t rut Maturdar urolmlc T ,Lin; ooutbeaatarly iud. ' Jjii ralu north . si portion. MO rise WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1506 r y , Th0 eJy 4f iiwmnl k hMM Portlaed at talamt tir. O , UUi In every moOb of tiaL , ma County, vrtt pSfjeiaUM f . 10.000. Are ye an aAWMoort V6L. I ! N. 1 AUrlllltU BY M'NAMARAS a.a.i a a a a f U i aw A StoTHaRo or LOW! NO VP UllB IsallNLOl ANOlLt. c'inr?civrn CV CTITfMrWTC AO AiiliOrULV ui oiniirujiw LfcuslnslI Who Rsvld not. Cm- sctsd To lcp- With Llgt MnUnci Or Go Free, ANUKLK. ) . 1 Wt n McNamara plaadad guilty to Urd-r la the first degree la Judge w4lls onurt tixJuy. in uruwwr, . J McNaninra, sevifury oi tu ,4 gtrortuarl Iron Wi.rhni. outer! .u. .f .uiltr Jo dynamiting the lj,rllyn iron vuf -. irtioi iy. ii- . . ,lm n McNsmar a,i,felo rUwrt KP absolutely U trgady of tbe upjUm and tiro whlrh, at 1:07 irk- n tbe morning of October 1. )U wrecked Ibe Unt Of the Id Ascle Tlw Frl Broadway U4 euad the death of tw.ntyne prtt.i For nlnetocn of Ihree dlu ito M-Nior bHh wr indict- tsd J. H McNnmnrn o tUI tprelBcallr f'r lh uurdr of ChrtM i. HMiorty. 'mMblnUt. b bdy u und nmrr tin Ihsl of n)f a(kr to th l4 hr lb dyuamiu m uipMi to b U-a plrM. Puib mn' niiIwm r M lws.mhr ft. bn It I oitMrtMi lbt Wtfk-t Atornjr John U rrdrHli kill ik for lf imprUonnwnl for kmt H McNmr. tb tonfd tpardrm. nd probably fiiurtron yr hi bit brobr. Tb men r LMl4rd Md, Tolbl lh broib-r i ttrihr In th counly Jali. rtfutlni lw o any on or maao any im" ifiv.t.1 mb luisroat avoond only to tba lmrrnr Itartf bun about tha qua- tuo tb rrfrna to Jaiiwa u. 'Why did ba eonffair To tbla oppoalnic rounarl tna aata nrr. "Ha rtifaa4 Want ha mu min nd ihai'a all tbitr la to It," aKlarad Dlatrtrt Attumay rrlwir.a. -Jla waa eounatfllad to eoniaaa d thai tha ht thlni ba could la lha opinion of counaal." aald Atlorn.y Claranca H. Irro. cdioi w rtraaw-l. "I will aay now Ibal tbara no oihar rraaon or motlva in la iiutllad tbla c for month. It pmretod n alona walL" ( Darrow'a statamant waa nl " lar kxiklnj aquarvly In. tba fa of fhara Ibat lha racont nrraat of Hurt H mnklln. an tneatlator. aroploy id by lha dfana, and two othr lth blm. mlicht ba pracipuaww a liiiatlnn unlanable aa by eonfaa km of I bo prlannor. nnu u u.uanliitL tho eonfaaaod dynamiter, wboaa admlaaUm nro aald to hita tM-n n tl factor in tho Me Namaraa plaadlnc (ullty, will go vir tually frfa. If tho plana of th atalo la bit behalf do not o wronf. t Aft.p vmir tai adtmirnad -tbla ax- twnooa, Malcolm Mclrn, tho Burn" irtectlta who ttaa bon "lally ll tor to MrManlf al'a coll alnP b d'"' Bltrr waa brouftht bro laot apr1n. ind hat alwaya auokan In a frlandly a nt lha nrlannar. ram a UPOO Dl trlct Attorney rraderlcka in tbo proa- attitor olrlca. Thu.'