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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1911)
V MUtlNINO ENTERPRISE, ' SATURDAY, DECEMDEIt 3. 1911. t ' ; i .. C02IO ETITEfiruISE CZOCa CUT, 02SC05 t. I. R004K, tdH sd Pwbfiehse, 4. a4 the imi MM set , TOWS of RBSCtirnMi Om Yaee. W mm! .. ta bfaatha. ay Ma Pane stoat, be eea I w t. V COBTKACT AdYKRTXSZira RATES bum IM euiee ttM nrat peg, pes i n irTHll. Raw M" ehe V. wrthoa enun the rae vol ha as taakTtar tT mT tM", , " Cvm aSiai Mates aad i at zw la as. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, THE MORNING ENTERPRISE bj ami at th toUowtag star 4 very 47: Hustle? Br. Or 4 vHiU BtrC J. W. MeAaajty-OiMi 8mtk 4 Mtla - B. B. Asdvrao, , . . . , .Uta uir Sixth. " ' , M. K. DwCaHaettoaafT Nzt oor to r. a - -r".. - aty Drc Star - .- Klwtrta Hotel. ' . ftWartim QamtmuUmmt - , 8mitkulJ.aAliM. - . , - . Oec 2 In American History. . Jtef-Tb Monro doctrtao promlsat- ad to rrcaMcat Monrot'a dmmi UO-Croat BritmlBli mary pUrl oa . oar ardera to zpcUtk of wmr '' wRk tb Cnltad State. t10-GMra4 C A. Cut. U. 8. ra . tlrad. latlscteM 1 border troo kM bofbr tb cItH war. aa wall as at taat eoattct. dUd ta ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (Trtm today t aooa tomorrow.! SwaT satji 420. rtae TS: boob arts t&4 a. at.: moo at aoroadbic nod. iriiawlng awn's n'b . vpward: planet Merrwry rtelU ta west after WHERE IMMIGRANTS SETTLE. Many. of the weatern stats are atarting aw crusades to attract ln mlgraata. : This Is a wise more. While tb Immlgratioa In recent years baa crossed tb 1,004,004 mark se rat times, a large part of It Is located In tb states of tb North Atlantic Seaboard. Tb state of New York, recaired nearly s quarter of If. while Pennsyhrsnia ranked second In thia partlcnlar. Tb large variety of the aetlTiti la the former state and tha mills and tb mines In the latter ' proved very attractive to many of the newcomers. In this order these states . followed New York sad Pennsylvania ta the number ot Immigrants which they received In h fiscal year 1911: Illinois, Massachusetts, Nw Jersey, Ohio. Michigan, California. ConnecU-1 Cat. Texas, Minnesots, Washington, i Wisconsin, Missouri. ' It will be noticed that CSlIfornis still holds a Inre for Immigrants, and !eaay pes, pes bm hm Mkjr pee tee f . . .ft 'lassie Me wr Km; mr eAver. Wwi Tix i iTr i-f" has? eL ea iimiiwwi Bae tar UtMM as A WmHt Catarsrtaa will he tb mm a to th far etmtiaiaMaie aaveeahSr tar the nt, Dtan ttoe nwiej Is Wmaaf acre IN UK amity Cfc imi la aafcaeTra ' 'tm 'haaeaeae ' em aa ef Ue trpn . - . ' lmmt eSrarriatag at Nasi Mvarttakw) rata. . v . aawl mlllfi avantoaj OM eaaae. . . f Th-a a)- a4 ttaJtraa BM" aaVar- liata aVe tc tint heinaa; a!- iCwe Miai a4 wU arm wviilaa af . wHa hxereat ta loaaJ miira. sHBj he alaSI? atcaph.. R4MMlkM- Mb mum ta am nis'il"""" J Discussed by Two Missionaries Br H. EVANS of Shanghai T N tb past all that has taken pise in China has seemed to push the people farther , and farther into adopting and fa ' Torirur western ideals. : CHINA CANNOT GO BACKWARD. : IT IS DOOMED TO REORGANIZA TION. EITHER BY THE EXISTING GOVERNMENT OR BY SOME OTH ER INFLUENCE. It if crident that there ia oeri mi trouble and that the Chinese '(TOTeroment ia in aTEOPARDT. The Chioeae regard the lfancha ti an enemy to themselves and t V ' lor for those in an-! Ttiaa, bl ta wt ta garml bm )ca tca attracUoa tor tbM tbaa HkMilN 4m4m M. Tb frae-boa act vblrb Uaeota la4 la tICt 4 wblcb t tat opartttoa la 1M3 4d4 wUlloaa to tb WmCi aopwlatlua ta a fw yar. U 4U