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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1911)
?f wiATMIR INDICATIONS. t Ore Ot 0ctb,nl rain rrkurdr; southerly winds. T ,,.on fair asL rain wat J porthm Tburdr. . V()I IT-No. 120. ittacks SINGLE . ITAX PETITIONS ATT0MNtV OEN1RAL SAYS COUN TV AMENDMENTS BAR PROPOSED 'LAN. SUPPLEMENTAL MIEHO BE FIELD CrWor Confident H Mf round Wy T 0'at U'Rn in Claektmaa County CM. BALK.M. Or. Nor. ! That tb p.Utl.m Ul Clackamas count. U allowed to b Bled and VUlrd '. Would hnV th Bert of placing local and Pll lb torn plan M coftalltulU.nal amnd bmdii. and that tb county tat .nntiimcDt paaaed by lb ppl at a a .1 a . . lb lt tanarai iwi"'" nan id hi scope, meaning aiid Intent contain plaid only senernl Ui laa aud but local anil a.'lal tat la a to b en Had Uf ItotLjeaptl'v couulln. It a a angl " which Atlorney-lnraI (Via fiCd . baa dUcuvr4 to that a4mnL II will prepar a aup pkmHiial brief to th ona prepared by kit tuUtauta, which bo bllvt will show beyond a shadow of doubt tb futility of th plan promoted by W. 8. I' llm and tbo tlntf Ultra. Tba supplemental brief will bo baa ad solely on tbo reading of tba am admant Itself, owing to tba paucity of authorities at to I ha principal point Involved. Tba amendment, tb AttorneyOn. ral ;. It within Itaelf all on arotnnr and consequently lb nUr lanor of It depends on tba wording lo mak tb snlnc coinplet. HRS. PATTERSON IS FREED; WOMEN CHEER DENVER. Not. J. Grtrud tJib a Patterson, accused of th murder of her huaband. Chart A. IhUlrraon. ahom ah abot to daatb wbll tba couple wrr walking together In a u burb on September 15 laat. waa da tUrrd but Riillty tolay by a Jury In tba Dlntrirt Court. Ttaa Jury waa mmpoaad entlraly of n,rrl4 mon, ibalr at aarin Zl jrar. Ai tba rlark flnlabad radln tba vardlct Mrt. attraon aprang to hft fat and raubt th outatratchad band of bar attornay. . From otitald th rourtntom' rtnii a great roar of rhrara; Inald. th caawd waa quiet and orderly. U) YOU KNOW that th Knterprlaa earid llartaln Period It, now on? He ad on bark pag for partlrulart. P00RTO HAVE CHICKEN EOR .THANKSGIVING The Oregon Commlaalon Company. Wadneaday. la compllano with It announcement mad aeraral daya ano. gtv. a chicken, on ck of flour and on Back of notatoea to all ramlllea In Oregon City that wr ahnwn to b poor and lertn More than fifteen famllle war given lrovlliina for their Thankaglvlng dinner by th company. Th provltlona -r dellvre-wlthout charge by th I'lonoer Vranafer Company. lr. A. L leu!l. a memtwr of th firm, ac companied tb delivery wagon and that th deliveries wer mad to the proper peraona. Th chicken werH young and corn fad. On fam ily that waa provided for live In 'rn In Kanaat City. HANKSGIVING If Our Wi'.K Bt Yourt W with 'that our friendly relation! never ba broktrt that our cup of Joy forever overflow with happ'neaa and fty arotparlty never ct to twtrd you liberally. - Ltt ua thank you for your loyal ' r-d much appreciated pttronafl of th pitt and tnd to you and your our tlnor grtatlngt for a happy tnd bountiful Thanktglvlng. ' Pfke Brothers tXCLUSIVE CLOTHIIM Net Llk Othar. 6th and Main . , --l T ' El VTOOSf MOKNJIN(Q II r T PUBLIC ASKED TO BIG ROAD MEETING rniiMTV COURT1 TO EXPLAIN ITS 1 POLICY AND URGE SPEC- IAL LEVY. NOTED MEK TO DELIVER ADDRESSES Judo Btatl Say That General Road Fund Hat Bean Over taxed By Repeated Oemanda. Arrangement! btv been completed for the big road meeting to bo held In thl city next Wcdnetday under the auaplcoa of the County Court. All rd tup-rvlora and other per aona lnteratd In the Improvement of th roadt ar lnvltHl to attend th meeting tnd offer mggettlona. Tho County Court and the aurvla ort will bold' a thort meeting In the county court room, beginning at o'clock, after which an adjournment will b taken to th Commercial Club quarter where It la expected more than 100 persona will be In atten dance. Th meeting at th Commr. clal Club will atart at 10 o'clock and another will b held there In. the af ternoon. County Judge BaaH. who will aide at big road meeting. pro- a .W.ment will b mad by th toot wno win - . , Mavor Iirownell, Jud Btle. H. B. Mayor rowiir , d gup,r. Croat tna rraui , . intendent. The 'up"'"" Is0DW" b. a.ked to Hlvt their ) I taxation for rood