MOItNINO BNTKKPKISKL SUNDAY. 28. ! t:oarJL:S ETITECrSISE St ta. ROME, tdto had PwMtefcee. earr ." 11 11 'nUTmmmt ' mMtZ Vt CW an. BaSar DM M tl Ml ; Tcwu tr tMJctirms, Oa Tear, Wy T ky a stt. aM PRICE OF TU1EYS PKG TO TRADE CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Mm bv. mt ata neat rim kat took 444 PtWWrr4 . aualtM ae . er IM bwllM Preserved aeaitl-Bi IM fcw teeh ...IM . Mt BM Weals, far wX In m ihrr tea tin wck mt teak rum Mw mm) .haa Are Mt tea 1MM... I .ar Dm; ta ragwtar Ta fteat. wer flre MM MMIUawL katee far oVartlaauf kiwaian wtu daily, far aaartnna tar the weekly. WTMre tka ev la tiaafnn frem tat auy se tke kr. wujrt ki eke Weekly ant ikmil tl aa ksefc tmr rmm of the bm fne i oU aaal Hi ra will ke a mmt. Wa le aa Item. akeuM MtaBMar erer where kaewe n ffla) at irartee. tka Wmu LaeJ aSiaiUataa- at ataa. , CVeoe eaVetttetaa- ui aaeetel eaVartlata at Ma to Mt aa In ah. aaistal rralllteas "Tn Mto" ul aakraa Mia- Unr Winita xte tack lira kisntiaa; a. 4al taartlnai eaaae Burner SVa MK MM HnM aiMl wall aiHia WrtJalaa taraat to tonal veaSaiw. af aIL wttk ana aa Uai awaytoa. Mlnnl la pntsax j CITY OFFICIAL NIWIfANR. THC MORNING ENTERPRISE W ) Ml at the following store every 47 : -- Haatley Broa Drag -)v- ' Mala 8trt- . : i. W. McAaatty dim .- 8TU and Mala. .'KB. AndeTSOB, " Mala a ear 81x1X0 , M. K. Doaa Coafectlooary Nut door to P. Ov. t ctty Drc tor ' KUetrl HMaL Slall Olkftltnaaij SwBU a4 X Q. AiUML ' w PCKIUI OF AUTHORftHIF. . -,' Soma of Woodrow Wllatm'k Demo cratic rtrala tor Um praaidentlaj cu didacy ara glad taat aa wtou a book. beCmUM that "book la gattlnc kba lato trottbU la tka Soatk, la on paaa&x la It. la spoaklac of Um flcbt at Hamp ton Roada ta 1S3 batwaen tka Moni tor aal tk llarrlmae. which waa call ad tka Vtrglala hr tka Confederation at tkat tiaa, WUaoa'a book amid: "Ob tka Kk of kUuck tkaaa two aoval craft ww da trial . of wack otkar, aad tka TtrfJala waa worated." Tkla az pTaaaloa, which haa apparcatly Jmn to Vckt. aaa called out aa lo ut rotaat from a resident ot ', Portamoatk, , Va, who aara ka ai tka aaeooBtar. who deaias tkat tka Virginia waa beaten, aad who adds If tkia la the war a Vlrglnla-boni kla ' tortan write her klatory. may tka lrd dellTer aa from another tuck. Technically, Historian Wilson waa wrong, bat morally be waa right. ' Foiled by the Monitor la her pnrpoae to sink the wooden frigate Minnesota, then aground, and baited in her ca reer of destruction by the Monitor, - the Virginia retreated back to Norfolk, and when that place was abandoned by the Confederates they blew her up. But the Virginia saw that the Moni tor waa more than a match for her. aad she did not renew the conflict. The shipping In Hampton Roads were safe from attack by the transformed Merrlmac from the adreat Of Erlcs- aon "cheese box on a craft." anj. Hi teriaa Wilson haa truth on bia aid ta saying that tka Virginian was "worsted;" 'deepit tka anlbble that la raisett against him. But Candidate Wilson la not In a position to defend himself. Many Southern newspapers condemn him for these crorda. Referring to the Ports month man who attacked Wil son, the Richmond Times-Dispatch aaya tkat that particular person "de Berres the tbanka of all the old so dlers of the Confederacy and all the people of the South for his many de fense of the truth of history." Aad poor Wilson Is unable to say a word In his own justification, and nobody else seems to be going to bis defense. If the Democratic National Con r mo tion were held today this unfortn- At the Portland Theatres LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT The arte of torkeya la more mysti fying thaa erar, while a small amount ot sale bar been made In Portland at i3o to SSc a pound tor select ad dressed birds, few sales were reported. The same prices ' pre rail la Oregoa City. As a rule receivers -were not anx ious to let go; la. fact, some of the leading kaadlers refused to make a price. Receipts In Portland were quite fair again, but were not nearly as L heary aa soma bad expected. The balk of tka shipmeata ta due Monday Tke formal Thanksgiving price will be set Monday morning. Owing to the fact that consumers bare their Ideas set for low priced turkeys tkla season. It is not believed tkat the market eaa be forced very high. It la stated tkat oa ot tke leading packers baa been offering and Ulng selected dressed tarkeys to the trade for Thanksgiving delivery at X2c to 1 3c a pound. Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa follows: Fruits, VeaeUblea. DRIED FRUITS (Baying) Prunes oa bests of 1-t pounds for 43- HIDES (Buying) Greea hides. So to Sc; saiters. (c to Cc; dry hides. 12 10 14c; sheep pelta, SM to ?&c sack. Msy, Grain, Feed. HAT (Buy lug ) Timothy, $11 to IIS: clover, t to $; oat bay. best. $ to 110: mixed. f to Sit; alfalfa. $15 to Il(-&0 OATS (Buying) Gray. J7 to fit: wheat. 2S to :; oil meal, t S3; Shady Brook dairy feed, tl-XS par loo pounds. FEED (Selling) Shorts. $27 to $28: rolled barley, $27.50: .process oar ley, ijso: wnoie corn. 137; cracked corn. $3S; white, $26 to $27; bran $27 to $2. . Batter, powltry. Egos. FLOTJR It SO to tU(. BUTTER (Baying) Ordinary country butter. 26c to SOc; fancy dairy, SOc: creamery, SOc to 15c. POULTRY (Buying) Hens. Sc to So. EGGS Oregon ancb eggs, 40c to 45c 8ACK VEGETABLES Carrota. $1.25 to $1.5 per sack; parsnips, SL2S to $1.50; turnips, $L26 ta SL60: Prunes, oa basis of l-4c for 46 and SOc; beets. $1.50. beets, flo POTATOES Beat baying S5c to $1 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon. $1.16 to $1.60 per hundred; Aastrailaa, $2 par kaadred. Livestock, Meats. BEEP (Live weight) Steers. 6c aad Stte; cows, 4 a; bulla, S lie' VEAL. Calves bring from Se U lie, according to grade. MUTTON Aeap, Sc an SHo: lambs, 4 and Se. HOGS 126 to 140 pound bogs. lJc and lie; 140 to SO pounds. 10c and WHO. MISS GAY GIVEN SURPRISE. Parents Give Delightful Party m Heme In Glsdstene. . A surprise party was gtven at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gay, of Gladstone. Friday evening In honor of their daughter. Evelyn. Game and music were tka feature of the evening aad refreshments were serv ed. Thoee attending ware . Misses Pansy Oswsld Muriel Davis. Msble Chase, Mable Blades. GersJdlne Hast ings, Francis Cross. Evelyn Osy. Dorothy Gay; Leonard Williams. Hugh Olds, Monroe Ettera, Theodore Lewis, Leland Gay. Willie Davis. De Lyle Davis. Chartl Bladen. BUly Gay. William McMakon and Ralph Johnson, ' ,v k ! 3 f 1 t 1 s- i , I Yr ''.; ! .... kv - k'r-' iX:S-" 1 - Vat"' ' l-avVVN'- ' (VaVA -": -THE EARL Of PAW- KATHCRINE EMMET WITH THE COMEDY. TOCKtT, AT HEILIO THEATRE John Con preeents the Ininttsbie English setor. Lawrence O'Orssy. at me Heuig .TAestra, Seventh and Taylor streets. Sunday, Men day, Tuesday nights, November 2 27 and 7., N mstlnee. .-X "The Earl of Pwwtucket mets the former wlf of his friend whom he had admired when be met her ta Europe. But k la In Ignor , are 1 bat aha la divorced from tbla very friend, and unennrimily starts a areet deal of fun whan be an- Joba Cort will pre sent Lawrence D'Orsay. the actor with a personality of his fcwa, la Augustus Thomas' coaa ady of laughs, The Earl of Paw. tcet. at the Hrlllg theatre. 