'. . It" .1 A A' ' v.' i' MORNING ENTERPRISE, TIIUltBDAY, NOVEMBEK 23, 1911. Ladies' Coat Talk u' liml received tn"9i "anlflretit Una of Udlea' Coat. vr i.mnlrd W showB ' Oregon City. Ttie.e roata tr, eolectod ia great '' 10 tb '"" of 0r,"n n, hal up to I, imU Our aaeorimetit U very lam an,! in tbia hlp- ,r, ilia new Iteveroable Coats In Oray and ajlue and Maroon and rtTwit Tan nd Purple Coate with lirg. cellar and antra wJd tuff., Z ur " meterlal . H,for buying see our Dae of Coata end you then ran be poud M abai a up lo date. Price I0 to $25 . J. LEVITT Our Window Suspension Bridge Corner ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS Stories from Out of Town 0 IACLI CRCEK. 1 in WIND fur the arreet aa conviction t-aay person r pereoue. bo M ! . . eoDleS of The luntt Enterprise from la. fnm. .., ...I,.erlt.are afler j cam' . a 15 An taHy Clrtt. J Nletmen A Llndberg HIGH CLASS TAILORING 10 tailing Bldg., Portland. Phone Main (1(1. TarBer-lf In oartb were oiluiy lo Ss M week reenilile- tVaolar-A rasor. Twrhor-A rar Why. TrddyT tVboUr lwrauu II would bo but bw ground -New fur. Man LOCAL BRICrS Caarlee Kharoke. of Canby, waa In Ala city Tueaday. lata Jnnea. of lleaver Crook. was It tfc rlty Wednesday. Dafld Moehuae. of Hbul-el was In ik city Wodnoaday. Mr A V.. June, of Eldorado, waa ll'OroROti City Wednesday. atlta klalilo Tower, of Portland. Is hi tt! city flatting frlonda. V. R. WiHxlland, of iMtrr, Is regis tered at l ho fclectrlc Hotel. Mrs Steve Umrin. of Iloaver Creek, waa In thla rtty Wodnoaday. Mr. and Mra. W. P. Klrcbom. of Utn, were In thla city Wodnoaday. Horn. Tueaday, Novomhor 21. to lb wlf of Johnnl IhiKior, of Parkplac ( aun. R. II kulaht. a wall known younu un. of canby. wu In thla city Wod Mr Murphy, of Portland, la In thla city vlmtni her parenta, Mr. snd Mra. J O. Htaata W. W Korna. of Mullno. waa In thla city WVrrinoaday, rottlatirlng at th Eltrlc llotol. Porro llrarkotL of Ilond. Or., ta tb la city Ttioaday. a furtt of Mr. and Mra. C. O. Miliar. T. Vorhloa. of lUlnlor. who baa bora In tbla city on bualnraa, baa ro- turnd to hla homo. A. M. Vlnvard. ono of lb prominent frmr of Canby. waa In thla city nodnraitny on bualnoaa, Mr. nnrl Mra. William Olntbor. of 8hub. wrll known roaldonta of tht plare, oro In thla city Wodnoaday Mra. (harloa LoncRood. of Port- Mini. wh- haa boon In thla City IH lug frlonda, haa returned to hor homo GrorKK Crraory. a nromlnont roal nt and toaaol irrowor, of Molalln M In thla clt Tuoadar and wen noiday. Mra. M. l Tautach. of P-ndloton( bo haa honn in thla rlty aa a (iieat of Mra. A. U floatlo. haa rotnrnod K hr Irniio. Rltlnrd flrhoonhorn. who hM bfon l'ln )ino farm work on hla frm at Eldorado for aoveral daya, has return "i 10 tiroRon CHy. R. B. A. Bmlth. a former roaldon of Onuurt riT. waa tranaartlnK bual " In OroKon City Wednesday, no i"o vlDiting frlonda Tho Himiliiy School flraded ITnlon nrt Toiirhura' Tralnlnar cl wU1 "'t Thuradav afternoon at 8:80 o'rl'M'k at the ConKreRMtlnna church THrl Rrhmiinr of rnrua. waa In tnl Hy tranaactlng bualneaa Wodnoaday Mra. Hal IJnaloy. of lloaor Crook moni the Oroiron City vianor "'Inoadny. Mlua Mnnt Vlnar nf Portland. 1 'n "! nty. and la a mioat t the horn 'f Mr. and Mra. W. R. Pratt, havln romo hor to attend the dancing party n h the Willamette Club. Mr And Mra Paw Stowe. of Web- tr City, Iowa, heve arrived In Ore- fn City, and are vlaltlng iw. ana m.