Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 02, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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I . .
Ratine tho OeAart Suit Psbri of- tit
,: ' . Winter, ';
; Ratine I on of the favorite cloth"
A" aklrt'and coat noigmtt
; Maay new skirt sre ootl.-esbly wM
tjr la soft jnaterlabv Instead f the
atagto Mr rdst r tub of las See so.
tn ooatu aiocaa. v
tw or three narrow box plaits appear
tbe plaits aboat three Inches vide.
.- SUsco lace and ribbon muffs were so
strong ly featured abroad during tbs re
cent season It Is not anrprlaing to see
n fsw crepe de chine molls edfied wit a
tor to match the scarf.
' On soot tailored suits there aro r
vsra and-collars t -whlle or gray
colors. ' ; , . ,
Tb coatr blouwe w exceedlnjrly
smart this year, sod tot oos is ap-
propria te for many materials. Tbe re-
Tcrs assy be omitted, and In this' way
quit a different effect Is rallied.
Thie May Mantua pattern la eat m attes
Iroea M to J mcbaa estat nun B
St rants te this omoa, srrtac anmber. nie.
ut K will a proaiptly forwarOX to oa
by nil. If la naata aaod aa additional
two cast stamp for MM postage, watch
In use aaora prompt osUvery. Warn 'or
ina Vary Stunning In
. . Blaoaa Bloa Fashtenabla. j
' A pretty chiffon blonae Is mnantrd
'ver cream lace, with a seranlara col
ored velvet ribbon that posses ander
tbe arms and to tied la -a bow above
the waiat. ..' '
Old fashioned avrsb atlk. Deflected
vsaroi. aid Turin srox.
ajowns and as a trimming.
'' Flounces, folds' and many kinds of
' trlmmlns now appear on the erstwhile
plain aklrta.
Here Is an apron that really rovers
the gown and la (rood to look upon In
fact It Is Just tbe tblnf for tbe woman
whoso occupation means danicer of soil
to her dresaes. JUDIC CDOLIJCT
' r"
This May Maotos pattern la tat la aixes
from U to U bust msasara. Snd M rrnts
la this office, si Ins eumber, TIM. and It
will be promptly forwarded to you by
mail If la baste send aa additional two
cent stamp for letter postage, which In
snraa more prompt delivsrr. When order
Ins aae coupoa. '
eoseeeoooOoOoaae smiii
1 s-e
A fall Hand., a
' "John." said lira .Norton i rhe sear
ed herself tbe hotel breakfaMt table,
"did you call a walterr
"Yea." said Norton, looking op from
bla paper. "I called blni. and be had a
tray foil." . '
. . Giving Him the Heek.
"Toa will eicnae me.' madam," said
tittle Blnks to tbe fair Indy at the re
eeptkn, but really I didn't catch yonr
tm." -"tiw
fnnflyr aald the lady. "It's
. ' i. .
Wo i . - Slss... .... .
i 'i ll
i 1 1 11!
..... StoopiM a Tre'Sk, -. .
Of the Informalities ot railway tree-
a Hue In Scotland half a reuiury aft
Dr. John Kre gives some Instances la
Bis "Memories Urate ami Uay . ' "At
Ordeoe, a siding on tho Ranff brand
Un. be wrote, l waa Instructed ta
go to tbla aiding, and, aa too train ap
proscard. to set light to a newspaper
or any tnr material that would matt
good blase and the train would atop.
Too night jvaa dark and windy, and I
failed to net Are to the newspaper, but
a stentorian ahont had tbe aaora effect,
and 1 waa taken aboard.' ,
Keep Yaoe Old Oetrtsb Ptsmes
Making Ova. .
It to wU to remember that oatrtck
plume can be matte over, dyed and
added to wttta success.
On of tbe naw shape tn millinery
that bar been brought oot recently la
called tbo table because It la abaped
J oat like a gable nous. Its two aides
slant down abarply from tbe top of tbe
bead to below tbe ears, and the trim
mine to waoally a daring and defiant
bow perched on one ski.
Gowna In aemiprtoveaa effect are eery
fashionable made of velvet, corduroy,
poplin, oente or broadcloth Tbla model
to adapted to all of these fabric.
Includes tbe' fancy collar which la such
a feature of all tbe new modes.
