Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1911)
' f . ' T ".""----'n.-, , . V l, l" :7..,-r.,. .' '"J .... WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I S 6 G VOI, H-No.123. Pes Wnx, JO Cum OREGON CITY, OREGON, BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911. RATE REDUCTIOH OHECOfl CITY FREE BEAM ADMITS IS VOH BY COAST -J lILJLJ V II UJI I L-i PFRPFTRATFn nv wait AAcnm inAi I .v outu;:esw& GUILT AIID DIES 5 1 . tMI IIWI Tt Um & " S. Saf W W Wi a ' 2 i;'j..-.' CHARTER MM PROSPERS I , .1 NTMTATl COMMtRCt COM MISSION ORDERS 20 CINT CUT EAST. a serious loss b iraiM i,ur, Of Railroad Art Sails Of Otiiion fight I Mad Sy Portland And ettle. WASHINGTON. Not. ti Portland. l and Tarm. jobbers won an WPortiU victory before the Inter W Vitwrnvtv Commlaalim tndsy then that '""ly ordered e twaiUy c-nl mlitrtlou uf all Interstate tlw ratna frost thear cltlee to polni la Waah tainn. Hreson. Idaho and Montana. m4 lr-ti'd 'hat the naw rtlN ! Ml Int'i effect January 1, I91J. Tha nsht rH,u' ,,on " 4 l.y the Chamber of Column of portUnd and Hattl. Todaya or dr Mrae tho tentative declaloa of Cummlaaion V announced aom roth ao. the having ut terly fsllad In thlr end-avor to show tkal a TO pr cent reduction would be rsinous or arm unfair to them. When the Commlaalon flrat an soaoced Ita belief that a twenty per cent tslbould be mad tha railroad! dMalnvd al montba In hlch to aub ail nura ahnwlna what hwaaa tbey wm4 auataln If auch frotmlatlnn Inuld ba mad. Tba Commlaalon, af ih aiudtlna Ihna flauraa. loat no Una In promulKatlnc Ita ordar, for It 4lamrard from h - aiaiiaura com- F'" - "J I taaoiy r rant cut In rlaaa rata uilii anHa tha railroada In aua- dua of loaa than ona nor rmt of thalr oparatlni ianu. In vlaw of Iba 1dd-UI mndltlon of tb four roada (Ifariad. tba t otnmlaalon holda Ibat thry alll not Ix adfaraoly affactd by tkia r4iirtiiif). II mm HORSE HAY EE GIVEN FREEDOM WlMlllMCTiiN Nav. it I'rval iaot Taft today dlrorlad tbo wardt-n af tha Atlanta IVnltriitiary to trana far ( harlaa V. Mora, tha Now York hankar, to tba t'nltod Htataa Army Huapllal at 'ort Mrl'horaon. naar At laata. whara ha wilt ta unJ-r mdlral obaarTatlon. ' ' . Tba I'roaldrnl'a furthn actlm In Iba caaa II aaa aald at tha Wblla Mouaa. uuld b datarmlnad by tha abaarvatlona of tba Army hyaiclana. Inforuiallon whlrh baa raarhvd Maahlnictnn la that Mora la auffrln( front an a ila form of kldnvy dlafaaa. II via aald hara today tbat at tlmaa Ida bankar doaa for 17 to IS hour a at a alratrh and Ylnra little Intnaat la (hitim around him, . Frlann offlrlala ar roavlnnad tbat hit condition la aorjoua. Tba Attor anyiaiipral rauad a thorough Inrca tlcallim to Ka mad ha for approving ala ramoval. f 0 SCNOtfTA COXHlTA 5AMPrMSWRAN X m Mul'ttL f BtxtRo r, JfxL a cuAVMoe TK CoMCDV THC CHIOUtTA CASTAaTT hot Vj if or tf ,f.eH CHINK KID. Wr-V , SWSNI&H .4fN KiMMeoMtt) iM ifhrJjP y tfT THt iKAMROOK MADAME. ' ft ' t STQ&il CAH V rTWX AfiDtXLAM IL Z avSW rlclFZ a bath ","'S"v'wifiuiw fcer ct F J Scci, RAILROAD HALTS WORK FOR WINTER (7 y ASSOCIATION HAS VALANCE OF M458 WITH RECEIPTS fl.712.67. SUCUKS UMTS ARE FAVORED No Charga To Mada To Paraone Living Acroaa ftlvar, Clad. , atone, Mount Plaaaant And Other Towna. DASHING VOUNQ VIRGINIAN SAYS I PLAN IS TO HAVE ONE COUNCIL- HE IS SORRY FOR SLAY . MAN FROM EACH WARD ING WIFE. , AND TWO-AT LARGE. mm COnPOSlnE TO LAST kaycx is to Kt eiicted iy Tun GLADSTONE HAS 2 TICKETS III FIELD O. E. FREYTAO and a,. wnv CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR OF NEW CITY. EXCITING CONTEST IS PROMISED William Hammond Daellnaa To 0ar Again For Recorder J. N. Severe Announcta. PATTI FSHIP flRFOON HAYiBE SENT TO CHINA WASlllNdTON. Ni. t The bat- tlaahlp ()nRon. with the crulaera Panmylvanla, Bt. lxula and Rab'lKh 4 tlia monitor Cheyenne, now held la raaarve on the Pacific Coaat. will & aant to oln tb Aalatlc flan In tha ant that compllrallona In China be m no a;rloua aa to require the re lBfnrctmrnt of the American warahlpa In Chlneae water. Tha Htnie IVpartnwnt haa not made raquant tttr additional ahlpe to pro rt American Intereata In the Orl but the queatlon of praparlnit 'me ahlpa for Aalatlc duty been taken up by the Nary l Prtm..iit and theae veaaela can l .An - . i . t . a MM - i . rim me racinc on anon m tlf". If their preaence becomea nerea-. i.. n-rordcr William Hammond of (Jladatone. baa all klnda of office b,,ra. and he " routed rrom m d after 11 otlork Thuraday night ft rwalre the petitions of candidal.. m.n.c.p.1 office lja.n he laat day that candldatea could fl . ' .v- k.ii.,1 fur the annual ana gei m- - rv..mliir 4 It waa me Pioriion n t- t. eleventh hour In mo. Vn;n.0ln.6, Two tlcheta are in in- u coining election, which will be the n , .inc. the original elecHon we. held for the purpo.. of lwpo ?h. town, when officer, were , choa.n t. aarre until Janunry. 1913. 'M fllod Into CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN HAS SOLD ENOUGH STOCK TO COMPLETE GRADE. DEMAND FOR BONDS ENCOURAGING Money Ral.ed Through l.aue To Bo Ued In Equipping Line Succeaa Of Enterprlae A.aured. PUOF. F. J. TOOZE. F. J. Tooie announced Friday eve ning hla candidacy for councilman in .h. ..iv.nd ward, to aucceoa ur. n. aikUnd. who. It la aald. will not vs. . randldate for reflection. Dan lei Lone. the retired contractor., waa mentioned aome time ago aa a poH.i . . ji.i.i. i.,.' it waa rumored Fn uie ciiiuiua.w, . day that be bad decided not to make the race. I'roreaaor dava ago announced that he would i,- .h. rare, but at the requeet of friend, he reconalilered the matter. ticket that waa fll"u 1 I of frend. he reconauiercu i night la huaded by O. B. Freytag the . Ir Jtd to o9 for the office plcaent Mayor, who I. a "'J" ?,e U auperlntendent of he Oregon f, r re-elw tlon. Alo-u with Mr "' hooU ,na a memlr of the "' r"TI . ... nd dntea for -'1 hv the Mayor COUNTY TO SELL REAL a-AwaMa 1Ma vatirn tulAlt rUK lAHtb 8herlff Maaa Friday aold to the "n'y all rani eatate on which Uxea due for 190(1 and 1807. This ac- '" wria nocnaaarv In order that fore- Jloaurr, anlta could be proaecuted. The JUmurna will eh made at once. if'y Sheriff jttaata announced that 'f-II.IS waa due for taea In 1907 only ma fol. 190S, it li thought thai at . .l " m announcement or me mu-nu-''Sal action will cauae many per- wno are in rrera to pay. Aldermen: One year ii lla nmerle. Ilkln.on 1 c year lenm-C. B. Fi-rahiMr. C. W ''opi-ed to Mayor Frer I. r. v.y E. Croaa. lof ' , Cad,,.,.. Mr. ixn- tun tor may... - - ,ncor,H.rated. -.,' ,. Mm tia tma enterea me i',n - - ... i'i. following candldHie. ,01 -Aid- Hr'rS: T N n. Two year Salle. Frang r. .i..mWi J gnilll. . , Ilia " term-Tbomaa ""- ; oweU Howell. C. A. wiiii- th1, ?'ygon,:eTa h council to A imrden. ,he other. ..em , . - on F. 8. la"-. M, pax- Vedder and t. """ p t but the ter I. moving to Oregon City, but :l Other Aiuermni lK1,,le- wammond hft Rwcor.ler win'-" .h only dc.ned r"!:lr!h.: candidate i " committee appoiim " and City Council to revise me cur ter. OCCUPANTS NOT HURT IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH The proaperoua condition of tbe Oregon City Free library waa clearly ahown Thuraday night at the annual niu.hnir r.r th Litrnrr Asaucialiou when the following ofttcera were elect ed lor the enaulng year: J. K. Hedgea, preaident; E. G. Cau ..M irj-frHild)nt: Mary B. U'Ren uir.i.r. tim Hank of Oregon CUy Th dirwtora are 11. 