-. C A. Htuart. Thla Mr. Stowe 1"t vlMlt to Oregon for aeventeen eara. A. J ii... who haa hoen at Bauvlea llnd f.ir aevoral day, where he ac "ompnnled a party of four on a bjini- ln trip, haa returned to urfa Um ituM ...n.r,t inrk and many oi frlonda are feaatlng on aome or 'he duck a he baa brought nom. llel Newman, the little "laughter of Mra. Newman, who waa taken til ot typhoid foyer eereral weeka ago, ia mi..ti i a rnmnllcatlona aei In and her condition for ..ii..t in., to at the borne or Mra. UU Btrlckland. In Qladatone. Mrk n r n.honk. of Portland, waa In thla city W.dne.dey. hwlnf j come v. w.. hnahand. who naa w w tioii. " ' ; noon foyer, Mr and Mra William !etra, who roi'iitly inrrbiiaod a houae and lot on Klvnb and Jrfferaon atroota, have tikrti mr rlon, after many Improve iront. Iiavo loen raado. The pron orty formerly belonged to A. W. Cheney. Hr. 'arid lra. - l. K Hiuart, who formerly roalded In Oregon City, but are no roaldonta of Newberg. whore lr, Htuart Ik practicing medicine, have boon In Oregon City vlaltlng the former' eon, lr. C. A. Stuart and wife They returned to their borne Monday Henry Bhunnborg. of Mocow, Idaho, waa In thla city Haturday and Sunday, a gueat of Mr. 'and Mra. A. It Doo llttle, and abe bad not aeoo blm for forty five yoara. He haa largo prop erty lntorota In Idaho, and during Ihe aummar make hi Bom at ijiko helan, whore be haa a beautiful sum mer home. Tbo launch "Tereaa." belonging to Itr. C. A. Btuarl. which waa waanea war from Ita landing by the bigb water, haa "boon found by Hmltb and Hooey, and waa not damaged, although It drifted for almoot a mile down tream, lodging near the llacaamae Ulver. Mra imn Orlffln. who reontly mov ed to GtadatHie from Honnevtlle, vo receive medical treatment, la Improv ing, and la able to wan anoui me room without the aid. of her crutcheo. Mra. (Jrlffln baa boon an Invalid tor the paat two yoara. ana onaerweui wo eurglral oeraiiona oi mo inu. Ono waa recently periorrnea oy it. C. A Ktuart. Waltar IhiiiKlaa made a brief bul n. ylait to Kantorn Oreaon lt woek. Murray and Carl Clark were agree- jalily aiirprlaod .Thuraday nlgbt when a crow of their frlonda and neigh bor walked up to the door, giving a yell, thereby apprlalng tbetn of tbolr preaeitc A Ixnit iH were prevent and prut h plximunt evening playing ganie and enjoying a aoclal time to geiher. Hliortly after 11 o'cUxk a hue etipper waa partaken of and aoon after all returned home, tired but hap py, and longing for another party to attend in the near future. K I. Palfrey, of Molalla, waa In the nelKhtMrhood recently. Mr and Mrv. Hraith moved Into their new houne on the Carter place Hat. urdny. Mra. Valtr Ixiuglaa waa a Port land vUltor the latter part of last week - Mla Anna Imncan made hor folk a abort vlalt Hnttirday and Sunday. j Mr. and Mra. J. P. Woodle and daughter, Nottlo, wore the gueata of I Mr and Mra. tiny Woodle Sunday. ! )lk (llbaon waa a Hart on vlaltor i Haturday. Kugle Crook firange bold Ita regular I meeting Haturday. After the uaual rou 1 1 m of bualnoaa a fine chicken din ner waa eerved J. I) Chltwood waa a Grange vlaltor Haturday. Mr. .ind Mra. W. J. Howlett took din nor with Mr. and Mra. Ouy Woodle Honda v. Mr. and Mra. Charloa Murphy and children, Mlar Armoda and Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Woodle and liaby U He apent Hunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Will Douglaa Ceorgo Kltzmlller and family called kin, of Portland, were Hunday