Tbla May Maaten patters hi eat la ala
trees M to Q Inebae bust meeswrak
M cants te tbla offloa. Clvtas aaniber, 713s,
sad It will be promptljr forwarded to yee
br bmULv It la aaate- aend aa additional
two cane sump tor letter postage, which
Insnraa mora prompt delivery, whan or
is coupon.
f aissa en
Pretty Leggings snd Something New
For Baby.
Very atylfan red lndrloth leffrlmra
with three rows of half loch stitched
black leather hands around the top
are pretty and new.
Quite new for baby are the Hpht
welfbt bat very warm little qnlltcd
balb robes of while silk In Dresden
effort. Ca rrta ee roiea also como In
thl same allk with borders of. bias
This akin, that Is mads with an an
derlylna- panel st the left of the front
saw FAaaii skiht.
la s new and attractive typo. In tba
Illustration serfs Is. combined with a
psnel of satin, but any two materials
may be osed In tbla way
'' '
This May Manton patterir Is cut In sixes
from 23 to 12 lnchoe waist measure. 3nd
M cents te this offlcs, clvlns number. 7192.
sod H will be promptly forwarded to rou
br malL If In haata aend an additional
two cent stamp for letter posts e, which
Insures more prompt dell vary. When or
dering use eoupon.
No.. is..:
W 11 '
as buvk i
Players Kot on Big Elevens Who
Ksipel Make 1911 History,
Qaarterbaak ef Previeenes Say a One of
eat In feaitlen Millar of Penn
State Another Theroe of Carlisle
One of Greatest ef HelfbeeVa.
Tow minor leaitno baseball players
are known beyond their own small cir
cuit until crabbed np by tbo majors,
when. If oven for a short time, they
Jump Into almost national prominence,
in which respect they "bate It on" any
number of footbeltlata. who, however
freat they may be, seldom attract a
freat deal of a Urn I too front the mass
eo unless they are fortunate enough te
bo oa a team tbst manatee to whip a
member of tbe "big four."
There are rafts of players unknown
to the general run ot football fane, but
who If given the chance probably
would make good wltb any of tbe
group from which tbe champion elev
en are Invariably drawn
There ton't n doubt that Sprarktlng.
quarterback snd captain of Brown.
could grab any Quarterback pualtha
la tbo oast, with two poaalble eicep
ttona. Tale, wltb Howe, and IVns
Buto, with Miller, might think s long
Urns before assigning Sprackllng to
the posit km. yet at Yale tbe apuer
anew of Just such a msn ss be miglii
result In Howe being sblMed to oue of
tbe halfback positions
Miller of IVnn State occupies alinoni
aa high rank. Unfortunately IVtia
8tate does not trsvel la such polite so
ciety ss Brown. But 1 In tbe IVnn
game Miller wss a revelation. He not
only proved himself n master flcM gen
eral, but bis rsnnlng both frora.po!
tlon snd In rsrrylng bark pwats eiual.
ed suythlnf area on Ptsnkltn field In
Both s re crest field generals; both
get every last ounce of power oot of
their tea ma: both are deadly accurate
In barling forward passes gbont:
both can kick and both are sure
death -on punts, with speed and
dodging-" ability onoogb to run their
back a yards farther than the average
It In something of a coincidence that
Brown and Perm State with two ot
tbo greatest quarterbacks In the coun
try should also bare two or lbs
very bent ends. Aahbsugb of Brown
to almost as greatly responsible ss
BprackMng for the success' Brown has
nchloved with tbe forwsrd psss. snd
Captain Very of Penn IMate wnrka at
moat ss well with Miller.-Thee. two.
like their leemmstr. could grab regn
lar positions on any team.
Two other quartertiarks of more
than average sbillty Captain Kcg of
Byrscaae snd Welnh of CsrIHIe luire
been pis y lug considerable fmtboU IbU
year. Welsh ran sotuethln lHu tru
yarda for a touchdown In the IVnn''
Carlisle gsmo recently slid u- m
succensful in picking the nenk 7h,i
In the Peun defense that lie n ?
sore forced to reveal the-full
of bht team's attack. 7
' Fngg earned bis spar sgalnr it ch
Uran a few weeks sgn. bl
going n long wsy toward eimli'ln;
Byracnao to bold a better fuotlrill
team to a tie acore. He U nol ns
artful a runner aa ftprackllng. .Mlll-t
or Welsh on a broken Held, but b! r
a sturdier lino plunger, running from
his position
Halfltack Thorpe, the mslnstny of
tbo Carlisle Indlsns. Is rated one of
tbe best hslfbscks In the country
Some critics have labeled bltn the
greatest of tbe yesr as an all round
performer. J Weelock. bla running
mats. Is aimost as effective If any
thing be la a harder man to play on
an end run. bnt does not hit the line
aa heavily as Thorpe snd to nothing
like so good s kicker.