. . nna Iklnl I Want tO k of you." aald McLaren to lrod- rlcka. "and that la that you oo Tott ran for McManlgal." rrailrrlcka held ud bla rlht Band m b anawarad: ' - . "I promlao )U III do n n mT Nia.p f,. t.lnt I In mi havo to tAKO a llsht anntenco, but I'll do brK I tan - MintE URGES- CHANGES IN CHARTER iioirivr uuRiUt Pfr""' llllVA aa a 1 (Ka l"lt COUD . t a timrtlnit FrUU nlgbt can tlnuad lt work of revising th chrtr in i kuBiinaMi form Pviaiiix for Ave councumeii, frntn . kHj an fitt f hit oltV wt;j nnnit V " v Ya - - ' lfo. tho council to elact tha May or. biiHluaa manager and triurr dlaciiMed. tha niombera b'liig f'M nf th opinion that It' would bo "i ror OrcKon City. Th city rna Vm a,. .i a w. ..tA. . rhnntHf nd levaral important fbanK" wor r;r'"ic(i but nothing flcnnuo w fnl noon. All tho mambrra werr- PROGRESS EDITION TO BE BIG AID TO COUNTY Th tr ntat-ftflaM I tinrblnOT for A big- Kr (tail in 'iter Orugon City ami a poil- hv vli tit nf hir nndavoloped J"l"l h, vh domna. Will you'HHlt i.lllua 15a world of tho opuwtunl- t''' of tha county T Don't b Pl "" Ktifvprl.o wnnta tho non-realilont J l.now what tho county Una and In I'wgroaa Rdltinn will tU' tha hdln ntr .' Ita' A Mg undertaking. W't Orft City and Claclaiiia ooun l4aro tba opondlturo of tho '"' ond mopoy, Lot u all pull to- Hhr . mid tialp old Claokaro'i fnuntyl , . .I , OUKGON CITY, ORKHON, H AT U III) AY, DECEMBER. 2, 1911. Im Wax, 10 Csjrrj THE la'irfeE1!? JPERPETRATED BY WAP" Ac DOUG ALL LOOK AT SOME OF OUR NONOGEN ARI AN STUDENTS AND GET YTXJR COURAGE BACK m., C 5S't vyoooKAJi Ajtfo oo. O C05YCONtR NH WHO IS TAXING OHAMATlC IN TOBASCO CAPT ARCKJ0AJ.D TZWtlBttR WHO .AT TXt A&C OF 9r, ISA 'RtSHMAN AT CONYT.LL.Me WHO i3 8TUCVINC NAVGAT10r, ALTHOUOH 93YIAR&OLO AT SYRaO)5 UWVLRSITY S7x McAHftiA PScowfoar.ACt099. WHO LEARNING. &UM AAA BiC PCC ATXR y "Pa OtMlNO A COCMINC SCOOu' 4 A1 eiMALLAH 1 ft!TTXV 9UMuAJ.OCASS.nACc. AUCCOM M AC tD 9Q ,WMO VT &CVCM nouR & 0CY at pnYicL Culture o JiU JT5u ixiaciiCt MISS DAISY Dt TVsAZ R .LaaCAVIXR.JPJ WNOit Takim&a POST GRAOuATt Cou5t av AGWCULT" BCTUhoto&y o srw TMTnC MILKING AT C-05H cotxexe . Mien ican MtS5tttXYH 5MRUBOT COW MILL' Ma ACC0D2 ,woiS taking VOCAL CULTURE AMD MANDOLIN LESSONS TOom PROF. BLNZINI or BALTIMORE. Cou ira & Blooopudocn or HU5M CJTY.ALA. ACiO 98. K t "wCSTifeATHO. ALCOMOt-iC. MtTABOClSM AMONlCOTINe. RE' ACTION AT PRINCETON ANNEX HEMBCK or PROTLCTION VOL, UMTtER H04E COMPANY NO i IS CAAOVS OV6TtRV6XTor Ov.EAN.NY AGED 9A .who ma. 5. TAKEN UPTHE STUDY tf SYCMIC PICKLING' AND tSOTXPtlC CXXKXNUT FRY ING. rN BtHtLIN. GERMANY. FINAL TRIBUTE PAID E Funaral aprvlcoa ovar tho rrmalna of Mra. Cbrlatlna Helo, no wa Igbty -yaara of a were cm- ductad at tho Glfiaton Chriaiian rhurrb, Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Ka. A II. Mulkoy. paator. oriiciaunn KrltnJ of tho dc-acd and of bar family erowdod tbo church. Tbo nni nfr.rliiM woro beautiful. Dur ing tho Arlro a quartet coropoaad of Mr. KAlpn MHoicni, m. . Johnaton. A. F. 1'arki.r and B. T. (iault ronderad aororal acicciion. in cluding Noaror My Qoa to mw, ..n..m. i..n tha Vallor.""Tt)filhnll f Know,-' waa randarad b Mr Ifilph McOtchl nnd A - Fr- i-arar i-s aarvlco waa very Impreaalro. To tallbearera wero K. Harrington. Cham L,. itn.all. Ilert Btrlckland. J. M. Tracy, Charlea Forahner and Jatnea Pardee. Mra Helae camo to Oregon City aUut no yara ago. and 1 made ber homo with her daughter, Mra. W. It Itann. of Gladatone. She waa atrlck en with paralyala In April and grad ually declined. Mra. Holae a maiden name waa Mla fnf.at.nn KrJnar. 