purposes win be Vh. County Courtha- Continued o" P tWfc Fi... J i ""i.'Vl v. . ;,'') WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 OUEOON CITT, OREGON, THUUSDAY, NOVEMHEH 30, 1911. PERPFTRATFn RY WAIT AcnnnaAi r . . TWtVRf. ALL DCAF TO a NO PAPER TOMORROW. Tber will be no Issue of th Morning 1 fCnterpiia tomorrow, a the nianagement having decided that the employe are entitled to the Thankaglrtng holiday. Th paptr will be laaued 8atur- day a uaual. RATE ASSOCIATION More than a acore of merchants and manufacturera of Oregon City met at the Commercial Club Wednes day nlRht and organised a Terminal Kate Association. Th association lll endeavor to obtain terminal transcontinental freight rates for Oregon Clt. Hawley tiding and Pulp siding, which will glv tb city th same service and on tb same baala as Portland. Tb following officers wer elected to terv for tb ensuing year and until their lucceasort ar elected or appointed: D. T, McDaln, president; L. Adams, vice-president; W. A. Huntley, second vice-president. E. Schwab, secretary and A. A. Price, trensurer. Member oi in associa tion have been In correspondence for ..l i-ii some time wnn rTanson iv. uuo, w the Interatat Commerc Commlaalon and a traffic attorney will probably be employed at th next meeting. Th members think they bav good grounds on which to bas thtr claims, and they will naeotra oetter argument when the government com pletes the dredging or trie uackaroas .Rnplda, Magone a, Jenntngt and Mei druni bart as promised by Represen tative Hawley. ' REV. FORD ACCEPTS METHODIST PASTORATE fl'ev. T. n. Ford, for four years pas tor of the Sunnyslde Methodist church, end later pastor or tn Mem nrilHt cnurches at Pendleton and Hooo River, has accepted th -pastorat of the First Methodist Episcopal enure a In this city to succeed Rev. BJ. F. Zim merman, resigned. Pr. Ford hud Tceived an mviia tion from the official board of th Heppner Mettiodisi rnurcn, hbriuh that he take tho pastorat ot that church, but he had already accepted th position In this city. For the last year Dr. Ford has been holding evangelistic meetlnKS at K tacada and other places. , Doth th Pendleton and Hood River churches InVlted him to return, but h says h llktt tb climat her better. ' Hose Company' to Din. Fountain Hos Company will bav a Thanksgiving banquet thl evening at the company headquartera. If you are not reading th Mornlrig EYterprls,. why notT Year-end Bar gain 'Period It now on. -Se ad on back pag TOO) I i-iaT av I ORGANIZE ENTE ZIMMERMAN HITS a FOES! CHURCH MINISTER DECLARES NOT ONLY f HE BUT FAMILY HAVF BEEN CRITICIZED "'-l' ' WEALTHY MEMBERS NOT AGAINST HIM Clergyman Dtnlaa Tct H Tried To Fore Janitor Out Church Grow Du'.ng Hii Paatrat. Th Morning EnterprV It In re ceipt of th following letter from th Rev. E. F. Zimmerman who resigned the. pattorat of tb Oregon City Mothodlat church at tb service Sun day rooming ' I wat very much aurprlsed when I opened your valuable paper on the morning of November 28 to find my name standing out prominently at the bead ot an article. In which torn alleged details of the trouble which baa recently arisen In the Mthodlat (Continued on p 4 v' TODAY ' ' . N Bootlegger - Depicting the government's fight to abolish th Indian li quor traffic The Long Road f An xtra good Biograph film. Bill Bumper's Bar- gains BHI's Trribl Dream. The GtfancS RAPiDS f.UST GO: . DECLARES HAVLEY CONORE8SMAN, AFTER INSPEC TION,' SAYS GOVERNMENT WILL IMPROVE RIVER.. VISITOR IS GUEST OF LIVE WuES . .. . Representative Meets Grand Army of Republic Delegation And Dis cusses Matter Relating to Vtran of War. ' After twenty-four bours of prob ably the busiest time he has bad In bla 3,000 mile trip over bis district, Congresman W. C Hawley departed for Portland late Wedneaday after noon to keep an engagement; and will be t Salem Thursday to spend Thanksaivlng with bla family. After getting a close Insight Into the con ditions and necessities at Oregon City, Mr. Hawley expressed himself as betas- confident of being abl to aecur an appropriation for tb re moval ot tb Clackamas Rapids, jut. Hawley was entertained at luncheon Wednesday by th IJve Wire of the Commercial Club and waa elected an honorary member of that organiza tion.' Speeches wer mad by R. A