Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 02, 1911, Image 3

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jj$5g Xmac Sale
Big Xmos bargains now await
you at this store. To save on
vour Xmos buying investigate
this big SALE.
e Oaf Windows Suspension Bridge Corner
' a Ikedmen. of Ceuby. wee
Ul nr,,Uir'
r H' "' 'w,,,t-'''" " ,n 1
Mi !' Kllnr. f Aurora. I
(,H 'f Mr. end Mr. Cbail.
2onMlaW Willamette.
MrflH.fl lloblilni. a prominent nura
Jmh. uf levar Creek. ea in lb
MM Iterate M00
and MlM
of thl city, visited
a ext.
tfrtA la iwu"" wo i
jfrt, Wi Cl l Portland
mL, evening, where eue waa tbe
of ber ltr. Mr. Kate Atby.
Mr and Mr. Doane Kl nd baby,
rwlutlvr o p-nt Tbauh.glvlug
irr,itlM In Albany, relumed u
Orrt! City. Tbureday aUbt.
um fcvbo Hp, of thla city,
Thanksgiving ' her slater.
JT Mr T. II. I1. ' W-too.
& will, uf Csnby. on of lb
(main! young buin m of lbt
i,y, vlBltiug friends I Oregon
Mist Dor 1-Aicae. of New ICr. we
k tils rlty Buoday it br
Hater. Mha Mary Ice at lb bom
af Mr. and Mr, r. u uaaaw.
mt.L. iuedtn Claee. of Mown
tla vie church mat f Friday f
with brr parenta, Mr. and Mra. C.
T. Too.
Miss K-lllb Ilrlatow, r&i)r. at Con
relational church thl evening.
William Avlaoo, of Mnlall. l In
tbla city, and la spending Thanks
giving week with hi parents. Mr. and
Mrs. K. T. Aviaun, or Fourteenth
street. (
Mlaa Matt la llulr. abo U attend
luf I ha arbool In tbla city, baa gone
to Now Kra to spend Iba remainder
of the week with brr parent.
WlUlam vl, on or iba "II
known youn (arnirri, nf Caru. waa
In tbla rlty Toankalvn. brlntf
Ituaal at lha homa rf Mr and -Mr.
Maroort Martin, of Klcvatith and Main
Wa ai Ml v In, ! (mipont with
aarh II pun hw. litilmwa' Uarialn
Mtta Km nu Vaulloy, oT (Mdaodala,
Vab, who baa bn n tbla city for
avtrral day UlllO( br parcola, Mr,
and Mra. O A. Vanllny, will raturn
to UoMbdal today, tbirt aba la lu
'br tnillint-ty btalnaaa.
Wallas and Raymond Caufleld will
raturn to Eugvna gunday avanluj, af
ter apandinf Ibi'lr Tbankidvlng tra
cation with their paranta. Mr. and
Mr. C II Caufleld. Tbay ara atu
deota of tba rnlrltjr of Oragon.
Mra Doluart Croaa, of Hlherton. la
In tbla rlty vlaltlng bar alatar. Mra.
Maggla Croaa, and alan with bar par
anta. Mr. and Mr. William Ettera.
Mra. Croaa waa called bare by tba
," o
Stories from Out of Town
n7.. n ri ill ' Xr Will bar grandmotbar
Ckrt. Tbara waa a guOff-a,wni.
Aatoag tboaa forming a party Wad
tv4ar to Portland to bear KubvMk.
r Mlaa Myrtle liucbana. Mra. Leon
DaUra, llarlaa Kty and Carol Ely
Cbarlaa Uadka. of St Johne. waa
uaoag tba Dragon City laltora
ruaktclvlng. and waa tba guaal of
lit kroibar. r. C. (UAkm and family
Mlaa llernlra Dawaon, taarbar of
tka Una Mllla achool. la apandlng her
faratioa In tbla city at bar bom with
bar paranta. Mr. and Mr. Jaroea lw-
Mai liowman. on of tba well
laoan realdanta or N'a" Kra. waa In
Orxna City Krlday on hla way to
rorttand. whar ba want on bet-
Wg ara giving aal eoupona with
aack fl purcbaaa. Ilolmaa' lUrgatn
MlitMlairl Toota. a aludanl of tba
Calaralty of Oregon, baa arflvra in
Oragon City to apeod bar -atlon
Xmas Lasts
and years when you buy
an Edigon Phonograph, the
Wel gift for the whole
n't forget antartalnmant at Coiw
grvgatlunat churrb thla evening. Ad
mlaalon 1U rant a. .
