If M0KN1N0 ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY. NOVKMIlKIt 29. 1911. f. cssca cmr, oreoor a 1. MOMI, Edthsr and Pvblt' rT a, int. W Hn aaat C. Oroarav w ta I. isrs r suncttrmK. Year, by mail ...MS I Moat, by Mil H He MHW br ssaM.,... 1 S "r Wil tar carrier...., , , J CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES P PWV Ba I pat c iMri .IS ST' (WltKIM lbs ear . rr bb IS eosiOnej other Ibss first aor asob llllli loo r b,- nwlsr vr ta. Foe BaJe. Te Mt. : SSOH a war nrw" bso rttoa ; Bo on) nltii. ' W tar iwtMM i b WhUi rre i win a ih aa to tb ' far wnninn oat aMMr oar law wsakty. Mm th na arnaaass at to liaaafjjul ran tfc telly to lb m i b -bj. wheat diun tbe rata wW b . aa few for ra ef th mn, an4 lea aa Cb-ce ktrwtlitu aa as oral bl BM m U DMA. ib ni Baakrap B' me barb fWt Himin: - JTNU taavrtloao asaae Mtur Jb bab ) Hi u wo wiiii aitliato of It. wt.h Will b loroJ KM bo rbsaly aoropse. Rat swam imi retarnoa mil 14 by nura ta af CITY OFFICIAL NEWtfArtR. THE MORNING ENTCRPRISC ta o ) at tb (oUowta atoraw every day: Huntley Broa. Draxa Main Strt. ) , J. W. McAnoftr Ocara 8anth and Main. . K. B- Andarsoo. Main Bar Sixth. . M. K. Dab CoafbctkMbbry Next door to P. Ol " dry Draf Store Kleetrie Hotel. Bcaoemborn Cottfectloeery Seweath wi.ll). Adaaan. Ro. -3 In American History. StZI-Berace Greeiey. founder ef the New Tork Trlbnne. died; born Feb S. IS11. MOO Beer Admiral Frederick McNahr. TJ. 8. K a Teteraa of the ctrll war. died: bore 1K39L AtTRONOftlCAU. EVENTS. (From awon today te noon loosorrew.i Seoa acta 4Xk rbwe 7: duy'a leoxth. Wi hoera: moae mi 12:11 a. nv: can yettl-r Srst sural rode Kar An tare tn Srorpio. which appeera In the eonth Jaiy erewlaxa and wboae Ught reqnlrte aw yeara te trarei te earth, while ens' ticbt takee 84 nalnntea. FOR SETYUNQ LABOR TROUBLES N . In Great Britain where the labor probleni of late baa been o usually trytns there U a eaatlns about for one effectire method of prefentlng and eettllnc dispute between em ployers and men. Mnch hope 1 expreeeed that the Indastriaj Cound recently orxanlzed by the fOTentment may brine about A Return to Ancient Doctrines of Politics Would Be a Blot on ; Progress By SAMUEL W. M CALL, . Massachusetts Repre sentative in Congress aactal pmiim. Osab about UMrf oit Un eaiiJ to kMi bi litiim fn sf lb 1111111111. ; j 1 ' I ' ajaartsrta bt leawl ail i silbaw Mm. AC Cb apt rial M4llbu -Pars REPRESENTATIVE government i romps rati vclr motlern, direct gorernment of the domoorstic kiml is anrient, anl the latter was deIibteK discarded for the former bj the founders of our government. The framers of the constitution were entirelv familiar v.ith the faflnre of DIRECT DEMOCRACY in the government of numer ous populations, and thej were influenced by their knowledge of that failure in devising our own structure of republican gorernment. It is now proposed to abandon the discovery of modern times which Jefferson declared to be the OXLY METHOD by which RIGHTS can be secured and to put in its stead the discarded device of the an cients. . It does not follow that'to be a reactionary is to be wrong. The wise reactionary may sometimes preserve the gorernment of a state and eren iu civilization. Whether tlio initiative, referendum and recall embody sound political principle inut be determined by other teat,' But their advocate should