Hlllebrand. H. E. Croaa, J. E. Hedge, C. H. Dy and Mr. Hawley. Wedneaday morning Mr. Hawley, along with a 'delegation of fifteen business men, waa taken on tb steamer Lang down the river. The bot went over the Clackamas Rapids and the Congressman waa given an opprtunity to view tb obstacles to navigation at -Wagone's, Meldunn and Jennings. After - going down the river aa far aa Elk Rock, tb steamer returned to Oregon City. . Following the Live Wire luncheon. Congressman Hawley met with a del egation from the Grand Army of Republic, and they dlacussed legisla tive matt era relating to the veterans of th Civil Wai. MRS. CHRISTINA HEISE : DIES OF PARALYSIS Mrs. Christina Helse died Wednea day at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. W. R- Daunt, of Gladstone, where she had made her bom fotsa number of years. She waa eighty fttften yrs of age. Mrs. Helse suf fered a paralytic stroke two years sgo and another one April 22 ot this ear. ., Mrs. Helse cam to Oregon from Kansas, January 15. 1907, with her daughter and family, Mra. W. R. Daunt, 'and baa raided In Gladstone sine. . She leaves the following children; Mrs. William Etters, ot Parkplace; Mrs. Willlsra Cantwell, of Can by; MMrs. W. R. Daun. of Gladstone, two sons in Kansas, Isaac . and David Heine, two daughters and one eon living in Pennsylvania, and flv grand children, Mr. Maggt Cross, Mra. Mable- Lam bart, Mrs. Clara Ccobs, Orval Daun and. John Daunt, and two great grand-daughters Misses Bertha and Ella Croat. . The funeral will be held at I o'clock tomorrow morning at v th Christian church, Gladstone. Rev. A. H. Mulkey, officiating. , The burial will be In the Mountain tVlew Ceme tery. COLLEGE HAN WRITES RANDALL FOR WIFE Postmaster Randall, who recently I was asked by a New York girl to 'find ner a 'husband, has received -a , post card containing the following: . "Mr. Randall: I was reading the ' pxpers today, and saw what you did I for Miss Mrgaret Britt. of New York City. Now, 1 am In the tame fix, only I want a nice young lady of about ! eighteen years of age. I am a cadet 1 at W'enlworth, belong to a Frat, and If any young lady wants to see bow j I look, let her write. I am . i "B. E. VANS. "Lexington. Mo., Care W. M. A." M13S Britt, whom the young man mentions, wrote to Postmaster Ran i dall several weeka ago. stating that I she wnuhed to come West and she .would like to have some young man , correspond with her. She is known ;to.hv received alxty-nln - letters from young men in this city ma county. MRS. PETEflS ENTERTAINS. Young Matron Is Given Kitchen Arti cles by Guests. . Mrs. William Peters entertained a few of ber frlenda at ber bora on Eleventh and Jefferson atreeta, which she and her husband recently pur chased, Tuesday evening, the evening being spent in vocal and Instrumental music, fortune telling and games. R freshmenta wer served. On of the features was th surprise tendered Mrs. Petert by her guests, presenting her many useful kitchen articles. present were Mist Ona Renner. Mlsa Cis Barclay Pratt. Mlsa Maud Moran, Mlsa Edith Jackson, Miss Utha Jackson, Miss Myrtle Cross and Miss Clara Mitchell. If you ar not reading th Morning Enterprise, Why notT Year-end Bar gain Period" la now on. See ad on back page.' ' '. BEAM QUITS III HSEtFSAVOR CANDIDATE. . IN WITHDRAWING. MAKES STATEMENT AGAINST ' ' ' DIMICK. ' FEEDS SAY HE COULD HAVE WON Rac Promts To B Moat Exciting Evr Hld In City- Forvnr Mayor Confidant Of Socc. Dr. A. L. Beatle Wednesday with drew from the race for Mayor ot Oregon City In th Interest of Wll Ham Andresen, who It opposed by Grant B Dimlck, former mayor. In announcing bit withdrawal Dr. Beatle gat out th following statement: I bav withdrawn from tb race because I believed my staying In might have led to tb election of a man who has not tb Interest of tb city at heart. I deslr to tbank my friends for their earnest support, and would appreciate It, and consider It a favor to m If they would vol tor Mr. Andresen for Mayor." i Although friends of Dr. Bea- Jle - assert that be would bav mad: a stronger race than Mr. Jlr4resen,t they say Mr. - Andresen will beat Judge Dimlck. That : the rac will b th moat exciting ever held In this city is assured, and friends of Judge Dimlck say he will win