3-.o fl u'r of Mr.nd Mra. Fred 8chnar, Mvln, been born In CcrflBld Clear Held county. Fa.. January 1, 1821. On Auguat J5. mi. ho wo. Mr John lelo at Cleartleld. She Hcd rl.h brr family to K.n.a. In i at ft Mr Illac died In nnd January 15 1?07. Mro HeUo accompanied ber S.gl.:-r. Mra. W. Tw Donn n I he. family to Oregon. ' Mrt. HclKo la aurvlved by ber daughter.. Mr.. M.W. Pr U. o ,,c,rnol.l Pa.; Mr,. R n.n OladHtone; Mra. '"' '",' " Canhy; Mr.. Mary w ' n..l. Cloarfleld county, Ta.; Mrt. W lllnm fcttera. of Parkplace; Or., hroo Ton.. E.anuel 11.1m. of Clear eM county. Fr,: David llelso ami ChrUtlnn 1IU. of Kan...; th grandchildren In Qregon. Mra. Maggie Crora Mra Clnra Crow, of Sllverton. Mr. ''Mable Lambert. Oregon O'ty: two MlRMti nertha ana r." v Oregon City. There are "V?,-h-or great grandchildren In Iho Kat. MOTHER OFGLADSTONE- HAN DIES IN QUEBEC SAMUEL' A. TAYLOR. Firrt Vice Praa.dant of the American Mining Congreaa. 1 CHENEYS OUTDISTANCE "SPOOKS" IN AUTO ELKS WILL HOLD IJ MEi'lORIAL SERVICE Mr and Mr.. F. 8. link" of Oll tone were notified Friday of ho Hn ThnrHday of tho forme, . mo h er, MrA Harriot nnk.r. of IJ Qul..-c. Mra. Wer hnl been II I Xor ?out .lx month-. rSTZ I'TifaTt "- -lt .eventy ' r. M imkV. nwMen nnme w. en.l Mr., (leorgo Clnpp. 81o J" m" ?oo to William 8. imgnr. Jn lr . nccullar colnclilei.ro Is that h-r hn.S died on ThankHKlvIng InwIiiR chlMrnn: F. 8. " Oregon Clly: Dr.M.C. i.-afr and Mr. Mury Sibv1"'' Mr. and Mr. A. Cheney and their aon On n. met a pair of "ghost.- while roturnlng to their home In Portland In their automobllo Thursday night. Mr. Cheney and hla family with Mr. pk.kii.'i narents. Mr. And Mra.. A. R- IXwllttle, and wero returning at t) o'clock. When thoy reached a lonely rond near the Chautauqua ground., Uher were .nrprlsed. upon turning a curve, to run upon .o ....o... . men, who were wrapped In sheet., were both tall, and wero Btandlng near a rock wall, but did not molest the automobile party when . they ,,a.cd. .Mr. Cheney, not caring to have an experience like that he had about A year ngo. when ho and his family were returning from this city to Portland, and when they were help un and relieved of JoWelry and money, and thinking this mlKht be the pur pne of the "ghosts" put on full Hpeed.hlt the "hlKh plnces" and start ed for Portland at great speed. Who the "Khosts" were or wnat their Intention, waa not A8ked by Mr. Cheney and hi. family, as they were tob anxious to Ret out of the way. BIO CROWD ATTENDS DANCE. One of the moat successful dancing ..nrtles Riven this cnson wss at n.i.ioh's hall. Thanksgiving Kve, under the supervision of Frnnk 11. Busch nl Milton rrlee. The hnll was crowd- with dancers, mo music "" furnished by the Falls cuy or chestra. Tne orcneH.. w. ,1 of some of the. leartlng innslclrtns of this t clt' - as follows: Chnrl gchoenhrlnx. cornet; Roy Baiter, drum- Leon Deslarte.. ylolln; Oscar Wooddn, piano, and Ralph Smith, clarionet. , . , f CHURCH IS; THRONGED ATFRElfTAGpBSEOUIES The funeral of Mra. Emma, Frey- tag. wife of O. E. FreytAg. who died at tbo family homo at Gladstone Wednesday, after an Illness of aev- eml months, was held Friday after noon at 1:30 o'clock at tbe Congrega tional church. Rer. E. 