not MASQUERADE. If they chooee to attach to themselves any Isbel they should frankly pread upon their banner the Word "REACTION'ARiV WE ATE IN DANGER OF FORGETTING THE ESSENTIAL PUR FOSE OF GOVERNMENT THAT IT If NOT AN ENO. BUT A MEANSl THAT THE FEOPLE DO NOT EXIST FOR GOVERNMENT. BUT THAT OOVERNMENT EXISTS FOR THE PEOPLE. ; Th IDOLATRY OF GOVERNMENT or of its institutions Y- n EZEiTISO t4 INJURIOUS as any idolatry that greatly Improved relation. The coun cil consist of twenty-six utbten, be side th chair ma ko U lb Comp t roller-Gear rsj or 1Kb Labor Depart ment of lb Board of Trade. Of the tweaty-elx 'member on half ar ckown by th employer and one-half by the urkrt, aad the mea e lc(4 by both prtie rbnk hUb tor their proDbl wortb an 4 qubllflc- tiOBb. . W'hilb th Council haa bo conapul power It noral laflurac IU b rrt. uttli binpobrr!, on trqiwtL to uki tulublb action l dlpat atrttlnf th iMrtnctpal Uadra of th country which th parti Utnlr ar unabl to brtlWk It la to b bopd tbat tb council may rvaJU tb pfctatloua fortnd. Cvrtalnly It op r ration will be ympathrtlcaUy watch 4 la thia country m alaputca bo twa labor and capital ar ao ,tr quat. coatry an4 dloaatroua. The. queatloa of n national flower U a sort of Variy perennial tbat av chlUy winds can kilt Very recently the Illinois State Federation of Wo man Cluba dlscnsbed the matter and SoMea rod. mountain laurel and other flowers bad their enthusiastic champ too a. but red clover sained the day. SUU It U not likely that any flower will rain universal acceptance throuchout the country a variation of Climate probably forms too great barrier. Sentiment oa a broad or na tional scale eeem to be neceeaary for the adoption of a national flower. It is thia sentiment growing out of old time association that make the rose. shamrock and thistle so dear to the people of England. Ireland and Scot land. But we bate tn America bo hoary past or fanciful traditions to evoke such a sentiment, and a mad to order flower will not do. Let a town or a home be without a newspaper and ignorance and nar rowae at once assert themselves. It rows once assert themselves. It Is w hen by soeae mischance people are paper that they realise the loss they sustain. The horn paper ta that eyes, ears natf mouth of the community to learn "Tie news hnd disseminate It among the people. It may not always be faultless, but there Is no other medium that caa take Its place, and there ia no other single factor tbat does so much foe the material and so cial welfare of the town. ' A ad la the realm of religion and morals the In fluence of the newspaper Is almost Invariably tor the rigbL- Now la the time when thousands of foreign reeideat who have saved and accumulated considerable money dur ing their life here go back to their native lands to spend the holidays. and bo 6ne grudge them that relaxa tion. But when people come to this country Just to mak all they can out of U. decline to assume cltlsenship, sad. after they have made what to them seems wealth, go back to their old heme to lire on what they have gained, one may recognize their shrewdness but he also recognise tbat they are of bo benefit to this land. Many business mea who never ad vertise regularly do so during the holt- day season. That la Itself Is a recog nition of the value of advertising, but its value would be still further