gueatg of Mr. and Mra. A. II. Harvey, the former' parenta. . - Mlaa Anna Wllehart. of Oregon City, apent Thtiraday with ber alaler, Mra. Jamea Hyllon. Mr. Kullard la harvaatlng hla crop o(, potatoes. Mlaa Rachel McCord, of Seattle, made a week's vlalt with ber parenta, Mr. and Mrs. William McCord. Mrs. Henry Bchoer received word that her alator, Mr. Kuaell, waa very sick at the home of hor alater. Mra. A. Hmlth In Wanetche, Waah. Mra. George Schromor, who ba been confined to her home the laat month, on account of her poor health, la Blowing Improving. Mr. Cox, of Portland, called on hla alater, Mlaa Alta Cox. who la teach ing school at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Hoops, of Mount Ploaaant, who recently Bold their farm, are llvhig with her alater, Mra. Naah. Mra. Fmlly Shaw, the achool aupe- vlaor, vlalted the acoool Wodnoaday and waa well ploaaod with the pro gress made since ber laat. vlalt and her auggoatlona are greatly appreciat ed by the teacher. MOUNTAIN View. Mlaa Clara Etchlaon la vlaltlng In Bt, Johna this week. Claude Vanhoy. who haa been spend ing the summer near Goldendale, Wash., on hla ranch la spending a month here with hla parenta. Mr. Dugan, of Mullno, waa tran aacttng bualnoaa lo this berg Saturday Mr. and Mra. Patton. of Salem, are vlaltlng Mra. Patton'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. Simpson, of Hood street. first event of the new school 'a grand I success. Mlas Levla Blackerby and uncle. A. R. Wilcox, of Wood burn, H. M. Ulackerby, of the bailee, and Mra. W. Cook, of Albany, ail relatives of Mrs. L Hi bontley, spent the week's nd here visiting relatives. L H. Osborn, of Oregon City, rep resentative of the - American insur ance and Accident Company, of port- land, stopped bore Monday morning on bis way to Portland. ' I y. H. Dennett, the barber, met with a painful accident Ft Ida y, while work ing on bis new house. He bit bis Uiumb and mashed It so as to lay blm up for a few days. C. O. Brown, of Oregon City, will have charge of the shop while Mr. Iiennett Is unable to work. Frank Itotler, of Independence, brother of Prof. J. Dean Butler, apent the week's end here vlaltlng. Dr. and Mra. retblg entertained at dinner Hunday Mr. and Mra. F. H. Wagner, of Portland. Mr. and Mra. Prank Mason and two sons, of Portland, spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. J. H. Urabam and family. Mr. and Mra. Clarence Murphy, of Naa Flrland, brother of Mrs. William Wells, apent Sunday with the Well family. FREE AUT . . " - The Morning Enterprise has iurchasod f roiu. the Elliott GarnL'e a new 1012 Model T five-passenger Ford automobile to be given away as a premium 10 a on Mr. and Mrs. fiuy Woodle Sunday--Mra.-Preaton Is at borne again af- ovenlng. George tied bis team to me fence but when they went out to re turn homo, no horses or vehicle was vlalble, they having broken tooae and tearing tbo fence partly down, naa gone up the road a ahort dlatance where i hoy wore found quietly feM- ,n" .. . Mr and Mrs. Jim DeShator called on Mra. lHna(er's mother, Mrs. Viola Ikmgla Sunday afternoon. p. W. Batee was aeon over this way lat Friday. . ESTACADA. TWENTY-NINERS MEET AT The Twonty-Nluora met at the borne . . h of Mr. and Mra. tdw Tueaday evening. Twenty-nine waa Indulged In until a late hour wnen a luncheon waa served. Wednesday night la the regular night for the meeting of thla club, but owing to mo Willamette Club dance It waa decree- to meet Tueaday evening. r. anu Mra. II. 8. Moody will entertain tne club at their home on Ninth street. December ... t, m at tha meeting Tuesday evening wore Mr. and Mr. Henry J.mo. OM.Hey, Mr. """i Hmlth Moody. Mr. anu m.