Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 22, 1911, Image 3

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Ladies' Coat Talk
' J""' rcled th moat mainlflrent Hit of ladiea' Coi ,r
Toted W hoWB ,a Oregon City. Tbe roat war aelecud
,,,,, car to gl tb ladle of Oregon City what la up to
, , u- ur ortmni "'r lra and In Ihla ahlp-
Hi ara b ltrabl Ouaia In Cry and Blu and Maroon and
mw Tan and fwrpl CoaU valth lara aollaro and aifa wda eifl,
Tfuraaa af earn malarial at acta.
Iiafor buylog a our Ua of Coat and you lhin can t potd
- .hal UP to dal. .
c Oof Windowi Sotprntlon Bridge Corner
;o? 08 h
Harvard and Yale Ready for Annual
Clash on the Gridiron
ror tha arroat an conviction
- ar pa00 or P"0"'
".-,.n. remov coploa of Taa
trni.rtMM from i ao
MOf' . ....
laea of BUDBcnoi in"
f at. bo plaoo4 tbr
a a O
Th B ".
Nlolmmn A
lot tailing Bids., Portland.
Phone Main 1161.
Iky do 700 ' mat nine a
H will run about 0v mil and
Ik break ilowa'-New Tort
l florid. --
local pmcrs
M Hullten. of Maaoo City. loa. la
(hi city.
William Miller, of Kldorado, waa to
ill rlly Tueaday.
Mr oirleter, of Carua, aa In
Ult city Tueaday.
Mr and Mra. 0ne. ot Carua. wr
la til rlty Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. Mtion. of Clark.
tar. In ihla city Tuaaday.
Mr aad Mra. 0na, of Carua. wr
II Ihla rlty Tuaaday.
Murn. November 16, to Mr. and Mra.
Mr. and Mra. J. a Cumrolng. ol
Beaver Creek, war In Ihla city Tue
day. J. R. lrroy. of Bprlugwater. waa
taong tin Oregon CHy vlallure Tu-
Roy II U. prominent raal tat
imW f Canny, aa In tbla city
& II. Cooper, of Corvallle. who baa
beta In thla city vlaltlng frlenda. baa
ret anted
Cbarlea gharnk. of Bandy, waa
among 1 ha Dragon City bualnaa rial
tort Tuesday.
Mrs lloach. of IHrtfiind. la In thla
dty vUltlng har daughlar. Mra. Harry
Char Ira Dughrty. of Kortland.
u In thla city on bualnaaa Tu
4y aftrriKMio.
Mr n.t Mra lialtaraou. of I'ort'
land. wra among tha Oregon City
Ttettora Tucaday.
Mr. and Mra. T. P. U. of Canby.
wtra In Oregon C1t Tuaaday. Mr.
Ua la one of tha promlnant farroera
of that Dtace).
Mr. and Mra. Thomaa lwla. of
Carua. war among tha Oregon City
tlaltora Tuaaday,
w II" m. nf Euaana. after
tpendltig Saturday and Bunday In thla
dty. returnad homa Monday
Tonight tba Knlghta of I'bythlaa
III give an antartalnrnant at tha
Woodman Hall for tha membera and
famlllea Pvthlan Hatara ara co
dlaltv Inlii1
Fred Undaay. of Beaalda. la In thla
elty vlaltlng frlanda. Ha l th
botel tualneaa at that plaea
C U Htandlnger and wlfa. of Mo-
lalla, wera In thla city Tuaaday, rr
Itierlng at tha Electric Hotel
Mr n,t Mra. William Jonea, of Can
tral Point, wera among tba Oregon
City lit'mlneaa vlallora Tueaday
Mra. Carl Oraen and baby haa
nn 10 Slevenaon. Waah.. to Tiau
"r imrenta. Mr. and Mra. Miner
I in..ia i,r Bnrlnvwater. waa In
main for eeveral areeka before abe
return to I'owell lUver.
