Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1911)
..-wv ! VVIATHIR INDICATION!. I Oregon City Haln Hunday; I southerly wlnde. I Oregon Hunday, rain wt, ria or portion. MORN0.W'. Tha awry 4 nrc-t t twean rSrtsnww ) Cilwul lata n every wiMm C':- maa County, with a MM"""' 90.000. Are yaw m o1weyf WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1560 yofj. ir-No. i2ii. OREGON CITY, 0RE0ON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1911. Pra Wax, 10 Ciicra U S: MAILS TO AID SINGLE TAX FIGHT ttCHt Of MINHY OtO0( TO ! INCLUDED IN PACK DltTRIIUTION. lUm ltMROFBICMniNC OragoM Man tayl Land Assessment Would Mvt Wcrtn 10,000 Vaarty In Thin ' County. rinOAOO. M. to. Tb United, gist wa anllated today, through puma formulated In Chicago, la help Bname a fight-to tba OuUb fur Im mediate adoption of .tba elngle-tai In Mlsmirl and Oregon, Tba government prlnlar will be re tulrvd to Include Id tba reTord of Iba enutlng aaaaUm of Congress four aamphMa urging adopt Ion of tba am Ita (at Their (Mla will a: "Poll TtiM Italic of Barbarism." Ter aonal l'nprty Taiaa impractical and" "Mrrrhanta and Manufac turers' and "Tba Kffect of Juat Ta aikin t'pnn tba Working people." And Iheee dlacoursea. of wblrn lnry George, Jr. llprelate from Nw-Yra. la to be tba author. Ill be handed over to tha Govern at by Iba Ion for free, transporta tion to tba doora of Iba man who ara la vote on tha queatloa. The nna deelre of tba alngle-taier U votes. W. . U'llen. of Oregon. flbr of tba Initiative, rafarandum and rerall and "arch progreaslvM of til tbtwa advocating greater control of the tlovemiuenl by tba people, told kit la i reform bearer today. Tbay must lira a tbelr foot on tba ground aad arrne on a practical baala of art Mi results, ba declared. Ila declare that If Iba propoaed alngle-tas law bad two operative thla year In Clack amas county, Oregon, tba household er, ordinary bualnaaa man and work ing pnopla of tba community, compris ing mora tban threo fourth of tba cltliena. would bava bad Ihalr laiee Mun-d by 10.000. while tba public mice rorporatlona and man boldlng land for speculative purpose would kaa bad to pay fftQ.OOv mora. ALDRICH CURRDiCY PUN 1$ INDORSED NKW OHLKAN8 . Nov. JS.-Wlth bat on 'dissenting vol a. tba A mart ran liankera' Aaaorlatlon gkra Ita un qualified approval to tha propoaed, Aldrlch plan for Iba raform of the currency. . - 4 Congrvaa waa urgad to deal with tha prnpoattlon an economic quae tlun outalua tba domain of party poli tic. Confidence waa eipreased that Iba high purpoaa actuating tba Na Uonal Monetary Commlaaton aaaurad tha working out of tba details In ao aordanra with tba prlnclpla atatad hi tba plan. AT STOKE OIL WELL TOJBE RESUMED The stockholders of tba Stone Oil at an enthualaallo meeting In th Commercial Club parlor. Satur day unanimously decided to resume work and to make a new atock of 11.000. Mora than 11.000 of tba Issue was subscribed at tba meeting. nd It Is thought tha remainder wlrr ba dlapoaod of Boon. U D. Mutnpow r, Mra. M. J. Dlckena and C. P. L; lourwtte subscribed for 1500 each, and W. B, Mum power and George F. Olliba were named a commlttea to "licit subscriptions for stock. The harra ara Ova cents each. After more than a year of work tha com Prty was forced to abandon tba well . becaim. of tha loss of a drill In It Tbe well will ba near tha old one. "vcrul ga and oil-expert think that oil eventually will ba found In large quantities. Daffodel No. 1 If a STETSON HAT it too large would an I YSTEM Suit. Som' vary clever patUrna 0 uat arrived for th holiday rush . To them I to buy hm. P ice Br othe s ONLY ONE BID IS MAD ErOR SUBSIDY OLD LINtt ACCOStO Of THWART INQ INOirCNOCNT C0MANY. BAKER IS CIYEN CREDIT fOR COOP ata A CHaaabrough Cannot Com ply With Tarmt of Propoaad Contract Until tervlea taHa. WABIIINtJTON. Nov. M.