Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 21, 1911, Image 2

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    1 ' 1
TUESDAY. NOVKMnBirfl pit..
t. C ROMt. ad,
, tins w susscttrm
. V
But by m
fwr Mrik. W MM...
rwe Pa. M e iMM i
fst ssssrttssi. ........
Pise posu-s , 9
titm yaesc eN-V tb fw Bkx
rWST sssscvlsw.. ...'.. ISs
gva fii th (M per
MM hwlMi - as
LMl. ISr INm; k rigwT
M 1 Km. '
Wutt Pwr SsJa. Ts lal , saw
eel sue fr ssittso,; hsaf ess
sm 4UUal
Iktmrtn wt th
aJrr. fnr i1WWII
Isr Mm wwsfctr Wtesrs the sjsswv
kt traferr res tin U ta i -
fUMDt CMU. tkt lMt 0
s tork far twm W the ss. sd I
Cask sbsmiM imi say
MiDr ts mMM
1ts UiiKKm at Issjal
"V unlet a s4
isreerttosvg at tse Ss
SShl MtW tWW
mmu M tor fire m urtisa;
nil ssssrtisws mmmr -matter Ma
Hews Hum aa see wfM
T awl wit toiw ts km
srSa ts41y . tS smsm
ssrssta Mrrw rHwi. noil m immt mm
by wss k r"r WW
ta on nam at th tbUowtcg atorM
very day: .
BaaUar Broav Drag
Mala 8trC
- i. W. McAaoitr camra
Bavaata aa4 MaU.
B. a Aadaraoav.
Mala Mar 8UIX.
M.K. Dw CoafacUowTy
Next oor to r. Ol
Ctty Drc Stara.
Elactrte HoL
SavaaU aa4 X Q. AUmi.
Tstae4 M mil slsss IMIW issu
es , 111. t M l (taw
rtr rVtav, nm s Ibnk
I. lit"
Tba claim of. royal aacal by aoa
Aatcrteaaa caUa attaatloa to ta alog
alar 4cay of oaca graat and powar
ful royal famfflaa. No raea la Ea
ropa aarpaaaad taa PUatagaacU la
. royal poaitkia aa4 peraoaal aehirr
aipBU aa4 yK ta 1K7 taa craat-craat
(raadaoa of - Margaret ' WawtacaaH.
daacaur aad aaireaa of Gaorga. Dak
of Clare oca, vaa a ahoa maker la
Newport Eactaad, and aa recently u
thirty ycara aco a ttacal deacaadaa
of Edw4 III vaa sexto of a Londoa
parUk charch.
WltUa a eeatary after tha doatk
traa4aoa tb laat male heir, waa a
Loadom attoray. WhOe these cases
show a decline la official aad social
position they do aot aeeeaaarUy show
docllae ta moral worth or mental
power., A shoemaker, or sex too, or
lawyer may ta thia respect be the
. peer of the most distlnrniabed of socb
' fajainea.
No matter what political opinions
ooe aaay hold, every ooe Is glad that
ta Preaident has closed his swing
arotmd the circle withoat baring met
any accident or untoward Incident.
The o fries of chief magistrate of this
coaatry Is held in high honor and
whoever fills that exalted station may
always be sore of courteous and sin
cer respect and elcome. There
fore, tt wss fitting that Democrats.
Photo hr American
Press Association.
i. I at
We bar had commissions appointed that are now inventigatinp
bow railroads should be capitalized in order to prevent stock watering
schemes. We bare bad a commission appointed to investigate the
postal rate. We bare had coiuiu'wcion appointed to investigate
and report oa tbe tariff, andn all three of these great and important
business questions judgment u being suspended, and action ia not to
be taken until these commission have reported.
In view of all that baa happened why cannot a rreimiion 1k ap
vted in tbe SAME WAY for tbe SAUK Pl'IU'OSE fn con
nection with our great induatrial agencies of trade f
In short, s system bj which PUBLICITY, full, frank and com
plete, could be bad from the proper source will of iuelf eradicate a
rerr large part of all our trouble and at the same time preserve for
ur people the KNORMOCS ASSET that the have in' the etli
ciency'of tbe great interstate and international agencies of trade
that have been built, op after such a struggle and in order to meet
tbe conditions brought about br tbe great revolution that baa taken
place in tbe butt quarter of a cenurr.
