Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1911)
; "C'.r i.: ?. ,-r liOBNIHO CNTJDJ2PHlSiC, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1911. 7-; ;o ' Hen's Suit and Overcoat TaUl 0nllmn, wh va eey w ..n'l yUB9 "' I " ,h, ,lr 2. snd tailored garment, ahap . aivlaa anal Dilttrni. ' . . iur elalhlna danarlmant. J. LEVITT oJt Oat Window! Suspension Bridge Corner ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS I0 REWARD tha arteet aa conviction m i any ("""a or pereooe. who rBUfullr rtnoft copia ol The Lornlnt- Kuterprle from la Va of aubaorlb.ra aiar haa bo plaoed Uara by NalHleg Delef. Taa- want to marry my daegbferr I" What ara your proepectaT" -Wfl. I have a rtcb unci." -Han! I iiadereUJid a la l gev W-qofeU kUt" LOCAL DRICrS I W A. Joaaa. of aUrawla. vaa la bti diy on bualaora ttaturday. mak hryant. of Canbf. waa jooi tka Orrm CHf laltora Bat- irtay. Jubm parka, a ahlncW mill man, of ktarada. aa la tbka clly Friday on milaia. MIm Dairlla Hoffman, of Naw Era. iu lha mat of tha hoana of Wallaea Urt Wrdnaaday nod Tauradaf. C KrtiUum, of Bkilarada, waa la aia clly oa liualnoaa Raturday, and u r(lair4 at too Elactrle llotal. Mr II B. Tvaoatl and dauahtara. Urt. H. M (Srahaa and Iralnla. of Kland. wf r ' im tWa etty rrMay. ta of Mra. Qrorfa Oardnar. Mra. II Kniar. of tbla city, left rnday avrnlnc fir Baa rranclaoo, l, bra aha wfll apand tha wlatar tlk dauihtrr, Mra. Harry Cllna. Mra. J. Krhati. of portlaad. la In IM clly vlaltlnc at tha bonta of Mr. ui Mra. Jarob Hrbala, of Oraora point Mra. BrbaU la mothar of Ua Mra Mia HMfhL formarty of Or- Voa Cltr. but now of Portland, waa Kultlrn at tha homa of Mr. and Mra. N. (iroenman and with olbar VrWadi Baliirday. a ktlaa Hannah Rlromaraca. formerly M lhl rlty, but now a prafaaalonal marmA .ir um vuncimm via mi nrvn Pndlnc tha paat alx woaka In Or ra uh hr aunWand unci. Mr. and urt. Auiuat BtromRriwn, or loiion, aa with h.r frlind. Mra. T. W. uritr nan. of ihla rltr. haa returned bom. T)i 11 n ..a I Tkftnkivlvlnv markeL - n Huh alii w.i.i in tm .imrrli rar- i ' unit ttt ihv ten. Tu day afternoon, Noamlar H. neamninic at 1 o'clock: Tbere win w anme-mailn mlnra meat, pla, oaha. brad. nlutn mutillnr randv. etc.. on ate at muaonabla price. u. ..j n n u and .. "iii, mm. nuj vn mm W rm f n 1 1 n. KI .1 1 V who a r-n at IllllalMiro, where they m to attnnd tha wetddins or laiaa Orare Iiath'and Mr. Walter Oalloway. which waa aolamnlieit WadncadaT wnlnir, have returned , to Oregon uty. The bride la the niece or Mr. Horton. Mr. and Mra n VL Tabor and two ohlldrrn. Ilainl and AeU arrived in Ornrnn bvM.m ...nltif ind will lhfr home at Meldmm, where r. Tahor haa ptirchaaed property, anu Wo In. la contemplatlnR erecting n nn to dnie home for bla family. At Praimit thrv an tha mania Of Mr. i' bor'l nn pnla ILf m .n.1 Mra R N. "abor, of Meldrum. - I'" .1 ... , . Wftlu ii is; iai M WebsterS New iNTERtnOraAL 7 nirnvnY a I V llvlatriaaa THE &iEUUAn WEBSTER? Beraaaa W OHIA . TIS)H. aoewrtna every laid of the world -a taeuahi, action aad eultore. ye tmabrtdaad diotwaaary n many yaanj BecBBM f aTeataea over 4iee),ee - Wwrewi more than ever batore ipiiiailf between two ovara. ereo J'Mgee. eoco II ioatratfaaa. 