Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 22, 1911, Image 2

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    Anirtm 3iv-tnx to r wpiivpsiiAY. XfiVKMHKK 22. 1911.
u kj rvr t vr b.iintu tuii ---- - -z
U03riL"G EIJTEEruilE
cssoos crrr, oatxcos
C. C ROOIC. ft
ft Hl. a4 At rt
Oraajna. aej a AM
two tr wucuniMb
jm Yr. ...... "
Ma MwiU ky J M
fv Mikk r ail. .............
fee mix . J
nrl H Mt ta
fmi lrti
PiWr paeMtna amy a. Baa
ai Hi nlai
" ' ' aWT fM
kwtWM ., IS
Km pn MW 1m n HM P
barats te we Mm; wnl 4ae-
Wuk rar aJa. Ta Raw, eaa, awe
eBi war nr miwn; ess
aac aSHrtaaal
-.' Saiaa tar m4
garernee wl to (It
miCr. fee Mum
far Mm a iiShr. Wlm the i
mm a ts mm
wua the aeiaa
a annii n i Ua iajr as n wmm
T. wttbaa aaaaaa. tto rata woi to s
aM y raw a tts to, aaal laa aa
Leera' iulHi i mnjI at iiiw
m MnttMai aawaosl Jaatiai
liaiaai u a it Mr u Uvea. S
mm to aaaetaJ mMIIMm as mate) Cto
TVa SaJa" aavl aarB aW ar-
iss lata M toe flrto hum -ana
ii nliaa aaase atatw Bfce la.
.Sam Hi an an wa ! araato)
at aaarM. wtta toito to ami nana
artfcj to atoaly amat btotoMM
War aauaaa to anas- n
la oa sal at th foUowtaf etare
vry ay: . .
HuaUer Bro. Drug
- kUU 8trC
1. W. McAjmlty Ogara
Satoala u Mai.
E. B. Aederaon.
. ' Mala Mar Sixth.
M K. Daaa Ooaf actl oa ery
' Kaxt aoar to P. a .
- dtj Dray Star
' . Ilectric Hot!.
Sieoaabora Coafctiori
8aU aa4 X Q. A4aaa.
. ...
, Tbat arbica Mat impraaaea aTerr
oaa who atadJaa tba aodU and poUU
cai phaaTala going o hi Marty arary
part of tbo rorM. la ikm fact tkat tW
xpraaa mora or laaa latcllicaaUy Ika
aapirationa of MUona after grotter
Aa4 m oao notaa tho ocU of taa
; past f yaara ho U cooactoua tat
traat proaroaa tm tmat -aJrardaa haa
baea Biaoa. Antocrmtlo raWrs kavo
. beea banlased, taatltatloaa popalarts-
ad, and a craUfyias desreo of Bborty
attainad Uat mast ba a aorpriaa area
. to tboaa vao ara moat iaunedlataly
coocaraod, DUs of Mtxfco, Man Bel
.ot Portosal . Tm Saltaa of Tvkoy
a ad lb Sbah of Persia are either Ja
Toloalarjr exlla or ia priaoo, and tM
th rosea of sum other ralars ar sot
toe aeetira. -
Dacaaaa taa fatted Stales aad
Great BHtaia aajoy far mora of Ub
t arty aad better social conditions taaa
moat eouatriaa they hare been almost
naaffectad by those saorements that
'have eooTalaed saUoas less adTaneod
aloof these Um.
At the same time people hare been
svUt to rcognls that abases do eiist
and that they aeed remedying. This
la sees la England la the recent
check put upon the House of Lords,
the Saltation in the labor world and
to the eemands for reforms of rarious
wlthoat party ranks the tdepaat
roter la coming more and more to
the front. This does not aacaaaartty
by a aa actaal taeaaalaf of party
loyalty or of the party system. Bat
k does mean that rotors thlak mora
than they Med to and that wHh a
hlcber moral seaee they demand not
only able me bat able men of cleaa
Ufa aad sapartority to boss dictation
sad poUtlcaJ tarn tat loos. And that
way lie the permanence of popular
tMtttattoa and repraeentative government.
