Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 30, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    uorntmo. prrnnPiUBB, thuhshav. kovkmukr axintr-
cnr:.i tns rto ti (on
(Contlsaod frosi Pto 1-
ckarck of Oregoa Ctty were set tonk
la a seaaettooal naaaoer. Nov, m
general thing, I tklnk U U very aa
wise tor a chsrek to carry Ka troablee
to lbs aewapspers I am of the ola
oa tkat dirty cksreb, liaeo, Uko -.
cleea tastily nsea should be uW
at kome. u4 the spots kept klddes
from tko eyes f tko worM. It possi
ble. Oa tot Senday morning I
a stateoseel of Mr side of tke eosv
troversy from By pulpit. wkere I Ml
1 kad a tfht U wake ft, aad oao
u who stgaed tko secret letter, re
ferred to ba'yoer artlcie, ashing f
my removal. uM that ko did sat mo
bow I eoald go away wltkoat etattag
publicly to tko coagregstioa my rea
mi for coins.
: . Jwatlco U
. ton "My 1 yosr srtlcto that I
graphically told of any trouble. It
. u easy tor wee to tell of them grspa
IcaOr because it was aataraUy a very
kraaalc tory. . -jkitotkor who
signed tko secret totter asking for my
removal from this ckarge wM tkat
every word of tko etatsmeat that 1
moo from tko palplt was trae. 8o
evea tkoao wbo oppooo me have
acknowledged that tko tory I told
vat aot oaly graphic, bat Iratkfsl
Tko tUlft I mad at tkat tisae
would save bM my last word oa tko
sabjeet tt tkoao vko oppose no hs
aot boob Bt to sola tko matter abroad
tkroagJk tbo bow sps pees aa4 since
troversy Into tko psbUc print. I fool
that I nut la Justice to myself 4
family ash yoe to do as mock for mo
aa voa base doao for tkom I Bead
ik la arl'da over my owa aixmatara
la tko ft rat placo let me say tkat
yoar reporter certainly 414 some Try
fine work ta gottlar tko larormauoa
aet fortk la tko article. 8o
" far I kave aot kooa able to Bad aay
eats , who U willing to ackaowledge
rcapoasiblUty for tko said Informa-
tkm. Oao maa wbo kas kooa x
ro4iac ktttor ta kU oppositkoa to mo.
toppM mo oa tko stroot today to
disavow all rtopoaaibUitj JortbU ar-
" Uclo. , .
ContrlkwtioM laoroaoo.
Tko woaliky mombors tkat yoa ro
port. aa kariaf rofao4 to attaad tko
eiTica of tko ckarrk. or to cIto it
. tboir SaaacUl aapport. savo toot yoar.
all told, maa tkaa $100 for tko support
. of tko miaiotor. Not a vary kooTy
contribotloa for a kit of woaltay peo
pte.. 8iace tkoao "woaltky" pooplo
kao eeaaod aapporUas tko ckarck
tko rogabv coatrtbwttoa ksTo larfily
taereaaod. and bar broa larfor. oa
tko arcraca. tkaa Tor bofora la tko
klatory of tko ckarck Evory moatk
1 siaea tkoy wttkdrow tkoir sap port,
tko pastor TocolTod kia salary la fall,
from tko ragalar 8an4ay coatriba
tloa, wkick ia aomotkiac aaasoal for
tko klotkoalat ckarck ta Orosoa City
Toa also atato la tko arttclo tkat
t ovrorrly criticised a mombcr of oar
omdal board for bis activity la soad
tag to tko district apertatoadont. a
aucrtt mttor ask lag for my removal
Tko only, Uma tkat I over criticised
tbo member refartod to waa wkea
ko (kaisted la doing things ta kia own
way. ratber tkaa la tko way tko of
fidai board bad ordored tkey akoald
bo doao. I insisted tkat' tko will of
tko omdal board and aot tko will of
oao member of tko board skonld ko
- ' It la also alleeed fat tkia articlo
tkat I tried to force tko janitor, Mr.