Uoyd Harding, a atadent of t'ntver-
alty of Oragon. la In Oregon City,
pending tba week with bla paranta.
Mr. and Mra. (). A- Harding. Ha will
return to Kugen to reautne bla atud
lea on Sunday evening.
Why not attend tba entertainment
at Congregational cburch thla evening
under autnlcea of Baturday Club?
Among tha -Hoy Broula" of tbla rlty
btonglnjilr tba Ilaptlat cburch who
want to Corvallla to attend lha
Hcouta' convention were Roy Katon,
Clarence Cannon and Merrltt Wlleon.
Tbay boya left on rr1day morning
and will raturn tbla evening.
Mra. O. II. Klrbyeon. of 8bubel. waa
In thla city ftida on bar way to
Portland, where aha want on bual
neaa. Mra.- Klrbyaon't mother, Mra.
(Ireen, who recently arrived In thla
city from Pennsylvania, la very 111
at the borne of Mra. Klrbyeon.
Juatla Legeeon, who baa bean prov
ing up on hla 160 acre tract of land,
baa returned to Oregon City to vlalt
bla paranta. Mr. and Mra. L. J. Laga
eon of Thirteenth and Main at reel a.
Mr. Lageaona claim la In Payette,
Idaho. He will have bla property Ir
rigated. Dothwell Avlaon. atudcnt of the
Pacific Vnlveralty at Forw Grove,
la In thla city attending hla vacation
with hla parenta, Mr. and Mra. E T.
Avlann. Ha waa accompanied to thla
city b Henjamln Mayfleld, of Che-
hnlla. Wah.. who la aiao a aiuaeiu i
l ailflc I'nlveraliy.
Mlaa lirlatow. a talented elocution-
tat, will appear at the Congregational
church thla evening under auplcea of
Saturday Club.
Ralph Jameaon. of Portland, wa
ike on rrldar. having come
ere to attend the funeral of the late
Dr W E. Carll. Mr. jameaoo
nephea of Dr. Carll. and made hla
home bare ror aome nine rj
ter hla urrlval In Oregon from tba
Mra William Canlwell, of Canby.
who waa called nere ma urai
wek by the aerloua lllneaa of her
..;.-. rH.ilna itelae. whoae death
occurred on Wedneeday "r"0?" l
the home of Mr. and Mra w. n. -u-.
of Oladatona. returned to her home
rrlday evening. Mr. caniwe.. ... ...
tbla city Friday, having come to at
tend the funeral of Mra. Helae, which
waa held Friuay mom.u..
Mr. and Mra. John V
-.a if.. Thnmaa I-eWlB, wr. auu
an., i.i.-. . .- ..I.. nM
Fred gpangler. of tr
Anderaon and Epn ue-. -
Mr. and Mra. Vergan.
a ikmiik Oreaon City TnurB'
Zy on th..r way to Ported, wher,
i attended . family raun'on at tb,
t.nnia tt Mr. ana mr. -
Maple Un. Orange win mee, -
Cburch notaa Evangelical church.
Rev. O. Radebaugb, paator, ' Sunday
achool at 10:10 A. M. PreacblDg at
11:30 A. M. Y. P. A, at 7:00 P. M
Evening eervlce at P. M. Prayer
meeting Wednaaday evenlnga. Teach-
era' Tralnlog Friday eveulnga.
Tba eldewalka on Monro etreet are
all done and adda much to the Im
provement, of the city.