Cbria Illuhm. a former realdent of
Oregon City, hut now of Portland,
waa In thla city Tueaday on bla way
to llrarer Creek, wbera ha will vlalt
bla nephew,. John Illuhm, for aeveral
weeka and aleo Auguat Illuhm, of
I H Calater, a prominent butlueea
man of li(a Angele. Cat, who baa
been In tbla clly for tha paat week
a gueat of Mr. and Mra. Edward
rWhwab, of ruth and Center etreeta,
Iravea thla evening on tba Bhaata
limited for hla home
Krank Toung, who live near
HpHngwater. and who baa been flatt
ing bla alater, at Motalla. la In tbla
rlty. and la vUltlng Mr. and Mra.
C.eorge Toung. and Mrand Mra.
Moeler. Ha will vlalt here for a few
day before leaving for bla home.
The fate of tha Artlaan dance will
be Baturday night. Hecember f. In-
lead of Itecember t. Thla promlte
to be one of tba aoclal affair of the
aeaeon. and tha radeta are aparlng
no pain to make It moat anrceaa
ful affair.
Trephon Ierte. of Koreet tlrove, a
capitalist of that place, la vlaltlng
t tha borne of Mr. and Mra. J 11.
Bmlth. of Canemah. Mr. Derieg 1
on bla way to Ilelglurn. where ha win
llt bla parent, whom be haa not
aeen for many yeara.
Wll Koerner. who arrived In St.
Johna a few week ago, owing to the
rath of hla father, the lata Rudolph
Koerner. waa In Ihla city Tueaaar
tailing William B. Howell. Mr.
Koerner will return to f.looe, ami..
he Brit nf December, whera he ta
engaged In civil engineering. .
(Continued from rage i.) .
thl city Monday, being a guoat at the
John Ulllett homa at Mountain vm .
MUa n.treno. Ratindera. of Seattle,
atPrlLaafl Ih aTaaaaiU-an
King, and la tha I'leit of Mlaa Heln
Hmlth. of Canemah.
Mr. W. L. Mldlam and alater, Mra
Walter Wentworth, want to Unlver
Itv irk Tueaday. whera they
tended a family reunion at tb homa
o( their alater.
R.ri t inuMtia a member of Vnl-
rlty football team, who haa been
vliliin hia 1. Mr. and Mra.
Charlea IX Ijttourelta n tbla city, ra-
turncd to Eugena Monday.
I. a ,,f Yakima, Wah
bu arrived la Oregon City.
pn-U of Mr. and Mra., W. W- Mr.
it. .i .rrivd In North
Vaklmt with hla two daughtera and
on from Tenneaa.
. w-.'.. haa been In Bll
Vri.,n ... ...r.i month, whara no
v.. " . .v nietura bual'
oeen in uia iuut. r .
h, haa aold out. and b
tha poaltlon aa foreman of tba car
I'd at Bull Run.
Rev. r. D. Moffatt. of Nawbarf. !
In thla city, and la arranging to bo Id
tan., of maetlnga at Mountain
View, tha., to ba h-H rrlday n4
"itnrd.y aftarnoona at tha Mountain
View church. - .
Mra Tn..M. VoertaD. who liaa been
at Pn.n oiv.r. B. C. vlaltlng bar
rttlhter, Mrt.1 Edward Bheaban
Eatrrrl, why not?
n " ". -in i,er,od " B0W
E eleven of Harvard and
Tale art, ready for tbelr auuu
I claab 00 the gridiron to be
played 1n Cambridge. Maaa..
Nov. 25. Tbla game will mark tba close
of the big eaaiern aeaaon. Kroiu pres
ent Indhatlona tha game aliould lie
ban) fought from at art to BnUb.
