Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 22, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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' Deeecat.ees Fee
' it a raw comraci or cun rtru
For a thing of apparently aa atolld
nature tbe pampkin lends Itself to
a astonishing tamter of decorative
effects. laventfva hoatiaata are eoe
atantly finding sew oses far R at
Ttankaglvlng featlvttlea. Owe yaaag
nirrted wosni ased a middle ataed
speelmea last year as a foandatloa fat
lovely rentscptccw far ber table
There were fifteen guests. These
and her hnsbaod and herself mad
eeveateea at table. She rat eevaaieea
tmy boles la the pampkla and m each
hole stock" a loo stemmed yetlew
ehryaanthemanv, pestling It tn ao that
the flower rested ea the pompfcia rUd
The eeaterplere looked Hke aa lm
saeas Buffy chrysaatbemaai and wa,a
sswca admired. If fewer flowera are
te be tsaed a mall pumpkin should) be
c boars. Very aerrt sad effective ia the
pampkla ceaterjtfcce area m tbe lllee
tratloo. Crape paper aad artMcial aa
toma leaves are the material cm
ployed. A woodea standard aot aallke
those weed tor hoMlns Christmas
trees is the base from which arises a
pole, reacting from the eeaiec of the
table te tbe chaadetter.' twined with
leares aad small pampkina . huge
tpectme of the golden hoed vecrtaWe
fat fastened te the top of the pote aad
acts as a a ha do aver thr renter light
K bm as eiertxle beJb Is rd tbe ef
fort la charming.
Fringed MiM'uaary the Late Fed.
Tbe ap to the miaate aaaM now haa
fringe ea her hats aa welt as oa be
mm uat aososjtxo wrra raiaoa
frocks, wraps and retlralea This big
Black velvet bat la bordered with wblte
silk fringe, sad tbe white wired siik
auill ! also edged with fringe.
Oe Yew K
Content la not the reaoJt of rettlne
what yoa desire; It Is realizing that
yoo never wlil get It and airing np
A t tm m la. a vi m yrvyvr wuv vi uh
tor that Inspires eras tbe most rejrre
; good people to give adrlce.
Many a girt thinks that a man kt In
lore with ber when be has merely le
: dded that be wants a borne ef his
, ewa la which be can be aa disagree
able as be pleases.
Iters oe yoo deprecate tbe faulty of
ethers Is not absolute ptnof tint ja
', can't swallow a good duae of dixit ry
' Instead of worrying about bow to
manage a boabsad. tbe wise woman
keeps bin busy managing ber.
Tbe ansa who can feel dvwucast
about the state of the coon try Isn't
the one who bothers much about tbe
welfare of bis owa family, and rice
Milieu and Mia Wife.
MOtoa when blind married a shrew
lab wife. A friend. desirous of com
pllmeatlng tbe poet on bis rholee.
termed bis spouse s rose. "I rsn't
Judge of colors." said Milton, "and It
nay be s yon say, for I feel tbe
tboras dally."
9Hf wffHi
Beform U the work of reaaoo slowly
awakealng from tlx lethargy of Igno
ran. gradually actilrln oualn
In bcr own ainntrtb and nllltnstrly iri
aniitilng oc-r tbe dominion of prH
dk-e nud cu-looi
, ' Painfully Frank.
Wordawortb oa one otrsafoo when
talking to his wife referred to a time
when, "aa you know, I was better
TC. my dear." replied she, "yon
-S t,lTr J' SJy" : ; ;
The Medtsh Waist Mssasra Chaeexlet
sVesads Wihhawa.
Verordlng to prwilaiue atatlstVs, the
waist measara Is asure normal at the
present day lhaa at say time slat's
wviuea have wora rorarta Whea one
waotea a watst sneasare of tweaty-eli
or twenty-eight laches the lissom csr
settere ao longer raises ber brows la
that raltlrated sort of corset dismay
cioaa rrrruM nmout.
that she was prone to assume, aaJ
whea the general Improrement tu tbe
health and comfort of the "weaker"
sex kt taken Into roootderatioa It m ti
be wooderrd at that tbe corwtiersa
baTa not sooner rome te the roaclusiofc
that the womea of today do aot want
thirteen Inch CatherttHnoe' Medkl sul
cfclal waiata. .
Imported ribbons la aatla aad telvet
broradea be aasa oa ataay f tbe
smart aatama hats
fUIka, and especially silk Tetreta, are
la the highest fa or. and three allk
frocks are area now where before two
were shirt waists and salt skirts.
