Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 25, 1911, Image 2

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C003 CUT, OttGOH
B, t. BROWS, Sdltee end PwMlefcee.
m. IM UN Aet ef Marat
raw r uncttrrm.
la Mentha, kv mlU
"taw Maathe. ar
. IM
. !
. J
Pare Fas, per ewa first
rwwt rn ..- aa
Plata) ! paaJtMa e-7
ertiew. .
aaautnei mj
K Pt ,
paaJtMa e-y I
riMwil aaautnei uir pee-, p sen
a ISaS MwtMM . .
ta paper br tUmm
IM knsartfc- le
! M" ttlw inen rtret pas, par Bkah
I4M kMrtnu as
laeeeia lea er Km; nnW afOar
n to Pea.
Waats. Per Bala. T tot. aM
seat 4 fa-a seectea; i eaf eaat
eaat lllriii
atae far aaiaitlaSaa: ka ia Wntlt
tea wtil ba the aaaae aa ha Oka
ae a ai tteeeaents sav. aaaAMy
lar Oka waektv. Wkare le M
a liaaefti u ft ua Ox ealtjr at law
m. wtlMat iatit, th Mm tra
for raw af tka aM
Ceatl aaouH
part? ansae a a la
a aVaterprtee.
Lae-a eevametn at
Clreua aAverttetn aa aai i taj
atfvartwat at tae la c aa teak.
a te afinaJ eeaaitiani
Ttrm Sate anj Bwkrval Baia"
taaswaate Sc Baca, rlral anwnaa
farad wrflnai saw tuitv at
Wii tteaas aa wU aim i
af It- wtth tnlaraat ta laaal 1
arsa aa gladly anapaa. Retinal
lea aa
aeaaanaaar aceaf wMre
a aiaa tffla at
MaJ aa iilBasg
ta oa sal at the followlas; storea
every day: -
Huntley Broa Drags
Mala Street. e
J. W. McAaulty Cigar
Bevaath and Mala.
B. B. Anderson.
. Main near BUtX
at. K. Dunn Confectionery
Nazt door to P. O,
City Drag- 8tor
Klactrte HotaL
Scaoanbora -Coafactlnaary
' IaU aa4 X Q. Aaaaa.
By tba tateat censaa tka populatioa
or Mtaaoart wu jjnszt. n U an j,a would nar ha aeat If ha had
aaay aura la artlamatta to dlvlda Utla
number Into qul tata aaaatorlal
and CooTaWtil dlatrtcU . Good
mapa of atlaaouri ara la cotanoa aaa
and anyparaon of ordinary ability
roald raadily taka tba unlta of aqual
por-ulaOoa and torata tham la eoo
ttmKma compart araaa. But tba par
tiMa trick attamptd ala la that
tata la to aiaka tba dtxrlrta unaqual
la pooUUon and ao bapd la terri
tory aa to gUa df moorala tatca aa
much rapraaantatloo ra tba 8tata
ata and la Conjrraaa aa la altowod Ra
publican. Lat yr tha Rrpubllcana
ranird tba vtata on tha pttpular rota
but obtained only thrra ronrraaaman
In alxttwn. Tba Stata Sala baa
baea fcapt IVtnocmtic In tha propor
tion of S to 1 for many yaara. By
maana of tba crooked dlatrtcttDf of
tba DamorraUc partjr, or ratber tha
laadera vbo control It, ara Intranchrd
Drrntanantly In one branch of tba
L;1Utura, Tba paopla mlfbt con
demn them by TV 000 majority and
till tha manipulators would retain
tha power aaurped.
Tba Urn baa arrived to redlatrict
Mtaeourl asaln. Secretary of Stata
Roach and Attorney General Major
Vara applied tha nauaJ Democratic
plan, watch arolda tha almpl arltb-
metlcaJ fact that each ttat aenator
la) district should bare a population
of about 7.0OO. Tbalr style of arith
metic prefers senatorial districts
ranrtna- In populatioa all tba way
from C3.000tolK.000 . They give 8L
bouts, which la decidly not In Demo
cratic faror. only one state senator
for an averaire pou la t Ion of 114.000.