8ev- nounces thai be la Ike real Amert. enth and Taylor streets, three nights. ' eaa whose name he has assumed. beginning gondsy. November M. In ) The reMtlvea of the wife and the ah thla remedy the mannerisms, accent ' sent husband an adi in the fun anted English accenL oueer wav of which haa a ka nnv eutmtnatkin In the Eari. the refinement of speech the perspective marriase of tlx visit. and the unconscious humor are all a Ing Englishman and the lady of bis delight. The lines of the comedy are 1 chee. witty and D'Orsay la so acreamlnrlv 1 ThU end Is only resrhrd sfter funny that one can laurh telllcei'lv ' Piitrh tmitble and mnv compllra- and be on good terms with one's self tor laughing. Ths story of the com edy is araaslng. the chief chsracter ', Is that of an English Esrl mssquerad- I Ing la New Tork at the Wsldorf-As- j Hon svt the fart that the Earl gets more trifled at every turn, without In tn lesst being disturbed by his sltustion. adds much to the brilliant V .. . . .k. fl k . I 1 Huniw vi lu rooiaiT. idi Dim m i tona wnoer the nave Of sn Americsh Is s rerv aenslblw akrf a traetive la. Mend. He fondlv Imaaines thai bn t eriran alrL and Lord rardinrtnn. English drawl and stride are safely with sll his mannerisms, ahnwa that bidden under aa occasional American be Is verv much of a man not In tka twang and expression. lesst commonplace but possessing a Daring his stay In America he character and personality of his own. cla"; (alght), "Mat. DutterflT"! Fri day (alght), Deo. 1. -TbaJs," Irst tint la Port land; Saturday (matinee) Deo. t "Rlgolstto"; Salaries (alght). Dee. I. "CavaUerta RusUcana aad Pssllsccl." (double bill) I Sunday, (aignt). De. S, "Tkala-r Moaday. (night). Dec. i "Samso aad Delilah." "Saint Usens) Brsl time la for lead; Tuesday (nlghl), Dec . a. "Tkals"; Wedueedsy (matinee). D& 1 Mme, Uutterfly": Wednesday (night). "Carmen." Hneclal nrlcea will irevall for the matinees. Tb seat ssle opens Tues day, Nov. SS, . "CHECKERa AT THE BAKER. Famous Rae Track Cemedy Oaene unday for a Week. Checkers will beam Its engsge- meat at tb Bsker Sunday matinee, and will continue sll eeeli with mat- tnees Wednesday. Thanksgiving Day. sud Saturday, and the playgoers or this city who do not see this popular play will miss a trval. Checkers- is not merel a raoing drama, aa 11 has so frequently been described. It la a slice of eriUy life, human liad and nut uihii the slags. The very elements of existence as 11 is f WHY A STATE UAlU A Elate Sank task aetklag af th curtly afrerded by aevemment k, rvlalen. It la wneW (ha direct aen t'el f the Slat Ssnklna Deeertmsnt, and aubjeet t rigid periodlsal tsaav laatlen af Us eiiesrt audlters, wke see tkat all tb law safeguarding de peslra ate semplled with, Tb aafsly f yeur Interests la as sured at The Bank cf Orcca City OLDEST BANK III THE COUNTY ' U fl LATOUJaMTTB p. a. Maris. THE FIRST NATIONAL BMC of OREGON CITY, OREGON OAPiTAU Tr. I ftenklee Owe) freea A, M. M.g ..' I..; ;4"ff lo'.'