Mra. Maggie Jobnaon, the achool
clerk, la taking tha enumeration of
puplla In the dlatrtcL
Mra Ueorge Wlaalnger and Mra.
Oua Htryker were Portland trillion
Mra. John Snyder waa a Portland
vlaltor Wadneaday morning.
Mra Van Hum la the freight agent
appointed by the P. R. L. P. Co.
to look after the freight buatnoea here.
The Krroll quartette will give their
uaual dance Saturday evening, De
cember 3d.
The rlty council met Tuaaday a v.
enlng. The aaaeeamenta for Oak,
Waahlngton and Fourth etreeta were
doclarod valid. Notlcea have beep
aent out giving tha patrona an op
portunity to pay In caab or aign an
application fur the bonding until De
cember lb.
Mayor Ktrelb la grading the kt In
front of bla residence, and making a
beautiful lawn. The two bouac-a
he la building are nearlng completion,
and will add much to that part of tbe
Mlaa Elizabeth Btrelb waa a Port
land vlaltor Monday evening.
The Ladle' Auxiliary of tbe Cath
olic cburch, will hold a baxaar Decem
ber 13th and 14th In the Orange ball,
and, will meet Friday to make final
arrangement i.
Tbe Clackamaa County Teachera'
Institute which met her Saturday
waa largely attended.
The arbool board met Monday ev
ening and voted to coneolldate ltn
tbe Wlilaburg district If It waa
willing. A el mill tax waa voted to
maintain tba high achool for two
yeara more. Making a four , year,'
The Women Club met Wadneaday
afternoon at Mra Ella Maple'a and
had a social meeting.
Mra. J. Harmon would like to meet
aome of the yonng people and aee If
a young people's dancing and aoclal
flub could be organlted.
Mlaa JUiel Mullen la quite tick and
unable to attend to ber work In Judge
Kelao'a atore.
John Doe. an Italian,, pleaded gnl
to killing pbeaaanta and paid a fine
of 125 In Judge Kelao'a court
Mr. Oould waa g Portland vlaltor
laat Monday,
Mr. and Mra. f. U Darby and daugh
ter were gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Thornton Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Walters apent Satur
day and Sunday with Wllaonvtlle
Mra. C. U Haley, of Wood burn,
apent Sunday with frlenda bare.
On account of tba revival meetings
now being held In the cburch the
Thanksgiving dinner waa postpone
Mr. Summer arm la atlll very
painful, and la badly bruised.
The Lawrence hotel baa changed
bands, tbe late owner having eold out.
Mr. Alfred Waer, of Portland, vis
ited ber alatar. Mra. a E. Oould for
few day laat wek.
aliases Lame and Gertrude East, of
Salem, visited Mrs. J. T. tltipatrlck
lor several day lately.
We bave It from the men on the
lob at the oil well that they are now
down 370 feet with fine Indication of
oil. . ,
Enter aale waa quit a aucceaa
last Saturday fpU of the bad
Quite a number of friend and rela
tive surprised Ray Raker Saturday
evening tbe occasion being bla 19th
birthday. Games, music and dancing
were enjoyed by the gueata, and
dainty refreshments were aerved, af
ter a delightful evening.
A very pleaaant surprise waa given
Mra. Joseph gUngel by her daugh
ter. Mr. J. C. Chalupsky and Mlaa
Emma SUngel on Friday afternoon.
November 34th, In honor of ber flfty-
slxth birthday. Mra. Joe J. Thornton
rendered aeveral vocal aoloa. which
were much appreciated and Mra. Dor
warto. of Mllwaukle, Wle., gave aome
apiendid Instrumental numbera. An
elaborate luDcheon waa aerved In the
spacloua dining room which had been
artistically decorated with chrysan
themum and ferns. Tbe guests pres
ent were: Mr. E. Mc Kinney ana
daughters. Isabella and Dorothy, M-.
l ... v . ... t r i Mr.. - iv
Nelt'e Haeaelbrlnk. Mr. Jo Thorn
ton. M,r- J- C. Chalupaky, Mlaa Em
ma SUngel, Martha Stengel, Mrs. Jo.
friend la extended to the little glrkt
and Ralph. Tbe funeral wag held
Wedneaday, Rev. Rosing offtoUUnc
The United Lutheran Ladle' AJd
met at Mr. Larsoa Wedneaday, .