They seem mora hopeful of Kansas
City, for which 94.000 people ara con
sidered enough for a state senator.
Under the Initiative provision In the
stata constitution this question of un
equal representation will be submit
ted next year to all tba voter of
Missouri Those who support the pres
ent system at the ballot box should
not forget that what they seek as
partisans would break down their
equality aa dtixena.
A distinguished man once said, "nev
er send off a letter, and especially If
R Is likely to Involve you In aa angry
discussion with another person, by
tha evening post" There Is good
good aensa In that advice. Many a
person has written and sent In the
beat of tba moment missives which
Unveiling the Silver Service .
Given" to the Battleship Utah
American Ideas Are
For China's Rapid
Western Women's Charm Lies
Their Education
A s'
- c - -sksll
Pbote by AanUaa Praaa laanrlattoa. i
ISTINCTIONS ara crawdlug upon the battleaalp Dub. Not aaly la
she one of the l lam aat batUeahlpa ta tha navy, bat she la tba
poaaeasor of tba Bneet silver ear-vice ever pre anted by sa A mark-as
state te Its naval aaaaaaa la Mo reaver. It la safe ta aay that ao maaa-
tooa baa ever bad a tblrat quenching apveratoa that baa axrited more rom-
aaaat thaa thia same eUver aarvtca, and. all bacauae Its decorations Include
picture of Biichim Teang. In the belgbt ef tba controversy which raged over
the presentation ef silver so decorated It was declared that the repreaaoia
ttoa of the Mormoa apostlea statae I so plied the rerosjultk. sad approval of
all bla tearhlaga. Inctadlng that of polygamy. Tbe axplanatlea effered by the
dooora an that law Tonng statue appears In tbe scheme af deroraUeai bacauae
tba Flooeer mooameot which It eurmouata la one of tba sights ef Clsh. Tbe
navy department has also accepted tha gift ef anatber silver tray, not bearing
the Dkture of Brtgbam Toung. ta Uke tha place. If taa L tan a omcers wtaa,
C the aoe aa decorated, aq. that they now have tww bandaema trays Instead
af oaa. Tbere ara 129 pieces In tbe original sat. tba saoat laa po riant of which
M tba pooch howL Tbe punch rupa repreaent each county In the state. Its
Identity being established by a characterlerJc araae engraved opon 1L TDiny
tboaaaad school child ran Joined with tbe rltraena af Utah la tbe purrbsee ef
the rtrt for the batUeablp. The principal feature af tha presentation cere-
moniea, which took place at tbe New Toes navy yard, waa the aavetllng af
tha aerrico that ta. the drawing aalda af tba American tag which screened
ft by Mlaa nssel ToC Utah girl who la known t the stare aa Hatel Dsw
slept over tha matter. It ta well to
let angry passions cool and also not
to decide matters of concern when
the mind Is Jaded. Send by morning
post after a refreshing sleep rather
than at the close of a strenuous day
when tha body and mind ara wearied
and, perhapa. tha temper sorely tried.
By Rear Admiral CHIN PIH KWANC Head ot Cfeineea Nivy
TT ADMIRE American
(si Su . I
men not for their beauty
or their chic, bat for their
o clever.
I hare met great many Amer
ican women in London and Pari
and other European capitals, and
with some of thcrn I have become
excellent friends. A 1 wars I have
been impressed with the THINGS
TIIEY KNOW. Their great and
special charm lies there.
Thej are beautiful, ves, though
the type is so different from our
own. What our women rcurt
learn from yours is the WISDOM
.OF SCHOOLS. The wiet of us
in China know this need to be a
fart bevond discussion. We have
an immfiiw admiration for that
American history. I have studied it all my life. And we read "all
men are entitled to the pursuit of bappirnW at "entitled to the pur
suit of education, self development."