easily. Mr.Andresen is presi dent JLlb City Council and bas been a member of that organization for six year. He waa the first to an nounce for the office, doing; to after a petition signed by 400 voters bad been presented to him. Friends of Mr. Andresen) are confident bo will win. ' - Judge Dimlck la reported, aa hav ing sal 1 h would be elected by a large majority. . - ., Dr. Bealie said -Wednesday night that when ba inajte thj? announce meal to the Morning Enterprise Tuesday that he was In the race to stay, h fully Intended to fight to tb finish, but friend Wednesdsy decided eith er be or Mr. Andresen would bar to withdraw in order to beat Judge Dimlck, and b thought b should withdraw In favor oi Mr. Andresen, the first man to announce. CHURCHES TO HAVE SPECIAL SERVICES All tb Oregon City City churches have arranged special Thanksgiving services. The Methodist, Congrega tional, , Baptist and . Presbyterian churches will have union services at the Baptist church at 10:30 -o'clock thla morning. Rev. J. R. 1 An da bor ough will deliver an address on "Reasons for Thanksgiving." Rev. C W. Robinson, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church, will deliver a lec ture at that church at' 10:30 o'clock In the morning on "Spiritual Thanks giving." The morning prayer will b at 7:30 o'clock. . Thanksgiving exercises wer held In all the grade schools of th city Wednesday, and many contributions were received from th pupils. If you are not reading th Morning Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar gain Period Is now -on. See ad on back o. Ladies' Tailored Coats Made of heavy Grey and brown Suitings, with large fancy collars and Cuffs and closed with attractive buttons. Also various styles in differ ent clothes and colors at the same low price. $14.90 L. ADAMS Oregon City's Big D?t Stor TM tnty " M Mt prtln1 awl 1.1 k i ' lt In vry ssittm a t . km CMnty, tsCft a nlcV-a f I O M.MO. AriiiM atfvcrVlt Pb Wcx, 10 Cwrti V.LCAR1U0TED PHYSICIAIl DEAD FORMER MAYOR, IN POOR HEALTH - FOR MONTHS, SUCCUMBS -f SUDDENLY. ' - - . .' 1 ' 1.-J . ' 1 . uinr minmp .v -. . r , r H rinvs. liuuuru vi isusra iwn niir rairs ix hi inn . fi ' Funeral To B Conducted By Elk ' And Mason Friday Aftn. ' fj noon Body Lie In ' " . K' ' Stat Today. ', i' Dr. Walter E. Carll, on, of . tb leading physlciana of Oregon, whoa horn baa been in this city for many years, died Wednesday morning, after an Illness of several months of a com plication of diseases. Dr. CarU's deatb was a surprise to many of bla friends In this city, although his con dition bat been' serious for several days.' He was well known through out the county, and waa on 'of Ore gon City's big-hearted citizens. Many of the poor of this city hav been assisted by him. Dr. Carll waa mayor of Oregon City thre years. He waa also a member of tb Oregon City Board of School Directors, member of the State Board of Health, an4 ex-president of tb State Medical Aa sociatlon. He was the first xaltd ruler of Oregon City Lodge of Etta, and waa a member of the Masonic Order, and of the Sons of Revolutloaw- Dr. Carll waa born in Chlcope. Mass., October 2C 1858. He waa a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jason L CarfL Ilia grandfather. Beth Carll and on of bla uncles, were editors of th Boa ton Bee. . ,,-'' v V ... ? -;y t'v X Dr. Walter E. Carll. noted Oregon . City physician, who died Wedn- ' Dr. Carll attended the public schools of his nativ city, and latr attended Harvard - college, wher h took a special medical course, and at which institution h was graduated in 1885. He apent a year traveling, vla Itlng Africa and other countries, and came to Oregon In 1886, locating In Portland, wher he lived two yeara, and waa a member of th medical faculty ot th State Unlveralty. H he soon obtained a large practice. He became associated, aom time ago, with Dr. C. H. Melssner. Dr. Carll wat formerly a member of tbo State Board of Charities, and his philan thropic work while a resident of thla city will long be remembered. ' In politics Dr. Carll was a Demo crat as expounded by Andrew Jack son. His father was a Republican, but the doctor's first vote was cast for Democratic candidates when the party waa greatly In th minority In Massachusetts. ' (Continued on pag 4.) V.