Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 25, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Caartiab, mi r a
te Ul-
T) On add Um
U QK' the Fed.
U waa Kkseeaa BpovtMT wa started
' . Tb doctor Mat bias aff ta a sua
Bar resort for twa wka U p( rM
t fever, and kn be came kM be
had tbe biggest kind af aa Mm la hla
bead. Ha got ow t the poatofflo
that saate evening aa4 bald to th
vt "What wa want t da la to turn la
t aad make Hlgu II Ul A aummee resort.
Bbea got everything the heart eootfd
wish for. aa4 If w doat see 10.000
people bar axt mbdw H will be
or awa fault. I'm prlssed with facta
aaa eteurure. aad I aaaee w rail a
public aeeetiag for next Tuesday erea-
, The Maa me wit a farar. a ad the
, listing waa called, aad daring taa
Interval th batter aad egg
araat ap SO per cast, Moat af tba
tbaklOaa la. town decided aa taking
beardeta, aad the? decided tbat S10
per waa. would ba a fair charge. J
Tbara araa a large turnout at tba
mrstmg. aad Daacoa Spooaar went
right ta boalaaaa by calling for ardar
aad aaylag:
TW Idea la ta tara High nni Intel
a eaatawr resort aad welcome taoe
aaada to bar galea. To get a boor
aadar way aar asotte aiaat aa "Pro I
Boo PabUco. Tber aiaat ba aa I
hanging aac aa example af ladlrtd
aal jMtaaaaaaa. raa aaa wba la will
tng b bars say beaaa lata a batal for
tba summer ta accommodate tba
atraacera wba will coaaa here, aad
rn aJaa attt taa prfca af board aa
reaeeteble aa possible,1
. 'Daacoa. about what would ba your
price for board r ask ad TToakT
Whit from tU aadleaca. v
'""Free 110 (ttUi week, 1 gneea. rwo oaa mm ream armcr.
TfT" . ' . lJ fwk abowa wbat mar
with odd bit. of good m.
V. 1 . bKlal It alaa abowa tba aaw oaa-
, -Mty a. meat aad lutrn. bot -ded with th a af .
TV.P! TJ T"1" wtmM yard, at taapa rhlffoa aad a lilt la silt
. .... . .. 1 porcnael aaw tba frock waa made
fraaa aa old pick, aatla daaring fowa
1 i :
Q! 0 I
- 1 m - . -Jl
Old Sat.
Itarktltab Bailey af Bocaara, aboat
ISI Imtatrted tba trtt atapaaat
brougbt lata tba Called Btataa. 014
bet wltk'otber aalcaala aood after
Imported, fanned tba trat traraUoc toe
aaxerle ta tba auatrr. wttb wtWk
Taa Aaibartb. tba Uoa taatae, waa aft-
rwu4 aaaot lated. . Tbaddeaa aad Oa
tard Craaa, Uwia Tttaa aad Joaa
Xaaa, familiar ta tba pa bile aa eater
prtelaf abowmea, war tram ocaara
aad Nortb BaWav-Waatcbaatar Oooa
ty kaiualaa.
Aef aexeat Uefinaa.
a arnmaat to aa effort of two peo
ple ta keep aacb otbar from Boding
aat taa tmtbUfe.
I Siarjr at a Sea Caaula aa Waald
1 Met 0a Deea With Hit Sbla
I CearHabt r mHhi rteea Aaee
1 Clailua. Ul 1
At tba SaUora' Sang U arbor at New
Tork. a boma for aced aeamea. about
all tba old fellowa bara to do to keep
away tba braea la ta smoke tbelr ruddy
Plpea and apla tbelr paat eiperteorea
lata yaraa. Home rail opoa tbelr Im
atinatlona ta brlp tbem oat: some bave
told tba wooderfut bappniDia aa af
eo tbat they bare come to bellete
tbeta, whUe otbera, aaperially la ato
rlea at tba aboatly order, did not
from tba Brit doubt tbat they were
wttbeat tba pal of bitare'a laws
Ferhapa af all auch yaraa apaa by
tbeaa meo tbla oaa told by old Bob
Backstay, eJcbty-eerea years old. la
tba aardeat to awallow, and yet ha te
tiered erery word of It and roar laced
aome of bla bearers of ta (rata.