New schools are opening constantly in China. WOMEN are
filling many of them. We bHirve, ..f cnurv,- that wifelioml and
motherhood must be the common lot. Rut we are coining to Miore
that woman fulfills both those functions more perfectly h lie comes
Only, of course, all these developments take time, and when there
baa been no education at all for centuries of generations everything
cannot be reformed in a minute.
They should have a part in the government as soon as they are
READY FOR IT. It is a joke now to aay that Chinese women
are capable of such an undertaking. ,
But I do not see why the vote is refused to the women of Eng
land and America. In those countries for generations women have
been taught to use their minds the same as men. Why should they
bo kept out of the world of politics when they are such prominent
flgircs in the closely akin world of business
I believe in the FULLEST and FREEST individual develop
ment for all men, women and children. That is whv I am exceed
'"C'j ?'al tn"t American ideas and methods are creeping into-China.
The influence in felt not only in the establishment of more schools,
but in business of all kinds. Even the farmer and small merchants
re beginning to depend on something besides instinrl in conducting
thir afiairs. It ia a excellent . ai,J. hnful urn -
A young couple' recently got mar
ried at the unearthly hour of three
o'clock In tha morning In order to
escape hazing from ' their foolish
friends. This custom of Indulging In
rough horse play and ailly practical
jokes at tha eipenaa of the bride and
bridegroom cannot ba too aeverely
condemned. In addition to the hum
iliation It oftlmea causea It Indicates
a lack of reverence for a very solemn
and sacred rite and moat certainly
the statistics of marriage and divorce
In this country prove that marriage
la already suffering over much Irrev
erence and folly.
America la each year a little bigger
and a little better by reason of Fran
cis Scott Vey'a "Tba Star Spangled
In Germany tha advent of- bard
times and costly living la called a
"pinch". In most countries It la a
real "squeexe."
A New England woman about to ba
married speaka fifty-four languages
One curtain, lecture In the family will
probably be enough. '
In western Canada wheat threshers
ara atudylng bow beat to carry on
their work In snowdrifts with tba mer
cury below xero.
Complaints are heard In all parte of
the country In regard to Increaaed
taxes. The taxes must ba going up
In sympathy with food prices.
niss m nil
A miscellaneous shower wss given
Thursday evening at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. L. O. Ice, the guest of hon
or being Mlaa Nora Hanlnn, a ho Is
soon to become a bride. The living
room waa prettily decorated with Ivy
ferns and Oregon grape, while the
dining room was decorated with fes
toons of red hearta caught in tbe
center by a cupld. The electroliers
were entwined with vines. A delicious
repast was served. Tba amusements
were games, one of which waa a hat
making contest of crepe paper, the
Judge being Mrs. Vatcher. Tbe prita,
ka Dutch vase, for tha most artistic
and becoming hat was won by Mrs.
J. It Oarretson, while tha consolation
prize, a lemon aqueeser, waa won by
Mrs. A. Nstbelln. In tbe bean guess
ing contest Mrs. Walter Wrntwortb
won first prize, which was a Havl
land plate. Mrs. Ica was assisted in
entertaining by Mrs. Jacob Miller and
Mra. Samuel Stevens. Misa Hanlfln
wss presented with useful articles, In
eluding cutglass, china, linen, etc.
The guests were Misa Genevieve
Kelly, Mra. J. B. Garretson, Mrs. L.
A. lurry, Mra. A. M. Sinnott, Mra. J.
llanny, Miss Margaret Hanlfln, Mrs.
O. W. McMillan, Mrs. K. P. Stanlch.
Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. T. P. O'NetL
Mrs. N. Storlcb, Mrs. . P. Soreaban,
Mrs. M. Johns. Mrs. C. W. Kelly,
Mrs. A. Natterlln, Mra. F. Williamson,
Mrs. Charles Monell, Mrs. M. Hanlln,
Mrs. M. Clancy, Mra. Herbert Hani
fin. Miss Sstle Clancy, Mrs. 8. U
Stevens, Mrs. Clayton White, Mrs.
