MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. Ladies' Coat Talk u' juat received tb moat magnificent Una of ladles' Coats ever .,uinil-d W be ahowo la Oron City. These coat were selected i.i. car to give aaie or Oregon City what U up to " ' o udle coal. - Our la arjf Una and In this eblp .r. tha Daw Heveraable Coal In Orey and Hue and Marco, and arawn. Tan CMW " 're a aurc.a of aam malarial a toaU. liefore buying our Una of Coat a and you than can b posted ollara and antra wide n. 08 bat up o d1- J- Price $10 to $25 LEVITT Cm Oor Windows Suspension Bridge Corner ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS ; , , $10 REWARD ! or lb rrat en conviction I m ear Wa "t persons, who ! aalsyfully mow-, eople of The !uav' rot.rprla. from the ! fj. JL of subscriber after there by papar ba been pl4 earner , . 44Ad,aa Wont are Nielsen A Undberg HiOH CLASS TAILORING lot tailing Blda, Pertland. Ptione Main tKI. Stories from Out of Town CLARKE. from Lou la Masaon came borua Eastern Oragnn Uat weak. Mlas Mary Marahall Mt laat weea for Kaatarn Oregon and la aUylng lib bar alitor, Mra. A. Martin. Mra. Klnmr Lee spent Sunday with Mra. W. (1 Klelnamllh. Half Car Load Best Imported German Beer (Pilsner, Munchcn and Worzburjj.) For sale by bottle at LtT-Rticonichfs 6l9Maia -But. laibr. why do you objert to (! r' " d'u't k blm." -Hut uo wool neve to live with ala -Will rw 1'iit up a ,M,"d tn "ut MlM-a Kdna and Clara Caufleld and Mtaa Mat Hardin atlaniUd tha wadding Wadnoaday evening of Mlu j Vivian Holmes and Mr. Craig MrMlrk nr. at Westminster preshyiertsn church. Portland. The bride and bridegroom ara grsduatee of tha Uni versity of Oregon, and tha courtblp a etartd there. Mr. unit MVeT Clarence went to Highland to vlalt Mr. and Mra. Nort Mr. Haag was In town Saturday. Mr. nottcmlller waa at Union Mill Saturday. Klalnamlth Hroa. are putting a con ore! e wall In their mllL Mra. Tom Orace went to Portland Uat wek to visit bar mother. Oustave Haag returned from Can ada liiat week. lUirn. to Mra. Oeorge Clark, a daughter. Mr. HorTatetter and family apent Sunday with Y, Mueller and family. Kveryone la thinking of Thanke- glvlng with vlalona of turkey and cran berry sauce. The Debating Society atarted laat Krlday night but there were only a few out owing to aurh bad weather. Mr. and Mm. 1 Moeer apent Bunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr. H. Wal lace. W. Wallnre waa In Timber Orov ion business Saturday. Our teacher went to Portland Fri day nlrht to bear Oypay Smith talk. II Wallace waa taken alrk Bunday night. Iiut aome better at the prsa.nt writing. "I " I U E. M. Btark waa In Ber Creek on bimlneaa Friday laat. U Wallnre butcherd hog Monday. Our mall haa been changed ao we g"t It at noon now. one day lata I uPtMwe people who got dally mall will have a kirk coming. Cbnrle Iiaker and aon Roy paaaed through Ihla burg Tuesday enroute to rlmmln aaw mill to aeo about get ting lumlWr for a new-hooae. r - U Morr butchered a ber Monday. Outalde range la getting rather acarce. Boon thn atock will bare to depend altogether on the barn for feed. Kgg are ratlier a 'araree article, gomeona will have to lnant an egg leaa pumpkin pie for Tbankaglrlng. SUNNY9IDE AND ROCK - CREEK. dow In the dining room, which adda to the appearance and convenience of the bom vary much. The Ladle' Circle met with Mr. Powell laat Tburaday and enjoyed a pleaaant day. The meeting In De cember will be with Mr. Adolph Del kar, where the ladle will make aome comforter for the boetoa and for thl purpose will meet In the forenoon on the uaual datethe third Thareday In the month. All who wlah to Join the aoclety are welcome. - Mia laabel Miller 1 helping Mr. Nuaauaum while the potato digger are there. Mra. Drink went Monday to tay a few day with another daughter, Mr. Jim