A cloae aualyala of tba Harvard Yale
eleven ahoma that Ibey ara very rveny
matt-lied Vale ha a allgbt advantage
to weight, and pvrhnpe lit) Una la a little
peedler. Hut the Crlinaon ba k (It-Id
arllpeea the Hlue la all defMirtmeut
Harvard baa two fa at end lo Kuillli
1 and O'llrien Tliry ouU-laaa tba Yale
pair, Kraix U and Avery. Ktnlth la one
of the beet end men playing the game
thla aeaaon. He la a bard tackier.
tft runner and a great handler
of Ilia forward paaaee. Criuieon aup
porter put Ibi-lr falib In tba ability
of Binltti and O'Hrleo to effectively
prevent the aperdy Captain How from
making any of bla long run Yal ba
alao tt.o good aube In lioinelaler and
At I be tackle poaltba It la a toaaup
The Vale lr. I'aul and Bcully, have
a little wore experience than Captain
riaher and Hitchcock, but tba laat two
menlloiied have the weight wblrb tuay
count for umi'h la tba coming battle.
Yale avema to bava an edge In tba
matter of guarda. Urr and McDavllt
bare played a conalatently good drfen
alve game all aeaaon. Ielle of Har
vard ba 1m played a good game, but
McKaey.' who haa eiM-ret-dr Klebvr.
tba latter going to tai kle. haa bud
but little practical experleocw.
KHchaiu le a heavier man at renter
than Htorer aud In all around ability
la aupertor to the Crlinaon middle man
At quarlrrliai k Yala eltela Harvard.
Captain Howe I one of tba beat aver
turned out at Yal. II la great field
general and a aplendld manipulator of
tba forward aa and faat- runnar
with the ball and an accurate kicker.
He will be tba man that Harvard will
bate to watc h In the coming game.
Crlinaon ba a good quarterback lo
Iotter. but be doea not claaa with
Harvard baa tba better back Bald
men. Camplll. Wendell and Hunting
ton ara equally proficient at either
mprovemeni or iayr
he north aide of Seventh atreet to
the aoutb lla of the Twelfth afreet.
73C 13; for tha Improvement of
viKtt.' urui rrom the eaat line 01
Center atreet to the weat line of Tay
lor atreet. IH.097 54 and for the con-
atrurtlon of a aewer In aewer dl
rrlct N.v 15.748,71.
A bid of White nrothere to ouiia a
nubile romion eiauon at m-
if tha upenlon Driage ior w
accepted Thla firm had previously
made a bid for building thla atatlon
and one In Mclaughlin Park, but tna
Woman'a Club objected to the houae
n the park, and another location win
be obtained.
Dr. C. A. Btuart and oinera ouereu
.... - 11. k, at tna
petition ior an an.- --
corner of Thlid and Wah
ngton atreeta. which wa mia on
able -emiiorarlly until ma memoer.
of the atreet committee couia mane
an Inveailgatlon ana aiwi aeir. ......
hether other light are neeoeu.
Complalnta of T. F. Ryn against
the aement or ni prour..
J,fferx)n and Sixth atreeta wera re
ferred to the committee on atreeta.
Ordlnancea providing for the building
of a lira houae In Mountain View and
an addition to the lira hoime In Green-
point wera referred to me
water commlttea with power to act
T P. Randall. Frang nu n -u
Cox wera appointed a committee to
Ox tha valuation of property on an
InKton atreet for aaaeaament purpoaea.
Walter Kertchem. of 1-igan. declnr
e, that the Southern l'ncine trentle
at Fourteenth and canter '"--"-the
treatle of tha Clackamaa Southern
Pt Klftenth and Wnahlngton atreet..
ahould he higher. He ald that hree
fnnner. had bo.n dragged from load
of hay bT lha Southern Pacific treatle
and aeve'rely Injured. Tha afreet com
mlttea will report at me an.
Ing on the . Clackamaa Boutharn
. " ,1- it la aald to ba only ten and
onehaif faet above the atreet. The fixed tha holghth at twelve
fpt- ...... j .V.. moat
wv. ,.iin.inor atienaeo '
nig: . .,,
Michel. Meyer, rope aim
X ' - J
- :
L. , ! ' 1 1 TC Jvl
a .VV
i at
..' ' v..i.a noiilnaon. who live
mra. v -.;- i.i In
near Mountain View. w ... ---
jurad whll. on her w " , IMand,
hara aha inien... .nm4
Bba waa driving along tha roan ...
dlau?" from her home, when two
. ....-.. .1 tn a wagon I""""1"
Wlin nor ihiupw , .
