Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 29, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    f '
v. ' '
Ladies' Stylish Dresses
Some new arrivals, on display t
The J. LEVITT Store
Our Windows Soipnlon Bridge Cot at t
ana plk roees will be used in aeoorat-
Th lunch tout will be decorated
with red polusettae among garland
or irwD, An attractive menu will be
Served, csfetarls ( frem thla
booth. This booth Is In' charge of
I Mr. Phillip Ostfleld, Mrs. James Wat
he. Mr. M. Oatfleld, Mr. F. M.
! Youngs and Mr. A. J. Oroben.
In the evening .rtlcloa that remain
; untold will be disposed of at auction,
, Including the decorations wblcb mk
charming favor for the holiday. Mr.
I'hlngsleu and Miss Draper, the teach
ers, aa wall a Iba achool director,
Mr. John IL Oatfleld. ttr. C. W. Kli
ley, and Mr. II. U. Starkweather ara
giving their hearty co-operation.
which I greatly appreciated bjf mem
ber of tba organization.
Mlaa Alice Mary Shannon Ta aWeome
ride f W. L. Mulvey.
Invitations hava been, laeued to tha
luarrlaga f Mr. William Lloyd Mul
vey, county clerk of CUckamaa coun
ty, to Mlaa Alice Mary Shannon,
daughter of Mr. ITat Shannon, of
this city. Tha wedding will be aolem-
nl.d Thursday. December 7.' at 11:30
o'clock In Ht. John Catholic church.
Rev. A. Hlllebmnd will official.
If von ara not reading tba Morning
Enterprise, why ViotT Yaar-nd Bar
gain , period I now on. nee ad on
back page.
r,rf tha arreat an conviction
: . iua or paraooa, who
T of TV
li- .fit I IT
Lng Enterprise from
F!L. of aubacrlbera
fM luniMi' O'H'a Heart.
NMmmn &
to telling Bldo Portland.
Phe. M.U am
Vela a Utile ru ul occupied
local PRicrs
n Pbllllpa. of Toreet Orova, waa
) city Monday.
and Mr. Bt. Johna, of Carua.
la thl city Tueatday.
and Mr. MayfWd. of Highland.
II Oregon City Tueeday.
aad Mra. Dennla Drlecoll. of
i Hall, were In tbla City Tuea-
pitUm Reee. of leaver Creek, waa
lia rlty on a bualneea inp Mun
Only a email fraction of tha Oregon
potato crop yet remains undug, prob
ably not nuwa than, ten per cant of
tba autea output, and the harvested
portion of tha crop la aafely atored In
pita and cellar and will atay there
until lb grower are ready to sell.
In general tha producers are report
ed to be bullUh In the extreme. Con
sequently tha movement now la a very
moderate one. Huyer aay there la
a fair demand In tha Booth at thle
time and to supply thla they ara of
fering tl to I1IS. for Ilurbank.
around II for Karly IUmhi, and 11.10
to ll.Sfi a hundred for Garnet and
American Wonder, at ahlpplng point
In thla atata. A few carload ara be
ing picked np bera and there, but
bualneea la atlll far from active, and
probably will be ao until after tha Ort
of tba year.
Tba heavy movement aoulbwerd of
T. Iiancroft and eon. of I Jnnton. Oregon potator uaoally doea not atart
(Continued from page 1.)
arm of ber father, Herbert IlanlOn,
and accompanied by tha bridesmaid
I MUa Kathryn Slnnott, met the
groomaman and hi beat man at tha
I altar, where the lmprlv marriage
ceremony wa performed by Kev. F.
I J. Ktrlnger rector of North Ilend and
, (iardlner. Or., and chaplain of Mercy
I lloapltal. who la brother of tba
groomaman. The church waa beauti
fully decorated with white cbryaan.
theuium. fern. On-gon grape and
pottfd planta, the deooratlona being
In charge of Mra. William .McMillan
prealdent of 8t John'a Young I'eo
ple'a Club, and who waa aaalated by
tha young lady memhera of that or
ganliatlon. After the ceremony tha
relative of the bride and bridegroom
repaired toMbe home of Mr. and Mra.
Herbert Haatnn on fourteenth atreet.
where a aumptuoua weddttig break
faat waa aerved. Tba brlda wor a
becoming traveling stilt with large
picture bat, and carried a white pray
er book, a gift from Her. F. J. Spring
r. Mlaa Hlnnott wore a neat tailored
ault of dark blue and carried a bow
er bouquet of Itrlde'a roaea.