8. Uolllnger, pastor of tho Highland church, ot Portland, but formerly of thlJ city, oftlcialed at the church, wnile" tho aervlces In the I. O O. F. plat of the Mountain View, cemetery, wero con ducted by tho Rebekah Lodge, of which tbo deceased waa a member. It was ber request that this order havo charge ot the services at. the, grave nd ihnt a be InUrred-tu tba L O. O .F. plat of Mountain View cemetery. The church and lecture room wero crowded to tho capacity wttn friends of tho deceaaed and ot tho family. The casket waa covered wlih flowers, and the platform, where tbo caaket rested during the aervlces waa banked with offorlnga from friends. The de ceased was held in the highest es teem by all. She was widely known and loved by hundred, of persons, having 11 of ber life lived In Clack amas county. Mr. and Mr. James Roake. Mra. John Crawford ,and Frank Alldredge composed the qilartet' that rendered Impressively "Crossing the Bar" and "There Is An Hour of Sweet Repose," with Mlrfs Louise Walker, oraaniat The pallbearers were E. P. Carter, F. A. Burdon, H. K. Cross, James Wilk. Inson, A. F. Parker and O. F. Nicker son. Mrs. Freytag was an active member of the Saturday Club, Ladles' Aid Society of the Congregational church, and Gladstone Kobekah Lodge. Many of tho member, of Granges of MHwaukte and Parkplace, of which Mrs. Freytag wa a member, attended. Many member, of the Re bekah Order of Oregon City were In attendance. , DR. CLYDE MOUNT EXALTED RULER, TO BE IN CHARGE OF CEREMONY. ' ' ' " c. l mum 'to make address Dr. W. E. Carll And Ralph Dimlck Only Members of Lodge to Dio Famous Quartst to Slnd- ' v The Oregon City Lodge of Elks, No. 1189, will hold memorial services at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at tho Congregational, church.' Tho only members of the lodge who have died are Ralph C. Dimlck and Walter E. Carll. both of whom died, tbo past year. Dr. Clyde Mount, Exalted Ruler, will have charge of tho exercises, and the memorial address will bo deliver ed by George L. Hutchlno, of Port land Lodge. No. 142. Tho memorial committee consists of C. W. Evans, Theodore Osmund and E. A. Chapman. La quartet, consisting of J. W. Alaock. ' . . . v . 1 - .1 . j. a. rcmscDur, m. w . unuus auu a. W. Ledburg, which rendered a oetec tlon at the funeral of Dr. Carll. will sing -Not Dead But 81epeth.' Fol lowing is the program: Opening; Ceremonies Tb Lodge Member. Brother Clyde Mount. Exalted Ruler. Opening Ode ....Tho Lodge Members Air: Auld Lang 8yno Great Ruler of the Universe, All Seeing and Benign. Look down upon and bless our work. and be all glory Thine; O! bear our prayers for the honored dead, while bearing In our minds. Tbo memories graven on each heart, for "Auld Lang Syne." Invocation Rev. C. W. Robinson Contralto Solo "Abide With Me-; . 8. Liddle Miss Elizabeth Ross. Quartet "Not Read But Sleepeth' White J. V. Altock. J. A. Tauscher, M. J. Keating, A. W. Ledbury. Memorial Address .T". . . Bro. George J Hutchins Portland Lodge, No. 142. Contralto 8olo ' Calvary" (request) C. Rodney Mrs. Nleta Barlow Lawrence. "The Night of Rest- Parks Oregon . Male Quartet Eulogy ........ Bro. James H. Cary Oregon' City Lodge. No. 1189. Baritone Solo ''Evening and Morn ing" Mag Splcker Mr. J. A. Tauscher. tt ', Closing Ceremonies ............... j,'. . . , Tho Lodge Members "Qne 8weet Solemn Thought". .. . , ' Johnson Oregon At ale Quartet . Hymn "Nearer My God to Thee." Nearer My God to Thee. Nearer to Thee;- ; E'en though tt bo A cross That ralseth me. Still all my song ahall be. ' Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God,1 to Thee, Nearer toThee, ' Ranndlction Rev. C. W. Robinson; Tho officers of tho lodge are as fol lows: . Exalted Ruler. 'Clyde Mount Esteemed Loyal Knight Fred W. Humphrya. . Esteemed Lecturing Knight Theo dore Osmund."- " Esteemed Leading Knight Henry O'Mally. . Secretary, R O. Young. Treasurer, William B. HowelL Esquire, James H. Cary. Tiler, Henry Hennlngsen. Chaplain, William t Mulvey, Inner Guard. J. B. Garretson. Organist. Belden Oanong. Trustees, Joseph K. Hedges, M. C. Strickland, John F. RlslejO PIONEER IS HEART DISEASE VICTIM LAWRENCE , HORNgCHUH. SEV ENTY YEARS Or AGE, DIES EARLY TODAY. WIFE, PARALYZED, SOJS Ai Daughter Awakened By Aged Woman 'Who Beats on Window - . With Polo Deceased Formerly Farmer. Lawrence Hornscbuh, seventy years of age. a pioneer of Oregon, died at 1:30 o'clock this morning at his homo on Monroe street between Sixth and Seventh streets, of heart trouble. Mr. Hornscbuh worked In his garden Fri day, and upon retiring waa apparently In tho best of health- He and hla wife, who has been 111 for several months, occupied a bouse next door to that of their son In-law. Chester El liott Mrs. Hornscbuh sustained a par alytic stroke several monthes ago, and la barely able to walk. She beard her husband gasping for breath early to day, but before she could go to bis assistance he was dead. She trawled to the home of ber aon-In-law ana awakened Mrs. Elliott by beating on a window with a pole. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott At onco went to Mr. Hornscbuh's home. Mr. Elliott sum moned his father. E. P. Elliott A physician, who was called, aald that Mr. Hornscbuh had died almost Im mediately upon being stricken. He formerly conducted a farm at Beaver Creek and lived In Salem several year. KEED OEPIiSf PAID D!L M y RECORD ATTENDANCE AT FUNIR AL Or NOTED OREGON CITY PHYSICIAN. ELKS SOmCE r IS . KTTCI Body Taken To Crematorium At So'i- . wood All Store Are -! . . . Closed As Funeral ' lo Mold. 'Thastooed; declares gompers NEW TORK, Dec.- If "I am as-' tonnded! 1 amj astounded! . My cred ulity baa been imposed upon. It la a bolt out of a clear sky." Tbe exclamations were those of Samuel Gomper. president of the American Federation of Labor, when advised tonight of the plena of guilty in the McNamara eaoea. - ' MADET0SAVE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS The County Court, at Ita meeting next Friday, will bo asked to aid in saving the fair grounds at Canby. There Is a largo indebtedness on tho grounds, and the management of the association haa had difficulty In pay ing tbe interest Tho following ap peal waa mailed Friday by M. J. La ze! le, secretary of the association, to public spirited citizens pV the coun ty: " ' "The people of the county who are Interested