-Only ona bid waa aubinltiH today In anawar to I'oatmaitrr-TK'naril fntchcock'a advartltmnt for tba tabllihinant of aubatdy mall tin between tha I wo eoaala. Tba fart U being cited now In eupport of tha Indirect charge blng made by linrnard H liaker, of lialtlmora. that tba Uanarontloen lal tinea are thwarting bla effort to eeUMiiih an Independent ateamahlp company to operate through tba ca nal. Nobody knoaa wbo'mada tha bid. although In ona quarter tha auaplclon ealata that Itaker put In that bid, tha aaaumptlon In Uat quarter being ihat hi n conullbod g coup on tba trana-contlnenul llnea and every otb, er poaalhla bidder by making It poaal bla for tba report about tba choking to bo t afloat and Inu leaving tha field to hlmaelf. At tba time tba advertleement waa put out. aalde from Ha or tbcra were only - two poaslble bidder, the Ha alln American flteamablp Una and tha Hate- Cbeeatirough Company. The bid. which came In without any poaalble marka of Identification, will not ba opened until after tha Poet-maater-Oeneral relurna on Monday. Hate t Cbeaebrougb cannot aom ply wUb iba terms of tba propoaed contract until after they bavo put steamer on tha rout between New York and Colon, tha service out of New Orleana not being sufficient, event If the ahlpa ara faat enough. ftanecrlbo for tha Dally Rnterortee DANTE'S. INFERNO Trio Through the Nether World DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY 5,000 Feet of Film - Five Reels GENERAL ADMISSION 25 cents A treasure, for six hundred years known to but a few scholars, now placed in unsur: passable beauty before all mankind. Presented by the film maker just as conceived by the immortal poet.' Occupying more than two hours, telling in most artistic and realis tic manner the great story of Dante, like animated paintings or living statuary. The pictures give you in a few hours all the pleasure and knowledge it takes months to acquire through books. , TEE TO BE GIVEfJ HAYLEY COMMERCIAL CLUB MEMBERS . O0INO ON STEAMER TO MEET HIM. DINNEJt AND LUNCHEON ARE PLANNED Congrtasman To Ba Taken Through Canal And Over Route Propoaed For Eaat Id Ditoh. Tba Commercial Club baa complet ed arrangements for tha reception of Congressman Ilawley, who will ar rive bare from Halein between I and 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Tba ateamer Oregona, on which Mr. Haw ley will come to this city, will ba met by a delegation of thirty mem bers of tba Commercial Club on the Hteamer N. II. Lang, which baa been donated by tba Willamette Pulp at Paper Company, and will ba taken through the west alda locks. Ha also wll) be taken on g trip of Inspection over tbe routes propoaed for tha Kaat Hide locks in a launch, and will ba tbe guest of honor at a dinner given by the Commercial Club In tba evening. . . Tbe distinguished visitor will ba a guet of tba Live Wlraa at luncheon Wednesday and will take a trip through tha city In an automobile. Secretary Latouretto, of tba Com mercial Club received the following letter from Mr. Hawley aecretary, Ronald C. Geaver, Saturday: Receipt Is acknowledged of your favor of tha Ztth Instant. Mr. Haw ley will very sincerely appreciate tba arrangements tbe Live Wires of tba Commercial Club are making for bla entertainment after tha work of the Investigation I completed and will le pleased to have members of tha Commercial Club accompany him on the trip Inspecting tba Willamette River. Clarkama Rapid and Willa mette Locks. He will leave Salem at 0 a. m., Tuesday, November 28, on (Continued o , page I.) OR A- BIG RECEPTION OREGCII CITY BEATEN BY KEWBERG,.5 TOO Tba Oregon City Illgb School foot ball team waa defeated Saturday af ternoon by tbe Newberg High School team, tha score being 6 to 0. It look ed as If tba game would ba a score less ona until almost