Repablicaaa aad SocUJlsta, coaaonra
tWea aad proaraaalTea. aaoatd greet
Preaideat Taft with aaaffected sta
rarity la the assay places he vUlted.
Tat did aot aad does aot avsaa that
those opposed to him politically
sttrreadersd their , opiaioaa, hat
aa ciUssoa ol a great Uhsrty lovtag
and procreaalT uttoa they accord
ed th respect aad welcome dae to
oaa a ho for the ttaae being to the first
citlaew la the mad.
So loag aa combtaatlooa of capital
violate the law by reetralalng trad.
craahlag competltlua. making telaa
retaraa aad ay defrauding the wa
toma Jst aa kmc mvti aspect
to be brought to account. Yet It la
widest that oa aalt after aaoth
hroaght against them by the federal
government, has the effect of distarb-
lag basin. Appareatly what U
needed U a aew law or awch aasead-
meat of the Shermaa Act as will give
the government complete coatrol and
make the position of trasts so clear
that there can be a room for evasion
or misunderstanding. And with that
thoald also o mad clear that the
ra actio of the courts to not to Vsgis
Ute bat to ae that th law Is applied
In the sens la wheh tramera of the
Uw designed. -
' eMsmmfasksaa .
the Initlstive aad th referendum
hav stirred ap th Grangers all vr
th coaatry, according to reports that
hv reached Oregon, geostor Obe
dtah Gardner, of Rockland. Me- boldly
assert $ that b can aay nothing com
plimentary about some of the men at
tbe ead of the National Grange,
-for year,- say Senator Gardner,
-th Graag has bee ased. (or polit
cal parpoaea aad lasargeats, with
whom I am proad to aSUiat. are go
Ins to break th power of those who
hav harmed a aobl orgaaisatloa sad
Its cause. The real boss of th body
Is Aaron Joaes, master of th In
diana. Stat Grang. aad his tool ta
Nakum J. Bachelder, master of th
National Grange. -They are naisg tba
Craage for politic al aad aelflah pur
poses. , They are against progressive
measures and listen to th dictate
Of political bosses."
The Ohio Stat Grange, at Its meet
ing last week, threw Into th wast
basket a favorable resolution oa th
initiative aad referendum. In its re
port oa th matter th Ohm Stat
Journal says:
Members of th Ohio State Grange
took aa Indirect slap at th initiative
and referendum wheat they tabled a
resolution bearing on th subject. The
grang commltte failed to report oe
oaa resolution favoring th Initiative
and ' referendum, aad la submitting
on la opposition mad ao recommen
dation, but expressed aatagoaism to
direct legislation. Th latter resolu
tion was tabled.
"Keep owt of politics." warned on
granger aad others took ap th cry.
Opinion was widely divided on the
Resolutions adopted declared for an
exteaded ' parcels post, woman a suf
fraeg. par seed laws, standardizing
cream aad ice cream, a tow making
the standard weight for a bushel of
potatoes it Instead of 60 pounds and
for apple 41 Instead of So. extension
of th postal savings bank system to
fourth-class posts trices, exemption of
mortgaged real estate from taxation
and against th licensing of th liquor
traffic and th present system of dsiry
Inspection. Th tatter resolution
stated that many municipal dairy in
spectors snd politicians are not ex
perts, consequently not cspable of
performing tbeir dutlea properly.
Among farmers "attending the
grange meetings the charge is made
that Master Lsrlln of Norwalk waa
careful to appoint to the resolutions
commltte delegates known to be
sgsinst tbe Initiative and referendum.
Some of the I' and R. champions
say the state board of commerce has
ought to keep the grange from sup-
A Commission
For the Trusts
Best Plan to 1
Correct Evils J
By GEO R C E W. PERKIN5. Financier
District Attorney
Ph by Amsrtc Press Assnctstto.
MABSACnCSETTS has before tt th prospect of a murder trial aUM
ta grewsom Interest th famous Borden trial X a score of year
ago. Th Bee. Clarene Rlrbeson. th jwc Cambridge etergymaa
acred of the murder r his former sweetheart. Arts Uatw". s
km approaching ordeal la Boston win hav to endure lb aoeatlonlng of Pis
trlct Attorney rUettov, who has a reputation for eoergy la ihe cooduct of
th state's rases and for gaining a targe proportion of eoavlrtlona. SV"besoo'S
reJatfre aad frlewd esnert their hrtlef la his Innocence, and tbe niembera of
th church of which be ks pastor have declined to accept bis resignation.
porting th I and R.