Tledeman, of Maple Knoll Farm, near Oawego. Mr. Mllem baa some eicellent Hub bard aquahea which be I celling at the boua for 10c each, which I quite a convenience to The neighbor who did not rata them thl year.. FIRWOOO. LOCAL BRICrS ber MIm Kthel llrx'D li vUltlng frleuda at flellaiMul. IU-b ruber, of Itedtnoed, waa In tbU diy Tburaday. Mr. Arthur Snyder la III at ber bow In ihla clty- vn J I- Albion, of Canby. waa In thta city Thunwlay. r-rrna Mayfleld. of HlgbUnd, waa In Ihla cur Tburaday. rrank Muller, t.f ClarUea, wa In thl city Wodneaday. W. (i. Kleluamlth. of Clarkea. waa In t lila i H j Wedneaday. rinu.ln Wlnow. of Milk Creek, waa la thl rlty Tburaday on tiualnea. Wr. and Mra. T. II. Davie, of leaver Creek, were In tbla rlty Thuraday. Mlu Jle furran, of Portland, aaa In thl rlty Tueaday tUttlng friend. Mr. lron, of Meadow Uro. w, among iht Oregim City llor Tbur- day Mn. liwllllan, of Heaver Creek, waa In Ihla illy Ironaartlng bualnea Tbura day. Eiert gun repair work at the Pa rlnc Highway Oarag. 6h 8l- "r IU R. Mr. and Mra. John Clin, of Cam, werw among the Oregon City vlaltora Thuri'Uy. Mra. y. 11. Andrewa. who haa been III at her bora at Mount Pleaaant. 1 Improving. A. (1. Phillip, pf Fwreat Crove. I In Ihla rlty. and I nglatred at lh Elerlrlc Hotel. MUa Marietta Union, of Portland, vlaltlng Mra. C. D. Latourftt, aunt. Huntlnv Ilr,v Cn. have the new Webater International IMctlonary In itnck. We meet any price quoted by ollrltora. Dr. Itea Norrl. on of Dr. J. W, Norrla, left for bl bom In Eaatern Oregon Tburaday aft vlaltlng nia pareuta. Mr. and Mr, dimming, who llv r Heaver Creek, where Mr. Cum mlnga la In the lumber bualneaa. wer IU thl city on bulnea Tburaday. Pmhrella repaired and r-covered at the racltlo Highway Garag. 6tn fit near It. R. , W, W. Jaaae. one of the prominent realilrnta of Harlow, waa In thl ciiy Iranaacllng bualnea. Mr. Jaaaa one of the leading fruit grower the county. Tb King Daughter of St. Paul Kiin,.ni psnivh which are prepar ing for the annual baaaar to be given DecamtMie a. will meet at tb bom of Mra is t ruida thl afternoon Huntley Hroa. Co. are cloalng out tha.iv ii..M.n rvina. and fin cut Ilaaa aelert om Holiday glfta thla weev and aava one-third I), H. Moaher. a former realdent of ttiiini riov.m.a county, but now of Salem, where he la engaged a a t.ll, I. In thl City. d I accompanied by hi wife and three- Tear-old aon. Kenneth. r-k..i 111..1.V1 farmer realdent of Oregon City, but now a rowfr tnma of the famou apple of Hooa hive ... in hia u Thuraday viait- ln urnnnv Mi man friend and elao tranaactlna- hualneaa. Mleg Alice Boylan, daughter of Mr. nd Mr. Delbert Boy Ian, of thl city, who h been dangerously IU for tne Pat month with typhoid fvr na Pinal menlngltla. la Improving, ana there are now hope for br peeay recovery. The Woman Club wlU pla " 10,000 Red Cro tampa. the pro fMl of which are to go toward tne tbrculol fond. The lom,f ! White plague, ho are unable to pay , tor medicine and medical f"4" re to b helped by the Woman Club. Thoe purchasing tmP thU city will help the P1"?.! over the .tat. The al wl com mand at once, and all of tb bu'ln , kouae of thl. dry are to H tarnp , nd turn over the proc w -in7 Woman". Club. COLD STORAGE EGGS SHIPPED EROM VALLEY The papera have many article about tirarnf nartlea' rreat vleld Of pot- toe. Joe Deardorff wlahea to (ell of hla potatoca. Ijiat aprlng he aent Eaat and got one potato of the H tlnga varletv and made 17 hill of It He ba Intely dng 140 potatoes which i welrh 9S nound from thea 17 bill. ! Anrone doubting thl can ee the po- tatoea at Joe E. DeardortT place 11 mlW-a from Bunnyald. Anold Boderberg la Uklng a Jour ney and la now vlaltlng In I An- . . ii , I . Vnn- ha will .. ...... i k V.. M In alur. I !. ."" " - ' . , have a On trip, age