the last mlnut when Causa made a touchdown, run ning twenty yards with tba tall. Rot ter, Wilson and Ftambacb were tha star players for Oregon City. New berg showed the moat skill In tba last two quarters and Oregon City In tha flrat two. Oregon CHy'a line up waa as follows: Graves, L. E.; Dombacb. ft E.; Dungee. R. T.; C. Heatie, I T.; Qtilnn. U O.; Waldron, R. O.t Wilson, Q.; J. Beetle. C; Michel, r. U.; Croa. R. H.; Rotter, I H. Tba game waa played at New berg. VALE AND HARVARD TIE. CAMBRIDGE. Nov. 25 Yale and Harvard today fought ouUthe annual football contest between them to a tie tbe final score being 0 to 0. Yala bad tbe Jump on Harvard for the flrat five; minutes, but for tha rest of tha time the blue team was on tbe defensive. Honors were about even in tbe first two periods. In tba first each team was within seven yarda of tha other'a goal line. Yale failed in an attempt at goal from Held because of a poor pasa. Neither side could score, after deTate efforts, In the second ball NAVY WINS FROM ARMY. ' PH1LADEI-PH1A. Nor. 25. Rat tling every morarnt of the game, tbe Navy today defeated tbe Army In their annual football struggle by the score of .tO The score wss made In tba second quarter when within striking distance of tbe Army goal. Captain Dalton of the Navy team booted the pigskin between tba bars for a displacement kick. Tbe score was made from the 30-yard Una and waa a difficult kick. Two Couplee Granted License. Marriage license were laaued Sat urday to Nellie Officer and F- Beun dett and Bertha Cola and Volney Seeberg. County Judge Beetle of ficiated at the marriage of the last named couple. Patronize our hdvertlaer. GWTGHS ELECTION MIX-Ue LEOa1TV 04; CHOOSING OFFIC ERS FOR CITY DECEMBER 4 QUESTIONED. . eteaaaeaaaaawer RECORDER 10 BE CUiDED BY CODE Charter Adopted Several Month Ago Provide That Offlcera Should Serve Two Yeare. Conflict between tba Code and the Charter of Gladstone bas been raised by tbe approaching municipal election and it li an open question whether tba election scheduled for December 4. for tbe election of a Mayor, Record er, Treasurer and six Aldermen will ba held. Gladstone was Incorporated laet De cember under tbe general provisions of tbe Code, which provides that tbe officers choaen at tba time of tbe in corporation sbaU bold until tbe next general election. - Several months ago Gladstone adopted a charter validating Ita past acta and providing that Its officers should hold for two years, and. tba question has now arleen w nether the officers chosen when th town waa incorporated ahall bold until January, 1913. as provided by charter, or wheth er they shall go out in January. as provided by the General Statute. Recorder William Hammond aaya that be wiU proceed with tba election arrangements, as provided by the Code: If the present officers resign; the question will be removed, but if they desire to hold until January, 1911, It will be necessary for tbem to in stltute Injunction proceedings against tbe Recorder, to prevent htm from getting out the ballots for a complete set of city officials. In any case an election will have to be beld. as tbe terma of three of the aix councilman will expire under the Cods provisions, three of tbem having been chosen for a term of ona year. HAYWOStTIl TO RAP ; CITY OFFICIALS The Rev. 8. A. Hayworth. of the First Baptist church, will deliver the fourth of a aeriea of sermons on "The Men- and Religion Forward Move ment" tonight. Tbe sermon will deal with thecharacter of Martin Luther aa the Incarnation of Proteatanlam. Mr. Hayworth aaya he will try to show that free government Is a re sult of Protestsniam. Mr. Hayworth also announces that be will apply the subject to meet the conditions of alleged lawlessness In Oregon City which he rsserta la permitted ana condoned by the couniy ana cuy flclals. I RECOVERS WATCH AIID i CilAIII III PAVtlSHOP Mra. Minnie Donovan, of Willa mette, who waa robbed about ' two months ago or a purse conuunm a smaller purse with about IIS in coin and a gold watch ana cnain, me cnam being aet with thirteen pearls, and the watch having engraved upon it, the Initials "M. D." b recovered the watch and chain. She inrorm; ner friend. Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Port inri of hap loss and asked her If she would look among some of tba pawnshops In that city to see n sne ,.ih nna nv mr nf tha watch and V.r ' t, " - " - hiln ' Mra. Smith was successful al ter a few hours' acarch. The proprie tor aald that a young man caueu ai bis place and sold the watch and chain for $10, and It was necessary for Mr. Donovan to pay this before she could recover tbem. J JURY CANT AGREE IN DAMAGE ACTION The Jury In tbe damage suit of J. U Ellis against A. J. KItsmlller; after considering the evidence for more than twelve, hours without being able to reach an agreement, was dismissed by Judge Campbell Saturday after nnnn It mnorteil that four' were In favor of awarding a veratci to me plaintiff and eight , were against u. At. nravloua trial the Dlalnllff was awarded 1500 damages, but the court set aside the veruici ana granieu m trial Indira Morrow, of Port land, presided at the second trial. Kltzmlller had Kins arresieu on charge of stealing post In June, 1910. tv nmita mra mail from trees, cut from a rlght-of way on the Kltimlller road, north or Eagle creeit, ny .niiio. and hi inn. Oooreo. Kltxmill- it la aald. had nermlsslon of the county court to make the posts. Kills, manager or tne nasi biuo mmm Company, said the tree from which the posts were made, were on land belonging to that company. Ellla was arrested by KlUmllter for taking tne pout, and the former accused Klts mlller of assault nd battery. Iloth charges were discriminated. Brownell snd Stone represented Kltimlller. DO TOU KNOW thai tba Enterprise yearend Bargain Period Is now on See aj on hack page for particulars. BOARD URGES MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS An Important feature of tba tenta tive plan agreed upon by tha Charter Board at Its meeting Friday evening related to the finance of tba city. It was tbe opinion of tba members that tha finances ahould ba safeguard ed, and a reeolutlon Introduced byC For the Thanlisiving Dinnizr Whatever you may require in the way of table ser vice for your Thanksgiving dinner, we are taa position to furnish. We carry several exceedingly fine flatware patterns in Sterling Silver and 1847 Roger Brothers Plated Ware. A wide variety " of decorative and ser- viceable articles in Libbey and Unger Bros. Cut Glasss and several Open Stock patterns of Haviland and Aus trian Chinaware ' . . ..... , . - Our stock la thoroughly representative ef the beat war) manufactured. It la aa large aa that ef any other hooae in thia section of the atate and, whan quality Is taken Into . eonaideratlon, ourx pricea will be found to be eonsldera- - bly lower than Portland. See Our Turkey Day Window Display A Burmeister Oregon City Jewelers - Oregon City's Bi-; 1 ' 511 ' v f; Schuobel, providing that a BaaaeJaJ statement be published monthly waa adopted. It was alao agreed that ta busineas manager, appointed by th council, shall bav aontrol of city affairs, subject to removal bf tl council for cause. & Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner , s )-..... WALlt Jn AST TAAOI MASK Good Luck for vour feet in thenewCros- sett models. Same old Cros sett comfort, but brand new styles. Button models lace models snap py shapes- clever stitching. $4 to $6. 0vorywlr9 Lewis A. Croaaett, tne. North Abingtoo, EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Others. Sth and Main e.