Walter Wentworth, Mrs. F. C. Gadke.
Mra. F. V. Vatcher. Mrs. U O. Ice,
Mrs. Jacob Miller, Miss Nora Hanlfln.
" No matter how short tha crops may
have been they are alwaya referred
to as "bountiful harvests" In tbe gov
ernor's Thanksgiving proclamations.
Tennesse and Missouri have Re
publican governors, Kentucky baa a
retiring republican governor and
Maryland a newly elected Republican
governor. On tho whole, the stalea
on or near the border look unusually
good M Republicans.
Parwln Company, Of Portlsnd, Buys
Seventh Street Business.
The Tarwln Company, of Portland,
has pnrchsed tha atock and fixtures
of the H. J. DUger A Son atore at
Seventh and Center streets, the price
being $4,500. The store will ba man
aged by M. E. Runn, ho recently ar
rived from New York, and C H.
Dickey, a well known young man of
tbla city,- who haa been eonnected
with the Rigger store for . three
months. C. A. Parwln, of Portland,
who la general manager, closed the
H. i. Digger V Son purchased 'the
buslness'frora A. Robertson two yeara
ago. He haa decided to Uke a rest.
and will devote soma of his time to gain Period
beautifying bla place at Oreenpolnt back page
DO TOU KNOW that tha Enterprise
year end RargaJn Period Is now on?
See ad on bsck page for particulars.
The damage ault of J. U Bills
againat A. J. Kltzmlller, the plaintiff
alleging malicious prosecution and
asking flOO damAges, waa tried In
the Circuit Court Friday, Judge Mor
row, of Portland, presiding. Judge
Campbell, who had preslJed at a
former trial of the case, occupied the
bench of Judge Morrow In Portland at
the bearing of a similar case. Kltz
mlller had Ellis arrested on a charge
of stealing posts In June, 1910. The
posts were made from trees, cut
from a right-of-way on tbe Kltzmlller
road, nortb of Eagle Creek, by Kltz
mlller and his son, George. Kltzmlll
er, It la said, had permlaslon of tbe
county court to make the posts. Ellia,
manager of the Eaat Side Milling
Company, said tbe trees from which
the posts were made, were on land
belonging to that company. Ellis waa
arrested by Kltzmlller for taking the
poata, and the . former accused Kltz
mlller of asssult and battery. Doth
charges were dlacuaaed. Brownell
and Stone represent Kltzmlller.
If you are not reading the Morning
Enterprise, why not? Year-end Dar
ts now on. See ad on
Harvard Plavae Prsmlaas te
Oreae Beth la Hlsteey.
Percy laogvlua Wendell, nicknamed
"the human bulM" by Crimson u
dergrsdustea. la this year s eonirlbu
tlun ef the fstiHius Weudell fwnlly !
Harvard atblvik-a. An All American
halfback Isat year by ansnlmnus
rbolre, Wendell this year la Ibe strong
eat msn lu the llariard back field la
fact, his work h!h -n tbe effenalve
and defensive la tbe beat seea at Har
vard for a auuit r of yeara.
Wendell la admirably Biting the place
at the halfback position left by bis
lirolbcr Jack, lbs star bach of the
Harvard team In U7.
Vnder the new rules a plunging half
back that rsa te -tuahlerd a conlt-
A elate Bank leaks nethlng af tha
security afvented by aevsrnmsett ewa.
rvlsleA. It la wndse tha direst sea.
fe af tha Btsae Banking Department,
and subject ta rigid sariediesl eaam
Inatiens af Its apart auditors, wt
see that all the lawa safsfwsreinj ga
poal(srs a'a eemalled with.
- Tba safely af yawr Interacts la as
sured at
The Bank of Oregon City
If W?v
Pwota br Aaterwaa fraae Aaeortattea,
D ru I Jk TV) U RaTTTal rr at r. J. MBTBK.