re alized with great gala to themselves f , it "' t: ' V' Cmrrtl br CUoedtnet. V Execution of Arab Prisoners By Italian Soldiers In Tripoli kh 0J :( l: V-.. T.V. Copjrrtfbt by AbmUcss Press As G UIEF among those wbe make oners against the Italian army ef occupation ta Tripoli are the corre apuodenu of the New Tart World, the London Dully Mirror aad lbs Berlin Lokalaaietger. The dU patches ef Mr MrCullagh of the World have particularly aagered the Italian autheriUee, wbe have deaoent-ed them aa fabuaV-attuaa ef the facta, bat the German JouruatbU. Uthe ve (MKtberg. nays that hie eotteegue' statements sre nt strong enough t in not a phtlaa thropUt er n profeas tonal humanitarian.', says Here Too GXtberg. wbe la rroaalaa emcer. "if a proper military court derided that thousands of soe eombatabta should be shot I should be the last man la the world to uuarrel with such n derWoa But It Is a different mstter whew a large dtatrvt a headed .over to enraged soldiers with That ta what happened ta TrtpeU. , if they would not confine themselves to special seasons. Such seasons may demand special and larger advertis ing, but the up-to-date business man advertise continually. Hymn o Tb nfceg !. We tbaaa ibm. o Vairter. lor ts thai a bnbi tTbe Sleasa of the Oaf aa lbs star ol lbs aisbl. The Bowers of ewe rooib aa Ibe frwtta ef oor pnate AaA bbooiaas e se ssarretas lbs oetbwaf We Ihsab Ibe. O Fstber. roc a ibal w eror The sob ot the H , (be Sow at tao For mmr ta bitadaeoo as aeeer ia au TTar snarrr sorauno a aarrvw ar aaia. We Ibaaa tbee. O Faiber. tor soa an lor Inn, The earvoet at to aa Ibe wean a IMI MHfosae. for oriwr a- a em acorns o tsy cnlss But tbatt Hi tar aaorrr iomo awastrs aa soiitee Ws tbaaa Ibeo. O fstbar of att. tor iks sowar Of ateiaa osrb Mber as life's arseei anaw Tbe sorous aean sad Ine oauaiifM Ban Aa sU Ibe eout Mb laat eaa was mu milllM We tbaaa Iboa. U baiaee. for a( vet is bo. . For booas laat oar rutur will ran as M Tbat au our eteranf mar for at intiH.at Ihr love Owe Tba asset vin sr ut Ibe mMMM abova WUI aiirlM When the Hen Is Ssfa. "This." remarbeil ira il-. s arts Sew np an te Mr. Tiirkev hers. ts my happy dav. It's l"haiiknrlnr. know. t'hat have I In givr Ibaiik for o. several fhtur. thank jiu On s'nvmf sny other dav in ibe yeei I sm liable tn get toe al. and woeu I do get It 1 wvn't wwiry wovtber my heed s on -trslabt. Bu mr worry romes fmra not knowing tii-t wt tbe at may fall. I'hert srw rbLI davs la the rear. Thankctr m , in. t,j day wbm I am I mm an-. )lv uirgfood lovely rlral. Mr Turv. who tm me In lh Imrtif sr1. f uik1tik-sii uiy feet itjr rim can -r- with the naked rr. Tata. Mr. Tuikry; I see tbe farmer ouinc with ' at fUWUYPS0,TO10r,'CfCnCinf (Continued from page L) deep water from Oregon City to Port land, we aball be In a position to de mand terminal rates. W ought to hsv a minimum depth of six feet during the low water periods, and we went free locks. Rapids Are Drawback. C. D. Iuxirott was aaked to talk on the Clackamas Raplda He refer red to tbe fact that many prominent Portland men had first come to Ore gon City, but that In tb pioneer days It was Impossible to ecur congres sional appropriations snd lack of money prevented clearing out the raplda. Mr. Iatourette aald th Clack- amaa Rauplds had mad Portland th head of navigation. H. K. Croee aad Gilbert L. Heda ( ) . Patina. 