Fred Jeaae, or Portland, vtalted bla
parenta Sunday.-
Tbe following are those of the p-
plla who war perfect In attendance
for the month of November: Flor
ence Wlddowa, Ethel Armstrong, Abe
Wlddowe., Lynn Van Clara, Marian
Evana, Nor Larson, Helmer Bletager,
Harold Baca, Elmer Irvln, Martin
Bletager, Mabel Armstrong, Acnes
Brg, Herbert Keebaoger, Laura Pen
nal, Emma Berg, Marie Harter, Kath
rena Jobnaon, Sanford Wrobnad.
Clarence Hansen.
New 1912 Edigon with twelve
Record. T' t 132.10
This nw atwlai machine, with
newlv (Warned motor and
tart and top regulating de
vice, pUyg two and four-minute
recordg. Cygnet stylo
horn, nickel olated mandril,
Doliakswl bat. YoUf
choice of orer 2000 Records
Come in and listen to your
favorite gong and talk phon
ograph" with our Edison man.
Huntley Bros
tdko Heaeqaaruri Clackamaa Couaty
V Oregon City
Tha naonl aenerally are quit well
aatlsflcd with tbalr specimen of Ore
gon weather for the paat wee
little molature. alight froata and eun
Sam Moeer'g Infant child waa bur
ied In tba Bantist cemetery iai
Laura Ellegsen, eldest daughter of
Oeo. Ellegaen and Ed. Oroaa were
married at her fathor'a houae at high
noon laat Wedneaday. A number of
their vounar . friend appeared oarly
In the evening and lave them little,
mnalc. Moat of the Stafford boya
were too tired from potato digging
to walk over.
Mr. Powell went to Tualatin Wed
needay after consignment of nur
sery tree to be delivered to varioui
persona having ordered them.
We hear with regret tnai aire. .
n Rnrlajtd of Haxeu. out well
The Fermetien ef Ca oV- .
The Imllaua bate a tlwory mfN-era
ln tbe fonuatlon Of t''"d. H
fortueil after ibe Ui-lune The iiv'.ii'A
waa about !ie llnve wbeu the levw if
the triea were turning yeiloer. . T ii
wlud cntne before ibla H'mmI and blew j
tbe lea te In all dire-leuia. Where J
the leave Ulx-1 at the ilm f the
deluge I vrlu-re the gold 1m now found.
The g!d U foinid lu ie ffriii--la
nuiegeta and In leaf form' The nug
get wore formed by tbe leave blow-
lug ami wlili Unir Into Hiunll utiyyefit,
as they are now found. Where the 1
geld I foupd lu leaf form are t lie
placea where tbe leatee were bunea
by tbe waahlng of an ml and rock by
tbe water of tbe flood.-Ited Man.
IHI(nfliliilay . i Ear ia2no
Daring next two wcefcj we will offer or axts
stock of Crockery, GUei and Granttware at net
Cost for Oamh.
And In order to reduce oor lmmence stocfc of
goods will sell Groceries, and other goods at .
greatly reduced prices to Gaoh Cuyora. ,
m$ Larsen & Co. ''I'
Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board and
batba, costs no mora than you would pay to live at any flrat das
hotel. TUrnm can be had from 7 cent to $J.S0 per day. Meata
In toe cafeteria are eerved from 20 cents op and In the grin st the
usuaJ grill prlcee. Batba range from 60 cants to 11.00.
We Do Cure Rhctimatisci
. S M-4
The Derthlck Club waa entertained
at the noma tt Mlaa Marjory Caufleld
Friday afternoon, th ebosteeeee of the
afterneer, nelnfllaa Caufleld and
Mr. Theodore Osmund. The decora
tion were of yellow chrysanthemums.