Outside the convention hall th In
formation bureau table waa flooded
with all manner of literature against
th Initiative aad referendum. Al
though many local grange over the
stats Joined th movmnt of th
Progressive Constitution League and
helped select constitutional delegate
favor sol to th Initiative and refer
endum, there was no (Iterator from
them about the convention halL
Secretary A. P. Saadle of the stale
department of agriculture each month
sends out a series of questions to
learn th condition and sentiment of
farmers oa every concelvaol sub
ject. This month he Inquired about
th Initiative and referendum. He
received 713 favorable replies, against
only 120 opposed.
, jiui toe cuuuiieH rajs 01 uioi j
come from one central sun, and the
countless rain drops from some great
sea. so the countless rays and drops
of goodness which bless this world
come from som central and divine
so a re.
It Is sot necessary to eat th whole
of a. tainted Joint of meat to know
that it la tainted. Neither Is it neces
sary to be familiar with all kinds of
iniquity to know how bad It Is. Th
Imperative need la to get' rid Of It
Making a Will.
Always call la a lawyer to make
will. If one caonot be procured then
write your w lubes In tbe simplest
word yon can. Never fry to ns what
yon may consider "legal terms- Few
persona realise bjw difficult It Is to
make a will. A classic exempt is tbe
celebrated Lord Mt. Leonard, at one
rime lord cbam-ellor of England rile
was tb foremost conveyancer of his
day. and yet wbeo be died aa Informal
will waa found In his coat pocket, hur
riedly written wbeo be was at tba
point of death This will occupied tbe
courts for years and served to point
a moral and adorn a tale "-London
And Resemble Her Mother Mm.
Tbe loveliest girt st a party belongs
to the mother of each girl there. New
York Press
There are many gifis that are in
power of all lo bestow. The
best thing to give yduf enemy, 1
you have one, it for ;rv mess, lo an
opponent toleranc?, I a frirnJ
your heart, lo your cSi'd a foaJ
example, lo a fall.ef t'clererc, l
a moirKt ccajuct lha wli it-i e
her f-rcu i or yco, . yiriit in
spect, lo s i ir.i rir ; .
White Queen
This Is Th Best Flour Obtain
able. Lay In Your Winter Suppl, of
Coal Now.
Hay, Grain, Feed and Km fact
Poultry Food. .
, Oregon
Commission Co.
0r9n CMy.
In Richeson Case
Caleb CuiMft Drees.
Caleb Cusuing-" rwuilar manner
drewi aad rl ei-rnirV1tW were fre
qi'eoity tbe subjert of ewairr ar-tV-le
A It boor b null a tarre and
portly maa. bis rtotbea alwsy seectei
to be two ur three ! tore foe
nlm sod of in rbeapt material . lie
always durtnr both nammer and wln'.efl
wore a -Urge rintb v palled i-lnse
down a bis head and aitsvetner lnk
d anything twt tbe brunani Jurlt
and dtpeat- Uo day. after reading
an nttalry mulr vmment apon bis
drew, be rvouirked I the writer. "1
guess by tbe lime that font Is - old ss
I am be III rare nmre fr romfnrt
than fasbioo "
Rwbes isf Burma. '
Prarth-ally all tbe rultles of both an
cient and inooVrn timm have emanated
from tbe Muirok valley. In Burma, but
no ooe knows Jst bow loaic tbewe
mines have been in voerntioa. since '.t
has always been tbe lk-y of tbow lo
root nil I kee. their raU'H'llnos as
serrrt as mwiIiI. It 1 known, how
ever, tbat i new mlue-t hsve Is-eu work
ed ronserutlvely for a H-rlod mend
ing Uu-k in t lie rear Ii3 Rnhles are
more previous tlmn dlstuouiU. Thet
are irm-tlmlly lud-tnn-tble eii-enl
j by Mr
Whi-re a flawless diamond
would be worth. nnitliljr sts-aklug. the
sum of I ln. a vrfevt ruby of Hie
same weiu lit would bring Iwlr that
Ob. rN-r 1 sw sorb a fun
ny old fossil In the uiiiktuui today! I
thought f Judge ,
That aR the d?or open s cour
levy is a brultm thai has man fested
dsetf in the proverb ol tr wis of
aR nations. The German say.