"Ma tee, we're all been aallora for nlb
aa ta a eeatary tader tba tradltloa
tbat a maater'a baalaeaa ta ta go dowa
arttb ala ship. Lands oaea think tbat
ba fixed at 111 per week all rooad.
wttk extra for waabbowu aad lookia'
pat tba saotloa ta tba
It waa carried, and be
meeting, aad
"Tbere win ba h nod rede enma bera
wba will wabt to bay bind aad band
tottagaa. I "re got twenty ruiare lota.
. and ba ardar ta atart tba ban rolling
rn pat 'am ta at a low ralaa. 1 aope
axBera will follow any example."
"Wbat would you rail a low value,
, deaeoar asked iloaea Tamer a be
-. roaaap.
.' -Well. I mlgbt say $400 apiece- I
' preanma they'd bring twice tbat, bat
wa doat want to rob anybody."
Tben came' tba ooeatioa'of haatlng
tba people ta aad from tba railroad.
Nothing aa dlarouragea a person aa ta
meet with ex tort tea aa tba atart. Ua
.bad tboagbt tba matter ore, aad it
- waa hie idea, tbat the cbnrga abould
be S3 per capita ta each dirrrtioa. la
: ease any am started a Urrry stable ta
- town and threw or four aacb laatlta
tlooa would ba ear to rtee ap the tied
' rata aboald not ba a bore S5 aa hour
tor a aoraa aad backboard. When be
'waa at a aummer resort ba bad long
od for pampkln pie. and It waa not ta
be bad. People waa cam to Htxh III! I
, would wag. Tba pumpkin pie would
ba ready, but there mast ba ao extor
tion. Every pia. no matter whether
roand or equare. abould be rut Into
four pieces and tba prtca per piece
abould be 25 reota.
. There waa one thing mora, aad the
deacoa proceeded ta state ft. Tba
people should turn out to welcome
erery aew arrival and make him fed
to home, but for erery auch turnout
there aboald be a Axed charge of 30
tenia, and the same should be collect
ad with the board bill. The meeting
adjourned amid great eotbustasm, and
eereral of the neaaea were Illuminat
ed In honor of tba occasion, and erery
body went to bed happy. They were
atlll rejoicing aext day when a tin
peddler came a Ion-. He beard wbat
bad happened, and then be shook his
bead and mournfully replied:
"I'm sorry, but yoo people will be
; "But howr waa asked.
-Why. Halifax la offering all tbat
you are and la going to threw in two !
modbolea and the brickyard for noth
ing, and the crowd will all to tbat
"Then wi'tk got to hare ritTtV
aid one of the boomer "Ererylxxlv
earning to a summer resort eipe-ts to
aee a car and la willing to pay W
cents to wander around In It."
"But Halifax tm one. and the
admiaalou is only 10 cents "
"But wc can adrertlw sluing
Schools every erenlng In the summer."
"They're thought of that over
there "
"Tben we'll hTe a camp meeting
That'll he a novelty worth a dollar a
bead to luners from the cifv."
"Halifax I already ndvertidlm; thnt
.eery tMnK."
"Look here." aald the boomer In
hie dewrntloa. "we can't he heat
We're two pnlrs of twins to show lo
this tow 11. and the price won't he
"-.wrer 10 cents."
"And Ilallfix la going (o show trip,
lata for a til kel." answered the ped
dler ai be turned away.
Ooly one eummer rfmnrter appeared
at Hlch nil) tbnt season, and he slept
- In a fence corner aad stole appl-a for
' bla breakfast.
and aome taupe colored and rose em
broidery tipped from a ooca handeom
Japan eas aegtigea. '
The Handy d.
Tba atmpleat and moat aaefal af
pada ror baary memoranda la made
from tba ordinary penny tablet of
email alaa. At tba middle of one end.
aa tba back, fasten a common bra
ting by doubling a bit af tape through
It and gluing the latter nrmly to the
pweooara uarcing. y tola it raa
ba hang aa a handy aall. from which
aboald depend alaa a cord with a pen
CO. always ready for aa. Choose a
Pencil with rather ooft id. bat with-
aat a rub her. U the cord eecareiy to
a aotcbed place la the middle of tba
Pencil, and bar both ends sharpened.
Tbea If ana aaa aeed to asa It lo baste
whk-hever end on grasp will ba the
right ana to aaa. .
Fee the Bridge Party.
One of tba new conceit for tbt
bridge player la a convenient ret tool e
mad af ribbon. Very whir satin rib
boa la formed Into three bags, each
longer tbaa tba oaa next above. The
eooBB tmortii or widb aiaaoai.
baga are designed to hold score card,
tally, pencil, baud ken blef and-lf the
game la for sometbiDg more substan
tial than prlzes-a handful of gold
pieces. The retlmle swings from the
arm on ribbon loops.