1111 charge ef barbarous etemOoua ef pris liberty te kill say aaUv they location of the new kicks. Tbe fotm er said that She location of the locks oa tbe East Side or West Side la not of the highest Importance to Oregoa City, except as they may affect her growth. He. Insisted tbat the tore lion on the East Side' would mean the virtual absorpttoa of water power for future devetopmenL Mr. Hedges said Ike East Side locks would give protection to tbe city la the event of a flooj and that tbe people of the city should stand behind the recom ateadatioa of the Government engin eers. State Senator Dlmlck made a strong plea for a public building nnd present ed aa array of figure to show the growth of the local postofflce. lb receipts Increasing ta eight years from 11.000 to 111,00. - Coo cress man llswley talked to tb point about the Clackamas Rapids and Co free kick a. He was not la a poa tlon to express his preference as to the location of tbe locha because of his anfamlilaiity with conditions. He Is confident that ther will be a appropriation In the next river and harbor bill for the removal of the rapids at lb mouth of th Clark ma River. . I , ' ' ' Live Wire t Entrtaln.j Tb distinguished gwt wss enter tained at dinner Tuesday night at a local restaurant This morning he will be taken down tbe .river as far a Jennings Lodge on the steamer N. R. Lang leaving Oreogn City at 9:15 o'clock, aad will return here at noon to be the guest of tbe Live Wires at their weekly luncheon. Mr. Hawley will not leave for Salem until late Wednesday afternoon. The following menu will be served at the Uve Wire luncbeoa today: Clan bouillon Baked chicken and dressing Cranberry sauce Chicken gravy Maabed potatoes Brown sweet potatoes ' Dread and butter Celery -Beet pickles Asparagus mayonnaise Pumpkin pie Whipped cream ' Coffee, Hawiey Is Feted. Congreaaman Willis C- Hawley Is the guest of Oregon City today. From tbe time of his arrival at a point two miles above Oregon City until late laat night he waa feted and enter tained most hospitably. Mr. Hawley left Salem at o'clock Tnesday morn ing and came down tbe Willamette River on the steamer Oregon s, which waa met above Pulp Station by the steamer N. R. Lang, with a large delegation from tbe Oregon City Com mercial Club. Mr. Hawley waa taken on board the Lang and shown the proposed locstlons for tbe new free locks. He waa visibly Impressed with the magnitude of Oregon City's In dustrial concerns and fired a volley of queatloa at T.' W. Sullivan, hy draulic engineer of the Portland Rail way, Light A Power Company to ascertain Just how tbe . prospective development of the water power would be retarded by tbe construc tion of locks on tb East Side of the a4 uTaws Th' , ,n(n .v. Fa.t J gd, baAiri ,nd th. cnm4 th river nd passed through tbe old locks, and the crowd gave a cheer to Jack Cham bers, tbe lock-tender who baa been (n charge for forty -on years snd who worked on the construction. Examines Postoffle. Ia looking over the local postofflce Mr. Hawley aald be eould se the great need of adequate quarters, but he waa not In a position to state definitely If a building, appropriation bill would be enacted ag the coming session of Congress. He mentioned tbe economy platform of tbe Demo cratic House In thia connection, but said thtat be would peraonally us his efforts to