M. Toder. oat. I did not need to
force kinv oat Ho resigned of bis
'own free will. Some months prevloas
to bis real nation tko members of
tbo board decided to ask Mr. Toder
to resign because bo waa aot a com
petent or a pleaaaat Janitor. Tko
'several letters asking that I be re
moved at tko last conference waa
signed by tea members of tbo ckarck,
but a petition signed by forty meos-
' bers of the church asking that I be
retained aero for another year was
sent la at a boat the same time . A
letter from one ot tko official mem
bers came to me today ta which It
la stated that all tkose wbo signed
tkat secret letter asking for my re
moval now acknowledge tkat tbey
made a mistake in doing so.
Before tbo conference which re
tarned me to tbe church met la Sa
lem the boss of the opposition, gave
bis order tbst If I were returned my
salary would bo red need. . I knew
rery wen If it were reduced a single
dollar It would bo below tko living
line for me. I thought that there
would be In tbe hearts of a majority
of tbe official board a spirit of fair
play that would prevent them from
voting for a reduction. But I found
that I had reckoned without my
boot By a vote of eight to three the
" salary was reduced from f 1.100 to
.11,000. Some of those who voted for
the reduction said that they did so
without any thought of Injuring me,
and they would have done the same
in the case of any other man.
' As I could not support my family
on that sum I could not do other
' wiae than accept another position
wblck bad been offered me at a larrer
Salary Too Small.
' As to tbe result of my work in
Oregon City porhapn It does not bo-
come me to sy much about that. I
will aay this, hn-Aever, that during
" rn fo irteen yearn previous to my
coming to Oregon t'ity the Metno
dis'h church, according to the con
ference reports, made a net gain of
exactly three members. In 18!C the
' pistor reported 179 full memliers, I ft
1910 the report gave 182 full mem
bers. Last year we had a net In
crease ot thirty members, ten times
as many as had been slned In the
t fourteen previous years.
', In verbal reports to the DUtrict
uperiDtendent members of the board
' represented me as being ignorant.
Illiterate, lazy sod incompetent, and
, did n"t have the cultnre to adequate
ly represent tbe Methodist church In
their town. I leave it to the people
. of Oregon City who . know me and
bare heard me preach to judge.
, Tbo roasting they gae me did not
suffice, however, my wife and cbll
' dren being roaxted aluo. It was al
leged that my children wi re guilty of
some Indiscretions of conduct.
Those who claimed to have knowledge
1 t)f these things. Instead of coming to
mo with them as tbey should bsve
done, spread reports of them broad
cast through the town, made them
'. the subject of common gossip among
themselves and people outside of the
church. If my children were guilty of
tndlscretloo of conduct they should
' have been punished, but I maintain
that It was not fair for members of
my church to spread reports of those
things broadcast through the town
' without first coming to mo with them.
Even the repntatlon of my daughter
'' was not held sacred by these folks,
bet H was openly hinted that she
was la tbo habit of keeping vicious
coaspaay. Rbo Is la tko Ittgk Bckool
sere aad will coatlaao o to tko sad
of tko term. Tkooo wko know her
caa Judge of tko tnttk ot this slander
as well as L Taos lay sua wao is
a trtpple aad wko caa aot walk wttk-
oat a crate a. aad wko lor that reasoa
kas takes practically ao part la
ckurck work all tko year, waa aeia p
as a troobloaaakor aad oao wko ceased
divtatoae la tke ckarck. A atatemeat
more cruel aad aatmtkful was sever
made by.aayoae aaywkoro. Tkose
wko aaro opposed mo have show a ky
tkoir word aad coaduct tkat tkey are
my persoaal enemies, aad tkey kave
done wkat tkey could to tajaro me
before tke people of Oregon City aad
tko state ot Oregoa. ,
I wlsk to say tkat I Bare maay
staaack frieada kore ta Oregoa City.
Tkey kave stood ky mo loyally. I
appreciate their kiadaosa. People of
tke towa la general aad tko news
papers kave been moot kind saJ ra
eroas wttk am For this I aa grate
Black end , Wtwts Cftseta le aMIieeejr
. Very Medisft.
Many black ast see trimmed la
white. Immeoeo rrewaa band ( and
bows of wklte ratio or matinee are
Maay evening frocks of r hi Too are
trimmed with lace doaacea aad tiny
sprays aad knots of aiik or velvet new
SUk serge makes tkls smart costume.