tbia booatM tbr r BtIV Uoaa or aqaar aitHa of tb bt taada a tb (fob avaiUac oottWr la tb recto oa tb ntMt ait of tb AU ghnla at that Utaa. Vadr Uat utt tb attlr obtalaa bl 14 acr at a aomlaal Ssvra, bl ltl nor tbaa tb cot oT lb wrwj, ' XV Iboucb tb CIU War i ta proreaa at Uat Urn, wblcb ba4 a trrQl I&Smik to tmaitsraUoa, tb taruab tan4 aooa a(lr Avoatui. and atoat ot It ram to tb Wtra atata and tvrrUort. Tbl flood waa ra-ra forcwd by a aUU atora axtanaiv Bora BMat ta or dlractloa from tb Eaat ara State. Vhll tb Waat Ucka aoma ot tb attract! vne to paraona wltb amall ataaaa wblcb U bad a third or a qar tr of a eatry ago. tt aUH offer wo portunltla for latalUgvnr an4 to duatry aaprtor to thoa wtalcb tb Eaat can furnUb. Tb fertile landt which can b obtalnod ondar tb bomeatoad act of forty -nla yar ac ara pretty nearly exhausted. Farina coat much more tbaa they did formerly. But the profit which I hey brine la. on the average, greater than tt waa thea. The railroad have brought then atocb Bearer to tb market than they were three or four Ideradea ago. their prod ecu bring I higher price than they did then, and tb chance for farm era to gala a competency are better than they r were in the paat A little more hd vertUicg by the West era at tea wouM be adraatageotta. to tbm and to tb whole eowatry- It aaeau that tb trained aura la ta be- added to ta otsr caaawra w adttheratloa If tb charge against Mr. TamUlya. of Cblcaxn, are proTed. A Missouri girl la linn county ha a 1100 cap by raising tb beat te ears of corn. Tb girt with tb boa doesn't bother a boat poetic pathos. Reported massacres at Tripoli and Hankow remind peace societies that there Is still a good di of aavagery la race claiming to has been long civilised. There really does seem, after all. to be a Lord de Broke la tb British peerage. Strang he hasn't beea over her looking for a fortune with a girl tied to It A Chines paradox: As tb emperor tb war waxed feet got cold Missouri has a good many favorite sons who are disinclined to favor one another. Shanghai la so mock of a British town that tb desire of Mr. Bull for a new China Is evident. Wall street plesss notice: If bear tracks are seen after the first snow fall look out for a mild winter. What happens when s bull collide with sn automobile? It has been tried la Texas snd proved to be bad tor the bull Unclaimed Letters. L'nclsimed letters st the Oregon City postofttc for the week ending lember 1, 1911: Woman's List Bennett, Mrs. Dora Bennett, Winnie: Kenedy, Mrs. Lens Richmond, Mr. snd Mrs. Allen; Wesr, Rev. Mother. Men's List Bradley, Ed,; Butcnla, ; 8tanley; Edwards, Ed; Grsves, D. M. Oruber, & H.; Klnae. Harrison Klemenclc, Rudolf; McMssters. Don- ald; Mehaffey, Wm.; Myers, 1. U m ",T? frTr sF- s ' - ia By ARTHUP II. SMITH of Unpen H NEW CHINA IS COMINO, NOT THROUGH THE REV OLUTION THAT IS NOW IN VROGRESS THERE. BUT BY SO CIAL, RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL REFORMS THAT ARE ABOUT READY TO BEGIN WORK. The present revolution in China is the Chinese against the Man churian dynasty brought about by POLITICAL JEALOUSIES and DISC0KD. IT IS A RACE QUESTION. They most fight it oat alone, for if the great powers herald INTERVENE It would mean s DISASTER ruch ae the world probably never witnessed. ' Chinese Refugees on Their Wiy To Shelter Behind City Walls -"'. . f - . . N ... v x . aV"-. J? by Ai C Bvertea Free Asaaetstte. HINA assy yet Sad that bar worst bloodshed f bstUea and asasssrrs Dresdmi as tbeae are. their vic tims are t be aombered by tbooaasda, bat If the