4 D BM.ugttbltoaab-dlotiourr 2!f with the are dlWlad Page. A "SOaJka of Qonlua." Hlita ,toi a atagl Taluxaa. it la awtad by the nM. sWaiaole aad raaa.A a awawesa tberffw. Bacaaaa ka kaow i-t tu you abomt thla new work. Becantt hav tha beat eelected stock of mean every word of 0ur Ovaroosta retaining front a and hava In ttock for ihv.m. lino Nlolmen A Llndborg HIOH CLASS TAILORING KX Sailing Bids, Portland. Ptiona Main tltl. Half Car Load Best Imported German Deer (Pilsner, Muocben and Worzburf.) For sale by bottle at LV Rtf Cornell's 6f9Matn AMONG THE CHURCHES plret Saptlat Church Main and Ninth etreete B. A. Hayworth. paator. Praarhlng by the paator at 10 a. m. and 7:10 p. m. rTvenlng aubject, -The Men and Religion a Forward Movement" Oe'man Lutheran Church (Ohio aynodi Rev. H. Mau. paator. Bar elcea will be belA al 10: to a. m. Bundav acbool at S.I0 a. m. CatMeMo Corner Water and Tenth atreeta. Rev. A. Hlllebrand paator. realdence til WaUr; lo Maaa a. m . vttb aermon; High Maaa 10:10 a. m.; afternoon eervlce at t- Maaa everr morning at I. Drat Cengregatlanaf Church George Nelaon Kdeenia, iaaior. eervloe 10:10, aubject "A Fruitful li,.... h-- Bundar arbool at 11.(0: aarvlra at 7:30: Men'' ilrotherhood night eermoa "Bland i- i..ln.i tha Drift." rirat Church of Chrtat. Belenttat. Ninth and Center atreeia Lawni ..rmnn 11-. Hundav ochnol Immed iately after tha aermon; Wedneaday evening meeting at I. German ivanjellcal Corner Eighth and Madlaoa atreeta. Rev. r. uri.uiirb naator. realdence 711 " i. - r II ad I eon: Bunday achool It a. m Herman Bchrader, Monroe alreet. ....r.m.nd.nt: morning 11; Young People at 7 P. m. and preaching at I p. m.; prxr Gladstone ChrtatlenRav. A. H. Mul- key, paator: Hibie arnooi a. iv -ro ; preaching at 11 and I. Mountain View Union tcongreaw tlonal) Bunday acnooi a v Mra J. H. Qulnn. auperlntendent; Bible Study every Thuraday after. (JlJ It. Mathodlat Iplaoopal Church Rev. E. r. Zimmerman, paaior. achool at 1:45. Preaching by the paator at 10:45. flrat preebyterlan gnurcn n. J R. Undaborougn, miniir. . day achool at 10 o'clock, Mra. W. u Oreen. auperlntendent: worahlp at 11 : evening worehtp at 7-10. . . p.rfcDlaea Congregational Rev. J. L Jonel paator. raaldanca Clackamaa: Chriatlan Endeavor Thuraday evr nlng 7:0. Bunday achool 10, fcmary " " . i.i.,' Breaching nrencn auytj. uiii-.i , ."vlcSa Sunday, a frn.tlng between 11 a. m. anu Jm;. at Paul-a Protaatant Eplacopal ... w ni.inaiin. rector: r::,rh.r.v,: v .. mm nrarer 10:30; holy eucharlat ana prayer nr.Tcr ,nd aer- aermon, n, . H - mon. 7:30; Bunday arhool 12. Spec ial aervlca In tne evru.n - 11; Y. P. 8. C. E 6 p. m.. evening wmimatt.7- M. .-Nor.,ra..r preach- Ing aervlcea: sunanj - ' " " n..m mnerlntendent. SS pV V.nce 720 Jrff & 10:30; .vonlng 7:5; ' . . ...... i n m. IUtner ijeva"" . Waa Oragen C.ty School Hou.. mon BIG RECEPTION TO BE CIVIH HAWLEY (Continued from PM board the Bteamer Oragons. srfrlnt t Or.on City th aam. afternoon ,nd remaining that evening " . . h.v. Upon Congreaa- or te iouo-... -- . man Hawley". rrturt , to tt I. cj T I will bring your letter to m " Th"e Morning Enterprise ! In re ceipt of the following kilter from Mr. Hawley'a aecrer7i f favor or tne jn rcisu