. .v ..hide, and one of tna run
nor-a trampled on bar.
pome ami -
condition I. much Iniprovad-
If not reading tha '"'
'1 -h. not? Year-end Par-
Baa ad on
m ivi 1 im 1 INH II fl
A 1
briug down. Ha. too. la a good kick
er, and wltb too punting dona by twa
men tba Ell will but Dud It uecea
ary to plan to nave tha kicker In the
tig gam wltb Harvard. On or both
player will aoroly be oaed In aom
place la the back fluid.
i'bllbln la a good ronner and not
eaay to atop, but It la hard to tell jul
when ba wtll make a dlaaatroua fum
ble. If narvard makee the earn tula
Ukea aa ah did 10 the recent battle
wltb Princeton. Yal will win. In the
gam wltb tb Tiger Harvard relied
oo Wendell to carry the ball moat of
tb time, and all tba Tiger mra bad
to do waa to play blm. Tbey watcbei)
Wendell Ilk a bawk and generally
amolbered bla roab before be trot ta ti
ed II did get through many time.
but did not wake any great galna.
Harvard and Yale bav met on tbe
gridiron thirty t1me at oca 187U. In
which time Harvard baa won only
Tb demand' for 'bopa . contlnuea
trong. and for tb beat iic la freely
obtainable, but tb acattertng lota of
IVlla that remain In grower' band
l Ihla time are very firmly held and
tha tlttl trad now paaatng for tb
moat part Involvaa email holding..
Tba grower are bulllah and lateat
market development appear to fully
juatlfy tbem In tbelr poaltlon. For
many of tb luta not yet olapoaeo 01
60c I demanded. - '
Cable from abroad Indicate atrong
and ateadlly advancing marketa, both
In England and on tb Continent,
and It la believed tbat the market
her baa not yet reached tb high
level for tb aeaaon.
Prevailing Oregon City prlca are
aa follow a:
Frulta, Veaetabiee.
Prune on baala of t 1-4 pound for 43-
&' ...
HIDES -(Buying) oren niae.
S to 6c; aaltera, be to c; ory niaee.
12c to 14c; aheep piu, Zt,c to tsc
Hay, Oraln, Feed.
HAY (Buying) Timothy. $17. to
f IS; clover, fS to ; oat bay. beet, 9
to 110; mixed, 19 to 112; alfalfa. Hi
to $18.60
OATS (Buying) Cray, $27 to
28: wheaL $28 to $Z; oil meai,a.j;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.2$ per
100 pound.
FEED (Beijing) Short. $27 to
$28; rolled barley. $37.N; procea
barley, $38.60; whole corn. $37;
cracked corn, $38; whit, $2fl to $27;
bran $27 to $28.
Butter, poultry, ego.
FIjOUR $4.60 to $6.25.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter. 26e to goc; rancy
dairy, SOc; creamery, JOc to 1 5c.
POUL.TRY tuuying; "". '-
to lie.
EGGS Oregon ranch egg.i.ioc "
$1.25 to-$160 por aack; . pnranlpa.
$1.25 to $1.60; turnip, $1.25 to 11.60:
Prune, on baala or 0 l-ac ior
60c: beet. $1.60.
beet. 11.60
tmTimiN Rat burin 85C to
$1 per hundred.
"vinva Onmn. 11.25 to 11.60 per
- - - - . .
hundred; AnatralUn, $2 pr nunorwo.
LlvtocK. aaaaxa.
BEEF (liv weight) 8tra, 6:
and 6HC-. cow. 4Hc; Duua, i-m
VEAL, Calve bring ironi wm
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON HDp, c en-.
Unki in and Kc
HOGS 125 to 140 pound hoga, 1JC
and llo; 140 to 200 pounda. lOo and
10V4C .