fears ef sess b sarvara ef tb nrsTsa ef tb strife bet wees revoluUoateta and rese- Uoasrbj are rwaliaed lb ceaatry will feel tb fsr mors dreadful rarg of famts. which amy tte tea tboesaada r. as baa sometimes happened ta Can. Rs hadred f tbooaaads. Already tb Htlea are rrewded with ref erees, many uf whom come, like tb family pb tored la tb lllim ratios, with all their araaty betonjiaga oa their ewa ur then rsnaWs' tan aa. and lb prob kern ef feeding them as la Baaaghal. wbmw puNilMtbNi ha Iwea I boa Is- by X3J0U0 la the mm few weeks Papanagiotn. Perlcbls; Bolton, Oust.; Tbompsoav W. H.; Thompson. W. C; TntwUer. Ray; Wsr4. A.; Young. a a. MOTHER fI0 . BELIEVE BOYS GUILTY CINCINNATI. Dec. L Nothing could bsvs eaat a greater ahaddw over the bom of Jams B and John J. Mo Navnara her than the news of their pies of guilty. "I know my boys are Innocent,'' walled Mrs. McNamars, toe grief stricken mother. "I am forced to be lieve they have pleaded guilty, but I know they sr innocent" PRODUCE MARKET IS QUIET AFTER Friday, waa a quiet day la the coun-J try produce market. Aa usual the day after Thanksgiving, the demand, for poultry especially, waa slack, and the Interest ta otherUlnes was little If st all better. Fortunately, receipts all around were light Nothing particul arly new la the way of prices waa an nounced by the trade. The general Impression seema to be that thia month will be a comparative ly quiet on In tb grain trade. The available wheat supply In tb North west Is known to be smsll, some trad era reporting It even abort of the usual showing at this time of tb yesr, snd generally the gisln Is flrmly held. The barley crop In the Pacific North west Is ssid to hsve been practically cleaned up. There are atlll fair sop- plies of oats In the Valley and Eaat of the mountains, but aa a role sellers demand snd obtain full prices for the limited qusntities now ensnging bsnds. Prevailing Oregon City jrices are aa follows: Fruits, Vaoetsbles. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis of 4 1-4 pounds for 43- 50's. HIDES -(Buying) Oreen bid 6c to 6c; saitert, fa to c; dry bldea, 12c to 14c: sheep pelts. 26c to 76c escn. Hay, Grain, Feed. HAT (Buying) Timothy, 112 to 1S; clover, IS to f; ost hsy. best, 19 to flO; mUed. 19 to 112; slfslfs. fli to 118.60 OATS (Buying) Orsy, $27 to 128: wheat, 128 to 829: oil meal. 153; Bhady Brook dairy feed, L2i per ino pounds FEED (8elllng) Bhorts, 127 to 28; rolled bsrler, $37.60; process barley, 1 38.50; whole corn. $27; cracked corn, $38; wblt. $24 to $27; bran $27 to $28. Butter, Poultry, Eggs. -FLOUR $4.80 to $8.26. BUTTER (Baying) Ordbisry coentry batter, 2Sc to 80e; fancy dairy, 30c; creamery, $oe to Ifte. POULTRT -r (Buying) Hans, ? I to 9c ..-.",. EOO 3 Oregon vsneh eggs, 40o to 45c. , ' ' SACK VEGETABLES Csrrots. $1.25 to $1.(0 per sack: parsnips, 1.25 to $U0: turnips. $1.28 to $1.84: Prunes, on bssls of 4 1-4 for 45 and 60c; beets, $1.50 ' f , beets, $1.60 . " ' ' POTATOES Best baying 154 ' to $1 per hundred. . ' ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 to $1.80 per hundred; Australian, 83 per hundred. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Llv .weight) Steers, , $i and me; , cows, 4Her - bulls, I 1-2 VEAL--Calvs bring, from 84 tt 13. sc cording to grsdo MUTTON Sheep, Ic aa IHe; lambs, 4 snd 8. HOOS U5- to 144 pound boss. 19c pi Her 140 to 100 pounds. 