fur many month, are anld by com-: w- rar o. Cog and family have .i..i..r, n..r.t,ntiii of Portland to be tntn Mr. rttrrheU'a house. .h(ptK.d from a WllUmetle Valley Adolph Btoll and family were vUlU Mnt to the trad. a. fre,h ranrh j In. with hi. parent at Portland . few tix k. " I Alonr-o nunter haa been building an Arrori'lng to the trade, one house (.dlMon ont0 Ma house which will up th valley hlped more cas-s oi j imnrove It greatly. eKgs lo the Portlnnd msrket, thus far MVe (irady and family have recent tbl e k than all the other ablpi r r moved to their new home at Ore of all other cltle combined. ! ROn City. We wlnh them "CCP"- The trade found uim rnnunng inai i Kie, nearaorn iii"i the rgg were cold storsge stork and tr n Portland for a few daya. were therefore sold as surn Dy me i vsrlous receivers. Not a single com- WILSONVILLE I A v. lh. al. ' mlalon nnune waa iwi u. leged substitution of stork, the sblp-r-r k!ii. ilia nlv sufTen-r as every case received here was carefully candled. Prevailing Oregon City prlcea are aa follows: Fruits, Vegstsblss. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis of 6 14 pounds for 43- S0"s. ... HIDES (Buying) Oreen h dee, So to 6c: aaiter. 6c to c: dry hide. 12c to 4c; aheep pelts, :5c to 75c each. Hay. Grain, Fssd. HAY-(Buylng)-Tlmothy. $IJ to $15: clover. $ to $9; oat hay. best. 9 o 1: mlied. 13 to $12; alfalfa, $l to $16 50 John Bntson. one of Wllonvllle former real estate men. wa In our vllInK" Monday on business. j. c. Chalupsky went to PortUnd Reed Oraham went to HllUboro on business Monday. ' Mr. and Mra. Ueckman went to Port land Turaday to near u py oiwvu- Mr. at.d Mrs. Hardcastle, of Wood burn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Melvtn. , ... Mr. and Mrs. croniu u iui..7 "... . L i icinir in nnrlncr. at the home of Mr. Cronln'e .Uter, Mr. IX N. Brlden.tlne. Chas. Adams nas remmi m hlch be purcnasru rewuuii Tha ML Hood Fruit Grower.' A- soclatton will meet Saturday, Novem Iter 25. All members ar urgently re quested to be present aa there I inv Dortant business to be attenaea to. Geo. Kelsecker made a business trip to Oregon City last week. . Prof. Anderson pent Friday fore noon at tha Fir wood school J. Bell, of Bandy Ridge, attended the oclal at Flrweod Saturday even Ing. The Miasea Dachman and Mulr of the Bandy echools, attended the social anil artent the night with Mr. A, Malari Mr.. Maggie Murray, of Cherryvllle visited her .later, Mr. Eva R. Hart, lust Friday. Hughle Caedy was struck on the knea can with an ai while at work at the mill last week. He TTTinable to work but It 1 not considered serlou. A. J. Morrlon and Victor Bodley. of Dover, spent Sunday afternoon at si n. Hart'a. The third anniversary of the Fir- wood Progreaslve Association waa celebrated In an appropriate manner Saturday evening. A nice program wa. given and a fine supper served by the ladles. All bad a most enjoyable time. At thla time of year one'a thought turn toward Thankaglvlng. Thl ar ford occasion to look backward and ponder over the many thing in the line of advancement and Improvement which wa have to be thankful for. It would hm well for those who were lv In herw three rears ago to stop and compare condition. For Instance the meetlna- of last Saturday evening with the first meeting, when about thlrt met In the old store building. Bitting on counter and boxe. All were r miested to bring lanterns with clean chimney to llgbt the hall. Everyone went to see what some one else would do and It wa almost Impossible to a-et anvone to voire their aentlmenta. Tha idea of forming an association wan devised by A. C. Mllllron. He pondered over the condition of the eommnniry in g-iirrai mr ai...7 and talked It over with a few friend and they decided eomethlng ought to be done toward fnrnlshlng