The Morning Knterjirise has iurchasod from the
Elliott Garage a new 1912 Model T five-passenger
Ford automobile to be given away as a premium in a
circulation contest to be inauenirated soon. There is
t no car manufactured that exceeds the Ford in popu-
larity, and last year the Ford factory sold one-fifth of
all the care purchased in the United Staten. The car
is built for durability and is a roadster par-excellence. ,i
Photo by American Preaa Aaaoclatlon
rniixa or CHiuaoH lbaoino rutm
mitbliiK through tbe line or aklrtlng
tb euda. Wendell., a connlnteut
ground gainer. I perbap without a
ter in the game tbla eeuon. Catup
ieli la a very faxt runner In a broken
field, whll Huntington.. "iue uarvaru
atrong ninn." la what hla nam luipllew
a power In advancing me ouii anu
atone wall on tbe defen.
Tale'a principal wenkneaa. aa mown
In aevernl irnraea. wi a!,
-h.r. Andcraon baa rauea 10 mow iue
Improvement expected of him. The
former Wbwomdn man la awkward and
doea not bundle tbe ball cleanly. There
la a chiime that Anderson will not be
naod In thl game and that either Fre-
.n r Rnilll! Ill II may o piaiTO ai lur
poaltlon. lUith of theee men bav
gbown In recent gamea that they ar
rantl e and depenuaDie. opaiuui .
ap-clnlty t picking opening and kick-
Photo by America Praaa Aaaoelatloa.
four gamea, four hav been tied, and
Yal baa won twenty-two. Up until
11)08 Harvard bad not defeated Yala
nine 1001. when Campbell'a great
eleven, considered by many crltlca aa
one of the bent tbat ever handled
foot ball, triumphed by a "core of JO
to l over a Yale eleven tbat bad ben
en ITinieton a week before. Tb Uat
below ahown tb record of tb Yale-
Harvard game alnc 187H:
ir?a-Tala I anal: Harvard, t touch
down. l77-no game. UTa-Tala. I goal:
Harvard, a IK-TK. I aarailea; liar
vard, aafetlea lJlo-Yle, I goal 1 louch-
downt Harvard. . tast-Tale. a aafetlra:
Harvard, i aafetlea. una--vaia. goal m
touchdown. Harvard, t aafalle UB-
Tala. 4 oala: Harvmrd. 1 touoinown i
aafaty. ltt Tala. . goal 4 luucnnoana;
Harvard. 0 l-BO game. i iai. a
goala: Harvard. I touchdown. MS, Tale.
I goal I fty; Harvard. I goal, wa
ne lima IMO-Tal. 1 goal; Itarvara.
I S0 Harvard, t goal: vaie. i iroai
Yala. t goal I touchdown: Harvara. a
Ut T a la. t gol; Harvard, a IS Yala.
1 goal; Harvard. 0. 1894-Yale. U: Har-
vard. 1 l&- no game, ink vaia. .
Harvard, 0 M Harvard. II: Tale,
lm-Yalo, . Harvard, o isotv-iaia. m;
Harvard. 0. IWl-Harvard. rz: vaia. a
IWa-Yala. a: Harvard. 0. l0S-Yale. U;
Harvard, a IKW-Yal. U; Harvard, a
Yale. (; Harvard, ft lJot-Yala. ;
Harvard, ft 1907-Yal. U. Harvard.
laoa-Harvard. 4: Yala. 0. I9(-Yal.
Harvard. 0 ll-Tal. 0; Harvard.
Tb probable llneupa of the two
alevena will be:
Tal. Ift end. Francla or Pomela
ler: left tackle. Tomllnaon or Bronaoo:
left guard. Lore; center. Ketcham:
right ituard. McDavItt: right tackle.
Paul: right end. Avery: quarterback.
How: left hHirt-tick. Camp: rluht
halfback. Phllbln or Spalding; full
back, Anderaon or Freeman.
. Harvard.-t.eft end. Bmlth: left tnc
kle. Hitchcock: left guard. Lenlle: cen
ter. Storer: right gunrd. McKaeya;
right tackle. Flnber: right nd. O'Brien;
quarterback. Totter or Gardner; left
halfback. Campbell or Pierce: right
halfback. Weudall: fullback. Huutluir-ton.