- CAPITAL, eaaJoa.Ou
I BMaaietf pnweaw uvD Trn A. M.
p. m WfaW1 mmmdk rw m
Wants, For Sale, Etc
WBKDsxi RaavasDa aasr
s aa.
eat gronnd gainer Is a dWid-d rarity.
a tbe rules tend to preveui im b gain
log. W bet bar ur n there l a bU
o(ened In the line, ynung Wendell m)
nearly Ih dewuded umi to
make a auhetantlaK rain, aud as till
la tbe rale It lintel I lirlltu.t-tl lu
aorue Innate ability vf the man rather
than any ua king be rts fim bis
tsammstea t
la game thia year. niilrly In
that With trivii. be eeeU uhliig
four men ali-a.l of h.ui fr a distance
ef lea yanl after I Ley uad !e-ua lu
try ti. ht uiTt That soy
man ran di this lu the nto game
wbeu be ran bare no Interference In
a solid l"1r reeeding h t IhnHiah the
line ta the um" remarkable and "hows
thai It U Ibe biau. O the leant, thai
snskea Wendell nhnl he la.
Of rourae. a haa ean aald. I Ha res
m Ibe mau ran do Ibl Is that be la
snort, stork y, heavy and gal hern atwed
Very rapidly, and there la Itut one kind
of tackling that will bring hlra la earth.
and Ibis kln.l of I ark ling la done by
but oue or two men on the college grid
Irons of today, one like Kddle Itsrt of
Prloceton. for Instance. Hart diwned
Weudeil for loaaes aerernl times In tha
recent gstue with llsrvsnl. Hut Ibe
I'rtuceton csptsln Is In a rlaaa by him
self. Even when be Is tarkled be
should lie there bsve been time when
be has broken Ibe bold of Ihe grappler.
shaking him from bis feet, sgstn run
nlng free, to be attacked by tha ob r
bslf of the team.
In thia man Harvard undoubted!)
haa tbe wonder aa well aa the freak of
Ibe football world. . .
It la aafe to say that when be root
pletea his college course, with another
year on the football Held, be will be
balled as the greatest line smashing
halfback ever produced In the annals
of Ibe gridiron. He Is but twenty-one
years old snd Just In bis prime. He
weighs 1N0 pounds and la only Bvs feet
all Inches tall
tu aa see as aaa eaat a wi fere
la i inn a. aaJT a eaat eaaVMawnl kaaae
imm vase ksaaj aaea, IS ear aaU , aaut
sn aara. I awaai S4 aae saoeiav
CWaft ajwt aaaaaaaiaair erar aaUae e
aaa aa aswa t it art tfce in ir. Ma
r 'V rus IklliQr ear arrea. waaw
rears aaeae rraa ei 1 1 laSaS aaatae wa a
sraxad far aasraa hiaMrauai aaaeea ISa
WANTKlv Tourlata and local people
lo ae my collection of arrow beads
coins, Indlsa trinkais, eld standi
and turlos of t: sorts Will bu
or sell la this lias llas eome good
bargaiss In sevundband furniture
ana tools. f,rorg Voung, Maln U,
near Uth
(I It U of IS ants puce to work for
board and go to arbouL Address
lxt . Wlllsmatte. tiraaiui.
WANTED Itoys and girls. Hare
la your chance youngster to
make your t'brlaiaaaa money
easy. The Mecatag Enter
prise will pay yon a big com
mission for brlnlgng In trial
subscript Ions. If yon wsnt
to know more about It call or
rite to tba Circulation Man
ager of the Morning Enter
prise, Oregon City, and team
all about what you will have
to da. Tha mora you turn In
tba mora you will make and
yoa can make a M If yvi
KOR BALEfGentla pony. rxd eondl
tiua, buggy and harness, iJJ. phons
Oregon City, Main 111.
rt)R BALE by C. II. IJveaay. carload
of Trojan powder. Just received
(Continued frtira p(M L)
sa tbe ( Urkamas ttoutbrraii'B( J
ersa a far rirbar termor, sa
er ix-albllltlas. for lrelbl awaJus
the btinds laauad by las tattsr uZ
pany. limited as they are te
per mile, makes the aemritv lor tk
Clackamas Southern Ihm.U rstaw
(Cotftrruad frunt ae I.I
student In Oregon City Tk sosttat
paya fl&O per annum. J. c. pvieari
former treaaurer of CtarkaaM
ly, la a randldate for city trawwa
of Uladatone, and has no oppaaltaa.