"Mat in hand roes tlouh the
land" Confucius tav, "Behave
toward every one a if receiving a
great svest" Voluire pti 1 a great
truth thus "We cannot always
oblige, but we can always sealt ,
ob'ijringly " Chei'erf e!d avs. "Pol
islied brass will raw onon more
people than rough eo'd " M-n.
like buflctt, will go fnr hrt when
Dicno:iAiiY v
Kecasn MIW CBSaV.
f" - TlOlf, sorermc every
Bsld of tb world' tnoucht.
wnsbridgsd dioUonsry to
aoaay yssrs.
HrmmmM I daflass OTSV 40,
7 trorsls morsthsTse
before ppssisd
overs, are jsgsi
Kecans H M mIr dJottonsrr
wHh tb new dlvidsd
i "SSrok of Osntus."
m Rm-ssm enayslopedi m tt
M I SK -
llscaas aptd br tb
!ra Courts, shoots and
Press a ta M swpross aa-
aws a who kmows Wis
. eeea. Ist tU
n J
M 1 wamasssssssssTssMsas. '
H caCsaUalAalCe,fsaasWlsiss.I
KxpMSw Senalcrs x$l 'ti
On-lnjFIrjt Class li:i:n
Cbisao NatUl V"t Mst
laetd ( U'd "WM.
Less If L L -arlaae Ae
Left Out la tM '' Y
U league msoaki-m u- IsvKWly la
demand this winter lsh4 of mere
ly gosstP ronvwratt 1 its lUabNe Of
magnate. whUh Ui ar
moat of the winter. e b a
Uv baseball do. t-r tm a aoth'ag
Wvellee thaa tbe e-
nv teams bate lea s'ter neb aa
metal since the e4en rvm. two
hav closed the dest, Wftlagln get
Oarh Orlfllto. and rUTj Imvta has
goo I Cleveland O etnrtk th t
Louis Browns snd th- IWn 1! ass
are aroutlng arounl fe msuagers.
There b a lite oili:ty that th Cin
cinnati lll sec ure J-e Tinker for tbe
Job from tbe Cu4 "J "'"I (n
80s will laud Jake Htshl. It's hard to
tell who tbe Urusrn 1 art Tbey
wanted Ortffltb. I)t th denature were
there Rrst.
Orifflth Is mlgbtv glad t Set tbe
Washington berth lle bas Just tbe
right temperament to make .ihinr
hum. At CIlHiunstl be eot through
tb Usual stunt all moeageru etpert
c.tber. It's wM4it duN. tbe
hardest pta for a snausger a either
circuit, (layers as a rule ar tickled
to death ia iters wayrberaur tb fan
roast them from ibe time tbey start
till theyt through Aad the same hap
pens t tbe nisnsk-ers. e
la Washington., however, tlrimh
will bar something lo aay shout run
ning tb team. He will have a han44
la getting phi y era. aad the wise 4
fat may bring the Keoalora closer t
tbe top than tbey ever have bee
-Cleveland In llarrr, (mla has a vet
era of many j .tr' enrlen- II
waa Cbanl Ms k' chief lleuteusnt for
ntaay seasons and has assimilated Cou
ale's Ideas mere tba aay other maa
la the country He will put them ta
as while managing Cleveland, aad
big thing ar M ted of him.
T be strictly correct, there were sit
club after mansgrrs at Ibe close f
lb .season, tint (he rhk-sg White
Bos waated a Berretary-msnager.wbich
Job Callahan rmw bus-the Brt post
tlon of tb kind oa rer-ord.
But. t resume. Clndnnatl wants lot
Tinker and wants bltn badly Marpb.t
might let Jo go If be gut samrleat
Indwwstteiits for him. . T1m ahortstof
Is on of tb most valuable cogs lo tbe,
Cub machine and wou'd All a big boie '
In Redrllle. The an me gap uld M
left la tbe Cub le-im If he weot He
If tb deal sie tbmush It's a rlrv b
tbi.t the Chicago Irsm won't suffer.