Tbe close fitting petticoat of mudrr
ate width Is a necessity beneath tbe
fashionable gown. This one raa te
made perfectly plain, without any fall
erer the blpe, or with gathers and
Inverted plaits st tbe bark, aa liked
Tbe petticoat Is la flre gores. When
tbe yoke Is eed the goers are rat off
aad joined to Its lower edce.
Thts M&Wsatsa psttsra a cot ha sIsm
frasa B to St tshs waist .eurs. tV4
M esata to this sfflcs. c1s aumbar. TV
H win bs prsmptljr fsrwmrdsd te yes
br aaalL If is basts sssd sa additional
two east stasia for fcrttsr asanas, wbtrt
ef the fleasrste Bis
Modish Clestte Bslt.
Tbe separate bkrase appears la maa
forma, combining chiffon, ol'.k sad lace
bat tralte tbe newest Is tbe blouse of
tacked white aaaranlsetta. with' s!d
revere and rnffa of royal bine verret.
It Is a anatter ef chore whethi r th
modish girl selects s Lett of beaded
elastic or plaited silk of a cord girdle
to flnlah ber new aearate blone. but
the band bag most match In color.
Plaited allk belts covered with chlf
foa m, all the colors on tbe modish card
present a fall fancy.
Tbe ostrich featber collaret makes
Its appearance this srason with tas
seled ends of chenille In matching tone
la dull gray and Alice bine these
scarfs are exceedingly pretty.
Aa effective color scheme sppears It.
blouse or broQse green cb'ffoa over
brown satin, the chiffon being cm-
rat. 'a osa traca biohtoowh.
broldered In a conventional design
gold and brown with a touch of dull
Tbls one piece nightgown Is so slm
pie snd easy to make that It la s fa
vorlte one. Tbe gown Illustrated Is de
signed for little girls. There Is a
slightly low neck that la slwaya pret
This May Man (on pat torn Is cut In stsos
for airl tt four. sis. slsht. tn sn4 twslvs
yetrs of sa. n4 t cents te this oftlcc.
elvtna nutnbsr. 711. and It will b prompt'
If forwar4d to you by mall. If In haste
send an sddltlonsl two cent stsmp for 1st'
tar sostasa, which meurss mors prompt
CaMaaianas and Fsahlan.
Conadence makes cowards of oi all.
aad fashion makes monkeys of us.
flttsborgb Tost.
Bankrupt. .
Solicitor Too want to be made bank
rupt, do jonj Very well. I'll put It
through for yoo. Just give me a check
for 1 100 on account of preliminary ei
Cllent-B-bnt I haven't got any mon
ey st all.
Sollrltor-Tben why the dlrkens do
yoa come to me? Hang it all. man.
you are bankruotl tndn Mall.
Great Britain will send a team of
curlers to Canada for a tour shout
Jan. I
Japan and Cblna are likely to enter
track snd field trams in the Olympic
games at fttnckbolm nest year.
Several rinks of Scotch curlers may
take part In s honaplei In ttoston nit
January. The Scotchmen are to reach
Montreal In January.
John F. Moakley. roach of tbe Cor
nell track and cross country teams for
tbe past thirteen year, baa Joxt sign
ed another contract there for live years
San Francisco Is hopeful of having
aa- Amgrlca cup race s festure of an
International regatta aa a part of tbe
I'ana ma -fa rifle International eiposl-
tlon In 1915.
Tbe National Collegiate Athletic as
sociation will bold Ha annual meeting
In New Tork on Dec, 28. It Inrludea
In Its membership eighty -colleges and
universities, numbering over 100.000
students. They will discuss matters
for tbe betterment of athletics among
tba colleges.
Something. Oeed.
Dear," said a yottng wife to ter
basband as be waa leaving for tbe of
fice. "won't you bring borne some
thing good for dinner this evening?"
."Something good?" repeated the be
wildered young husband, to whom
marketing waa a closed book.
"Yes." repested tbe wife, "something
really good, yoa koow." t
Ob. yes!" be replied as a light
seemed to break upon him. ,
Aftd be brought home the minister.
Ladles' borne Journal.
cccococccccococococccoccco ccco
Reindeer Clothes.
Garments mude of reimleer akin art
remarkable for tblr moisture resisting
capability as well as fur their warm,!.
Tbe hair, unlike thai of many animals,
la not bolluw throughout Its length,
bul I divided into wnlertlithl ceils
filled with air. which spears to be un
der compression, mi that when tbe gar
ments are placed' In water the bulr
swells without brrsklug and the wear
er Is buoyed up and does not readily
sink If be falls overboard Among
tbe ItUSNlans. Swedes and .NorweKinns
reindeer clothes are very common.
One Sure Cure.
"Tea. Pbnker ned to be a small
druggist and imur as tioTerry. but now
he's msnnrscturlng and selling a sure
cure." said Towne.