Ihe praaent traaaurer. J, K. fifth,
having declined to run. There h
salary of &0 per annum f or the do
There ara more than M totsnj a
Gladstne and It la said a bat aaa
palgn will be eased The asBaj
place la In Ihe city ball oa ttartaestk
street, and Ihe election OtlretS a)
have bawn appointed are: Jaegaw
T. IC Oault. W. P. ttrhonley, J.
Tracy. Clarke Charles T. Bevan I
I. Carter. Mr. UaaM, is a raatnaw
for Alderman and wftl got serve
Ihe election board, so anotbar aiD kt
IO YOU KNOW that Ihe Eater?,,
year-end Itargaln period Is see at'
Bee ad aa hack page fue oantraan
roi'NIV A mink or marten boa on
Mala street. 0ar may have same
by calling at office of II. B. Clyde,
1003 Main street and paying
VARM 1XANH tamlck IMamiak,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or
Nsp Turn Has Hsd Many Plleta.
Harry Davis la the alxtb manager of
tbe Naps In Ihe peat eleven Tea ra
Others were McAleer. 19tMl; Armour
1902-4: Ujole. I0o0: McOulre. 1010,
and Stovall. 101 1. In but three yeara
did the club finish aa high aa third.
Englsnd te Band Mined Tsnnis Tssm.
r.nglsnd la lo send a mlisd lawn
tennis team. Including three women, lo
South Africa for a aeries of matches
Menstse Btsdium Plsnnsd st Yale.
Tale university's proosed new stadl
am will sest 70.000.
Wsgonhurst, who Is putting no a
wonderful game for Lafayette this
aeason. Is a brother of Otto Wagon
hurst, who played oo Penn's lestu In
04 and '0ft.
West Point has a good substitute al
quarterback In Harmon, wbo will be
of value . Hyatt la laid np. Harmon
catches punta well, la speedy and very
Slippery In a broken field.
Walter Rrkersall says "that tbe west
ern college football team suffer from
want of material because most of the
schoolboy stars who go to college
choose an eastern Institution and that
It means a lot to a westerner to be
able to make the varsity at Harvard,
i nuci'ton. iaie or Oartmrmth.
A Willy 'Jams.
A city cousin bad been staying si
tbe fsro one Mittunin for two weeks.
resUng up for the winters round of
plesaure. One evening after sudiwi
he suggested lo ber country coumIii
thai they get np a bridge pany some
My sake. Arabella." n the horri
Bed reply, "they sln'l no bridae n-Hr
er tbnn four mile, and thiit one nn fiii
rickety I his time of yenr v.pihI l.
bare pneumonia, lot i rsrv new ,'in(
gled yleea give me you ,-(tf folk'"
Phllaielp!ilri Times
' nbaorib for tha DsMy gmterprlea
O. U
bTBT, Attaraey t-lw .
abatraels rtraaaa
Hi lea as a anas d. aetata uttlad.
arsj law IsSiiit Owar Baah af
Law, Dislaahar Atvwael vtll
Oaa la all aawrta, naaaia
aria Bldv. Oeaais C4ty.
MA It XT JO Mans Bans er sad
Ueatraetor. Bamaaates
grvaa oa an elasess of
wrk. eoaaveu walk an relafaraad
eaaereta. Ran. PVae Mala 111
. h coo ram. roe rir i
aad Baal Batata, Let a
rear properties we bay, a
riraaaaw. ome la BwierprW
tag., Oregon Cty. r) rap on
t-MRAiifj TAiiiORS atilla made lo
order from f 10 and up. Wa alao do
cleaning, pressing and repairing.