your lav will very ',r ffif and will k,nd 'rd 'be "ntTn. be very glad to be , wres rmber M." . Read th Morning gt.Vrl. Wants, For Sde,EtL taaarMd mm mi Oarfi '"am, a aaaa oiawiioai v4kf M aare. St -my. MM MjaaMVu suae H war saaaaBB, mi apa i.VwUTl.. snr Ma "" ran 1 1 alaiajty ar erraaa. ikw WTra iiimr fir. iurrMU4 l win a. artal.4 tmr 91 irm Mtairawa Waa IM WANTSD. WANTED Tourlate and local people Jo i-a my collection of arrow-head's colua, ludlaa trmkoU, i!d atmpj aud cutlua of i.! aorta. Will bu or aoll In tbia liua lliva aoraa Rood . bariaioa lu aund baod furoltura and tcMila. r,aori Voun, Main t., naar Klflb. v .-. - rort sale. KOIl SALK-Ovnila pony, good coudl Hon, bunny aud baroaaa, f3S. I'houa OrKOD Cliy, Mala 1261. FOU HAljr by ('. II. IJvaaay, carload of Trojau powdar, Juat recalvad. FOUND. KOUNLK A nilult or marten boa on Main eireeL Owner mar haa amne by calling at orrtre of If. 8. Clyde, 1003 Main airyet and oeylnf cbargea. ' ABM LOANS. FARM LOANM Dtinlck at Dlmick, Lawyera, Oregon City, Or. ATTOBNtYm. O. D BBT, AUorayt-Lw. Maaay loaaetl. abatraaU AirlaSC- laaW UUaa omnia fa. aataUe aetUed, raj law aaiaaea. Ow Baauk al Oregon City. U'MJSN a SGHUBBBU Altera) aye-at Law. AdewiiAt. wiM nea Uae la ail aourta, aeeke aeilaatlnan prtae BM Oaawa CXtr. SUILDf B AMD COTaiACTOaV- HARJtT JONBS Burtdar and OejaeraJ Ceatraotor. BvtimaMe eaaerfany atraa oa all elaaeee ttt VafMlBg work, aoaereu wacka ana rataforoad aeaaureta. Rea. PVtaw MaSa 11V INSUNANCC. "6HAn1nq AND PBtSSlNa" CHICAGO TAILORS aulU made to order from 110 and np. Wa amo ao cleaning, preealng aad repairing. Tnree doora aouth of poatoffce. MUSICIANS. J. ALU A 8AGER. teacaer of wind and tHn. inatrnmenta. director oi nana and orcheatra. - Will furnlaa mulc for any occaalon. Call at Electric HoteL LOST. t aot rwk har aad die horae. weight about 150, bald face and two white hind feet; wire cut on iroui foot $10 reward. Noury u. Bblpley. Wlllametta. FOR RENT. B. H. COOPBR. Per Tire taaaraaar aad Real Batata. IM wa hiaali yeaar aewaaarttwa wa taay, aaSl aaaf Blag. Ovate Otty. Oreejeav 1 . SB1aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn You can't make money by waiting ttntii oppoftiwity has passed, it is calling yon now to MULINO. ; v The majority of f ortones thfoughotit the country have been made thfotigh the increase in real estate values - s. Mulino has two stores, ' a blacksmith shop a school a church, a shingle mill a fjf and a flour mill. A railroad will be completed to Mulino in six months, don.t you ihink that a . iiealthy start for an infant? Buy in Mulino now the prices will be double by the time the railroad lis there Terms easy, a little down and alittleeach month. Let us know when you wish to see it. we will call for you, no expense to ya Mulino Townsite Company. Incorporated; Room 9 . Beaver Building, Oregon City. Telephone month: board If dealred Apply X. car JCoUrprlaov- LAND FOft SALI. HIOlC 11 A GOOD BARGAIN. 