The Bad With the Good.
y Vlaltor Why don't you en your
windows and let In aome fresh alrT
rial man ttecaose an sure aa we ao
we'll let In aome stsle air tbat cornet
' 1st next door starts playing about this
' time of nlgbl-Excbange
A Simple Preventive,
Professor Tr-lbert of the Pasteur In
stitute at Paris una demonstrated that
burning sugar derelope one of the most
powerful antiseptic gnses known. It
sugar were horned In the bona when
one member of the family has the grip
or merely a cold thore would be less
danger of its spreading throughout tha
household. This may be easily dona
by putting a few hot coal on a sborel
or pan. sprinkling tbem with a table
spoonful of sugar and letting It bum
In the rooms where tba sick person bat
been. ,
fit mere worry.
tax a a aaaurroa.
pretty bard aa tba old man. and men!
It la, but we aallora. brla' brought up
tbat way. we-can't gll over It The
rule baa growed and growed till bow
adaya a cap'n won't be tuukln' off na
matter bow many are around 10 take
him and bow little nee there I of bla
stay In' on tbe reawei A master I once
ailed under trlod to aar hlaaeif afore
tba crew when tba ship waa wrecked,
and ba never waa the same man oner
"Ola art preyed oa bla mind nlgbt
and day. ba got thinner and ihlnuer.
bla eya got mora and more ruel.i o.
chollc. till at last b died o' rooarleo-
trk-kenln' and wa b'latrd him over
board. We all thought that bla mind
ad hi body would le at rest, but tbey
wasn't, as yooll see by the yam I'm
goln' to spin a boot blm.
" a hadn't more n dampej bin
when the wind hauled out o' tbe mm'
Into tha Dor'eaat and freshened into a
gala ' From a gala It rU Into a storm
so sudden t that It swept most o' tbe
rrew offen tba deck, store In every
wing breakable, broke away every
mast and left tbe vesael on her beam
end. '
"When tba atorm had cleared a wat
tnera waa tweira af aa cllngln' lo dlf
ferent parts, but tbe whole vessel waa
awash, and wa hadn't notbln' to eat
or drink. Jim Ilarkia was boldlo' 00
to tbe same ratlines with me. and lie
soon give It ap and let go. One after
another the men glre In and were
washed overboard. After a while there
wasn't a man left but me. I suppose
It waa because I was born trooger'n
tbe rest, and that's tbe reason I'm alive
today at purty near ninety.
l a Urea-em her bow long I was
cllngln' to them ratlines, but one time
I looked up and saw wbat I thort waa
nea aarpent coinln' for me. I open
ed and abut my blinkers to ait the
aalt out of 'em. Motnep'n reached
bora tba serpent' bead, and OtnJ
aomep'n waa a aall. square cat, hinted
up oa low mast 80 I reckoned tba
thing waa a ship with a aarpent for
a figurehead. (
"When ebe got near eootigh I aea
only one maa oa her. . He waa stand
in' on tba poop deck., which waa. sot
up high. He badnft no bat oa bla
head, and bla hair wa a-flowin' about
In tba breeze. Tba craft kept comln'
closer and closer till tba man atandln'
on tba poop deck wa a plain to ma
a a lighthouse. Ills nose wa thin.
Tw Problems. '
NT j I. . . 1 . .
iwroio; biwbts utegutu a novel
tba middle."
-What that forT '
"Why. tto abe baa two problem to
ba excited over-bow tha story will
aad and bow It began."
TT "oiler, hi. eye. gilt-
found "-Brooklyn Life.
ueiwnanre aevereigns.
Oeuuiark baa had a most curious ar
ray of sovereigns, tbe Blue Tooth.
Forked Beard. Simple, Hungry, Hare
toot. Lamb, lion and Cruel being
among tbem. Tbla Inner, who waa
Christian II.. belled bis real name by
gaining tba additional title of the Kero
of tha North. There wa probably Ut
ile happiness In Denmark whan ha aat
upon tha throne.
fared . Ilka dl'monda. There wa
somep'n bo melancholic In him, spe
cially In them eyes & bla'n, tbat It
giro ma a sort & nightmare. 1 looked
way from blm, but somehow I bad
to look back, and there ba waa atlll
tar In' at ma. .