amusement and Instruction for the young people. as they were growing np with no chance for development egrept In hard work. There were no musical Instru ment to speak of In the country; no mnslc In the schools, no libraries, etc The country needed a waking up. Af ter formulating plana Mr. Mllllron aet out to canvass the country and take np the ubjert of cooperation, etc. He vlHtted everr borne within everal miles and found tb majority In favor of the Idea, bnt they bad no encour agement to offer, and looked upon It aaamine-w as visionary. They all voiced the same sentiment it wouiu be Impossible to get the people to hold together or do anything but a in averv new undertaking tr two or threw aet out with a determination to win and make a ncces or a project, not stopping to falter. It cannot help k.. a,w,xu1 and ao It nns Deen win this. Much' might be aald of tbe dlf flcultles encountered, but tney we all met and overcome ana we now hsrn the desired result The object nf tha aaanctatlon. aa announced In Mr. Beards lay la busy cleariag land for Mr. HalL Mr. and Mr. Staklnecker pat Satorday and Sunday night with Mr. W. T. Henderson, while Mr. Hender son waa In Portland to bear Oypay Smith and attend to aome buslneee la Oregon City. The EJ wood lies are busy practicing for a Xmss concert and making ar rangement, for a Chris tmae tree. ANDY. The Sandy Orange Society Is plan ing to erect a building here. A large addition haa been bunt ow tbe rear of the Sandy livery bars. W. J. Wlrtx, who wa confined to his home by Illness, I able to be about again. Sandy la to have a new hardware store. ' Mr. C. E. Moran la visiting in Port land. ... Mr. and Mra. Geo. Odell went to Portland Tuesday to purchase furni ture for tbdr new home. A shooting match will be held In Sandy, Nov. 20-30, for all klnda of fowl and a beef. School Inspector C. F. Anderson of Estacada, Is visiting school In thla vicinity thla week. Attorney Wm. Hammond, or uiaa- etone. waa In town tbe fore part of tbe week helping tbe City Council to get our municipal machinery In run ning order. A nubile dance win t new at atem- r"e hall November 25. after which a chicken aupper will be ered at tbe Bandy hotel. Nominating petltlona tor ail city of ficer were signed and worn to Mon day evening. Cltv Council of Sandy hew a apo dal session Tuesday evening to make preparation, for tbe December elec I'M A. ,tlilJ VV-w M 1912 Flanders 201012 Travels 70 mile per hr at Indianapolis Spmway ...... i ' Thi U the car tht broke all worlcfa record for atock can of 160 cubic inch piaton dupUccment and under, at the Indianapolis Speeway Races on November 14th. And it's Just as handsome at it is strong and beautiful. Come in and aee the 1912 model of FUndera-20 and E-M-F-30 Pacific Highway Garage M. E. PARK, Manager 5th St. near R. R. : Oregon City, Ore. Repair Work of All Kind. Motor, Bicycles, Gun DOVER. Mr. and Mra. DeShazer and Ralph were tn Greanam saturaay naving dental work done. Ed. Wolf drove out from Sandy Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Tennant entertainea friend from-Portland Sunday. David Miller cam borne from Co lumbia City Baturday. Mr. and Mr. Bew and aon, Edwin, had dinner with the Reld family Sun day, i Mr. Carver la eipected to return xo TVwer soon. He ha been East tor aereral month. Mr. H. H- Udell .pent Tnurday with Mr.. Keith. Mlsa Eleanor Bewa waa In Portland the lait of the week having dental work done. H. O. Huntington and wife leave tbla week for Spokane where they will rislt their aon and hla wife. Mr. Reld'. Sunday achool class will give a Thanksgiving entertainment and basket social the evening of Nov. 29th. All are cordially Invited to come and bring baskets. BARLOW. i " iFRFF ailThlMllr' I IIL.L. flU I V 11 VLSI ZULU - The Morning Enterprise has purchased from the Elliott Garage a new" 1912 Model T fire-passenger Fcrd automobile to be given away as a premium in a circulation contest to be inaugurated soon. . There is no car manufactured that exceeds the Ford in popu larity, and last year the Ford factory sold one-fifth of all the cars purcliased in the United States. The car is built fox durability and is a' roadster par-excellence. Clmnr H liimifk.