Tha living room waa prettily dec
or ted wltb ptnk - chryaanthemunj,
la thla rlty Monday and Tuea-
R. Parplea, of lndependenca,
ka been In tbla city on bualneea.
rttttrsed to hla homati
1 Beavef. of Mullno, waa among
Orerti City rlaltora Monday,
rerlng at tba Rlectrlo Hotel.
M Joaale. a well known farmer,
tanra, waa In thla city Monday,
k fna 8turhet, of rortland. and
Ultt Miller, Of Klwood. enl
Way and Bunday with relative
at diy and at Gladstone
flve-courae Thankaaivlng
Wt. M centa, at Electric Hotel,
11.10 to 7:30 o'clock
L Taylor. Wilbur Andrewa. Peta
Vma and Irwin Itettel atudenta
Oregon Agricultural College,
arrive home tbla evening, and
peod their vacation with tbelr
lati la thla city.
Ned Tappen, of Portland, wa
ill city Tueaday vUltlng Mr. and
0. J. Howell, of Fourteenth and
on t recta. Mra. Tappet I a
r at Mr. Howell, and formerly
la thl rlty.
Prevailing Oregon City prlcea ara
aa follow:
rrulta. Vegetable.
nmrn rnuiTS (Buying)
T. J. Springer, wtor of North lyninea on baala of 1-a pounda for ii
and (lardlner Catholic church jo'.
Green niaee
until after tba middle of DecemW,
and aometlmea not until January. Tha
grower thla year aeere to have d
termlned not to unload at all freely
until In tba eeaaon. and the general
uppty and demand altaatlon at thl
time would appear to warrant mem
In holding. Tba market fundament
ally la aound and tha belief la gen
eral that better price than ara now
offered will be available later In the
sea eon.
lluyers. however Inalat that If too
reat a portion of tha crop la held for
tba later market, and then aold too
freely, there la danger of a baa
break. Thla baa occurred In aome
paat eeaaona. and for thla reason the
dealer ara adv alng tha farmer to
let go in a moderate way, with a view
to keening the market on a healthy
Sweat Dotatoea ara not coming from
tha South with tba fredom of a month
or two ago. and the market aa a
ault la steadily stiffening.
chaplain of Merry Hoapltal waa
l city Tueaday, having coma
to perform tba marriaga cere-
IT at the Hanlfln Springer wadding
L Johna Catholic church Tuea-
WW flve-couree Thankaglvlng
rr, SO centa. at Rlectrlc Hotel.
f 11:30 to 7:30 o'clock.
n W. U Iilock and daughter and
Iile Mock, of Portland, were
ihl city Tuesday, irueata at lunch
f Mr, a. Qoldimlth. of Four
r'h and Main atreot Mra. DlJck
uughter will leave thla week
Chicago, where they will make
Y some. Mr. Ulock preceded hla
" and haa gone Into buelneae In
t Judd. Clyde Kngle and wife
Hubert Kngla.' of Molalla, com-
? in atitomoblla party that rama
fnn City Tueaday. Mr. Judd.
t an enthusiastic. autolaL aaya
foad between Oregon City and Mo
1 I fine, with tba eiceutton of a
hteen Lumtona and Mallct'a
The eminiSr Kiairl haa been
to repair th Kad.
i Heft, of Tleaver Creek, wa
tlty Tueaday.
Barney, of Mania Lane, waa
rity Tueaday.
A. W. Cheney, of Portland, wa
tlty Tuesday, on buainesa.
A. McDonald, a Portland law
In the city on buslneaa Mon-
Mrs. Pedrie's
It Proved the Truth of tbc
Lady's Statement
Coeyrlght by Amertcaa preae Aaee
clatioa, iru.
"Of course woiwu can't help b-1ng
InquUltlve." aald Mr. I'txlrle loftily.
'I alwaya make allow ancn, I'boeoe,
for woman's greatest falling.
"And what la tuuo'a greatest fa II In it.
or bas be ao many It's bard to aelect
the largest V demanded Mrs. Pedrle,
with spirit. "Talk about curiosity.
Why. Phlneaa redrte. I've soen Just aa
many curioua men aa yon bava women
-ao there!"
'Pahaw, r hoe be! Yon cannot name
one rasa where a mau baa displayed
more than ordinary Interest In affair
which were not bis own." And Mr.
Pedrle folded but newspajter and chal
lenged hla wife wttn raised browa.