"A aura cure for what?" asked
"Why. a aure cure for hla poverty
I gueaa tbat'a snout sIL - Catholic
Standard and Times.
A Futuee Savant.
"What function d- the Iron In tbe
blood perform?" asked tbe teacher.
"Converted Into ateel by tbe myaterl.
oua agencies that operate In tbe human
body." glibly answered tbe young man
wbu had not studied the lesson, "and
wrought Into balr sprlDga of tbe finest
temper, It serves, I fancy, to regulate
tbe reciprocal action of that wonder
ful balance wheel of tbe bumao ma
chine, tbe heart."
"Rather clever, Lnclue." said tbe
teacher, ' bat It will not get you any
credit marks. "-Chicago Tribune.
Herruiea In the .
Ws wonder what kind of a pitcher
that fellow Herrulea would have made
anyhow.-Charleston) News.'
Pays for the MOKNINO ENTElt PRISE a whole year
Hy 3klail lurin Harain Peritnl, now on, which clows
l)vcmber31t 1911. .
Take advantage of thitoffer by jhtying for a renewal
of your tubscription at Bargain Period rate, and tell your
1 neighbor about this snap; .
Lighting a Cigar.
A Spanish cigar inxk.T cmne to town
with some fine cigars mih wmie notions
of bis own about inokliia ilieru. He
produced one Mint wh rolled to a
beautiful K1of ami made the Intre-t
puncture In Its smoking end Then
he struck a match and held the flame
eight Inches undet the tip. ile began
to draw, and presently the tobacco was
"It's a sacrilege." said he. "to com
"pound the bnrnlng of wood wltb lbs
burning of tobacco "
. It can be done. Get a cigar, not
necessarily Spanish, try It In secret st
a closer range and win a few small
beta from your friends. -4'hlcsgu Poet
Mlaa Anna Lareen Proves Delightful
The monthly business meeting of
the lilthlaha was held Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Nick Humph
ry. Miss Anna Ursen, the hosteaa,
was aaslated by her slater, Mlaa Mabel
I.rsen. After the bualnesa session
the evening was spent aoclally. de
licious refreshments being anrvec.
Those attending were Mlaa Mauds
Smith. Mlaa Mabel Mvera. Mlaa wtima
Myera, Mra. W. E. Johneton, Miss
Nettle Kruae, Mlaa Irish Cantwell.
Mlaa Anna Hint. Miss Mary Rnae,
miss sianei, Miss- Lille Miller,
Miss Adah Ilulbert, Mra. Nick Humph.
rya, MIms Mabel Laraen, Mlaa Anna
Ws wish td thank tbe friends and
scqualntances and especially the peo
pie of Hubbard and members of I. O.
O. F. India for thai klniln.x --a
courteales extended ns during our sad
Armstrong, who died suddenly on
lha train at Hubbard, while an routs
to Portland, November 1J. and also
for the beautiful floral offerings.
MnS. R. C. ItAMSDY, Sellwood.
MRS. J. 8. niAIR. Sellwood.
MI18. A. NELSON, Oregon City.
W. w. and Army R. Olhba to Cora
Ten Byck and B. A. Ten Eyck. 5.11
acrss of section 32, township 1 south,
range east; 13.000.
Uenevleva and Wlggo Madison to
Jamee Jenaen. land In aectlons U snd
25, township 5 south, range 1 asst.
Trestment at Hot Lake. Inclndln medloal attenUon, boar b4
balha, ooats ho mora than yon
hotel. Rooms can be bad from
In the cafeteria are served from
usual grill prleea. Datbs range
We Do Ctirc
v- sJ
. K. and Carrla Benfer to W. AJJ"
Melba Metier, tand In Hector Vr
bel; D. L C. conulnlng 4 acrei. e
C. Charlton Snyder to J. f.
i acres of section J2. towMW
south, range I east; It-
David N. Smith, to K. T. Jt
blK!k to, Covell; J.0'H).
Ustsy Tellefson et l J?.
Plympton. land In Clscksm"
$10 . u,A
Mary A. Mclntyre to t,
son, nortnesat quaner .i
township 4 south, rsngs I essi.
would pay to live st any ft"! '
71 cents to 180 per day. Vew
SO cants up and In the grill w
from 60 cents to 11 00.
HOI tss " - .
and mud given Md
tlflo direction have
thouaanda. Write W "
trated booklet defcrlptl" i
Hot Lake S.ntorlum
the msthoda amployw-JJl.
Uks Sanatorium to
slble. as it Is lofalsi direw
ly on themr'n In. of JJ
special excuralon .
to be had st sll "
"""sveiaeni ia ts ef CV