A substitute halfback on tbe Wll
Hams team. Ainalee by name. Is ton
record aa having . made tbe limgef
run of the year In a game against a
"big" eleven. In tbe Cornell Wllllaroe
clash be grabbed np a kick off on his
own Ave yard lino and ran 10A yard
to a touchdown. Only once In the
bixtory-of , football baa tbnt run been
equaled at Cornell and not tbla yesr
at all on any gridiron.
Lafayette has two candidates. Tackle
Kelly snd Halfback Spiegel. Comps
tent critics think highly of both Ret
ly, a giant of a man with an elevation
In excess of six feet, is not only s rnre
good fack;e. bnt one of the best pwmera
In tbe country as well.
Early In tbo year Kelly got In kicks
ranging from fifty -fire to sixty,-11 re
yarda in every game. 8plegel. bla
teammate, to another Bprsckllng In
going down an open (laid.
fUUI another Is floating around who
would be welcomed Ijy tbe Harvard
coaches like a million dollars If be
were eligible to play for the Crimano
nrslty. Unfortunately tbla young mnn.
one Bri kley. Is but a freshman. He
recently kicked four field goals in one
There are many more. West Point
and Xnunpolia anyhow could hardly
be classed wltb the "minors' Both
Army and Navy, thongh outside the
classic ring, are both fairly tosdd
down wltb high class foot bn 1 1 players
bo nerer can bops to si-hlere the
fame that wonld be theirs If they were
playing wltb Yale. Harvard. Princeton
or Pennsylvania
An Old tmoker'a Trlok.
"ITang it." remarked an old com
muter, dropping into sent In tbe
amoker bcitltle bis daily companion,
"I'vs iuated my pipe, and now I've
got to go through tbe fortnro of break
ing In a new one." "Let tbla rallrond
break It In for you." returnfld bis
friend. "What? You don't fjoderatuud
Hint trick? It's an old smoker's reie.'
Fill your new plpe-bat wet tbe IdmMs
t)f tbe bowl Ort Itptit It. get it well
stiirtcd and f lion hold It out of the
window wltb'ths ftuiUth forward. The
(trr.rt will, koep it slight as tvrjl
you could f pufilnit on it That vc.U
take tic raw ne runes oot of it Try
If Slut see M fvi-h.ini' I. ' .' '
klot "Terrible Terry" MctJovora the
other day. The una time greatest of
all feather elghia U tee Hug I be de
sire to battle welting up wlthlu him
gain. Terry believes tbst 10 luoulbs
of real hard work would help hiw ro
duvo his bulky M-'iiUus and Ot
aim for one utoro trtul lu the rlmt
The recent apiteMrsnce of Harry
Forbes and Willie ntagerald. who
were stars when Terry waa In his
prime, baa made the llruoklyalto
aocuewbst jvalous, and a desire. I uiu
iato their perfonnaiK-e la getting tho
better of -Sla Judguietti. Hoaevvr,
Tereuco haa soute cahmI friends who,
no doubt, will convince him of tbo
foollahoesa of bis project. If nut. the
bard grind of life la a training ramp
will probably be aufnclent to dlewur
age bltn. aa It did 'Young Cnrbett.
MVOovera la now rvferw of a Hrowk
lya fight club where be made his Brat
bid for fame In tho ring aud Incklea
tally nt hia Brst tight with a young
ster named Jack Buee, although It to
not down tn bla record. Tbe bout last
ed two rounds. The frt waa all Mc
Oovern's, Oa bis return lo the corner
Race's seconds told their man to hurl
some tsntslliing remark st Terry. At
the beglunlng of tho sax-ond round Rneo
tokl McUorer thst ho juat loved, to
fight monkeys. That wss enough. Mc
Oovern cast box lug to tbo winds snd
Immeillstely pkked hne ap and threw
him out of tbo ring Terry n
weighs IDA pounds.