10 and mm (V s : it' aOllrtlo are sot t be foe ad la ta - bi atie'Jt('lgiJ',ll''t prmwrtlona. s;rT;tmnri i J RESIDDiCE, ABLAZE, SAP BY won Tb bom of Mrs. William Forwsrd. of.Lnwlon Heights. Mount Pleasant, had a narrow escape from being burned Friday morning about o'clock. Mrs, Forwsrd had started a Ore In the stov In the living room, snd hsd gons for a bucket of water to the well nearby. When abe returned he found ber room filled with amoke and flames Two workmen were at the host, and rushed to the woman's assistance and succeeded m exting uishing the flames, but not unUl the curtains and some of the furniture were ruiued. A piano waa slightly damaged The loss will amount to about 1 40 ALBRIGHT IS CANDIDATE. John F. Albright has announced his candidacy for councilman from the first ward. He will be opposed by Merrill a Phillips, whose candidacy waa announced severs! weeks sgo. ASTORIA BEATS 0. C. HIGH SCHOOL 17 TO 0 The Oreson City High School Uam was dIestfd 17 to Thanksgiving day by the Astoria High School team. Tbe boys bav no excuse to make ex cept that they bad a long bard trip on the day or tbe game. The gam opened with Astoria kicking off, tne oau being returned to about tbe twen ty-five yard line. Then started what was thought st first to be Oregou City's msreb to victory. A series of line rushes snd end runa put tbe ball on Astoria fifteen yard Una, Here Oregon City tried a fake play and loat the ball oa a fumble. Tbe Astoiiana punted oat of danger. After this Oregon City never had a chance to score, although every thing waa tried to overpower tb As- torlans defence. Tb Astorlsns msds their toucn downs by nestly executed forwsrd pssses. Wilson, Astorls's right end, would sness away and then a for ward pass would b made to him. Wilson did thia three times and after thia It was not difficult to hammer Oregon City's line for touchdowns ' Malarkey, left half, "Molley," quar terbsck, snd Wilson right snd, were tb best players for Astoria, while no member of Oregon City's team show ed up In relief except Orlem, left guard, wnos tackling was fins. Oregon City's tin np: O. Qault; R. C Kelley; R. T, C. Beatie and Dungey: R. E., Dam barb: I. n. Vjuinn; u t., caunieid; U E., Graves; Q Wilson, R. H.. Cross; L. II.. Po ter; I Mlchels. Qubs J. Beatie and Waldroa; cosch, pflngston, umpire, E. Mass, jr. tb Oregon City Mlgh School football team, remained la Astoria the guest of his cousin Edwsrd Blunt. Waldo Csufleld, Oregon City High School footmall mansgsr, remained tn Astoria over night tb guest of Wal lace Eakln, sad whit there took the lesdlng role la high school play rlv- sa by the Astoria High school. maBBBWaBaaaaaaBaaBSaBaBWSBaBWBBSSSBjsSI ' ' Beetew's Streets. -"Where ran 'I get a car that will take ta to tb South station V asked a lady of a Boston policeman. "IUjrbt ber. nn'sm." bs answered court eounly. "Any so of these rsra that pssses will tsk ye." "Bnt tb car go both waya on this street. Wblcb way does tbe car go that t mast, taker ' , Well, as to that 'twin max a dlf- ferenc which way tb car goea. 'twill take y tber- Jost the am.N-New York Press. - . A MATR1MONIAL ASS0OAT10N ft, HELEN FV OCXLStY Cseyrtgbt b America rress Asse, etatiaa. I ML Mta MattWa Weetkeisby n pen lag ber morn lag stall read a circular letter, a oHows; Tee sre Wtvuas te s preeaal at seat la e baeealars aad aatsatara far Ue par ease at araaalalas s aairaealsl eaaSaa tar aktartr saranas ' cams taat aare a aaaaJly Miry has sii4 thare la r- uwuiJ aa aaltralr lv as as Tba esekaase la lateaeea tue Ikaas wa Save eerore inam a tummw Ual taey star M thrawa loaar WHS a ata aa fnruilu matrtsaaalaJ eanariaar. aalya for taw niutvtat eanUart. Mis Westhemby thought lb ma tut ever and retxluded I