I nre doora south of posloffca.
J. A LI) A 8AGER, tear tier of wtnd and
atring inatrumenta. director of band
and orchestra. Wl.l furnish mualo
for any occasion. Csll at Klectrlo
A special service will ba helj Bun-
day evening at Bt Paula church.
Members of the Oregon City bar ara
to attend. There will be special
music accompanied by a string quar
tet, while the sermon will be fitting
for the oecaalon. The mualo will b
for the Harvest Home festival.' Tha
altar will ba decked with graaaea and
The mualo will be Slmner'a Msm.l.
first, "Pralae the Lord." Maker:
Gloria In Excelala. Concnna Ti
stringed Instruments will be furnish
ed by Mr. Sager. .
Tbe rector, the Ilev, C. W. Itohln.
son, will preach to th lawyer.
If you ara not readlne tha unin.
Enterprise, why notT Tear-end Bar
gain renna is now on.
back oe.
Sea ad on
"Tba Nealy Weds" aers eatars
ad at a "high Jinks" party by Mr. SB)
Mrs. W, K- Uus Thursday srena)
Tbla wa Ihe regular meeting ef Bt
club aa well as the Oral eesdlag a
blversary of Mr. and Mra. Logaa, Pb)
were preeented with many
per articles. Among tbe
of the evening waa the skirt
of Mr. Logun M. IX Utoaretls a
aisled la amusing tbe guests. Watt
waa among the trataree of ta
alng'a entertainment, Ihe prtias P
Ing won by Mra. M. IV Utoeretttsp
A. A. Price. Tbe home of U Leftf
waa' attractively decorated, aad Bt
table waa decorated to corressosi
drllcloua luncheon wss serve!
Praaent wet Mr and Mr, (kany
llanklns. Mr. snd Mrs II. Matt).
Mr. and Mra. A. A. Prs-. Mr. mi
Mra. Hugh lleodry. Ir. and Mrs. C
R. Melssoer. Mr. AngusU Waraar.
Bebaalmate Are Oueet ef rra
Or gen Cry Oil
Mr. Carlaa "Jlubm. of CnPsy
street. Portland, wbo was hraPW
Miss Katp Mark, of this city.
talned at her home In a esUaVM
manner her former schools! B
Oregon City, moat all of wboai
now married. Tbe afternoon
voted to reminiscence, and a ,
eon wa served by the host,
waa aaalatad by her sister, Mrs. Jaw
liivra nf thla ritv Th hous
tlon ware of fern and estfto
Those attending were Mra I
lxiwry (nee Mark), of Oregoa vw
Mr. C W. Oeller (nee Mor'
Cown). of Portland; Mra. uawr
Case, (nee Grace Tower), or nru--
jara. J . rv. oaatr, .
of Portland; Mlaa Veda Vv1l,totV,r
Oregon City; Mra. Tmaa
ne Edith Cheney), of iwtlaad; B
tr.Ki Craafnnl IBM IW K
Oregon City; Mr. John Holme. (J
t.i v - n.t .. n...fl.nit- Mr. WW
mau-ne ivaiur,oi -
ter Wentworth. (nee Grer Msrsasa'.
of Oregon CHy.
Read tha Morning Ee'erprta
J w uau uai a j
Ml New
VI 7lriTBUiaAnoriAi
f DlCTlOJlAm
a . it is a BW Ct
IMCMWI rosr. aovarlng TrJ
Bald ef tha world
mmw una bridged dewaaarf
asany years.
I dad n
fvsMmmw 1mfmrjm, more
hafera appeared between
page. A "aaroa of
i-m m H ia aa ens:
I avacnaaw . volunM.
hstm rlorVsS
Press a th ea sayr"
aaveaw - -f--
B B 1
I j shooSv" JJ
I WPaiaapiaaaatsae4
I C a C. aMtiAB C2?JZ
H afaaMjBalatlaaaaBJlPa
' f -a .?