"tla wa tba skinniest look In' thing
I aver sea. Ezpertin' I waa that
the next war that washed ow tha
I would put me where jij mat
bad gone, tbla melancholic feller waa
Ill s a second death. ,
"Then all on a suddent I tbort I tvo
ngnized our captain thai bad deserted
a and tba thlp when w tbort wa
Wt gola" down. I kaewed ba waa
Bead tad w"d hiated him overboard,
bat there ba waa or hi ghoat. I
coaklat tell which, valkla' about aa
tbla oueef mokla craft, wrlbgla" bla
hand aad aha kin bla bead, while er.
ary now and thea he glv a faiat
groaa that aiMiuded H .e a dlstani ball
buoy. Ihoaah eamatlBMM It swelled ap
biur Ilka logbora.
iy hl coaaa oa toward me. aad
wbea be, r a rable" length from ua
ha turaed. ller1n, with thW luelaa
rhollc eyre sad k(- rui ua n)a tUI I
tbort they'd bam luto my bra I a. Ha
dklat aay not bin', and I waa too far
gone to apeak ta blm myself. I tried
to, but my tohgua was e dry It wafat
no aaa. While ha was comln' ba Mowl
aa tha fo'castta. While he tit paasln'
ha walked aft. aUU keriin' them eye
a' hi so oa ma, aad when be cleared us
ha leased 0vr tba tuffrsU. look In"
back at aaa.
"Thea, aretn' myself dned by a
ablp aalllu paat ma tbat might take
ma onv 1 got role anouch 10 cry for
help But 1 wished I hadn't a dona It
Tba Vgura oa tha serpent ship, our
captain Npr hla ghost r whatever It
waa, begs a to writhe and to moaa. and
every writhe and avert moaa seemed
ta plerra ma to toy heart. Thea I waa
are It waa tba eapta'n's ghoat tbat
eauldnt rest under the water and had
to keep aallln over the water, his ma'
acWacn borta' holes la hit brala for
ha via" tried ta Bar hUlf before tba
"Ua drifted oa past me furder and
mroer awty, tha wind barely flllla'
tba aalla of bla ahlp, but ba didn't
change his place from leanln' orer tha
taffraU and gtarla at me till ha got ao
far I raoldat sea his eyes; thea ha
began to pare th deck again, lie
pa d on. welkin' from port ta star
board, from starboard to port till be
got ao far I rtmldat aee say space be
tween port and Btarboard.
"Ila waa gettla' ball dowa when tha
rug aamea and party aoea rem
straight oat o the quarter Into which
It bad been blowia. Thea 1 looked for
tha phantom ahlp with our captain on
bar, and tba marrow la my boue froaa
ap to aaa that It waa a comln' bark.
It didnt aeeta aa If I could staad to
ae that coBorieoc atrk-ken maa ga
by toe again. 1 waa bangta' oa for my
Ufa, bat I rowed I wouldn't rail oa
him for help, for 1 couldn't hear to
aea bis writ hla' aad hear bis moanla'.
Waal he ram along again lookto'
at ma from tba fo'raati as ha dona ba-
fore, shift n' aa ha went by ta the
etern. It seemed as If he'd growed
a hundred year alder. Somehow H
earned ta me I bad too. I reckeaed
I d beeu bangla oa to the ahlp all that
nxoa. while th rap tarn bad beea waa
derln' about 00 tba ocean repent In for
ma via ala craw la the lurch for tbe
purpose o savin" hl own rarcaea
Ued got so thin that It seemed with
erery fast o wind I could hear bla
bone rattle. And the pbice where
hla ayea were was great big black
bo lea, aad way dowa la 'em there waa
two parka that looked like cat's eyes
ta a coal hole.
"J net aa ba got abeam of me bla fir
are went before tba great big Ulf .'
tha sua that waa a set tin' lo the west
Tba light bona through bis togs and
tba flesh If tbere was any Oesb-bul
tha booea stood oat against lb blood
red sua like a akeieoa la tbe ostues
a purgatory. I shut my eyes so I
couldn't sea It and wbea I opened 'em
tha ran had sonk and tbere wasn't
Botbla bat tba black water about me
and tba sbmln' star abore.
That wa tba awfuleet nlgbt I ever
pent 00 tba water or off of It. It
eeroed ta m that erery war that
rolled by waa aayln "Next." mesnlu'
tbat tba next one would take me sure.