- 4V, '1 4-K ' ' 9 ' SCENE FROM ACT II IN TMt GOLDEN SUNDAY, MATINEE, NOV. SSTH. GIRL COMPANY." BUNGALOW THEATRE, WEEK COMMCNCSs (SPECIAL THANKSGIVINS MATINEE.) Ths Gel dan GirT Neat Week. The new musical comedy success. -Tb Golden Girl" by 1 lough. Adams Howard, tb autbora of "Tb Girt Question." lloneymooa Trail." "Stubborn Cinderella." The GUI at the Helm.' cornea to the Baker all thla week, starting Buaday matinee. Tke company la beaded by Mr. Carl ton King, who la known for kla clev- er Impersonations of tb college type, ad la the character of Jsfferaoa Car ter, a yeaxllng cadet at wat point, be haa ample scope ta display bis ability aa a eotnedlaa. la aerariag the aerrtee of Mia VlrglaU Drew for the role of the "fiend. the manage Mat, W. P. Cnllen. baa foaad aa Ideal actreea. weU Sited for the dif ficult part tkat runa I he gaunt af acting from Ugbt comedy to heavy 1 Right In Their Line. There are Iwa authors whom every chiropodist ought to have In bis li bra ry." "Wk are tbeyT" "Foot aad Banysn. of course, sta pld." BsJtlmere American. t Aeteuisurai. sVotbeV-Tea. dhnny. the quean bee ts boas. Johtiny How about the '.pre idehtlsl bee-New Tork Van Hellig Theatre Seventh and Taylor Streets. Phones Mala 1. and A-fl. Sunday, Monday snd Tuesdsy "Nights, "November 26, 27 and 28. (No MaUnee.) John Cort presents The Inimitable English Actor. LAWRENCE D'ORSAY. Excellent Company Magnificent Pro duction. Prices: $1.50. $1, 75c, 50c. Seats now selling. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. nate expression would probably turn 7 Nights 3 Mstfnces of Grand Opera doxena or scores of Southern di-le gates from him. On sacb a point the South is sensitive, and nothing which Wilson could aay would dlmlnlxh its wrath. Perhaps the noise on this de tail may die out before delegates be gin to be elected. There la a pons Mllty, however, that somewhere else In his account of the Civil War the South may discover some other re mark 'which may assail Ita prtJe. " In the Opinion of Armenians there la something new tinder the sua when the Tdrks protest against cruelties la warfare. ; A California town la proposing to operate a municipal saloon and tak all the profits. Tb Idea of public ownership seems to be marching on. Nothing Is too' good for the Cbi ne the emperor baa decided to grant everything that may be de manded by "Veritas," "Old Subscriber- and "Vox populL" - 1 i 1 Tka new land thrown up near the ' ' ' " 4a H f-e neighborhood Season 'ISeglnnlng Thursdsy Afternoon, November 30. (Thanksgiving Day.) LAMBARDI GRAND OPERA CO. 125 People 125 35 Orchestra 35 Following are operas and dates: Thursday, Matinee, Nor. 30, "Lucia Thursday, night, Nov. 30, "Madame Butterfly." Friday, alght, Dec. 1, "Thais." Bsturday, matinee, Dec 2, "Rlgo- ltto." t Saturday, nlgnt, Dec. 2, "Cava- lleria" TagllAcco." Sunday night, Dec. 3, "Thala." Delilah.'' Monday night, December 4, "8am son and Delia." Tuesday, night, Dec t, "Thala." Wednesday, matinee, Dec. "Mad ame Butterfly. Wednesday, night, Dec. 6, "Car men." Prices: Evenings $J, $1.60, $1, 75c and 60c All Matinees $1.(0. $1, 75c, SOc. Seat aal opens Tuesday, Nor. 28, 10 a, m. ' Ceenlng t Haltlg, . Al laiv mm 1 I I -,.. ,v.V ' ' ' ft-, ,'r.: ,. 4't a ' .' f 1 j: - .6. '.v-A.V(i . 1 'is-. !r ....v'V-'v'" - 'I'L ('- i'-' (.;'''. I; . , f '-','. K .(-" ' ' ' i . dramatic situations. The Ikrat aj mas leal Buss bar, "Wins, Woaaa tat Song," 1 Waat t Fight Ua Br aad "The India Love Soar" ara dj produced with magaloceat cort ana; woaderful tlgkt enact and surpos stage stttloga Tke chorus art s eepUooally clever singers gal ers. MaUnea all! also at Thursday (Taaaksglvtng Pay) ad Saturday. oa the broad tkorougafarea ot the nation are blended la- "Check ers." It shows the Idealism, tb hops, excitements and frailties ot lire and It shows them without strata, and yet la the cleaa. auproblem like way which make the performance something which everybody may see. "Give