Of all the club the HI Ijhls Ilr-.s u
loo seem left out In tbe .;d
Itaira Chsmplsn Wser. Mstsh With
Oeteh or Aay Other Man,
Gotrh. Ztijsro. riarkeos. buildl. IjU
mout et al.. Mention! tilovsnul Rnbe
vk-b Is on yotir trail This 1 bnmpioo
wrestler of Italy Is here. with seuty f
gold to lay v.rti s a tle l--t be
ran down all of you. one at a time.
tbe mat Itakevkb Is tbe fir - Ito -
man rustui.lon of Lur.. lie weighs
270 pounds snd .isn.U ,u f. two
asieavtrfH, casairioa
Tbsa or mtt.
Inibea. This not his Brat visit to
America. Two years ago be was ber
and was defeated by Frank Qotrb. At
tbat time be knew very llttl about tb
ratcb-ns-ratcb-caD sty I of wrestling.
Sine then tb Italian baa become in
adept at this sty I of grappling (D a
a tour of Europe last year b woo -ery
big toarnamnt la which t
Fallsads ef th Hudssn.
Tb Palisades ar slowly (.-bansinat.'
lTotbe trsvsler of a hundrd vsara
ago they wsrs g .User rnff of ctaa
roch rising la a . rpinUcolr Un
tron lh.water Utfs nearly a tbou
sand feet. Fji0w fbey ar bottrsssd
at th fowl py immense deposits of
broken roe wblcb frusta hav peld
from the HI, r gradually thU buttreaa
nrWg blKber. f TU upward
growth; of tbla suptwrtlng pU la do
b th - irsesv.rjr.,,, 9f nfo
sjeoa-wnirir Mr grown ssemlnetv
ngf oat f tb rvrk. -Nsw Torh a.-.
' rairoAt,
aa or avsr(uMrrs.
i atSTftf
A tut sh lashs ntMnfl f tb
seurity afTded by svrmnt Sup
rvlsl. It I de tM lret
tr f tb tab anhlsa Department,
and subjt t rigid "' aaasa.
Instlsns f Its ptrt awdltaea, wh
a that all tb law aafstuarding d.
pesltsr a' mplld urlth.
Th safety af yur IMreta la as
sured at
The Bank of Orccon City
U 1 UlTOLTUSTTR Pramisat , I. hUTRR. c
CAPITAL. aX0ua.ou
S n 1) asblof Vwe)
i-mt e-sfcsiij''-Mr,s
There Is a tisruisa rtsuraul
keier In Holen, N. J . who
fnb at the RMiutb bea ibe
name of Terr t)wra Is
nieutlHied Wbew Terr, ss
rbsrjpia be
n I a y d In
how la ll
buasu. The
uts h boni
fe s w a
t hsm l bhl
bis tnee SHil
larlied Terry
t.i est there
free gratia.
lie sreepted
Ttu.ii W r -RusT
ifs. informed "V
llubolteiOlee in general of Ibe
purlenintia event Tbe night of
tbe dinner amed Kvetybmly
la llobokea was utlle hsiklng
la Tbe rrusb was so great that
tbe mob kept leaning na tb big
snow wlodo This tickled Ibe
bast Immensely '
. 'tjo awsy. be showtrd. 'sad
let lr MKiovera eatr Tbe
rmd booted Nuddeniy the b'a
wIim1is gave way nder Ibe
Ifevinre. sud s aumler lopled
1st tbe plare "Met beveo"
shouted the burs There go
mine window ortb $30. aad
I have no lasnrsac.
Ur MKlovem." b added.
t -please stop eating aad go some
other pier."
CHmslM Ss Prssb PM t C
quse BwSSinf Llf htwsifhts.
lightweight fighters ar so few in
umtwr la this country that Champion
Ad Wolgsst and bis manager. Tom
Jones, pun taking a trip ! Aostralla.
KhsTisn.! and irame. Uk w-.t other
i rhamplons. Wolgsst Is tired of resting
1 so long ts-t-wsen each contest. He de
sire more tajtlle and less rest Tb
only war he think bis wlsbe ran lie
gratified Is by going arras tb water,
and after Ibe combat with Freddie
Welsh on Ibe coast Thanksgiving day
tb o will depart
Many boiers rank themselves In the
light wright division, but. when It
comes to making tb weight Insisted
npon by Wolrst ibey dlsaper. Wol
1 rMt' UV """ fh-nM-bms. refuses to
i rt'" "w'y ltn "rln' ,M,
! w"b4 col,, vt him. II
. win Dk-nt at nis i ngurea and take
; on any one.