-W. A. Iluntlev. J. E. Iledees, C. J Schuetel, Captain J. T. Apperson, F. M. Swift and. Z E. P. Elliott are some of the users of Ford automo- biles. There is value in a Ford car and the Morning Enterprise proposes to give one away. We want mnrp rirculation and we have spent $785 at one throw . . The high wind of Monday nlgbt blew the frame work of the Naiarene church down. Mr. and Mr. Wood Jee and child ren, of Lewlston. Idaho, are visiting Mr. Jesse' parent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse, of Portland, and Mr. and Mra. Albert Grlbble. of Mackaburg. were also visiting their parent over Sunday. Mr. Scogin I HI at tne nome or ner sister, Mrs. Andrus. Mr. Wlddowa ba the new aauiuon to bla house finished, which make great Improvement whla place aa well aa the town. H. A. Lowry haa changed positions with the agent at Reedvllle. Mr. ixw. to help get it. Watch the Morning Enterprise for future announcements. The field is open. Every- Doay is going to nave a cuaut-u t m iiua uuc mo- X chine. - - J ry failed to find any pleasure in aris ing at 2 A. M. to hang up mall for No. 13. therefore the change. He I atation agent at Reedvllle. rW. S. Tull baa been Impaneled on tbe Jury at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Parmenter were visiting at Herman Lee's, at Canby, last Sunday. . Mis Hattle Irwin returned from Klamath Falls laat week. A bUsxard In that country drove ber home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hall, of Seattle, were visiting at the Irwin home a couple of daya last week. ... la of L 'newcomer from Indian Cliv Superintendent Tooie. of Ore- . . rt . to BBnira the eervlce - . . .S. ..J HamfMSF ... . a n Ta-iinvlnl Cray. $27 io jon tiif. - " or tne r-srmer iiinni -OATS (iiuyingi .... , Dl,H.w iv, home of rrofce-1 ... tn nmcnra an or- $1.25 per or Toose' Dromer, ri ran for ,he school ana 10 no u qj , i A v . I v. ...vntarinn TtrriviiiniK it uiu Threo train ioau ui yry. ..ethar. All of tnia was sctohhiiubu Woodburn went tnrouaa """""'".within a very snort time. im-e TKr.H enroute to Portland to near . taienhone comnany waa formed ,11,..".- . the celebrated evangri. ,n4 tner. ,. BCarceiy a nom- in ui K. C. Stiles, wue ro,mtry that is nor. connec.ea wnu rftirMk Mien., spem mi Uni.M. world by nhone. we were ai- l""l"",v. u. -t.A Mn I ------ - j,.,.i.t Ith thflr relative", - i ao gble to nave a aman nu cwtfe TnlMH aal anart whereby W COUia lmproTw Mr. and Mr. Gould will start on a ot)r own ana not haT, to go irney the 1st of tn moniu w atbt or ten mile. The conniry n i.w Mr nould' parenta for aom I . wonderful transform Willi ..... - .- - n , i . MH.h Kananr vaa neen aeriTtru me. . . v.. - mn1 1 '." " """-"v---.-- -v . . rniar ana iminiT i'"' -i tmnrii fna nnnrnir ui uur Li j ... Mr Rnlar recant- . . .i v...v th. Drernn to Corneiuus wum r u ' puouo nun u...f.u . . t....rt a nairr rauvn. i n nanara an or wnica iur, - iy puni oMInvllta on flat- I . ' L J. v .J w. ara moat ler will return w " ""T"' none rree oi r , it, ir ..rHa to hold a ssie '" i graterui ror tnia ana i" i" Oult a lot or viu i-k-- ------- ravor. ed the Oregon Electric can. Buu-y evening to hear Gypsy Smith, at the o?.- rilv but unfortunately happened 85o to " h- nBrt 0f the multitude turneo its. wheat. to 1-S Shady Prook dairy feed ino pound. FEED (8elllng) Short. $27 o $2$: rolled barley. $37.50; Process barley. $38.50; whole corn. $37. cracked corn. $38; whit. $2 to $27, bran $27 to $is. Bultsr, pounry. asu- wi rtTTTi 11 Kn to IS. 25. .MTrro T fTtuvIng) - Ordinary . .T an.. r.n .... k.,iiar I5e 10 aw. dairy. 