Thrift Is Maally a moat excellent
quality, bat ao man has a rlht to t
erclae It akn the line of neglecting
hia children's education and prepara
tion for future V. Thrift of that
character Is a ears.
As naval after every elect too the
politician are baay esplalntng why
some things happened and other
things did not.
The beat safeguard of MttoM is
fooad not la big armies aad Mvies
bat In the pare unsullied tomes of
the people.
At least 115 persons are expected to
go to Portland UU evening cn spec
lal ears to hear Gipsy Smith, the
famoas evaapellaC he Rev. 8. A.
Hay worth, who has arranged for the
trip, said TMaday areata, that all who
expected to attend should obtain their
tickets before boarding the cars.
TVket holders wllj .pa. l given prof
ence ta ens mora dealro to go than
the chartered ears will accommodate.
Rev. Hayrort. H. E. Croa. J. W. Lo
ar aad IX C Latooratto. of the Bap
tist Chare, will supply tickets to all
who deal re them. Mr. Roake, 8r has
Uckats- for tho mam bare of the Con
gregational church, and Mr. Oox for
the members of the Methodist chore h.
Th cars UI Wave this city at i:30
(Coatlawed from L)
r- "
The Navy's Biattcst Collier ;
And i Group of Submirincs
fl". . ;?Jr '.Vilify
LU Viif;:ikr .tv-i'V. xsLtoau'a
- v-r , . - t f- (i r ---;j
Pbetoa copyright by AmarVam Praaa A.
tattoa. 111V
tioa of the same aad for this reaaoa
are advoeatlag tho location thereof
on the East side of tho Willamette
River In order to delay and finally
kill off the project. Now therefore be
RESOLVED. That we. the Live
Wire of the Commercial Club of
Oregon City. Oregon, are la full ac
cord aad do hereby heartily endorse
the undertaking of the Government
of the United State to locate aad
construct a free eaaa! and locks at
the fOa of the Willamette River at
Oregon City, Oregon.
That we express our confidence In
the ability and integrity of the Gov
ernment of the United States through
Its engineers to locate said canal and
locks at the most feasible and practi
cable point on said river.
That in oar bumble lodgment the
mice asked by the property owners
for the right-of-wsy for said canal
aad Kirks Is esorbitaat aad unreas
onable and tbat soch prices should
not be paid.
We are also of the opinion that th
price of aporoxlmately Eight Hundred
Thousand ($800,000) Dollars asked by
the Portland Railway, fjgbt A Power
Company for th old canal and locks
and additional right-of-way on the
West side of the liver Is likewise
exorbitant and unreasonable and
should not be paid.
That tbe Government should pro
ceed, if possible to effect reasonable
arranrementa with the property own
rs for soch right-of-way, and if tb
same cannot be secured si s reason
able ftgur tnat sach rUlit-of-way b
In this country political corruption, i condemned wltboudelay,
m 7 ; That we refut th statements
nopolies, hare crested a demand, I m4je by MrUln gentlemen from 9a
wblch steadily increases, that these lorn and other places reflecting on
abuses cease and that power and re-1 our position In this matter and we
sponslbillty be more directly placed oo "Ciar that such ftatemenU are
, . . . I unfair towards this city and Its busl-
wmji pwyn. ineM Interests and further that we
In all these movements at home and question the good faith of soch
abroad there Is seen the fact that "the ! statements and that in our humble
old order changeth," and that all real ! Jgment the persons making such
.... .vi - ... I statements sre the real enemies of a
progress mean, oeuer u..U. lor u n(, op.n rJve.
P0Ple. I VII.
- m That a copy of thene resolutions
, . . , . : be forwarded to each of our Be 0 a tor
Looked at from a party standpoint nd RpprM,nlatlve, ,n cmrn and
the result of the recent elections pro- ,nat another copy be forwarded to Ma-
doc mixed feelings in both grat par-: Jor Mclndoe and that a copy be sent
ties. Defeat In one section, vd con-1 to the Secretary of War
aequeni S.W.n, u -u. , ,f y0(J nJt rMdn)f ,h( Vrrrnnf
som other section, sod corresponding j Enterrnse. why not? Tear-end Bar-
encouragement 8 ML one thing stands ' Kan period
out clearly, which Is that within and , back ta.