-. j -- wl. Canby Bcnwao Thomas Petor Kan-.n. . - U.ula Adam Morna anu m.. Theodore Osmond. Several apple orcharda are being planted at Garfield thla fall. Wm. Wilcox, a pioneer of thla sec tion, la III at hla home. G. T. Hunt, road supervisor of Dis trict No. 49. Is opening the Honebon Davis road. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Dale returned Monday from a vlalt to their daughter at Hood River. Mrs. Stella Woodard. of Oregon City, visited hor slater. Mra. Ray W1V n Htindav. Members of Garfield Orange have Juat built a fine horse anea on me hThe macadam road scientifically constructed In road district number 10 thla year, la an object lesson In mad bnlldlng. More of the same kind of roads will be constructed next year In districts number 10 and 49. Mr. Pyle. a clerk In the Estacada Mercantile Company'a office, waa mar ried recently to Miss Street. They I will make their home in r- TWILIGHT. Miss Msrle Harvey and K. A. Wa ter spending a month with ber daugn ter at Seattle! Will Olllett, of Walla Walla, Wash., la vlattlnc relatives here. Meaara. Moore and Fraacle. of Clarkoa. were tranaacting bualneea Monday. Mr. and Mra. Maxon, of Highland, were auosts of Mrs. A. 8- Martin, Monday. Rev. S. B. Moffltt. of Newbery, Is the guest of J. W. S. Owens this week, who Is making preparation to hold a aeries of meetings In tnat Mount View church, beginning Friday at X. p. m. J. T. Hammond and family, who have apent the laat two montha In H. Br ad t a houae have moved out to Bert Cummlna' mill. Thomaa Berber was visiting friends In this berr Saturday and Sunday. Oacar Mar and wife, of Beaver Crook, apent Sunday with bta parenta. , Messrs. A. Manta and O. A. Vanhoy butchered their bogs Tuesday. Elmer Dlnon went to Forest Grove Wednesday where he acted as juage of a poultry abow at mat place J. A. Waltera. of California, arnvea here laat week to spend the winter with hla daughter. Mr. D. W. Griffin. W. J. Alexander, Fred Harris, and Mr. Llndaay, went to Portland Mon day on bualnoaa. I Mra. A. Ahalt aold 789 acres of land In Eastern Oregon In Wheeler county to A. C. Kaeh. of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Shumk. of Oregon City, formerly of Eastern Oregon, pent Sunday at the home of Mrs A. Ahalt 8. A. Dobner, of Portland, waa here Saturday on bualnoaa for the North vest Rug Company. Rev. R. Mlnard. of Portland, was here Sunday afternoon looking over bis property. Mrs. Virgil Clark and son George were Portland visitors Monday. Monday evening being the fourth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonner, a surprise party was given Mr. Bonner by bla wife and a few friends. Five hundred was the main feature of the evening and a fine lunch. Those present were Mr. and Mra. Strunqulat, Mr. and Mra. Tur- ney, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elblera, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Wortb, Ington. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Worth- Ington, George Huard, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonner. Mra. Spldell and son Jack, also Mrs. Clarence Buahong apent Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Harris, In (Portland. Mra. Hilton's brother, Mr. Shaw, left Wednesday morning for his home In the East, after a pleaaant visit of several daya here with relatives. Weatley McArthur, of Rldgefleld. Wash., was here Wednesday, the guest ef hla brother. Dr. J. H. McArthur and family. Joseph Woendell, of Courtney ave nue, moved his family to Portland for the winter. He has sold his property to L. B. Calklna and the family too poasesslon November 15. circulation contest to be inaugurated soon. There is no car manufactured that exceeds the Ford in popu larity, and last year the Ford factory sold one-fifth -of all the cars purcliased in the United States. The ear X is built for durability and is a roadster par-excellence. (Jrant B. Diinick, W. A. Huntley, J. E. Hedges, C. t Bchuel!, Captain J. T.- Apperson, F. M. Swift and t E. P. Elliott are some of the users of Ford automo- biles. There is value in a Ford car and the Morning W . , . HT i . . Enterprise proposes to give ono away. ve warn tinore circulation and we liave spent $785 at one throw to help get it Watch the Morning Enterprise for J future announcements. The field is open. Every- X IkkIv is going to have a chance to win this fine ma- chine. - - ma vain negrex. The Brat parents were leaving the garden together when Eve suddenly stopped behind Adam. "Age before 000017." abe remarked, with more truth than modesty. "Hobr mattered Adam, with a bcatfnlnos that was surprising. "If that order had been followed when the eerpent was Interviewed I bet we wouldn't be walking out now r Puck. OAK GROVE. The Parenta" and Toachera' Associa tion of the Concord school district, .111 hold a baiaar Saturday. Decern- ber 2. afternoon and evening. A cafe teria lunch will be served from 8 to 9 p. m. at the Concord school house. There will be three booths a candy booth, fancy work and a lunch booth. Remember the date and make this A Little Thoughtless. Tb afraid that prima donna's lack of mathematical knowledge Is going to set me Into trouble." aald the man ager. "Yon are obliged to accept any terma abe makes?" "I am. But It waa a little thought loaa of ber to Insist on my algnlng a contract to pay hor 101 per cent of the gross receipts." Washington Star. OnPthe ftholf. " " Aont nave you aUH that doll I gave you. Doris? Doris-Yes. anntle. but It'a broken and has been put away. Have you ever been broken. aunUe? Annt-Broken? What do you mean, child? Doris-Why. I beard father aay tbo other day be waa afraid you'd soon be on the ehelf. and that's where they've put the dolly. FRETTING. Too many persons permit them aclve to (ret over ti.flc. The hab it of fretting at one that growt rap idly unlet it i sternly rcpreaoed. and the bct way lo overcome it is to try alwayt to look on the cheerful aide of lie. " . Road We Morning nerprt-e. VftlAI'iETTE CLUB DJEE BIG SUCCESS The InlUal dancing party of the 1911-18 series of the WIHametU Club In Buach's Hall Wednesday night was a brilliant success ana xivim iae real opening of the - Winter aeaaon. The orchestra played tuneful musk: and fruit punch and wafers were serv ed. The dub plans to glvo the re maining dances before the "Lenten season. Those attending the opening ball were Mr. and Mrs. U. IX iMtour- eUe, Dr..Clyle Mount. Mrs "William ' H. Burghart, Jr., Harry oJ. Draper, Mlaa Cla Barclay Pratt. Percy P. Can field, Miss Elizabeth Gallegly, William B. HowelL Miss Mary Ellen Long. Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Buach. Mr. and Mra. B. T. McBaln, Mr. and Mrs. Wimasa H. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R- Want worth, Mr. and Mra. John F. Clau-k, Mr. and Mra. John B. Lewtawane, Mr. and Mrs. Tom P. Randall. Mr. and Mrst Henry O'Malley, John Buaeh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gadke, Mr. ana Mrs. M. J. Brown. Roswell U Holman. -Mlaa Edna Holnaan. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hankins. 8. J. Manning, Miss Ana AUdredge, Fred Hogg. Mlaa Sedonla Shaw. Otto Hogs. Mlaa Rata Brtghtbtll, Dr. and Mra. Cart H. Melsaner. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tobla, Edward J. Buscb, Miss With AO dredge. Mr. and Mra. Harry kV Moody, Miss Margaret Brown, Marshall J. Laxelle, Miss Mona King, Forbes B. Pratt, Miss Wynn Hanay. C T. Par ker, Mr. and Mrs. J. waueee um, Roy Armstrong. Mtsa Kataryn manon. R. B. Brown. Mr. and Mra. owara m. Brodle. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Price, Mr, and Mrs. William A. Saewnaaa. Mr. and Mrs. Eber A. Caspian. Mlaa Vada Elliott. H. A. Montgomery. Miss Alice Shannon, William I Mulvey, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jennings, J. Lee Caudeld, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gay, Miss Hlat, T. E. Hlat. Miss Stella Campling. Roy O. Young. Miss Clarice Znmwait, Miss Beryl Long. Rhea Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hendry, Mlaa Elaine King. Carl A. Bchrant, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Avlson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Meany, , , .. ., ' ENTERTAIN OF MISS NORA HANIFIN ui... none and Clra Miller en- r od In this city next ""- n" rharloa Springer, of Portland. The rn lI . devoted to guessing con ;;,a Same, and m.lr. J ar, aa.ng contest Ijrj U O. J- J i.5js? T-Trdr:: "right 'I",'r'Bier,unlfln. Those attending were M "" Miss Maraarot llan.nn. M -Kathryn Miss Alice -..y. i?iF(n)iTWKn? Did YoaHcai?It Knock. 02 wcs?e Yo Asleep You can't make money V waiting until opportunity has passed, it is calling yoo now to MULINO. , ,t ; : . The majority of fortunes throughout the country have been made through the increase in real estate values Hlunott tie Sullivan Mlas Zlds Goldsmith, .. ( r " ... 111.. T .1 H ll 1JI1WIJ, - Mrs. I 11. -ice. m- "n'."M Samuel Walter Went worth, and Mrs Stevens. SLANDER SUIT TRIED BEFORE 4 J to visit hor husband, wno - 1 III for aoveral weeks of typhoid r. and who I. at the hom. of h' .a for the defendant waa A. M'd t.hT.t.5.r suit of George rendered ... m,er-ln-law. V":. tahorlah in JudKS Mrs. a ..-.- - w,dlMday. The C.:".,.,.Cr that Mrs. Haberlah piainiiu - 2, ml, ..... In Oregon 1 You mak -You are a tniei. w - r - nonnlO. and I win ; tio said the acouw" jail yet. ! f divers was maae m i - hd been ner.nns and his repuiai."" damaged In the wm or Ill'U sw ..,..-nt.d the defonuani. 1 ... l A novel "f" that only fotir evince rend ored the verdict. ' has two stores, a blacksmith shop, a school, ..church, a sgle m, -.umo A railroad will be completed to Muiino in six muiim. u... . b Mulino and a lour mill. healthy start for an infant? thoro TprtTK pasv. a i ' - - a w - h . . aa ja Baa w w w n ra www aa jw a rm an am k m bl, mw v mr m Ruv in Mulino now Ihe prices win k aoumt: y ' -"V""r. rr mt little dowK" SK;.K7Pto see i.. we wi.l ca for you, no expense lo you Mulino Townsite Company. Incorporated. Room 9 Beaver Building, Oregon City. Telephone Main 360. ; M. L. BOWMAN Agent 4 s t" 1 1 . i, YOU KNOWthaU'01!! DO