Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 23, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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lAagford jxoyd t
Wtaaipec Man, a fw year
agw tn battl Taay CapooA Wla-
atpe Ik latter "a ataaan-
fcog groaad.
Th night wf
tb fight
drifted tat
la tenia
4 r aalag
"If ymm
koork Ml Ca
noni. th
p k uui
aaaoaDced. -th light will -
mi and It asea will rak hrw
biasing away at ywa with tbaar
Sam roM tb white f his
yes and iMtmd. "Tasalr ."
Tha batU started. CaposJ kept
wsdlag tat Saaa, while tb
lattec Jaet atood ff aad Jabbed,
la th seventh row ad Capoal
drov a 4rrahing left finth
Barn's Jaw. Th brre rat aur.
Ha a la flgsred that aR th gva
talk was -ball" Uk a wild
tiger a started aft Capon
a ad with kvfta and rtxbta bat
tered hlat vee tkt rtax Mra
artng Teny. 8am sUsaaard ve
a rtjtbt. a ad la latter brgaa to
atek t th toor Tb ttekta be
ra to Ik, a ad swddealy all
waa dark.
From lb ring niM a lowd
shriek. Tor goodae aak. tara
aw drat llghts.-
ad when the blaaad araia
Saaa araa staadlag ta the rlag
supporting Canned. That lirbt
it ta daatt.
Man Wit Cm Bwt Bait.
JJ1 ta colleges are devoting aaarfc
ttaa to their drop aad ptsc kickers.
Marshall at Pennsylvania. CBaaat W
Potnt. Torhaoa at Barfcneil. flaw a?
Tat. Sprarkllag at Bnawa. Tkorp ai
Cartlat aad Batter at Cornell ara bat
tew f lb anea aery Mkely to arwr
hf pottl&X tke ball tb bar If
V. 3 C3- T
oavLB. wr rorara rta ciccaa.
tbrir aaatea raa get within twenty U
' forty rarda f tbe goal itae. . Sod
prrfertlow la tbe art of drop kJrkloa
woald bare beea TboairDI Ilium llili
aly a few joara agu.
Ova0rt f Mar Uuili FtbIL
Ira Dareapon. Ih Lalrendt; of Cbl
ejico'a areat woanrr anJW rnaaer aow
last year a aaeaiber of tbe rarairy
eleven, ptayloc ta tbe barkSeuL aaa de
rided lo detaie all of bia arioUoo tf
track atbieOra and will not puy foot
ball axata.
. Bream baa developed another atar lii
Oawtber. ha dlaainatlT balfb k. H
baa bee tbe feature t aeverai ol
Brown'a caatea. maklnc many aperta
,. alar ruoa.
Mirblgin aeema atao t bare onr
MM a leaaa. aa TTxfrifirO -heir balf
Mck. atad all tbe UMM-hVwn aealnat
Caae arbajl rareniij aad mued lo br
boat tbe wboie a bow.
Browa's Interference IhW araaon la
tbe brt tblnv In thai Ho- tbal ba
been seen for a dM-ad. Kprarkltna
follow It Hke a der. and H aaenie at
Baoat topoaailnl to hreak ep
roorhaH rrltW-a to monfry ar are
anrprtaad at fbe renMrkatMy atrnor
a bo win tbat.tbe amalt eterena KaTe-
been DMklnc til fait' fbey raa ad
vance no partlmlar raaMi fur the
form rereraaL
Mlonoaota football etnerts are nrnk
Inc a great ' over Ralph Capmn.
tbe UopberT new bark flrM .ir
flalpb'a hrotber aed in win ramea
for MlDoeaota by kW-ktoa Held roala-
fhe enthusiasm over ftaipb.
Sfc Waald Hava Had Him.
Gladys Ob. yea. I refnaed blm. I
want a tnaa who baa known aorro-w
and arqatred wkdom.
Edith-Bat. my dear, be would bare
eery aooa filled that Mil if yon hudae
reptrd bla.-rrk -
And It Did. .
"Too refused me ten rears ago."
"1 remember." said the betres. "Ton
aid II would wrerk roar nf.-
-Jl did I bare bad t work for a
KrteaT ever atntA'-lavaiawili Cowrlar
: 'ml. , .
1 '
i AcMi:sotAcrlaa$StlrEn2- 0
: lisH Qrr Patli Stan o
; 6000 m n the sprints
lisH Ctrr PatH Stan
Hat CadMtM Diaaavaraa' WK
Ar Waruif to Wear Caiara
Uetd K In Oaaa ta
Hld In SwWa Nat Yw.