every man a aquare chance." ex-President Roosevelt wrote on New Veer's Day, six years ago. That la bat "Checkers' want la the play. He get It and wlna, to tb well assumed delight of tb other charac ters In the play and tba delectation of the people on tbe other aide of the footlights. It Is pleasant to record the rnrcess of Hobart Cavanaugh la the title role, to which be baa been assigned by tbe management for thla tea son's tour of the play. Dave Bra bam, who baa played "Push" Miller, the rsck track tout, stca tbe original production or "Checkers" Is still wits ' the company, so are Joseph Wilkes. ' George Merrltt. Pauline Eberbard.' Miss Florence Heston, the charming "Pert'' In the cast. Is now In her third season. Miss Carri Lamont hss been especially engaged for this sea-' son as Cyntby. A clever and emin ently sstufactory cast throughout la promised. I he Setter Ceuree. A beautiful ir eat lleienlng rather eoldjy bet - feeart rweu0oaa of devtttbta The yuan mse. wbe bad fast uuarreied with but employer aad resigned bis Job, wss saying: "Uow I worship ye: I weald glad ly, gladly lay down my life for yea." "Yea. bat"- And tb girl's red tig curled a little. "Tea, bar." she said, "wouldo't It be better. George. If ye would lay something up for me. se tkat ws might stand some rbaac f get ting married la tbe course of tb b1 few years F Preereetlnelien'e Value, Procrastination , sometimes eavsa a man from making a fool of blmaelt Florida Times-Uc loo. MRS, SCHWAB ENTERTAINS. Haa De- Prlday Night Bridge Club llohtful Meetlno. Mrs. Edward Bchwab entertained the members of the Friday Night Bridge Club at her home Friday eve ning. Cards were the feature of the evening, after which refreshments were served. The next meeting m be at the home of Mra. B. P. Rands r-naay night of this week. mose attending were Mra. E. P. nanas, Mrs. F. W. Greenmsn. Ut. J- II. Walker. Mra. Kdward flchwah mrs. ineoaore Osmond. Mrs. C. n. Iitoiirette, Mra. II. 8. Moodr. Mrs Henry O Malley, Miss Fannie Porter, Mine Kfe Porter, Miss Vara Cau neld and Mlaa Nell' Cauflstd. THE BRICHT SPOTS There is so much in almost any one'i experience that is pleasant and cugrd I j male on happy that il teems very hard to find oitetrtf in any poauon where ih brtght apots da not far outnumber the dark ones. In other words, "there is nothing 10 bad that it might not b wooe." When ihmgs are bad look for lh bright spots. ANOELO ANTOLA, WITH LAMBAR .'. --." HEILIO THEATRE. OPERA COMPANY AT The famous Lambsrdl Grand Opera C -lesny of 100 propl, Includlrg an Pr-.-ers o j musicians will Be n n snoiosmsnt of savan nlnht. with thrss mstlnsss, beginning T Matlnss.) widM;, Nov. 30, (Thanksgiving Osy Grand Opsrs at Helllg. 1 1 I It of T M flrala Milan nrt A upening witb a auperb production O opa. soprano. Others to be heard of Lncl.1, with Udla Lvy, tbe din- rnK tie Helllg theatre en- tlngulshed coloratura soprsno. In the ra-.'eme"t are Rig. Carlo Csrtlca, title role, the Lambardl Grand Opera ' tenor. (last season with the Boston wuiintnr, niw people; win . inaugu- ' rnnrt nneea, romoany): Slg. Salva. rue, un in0Hgivmg aucmoon. at tore Kclarettl lenne. late t h. u.t tb Helllg theatre, Seventh and Tay- ropollUn Grand Opera Company Ha- lor streets, a week'a season of opera that will, without doubt, prove of tin usual Interest to theatre patrons. Tb Lambardl forces now number, among It s list of principal artists, such celebrated aingera aa Deanette Alvlna, the gifted dramatic soprsno. of New Tork and Berlin; Lid la Levy, of Florenc, Italy; Elvira