6 ACRES, on tbo rich flat above Caae- inah, aa than a mile from te car; the paclBe Highway along aide of It; aldewalk Into Oregon City; beat of airawberry, fruit and garden land; all cleared and in nneat aula of cultivation; plenty of fruit for family uae; eeven room bouaa, plaatered an J In good condition; good barn with wagon abed, large chicken park with houaea, fine well of water, land all fenced and adapt ed for Intenaa cultivation, build ing! cannot b conatructed for $1 100; the land la worth $100 per acre; my price will make aome body aome money. One thouaand dollara givee a. purchaaer poaaea alon and the Utlauce of 12.600 may run to ault at 4 per cent IntereaL No trade for tbla considered. If you have 'city property to ei cbange for acreage I have aeveral tracta ranging from 2 I S acrea to 00 and 100 to axchange for Income city property. JOHN W. IjODEH, Bona fide owner. Attorney at law, Oregon City, Or., Prealdent of Title and Invoatment Co., Clackamaa County abatractera. J'bone Fac. t34 and It. Home U-36. ' NOTICES. Notice of Final Account. N the County Court for the 8ta4e or Oregon, Clackamaa County. In the matter of the aetata of John M. Oranam, di-ceaaed. Notice la hereby given that A. B. Graham, A. W Graham, R. D. Mor rill and William Andreaen, executor of the eat ate of John M. Graham, dfceaaed, hava made and filed In the County Court of the Bute of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa, their final report of tha ad mlnlatratlon of an Id estate; and that the Hon. R- B. Beatle, Judge of aald Court, fixed the 27tta day of November, 1911. aa the Ome for hearing aald final report, but upon petition from aald -exeeutore,- ex tended aald time to and fixed aald date on the 2th day of December, 1911. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of aald day and date, at the County Court, House, In Oregon City, Oregon. And all persons having objection to the approval of the aame. are hereby notified and required to pre sent aame to aald Court on or before aald 2th day of December, 1911. A. B. GRAHAM. A. W. GRAHAM. R. D. MORRILU VM. ANDRES EN, Executor. Data of Bret publication 26Ut day of November, ltll. Data of last publication 24th day of December, ltll. WESTBROOK A WESTBROOK. Attorneya, Portland. Oregon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. U C. and Tracy Lowe to frank Davenport. 15 acres of aedtlon 80. township J aouth, rang 5 eaat; $1. Martin and Minnie Bonflg to Charlaa Blakeley. land In lot Whlt comb O. tU X. townahlp 1 aouth. range 1 eaat; 15.000. F. and Majrace Aianaoa. f Charles Delfal. 110 acraa of section 16. ton ahlp 7 aouth, range 4 .aat; $10. ir mnA Ann K. ItlaCB tA L J. Ned'd, 10 acrea uf aectlon 15. wn ahlp 4 aouth, range 1 eaat; IU&0. i t .nd Mabel kf. Medd to E. B. Miller! 10 acrea of aectlon 16, town ahlp 4 aouth. range J eaat; i - Lenora C. Atwater and Henry At. water to Arthur B. Bel lay, lota I, a, IS, 12, It. tract 2 Woodmont; i.HH. Hilda Tooxe to frank C. Ball, lot I laC. T. Tooce Addition to Oregon Cliy; 110. Oeorge K. Wlcklund and Caroline Wlrklund to A. Moaer, 10.1 acrea of P. Welch, a L C; ajao aicept 10 acrea of .aectlona I, 10, IS, It. town ablp t aoutb, range S eaat; 10. (1. B. and Emma PottraU to O. P. Pottrats, HO acraa of aectlon 27, town hlp 4 aoutb, range 1 eaat; $100. UtIAL SERVICE TO BE HELD BY ELKS Tb first annual Memorial Service of Oregon City Lodge, No. 1189, Bene volent and Protective Ordr of Elks, ! will b held In thla city at tha