Is now on. See ad on
Morality Gaining Ground
Rather Than Losing It
IL ) th American Sociologk-al sfx-ietr, ilptlarinp: that I'OV
II ERTY i not a problem to be compared to tlie problem
' IJL cf JI0KAL8 in the United Stnte, ay that American
manners and moral hare DETERIORATED in the tout fifteen or
twenty year. Mr position ia tbat the . RTROXO and the GOOD
are becoming STRONGER and BETTER. The manner nd
morals of 5 per cent of tbe American people are deferWatirifr. but
the manner and moral of the other 95 per cent are gaining im
measurably from year to year. A
' It aeem to me there i a CONSTANT . GAIN in tbe; diffusion
of knowledge, in tba diffusion of property, In the diffuion of liberty
rl in the diffusion of social happiness and moral well being.
"9 PUBLIC ECIIOOL in a national atomach for digesting for-
FEW caotraau botweea dlffaraat type ef naval rwaatructio re awe
strfklag taaa tho on presented by th hng colllars of th aavy aad
th txttl aahaaartae. Tb Neptu, statar ablp ef th Cyclop, deaerrea
tbe tttl "GUar as mark as bee eptwvrirUlty aad -
terpen. She Is Urger thaa.maay ca on, having a dtoptacemt of !.
torn, aad re a coal tw ahtpa at aa at th asm Urn by meaas of bar aevea
derrick aa either aide. She carrhss a gun aad weak! b artrly defeua
Usa tf sbe should be attacked. Oa tb other hand, th eal purpua of ih
Bbmsrlae m t take tho offvaatv. to steal aaob rved nader wair aetll so
Is wtthia strlkbxg AUtaac ef tb jemy at whom sh lanncbea th torpedoa.
which are hr Jy armament Tbe Urgeal suhmar1n In th t'nlted Ststaa
aavy m of BOO too dlaplacemeat, tb smail f aereaty-fwar ta -
Miss Cls Pratt entertained the
Gypsle at her horn Monday evening
la honor of Mrs. W. 11 Burg hard t. of
Salem, who Is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Draper. Cards and music were
the feature of the evening, lae prUe
being won by Miss Alme Bo 1 lack and
Mrs. Charles Griffith. . Rerreanmeats
were served.
Present were Mia Veda Williams,
a! laa Helen Daulton, Miss Bess Daul-
ton. Miss Zlda Goldsmith. Mies Almee
Bollack, Mlas Dolly Pratt. Mlaa Mar-
lory Caufleld. Mrs. Charles Griffith.
Mrs. J. N. Wlsner. Mrs. M. U. L-
tourett. Mrs. W. H. Burghardt
rested tar pia Huumtm saaaa m
. . BMBsasasssaaasasasmaaaasaaaam
WANTKDr-Too'i' poopl
to e my c'll-Huiim of arrow head
colas, ladla trtaU. vld stsms
and curio vt Wl" bu
' or sU ta thu iu llett un good
bargaivs In aetimdhadd furoltu'O
aad toola. t.eotiJ, ouag, Mslii
near rtfth ' --
WANTED Ikeaamahlog by Ih d!f.
first-clas ork gusranteed. Mr.
W. C onover, Kouaevelt street, Ore
gon City.
WANTED Job clearing large tract
of lead either by Job or contract;
have good mschln aad team. T. K.
Uoardmaa, ullon Or.
WANTtl Enfelope to address;
rlrruUrs to fold. Wrtt -V car
Kntervrl". Oregon City.
A atst nb lash nethlng f th
esurlly sfrerdsd by gvrfmet Sua
srvlalaa. It I wndar b dlrt a.
t'l f th tat aaalnf 0partat,
and sbjt t Hgid pHodi aam.
lostl" f It pert wdltra, vrh
lht H tM law afsurding .
peltr viplld vrllh.