Samuel Wllaon baa been elected dl-
.... r the Willamette School Dla-
trlct to aucceed Robert W. Baker, who
resigned because oi ma
Independence. Mr. Wilson received
. voiea. John Moehnk aig
- . . TV..
votea and W. A. Kiner ion -.
wh niac Mondar night at
eiwuuu r
a apectal meeting of tna taxpajera
th dlatrlct. and a apeclal levy of
.llla waa voted to DrOVld for
th maintenance and th payment of
Interest on bonda. Extra Kpeu w...
k- in-,,rrerf neit rear, a an addition
ai teacher will b employed after th
building annex la completed and man-
ual training equipment, win ie
aUlled. The apodal levy laat year
waa 4 11 mill
Tpa aJack propoBed last night, and I
accepted blm.
Jean Did you. dear? By tbe way.
dont attempt to cut giaxn with tbat
diamond, aa I did. or you'll naak an
other nick in tbe atno.
Grant H. Dimick, W. A. Huntley, J. E. Hedges, C.
Kchuelel, Captain J. T. Apicrson, F. 3L Swift and
1 E. 1. Elliott are some of the users of Ford automo-
biles. There is value in a Ford car and the Morning
Enterprise proposes to give one away. AVe want
more circulation and we have spent $785 at one throw
'to help get it. Watch the Morning Enterprise for
future announcements. "The field is open. Every-
btxly is going to have a chance to win this fine ma
baodl th Portland bnainaa at a
lower rate, but Eatern freight If
transferred at Portland to either of
these companle would coat. Includ
ing tb transfer charge, eapeclally
on email anlpment. more than la
charged by th Southern Pacinc w
do not want to make a fight at thla
tlm for lower rate Portland to Ore-
ron Cltr but to- anap our conra in
tb beat possible manner toward se
curing wrmlnal rat on commoditle
for our city.
Mdford la trying to secure a re
vision of rate Irrespective of water
comneUtlon. making It necessary for
th Bon&ern Pactno ana any ana iui
other transportation iinea 10 cnarge
a certain rat per mil, whether tb
freight I handled on mil or "
mlHM. Tb present rate to Oregon
Cltjr. as dated above, la 17c, wblla
tb dlaUnce. according to tie rail
road tariff, la 19 ml lea.
Albany 1 80 miles from Portland,
still that city enjoya a rat of 28c.
Point aouth of Albany where no
water competition exlste have higher
rate, for Instance from Albany to a
point 80 mile aouth. tb rat Is 67c
per 100 pounda.
W refused to go on record aa b!
Ing In favor of tbla reduction, stating j
to th eomrataaton that Oregon City !
merchants and manuracturers mm a ;
their geographical poaltlon, as alao
the - large Yolume of bualneaa tran-1
aacted rla transportation lines, abould ,
be considered In tb making or rates ,
for both Incoming ana outgoing
freight We think, as the chairman
of th commission stated, that tbe
Med ford pro position relative to com
modity and diatrlbutory rate would
tend ultimately to work hardshlpa on
th consumers ahould tbey b put
Into effect.
I tak it tbat thla committee la a
continuance of your committee of
1910. when Mr. 1 Adama, as chair
man, appointed the writer to look
Into matter of terminal rates. 1
now have this proposition about ready
to submit to Oregon City bnalneas
men and manufacturers with th aug
geatlona that a terminal freight rat
aaaoclatlon be formed for tb handl
ing of tb matter either with the rail
road, or K they will not coos.aer the
pro post Ion mad, with th railroad
commission of Oregon or th . com
merce court.
Respectfully aubmltted,
& x MU.AIN.
itmzmiATtoJu fciCTioiiArrsr
Th Mr Mtw wnatfaTiflgisBl
tm afasny
Cositelnn th ait
of am irtUbxKitatiT)
Cornora vnrr Oaua u
dn. Aa SwnroloMditv la
arfnarlat tknAk.
ha) Omly XHotioULl7 wita Oa
New Dirided Ma.
