd day of December. 11L -L1VY 8TIPP. Notary Public for 8tate of Oregon. In explanation of the above report, I wish to say that at the time when I was appointed to the office of chair man of the Finance Committee, the lndebtedneaa of the General Fund waa In arrears, making It nectaaary to pay Interest from July 2nd, 1903 to Decem ber 14. 1905, a period of tins of two years, five months, twelr daya. On October 10. 1911. the time waa reduced to ten 'montha, fifteen day. The condition of the lndebtedneaa of the Road Fund waa aim liar to that of the General Fund, and tho period of time of Interest was two yeara, two months, ten day. On October 18. 1911, th lengtn of time wa reduced to one year, two months, thirteen day. - Ton will note by the above report that the city' present total Indebted nens against the Permanent 8treet Fund Is $5,477.23. It Is evident that this Is a remarkable showing, since this fund Is need exclusively for the payment of the city'a aharo on all street Improvements, especially when you take Into consideration tnat tho actual street improvements during the last two yeara waa $205,000.00. Also wish to call your attention to the fact that the levy of eight mills has remained the same In the last six years. During the time I have been in the clty'a service, it has always been my aim to improve the financial affairs, aiming to decrease taxes, and if elect ed Mayor, I shall continue toe aame policy. SHOWER GIVEN MISS SHANNON. Popular Young Woman to Becom Bride of W. L. Mulvey. MIrs Alice Shannon, one of Oregon City's well known young women, whose marriage to Mr. William L. Mulvey, will be solemnized next Thursday, was tendered a linen show er by a few of her friends at her home Friday evening. Miss Shannon received some very pretty and use ful articles. The evening was devot ed to a social time, and Mr. Shan non served refreshments. Snnsrrtbe for the DeJlr Unterorleo OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Is a strong leader with Special Holiday Prices. . , i " ' 1 i Iron Beds $2.95 Superior Brass Beds $1 3.95 Oak Dressers $0.95 Oak Dining Chairs, per set of 6 $7.S0 Kitchen Chairs, each 49c Ingrain Rugs, size 9x12 $6.00 i L. Oregon City's Big (BY 0. B. DIMICK). I bavo been nominated for tho of flee of mayor of our city by a largo number of th legal voter and heav iest taxpayer without any solicita tion upon my part either directly or indirectly, and you will bo oallod upon on Monday, December 4 to ntalse your choice between th candidates for that Important postilion. , In order that three will bo no mlsv . understanding ahould I be elected I desire to state to you frankly my poei Uon upon certain questions that wlb coma before tho city administration during th year 1912. In the first place I bellevo tn fro gresalon, but In pursuing that policy the city administration should take Into consideration the extreme hard ships Imposed aa, well aa the benefits derived from all Improvements of public nature. During tho paat year great many Improvements wore mado under the amended City Charter and there are today contracts outstand ing for further Improvement which will require a long length of time tor their ultimate cbmpletHRL One of the best engineers In tho state, who after familiarizing htmsenT jrith our atreet work, stated this Week that Oregon City was paying twenty per cent more for it atreet improve ments than I necesaary, and I aaa certain of my position when I any that those conditions have boon brought about by awarding contract to the aame contractor long before hla previous contract are completed and before proper and accurate esti mates ar made regarding the actual coets of the Intended Improvement. I do not believe In the- expenditure of public money for public Improve ments unless It Is done under the moat careful and accurate method and tl mate that can be acquired, and atreet Improvement in particular where th burden Js taxed against the abutting property, the greatest care ahould bo taken that la possible to exerct for the reason that It usually sweep away the saving of a man or woman which haa taken yeara to acquire. I am opposed to any further street Improvement contracts until th con tracts which hav been awarded hav been completed, and there 1 a show ing made that additional street should be Improved for th better ment of the city, and then only after ' the grades have been carefully eotstkv II shed and accurate estimate aaad as to the coat. There ar at the present time ft largo number of streets andergoiBg . Improvements and at th same tins there are thousand of dollars la war rants Issued In payment for those Im provements that the contractors and laboring men are unable to sell at the banks, or even convert Into cash at a discount. ' During tho past year Molalla ave nue, from the city limits to th feust neas district In Oregon City, has boom sadly neglected and at tho preoeat time a large part of that highway Is practically Impassable and ahould be be immediately put In proper ooadl tlon as two-thirds of the business traf fic of thla city dependa upon that Im portant highway. I wish to call the legal voter at tention to the fact that during th (Continued on pea 4) 500 CLUB IS ENTERTAINED. Herbert Martin Win First Prlzo and . Guy Roddick Consolation. Mr. and Mra. A. D. Vatcber enter tained th Five Hundred Club, re cently organized, at their pretty homo on Center street, Wednesday evening, the first prize being won by Herbert Martin and the consolation prize by Guy Reddlck. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Reddlck during the Christmas holi days. , Those attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin, Mr. ana Mrs. Guy Reddlck, Dr. and Mrs. L. O. Ice, Mr. and Mra J. B. Garretson and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reddlck. Department Stcrc H ADAMS v. , .V: 'i $ !!; i wj -ay --5Vi -IS I! Vi' Vn A 8 1 I" J