It to trimmed wttk aatla and fringe:
roaseqneatly K shows all tke new fash
toa feature Tbe btooae gives tke
sows os siis saaoa
peasant Ides, yet Is made with sepa-
armboles. tbe edges of wblrb sre piped
These May Maetea saciarea are cet for
tbe skirt rrem a o a ttr waist -re
aad for tbe aina from M la 42 recbM
boat messitre. BenS le ream eacb for
tbeaa partorna le Uila offlc. stvlns aem
bers. akirt TU and blotwa T3C and tbey
win be Bronp4lr forwarded te rrm hy
maa If In riasta seed aa sddHlonal two
eeat stamp for atttar aeataga. which to
sores mors prompt delivery When order
ing um coupon
Size ..
Pink Quarts a Favertt For Hatpins
and Cuff Links.
Pink quarts la made into batptu
desk omsments. co!T links sod studs
It is a clear, pale pink, wttb a stresk
of white here and there, snd to not
'Pie iHstruB bss oeea making a
proB'nioced lifcl for tutor tor some
time past.
The orerblonae with peplnm to s
new dress Ides that la meeting with
success. It can lie made to match tbe
- bloosb wrra rspLCat
Atrt or be made of silk or satin la
matching color wltb equal propriety.
. Assertive Cgs.
"BUggina always seems anxious to
impress his own Intportancs," . ''
Tea. ne can't even remark that tt
Is a pleasant day without suggesting
that you ought to thank klm for the
fact" Washington Bur,
A Wmtar Mtfiitss ico
ska, bet Geed ktyto.
Ik '
V.V.'V et
IX: -w
rsa srwsar rs Eratmoa.
A hew patters M ootlns naanel to
0-w .im' tbU smart kbnooo. wbkk to
trw.ed wttk a -irk Border to ma Irk
A feature of tbe garment to tbe cord
gird:? wbVk .paverf.; tkroagk straps of
tbe silk, ao arranged tkat tke kUoooe
takes very graceful Usee
Mr. Tat oa Sunreee.
rrealdeot Tsft la aa Interview pub
lished ta tbe W omas a. World to qoo
od ss decianag that ko to aot oao of
tkoao wko believe that metrlmoay to
s sereaalty for women, ssd be de
clares tkat ko s a rots with l be prta
ctple of woman su (Trace
"1 wtsk that every girl la tbe worVI
were so situated that she woaid aot
think tt aeceoaary f or ber te marry
aaleas she wsatrd te." ask! Mr. Tsft
"I woaid like to kave tke sckeme of
things so arranged tkat women when
they come to decide aa to aaatrtBieay
shoe Id have a fall and aafettered
choice. Tbto tbey ran have oaly wkea
tkey are In sack a pneltioa that tbey
are absolutely larfepeadeat Tbes If
they deride to marry they caa tora
tketr fares toward tbe sew Ufe wltk
the reasons be kope of years of aa
mixed napplneaa ' '
"Now tbo qaeetbia artors as te sow
tke girls of tbe country caa reach tbto
posltioa. which to tbetr due. I believe
that tbe moat imports al edarsilos
possible to that kind wturb may be
called Industrial vnratlooal rducslko
tbo kind tbst pots yoong mew sad
yossg women in a pueitlwa from
which they csb by their vwn rjorrs
work tbeftaselvea to tml-prrlere.
"I bsve sahi In aine of my wpeecbes
In various parts pf (be oruntry that I
am very glad tnderd that I hAll bare
ao property ts leave to my Uys To
my two sons I abali leato vn? g
cnaracter. a good eduattb atwl s
prkie tos themselves, bat for m dvsrb
ter 1 Intend to scrape together m -cti
sa I caa give ber and I imin bev
ia each aimsaner that abe absll take
la tbe great fact that for tbe rake ef
ber own fcapplnemt she shall uarry
only when she rbooaes and aot be
caose of clrrumtancea. I am not oe
of tboae who bc'leve that mairimnwy
Is S nereawlty for womeo
On tbe question of woman suffrage
Mr. Tsft saldr - waat the womeo of
tbo coantrv to bave tbe fall and an
qualified right of suffrage ss soon as
tbey all want It When I waa sixteen
years old I wrote a gradoarhuc e"ay
entitled 'Woman Suffrage.' snd in I hi I
bnykin srttcle I wss s strong advorste
of womes exercising tbe suffrage."
One of the Now Hste.