Th fty rf ntrt I .
urd at
The Bank of Orcffoa Qty
9 'aXfsm,
Tea a fsoin) ' Oirs) tea A. M. a) I t
JL uj i mihihi oi, f..-im mar . -"w i)ai.r-i i--. . , ,
WANTEl-Uy ad girla. Here
Is your rhanca youngsters to
make your Christmas money
easy. The Morning Eater-
- pria will pay you a big com
mission for brtnigng la trial
subscriptions. If )o want
to know mor about It call or
writ to th Circulation Man
ager of lb Morning Enter-
prt. Oregon City, and leara '
all about what you will bav
to" da. - The mors yo turn 1n
th mor you will msk and
you caa mak a lot If you
Hotl Arrival.
Th following ar registered st the
Electric Hotel:
G. Potter New Tork: Mrs. G. Pot-
Ler. M. Bueuea. Mason iiij, iowa.
Mlas Ida Glbaoa. of PortUad. was
here Saturday looking over the terri
tory for a .location to opea a millinery
Mrs, Mcllwalr . f galem. graad
mother of Mrs. oly White, hss been
visiting her for several days and will
return to bar borne Sunday. -
Mrs. W. A. Hie and daughter .Mary
spent Saturday with Mrs. Mary Uttle
fleld la Portland.
8am ol Shaw, of Phlladalpbe. will
preach 8unday mornb?g la the Meth
odist church at 11 a. m.
. Prof. II. A. McCllntock delivered a
lecture on phrenology la Voshurg's
hall Saturday evening to a large audi
ence. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Bunnell attend
ed tbe all day Orang meeting In Mil
waukee Saturday. - '
Mrs. W. H. Gamer and Mrs. Fred
Comfort of Vancouver, Washington.
mother and eUKr of Mrs. Julia Holi.
spent Wednesday bar.
Tracy Moore, a student of the O A.
C spent th week's end with his par
enta, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore.
Mr. snd Mrs. Chaa. Guxraaa. of
Alaska, spent Thursday with J. M
Wallace and family. Mr. snd Mrs.
FOR SALA-Oenile pony, good rondt
. tton. buggy snd hamM, fit. Pnoas
Oregon City. Mala lltl.
IOR SALE by C II. Uvaay. carload
of Trojaa powder, just received.
PAJtM LOANIWm"lehri "tma.
Lyrs, Ur go City, Or.
.ii i an ..--a
O. D EST. Atury-t-La. hm
teased. aatrat airaasbd. Ia
ttthaa saUad. ! awttlod. fa
-rsj law ha Over Bak el
Ovigs ctty.
U R Eft A SCHtrsTBEU Attrayt
I, Deutscbar adkst. will prao
Do ta an coorta, mak e4)etis
prw Bldg Oracoa Cttr. Orwa
i HARRT JONES Bundr aad 0arJ
I rtraetnr Earlmst chrtlly
ft oa aft elaeae ef hwlldia
I eork. eoacrete walks sa r4afoeeed
aweref. Re lVo Msla II
I -- r- - -"1J' ' --
O. As C. . Short Counts
Begin Jn. 3, Ontlnod Foof Wrtks
Ery cltlsa of Oregon Is cordially nrlud b
attend th short course of th Oregon Art
m-v g Isral College, beginning Jan. J. Eiavag UrUu
WW t rM,rs w,,t 04 offered la AgiirsKara, h
cksald Arts. Domestic cln tad 4 c
n nr? mart, roreatrr aad muaic. Evry cou b t
aV4MLl signed to 1 1 El J tbe student In his daily
Make this a pleasant ad profitable toUr sav
V tA J Ing. No tuition. Reasonable eceuainj)eM
iQTlvCO fur beautlrul Illustrated bulletla, s44raas
It. M. TEN N ANT. Ragistrar, Corvallls. Or
farmer SuaineM Cra by CsmnyiUiNa
bay, mm. mm
Offtew Eaiewprm
CHIC A00 TAILORS suits mat to
order from tlO and up. W slao do
cleaning, preasmg aad repairing
. Three doors south of poetoffca.