. CW, r-TVN ' .
TEC TURKEYS t "Here'g wtMrhi we get the uT
THE AXES I oj bere'e ere the at geU ytMiT
c Mr. and Mr. William Klmaey en
tertained a few friend at their home
on. Ninth street Monday evening.
Cards, and vocal and Instrumental
music were the features. The living
and dining rooms were decorated with
Oregon grape and chrysanthemum.
U-freshment were served.
The guesta were Mr. and Mra. W.
H. Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bpencer, Mr. and Mrs. Bam Stevens,
Miss Beryl Long, Klsa Mary Ellen
Long Miss Elizabeth Bcbatz, Mia
Jennie Bcbatz. Mlaa Bunny Owenby;
Messrs. IlAe Cole, Louis Smith, Ed
ward Vonderabe, Gilbert -Long Car
not Spencer and Km II Schatx.
Apparently Mra. Pedrle could not
ferns and Ivy, while the dining room give the dealred Illustration, for she re
was In yellow chrysanthemuma, fern uj-ed behind the pagea of a book with
and Ivy. The tables were prettily
decorated with yellow chrysanthe
mums and many candvlebra.
A recvptlon waa held from to S
o'clock, when aome of the friends
called to extend their congratulatlona.
Refreshments were aerved during the
afternoon. Mrs. HanlOn waa assisted
In serving by Miss Margaret Hanlfln,
Mra. Jacob Miller, Mlaa Grace Keller,
of Portland Mra. William Hanlfln,
of Tacoma, Wash, Mra. U G. Ice.
Mr. and Mr. Springer received many
handsome gifts.
Mr. Kiid Mra. Sprnger leit on me
11 o'clock car for Portland, andTrom
there will take a abort honeymoon,
and upon tbelr return will make Port
land (heir borne, where Mr. Hpnnger
baa a beautiful bungalow unaer con
struction at Roeemere.
The bride la one of Oregon City a
well known and highly eateemed young
women, and she haa a host of friends
here who extend their best wtsnee.
She baa been prominent In church
work, being a member of St. John'a
an expression of displeasure on ber
pretty countenance. Mr. Pedrle napped
In hla Turkish rocker more or lese
musically, aud after awhile bis wife
fell to watching him closely. All at
once a bright smile chssed away the
displeasure from nor face, and ahe
aoftly arose and left the room.
At the end of an Dour Mr. rearie
etretcbed himself luxuriously, yawned
aleeplly, and. swing hi wife reading
on the opposite aide or the note, ne
unk into somnolence once more. The
striking of the ball clock awoke him
to a realization that It waa midnignt
and he waa alaoe. Phoebe had evi
dently gone to bed. aa waa often her
custom, and left blm to come to bed
when he waa quite ready.
He felt atngularly wide awake, xne
house waa very qolet, and aave for the
occasional rumble of a distant electric
car the street waa atlll. It waa Just
the time for another dip Into thst act
entitle magazine while be smoked a
cigar. He reached for hla cigar case
and looked for the magazine. Hi
Ceursee of the fcegie.
Aa to aa ctiRle'e coursjje and aggres
siveness. It Is well kuown that In cen
tral Asia Hie irolden eucU- will even
attack Hie wuif. m.d If - fanwfd and
flowu arth.U eiivnue i'ms-I on the gosr
hawk 1 fln i:t htre
in i
7v DicncuAitr
it' it fa a rmw CBKA.
TIOS. eovertag every
Aald of the world's thought,
aouoa and ealsare. Tke omly
mew wubrklgad dlottooary an
l I
-,,' It deflnaa over ew.o
" sartfi; more than ever
before ppeared between two
irserafM eooJ-
pace. A. "8rokeo Qm.". I
Became) ?"??rMm
Cmthoilo church.
a-. a i a na.anasale aaaail1aV in
of the Western I'nlon Telegraph Com
H' Johnson, of
trtland. waa In
Johnson fc
the city on
ilnndav. lie turned over a
M.767 to County Clerk Mul
the hclra of the Conner
kiln, daughter of Mra. Bur-
va on Klnvenlh st.xct
I'! Jlington. who haa been very
"l ,vili fever for the past five
it vik i. ....ihi. .nn4leacing.