attend the aiee( lag. Sb was nfty-two, but dbl ni ronaldar herself eld eaoogb te entitle br t a tneiuberahlp to tbe exchange Nevertheless be waa very lonely ami ready to rst h st any straw that might bring her vouiiwahuisbin, Oa euteriug the room where lb meeting wss held UUa Weslbersby re celvaM a sbot-k. Men and womea whose hair was either aprtukied with gray or bad turned while were that ling together, auy one of whom, she thought, utuat be ebter Ibsa herself Sb Was recelred by tb chsbrwoillaU sf tb ladle' rereptbia cemmlite and Biade bold to expreaa tba opinio Ibsi tboae she saw preweut were eattrety loo oh) for inarrtag. T bet aaten ktbaient tbe lady lafornml ber tbal moat of tbe wninea preaenl were hei jaaiorm. r A geoileauu presented I MU Wetbersby. wbua nam sb did nt bear, who besas ttt chat with ber. Bat orally choosing fur a s Wect t a- poses of tbe exchange. Mis Wealb srsby declared that sb sad row aim ply from runosity; that sb was per favtly satWfled with aingle life aaJ weald sot marry o soy svmnt Tvrbsps.- said tb gentleman, -years sgo lyved boss young man from whom fate sens rated yo," -Rsther aay his wa tanst wicked "And you were obliged to seed him swayr 1 remloty"-" ' -Sometime la such matters lb ww maa I partly at faalt" -That was sol so Is my cas." 1 was dismissed by a girl t loved I wss bat twety-tw year old. abe Alaeteea, She wuaMered heraetf very badly treated by m. 1 felt sure that sb wss I error, therefor If I yield ed to ber I weald sot only axsks s aststsks la that Instance, bat b obllg ed t rootlnu yielding I her. right of wrong, throughout our married lives. Therefore 1 refaned. aad sb dismissed a." . - ' -My case was very different." said Miss Wssthersby. "I was eotlrely rlghL and my lover waa eutlre'.j wrong. I bad a brother who Seeded Biy rsre. I Inalated oa bis living with bm after my marriage. My lover vary selfishly derllued the arrangement. I ost a rally cluug to my bmtber snd M my lover go." -Wss your brother worthy of tbe sarrtlW of the hspplnewa of two per sons T' "He wss" -Affectionate, anaelflab. boaombleT" -All tbeae." -Is be aim living with your "No. II died twenty years ago." Tber was a pause Its the dialogs, daring wblcb tb gentleman looked tboaghtllr at' bis iinlon and with a tins of melancholy In bis eye Then be ald-' -What would you think ef your s tkm If It could be pmved to yo thai your brother was unworthy of the ar rifle you merft for him - s aa rm that Involved yonr lover's lifelong bsp- plneear "No sack enppostrton Is raawibie, ne drew forth his porketlmok and took oat s paper whk-h be handed to ber. She read It. snd every veatlg of color left ber face. If s con feaainn written many years liefore to ber lover by this same brother tbal he hsd stole monev from blra. .the confeaslnn being oisde on eondltlin that the deln was rsnreled and the theft kept a seen. When Mlsa Weal ber by looked up sbe sniped -And yoa sr Tomf -1 id Tom." -Why did yoa oof tell tne of this st the time It icrnrreir -I preferred that yoa should choose between me and year brother rather than between me am! a criminal A lover, 4 husband who la willing to second to any one Is a weakling.' From the time of her eutraore Into tb world to the present moment Mlsa We thereby bad been one of I hose women-whtt are heat deaerlled by the words. "She knows it all." This tralf was strengthened by s strong will Tbe paper that trembled In ber band bad produced In her a revolution It came late, bat It left la ber not one trace of ber former fanlt. From a ttoneas she had become a lamb. -I beg your forgiveness for showing yoa that paper," resumed tb nao. 1 bad an object In doing sa For two decides bar lived la a foreign eoontry. Returning. I received an In. vltstlon ( loin this exchange and ac cidentally learned that yoa were a XemrKT.