secure sn sppropiistlon for the purchsse of a site sad tbe erec tion of n publlo building St Oregon City, postmaster Randall discussed with Mr. Hawley tbe possible sites snd their conversation brought out tbe ststement that the Government believe Main street property la Ore gon CKy valued at a very high flgur and It was suggested tbst a dealrabl sit might be obtained on Water street within easy reach of the railroad station. This I a matter that will b put a p. to tb Poetoolce Department, for within a limited dis tance from th station th railroad company .will call tor aad deliver mail wltbout coat to U PotofiV GOOD QUARTERS NUMEROUS. htaee 0ed Fteld Oeeri Tbae Ivee Tb Seasen. Good quarterliecks baie been Burner, eua that . I Ibe east How t Tale la sbut the brei. altbouab SprsrkllD of Hrew and Miller ef 6 if-, opvi .- jr-t you r 5r- ARE fife: 1 1 Wants. For .Sale Etc k 1 WUi kurM4 eaM sons svHLa I 11 1.. teosrwaaw baJ asstl s limaaal Sbsae V.. - ise bm ear. M Bar asawlb. be bvab aar. is saa a aor US -. baa aa aae s n niaal Nk lb ssssr, t b. . V -T4 fa4J r liiMtg far arraes. wbon -(aliaSJbM r . JnW ' M mmrmt trmm m. r t Him orM rTCi- .Vr IHU Pbotaa br ABMTtras Proas AsaaeiaUee. raaaa or rs uikim ocaaraaascas or sasso Pron State gite him a rloae run for the looora, with Butler ef Cornell a close fourth, la tbe west tbe leading fl4d generals t n MoM Wisconsin. McMillan ef i MKblgaa. Ml lee of Illinois aad Ca ! proa ef Mlaaeata AH have don splendid work for ibeir teams and help ed add to this season's football history THORPE ALL AROUNO ATHLETE Caritsle Indian Hss Ms Great N la Msay aVansnos ef Saert. CarlUie has a remarkable all round tblete la Jamre Thorpe ef Oklahoma He la a fine basketball player, a base ball pitcher uf great UWtit and baa plsyed a rn-dltabi game at halfback en t be football teem. He ran BU sny ef tbe poeltloos o throe three leama, aad la sdditkia be excele at lacruaae and tennis He plsrs band ban. hotkey and la door laeliall with tjI skill and I Isbed third In the annual ere country meet laat prlng He has put the U tern (axiud tM-t forty-tbree feet, bened Jump teetity twn feet tea lacbe. run a hundred turds In 10 oeroeda tat and rWsred six feet la ibe- high )mp He has run the high hurdle I n 4 5 sac- Mull a M.I IL, k. m w-A ' I. oa - - ond tn M,r rrsik nveri ing Tborrie wnn flv events snd was sec ond la another. Here's Vswr Champion ssebsll Fan. J J l-awrvs f Milwaukee la ierhapa the rhsniiin lm)eball fa of tbe coun try jtm nld recently that be tsrted aevepteen years ago to collect bis statlils cj.t twaetiell. and now be has ffriy faro large volume. It lake him thrve bonra rerh day lo keep hi records up lo date He has Ibe records of I7JSSI Ull pUyer In bis Ik-is- and ran answer any urtln n beriiil tbat ha rvme up during tb last ser rotten yrsrs Long Will Retire From Tennis. "Mel" 1-oiiK. i. lie i.f Ihr gresleet of Frisco's tennl -tnr. will retire from the rourtu iw-ruiaiieiitlr He nays the game Interfere with bit indies la Ibe tnlvemlty of t altfjrtus BRISK SPORTING NOTES Cornell bn Jusl edited enur-e In wrestlltiK aud will bare Inter, nllrain'e meets with several uulvrrolfle In Ibe es-t. "Dicf Grant, furme- Harvard run Ber and i-oach at Minnesota, ban sprung a new Idee by i-owMnlng Bible study with atbletk By his work recently at Columbia rol lege R. L Beatty baa earned Ibe right