'f- McUam. C. H. CauBeld. E. Kenneth Adiiiua. A. J. Lewin- walte, John W.'Loder. Ulaa iaura lieatie and Mlaa Myrtle Bucnanaa. iha xwlatlnn voted to place new iw.k. m tha aalue of S20U on the w... .nt iiiion tna recommenja tlon of the librarian. It waa decided to make the library free to peraona Uv- in. ,.,iiiH t -itr 1 miia. oui wuu . r. i tiia immediate vicinity of Ore gon City and are a part of the bual- ..... Ufa nf tha rltv. inciuaea id ua tarritn will he Wl lamella, isunaei. Weat Oregon City, Gladatone. Bolton and Mount Pleaaant ilerioiore . i.r ka r.nii for three montha baa been made to all who did- not live In the city limit. nnrlns tha -year the aaaoclttUon baa -xn 41 for new . book na $72.75 lot new.paper ana miiuiu. Tk. Iihrar waa nnened for the circu lation of booka laat June, and the .,...r n.,t f the work of ciaaay ing and cataloguing waa done by vol- .. nnii.r the direction 01 atiaa -i-.,..i nt tha RLate Library Coin- mlaalou. The aaaociaiion na a cmu ,.f tiisftn The receipt Ar ih. v ua r- amount ad to 11.712.67. In eluding baUnce 01 iiu , mo totaled 11.266 69. The reoelpta nnd dlannraemeni uj November 17. 1911. ahown In the report of Mra. U'Ren, are a follows. - Receipta. fUlance In bank Nov. 12, 1910. $190.95 Money collected from Nov. 12, Money from ta levy 1.036 29 1910, to Nov. 17, 1911 485.33 Confaaaion Made To Miniater ' Before Condemned Man Goes T Electrle Chair. Juat I Buainea Manager Suggeated At Sal ary of Not More Than 2J00 Commleaion , Oppoaed. RICHMOND, Va. Henry CUy Beattle, -e Nov. 24. Jr., before bla death In the electric chair, at t-aa a m. tndav. con f eased to 4 t the murder of bla wife. The atate- 4 ment. which waa given out In me e rotunda of a down town noiei. w follow.: i-i tionrv Clav Beattle. Jr. 4 d.slroua of .Undine light before fe'Cod and man. do. on tbla, the 23d day of November. 1911, con- feaa cv guilt of the crime cbarg- ed axalnat me. Much that waa published concerning the detail waa not true, but tne awrui iter, e a without the harrowing circum- w & aiancea, remain. For this no- tion. I am truly aorry and, bellev 9 tne thst I am at peace with Ooc rd am aoon to paa Into His presioce, thia atatement Is made." Wt warn our cn.tomer. that now 1. the time to place their or 0P-ad Olympla and Eastern Oy.l.ra. Also for C "Jn Tuea- "t r,ar.nt.. wltn .ny certainty to fill order, banded In la 4X the Uth. Ws will grestlr appraclaf order, given f. 7 0r oyster, come direct from the bed. at OlympU. Wh-J " et0.( I'- to order and ahl, J.'i oooKed 'ya on hand. Halibut extra flne this wean, we ...w l flail or fowl. .".. No cold storsge , FarB0 . I. no nwncd bv Cheater Fllen. of Molalla. and one driven by 5oSh Sheahan. .on ol ' W Ita-hs. iihan. collided in iruui " Hons. Friday afternoon Both car. were b.idly damaged, but none of the occupants was hurt. Bheahnn. who wa. Kolng north, had the right-of-way and the driver of the other car, In trying to avoid aeveral wagons, mad. a "harp turn across the street A large crowd was attracted by the colllHlon. and It was thought at first .. rtn-a ha1 heen Injured. A man a woman and a boy were In the Kllon machine, and Arthur Farr was In the machine with Sheahan. The mud guards, fenders, lamps, etc.. of both automobllea were .manned. 