Ill audi I . . ' n....l.
r- VIt Da out. Mrs. o
parflsrt, l0 wert) frlhtenod away
Pr,n thirorreaa of tha dliease
f rsuirn
iiidtcs tnuvtna)
iu io s: aitera. to to 6c: dry niae.
t to lie: sheen Delta. :Sc to 7SC
Hay, Oraln, reed.
ii v nnr!n Timothy. $13 to
15: clover. 8 to ; oat hay, be.t, $
to fin; mixed, to IU; alfalfa, $U
to f 18.50
OAT8 (Buying) 3 rajf. I
I8; wheat. 28 to IZ; oil mvnt".
8hady Brook dairy feed, I US per
loo pounda.
FEED (Selling) flborta. 127 to
t7t; rolled barley, 137.80; process
barley. 13150; whole corn. $37;
cracked corn; $31; white, $18 to $27;
bran $17 to $21.
Butter, Poultry, Egg
FLOUR I 50 to $5.15.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, zoo to sw;
dairy. 10c; creamery, juo io
. ... s
POULTRY tiiuyingj
to o. .
cnnit Orecon eancn eggs, vw
airir VRCiKT ABIDES erroie.
It IS to 1150 per bbcs; p..u.M-,
Si KA- tnrnlns. 11.2S to $1.50;
f t.AO v f'") ' . . . . - .
prunes, on basia or i-o ior i -50c;
beet. $1.50.
beet. 11.50
POTATOES Beat buying eto
11 per hundred.
ONIONS-Oregon. $1.25 to $150 per
hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred.
Livestock, Meata.
BEEF 'Live weight) 8teera, 60
.. stzA. enws 4Ue: bull. 1 1-zo
VEAL Calvee Dnng irum
13o, according to grace.
MUTTON Bneep, aa
lambs, 4o and 60. -
H008 125 to 14 pouuu u.'-
and lie; 140 to o pounos
oanv and la now with the Gauld Com
pany, of Portland. He la well known
In Portland, where be haa realded
most or hla life.
Tboae attending the reception and
weddlna- breakfaet were Kev. r. J
Springer, of North Bend. Or.; Rev.
a nuuhrand. Oregon City: Mr. and
Mra. H. Springer, PortUnd; Mr. and
Mra. Herbert HanlOn, Mr. and. Mra.
John I. Springer, Harry Springer.
Fred M. Rnrlnaer. Edward A. Spring
er, William J. Bpringer, Joaeph
Springer, Miss Gertrude Springer,
Miss Anna Springer, Mlsa Agnee
Riirlncer. Mlsa Agnea Springer. WU
11am McGuIre, of Portland; William
Llovd of Tacoma. Wash.; Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Miller, Jacob Miller, Mlaa
'.race Keller, of Portland; Dr. and
Mra. L. Q. Ice. Mra. Phalon, of Bor-
( Mrs. William Hanlfln. of Taco
ma. Wash.: Miss Kathryn Slnnott,
Mis Margaret Hejilfln, Mra. Oeorge
K. Orifflth. Mra. Walter weniwortn.
Mra. Hnry Jones. Mrs. Bamuei but
ens. Mrs. It. f. Bianecue, jui. r
Wllllamaon, Mra. Mary Neiau, Miaa
Alice Slnnott, Mra. Jamea Wllklnaon,
Mrs. J. Blakenley. of Centralla; Mra.
T W. Sullivan. Mlsa Sarle Sullivan,
Miss Kathryn 8lnnott, Mlsa Nan
Cochran. Mra. John Gleason, Mra. A.
1 tiaaa. Mlsa Mayme Gleason, Mr,
and Mr Jamea McAnulty, Mr. and
Mra. John Flnnucane, Mra. Oeorge
Hanlon, Harry Williamson, William
Unvd. of Tacoma. Wash.; Mrs. N.
Story, Mlsa Augusta Myers. John
Gleason, Mra. Joseph and Margaret
Mill. Mr. A. Naterlln, Mlsa Roae
Mueller. Mlsa Clara Mueller, William
McOuIre and Mra. J. Chelon.
stood on the table near Vhrn-lie's hair.
rr. nrr mii the box Iwfore. nn
ftar ' aeeepted by the
OomrW. nehoote wad
Press aa the ewe asxjrisss aw
Bjj.-u be who anaowa Wfee
vasal saaiaSs
The Klng'a Daughters and Ladles
of SC Pkul a Guild of St. Paul'a Hpla
copal church are making elaborate
arrangements for the annual bazaar
and aupper to be held at the Wood
uTeo haii on Saturday, December .