Rosettl, the eminent drsmatlc soprano and hero ine of past Lambardl seasons; r'rlra Cas-. ' r" ' - nor Manuel the tmlntm ri-tnl h trnor; Angelo Antola and tflch!e (llovacchlnl, barltonea: (Museppe Maggl, the distinguished Ital'sn baritone, fsmous for bla tri umph aa Atfhanael, n Massenet sensational "Thsla." Aatonlo Sabelll co and Alceste Mori, bassos. A carefully relected repertoire will be given, containing tbe following Interesting operas f Thursdsy (matin), Nv. SO, "La Sterns Seerewed It, There are many persona who think the Sentence "lie tempera tbe wind to tbe shorn lamb" la U be found In tbe Bible. Too would search tbe Bible pretty thoroughly . before yon would And that aentrnce la IL Where yoa would And It would be In Sterne's "Sentimental Journey." Sterne gets 'a good deal of prslse for tbe origination of tbla sentence, but It wss originated, aa a matter of fat. before be waa born. In a collection of Frenrb proverbs pub llahed In 1584 w find. "Dleo tuesure le ven la brebla tnndne." re ceneerw er His. Wife To be frank wltb yoa, If ye were to die 1 snoold certainly marry again. Husband ire no objectioo. I'm not going to worry about tb troubles of a fellow whom 1 shall never know.-Variety Ufa. CUiLliPO Frederick Maatbey. pleaded fa to a charge of shoplifting hn MP Campbell's Court Saturday, was fMl aa Indeterminate sentence ot S on to seven ears aad aarasl Maatbey admitted that ha bad shea from a department a tors oa S nrday night for almost la yan He baa obtained work and " ran to tb sheriff onee a month for eral years. C Scbuebel apeearat court for Maatbey. N. D. Damara, a FII(pIbo, aal P an McConaell pleaded rmllty ad were given aeniencea of fro) asf aevea year abd paroled. Tks wer charged with ataahog elra Damara la a aal lor aad txpse f leave oa a ship la a few aaya Twe Get First Psse George Lasoff and William AS Roger, who wish to become eK of tb Unltd Statss. wer araw- Ihelr first papers la tha Clerk'a office Saturday. IMITATE NATURE. Many a bill Bower w crushed beneath lh foot of the wayfarer. Nature, nch and mexhaustibte, re places it a hundred aye, a thou, and fold. Imitate nature. Thai to my, do not stop to bemoan lh first effort aa wasted, buffo on lo produce something more. The on who refuses lo be beaten must, tvcntuaOy be the vkIot If you are not reading tha Morning tln why notT Yearnd Bar- e" i ifmiq now on. 8e ad back page on four Hie Name and His Business. I Tb office at tb police atatlon. Inspector tat deski - What's nsmsr Prlaoner-Patrtek McSweeney. "What countryman are your "An Olgsbman." "Wbafa your bnslneasr "An Italian organ grinder."-London Tit Bite. IX) TOO KNOW that tha miam.. yaaivead f-rrMt .p.rlod la aow 0aT S d oa t 1 f, t t r'su-Ira. Vhite Queen Flour Thla Is Tha East flour C1 able. j Uy In Yeur Winter Supply Coal Now. Hay, Grain, Paed and H"" poultry Pa- . . . Oregon m , Commission wd 11TH AND MAIM. Oregon CI- NOT EJtPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Uke. Including medical atuntlon, b-ra, baths, coata no mora than yon would pay to II va at any ' . hotel. Rooma can be had from 78 cnta to $$80 Pr o in the cafeteria are served from SO cents up and In the s oaual grill prica. Batha rang from S0cnta to $100. ,Wc Do Cure Rlicaiaatism . Hot Ua Mine si - t and mud glron . tlfle direction k thousands. Writ '' j trated booklet A Hot LaVa Sana' the methods era .; Lake Banstorlu" albl. aa It is lo- w ly on the main , ? O..W. R, A N. " special excursion to b bad at all . agent. HOT LAKe SflNATORin , . . WOT LAKE, ORECON.