1 COMMONER LAUDS SAILORS. NASSAU, New Providence, Nov. 2 n..M from the stranded steamer Wns Joachim, of the Mlaa Una were tran.rerrea rrom mo Line steamer Segaranaca to the steamer VUHancla. twenty m les from Nanaau. William J. P.ryan. In an In terview Impromptu, said that the en- .1.111 .nt rtiurlnllna of the crew rtart He emphasised the opinion that there should be two wire less operators on every ship, so that ' ' ... m . t n .V. lima Very nearly all of the work, on the ri.Al.m.. QniiDinrn Rallwav Com- pany line has keen closed for the winter and only a tew men win o , rtnrlna the winter months for the purpoae of keeping the grade In good repair ana me cnivena uptm, an that the work done during the aum- mer will not deteriorate. Since March 6. 1911. the company baa aold approximately $80,000 worth of stock, and that la sufficient to com plete the grade and brldgea. 1 ne en rinwr ranorta that a little more than ten miles of the grade on the line haa been completed and about alxty more working daya In the aprlng will fully complete the gTade rrom Oregon City to Molalla. Tha Hiratnra will devote all their spare time during the winter months In dlspoalng of sufficient bonds to pur chase the steel, and lay the track as aoon aa the weatner win permn of that work. The bonds are Issued In aan.imlnatlons of 1 100. $500 ana tt mm ant hi'nr Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, iniereai tami.anniiaiprr 1 ne coiiiij la rar-atvlnir BU bacrtutlona for the (Vnni anma nf tha . mOHt COU miiiuo w... - - aervatlve investors In the county, and 11... .vna to dlanoae of the re- n..irad .mount before ' the worn , In tha anrlng. ' iru.rir f.litn In the county who Uvea or owns Innd tributary to thl3 . . . - n .. . 1.1 road Bhould come lorwaru euu '' the Hoard of Dlroctora m nniBnui t. .k ih.i haa iohii started, and as aoon aa the rond la In operation ih... ain ha nu inner naviiia oniiui- nr. iii rijickamas eounty than tha Clackamas Southern Hallway, as It will traverae a fer.Me territory auu ih. halta nt tvir.ber will Insure a heavy traffic from tb first wok of the operation of tno roaa. Tk. .miiiiv riicmived a letter ."j - l , - t .m fmm a resident Ol ,.rii.nd who owos land near the n..b.n.. unntham Railway Com pany line, and which Is located about nine mllea from OMgon City, and he slates in bis letter tbat the comple tion of the line will really increaae the value of hla land, and be lolt that he ahould subscribe for a thouv 1 jnii. kind an aa to encou.'SKC uniA uvi.t ...... ik. uriii r.i.mnlptlo.1 of the roa-l. that meant ao much to." him Individ nallv . vvhn the O. W. F. I'.ne was billt to Betacada a large part of the bonds laaued for IU construction were sold to Individual Investors In Portland and other Willamette Valley towns, enu Total $1,712.67 Diabursements. Salary'. of librariana $ Rent Booka Magazine, and newspapers.. Supplies for organizing li brary Furniture for library Typewriting of . catalogue cards Entertainment of commission organirer while in City P. O. box rent to March, 1911 Newspaper filing shelf, clean ing wlndowa. oiling floor, etc To librarians for purchasea of sundries Stamps Insurance Election letters t ToUl $1,266.69 Balance on hand Nov. 23, 19U .....n $445.98 Visa Mvrtle Buchanan, librarian. made the' following report 473.5U 216.00 349.41 72.75 62.C 22.35 17.0b 5.00 , 1.50 5.50 15.00 .75 8.75 16.50 14 325 112 45 Tha tnn nf the library work since July 17, up to the present date, ao far aa flgurea can ten. is aa ronoa. ToUl number of volumea in cat alogue 1'0, Total circulation 3.296 Total number of non-Action clr- - culated 472 Total number of fiction circu lated '-"i Total attendance 10,080 Total number of members ! . . . 