The bazaar will be held during the
afternoon . and aupper will be aerved
from 6:10 until 7 o'clock ... Some of
tbe members of the societies met at
the home of Mrs. Rosin Touta Tuea
day afternoon, and decided upon the
menu. Tnia will consist of roast
vesl with dressing, cold roast pork,
mashed potatoes, brown gravy, Boa
ton baked beans, combination aalnd,
with mayonnaise, bread and butter.
plcklr?, cheese, pie and coffee.
Mra. A. C. Warner Is chairman of
the Daughter of the King, and her
assistanta are Mra. NleU Barlow
Lawrence, Mra. E- 8. Mount. Mra. H.
8. Moody. Mra. E. T. Field. Tbe
ladlea of 8t, Paul s Guild have Mrs.
Roslna Fouts aa their chairman, and
her assistants are Mr. R. C Genoa,
Mr. Charlee Burns, Mra. Robert
Goodfellow, Mra, F. T. Barlow. These
ladlea will be asslated ty other ladlea
of the -church.
A Philharmonic 8oclety, witn a
charter membership of eighty-nine
was organized In Willamette Hall
Tueaday evening. The officer are,
J. P. C Westengard, president; James
Roake. vice-president; E. T. Field,
treasurer, and Harold Swafford, aecre-
tary. Several person from Glad'
atone , became members of the so
ciety. The aoctety practiced Ounod'a
Redemption." The orchestral sec
tion 6f the society will meet In tbe
Commercial Club Friday evening. It
la expected that there will be at leaat
200 members before' the third
hearsal of tbe society. R. V. D. Johns
ton la director. Tbe membership fee
for the season will be $2.50 and the
management of the society will 1
main entirely with the members.
Net a fashion Plate.
"I am afraid your clothes are very
much out of style." aald tbe sporty
-I bop so," replied the conservative
father. "I pay the tailor extra to keep
'em that w a." Washington Btar.
, 1
The Domestic
Vacuum Cleaner
The most remarkable Invention yet
achieved In the line of vacuum clean
ers, it la operated by one person
with the same ease aa the ordinary
carpet aweeper. but with result equal
to any electric claner. . ..
PRICE tao. :
For demonstration phone or call on
MILLER,' 216 Seventh Street.
Read te doming utenrirx
Managers' Cau field and Eakln, f
the Oregon City High School and the
managers of the AatorU High School '
reached aa agreement Tueaday eve
ning for a game on Thankaglvlng day
In Astoria. Coach Pflngaten'wa at
first opposed to playing a hard enme
on auch a short notice but finally -left
It to tbe nranape-, and the) gmme wa
The teama are about evenly match
ed. Judging from the results of prev
ious game and A hard battle u ex
pected. The Oregon City lineup win
be picked from the following: Gaalt,
Qulnn, Keller. C Beetle, CaofieM,
Graves. Dam bach. Wilson, Hotter, '
Cross, Michel, Seewy, Dumgey,
Waldron and J. Beatl. t
Mia Helen Daulton Win Prix of
Patience Poker CtMfew
Miaa Nleta Harding entertained the
member of tbe Patience Poker Club
In a very delightful manner at her
home Monday evening. The prise for
the beet core wa won by Ml Helen
Daarton. Thw hoewrae served defke
loua refreshments. The next meeting
will be at the home, of Mum CI Pratt
Mra. NleU Barlow Lawrence aasmrt
ed Mis Harding ta aervtng. .
Member attending ware ' Mlas
Helen Daulton. Mlaa Kathryn Mont
gomery. Miaa CU Pratt. Miaa Bee
Daulton. Mlaa Wynne Hanney. Mia
Dollle Pratt. Mlaa Nan Cochran and
Mis NleU Harding.
BBBnanBBBnnBaasna f
MAZDA Lamps are
N LSlllZSBnnnnnnnlZVmal
. - T ...... ' V '
80 tc
an SVko;
10o and
fid t
purch at
rk offlcl
rs win I
Inner. Th
7 r Ii
o'clock !
clk; pr..i
Th- Parents' and Teacher' Organ-
Ixatlon of Concord, will bM a baaaar
In th baaement of the new .chool
; house next Saturday. .