J. ALHA SAGER. teartr of wind sad
string Instrnmeats. director of band
and orchestra. VU furnish muic
for say occasion. Cll at Electric
jr 11. W ! a.1tM .n'Pfli P "
vxt iisxm wim rone
(Contlnued from psa l.
tioa aad C A. Miliar, aft)ar HMv
C. II Dy d th Rev. Ills
worth spoke. Chief glover sh
d aa hoaorary mmhf sf ths Wa
rhood. Tb menu was erv k
th womea of th rburrh.
Read tb Moraiag rrertsisa
f S
MRS- SARAH RANKIN, practical
ours. 1411 Cntr street. Tele
phone Mala 1I. Oregon Oty.
H)T Iarh bay saddle borM.
weight about IM, bald face aad two
whit hind feet; wire rut oa front
foot. 110 reward. Notify II. T.
Shipley. Wlllamett.
W. A. Shaver, Molalla; u Hasmns. iwoa ne winter in tail-
MolalU: Bert Crawford and family. '. fomla.'
George Armstrong. Oregon City ; C. U , Mr. Hugh Krua and daughter were
Standlnger snd wife. Molalla; alias rwuanu viaiiors rnuay.
C. rord. J. E. LaCroy. Sfrtngwatar; ' Roy Gilbert of Rlckreall, Oregon.
II R. Allen. Oregon City; Otto wnneriy a riant 01 this piac. is
Moekak. Oresron City: Charles ; lsltlng old friends for a fw days.
LaCry pitorl .
Th body of Smith M. LaCroy. ho
died la Portland Monday, waa brought
to this city Taeadsy morning, and
later taken to Red land, where th In
terment will be held this morning at
1t or lock. The young man was thirty
four years At see. Ills mother lives
in Redland.
room. r fir taeara
Batata ? lM baedW
Irtbday Party.
Mrs. A. C. lleautlsa ws UkN
surprise at her home Monday
hen som of her frteada cailet k
remind ha of her fifty first wnbay
anniversary. Tbe affslr M :
sad carried out by hr Utile s
Violet, and was a moat succemWa
fair. Maay haadsom presasia b
fludlag silver aad " HsvlUsd chm
ar prM0td to Mrs. ItessDag l
luncheoa was served. Gssm wt
music were among th features iii
Thoee attending war Mrs. BiM
Miller. Mr. and Mr. Robert Wsmt
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Honl. Ef ."I
Mrs. Joseph Uesulls. htrs. Ck
Murray. Hev. J. R t8h7
Mrs. Smith, of California; Usi
DesUrtes. Mr. and
Schoeohor. rrsnhle imvtaft
sad Mr. A. C llesullsa. VWet Bw
DO TOU KNOW that tb Enterprlae
yearad llargala Period Is now on? M.,
SM UR BWM MIw im wm
Sbukt, Sandy.
About twenty-fir musicians parti
cipated In th third rehearsal of the
Oregon City Band Tuesdsy evening,
snd thst th city will, in a fw
months, hsv on of tb finest orches
tras in tb stst is assured. Professor
J. A. Bager, tbe conductor, said after
the rehearsal that he was greatly en
couraged. There are several very good
muslclsns In this city." said the con
ductor, "and w will soon bav a
floe band. The members r Interest
ed In their work, and it will not Uke
long to get the organization Into good
shspe. I am delighted with our pro
gress." Flewer Tapers,
When ported lllua set In tightly
closed cane are placed beside a rece
tacle full of rtber the ether volstillsen.
and within tbirty-alx hours tb lilacs
sre In a utile of torpor closely resem
bllng intoxication. If tbe plants are
then sprinkled wlto fresh water and
net In a warm hotboune wbere tbe bu
midity Is sufficient, st tbe end of the
fifteenth day they will uow sbnormal
development. But not all plants thrtre
under eu b condition. Tbe rose la
refractory to tbe treatment. Tbe car
nation pink snd hyacinth, however,
show deplorable taste for tbe alco
bo!a or etbera wblcb produce Intoxication.-Exchange.
j W. R. Allen snd wife and Mr. E O.
Allen and son were In Portland Fri
I d"-
, Mrs Howard, a teacher of the Jef
i feraon high school, of Portland, and
, son spent Thursday evening with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Allen.