400 " Tiv it Number of visitors 17 V - Number of books circulated. . . . During the first week, number of visitors i sr. A.' kimniiar nf hooks circulated.'... On Sunday of that week, num ber of visitors in renuiuB Mm tha mk beeinnlns July 17, until the present time, there has been . and ri-atlfvlns- Increase in attendance until we have the follow- ln record for the past weea. Total number of visitors 728 Total number of books circulat ed !" Rn Sunday, rain or shine, find J the library well patronixed. During the week the men ana ooy m" good use of the library durlnr the riiriiiiin- A VM.Mln.. nn Ola ............. ' ' ' pilUn.Mir. v.. Newspapers on file Not Including county paper! and those given at Irregular Intervals. n.f.n.T.r-a danartment wen uiwu, ai- ,v..u umitad tn Ita resources. ' 80 IIIUUII ... - .11 fnr reference hnv III ail .... - been met. Behool cnuaren mar- r.hij use of the library for Investigation and for snppllmentsry reaamg. u. iwwn.n aim has already glv . mi. iu -i . . ...i.ndid h'aiorv reference, has made te library another ifi of a valuable work of reference "The Fa'th and Ita Inhabitants." conn..-!, lug eiKhteen volii'ies. These have n.ii vat heen catiiogued. .Dr Cnrll made a gift ot some cVMy volumes n history and other good non fiction. Many public splrit eded 'cltlrens are showing their ap llbrarr by gifts of good and useful books, a volume or two oocnaM naiiy. - The chlMrtn's corner l.t the. most poiru'sr i:,rt-of the llbri-.. The eft., dren fbow yreater dlacrtmlnatlon in RICHMONDL Vs.. Nov. 24.-With lipa tightly closed, ateaiy and silent. Henry CUy Beattle, Jr., waa executed for killing bla young wife la the elec tric chair here arly today. He refused to speak a word admit ting his guilt, and It wa generally supposed, until later the confession wss made public, tbat be had died nrotestinc bla Innocence. The electrocution moved ' swiftly and am'nothlv. and the young Vlr- aini.n dlMl almost Instantly when the ha alectric current wa turned In. a kla hndv 1 In the dath chamber tne voice 01 the warden co-Jd be hoard plainly reading to th doomed man the final summons. The warden s voice aroueu 1 . ... n 4 tn tha -wltnuafiea. Inter- Wll, 11 or. . mtnably. In reattty,-the compliance with the law occupied only a bliet Thn. with Beattio between ihcm, I he deputy wirdens began their progrefc toward tac cnair. ouiy i feet away. .v When the procesnlon followed by 8uierintendent Wools started, a sig nal was given wnicn piuugeu mo death chamler In bUckness. save for ..... .1 . , k. a Kin git llgnt immeoiaieij ui chlr. This was so booded mat it n..tiinirtha chair In a circle of Diax- in. mdianr ao intense that the rM malnder ot the room eeemea in " darkness The wltn-ases scarce could see each other. The prisoner saw nothing but the chair. Tnere wss no deUy In prt paring for . . . . . a I.u.1. kla nfara thai cue eiiu. dchi ' 1 - , pnjon surgeon and the blecviclan adjusted the airapa, nii uui clamps were quickly thrown Into place aud snapped. The cap, resembling a leather fool ball head harness, srs adjusted and tue men stepped