Kid McCoy is bewlhlered. Tho Kid
waa practically matched lo meet Bailor
Burke In Brooklyn recently. When
tho match tusker of the club accosted
McCoy aud asked bltn to alga art k tea
tbo Ktd demanded ri.VXl
"Why. KM, aak! tho maicbmaker.
I only want you to fight one night.
not for a week. -
That a enough to bewilder any one.
oven Kid McCoy.
Since McCoy defeated aereral fifth
raters be thinks bo Is now In line for
match wltb such huskies as Jim
riyna. Al Kaufman. Al Patter and Jim
Kennedy. McCoy wnuld do well to
ponder for awhile before taking oa any
of tbe men be seeks to meet- Any of
the above mentioned I us a would Jolt
tbe Kid aa rodelg that be soon would
realise, be baa snot bis pugilists bolt
Lota of people oay they caa't so
why ChoynakL tbo veteran heavy.
weight fighter, should - return to tbo
ring. Tbejsnawer to very plain. Ho
wants to get some of tbe good money
being passed to tbe has-beens and tho
One of tho latent nicknames for
President Charley Kbbets of tbe Brook
lyn Baseball club to "CbWkllnC Choi
ly." It to stanTen by his friends during
bis absenrs always.-
In all fairness to Harvard It can bo
put down ibst Ibis la tbe rnllng the
ory ef footlisll cmickan st tbe Cstn
hridg acbmil: "When tbe football
team wins, glory be to the ranches;
when It nes, what a dlrr'-eful
bnncb of Incompetents I her sre - '
00?0 trrlf r4.tS-
Yon know Buffalo Coatsllo) J
Hure. he fought Aloe Greggalns X
about , eighty rounds or iure 7
down st Coney Island years aud
vyesrs sgo. Wsll. they put the T
Bnffsio tn tbe rtsiler a few weeks s
ago for seeking ssUtau e np ou J
tbo Oreat White Wsy. Tbo Bnf
fsio or Mr. Coatello. ratber-Just
before this met a boob np the
lino who was daffy on fight.
When they were Introduced tbe
booh looked Coatello over from
head to foot and then asked m
qulriut:ly: "Buy. you're not tbe Buffalo
Coatello who fought ttrvggains
years sgo. sro your
The Buffalo smiled snd nodded
"Kay." continued tho boob. tnt
ping Omtello upon tbe shoulder. j
"my fntbi-r has been talking of. e
that tlKbt -forjiia past ten yeara.
1 II let. He says It waa the rreef
est thing bo ever saw In bla life
Ho yon are Buffalo Coatello. ebT
Well. I'll be dsrnedr
Coatello waited a moment and
then, edging closer. wblsered In
the gent's ear. "Ray. have you got
a buck, to spare'" Tbe boob,
only too anxious to help .out
sncb a great and famous fighter,
started to dig Into hlaeane and
piped. "Hure. surer Then, not
sure of the snioin. he added.
"Hay. Buffalo. I.-, much Is a
buckT , '
Coatello almost dropped dead
with surjirlse. bnt braced blmtelf
and. looking bis friend In the
eye. answered. "Two dollars"
Tbo national Indoor meet of the An-
gtf ur Athletic sasoclatlon will le held
In New York Dec. 2(1 and 27.
Tbe second Indoor International trap
shooting tournament and aportanien'a
show will open In New York srcb 'J
and continue nntll March 9.
A now Ice rink la being built In To-
ronto which will outablno anything of
its kind In the country. All of ths reg
nlnr Canadian league games will bo
played at tbo rink.
TJiit mai may l?.it, but never livet,
Who nurh receive, but nothing
' R'vrt. t
Whom none can love, wlio.n none
can ihank
Crcation't 1 bt. rcnlion'i hln!-..
eo ire er ns weaitn.
"IIow did lis make stl bla money?"
"Careful Investment. I siipp-me."
"No; careless investors L;fe.
Patronise our advertisers.
Islsnd of Pstmes.