in tho county fair will meet 1th tho .County Codrt on Friday, De cember 8, 1911. to take up tho mat ter of the county assisting in saving tho fair grounds. We have held some i very successful fairs for several years which have made Clackamas county famous, but we must remember that tho indebtedness on the grounds havo remained and It baa been with diffi culty that the Interest haa been paid and at tbe present time tho Interest la due- been MT: PLEASANT SCHOOL ' CENSUS GAINS 60 Ward II. Lawton, clerk of the Mount Plemnnt schoof district has com peted "taking the . dlHtrlrt cencus which shows a gain of sixty. There were ninety-six children last year and thli year .there are 130. The direc tors nnd many of the residents of Mount Tleasant found that It was nec sary to build an additional room, ancS from all Indications the school house, will havo to enlarged again. There tire mapy newcomers at Mount I'loasant. and the members of the Mount Pleasant Civic . Improvement Cl"b deserve credit for the growth of the town. They have built sidewalk and havo made other Improvements that will be laatlng. - RAINBOW TROUT MAKE RE An error was made In the announce ment of ' tbe dissolution of the firm ot Nathan, Elsensteln and Wolf Mog hnesky, manager of. tbe Chicago Clothing Storw. Mr. Moghnesky takes over the business Instead of .Mr. Els ensteln, as was announced. The dis solution was entirely voluntary, there being no trouble between tha mem bers of t'e firm. Tho largest attended funeral ever held In Oregon City was that of W. E. Carll. ex-Mayor. In tbo Masonic " building Friday afternoon at 2 o'cioclu. There wero at leaat 500 persons loa the building and more that 2.000 others thronged Main street between Seventh-and Eighth street. A largo number of friends of Dr. Carll from Portland attended the obsequies. Officers of the. Oregon City Lodge of Elks, including Clyde Mount Ex- , alted Ruler;' Henry O'Malley, Eetewox ed Leadlrg Knight; Theodore Os mund, ' Ksteemed Lecturing Knight; James H- Cary, Eaqnlre;"rodorick Homphrya. Loyal Knight; fA-. U ,3rsf vey. Chaplain; Roy Young, Secretary, and W. B. HowelL Treasurer, con ducted the service. Mr. Long, of Portland Lodge of. Elko, No. 142, delivered an addro on tho ilie and work or ijt. i;aru. Ma rl'l aiteiit.on to Ms manv char itable arts, and declared if hla many dMdscf kinor.e were, counted t " flowers tbe . floral offering would smother bis casket Before tho organization of tbo local . oAtt. of which Dr. Carll was tho flrat Rxalted Ruler, bo waa a mem ber of the Portland Lodge, -At tbe lequest or the officer ot tno KIM all business bouses were closed from 2 to 3 o'clock while the funeral In tbe Masonic building waa being bold. Tk -music waa furnished by tho Oregon City Quartet Prayer was offered by Chaplain Mulvey. Virtually Ail mem bers of the .Commercial Club, Elks, Maaonlc Lodge. Eastern Star. Wacko- no Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men. Degree of pocanonia aa ouor hndlea ware In attendance. ' Floral offerings were aent Friday by tbo Port land I .odea of Elks. No. 141. i omoanv O, Oregon City and by many Individ-' uals. About 100 persons went on tbo spec ial train with the