This Is uoe of tbe siusnest hats of
the season Hood is Ibe term for It
aed by the mlllluers Tbe model to of
black vol ours and Is slashed at tbe aide
Counsiy Ora Caa.
awake soDci. ia vxtxjcaa.
and trimmed with a pine tree plume In
(ones of green and black. A actln bow
finishes tbe bsse of tbs pinna and
reta gracefully oa tbo bnlr of tbs
"He who laughs, said the
mobeT of Goethe, "can Commil
nod catty sin.' Sterne declares that
every laugh lengthens ota lease of
lie. Even the cold and cynical
Carlyle declare, in his cxtrena,
fashion, that "no man who ha
heartily and wholly laughed can be
altogether jneclaimably vjrpraved,"
and Sydney Smith said, "God has
given us wit and flavor and bright
nea and laughter snd perfumes lo
enliven the days of man's plgrinv
age and lo charm hit jaiiied steps
over the burning marl
1 . 2 &
Fooitsll telrSS H:d Hird Hue
Gelllni Ptirtrs 13 FP EJl
rMeeevea Msa rl Consistently
Qeed AU Aesend 0.'TK teasee.
Be 0d Kaosasm ' Vse, Meeroll of
Mtnwmta aed Oee or Two Otbees.
Tbe sratvltj of testers kaa bees
otkeabkr la tbo vwt ssd west tbto
eeaswa ia tke old dr there waa al
ways s woo It k of material for tkls pe
BtUoe. sot tkka year -Mecbes bad a
bard Unas of tt. Vrsrs sgw aador tbe
aid rules Ike midd'e maa oa tbe Use'
waa geaerslly pto s t tbe fattest
boy is tbo college, but lbs sew rode
kas glvoa tkst dortrtu a tU f .
Tko reaier who to It f r tbe part then
says msat bo as athietk- yesMster
was raa raa. tackle. ix tbe bell well.
at la la mere ways ib sad sea'
orally prove fcto asefuise"
Tko ceo ter wko p ' aod fVmtbsll
Bwder ike sew col most mmblne
quW-fcneM of body !' qakkseea of
tkoagbL Wklle the rMMlA" of the
ball still devolves r-a him sa R kas
la tke past. Ike new centers bave
shown sack remartil .s ability e play
doe defensive football that I bey hare
revolsttoalaed Oory 'klea last kad
been la vngve as re tbe dstios of the
poaltloa.i '
Coder tke rale pertulttiag Ibe dlrert
pass to asy pisyer lrk or the Use tbe
renter mut be sNe lo k.ot Ibe Utl
In ssy a age which is demanded Is
addKtoa to the dinVsity Is psaa"a sc.
carateiy to pisyers who sre standing,
occasionally be to called npos fo pa
te a player wb to Is mottoa If tba bait
I'tijto bv Ammi ri Assoctaiion
U aot pel Into play tbrmigb ibe oil
medum uf serood kssdilng tt the
It U eseentlal that tbe center pass tbe
ban seraratety. for with tbo stuck
strung inn a little more lUas it waa in
tbe o:d days s poor pas or a s
which end ia a fumble to likely in re
suit In Ibe loss of tbo gsme. The de
fense U auk k to pile thmsgh. rod it
takes s erturss in the wrt of ti e sl
tack t biid tbe bail agaliuti h t
posltioa. f
la tbe old gsme tbe backs rsn so
Closely Uto ibe qnsrterbark that fre
ejnently no shoved tbe bail into ibclr
arms, thereby eilulnsiing to soma cl
ient the possibility of fumbling In Ibe
more opes game It to often the rase
tkat a pass must bo. mode some dls
tanco snd .the ball most be sent along
wit boot any artlreiar twist .
AS a defensive player I tir renter U
sonally lroonsnt. Nowsdnvs It l
tbe fashion to plsy a "bxiae" ceiiirr
That means l hit the renter need t.oi
neceansrlly play right oo the line every
mlaate Is defetwe-sod that H 1
Incomhrni upon blrs lo stsul liU
ground and reir the attacking ten
ter. fie raa slip lo one side snd get
after the rutin wttk tbe ball If be Is
alert enonrb to follow It throngb
while It Is being passed
In these dsya It Is more Important
to pay every attention to securing re
sults through lbs speed of an eleven
than II la to rely npon physical
strength wlrtmnt activity.