But at laat I beard a shoot, and then
I slid off Into th water and all was
black aa midnight
"I didn't know notbln' after thta till
I felt aomeft'a, warm goln' down Into
my vttala and aetttn the Hood nmr
In Combr to myself. I found mvelf
In a boat and waa hinted up ship's
lde . Uvl out on the deck. I got h
tablefNiunrnl soup now and then,
mora and mora of It as I waa able in
stand It. and gradually rot 00 my legs
gain I'd been taken ap just la time
to save my life."
Tba old sillor stopped, relit his pipe
wucn bad gi-ne out during bis red Ul.
od ! ' rrltlrlama on liH siory
was wrecked oncf myself " snld
na of bla audience. a.nd three day
without a bite to eat or' a drop o wa
tar. 1 seen no end a' ship paasln'
and. though I begged 'am to take me
aboard, all tba craw laughed at me.
When I did . git picked op I was like
you. I didn't know notbln' about It
till It waa done. Then 1 knowed there
wasn't a real ahlp passed me. They
waa all phantoms."
Several otbera related imlinr expe-
rlencea, after which Joe Walker, the
best educated of tbe lot spoke up:
-in tnings you retiera saw when
yoo wa starrln" wasn't either real
ships or phantoms. Tbey wa wbat
the doctor call delirium. . That man
Bob Backstay aaw wasn't his captain
t all. Boh had been thlnkln' about
ui captain, ana worn He waa near
dyin saw tba man In hi mind. And
that's the explanation Of all tba rest
of these yarna."
These wis word produced little af
feet on men who bad not been edu
cated and who at ao early age bad
Imbibed tha superstitions usual to
Bailor and who were too old to he
roine rational. Nearly all declared
that there was no reason why tba
captain sbonld not wiodcr Just Ilka
any other ghoat And there wasn't
tnao among them who would say there
wa ao such thing ghost. Back
stay aald that the ona ha bad told
bout wa the only on ba bad aver
seen, but ha was sura he had seen that
i I
' 3C
VI t
L .
til " V
laffCI -at . a a a saaei a m as s hbbi . I aQ
h rays ror the mukmnu KNTi;uruiME a who o venr "
I j I Mail lurint llanjain lcriol, now on, which clows 0
() - DeccmWr 31. 1911: Y
U I M.vwr.uye Vf true ntyiny f VI U tinCK 'll I Jl
Jc I of your tubtcription at Itargain Period rate, and trtt your ' I V
f I neighbors about thit tnapy V
111 X
;c alio n 1 - u
5f . iuy s 7 10
W) I TT " I fi
iL J
"Nlae and Snug.
Duckworth waa such delicate
eoartler bo could afford to Jest with a
lueed db a very iinplessliig subject
iren. Once he rus showing Queen
Victoria over ' .West nilnxter abbey.
When tbey i-auie lo ibe nHtt whnre
kings and queens, He Queen Victoria
thivered a little and said, "1 should
ot car ta ba burled bera it seems so
cold and damp." "Madam," replied
Duckworth. I assure yon It la perfect
ly dry. You would be quite nice and
mug." London Baturday tlevlew.
Bead Ua Morning uterprlre.
Tbe minstrel show given at the
HhWely opera house Friday nlgbt
under th direction of tha C. B. Wil
son. M. I). Phillips and Harold 8waf
ford, with H. T. tlelda aa slags man
ager, waa on of tba est home talent
shows ever given In this city, Long
before to curtain rose every seat lu
tba house waa occupied, aad standing
room waa at a premium. Had there
been more room there would hare
been several hundred mora person
attending, for many went to the box.
offtc Saturday afternoon, expecting
obtain seats, bat were diaappolDted
In not being abla to get them.
Every number oa tha program re
ceived It share of applause., and lu
end-men kept tha audience In good
humor by tbalr witty sayings. The
Interlocutor, C. D. Wilson, played hla
part to perfection. Mr. Wilson I at
home on th stage, and tha manage
ment Is to ba congratulated upon ob
taining him.
Tbe work of tha orchestra, which
waa composed of horn talent music
ians, was excellent. Many of tba
latest musical aelectlona were rend
ared between tha acta, and each ouo
received much applauee. Tba orcbua
tra was composed of tba following:
Piano, MU Nellie Swaflord; drum.
Roy Baxter; flute, Clayton Stafford;
cornet, Charles Bchoeobalnx; violin,
Professor Sager; clarionet, ' C. A.
Nash; trombone, B. T. Mcllaln; violin,
Leon DeaLarze; cello, A. H. Raker.