Con gregational Church, Sunday evening, December 3. Oregon City Lodgo was Instituted March 4, 1910, and no Mem orial aervlce was held laat year, the members attendlnr .the service 'oft Portland Lodge of Elaa. The uabere for the service are Harry Drlaper, H. B. Moody, W. R. Logus and Tom P. Randall. The following program haa been arranged under the direction of C. W. Evana: Opening ceremonies Krotbers or tb uoage Dr. Clyde Mount, Exalted Ruler Opening ode Brothers of tha Lodge. Invocation i rv. r. W. Roblneon Contralto aolo. "Abide With; Me".. , 8. Laddie Mlaa Elizabeth Rooa Quartet, "Not Dead but Bleepeth" , wmie J. W. Altaock, H. J. Keating. J. A. Tanacher, A. W. Ludbury Memorial ad dree ....J, Bro. George L. Hutcbln. Portland Lodge. No. 12 rntraitn aolo. "Calvary." (bv re quest) C Rodney Mra- Nleta Barlow . Lawrence "The Night of Reat" Parka Oregon Mala Quartet Eulogy , Bro. Jamea H. Cary Baritone aolo. "Evening and Morn ing" Max 8ptcker Mr. J. A. Tauacher Closing ceremonlea The Lodge "One 8wet Solemn Thought".... Johnson Orecon Male Quartet Hymn. -Nearer, -My God. To The)" Benediction Ber. C. W. Roblnaon. s R. II. TAB6R TO BUILD m at in Mr. and Mra. R. ft Tabor, who aold tbelr farm at Mount Pleasant about one year ago, and who ar now liv ing at Meldrum, have decided to build a bungalow on a one-acre tract, which they recently pure baaed at that place. Thla will be one of the moat up-to-date and modern homea ml Mel drum. Tha house will hav a recei Uon haO. living room with fireplace, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, bath, etc, Th "building will be of two stortee. the aleeplng epartmenta opening from a hallway. There also will be a Bleeping porch, aeven feet wide and M..L. BOTMAN ye Offer For CnmhmaHon No. 1 4 full quart bottles of Monogram whis key $3.00 Combination No. 2 4 full quart bottles of Sunny Trail and 1 bottle of wine gratis $4.00 Combination No. 3 2 full quart bottles Spring whisky bottled nnvpmmpnt nrwrvi;irn. 1 bottle brandy xV f wn W a va. w at a m ar v w w . aaavaa J and 1 bottle delicious Port wine $4.00 Combination No. 4 1 bottle King Hill, bottle Priiice Albert, 1 bottle best Cognac and 1 bottle Cream of California Port $5.00 When you are in Portland ye want you" to make bur store your head quarters use our phone -let usexlecd you any reasonable courtesy and hsip make your visit most pleasant. Largest and best equipped Liquor House west of Chicago. Spring Valley Vine Co. Entire Corner 2nd and Yjunhfil Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Retaember We tourtees feet long. The veranda, froniang tha hwuae wtH be eight by twenty-eight feet, and tha bach porch, which will be acreened, will be eight by ten feet. Th house is to be light ed by electricity. Mr. Tabor la ao perintendlng th building of th house. ' 1 Patroarbks or adverOaara. Agent ft HaB Vrr- Valley in bond under Ptcpay Qpressl HARRY ClACat INDICTED. Harry Clark, tie klf breed, cihaajg ed with atajaJIng mail of clothaag from Joeeoh Andrwwa, aa rndiaa. jM Inllt Ko tk. bMni l. BjW Indicted by the Jwry FridsTy. He waa glvan plead. DO YOU KNOW that th KnterpttW year-end Bargain Period la now on? See ad oat back nag for DarUcular. 'i "J v ; X 1 J -i