Mlaa Eva Benson, of Portland, one of
II " J"; . nanon-. Mr. Carl Joebnke, Mra. Roea , Lawrence
U4U curb, ui me iftw.i mm ug omw - - - - ,, . .T
ered aeveral selections. Her Bum-
Hot Lake Mineral Baths
' and mad given nnder scien
tific direction have cored
' thousand. Write for illua
, (rated booklet descriptive of
Hot Lake Sanatorium and
the methods employed. - Hot
Lake Sanatorium la acces
sible as It la located direct
ly on the main Mn of tha
O.-W. R. A N. railway, and
, apeclal excursion rate are
- to b bad at all time. Ask
agent. v - .
I The men of thla vicinity apent tbe
fore part of the week hauling ieea
from Boring Thar w"t together and
bought a car load. Thla will pat an
nd to the ahortaie of feed ror .a
while at least.
Ml Bertha Stuckl apenrTueaday
with the Jonshrnd rsmliy at Reiao.
Mra. Wm. Bos holm waa taken to
the hospital at Portland Monday. It
i. knnai she will aoon recover and
not have to undergo an operation for knowB tn Stafford, la very low with
stomach trouble. I nnmtmonla.
a number of Flrwoodltea a)tended . .rnrlu nartv waa planned and
the meeting of The Farmers' Society lnTlutona out to eurprlee Mr. N
of Eqnlty at Bandy Friday. Tbey Wmc on laat Baturday evening which
fn nresnlse but llteratnre waa given f- w. hirthdav but-aba waa Uken
out for the purpoae of Informing peo- i(ck and CJun Tery near having pneu
ple and t la to be hoped that the mon sll ( better but not able to
Mnl will atudy thla system and And , The two Mra. Delkars
a way to control their own price. Ber wMhlng Monday and other
A. C. Mtlllron waa out from Fort kelghbora have been Tery kind and
i.a r.-lla raturnlnc Baturday. -, I k.. ,nnn. danchter. Beesle. although
Mr. and Mr. E. XX Hart spent but j , JMrg oldi u ft nice Uttl house
Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mr. kMpH, mni M they ar getting
W. F. Flscner. . alona- very nicety,
People have been busy alcng po-i M p pajier had another bad
tatoea; aeem. to be a i good ''f4- attack of" heart dl. from which
Mr. ana mr. rm. . ther thought 'for time ane cou
. . D.ini anil Rundar on I lu" "" .. . .... .i .
bare, which wore well received. Includ
ed the following: "Op. 2." by Beth
oven; "Pastorale," Scarlatti; Glgue,"
Bach; "LaFllleuae," Raff; "Nocturne,"
Oriegg; "Troika," Scbalkowakl; "Pre
lude 1." "Prelude ." "Fantaiele Im
promptn," by Chopin. Refreshment
were aerved after tbe , program waa
Tbe club will continue the etuly
of Chanlanade at the home of Mr.
II. E. Straight Friday ef'ernoon. De
cember IS. when tbe nostra will be
Mra. Straight and Mr. R. C Can
ong. Present at Friday 'a nievting were
Mra. M. J. Bteart, M1m Eva Benao. of
PortUnd; Mlaa Addle Clark, or Port
land; Mlse Maude Mason, Mra. R. C
NIoimon S '
, sot aelUns Sldg, Portland.
Phone Main J151.
Charman. Mr. C. O. T- Winiama, aTra.
W. S. U Ren. Mra. B. O. Dtllman, Mrs.
J. E. Hedges, Mr. O. L. Hedgee, Mra.
3. W Loder, Mlaa Muriel Btevena. Mn
Charles Caufleld, Mr. 11a rid Caufleld.
Mlaa Louise Walker, Mra. L. U Por
ter. Mr. H. B. Straight. Mrs. U. D.
Latourette. Mra. Anna Hayes, Mra. O.
A. Harding and Mr. John F. Clark.
' The Orearon Cltv Football team and
the Brooklyn Athletic Club eleven will
play at Canemah Park tomorrow ai
teriioon. The Oregon City team has
played six games this season wttnoui
being acored on. The Brooklyn Athletic
club eleven also ha not been scored
on this season. The line up follows:
Oregon City, Brooklyn.