to represent this country In tbe Olym pic games at Stockholm next year. ' Tbe first basketball league ever ot- ganlzed among tbe women of New England will Include cluba In New Haven. Waterborv. Bridgeport, Mert den. Kaugatock, Derby. AaaoeJ aatd Braaford. LHtls Left, "mafs tbe matter herr asksd th raller, noticing the barren appearsnce of tbe bouse, "Rent your good away to b stored V "No." replied tb host eaa; "not at It My daughter was msrrled last week, snd she baa merely taken awsy th thing that eh thought bUnged to her."-Detroit Free Pre. AN INVITATION WUH ampl a1UL assure I ynlln, allnt m saglpmsnl snd a genu' desire I render helpful nnendd ssrylas we ar In peeitlen t glv bualnea fnen and Individuals th hes) thr I In anhlnf. Veer Interests will grew If ye Key a financial hsauerl. snd er cordially Invlt yew I fe st hem hare, win fssliiti I tb fulleet Boaaibl aslant The Biak of Orcgoa City OLDEST BANK III TH1 COUWTY U lTXlURaTTTfi Fnilsiat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY. OREGON CAPiTAL, saAaxal.Bu Te e arel fcawblwf sWeii O. A. C. Bgtn )o. 3, GntfO0C Fotc Wvrks Farmer s WANTEr-Tor1eta and local people to see my collection of arrow -heiuU coins, India tnakau, t)d lU aad curios ot i.! sorts Will bu) or sell la this ; lla tome good bargains ta see uad hand furalt' an loola. rorg losag. Mala m Bear rifta. FOet BAtt. FOR 8ALB Geall poey. good rood I lkQ, bnggy aad haraeoa, IJL Ihoa Oregon City. Mala 1U1. FOR SALE by C It. Liveeey. carload of Trolaa powder. Just received. mm, i it i, aaaMe---Mnr9SBBBass FARM LOANS. FA KM LOAN) 'Dtaalck IMaMea, Lrer, Oregon city, or. ATTORNEY'S. O. D. BUT. Ataoraey at-Law. Measef bsaaod. abetraet riraasaed, toad Utlea ssaaiaed. tai eeUUd, gaaa eraj law kiiisna Over Beak ef Ctty. tnuZM kVCHUavBaTU Attorwsr at Law, Bootes) givsiat. tkaa la all aakarta, geaka arte BMU Or )SB Cltg. UK OCR ANO COwTSIACTOn. I HARHT JOHavA Bafldse aad OeavervJ Oaetraotoe. bawl ss a lee shsarfwdr giro all esaeooe ef iseatatM werh. eoaeret weta and ratafersad eaewtreta Rea. pVta) Mala IP INSURANCE. . H. COOPfcTR. Fvse Fire teooraeee aad Roe Batata. La a handle ywer grassetles e bwy. sail aad eeea). OftV la aba' si pilsi Ma. Or so) C1T. Oreaw. "CCTflNlMG AND PRBSoTnoT' CHICAGO TAILORS suits mad to order from 110 and ap. We also do cleaning, proas) ng and repairing Three door south of poetoffra. MUSICIANS. J. ALBA SACER. tescier of wind ssd string Instruments, director of band and orchestra. WL1 furnish mn-tlo for any occaaion. Cll at Elect rl" Hotel. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two front room tit a month: board If desired Apply X. car Enterprise. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SIX, ROOM DWELL-NO Corner Kth and Division streets, Oregon City, sll new, never been occupied; alde , walks, city lights and water; level lot 120 ft, front 10 ft deep. Front room aultable for store; alxty fami lies lie within one half mile. Rents NOT EXPENSIVE j Treatment at Hot Lake. Including medical atteatlon. br bathe, onats bo mor than yt-a would paT ' M,o ' n' Br Jts hoUL Room eaa be bad from 71 cant to LM per day. In the cafeteria ar served from SO oentd up aad In tb (rl" usual grill price. Bath raag from 10 cent to H We Do Cttre . . v. - r , . I ... - . . . HOT LAKE SAN Atom UN HOT LAKE. ORCOOM, t ALTER M. PICCCC. Prcs.