Commercialism has, somewhst dim
med tho romance of the island of Pat
mos. to which tbe Apostle John was
exiled There bo ssw tbo visions of
tbe Apocalypse, xbo Island la rocky
and barren, containing ailtcen squsre
rullcs. On a moontslp stands the mm-.
eMrry of John tbe Hvlns. built In
Iiikh Greek sponge fishers to tho num
ber of about 4.0ISI Inhabit the Islsnd.
which Is now under Turk If h rule, and
by unremitting energy manage to earn
kittle more than enough to eko out
their exlatenre. '
Writers Whose Worss Are Unrsso. -
With csre aud pre talou the journal
clerka of tbo senate prepare the dally
chronicle of Ibo sonata's doings. Tbey
aro proud of their achievements, and
Justly eo. ' It Is a cause of sore disap
pointment to tbo makora of that Jour
nal when some thoughtless senator,
eager for tbe morning's business,
moves to suspend further reeding.
Other clerks around tbo dsak enjoy
ths Joke and when tbo proceeding la
concluded repeat In an undertone from
Jban to. man:
"Another Insult.- Washington Post'
A Qelm Bells,.
Collectors gather snides mora or
less Interest'tut. but probably few go
In for such bulky objects as those
chosen by a distinguished '-'Britisher.
Old doors are the object of bis desire
Ills doors corns from old bonsos. cas
tles and ablieys of historical Interest
Some tlins ago be obtained at consld
erable cost a door through which dur
ing ths French revolutlim Mnrie An
toinette. Charlotte .Cm-day. fianton
and Robespierre passed on lliclr way
to tho guillotine.
She Was.
A very loyal Indy of English birth
onr-a asked an American dame lu Ung
lanf whether they bad any painters In
"Oh, yes," an Id the American, "you
bavo some of them hers rtuTprnt ami
Atipey ana Mrs. Merrltt and Mcflure
"Iear nie." slid the English Inrtv
"you'll be clnlmlV Whistler nextr
Works tVh Wsys.
"Mr. foniUt. I Intist leave yon to
fct married. 1 kncV a grn 'u)nny
flrls loavo the flruiylo get married
Still, f Lopo you can t my placn."
"Tbnt .will be all rUl t, Wt have a
waiting Hat of Indira ho left n to
tret oiorrlcd, aro now llred of thnlr
lltl.ln...1 . , . ' ,,
uununuus sua would iniB to romu
back."Waslilngion Herai
PstrunUo our bdvertlsorsj
Pays for the MORNING ENTKRPRISK a vvholo year
-liy Mnil tluring Harxaln Poriwl, now, on, which clows
l)occml)cr31, 1911. , 1
Take advantage of this offer by ikying for a rcntwal
of your iubneriytion at Bargain Period ratejand Ull your
neighbors about this tnap. ...
Benefte From Runnma.
Running Is I he great Iwuutlner of fla
oro and movement It gives muaculsr
development, strong bean nciion and
free lung play. Tho muscle comes
where It nogbt to bo. the shoulders go
back, the lolua bold tbe trunk well bal
anced. and tbe feet take their correct
poaitlone. It was running wbtch node
the Greek figure. The mora active
tribes of Amerltan Indians have been
runners from time Immemorial, and
from tbo cheat lo the heels they am
much more; tN-atitlfiiiiy bull I ittna tbe
aversge of white. Dim. Itnnntng peo
ple have nstulty tbe firm Mil elai
texture which la the IteHuty of flcsh -
A Mtner CensidtrstTsn.
Tbo ambitious young woiunu waa al
traeteti by nn sdrenisemeui. one Hue
of , Which read. "How to Become au
Author. The advertiser claimed that
by hla method failure was IuiikmsIMh.
- Bo the ambitious young wont in. sent
on tbo neceessry riifllng sum of mon
ey, and by return mull she rei-eired s
slip on which was printed this lll o'f
advice, "Write somef blng."
"But." she protested by letter. M
already hare dons tbnl, nnd It hasn't
been printed "
"Wo congrsiuluio you." was the re
ply. "If you have wrlitrn souiethlna
you already are an innhor. Ptlbllca
llonT n .mlnnr totialderatlou with
which we have nothing to do "
All Happena In a second.