Montgomery Older
Ward Caaeldy
KOI -Freeman.
C- Ernie
Seller v-. Moory
Freeman, W. . OoMma
Carother . .
Freeman, T.
v .
White Queen
Thl Is The Beet Flour Obtain
able. Lay In Yoer Winter aWpcty of
Coal New.
Hay. Grain, Feed and Kofrect
PewKry Food.
Orecosl ' ..'
Coomhsica Co
Oregon Cty. '
land.' aient Baturday and Sunday on
their ranch.
i thm navt meetlna of tne F. r.
A. program and debate will be. glv-
nliestlon. "Keiioivea m
reasonanie nma
"!-"-- .. h..n the election
urange iian iw-o --
... , ,ka Afiatim? vear win
or Otticora iur .....i,.,. and
oi. men memUera anu
taae Pc-- .., . tha
not rally, but ahe la better though
verv weak yet She naa neon bick
ahmit a month. Mr. Martha Hamil
ton with her other two daughter ar
carina; ror her.
Mr. and Mr. Mllem went to their
w- ' .rr. ".7 . .k. m attend a Thanka-
Q. DeBhaser. rvjim-.u. -. rfv-n . Mni.
k ....ii a a n win ijisramaiv ainua P i
1 a ran.M little- fln-
krlnfr well tllleo 0sse u .-ur. nu"""'" .
orin; wen - , tl , i, . mnmm ni when ha I
well-fllled P"r. YOU w... .u u- "" -'w,.mett.
WBcl nBUIiUH wvw ww v. ...
. aa i skrvntir: iwo moniui eiiu, a, ii.- -
I F Pridemore" wrltea from Beat- gotten well, and for the last week or
n. thai thev have been partaking or more It ba become very painful and
tie tnai iney . I ,. t..K Millar, mho waa
k. water famine mere, uu ww.w iwuuvu uu . . -
keenlna every conceivable veaael working for Mr. Nua.banm cut her
flUed with water to be ready when thumb and It waa ao painhil aba had
thev were entirely ahut off. He in- to go home. - ' .
?!.-T.rPortland waa much the Mra. Brink returned Sunday from
. . i ....-. Mm nn Ti.cieman.
. . . tn Tm i ner ubukuioi . -
?. A o...,i,i .ffwik a horseback wher. ahe had vialted week.
Miss in. p,,, . Touni- Portugeae.
ride to noon view ou. ,- - v- rSllndav. and
"rrr ,v"K:j: r Vt,. ZZ or hla remarka atucked
ruVaholm children are aUy- 0ypay Smith and acored, him roundly
-. .. rlrwnnd I v.... at.rrA la nnthlna If not lovai lO
during the r " moTher'." ibaenc d when" the gentleman
mill auruis v . . v , .nri tnnk bla aeat Mrs.
a 3 Moxiev nas uiu (m iu. . . M .....
,,-t' house although not quite An- WUeman took the atand In derenae
"shed of the Gyp,y "4 th na
K- V:.B, V...I. la havlna tha matter with Governor
!L lumber hauled thl. week. , We.t that he seem, to be In cahoot,
the liimner n.uiw n..merat. -i.v. .11 h. law-hreaklnir element In
j. Q. ---,---- th. "nt 1, said '. rellow feeling
, the cn.iore,. . w.-.-- " droui v,nd.- alao "WHat
first or '""7"' nthaon la . t h nthera ahow. that mercy
A family oy in- ' . wh.t rrfcnd , !.
MAZDA Lamps are
They enable any store to esc electric light at a
cost which is less than would have to be paid
for any other iUvminant on the market.
on cart of the Walton place how to me." What grand coup
On P". vi . , , .1..,. I . nnmn. eontemrjli
IS von... . iQ. w.ek
Orange 1111.,
wbn improvement, on the "urnl.
pTrJounding the Orange 1111 wre
m.ria Tha men "" "
STheange for about two year.
beside, clearing up m """ " .
roundi The women tb.