Ceaeh Murphy ef Ftnn gay It I Net
0d Feetasll.
Mike Murphy. Ibe veteran trainer of
Pennsylvania. Is mnndent that tb
forwsrd pass Is r fMitall.
"Tbe point I make against the for
ward pass," says Mnn'by. -Is that It
la a rlnlstlon of elementary prloo'ple
of foott.nll. It will never lie anything
but a tinpliAMird play, and It disorgan
izes any turn's efene.
"I have sltvajrs contended that what
footlwll sx lniiirs like to see la Ibe
ball moved own tbe field by a set tea
of well executed plnys cleverly de
slgned ntid ieried. The basketball
featnre In which ibe ball la thrown
all over the field and passe back ami
forth from one team to another, la
certainly not gmd fooftmll "
Chicago Managsr Will In His Old
rJositist Nat Yae. '
Manager Frank Chance of the Cub
announced recently tint lie pron
to resume bis old position at first bas
when tb season of 1012 oiena. Aa a
protection against "benn balls" be ha
arranged with a irtlng goods manu
facturer to make blm a special bead
gear. Ihirlng bis career with tb Cub
Chance bus been hit on tbe bead tnor
tban fifty times by pitched balls, and
laat August b was compelled to retlr
from th gam for tb remainder of
tb season aa th result of stopping a
ball with bis head la Cincinnati
Cngllrh Bllfiard Star Csmln.
tepbehson. tb world's champion at
Fngllah styl WHtarda. will pay a vlsli
to lha flan aiife in tba near futur
O. ; A. C Short Courses
Bg!n Jao. 3, Conttoe Foot Wk
: AbG
tural College, beginning Jan. I.
tlv courss will b offered In
chanlo Arts.
m I
i nn- u
Wants, For Sale, Etc
(H be Mnm4 at
s esra n
tnawtte. ns a smiI
l'w js M-a sse.
MMS es4 l
S sse s-KUk
alt Mae)
r - - - in ssss a.
risaselsl raosMMIMIIlr Uw srrws, wZ,
ees tsw rtss ewl.4 SMtas mm .
semis tar pstra Misnbh sssraa T
WANTEOTourtsu and local pso
. lo e my eoilrtciUtn of srruAss4s "
coins, India innksu, t'4 us
and curloa of u'.- aorta Will bt)
or sell a thu ilua IUu sun (cot
bargsisa In serondhssd furaitk
an tools, rsorg )ouac Mali, u
near Fifth.
WANTCtV-rsressfnaklog by k Uj
Arsl-rlsss work guaraaise. Mrs.
W. C Hoover. RoussVetr UeC Or
gun Oty.
WANTrie-Fof light housekseplsg, j
or I tooms, as nar eeater of ui
aa possible. Addrea R. C. aV, X
WANTKUr-Job clearing Urge trad
of laad either by ob or aoatrtct;
hav good mark la aad tssai f, g.
lktardman. GUdaton. Or. -- :-
WANTKD KnvekipM to s4arst;
circular to fold. Writ t sari
Kblerpris, Orgo City.
WANTED Hoy aad girts. Hart
la roar chaac youagsiert la
maks your Christmas moaey
aay. Th Morning Eaiar
prts will py you a big co
mlssioa for brialgng ia tnal
subscriptions If 10 vsst
to know more about It rail ar
writ lo tb Clrculailoa Maa
aaer of th Moralag Cair
prts. Oregon Ctty. and tears
all about what yo IU hav
to do. Tha mors yo tara hi
tha mor yo will mak aad
yon eaa mak a lot If yoa
bust I. -
FOR 8AL-0nll pay. good eoosl
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rOR BALK by C. II. Uvesar. car loss
of Trojan powder. Just rl
FAHM L0AK8 Dlmlca iTH'mm.
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or.
O. fJ. BBT. Altoryt-U.
loossd. abatraat fimtok. Us
title examined, a tat a ttl4.
ral law buatass Over gsah
Orssjwa City.
Law, fjuiaehr advoktt. win
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If you ar not reading: t?
Enterprise, why notf Teat
gain Period Is now on.
back page
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Every cltlr.en of Oregon Is cordially lnuJJj
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Domestic Scianra and
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For baautlfuli Illustrated bulletin, odrf:rtr-i
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Business Curs by cnw---"