- I cam here with one of Ject. to meet yoa. and that we should meet anderstandlogly I preferred to explain tb paat." At tb nut regular meeting of the exchange tb president announced that tb first natch bad been msds. au. Thomas Hsrrlngtoa sad If las kfs. tflda Wss there by wsr sagsgwd. Rev. George N. Rd wards nsatne of the Consreaatlohal church at thia city, has returned from Seattle, where he spent tb past week. Ills wife so compsnied him to Dreenn Cite lh. has been visiting In Seattle line r- mromg rrom Ataaaa snout on month ago. t ' A Slg Claim. He's got a lot of nerve, bsaa't bar "I should say. Knows the srt of blnfflng his creditors, doesn't her . ' "Blnfllng bis creditors! Wby. maa. be clslms b caa bluff hi wlfer-Te-ledo Blade. A tbe iio,u;, j r-u,ir1e. ' D A UATOUajrTTsI THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIIZ of OREGON CITY. OREGON CAPITAL tee Sae)lf Bwsli Wants, For Sale; Etc 1U ba an i ' ta at H aat a lamtlaa. Sail S Ml aSSlltaaai Uaaa. tate Saab ears. II se ' aa ear. aaaai si r raa mxat iimiiif as aa eea '! wi tea Mar rteaaeial eay aaaisillts ear ames. frWila tar aMraa tea , wain ate. WANTEl-Tourlsta aad local Popl to s my collegium of srrow-besds coins, Indls UinkaU. ill M snd carlo of ! sorts Will bu or sell la this ilas. IUe sore good bsrgslss ta sevuadbssd fursllur so tools, fesorg Yousg, Haiti at liflb. TATrtlTmsll puUtua by sack i to at tb Nssh red nam. Seventh aad J. U Adams street. Orego nty. n i, ne ja an m nsaa row SALS, ATJT61i6WCB fOR SALE Flv passenger auto, tire aearry aew aal aalntad. first-class shSD. A bargain, or will trod If oibcubv bered real estate. Q. car Enter- prise. FOR SALS by C. H Uveaay. carload of Trojaa powder, Just received. s'sAL "t STATiTfOR SMTtr" OKKtiON CITT RiaiDKNCaV-Cornar . of Teatb sod Vss Bare streets, Oak tree growing. Wlthla I to feet of Improved street. Sightly view Level And well drained. Will bu'ld rot tax e for right party. Prices for corner. I22S each, lasid lots. flOO sacs 81a of lots 44xloI ft. (or- sers front oa two streets, laslle lots frost pn oa street snd alley a tons aide. John W. Loder. boos fid owner. . Stevens . building. Oragoa City. Or, Presi dent Title aad Isveetment Coss- psny. Clackamas Co. Abstracter. LOST. nr-Kackd.,wUk goU alickpln. containing two lesve at Runyaa's. la Masonic Building, aad receive reward. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck DlaSMk. Lawyers, Orego city. Or. ATTORNSTVaV a a BBT, Attorny-l-Lw. MasMf maaed. ahatrsota firskta. load title sxsmbM4. sstsu sstlisd, ge ersJ law bswaisa Oeor Orego City. U'RBN A SCHUxTDbTU Atlorweysst Law, lies tec bar Advwkst, wis Us I sll sonrts- asak stl ariM BldaV. Oesoa City. SUILOCS) AND CO"TSCTOH HARRT JONES Bufldsr aad Oeaersj Cos trsot or. EaUtast ebrfsni give oa all elaseee of betisiag work, eoaavwt wants sa rwlafDrse ret. Res. Fba Msla IP INSURANCI. M. H COOPER, Foe rire tsearsnee aad Real Ewtot. Im a handle yowr pmpertte w boy, aa as4 tehant. Offlr la ftrprts Sidg., Orsgo City. Orego CIIICAOO TAILORS suits msds to order from 810 and an. We also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Three doors south of postoffc. MUSICIANS. J. ALBA BA0ER. teacner of wind and 1 string tnatruments. director of band snd orehsstrs. wlj furnish muilo for any occasion. cU at El-cfrto Hotel . r NOTICIS. Notice of Flnsl Settlement. Notlc la hereby given that th un dersigned, tb duly eppointed. qualified and acting administratrix of th estate of John Erlon, deceas sd, has filed ber Flnsl Report aa such administratrix In th County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and th Court has set Tuesday, Jan nary 2, 1918, at I o'clock p. m., aa the dste for tb besrlng of ssid Final Report and settlement of the aforsssld estate. Aay snd all per sons, having objections to said flnsl report, are hereby notified to appear on or befor ssid dato In th County Court of said county, and III th asm. Dated, Dm, j, im. ORA FOWLS Ri Administratrix. U STIPP, . Attorney for Estate. Notice ef Final Settlement. . Notlc Is bersby given that the un- I fcSSSSiSa war. IVrai Mi bMae awaa.-lamS ia alias aa. aeriignea, tb duly appointed, qualified and acting f xecutrlx ot the stat of John J. Foamark, deceas ed, has filed ber Final Report aa ucb executrix In tb County Court of Clackamas County, Oregonr and th Court baa act Tussday, Janu ary l. isu, st i o'clock p. m at tha data for th hearing of aald Final Report and settlement of tba aforesaid state, ' Any snd all per sona, having objection to gald final report, sr Isrehy BOt!rl t- r- " " ". , iUVT llWITATIorr Wltb amal asaltaL see ret antln, saseMaa ; ulpment and Blr Mr render blpfwl SbmsIsI ssnA w sr In pesltle lv blns me and lndlvi4iMls k thr I I ftMitf - Vsur Interests will firw If y hav a finsnelal and w ssrdially Invito ye I ee at hems her, ' to th fullest pesaibls aatowV . The Bank cf Of ccon City oldest bawk tn tni courrr - F. J. MlTE.tfeL- O) tesaw 9 A, fct, la f p , near oa or before said 4at h 6 County Cuart of said ai ik. m. IMted. tie, t III I. ANNA FOfiMAU.' u sTiri. u Attorney fur Kststs. Arm nu a . m k . ....- . m . . tag KalsrprlssT tl hot yo skosU J aad let us au' tour a a ma aa tv ) - - m asrlptloa list UnojAdtstelr . RIAL fSTATI TWANsftm, Jorgsrog tnvaatmeet Compear II IL Perlo. 2M 88 acres of terft It, township south, rasa 1 a Sarah O.'and J. Eisner lo Joss I YandelL 1 acre of section 2. k kip I south, rang I east; i, A. L aad EtU Martia to Ma Tan dell. 4 seres of seeUoa n, ship 1 eoulk, raag east; LUi J. W. MsuMlsg aad Mary & J lag to Dwigbt Edwards, block I i a t.. a,, i i . i. . . nusa hi k! later m . I a. pmwiai virat oaaiuaw O) k Wild; 40, If. J. aad Mary B palmer Power. fcH 4 of block 8144. C. H. and Eva L. nvs to Man r nport, sad la Oak drover L C Ctodfeltar and Rosen P, O falter to WlllUm Cars as a ft, ere of sections ( a, 11, If, w hip S south, raag 1 east; 814. Jobs Zobrtat to Cbariea Stvtv lot T of block II. lot 1 btotk Li brlst Addttloa to EsUcada; fill R. O. aad Mary W. Adasta ta t liam Cavsasagb, toad la- aacooa i township t south, range 8 east; fit Msrloa W. Milter asd Tboxut 8 er to Ralph Miller, lot 4 of skst 1 Oregon Ciiy; 11404. I R. II. and Isabella Tabor to I Edna Miliar, lot 4 of block t, frb Clstsop eoaatyj. L Rsad tb MoratDg i?erprhm The Domestic Vacuum Cleanir The mnat-ramarkable iDVSBtloa schlevld la tb Ha of versus , rs. It 14 opsrsUd bf em I, wltb the ssm as tbe oril'. crpt aweeper. bat wltb r K to any loctrlc cleaner. - i '. PRICK J For demonstration phone or K MILLKR, 814 Svnw o . AMg D:tr::: r ' raws jrjw5; , field of tb world'ejbeos BtWNBWl , i bat ore SirsaSrad betwessf eovera. erao fr . jsstrsiieeisa -psgZ-A-'i--CHoi--- nP.., HUM eeT--1 a. volUXOSt r. 1 Is sapUd by f 7 Courts, goheoU r sa lb eee sspres- UoritT, , k who ksew tLSj eeees. Ie you la sew w l . a see-eetseear I - a mL. e- 7 . .La A