Those whose playing bss stood on
this year are Morris of I'enn. Ketch
am of Yale. Weems of Annnpells ami
niuefhenfhal of Princeton Tbe last
mentioned Is the best middle man In
tbe esst this season. In the west
Morrell of Minnesota Is the lead
Others who have shown tip very well
re Ktorer of Harvard. Heree of Wis
consin and Patterson of Michigan
The maj-irity of men recognize
nothing in human affair a good
, unlets it yields some return, and
they love those friend most from
whom they hfp lo obtain ihemos!
profit. Thus thry lack lhal loveliest
snd most natural form of friendthip
which ia sought for its own k
only, nor do I hey Itnovr from expe
rience how beautiful and how lofty
such friendship is.
Patronise onr advertisers.
. , , i . r ( .1
Hif u
Aa aged tody recently cormibated to
the Itrooklye Cltlxen Ihra dewrlptKw
of a New ICngland Tbanksglvlnf ibree
qnnrtrrs of a century sgu. wbes Ufe
ws sliiipier and saner than today:
Tbs bouse waa cleaned from tbe
roof to tbo cellar tbe week before, as
Thsiik'gtvlng In New Fngtssd wss s
greater builds y tbao Chrtatmaa or Mew
Veer's snd It mnsl be ohoerved by
rrerThody Tbe boose was lull of ales
odors One day It waa mince pie and
fried rskes, then It would be sweet
pickles snd election cske, then paoip
kin ple ray sister Per Is counted tea
In a row-to en plam pudding esd
tVednesdsy nigbt a chicken pto ibst
would almost crowd tbe top of Ibe
oven and would come oa to Ike table-,
a t1ec,s of It, I mean, wsrsied up
every Sunday till tbe seat year. It
held the plumpest rblckess and sweet
simple quarters thai bad been fcalf
dried, snd the mesl and gravy were
sweet as the apples, snd spires sad
other goodies, and all Is a large milk
b. wltb s flaky crust at top and bot
tom a quarter of an liicu thick.
To make that crust Ternls and I bad
te burn clean corncobs in an In.n ket
tle and gather np the abea, and mots
,er poured d'H water on them, then
'strained the liquid and stirred it into
some buttermilk, and that Lisds It butt
bis and Dixie Just as ds Mowatlava.
, Tbomdsy morulng we were up bright
and early, and mother read a t-hapter
In tbe nibto. Then wo all siimd up
while father prayed for n. aad I felt
almost like cry hi g. II was ao solemn,
but 1 forgot ail over the nice kreafaf
and tbe walk of a mile to tbo church
and the music and ibe return at noon
to a dinner smoking hot on tbe table
Hot ber bad siranged a party for as
that evening, but we could not wall
(or tbat. ao our aloda were brought
pat. and we climbed the loag hills a lib
croup of girls aad boys and Bestial
ourselves, letting one boy ride' wltb os
on each aide to steer it.
The parlor waa all In order. The
floor waa covered with white annd
swept Into curves. Tbs woodwork waa
a bright bios, white sash curtatna at
the wlndowe and a plain atand wltb
a green haircloth on It am. a large
fllble resting on that six wooden
rbstra and a stiff backed rocking rhali
composed the furniture of the room,
stiff and formal aa It looked, that waa
not tbe placo for party or party games
Tbe next room waa for our pitas tire
ground It was large aud roomy.
Patronize our advsrtlsers.
Tars for thd MOUNINO KNTKltTKISK a whole year
liy Mail -during llargain Pcriotl, now on, which clown
Deccmlier 31, 1911.
Take advantage of thi offer by jmying for a renewal
of your tubneription at liargnin Period rale, and tell your
neighbors about this nip J.
tW WwW
The Portland Railway, Light A
Powsr Company sold and aaed at
Oregon City aad Caxadero In 1110
water power with aa annual value ot
mora than l7,000 and wltk a capi
tal value of I7.a2d.707; and that wa
ter power waa not assessed for taxa
tion. Hut that waa hof the fault of
the Claekamaa County Assessor.
. That la tbe atatement f Edward
P. B. Troy, a Raa Franclscv. sxperU
wbo has completed a two months' In
vestigation of the value, of ths fran
chises and rlghta of way of the pub
lic service corporation operating la
Claekamaa county, and of the untax
ed water power naod, sold and claim
ed In the county by ths P. ft, L. A
P. Co. at Oregon City and Casarodo,
and used and claimed by the mills at
Oregon City.