body to Sellwood where brief services were held t tho Creamatorium. The body lay in state in tbo ma- tnnl f .ndiut Mnma from 1 to S O'clock Thursday- several hundred, persons Viewing; IL in panoearer werw a follows: Honorary E. J. Daultoa, W. B. Pratt Dr. Ernest Tucker. Dr. William Wood. C. H. Caufleld and J. W. Mof fatt Active RrT. McBaln. J. T. Jen nings. Dr. M. C Strickland. WlUlam Sheahan. James H. Cary and B. A. Chapman. TO PLAY "AN OPEN SECRET." "An Open Secret" is the title of the playlet to be given at the Presby terian thnrch thla evening by tbe Queens ot Avalon. . Many tlcketa hare been sold, and a large attendance ia assured The following is the cust of characters: "Madte Aptho-P.- n col lege girl, Ellen Gn.ce: "Mm Ap thorp," her mot he', Mr. Edward '.ry: "Grace ApM-fP." Per ?ler. age ten. Carol Elr; "Jean," a .-ong-dant- Kate Cooper- "Edith," Roberta Schuebel; - "Elmor," Carrie Moore;. "Carrie- Marvel Elv; "Miy." Ellxa beth Dillon; "Kate," Virginia Shaw; "Agatha Meade," a girl not In the secret Ethel Moore. DO YOU KNOW that tbe Enterprise year-end Bargain Period Is now on? See ad on back page for' particulars. Black Art. Don't fall to see the famous sleight, of-hmd man with hla wonderful tricks In ir.uilley nros, Co.'s window Mon day and Tuesday, December 4 and 6. If yon are not reading tb Morning Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar gain Period is now otr: See sd on buck page. I - .. . ' . Ex-Senator E. M. Rands, of Van couver. Wash., who attended a family reunion Bt the homo of W. A. White, of this city, Thanksgiving Day, told a remarkable fish atory, and one that la known to be true. Mr. Rands, at !he dinner table, related how he and several frtond. had liberated June CO. 1910, In a lake near the Cascade, on the Washington side. 40,000 rain bow front, each about one Inch long. There were no rainbow trout in tha la'ro before, according to the ex-senator.- He and friends fished In the lnle, November 27, 1911, returning home with right ralnboy trout, ..rang ing In length from eighteen to twenty one Inches, he fish weighing from two and one-half to three pounds each. The family reunion as Mr. White home' was attended by the following: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whit", Miss Flor ence White, Miss Maria N. White, Mrs. E P. Rands. Sr.. F. R. White,-Miss Jean M. White, B. M. Rands and Mrs. Rands and MIhs Eiilalte Rands, E. P. Rands. Jr., and w Ife, H A. Rands and wife, II. A. Swafford, Miss Nellie Swaf ford and Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Swafford. Justice Msrrles Couple. Ethel Ball and Ralph Capleg were married at the hoinof the former on i the Molalla-road Thursday morning by Ju-itlco of the- Feae Samaon.' Af- ter a wedding breakfast the couple j went trt Salem to apend their honey moon. . . IX) YOU KNOW that th Entrpr. yonr-enrt Bargain TerM Is now on? Soe ad cn back pape foe particulars. That Holiday Suit Is Ready Now , . You can buy it in the Hart Schaffncr & Marx $20 to $30 Or you may have it in the Herman Wilde Make from $12 to $20 I, ADAMS Oregon City's Big Dp't Store CawBaMlawi.il i ' v V. V V..: ... ..-.; .' 'Si .T "i ' 'it of Dunham, Qnel.eo. iv.f