-rl;r. r. J. MITBH, Caakm, ,.4 Owe) fesea t A. s I a, i Short Cotmes Every eltlsen of Oregon la cordially levity to attend th short course uf the Oregit Ainruk lural College, beginning Jan. g. F.laiea dutiae tiv courses will be offered la Arlcull .s. Urn chanle Arts, tKiniestlc Sclsnr nd Art. Coat mere. Fvrostry and music. Evory course is o signed to lltct J the student la bis dally eork. Make this a (doaaaut sad protltable blater est Ing. No lulilo. Msasonalil accommmiatioa f ur butlful Illustrated bulletin, sddrtss II M. TEN N ANT. Ileglstrsr. Corvallls. Or, Business Cbvrss fey- Cerrsspssdsnc. fof 0 monthly. ITtee. Ii.il. Jua W. I oder. bona fid oansr, Sleteat building. OregiMi oty, t)r. Prosl dn( "Title and "tsventtueat' Com paay. Clackamaa Co Abstrsct.rs REAL ESTATE TRANIPCRl lUnry A- Kalaht to John RuMst, IS acre of eerttoa . loesskip south, raaaa 1 east; H.2M. Htlllsnaa Aadrews aad Oartrso Andrew to Albert Aadrews, Users of eertloa Id. lownehlp aoutk, raag 4 east; II. Stlllmaa Aadrewa snd Grlri Abdrewa to Alfred E. Asdrsea. It seres Of section t. tdwasklp I aoeia rang 4 eaat; . Ceorge Oak ta Percy T. Ihslley sad K. 8. Shelley, S0 sere of em tio a i, township I south, raags f east; I0. Wallace R. aad Myrtle I Ttlord -lo J. W. Roots, land la Clacksavat cuuaiy: L W. U. aad JessU F. McKtasey k L E. aad E. P. CaldweU toad ta tee tloa IL township south, rang I aet: II- August ssd llnlds laakoeslf Is Aadrew C Kelnbofer, 40 acre of tloa SI. township aoutk. raag I east It. COO, William A.' Lyad to Jasses Roots- . eon sad Martha Roblnaoa. tracU XL. It. Willamette tracts; 11.104. I'nlted Stair t Aleiaader E Marks, III acre of aectWis 30, less ahlp 4 sowth. range 1 east; PsUst E M snd Myrtle M. Miller to J. W. Reed, kK T. block II. EsUcsda, 110. CHILDREN ENJOV SHOW.' Levem Brooks Obeervee Birthday By Giving Tbestr party. A orttv eartv ess gives St tb rtrnoka rosldeoce. 414 -Water treat, Saturday afteraooa. la hoaor of Batf Lovera' tenth birthday. Tbe beset wa beanllf-.lly ecorsld wKh etT" green. Christ maa bell, and Mlf. Tbe guests aasembled st the 1 o'clock. At 4 o'clock the little bowest Invlteo hot guest to tie Klectr Tbeatr where they eakiyed a pros ram 1 hi oa of tb dellshlful time th youngster M stent, as .heir hostess nterUiarf them in a royal manner. Prceent aero Maude Lagesoa. wr Inn lUrrn Htldar Mrer.. V"" ti, . ..it . , ii, I. m ,hr Rnllv lloitak CUra Nobel. Croa Wells Csnpbsfl. Victor Juatla, Danny hjoot. v Jastl snd Corbla Peters, of Fen land. .' , MISS CHARMAN ENTtRTAIMS Bachelor OMs Ari Oetlghtfully l rtalnad. Miss Jn Charmaa was ess of tbe meeting of tne Olrl which waa held st W W" ..." .. ..... . . rvntsr ser ninth ana stain eirv. , tt alng. The evening was do " Dutch whlat. tbe prise being Mia Loula Walker. Rrrrsso- . . i .v. aeenlag 1" house decorations were of carjs--th-niums. . 'fMBt Tboa attending were - Caufleld. Mlaa Clara T. Ixulse Walker. Mis N'- Mia KUIo. King. Miss I".Jij Mlaa Belle 'Natuey. M , Prtt, Miss Wynn llnny my Elltabel Rooej . eat Ar eoa.nbwnberjo2; ma aad lX U w 7"' " -" . .. , ft ..4laIS . I ampul " mmw-. T Rhetfciatism ana moa .' tine direction --- f thouaanda Write tor tratl bookie, to?: . Hot Lak ana...-- ta method empr.-- -Lake Saaatorlum U albl aa It Is toeeted 're ly on the mala lt O-vT R. A N- rall-W. specUl eicurskw r ,. to b had at H ,m' :, eata. g aia tut regatta r ' s 0 0 i.