Tbe report baa reached England
AnwrVa baa already bearaa pretra
Horn for the nmaterlng f aeit year
team for Mnrkbotm, and It baa bad
to effert of pairing tbe Rrtioo on
dg. Tbey bar begun la tlirnre wn
tbe a valla We naalerial. and M in evt
dent tbal I bay are depeodlng ania
wbat e ttrotland aad Ireland tn beip
ant. In snmmlng np aboni tbe Candi
da lea aa Kngttafc tpert aara:
"Tbe yidlaada have freooeatty
gained eoaaaaradatin for their ear
ntna la devetoptog arbletlr. With
all tbetr policy otn may not agree,
bat few will deny that tbetr prlnrlple
a very noond rraes tbal diatrtrt now
ramea tbe 11 rat definite aov toward
gathering together neit year's X ta
pir teaca. Tbey bare appolaled a sob
cocnmltte to roofer with tbe north
and south a tbe autier. Add Ireland
and rVotktad and yon will bar the
fall anota moaary to deal with the
qnearton of preparation. The awotarr
a deoalte ssov hi made th better;
there ar ao many thine to b dne
before w ran Batter aretr4 thai
w hav a leam la the nwklnat ibal
a ttm sbuald b loac
"Uorlag ibe aaa son now past we
bare dtarvvered quite a bo -of new
men worthy f wearing tbe Tnitrd
Kincdoca eufaww ta next Tear' a game
at Storkbmia.
-We bare on tbe sprtnilng de at
east a roapto of brilliant men this
araaon wbw bltbarto were nut rerard-
ad jta qnlte first elaaa men. Tbey are
D klrMlllaa and U. U JaooOa. tfe
have um goud qoarter men eoming
along Corporal I'sber. for Inatamw.
baa beaten maay of the 'rrarka Ibis
year Th Brtgbtoa man. K. J Hen
ley, might be made a real flier at lath
distance, while at tbe quarter r". E.
Ada aaa has abuwa well tbfc year fee
Irishman. J.' Donning, moat be deHd
adly naefol. while U. II !ray of tbe
Safford Barrtera h a'botber jfaid man.
both at qoarter and half, bat to my
mtnd be aboald be aaked to aperialtie
Cor the qoarter bordlea A balf toiler
with a big torn of apeed h needed tra
that, and Gray, aa w know, ran bar
die more than a little bit. Tbe Cam
bring Bier. r. J. Black, a tain b qnlte
a great quarter man. aad D. M'Mlllaa
raa get tbe dlstanr, bat to my mind
b abonAl b ronatdered firstly fur the
tww aprtata.
TA r. MrNaroJ baa been ar baw
mller this year and baa gun on from
good to better, en It wo Id be alnauaf
an kind to soggeat tbat be misbl at br
fowr-fweoty. In fart. I hetiev or
might go near record ta a favwraMe
rac Be. boverer. ta an old band, ai
thoagh his Imprwemeot ihia eaauo
makes It nereaeary to refer tn blm.. W.
C. alonre M one of tbe devetnpmenl
f 1911. The Oifrd mm wantry
ib ran ran a real good ear ft
coached a Httle. aad with nmre ripen
re of aerate k raring It may get
Cowa to aomethlBK a deal better than
the 4 mlaales 71) aeeonda wbleb be
roc Id bare done ar Qoeen If tbe rar-
hnd mad at naraaaary.
Tbeo there la that eitrsordlnar
ram Dev. A. Har Uere Indeed t a
man who enatd be Impmvad rv roach
lug He baa no aryle aad varr rlrtle
real todrmeot. yet be gi rliae to 4
mtnota 24 aeroods la the f jond-
rhampinoahlp and Is aw far short at
a two mlnnt half mller rrooj ibe
raoka of tbe 4 mlnotea ut areonda t
4 mtoate 15 seeond bandh-SD tnllera.
too. w mlcht find a cbamploo. while
M L. J Taly. tbe Umdoo ln1roaa. r
worthy of mora thaa passing nortre.
as are J W bstmoaeh and W Cottrlll.
th latter another who sboald he taken
In band aertoqsly."
Athlt Raectla Slwty rallin.
Names of tbe old time atbietea are
slowly dlaappearin from tbe record
bnoks. Bemle Wefera old mark "I
21 I ft aronda for tbe 220 yard dab
still staDds -Ms ley Long's qoanrr
cntle In 47 aarooda still looka good
Mike Kwaeney's high lamp mark nt
5 feet TAk Inches la all II alone. Ray
Ewry's standing Jnmp mars la atlll
beyond modern dav champion, and
Peter O'Cooner-a Drorea f tt feet 11
Incbea for tbe rnnnlng broad Jnmp will
Uke a bit of beatlna for a while loncrr
(400)0 Baa ball Can Far-Vsl Mav
Tale ra to have tbe larceaf and moat
modem haetiii rare in tbe eoontry.