R. V. IX Jobntton, who recently ar
rived In tbla city, assisted with the
musical program. Ha cama here from
Bonora, Mexico, and will probably lo
cate here, professor Sager wa lead
er of tha orebeitra. -
Tha program follow:
Overture Orchestra
Selnct'ou Orchestra
Opening Chorus, "Band, BanJ,
Baud" Companr
Baby Rosa II. Confor
When tha Bob White Whistle In
tha Meadows". .Aren Long, soloist
Down by tba OH Mill 8. ream',.
O. B. Tonkin
"Lazy' ...... i Mr. Sheriff
You" Frank Alldre.lgs
Mandy Lea" Bextette
"Let Ma Have a Kla Until To
morrow" Harold Swafford
Selection Mala chorus
Tba Vale of Dreams"
Victor Oaulfc
"My Hula Hula"
Gilbert Long and entire comnanr
Curtain.. ,
Clog Daifclng V. VaLarle
Musical trio . .Hara and Egg Brothers
Whistling duet ..Swafford and Sheriff
I Con tinned from page I )
choice of ?rks than many of th old
er people. Bom table hooka full of
Illustrations of historical events ar
weaning the young mind a aay frori
the comic sections of tha newspapers.
Rome of tha prominent women f
in town nave promised to preen'
th library with table-books (some
classic or historical event beautifully
Illustrated to attract and Interest the
boy a and girla r These books mar be
ms( u auoieua tor a choice collec
tion kept at tba library and not for
The library I holding Its own with
me oraacn libraries In Portland and
aa we are abla to meet th Increasing
""'""i upon tna library wa shall ba
able to grow twice aa rapidly In tha
' Motel Arrival.
Th followlog are registered at bs
Klectrta Hotel:
David Boyd. F. C Herr. Mm i
V. Loonoy and daughter. W. A.
m, Ji Warner. Mrs. B a Bsnai
Miss Havana, Portland; flu NeboX
W. rilack. Saa Franclsoo; J. A. bsk
man, Portland; Mra. May huvi
aUlke. Bpokna, Wash.; Mra BUr
Barnard. Bpokaoa. Wash.; Nat
Bar. B. W. Zlrbel. Iorllaaa; Pklll
Doaough and wife, Bear Cliff, k
Jacob llabn. Baa Francisco; C "
Oram, Portland.
Treubl With Her Hssd.
-now your wlfr'
.."She' having constant trouble with
her besd."
"Csn't the doctor help herr
"No; nobody but the milliner. "-London
Queer Old Laws.
Franc in nit passed law regulat
ing tbe six of th cloak and rob, the
breadth of the trimming and tba oumf
ber of suits KMscd ,r each person;
also the diet. Including the hour of
biosjs and tbe number of dishes.
Bead tha MoratBg flXterartss '
" aa aaaaBBaBaBaJBaBBBaBaBBaaaBwaBaBl
JalU A. Spooner to E. J. asd t
gpoooer. 4 acres of section AH
It, township 1 anulb, raog I
10. - ', i i .
B. J. and B. M. Bpooaer
and Ira M. Illckey. I acre of Hrtkai
fb, tl, la. 19, township 1 , w
range t east; 7W.
. John H. and Elsie U. JUnkl k
William O. Johhaon. land :tl0,,;
township a south, range I east: l
Mattla Haddock and R. W. B"
dock to William Malre. loU 1. l
block 17, Oregou Iron A Btesl
peny'a Firat Addition to Oswegai Ij-
W. F. Bchooley and Sopbls
Bchooley to D. C. William. w
and of block S, West 0lsdi"'
John J. Rdgren and Amanda WV
to Martin Hennum. tract li. 0utio
r a-v ..j M.J...I. i Aii.iirtjttt
w tall a 0i"Ulel
Martin Hennum, tract 36. Outlook.' "
NOT EXPENSIVE it Hot Uk BoIud nctl .tttion, board
ho .i c no mor' to PT o "r,t cl'
In th. clr,,m", C" b h,d ,rom Mnt WO per day. M
grill price. Bath. ran,, from B0 cant, to 1.00,
, Wc Do Core Rheumatism
Hot Uka Mineral '
and mud glrea under :'"'
tlflo dlrecUon bar erw
thoueapda. - Writ lor I"":
trated booklet descrlptl" 01
Hot Uk Sanatorium - "
tha methods employed. W
Lake BanatoHum I v
Ibla, li It I located dirti
ly on th main line of
' 0.-W. R. A N. rallwaf.
apeclal excursion rat r?
to ba bad t time.
agaat. ;
: a,
, r-j-
V.'- "." T.