"cellent hot dinner, and no doubt the
men earned it. even
enormous appetltea.
Mra L. EX Baron, loniww
been In thl. city for ine P-
llml- h..eb-r,q undergoing medical
Name, wnnt being the
ESS.? The1' mtrchlK then
physician. i WM tn
brought w "- . from
a .erlou condition. uff rm
tlmach trouble, but haa
proved so that abe i)day
taken to tne """.mnanled I
D. . . tn. clear, iw. unnnMhl. novernor contemplat-
and have taken a r"7. . .r ..J,nn. tardea.
4n. Mra. Uioaou. - -- - . .
tne ro.vr- - .
morning. Mr- Bacon .-r
family home, having .p-
Ml. Man. -". rolle at
Ins the Oregon Agr---- dlng
her vacation wuu r-
Ing the Oregon " ,ty .pending
'r.a w JaWa. Mr.
her vacaimu
and Mr. Volktnar.
Prof, and Mrg. T ' nk
of Willamette, went to Canby
giving, where thr wre
of Mr. and M". Wang.. .
are with them.
a rew more pardon, paroles.
They were fo and commutations of a Just sentence
. ... nl.ob Hill. B. u. ' land no Will OI" w v- -
meny iron, ' v. ,Bt0 fr . ., th. gtate Into anar-
K. L. Maca 'P" r . .' fiovernor'a
hla new hungaiow - nnl lh-, otn.r a,, that Ore-
Mra. B, u. "-v - he.- eoverned SUte ln
alienaen ----,,.- k-,. In and to
ha Hsnov sciio"! n- line union. n "'.-. .
- - I . . . .I.I.L... InIA nlrt.
to raiaina cuicaou.. ----- r -
nerehlp with thoae two yonng men
..uunii I in unrilaml who have a acheme ror
w"-ou"''" i.t; eat. and rats. He could pre-
..... n.aalhrlnk I .itk.. nn. Kelnc killed perhapa.
nri. J" f"" , pm-t. w D.aii la havlna- company
ma ni.iiam - - i mm " -- . - . ... i
nesd.y afternoon
We Furnish Mazda Lnmpo
to otir central station customers at very liberal
terms, in all sites saitable forall lighting needs.
Every merchant should look into this question
of more light for his business. We have sev
eral interesting propositions for merchants.
and Ml 1:: .fl , .nend the holldaya
..M J.rT.. with friend.. . the event-either to go to Turkey or
me . k-m. laltd lv.. nth.ra mmt 10 TUrKej.
n Wm. Ketlio anu ' I """
Mend, in our villa.. Sunday. .
Ml Aim ara.
ip....iiaw evantnr I
Monday, l r"r
Diritia a lies uuiiair " i
. .inra aneuv ...- - . . .
L, L Bertheaon return ea irom
,aM Peur." ..ore .pent Sunday
jrtland witn inpuu..
Mr. and Mr. (Melvln
The Naiarenes hnve their church
Portland win im . n..htBr ka Hmt week where he haa had em-
; Mr !Lt Thanksgiving with Mr. ploywent alnce last March,
"'w!? HardeMU- 'of Woodburn. Friend, of U O. Pre.ton were great,
"d we and S S - W Thornton and y shocked to hear of hie sudden d
MT: ,Bd..i- r .n-nt Tuesday ml.e Monday morning, he being
Kaie -r . . . on the floor , ng room
MAIN omCE 7rh ond Aider Streets
, and
'"m1 Ftuwater. of Lebanoe,
.. n......nn from Albany,
neVn gu.Vt. of Mr.. Edward and Mrs.
Alison Baker for a week.
Mr and Mr.. Elmor Jone. went to
Portl'and to hear Oyp Bmltb. last
week. ;' ' :
It la all the more" sad because he
leaves three little OTphan girls, the
mother havlna died two years ago.
and a hnlf sister one month ago. The
half brother. Ralph Pre.ton la In the
.anttarlura at Mllwaukle for tubercu
IorI. The sympathy of the many