There will be aainij u
needlework and dellciou. pom-m.. -candles
on sale, and a luncheon
which will be aerved from si v"-
The bootha will be arusuC..j -
TT7 atai
a t -
'Now thav
t tails how
giving Servloes
day aervlce will be
United Presbyterian
0 o'clock. Rev. F. U
After the services
short program and a
iiimi mTii t I ne UWlufl w... - - .,11
sk; Bunday achool at d Th- needle-work, boom wi
a-in . ..u .111. .iinw ervsanthe-
aiimu r.ii""'"' - i ne aecorsieu wim
1 . on nVlnrk I . .ranMilll. nun
. 1 munis ...v-
charge of this booth are Mr.
I ULrm. Pnvin. Mrs. u.
vwurten.e. in. ui-i. , Kir a
. mI niaxoBJu 1 r.MntiA 1 Mra. 1 vra wn""
Richardson ana mr.
Thoae who are working hard to
make th candy booth a aueceaa . m
MISS """"-
le together.'
terested in a boo
Id a 11.000 rav
(Continued from Page 1.)
. thrown onen. there la little time
- u. r ramnalKn. other than
... i,ih taa been In progress,
The municipal situation la peculiar,
to aay the leaat. Mr. Andresen. woo
had the field to himself up to the tl.he
ih. simultaneous entry of Beatte
, . . .l n,k n
and Dlmlck. is ipp'""J -
gumshoe" campaign. He on ly enter-.k-
r.a at the earnest solicitation
It scores of hla friends, and consent
,d to become a candidate after a
oetltlon, bearing me n.
half the voting population of Oregon
City and ben presentea 10 nwu.
he la marked as a aacrlflce, he r.t.m hla self respect and
down to the defeat with the compl.
knowledge that he made no frantic
..r-.c-ie for the place. Much of the
opposition to Mr. Andresen co.nea
body must be made the gonf fr the
D .i- improvement of Oregon
.tr.ta and aa Mr. Andresen is
"f.' .h.m to take a shot at. they
will take acret satisfaction In It The
7.', intereste. It Is Bald, do not take
kindly to Mr. Andresen candidacy.
o..He haa a large number of
warm personal friends who would like
to see him honored by the election to
the mayoralty .and are maHing
it onmnalan In hi behalf.
si... ruilltlral observer, however,
... .hat Dlmlck will be the next May-
or of Oregon City. They aver w
.... aiiion Is apllt. which of
course may be said of either of "the
other candidates, and there la every
. K.ii.n that the man who
reason J
a c Itr aa Mayor
veara haa a very formldabl corpa of
' . i.a1l rtf-v rrkfirtlin
Oatfleld and Mr. R- J4 l k. . mak rote for him.
color acheme for thla booth la P - r
a mjDixn ni aosawooD ox.
Interest waa aroused. - lie went
around the table and examined It. . It
waa made of polished rosewood, with
corners and hinge of old brass. It
waa tlKhtly locked, aud there waa no
key. He lifted the box and found It
He stood looking down at it with a
baffled expression on hla good natured
countenance. He wondered why
Phoebe should have left the box there,
and at thla Instant there waa a rua
tllng on tbe rtalra, and Phoebe came
mailing In. gsrbed In Creasing gown
and allppers and with her heavy
bralda swinging to and fro. She
eeeuied to take In the. altuntlon at
a glance me proxmui "i
band to the rosewood box for with a
Uttle frightened gasp she darted for
ward, took the box from hla nana ana
left the room 'without ao much aa a
word of explanation.
Phlneaa Pedrle atood rooteO to me
spot with consternation. Waa Fhoeoe
Insane, or waa alio wanting in
Bleep? What waa there about the rose
wood box that be. her nusDana, migm
not see? What?
Mr. Pedrle stalked alowly up me
stair to Ond Pboeb Bleeping sweetly
and tbe rosewood box nowhere in
"What haa Bhe done who ur ne
muttered anxiously aa he atepned soft
ly to and fro ao aa not to wakeo her.
Fifteen minutes inter Mr. Pedrle waa
still searching for the rosewood box.
He had explored all the closets In the
hmine and the spare room and was
crenklnir downstairs In the belief that
Ills wife had concealed tbe box In tbe
ball before she ascended to ber room
when her vole smote on his ear.
'Phlneaa. where are your aba called
"I'm conilno-. dear." he assured her.
making bla voice aa email aa possible.
aa If It mtght come from tne.norary
where she had left him.
"It must be midnight, Pbln. Are yoi
never coming? Thla llirbt keep mo
wake." v
Til put It out, Phoebe." and Mr.
Pedrle creaked up the Ulr again and
anapied off th bulb. "I've lost my
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merchant shotild look into this question
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