JOOjOOO Words. S700
OOOO inixstrntioTia. OoaTt nanarty
hall mlUlon doUnxs.
Xet as toll too about tait
wiiiBrilo atfaflo rot
V T Vaaa tfeaa
600 Troltina Maating Wer Held.
Flv hundred trotting raeetlnsa wer
bald durlmr the umnth nf Beptetobe
ing. whll Freeman la a hard man to j tn. United Sute aad Canadiu
Th McLoughlln Instltut and tha
Barclay School baseball teama played
a tie gam at Canemah Park Tuesday
afternoon. Th acor waa i to t at
the end of th firth Inning when Um
plrea Crosa and Oren called th gam
on account of darkneaa. ...Th tarn
waa exciting throughout Batcher
Kobollnk caught Story and Btory
wer the McUouhglln Inatltut battery.
Gummed Stamps.
The inventor Of Hie gummed stamp
waa a Scotchman. Jamex t'hnlroera of
Dunde. who lu 1H04 aiiKgeHted tb
aa of adheelv allpa. He wn much
ridiculed, eteclally by doctors, who
aald tb pmoosal to lick atamt would
epread dlseaa. . Tb pttofflc gave
no aerlotht attention to tb prop!
am ta)tl- ,
B. T McBaln. mill manager of tbe
Wlllam'ett Pulp ft Paper Company,
appointed a committee ot one by the
Uve Wire to attend the rat hear
ing of the State Railroad Commission
at Salem last week, reported aa fol
lows at the luncheon TueBday :
Aa your committee, appointed at
your regular aesston. November 14.
1 caught the morning train for Balem.
M...H1IU., 15. leavtnKOregon City at
917 arriving at tb capltol. Salora,
.h.. ii-in a. m.
The tearing or me
before the Railroad Commission of
Dregon had already commenced. At
, ..nnaiiierabl argument on the part
of attorneya Interested, a Mr. Dwyer,
of Umatilla, was piaceo. up..
atand. hla examination Uklng tbe bal
ance of the morning until 1J:30 p. m;.
when the commission adjourned until
J o'clock, at which hour th hearing
was resumed with your committee on
tb witness stand. .
I am sur my testimony was of no
value to the Medford side of the cas.
While It was. we think, of considers
ble value to th Southern Pclflc and
orr city and county, It waa also tn
line with the oplnlona of tbe membera
of tbe commission who personally ex
i rensed themselves to the writer dur
Inc the noon hour.
Your committee happens to be a
river man. everybody In Oregon City
ahould b: in fact .verybody In vry
city bordering on the great Wllla
rnette Hirer ahould refuae to give up
the natural compeUtlve advantagea
afforded by this river.
Present carload rates on mwi..
from rortland and other points to
Oregon City ar rar lower pr ....
pounds on account of water competi
tion thn could be xpectd In an in
land city the aaro dlatanc from a
metropolis. Leaa than carload 1 rate
from Portland to Oregon City on the
Southern Pacific are high, most o
the merchanta at the present time
paying 17o per 100 pounda from Port
land either on shipments from the
n..i n. nrio-tnatln at Portland. The
old rat waa lOo per 100 pounds. The
euctrlc fret'ht and O. C. T. boat
Combination No. 1
4 full quart bottles of Monogram whis
key $3.00
Combination No..2
4 full quart bottles of Sunny Trail and
1 bottle of wine gratis $4.00 '
Combination No. 3
2 full quart bottles Spring
wlmlcv Bottled in Bond
government supervision,! bottle brandy
and 1 bottle delicious Port wine $4.00
Combination No. 4
1 bottle King Hill, 1 bottle Prince
Albert, I bottle best Cognac and 1
bottle Cream of California Port $5.00
When, you ' are in Portland we
want you to make our store your head
quarters use our phone let us extend
you any reasonable courtesy and help
make your visit most pleasant. '.
Largest and best equipped Liquor House
west of Chicago.
Spring Valley Wine Co.
Entire Corner 2nd an J YamSMl Stt.
Reaembf Vc Prepay Eapicl