80c: creamery. 80c lo 15. POULTRY uiuyinai to 9e. EOQ8 Oregon ram n ir. DtKKn. w"V arnln a atr m Kit nmr ck. v' ..:i.. n. to $; II. za io at-ov. mnA Prune, on oasis oi u ROc; beeta. $150. beeta, $150 POTATOES Pest buying a kaanf1ffAfl ,O,N;ONS-OregonJ$1.25to$U0per hundred; Auairauan, Llvaatock. Maata. 8c 40c to ELWOOD Thl week ha In now way how. away for laca oi r. .v,rV.n i.- ,-i.tion to last week. W have w-v 4 F-SiTOT ma nilUMIUIVl ..m i ivn - . - a . a vou J1 . aju. am I iA.,i raw warm flart or iaie. .'."i'iiTry.6 .ft 'tat S TkuV.dV night a number of people sikt., at ,ne reeiaence oi rv. . wai.htl Steer., 5t the new cnurvu . . .urprBe on A. 8 1,tttl' V." . K..n. i These ladle, nave -""'-":"- " "r : who Uvea near. After tbe and Mo; cow., -.. - - ., 0, nard wont. w- rotl1r .aated W. T. -called VBAb-C-:. nna u th. benen . ;;-- p"" VndBr.0-n lnto the crowded " r. . an SUe: sonvum vt.. -- . MUTTON sneep. th. tm, 0 lambs, 4o and 8c. . Btven before HOOS-125 to 140 Pound hog. 1 It waa Indeed a .urprise. The and lie; lOttc 140 to 100 pound.. 10c and White Queen Flour Thl. I. The r,our 0bUln" L.v In Your Winter Bupply ' r Cosl Nov- .y, Qra.n. Peed I ."- K-r-el Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN aTa Oreo4" City. ,11 re i Wll-wlth lilt) i"" . . v.. 1 the same ioy. v - Waa apent singing and visit ing. Three klnda of delleloua horne- tnarfa eanil and CSnnieQ nouwrn mil served. A present of 'a purse of mon- a was nresented Rev. A. h. nun rf.rann who Inrt on Halurunj iur ' . In)., at Pniiomau. Mra ma Rlttner apent Sunday with v.. mnii,.r Mra. I.vdla Park. Marven ParKa ana wire spent " . u.. rwiila Vallen'a last week. ' at mi.. '-- - . , . rart Anderson, after month a ao- aanxa ta homt again. Mr. Shestrom, of Portlsnd . -i r i Am a Vallen Sunday. a-w a war a r aa ktiiibwI si ivuue av. vi7n i . u. - w . . gan, wnos - Mftier hauled a stump-pniier rd?hiTtt.rmovetoOre to Mr. Hall', place. fore. with Mr. and where several men have been hired to a snor i-w ... ,. i.vinf .uir .ia forty acre.. r-coy'Vwltb McsTof r wa. in Esucad. Satur eating. . v.inina- Miaa Ruth Maplethorpe I. working Nus.baum n.. - v.- at . . ana wire, OMOsMaMiinsu";- "'-"- .,. vlaltlng Rev. John Park.. 8TAFFORD. Tneadsv waa an Ideal day and many a tVa amnahllaA. enjoyeu . v1 nrlca t... m s.nn at it it h iiriim r - but hsn and .prlng chicken, are at a a. W a low eno. . ,. ... Au .nd w s XT naanail TTI IUIU U"i "v"" M". "------- - . ,nootn. . wn in. imj. . " - i "" w. r mnA raallied a matcn DU'. . iatisrac.u.7i" . Mich. Manson rreaenUu,a . The Brilliancy of Sunlight is mot c nearly approached by the new Matda lamp than by any other lighting fixture on the market excepting an electric arc lamp. It b designed tc put electric light in eyery store, however small. No illnminant can compare with the MAZDA light in low cost or high efficiency for electric current. The Small Storekeeper ceii Save Money by installing three or four or five of these units to illuminate his entire premises. They are unrivalled for show window lighting. Consult with tss about oat special offers f of store lighting with Vflatdz lamps PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN orNCE 7th ond Alder Streets Mr. him roil out i .. r.,tae cadlnau down th. largest tree on ,, Tuesday, which .tood near the Delkar Ind 0ge road. It took three hour, of steady work to .aw It down. FYed Ellegsen haa been ral.lng a part of hi. bou.e and put a bay win- Walter were Mr. Cox and on r.n.. aatnrday. Mr. Beardsley. wife and little Alice spent a day visiting Mr. and Mt. Dan Stahlnecker on aay iae wwm. It IT if I! I A i X in ix f