Th- aradoate itr-ifte baa in hand
plans for a building 140 by IIO feet
and 15 feet bleb, tbe "(met ore tn coat
14O.0Oi a lower ninety feet sqasr.
with s targe skylight, sannoonts tb
building. Tbe cscr will stand la th
ear of the aew swimming puuL
Afr ataus Hes Racing Mastings.
AKhoagh ibe re ran be do racing on
tbe Jockey cab's tracks ta New York
this season tw-ao the legislator hss
failed to repeal th director liability
aw. mint bant ateetinc promoted by
ma tear tnrfmen Bv been arranged,
sad aoro rinrllaflt sport Is aiperted
Thrifty Swiss,
Ther are fsw beg;ar In Hwitier
land, and two-fifths of tbe adult popa
latloa bavedepoalta In tmoka
Hugo's Mdty.
Th modesty f Victor Bago was not
ettrero. A Partaiaa collector of rare
books and rnrloa baa la bis coilertlo
a set of Bbakespearrs works on-r
owned by logo, tbe first volume ef
which bears Ibe word: -Hbskeapfare.
tb greatest poet, of lb aifteeotb fv
lury. jodgrd by Ibe grraieet p"et of
tbe alneteentb ceaiarv."
N Caws Fse Fasr.
A lady paaaengrr on a ateamer. who
was very nervous aad tb raose of
great Irritation to tbe captain, aald lo
blm one day: "Catara. I'm so terri
bly afraid of fc-eberg: Wbst woold
happen If I her sboald be a collision
between os and ao k-ehergT Please
tell me frankly. I raa bear tb troth."
"Why. msdsm. ssld the ra plain
without a moment's hesitation, "the
aWtashf al M Ikil If I tWkrtl M I rani a In sat aha tt
ns- sew ps ar ar aa t vj III a r a; na twewgrnj m aas ngwr yr
notblng had bapioed."
It would?- exi-lalmed lb aervoos
paaaenger. "Ob. ihank yon. raptalnr
Muahrms snd Onjrgan.
A rorioas wsy of remortug oiygeo
from tb air by the aid of a plant Is
Lb as described: Inside a glass bell jar.
suspended over water, la placed a
mushroom, and sunlight Is allowed to
fall opon lb plant. Tbe mushroom
absorb tb otygea from the sir la tbe
Jar. and tb carbonic arid formed dor
lag tb process is absorbed by lb wa
ter, whlrb gradually rtsea In tbe jar to
one-fifth of Its bright. Tbe mushroom
at length dries np, but Its animation Is
only saapendrd. aa may be proved by
introducing beside It a green plant,
when It will recommence lo vegetate,
being nourished by Ibe oiygeo elhaled
from tbe fresh plnni.
Smcc the day that are past and
gone? for ever and those that are
lo tome may not corrs lo the) a ,
behoveth thee, O man, lo employ
the present hme without feeyctt'njj
tha loss which i past or loo much
depending on that whsrJt it lo come.
r .
r '
Hwf Liked 'wnatwatian.
la one of Victor Hugo's letters to
Bandelalre be d sella oo bi psaMou t r
perfect pnnrtnstln As ao lntan-e
of ttila Huko mentions thsl be made
bis printer furnUti blm with eleven
revises of the proofs of "La Legrnde
des fllef-lea." Ibe Isal ten 0 wbl' h
were required only lo order tbal the
commas mlgtit be put lo tbe rlctil
place Tborois t'smilell was eounUr
fTaatldloua lit Info rruerl Tie i)0
walked sit mile to his ptintrra (and
sis mile bnck atsjilu tn have a com ma
changed Into a seniit-oloo
Tha Caatilisn PaH lament.
i Tbe term "tuoiurr of parliament.'
'applied to nniilanil. la not qul'e mt
j ract Spain bad a iwrllsmenl murly a
i century before Knglaod-uiesolng by
parliament popular representation
Such ao assembly was convened in
Burgos la I KM. while Englund'a fir-t
assembled at Irl eater In the oihlille
of tbe thirteenth reBtury.
Tb Caatlllsa rar'lsment did not re
relv hereditary nobles. It left to
England 10 do tbst and to give ibeui
hereditary legialsflv powers, which
were denied ibeni by tb Caatlllaoa
Learn something every day
One 0 ihe greatest Muac'ioni m
dia world is the feeling of en large,
mcnt. ol stow 1 h, of Mrdching up
ward and onward. No pleasure
ran turpau thai which come from
ihe coniiouan'st of feeling orte'i
homon ignorance tcing pushed
farther at I fjrther away; ol mak
aig hcach ay in the world, of not
only grtfv on. but also o( attmg op.