back. t The warden raised Bis nana, in i.ntiv rtAattle'a stiffened with such violence tbat the straps creaked with the strain, ana clamps rauno, and then thst wbleb once bad been Henry CUy Beattle, Jr., relaxed. It was 7:23 o'clock when the shoe was applied. One minute later. Beat tie was dead. The surgeon had gone forward nd, with a stethueTe, had listened fir another faint beating of the heart that less than slxJy seconds before had lived. He stepped back. "He Is dead," be aald. The charter committee appointed by Mayor Brownell and tbe( city coaaell Friday night agreed upon a prelimin ary plan of work, subject to chant at future meetings. The tentative plan for revising the charter follow: There shall be five members of the city council, one from each ward and two from the clty-at-large. The couo ctlmen from the wards shall arvo and those from the ely- at large two year. By thi arrange ment, there will always be three hold-over member. To start this ar rangement after the flrat election tM ucceaafut candidate from the wa d shall draw lou for one, two and three year terms. Tha Miimrtlmfln am to elect a May or from one of their n amber, and he shall be subject to removal By iae coonciL The Mayor, being a aaeaa ber of the conncil, ahall have a vote fn tbat body, aad. If he use, may hia nwn removal or reten tion. The Recorder, prosecutor and Treasurer are 10 De aieciaa 07 i city councIL The city council is ta appoint a tmstaesa manager of ibe city at a salary not to exceed $200 a year. He is to De sudjoci 10 re moval at any time for cause. The deuila of hi work were not dlactuaed. It was the unanimous . senumeni tbat the business form of govern meat would be better ror oregou v;y iw the commission form of government, although the member reserve urn right to make a change. Each mem ber haa Jd that be la not pieagi to any Ihoory. ' The member In attendance were Messrs. Harding, . . SOpp, Holman, t.. Qt.v.n, and flchneheL The committee' will meet next'FHday eve ning. ..:,.". IA7LEY.RECEPT(0:i ; BQuG ARRA!B j..; 'k-.t. - -: :,'- r-' The Commercial Club 'i making elaborate arran-!.n-ni tor tb -U tertalnment of C1 naressman Haw:ey. hn la oTiwcted to nrnvs hero t.ext Tuesday tvenlns n. the Staumee Oie gona. Secretary". Latourette 'Friday wrote to Mr. Hawley aaking him the exact time he would arrlye In tbla an nrranvfmeuta could be made tor his reception. It Is the Intention for a delegation or commercial v.iuo members to meet the steamer In a launch and take Mr. Hawley ashore. He will be the guest of honor at the luncheon ot theUve Wires Wednes day. Mr. Hawley. who is making a tour of bis district, will Inspect the old canal and locka on the Weat Side and will look oer the routea suggest ed for the canal on the I&asi siae. Wife Seeks Divorce. Margaret Barkshlre Friday aued Al fred R. Barkshlre for divorce, alleg ing cruelty. They were married De cember 19, 1910, In Oregon City. 1 ' , Hardin la Indicted. Thomas Hardin, accused of stab bing Fred Hoffman Labor Day, was Indicted Friday. He was given nntil November 25 to plead. George C. 1 Brownell represents Hardin. , Conttnned on page two. (Continued on page 4.) The Curlee Pants are positively the best for the least money. With a reputation for service and low price they are strictly up to the minute. PRICE ALWAYS $250, $350 and $5.00 Sold in Oregon City at this store only. L. ADAMS Oregon Chj's Big Department Store CUE. JLj 33 IB 2.50.S3.50.$5iOO "4 . -tin 'y i i V no one conin ne on uuiy ""