In California Mr. Troy la known as
an export In matters of value, root
and cbnrgea of franchise corporations
and municipal plant, and waa em
ployed to do ths work lo Clackamas
county, by the Oregoa representa
tives of tbs Joseph Tela fund Com
mission, which paid the sxnenaea of
the Investigation. Mr. Troy's work
la part of the preparation of a single
tsx assessment and tax roll of Clacka.
maa county, which will ho published
aoon. It will show the kind and value
of properly owned by sack taxpayer
In ths county In 1910 how murk est
was paid by sack ona under the pres
ent system -of taxation, and how much
each one would have paid on a single
tot basla- In order to ratio In tko
county ths asms amount of reoney
that waa raised In tbs 1910 assess
ment. In regsrd to the value of the wafer
power sold, used and claimed by the
Portland Railway. Light A Power
Company at Oregon Cltyiand Caxa
dero, and claimed and used by ths
mllla at Oregon City, Mr. Troy a In
vestigation ahowa:
Water power
Annnal value Bold by
company at Oregon
. cu. I 107.079.00
Annual vatns used by
company at Oregon
City 1M.JIJ.4J
Total at Oregon Clty.. J9S.29J O
Capital value .....$4.11118,107.00
Annual value used by
company at Caradero.. 194,319 00
Canltal value after de- ,
ducting IKOO.OOO for '
value of flume, dama,
Total annual valus, Ore
gon Cltr and tCaxadero 417,003.49
Total capital rains, Ors-
gon City and Caxadero. Tte.707.09
Rev. aad Vrs. kt t. Basarr
were given a aurprlss pa ,
afternoon by several of tkelf trt
members of the Methodist taw!
most enjoyable time su U h at
and Instrumental "sie aai tt
Inge, Refreshment were srvHt
women planning the urpw
come laden wltb good thin
Thoas attending were R. sata
B. r. ZlmmarmsB. Mrs.
dsn. Mra. Jans Ulaachars.
tla, Mrs. Jsrsmlan. Mrs rwts
Mre. anna Kruso, Mrs.
R. IL Tabor, Mrs Urowa. Mrs
Miller. Mra. A. L. !Uawhar4,
Jobnathan Utimphry. iirv.
Hughes,' Mrs Malva BoUs. Ml
low. Mrs, Jean Metals, Mr f
Jack. Mrs. Ilornlg. Mr CVut
Mrs. C. T. Hickman. Mra. Mrw
Mrs. r. Cross. Mrs. Wylft
Bert Clark. Mra. mca'"v
Rcrrpturs. Mlsa Maude J
McUln. Mlaa Kenny, WJf
merman. Mrs, Mattoon. Mr
and Mrs. Roblna. j
W i.flnnawl frOUl 1
; Dr. Carll e
niarns s-
buti '
MalUida H-
ffliirnhsm. a
- arf r.
Mains.' Her srsnarooiu 4
cilia Tarbox. who waa ,n'""Bgr
one of ths oldest and nt" pro
Massachusetts famllla
Ths body will Us
Mseonlo Idgs rooms from i
o'clock today where it ".j
by frlenrla. mneral " "pt I
conducted In the Masonic rvops
t o clock TrMay "nl" V
Mis. public. Is lnr"ed(11 1:!e eki
City liodgs of Klha wl1 ,.bJ- gsT
and ths pallbearers will b '
Iowa: ".. w. '
Honorary-B. 1. Po"on A
Pratt, Dr. Krnest Tucker, D'.. t
Wood, C. H. Caufleld
AcUre-R T. Wf Raid X
nlnga. Dr M. C. Bh''0,;ili ft
Rheahan. Jamea H. Cary w
Cbapmtn. f
Bervlcsa whlok tamedlahl d ,
ars Invited to attend, w 11 ' "V-, r
the Rellwood CremaiorlnrBT t
ths afterntion. The m.'mbC ,
Commercial Club.
will aUend the funeral I"
rooma. . .ua I ' "
, Dr. Carll waa unnikrrWC
survived by a alster who
Bast Hla parenta "d7
a child and ha Had ontll I
an uncle and nnt V
him. T