Pavs for the MORNINO ENTERPRISE n whole yrar
Hy Mail iiuriiip Harj-uin Perithl, now on, which clost-H
December 31,'19U.
Take advantage of this offer fty xiyiny fur a rrneu nl
of your $ubscriition at Dargnin VnW rate, and tell your
neighbors about this itt. - -
Traditins f tha r!d.
Tb iNHierte de t'srlliir. In tb ryr-
, Bee.. o on fe.t llmrt tb
, aea. )( a !f no fewer than slity lukea
of varying lea. Th-s.. nin rillug t
;lwal trad lion, were left l liie tin
j of tb fl'Hi J. When Die waters
aided u aiipesrs ibil N.mli i.u l hi
family landed on (lie Puy de ITIirtie.
one of the bigbeal enk In itie dls
trlct. Prortf nt ttirTrnTTTor TMa TfnuT"
tlon Is f'dind In an Iron ring to which,
th peasant diare. th ark waa
! moored when lb landing waa effe tel.
j Dags and Cart.
I Bine KtSi tbe employment of dogs
for drawing carta has been alaillahed
in London.
If you ar not reading tb
Rnterprlfe. why not? Yar-et
gain period la now on. be
bsck naan.
nd Bar
ad on
Iloay r. Bnyder to Eaatern Invsat
ment Company, sotithweat quarter of
southwest quarter of section 33, town
ahlp 3 sontb, ranga 5 saat; $1.
Anna Fsllert to Floyd J. Campbell.
M acres of D. U C, of Hnlomon
Wheeler No. 40. townahlp I south,
range 3 esat; 12.500; alno 10 arret
of Hnlomon Wheeler, D. l C., town
ahlp I south, ran 3 esat; IJ.BO0.
Thnmaa R. Baldwin and Inea L I
Baldwin to C. W. and Elma It John
aon; 37.15 acre of D. L C. of Caleb
and Alice Rlrhey, townahlp I aouth,
range 3 t; $1,000.
C. C. and Julia Clausen to John R.
and Maud Newton, 17.60 acres, C.
Pendleton, D. I. C, townahlp aouth
rang 1 eaat; 1,B00.
Gnatav and Anguatg Henke to
Karl and Rmalla Boecbe, 30 acrsa of
aertlon 35. townahlp 4 aouth, ranga 1
east; $1,600.'Baka4aaiex.
Aaron Anderson to A. J. gteffanaoti
and rredrlka Blrffanaon. lot of
Carlabsrg Tract; 11.500.
J. M. Charman to John Mulvany and
Delia Malvany. 7 i t arrsa of Jor
Comsllua and wlf. townahlp 4 south,
rat.g j -st; 1.
John N. Mulvany and Delia Mul
vany to J. M. Cbarman. 7 12 acres of
Georga Cornetlaa and wife n t. n
townahlp 4 aoufn. range 1 saat; l.
l Arneaon and Kmma Arheaon lo
h, Gourand, 40 acres of Beet Ion II.
townahlp 3 south, ranga 1 east; $10.
7.lhltW nd wratu
Ralthel. J.Bi acres of section 30, town
ahlp aouth, rang 7 aat; $135.
Treatment at Hot Laks, Including medical attention, board
batha, csta n0 mora than yon would par to lira at any flr ''
hotel. Rooma can b had from 7l'cnta to $3.60 per day.
In th cafeteria ara Mrvsd from 10 cant np and In Ih rl
uaual grill prlea. Hatha ranga from 10 cantg to $1 00.
. We Do Cure Rheumatism
.... . l- win.r.l Batfia
J. M. Ilanlckaman to J. U. Ca"
land In 8.'8. Whlta. D. 1. C, losj
I south, ranga 1 aat; fl.
William J. Talford and llakolii T
ford to Wallac Jtltori ! "rw
Tslford. I SO acra at Canby; 1
J. A. and U K. Traysr to J. M-
land In Clackama eountr! ',w.
Utile Mill to John V. arts". Jjjj
tn aecllon 30, townahlp I aouth, W
iLenat; $1.
Warrsn EL. Davenport DizZ
tlna Davenport to Mount
way and Powr Company. 'nd
tlon 8. townahlp I south. rna !"
1101 la- ' 'A.f c'i
and mud ! un(1,r Jl'Vi
tlflo direction
thouaanda. Writ. 1 ""J
trated booklet darrlptl
ril o" - . uv
. ....
Lake Banatnriura
th methods employ"- "
Ika Sanatorium fl
alble. aa It la loo"ed
ly on th. main f f
O.-W. R. A N. rallW. p"
apeclal curlon rata1 .
lo ba had at all '
agsnta. '