Mrs. Wilcox, of Oregon City, spent
few hours here Thursday the guest
r.1 mm Vm..wm,
1 1.1 1 m. ,x Ulll,
! Mrs. Kruno returned home Friday
rrom a two month s visit to California.
Samuel Shaw, of Philadelphia, s
brother of Mrs. Issabell Hilton and
uncle, of Mrs. J. H. McArthur, arrived
here Friday and will remain until
Wm. Holland, of Aberdeen, Kan
aaa. Is visiting L. Vosburg snd family.
Pol run tie our s?ertlser.
Mrs. W. II. Moore snd sister. Mrs.
Alexsnder, of Portland, left Mon
day evening for a visit to rela
tives In Los Angeles, Cal. She will
remain uatll the first of th year on
account of Mrs. Moore' health.
, Mrs. Harry Kihler and Mrs. Bonner
were Portland visitors Thursdsy.
Mrs. Henry 8hufler, . Mrs. Louis
Brandt and Mrs. Peter Hefty were
guests of Mrs. Henry Heltkeraper
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Lilian V. Riley was ia Portland
Friday on business.
Miss "pan (tier, of Portland, was
here Thursdsy looking after her prop
erty. Miss Bvelyn RJsley was down from
th Oregon University to attend tb
big football gam ' and spend tn
week's end with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ches. T'-'-'.
I ' - .
Mrs. Csrl Smith attended an after
noon party at the bom or Mrs. Mil
ler in Oregon City oa Thursday.
Mrs. Mae Hutchinson, of Rose City
Park, visited her brother, Geo. Morse
on Sunday previous to her departure
for 8pokane for the remainder of the
Mrs Hemy tl; .r f."'le. im J
8unday at the Emmons hiui whi;
rnroute south to Ijos Angeles to vis
it, her mother Mrs. Kamlnsky. ,
Mr. Silas Scripture entertained on
Thursday of last week with a very
prettily appointed luncheon. Courses
were laid for eight. Meadamea Paint-
on, Roberts and Miss Scripture of thU I
place were among the guests. 1
" Mr. Jacobson of Newport, la assist j
Ing In the R. F. Stover store.
Thursdsy evening prayer meeting
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Islah Shenefleld.
Mesdsmes Wilcox, Truscott and
Roetllo have been visitors at the
school during the past week.
The second quarterly meeting of
the conference year will b held at
th Grace chapel on Sunday afternoon
Nov. 19. Th presiding elder will con
duct tbe services.
Miss Susie Smith of Highland l
visiting her sister Mrs. Strain.
Mrs. Flora Held and daughter Doris
who ar visiting st the Mac Florane
home were accompanied to Portland
on Wednesday by Mrs. Mao Florane
and visited a number of places of Int
erest In th Rose City.
Th Community' Club has announ
ced that th spelling match will take
place on Friday vnlng, Nov 14th,
Th hdles of tb community furnish
ing supper in boxes which will be auct
ioned off; tb proceeds to he divided
between tbe circle and Club, The
Clrcl met at th home of Mrs. H. C.
Palnton on Wednesday afternoon. A
box I being prepared to be sent to
th Salvation Army In Portland dur
ing th Thanksgiving season. Those
coming tn during th afternoon were:
Mesdames Thompson, . Anderson,
Webb, Jones, Robinson, Nwll, Tru
scott, Emmons Roberts, Werner, Miss
Pscripture and Mrs. Hardy.
Miss Allerton of Portland visited
IMs Msbl Morse on Tuesday van
ned Real
The 1912 Sensation lsj tn Town
$785 TIikk oIt $785
Buys A
5 Passenger Ford
Car Fully Equipped
The car that makes all streets paved, all roads boule
vards, and all hills down grade. The best car or the
Because all Ford agents receive less commission for sales than
any car in the world.- Come and have a social chat with us
and learn why we sell the cheapest five passenger four cylinder
car in the world.
C Ao .
at the Ford Garage
i .. : ' t. ''
1 4th & Main Sts. Telephone Main J! 9.
I ' A72
If you ar not reading Us MJ
M.rVl.. why not? T""
An Prlod I bow oa. w