A second Is iho smallest dlvlaloo of
tlmo injrenernl use, and when wo con
alder that Inwono year there are about
81.C.VI.000 of these periods It would
certainly seem aa If It waa ennngh foe
all practical purposes. Vlint. sftse an
a g'Kd deal t an happen In the fraction'
or a srtond. , -
A llpbt wave, for Inlnnre. pnaass
through a distance (,f nfvtit 1Hn.00
niiles lu this length of tlmo. A enrrenf
of electricity bus probably an oven
arcater apced. Ths earth In Itsolf
moves In Us orWI t rM fif iwut
twenty mile n aeennd.
A tuning fork of the Prtnch standard
vibrates 870 fiiiies per second to pro
duce the note A on thsj (ruble ataff.
' . ',?' , '
first Baptist Church Main and Ninth
atreeta Bt A. ' Hay worth, pastor.
Preaching by tho pastor at 10 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.
German Lutheran Church (Ohio
synod) Hev. J. Mnu, pastor, Ser
vices will. bo held at 10:3o'a. m.
Biindny scIkk.I at ;30 a. m, .
Cathollo-florne Water and Tsnth
trosU, Rot. a. HUlsbrand ps"-r-
realdenoo fit Watar; Low Mssi t
a. m, wltb sermon; . litik Mas
10:10 a. m-i aftsracon ssrvtet at
4; Mas a every morning at 1
Congregational Churth-Rev. OeofW
N. Edwards, pastor, regular rsers
Ing aervlco 10:10. Subject "
rrlenda." Sunday school 11
, Evening aervlco . T:S0. IskleA
"Ollmpsoa Into tbo World Was
Workshop of a Oreat ChrtlB C
poratlon." Illuatrated by slrs
typo Ylowo. Special llluetrstsl
songs. t
First Church of " Christ
N'lnth and Center streets Law
. sermon. 11; Bunday school las
lately aftor tho sermon J WednasW
evening mooting at I.
German Ivangelleal Corner V0tt
and Madison streets, Rr.
Wlsvsslck pastor, resldsnca HI
Madison; Sunday school 10 a. sv,
Hsrmsn wehrador, Monros
superintendent; mornlrn esn
11; Young psoplo at T P.
'preaching at I p. ra.; prayer tar
Ing Wodnosdsy at 7:10 p. m.
Qladetons Chrlstlsn Bsv. A. H-
koy paator: niblo school at M
tn.; preaching at 11 and I.
Mountain Vlsw Onlon(Conrsf
tlnnal) Sunday achool I P- J
' Mra. J. H. Qulnn. aupsHntsndrti.
Wblo Btudy ovory Thursday an
noon. .
MsthoOlet fplseopal Church-.
F. Zlmmsrman, paator. o-'-
achool at 0:45. prsachlng br "
pastor at 10:45.' . w
p-lrat Presbyterian Churen-i-
3. R, Ijtndabbrough, mlniatsr. j
day achool at 10 o'clock, Mri. w. j
Green, auperlntendent; morn'l
worship at 11: ovenlne woraliip
Parkplaes Congrsgational--Rsv. jh
Jonea paator, rsaldoncs
Christian Endeavor Thursday mj
nlng 7:30. Sunday school 10. B"TJ
Kronch auperlntsndent; V".
irarvlooa oaob Sunday, alt"'"
between 11 a. m. and 7:0 P
St. Psufa Protsetant P'WVZ
Church? C. W, Itoblnson.' rsw
Holy ouejiarlat, I n'.i m''J
prayer, 10:30; hnly sucharlft
aormon, IV. ovenlng praysr n"
mnn, 7:30; Bunday acbool 12.
lal aervlco In ths svenln Tor
yora. .
United' irethrart Corner Wn'i,Ji
Taylor, Rov. I. r. CM Q
residence, Portland; Bunday
10 a. m.. rrsnk Parker. W"pl !yff
superintendent; - mornlna" tw
11; Y. P. 8. 0. E- 0 P. m-.V
service 7. . . nP1,.i;i
Wlllamstta M. E, No rcgulur pr
, A i school I l"
, u.. n..m iinsrlntenoe"1-
. T.rrarauii
ion LUinsrsn -uorncr tf.f
K ohth atrasts. RsV. V. n
720 J'-
! berger pastor, rssldsncs
son; Sunday achool :M . w
Kraiberger, aiiperlntenrtrnt: r
Ing aervloo 10:80; venlnl
. Luther Loaguo 7 p. m.
Wsst Orsflon City fohool
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