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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1911)
V;l ; v. x '. 15 MOKNINO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911. At the Portland Theatres LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT . r A- a.; r-v vi "r-v- JMi COMEDY. -THE COMMUTERS.' AT HEJUO THEATRE, NOVEM BER lUMS. ''' t't,Hy B. Harrl prtMflM Jam Forbes brilliant comedy hit. Th Corn- Vt.' ' V ' " nvtara.' t Heillg Theatre, Seventh and Taylor atraata, for three wight, beginning Thursday, November 23. Spaclal price, matinee Sat- Jamea Forbea, with kis acutely de- 1 veloped - faculty for weaving th ln " -tereallng Uttla affair of Ufa Into a anoet engaging comedy, haa followad np hia two great aucceeae. "Tha Chorua Lady" and Tha Traveling Salesman" wfch another comedy, "Tha Commutera," which coma to tha Hal , lig Theatre for three night, etarting Thursday. November 23. with apeclaj priced matinee 8atarday. Aa tha UUe Buggeeta. the plot of Mr. Forbee' lateet work la baaed apon a phaae of American Ufa familiar to practically every reident of a city or near city. The author haa taken a family of earorbaalte. and preaenu a , atory of tbelr life, which. It may be aid. la common to the vast majority of thoee who live in the suburb and transact busineea in the city. -The Commatera" haa been produced under the management of Henry & Harris, - and considering the remarkable aoe-;-: oaaa of both of Mr. Forbes' previous efforts, local pUy-goera will find ranch le enjoy In this newest work. The i ' ,n ,our ct. and the scenes are Vild In Anbora Manor, a suburb , Nw york. The central characters ;rn Larry and Hetty Brtce, an exceed- i ' A.. ' Ingly happy couple, and Sammy Fletcher, a New Tork bachelor, who, known only by name and reputation to Hetty, la the object of her profound dislike, as she hold him responsi ble for her husband's occaeonal Inno cent but annoying divergeaclee from the atralght and narrow path of matri mony.. The bachelor haa the true urban dweller's horror of suburban life, and hia friend, the husband, in vite aim to spend a day In Auburn Manor in order to revel In the )oya of a real commuter's life. His advent Into the Brie household causes dire confusion, and out of the complica tions arising from his visit, Mr. Forbes haa woven a atory of appealing drama tic quality and unlimited comedy possi bilities. He Introduce n group of typical suburbanites who contributes to the entertainment qualities of the story. The piece was staged under Mr. Forbea personal direction, and will be seen here with the New York and Boston cast which include Harry Da res port. Amy Lesser, Florence Ma- lone, John Robertson, Pauline Duf Held. Lillian Thurgate, and others. The seat sale opens Tuesday, No vember 21. at 10 a. m. I - i ' i - - - THE PLAY SUCCESS, "MOTHEH.- AT HEL ,r, THEATRE, Nov. 1 to 22. VVm. A. Brady present Juts Eekr G'n' Mother," at the Hs'ltq Theatre, &c' nights, beginning Suns' , Nv. 19. famous play succsas, -A Taylor streets, for four a! prHoe matins Wednesday. 1 i "Mother," with Katie Putnar log the title role, will be see.. the first time In Portland at the Kg Theatre tonight for a and . one-matin ee engagement Tin 1 mi ike forgery of a note r 10.' i0, t'th la brought to the vr&tlon of .'W mother of the boy four-nlgvt who tonvA the tiote. In her a!lm nesday is the matinee day. To Portland the engagement of "Mother" Is of more than passing In terest, because of the presence ut Jewel Power, who la a Portland girl, having received her stage training with the Daker Stock Company. Her old friends know her aa Lou Powers. Plus - that, the play'a author, Julea F.ckert Ooodman, ball from here, as the records of the High School, and Academy will ahow. Mr. Goodman's family still reside In the city. , In this play, Mr. Ooodman has written a drama of gripping situations Wed- toad r; h)v she forgive him, and uice uwn. erflfrilie MftmeknH d'tty of maktig good that amount. Sue is satUtflsd to win blm back to her arirj. and'. ben tur does, she aay simply " fcv my .boy back again." The fcly 4 fitll of langhter, as well ss pathetic moment.' JVg the sort of play that grow on you. s'nd Its Imprensloa le anjadetthle one he cause every scene is iiM in hu man emotions and feellnr. With Katie Putoam tne magln name of two decadt- sgn rbere are Marget Merrlam, Rebecca Keny, John Dunton, George N. LearTi Nell Mor an, Frederick Burt, In addition to our and convincing climaxes. It la con- own Jewel Power. Censtsbl and Hia Pietura. - Constable, the eminent British paint er, enre aat iu (be banaing committee of tfie ttrltlMb Hoyt st-ademy wlien a 'small lnix1ae wax Drought i for Judirmenl and iiroixiuixvd "rwfully bad" by everyNd' but1 blniMelf He rune snd aisde a snort and Htartllnx speerb. "That pu-tur wsh palnied by Die. I had a t.oMon lliut some of yon didn't Uke my work, and this I a pretty coovlming pr9f I am very mu b obliged lo you." When hit rol iVuguee recovered from tbelrsaiuiefsc. tlon the bead rsrpentrr wss bidden to bring back the pb-ture. But Constable would not have It "Out It goesr be aid grimly. A Turtle Raea. ' I "One of the most rorlnna race f ever saw." writes a .corrpoiidenf of the London Tatter, "was on Mr Csri 17s genheck's lawn at (lambiirg. Some aevea or eleht children mountpd on the backs of mrge turtles or tortoises rac ed acrons the lawn. To give Impetti to I heir itieer steeds moot of them armed Iheui elves with cahbages. which tbey lied to the end of sticks, ever and anon dsns-ling them as tempt ing morsels In frool t the tnnles. It wss a srrsnge race and ixTiiiiInd some time. Krery now and then a turtle would grsxp a ! f mhhege and then qnletly rat t lefore resunilng Its Journey ' ' f ' 8 a V Pavs for the MOItNINU KNTEKPRI8E a -wh.le -yoar-- w By Mail thiring lUirgnin Period, now on;"vhich vhis l)ocemlcr31, 1911. , -w.t- rtjAf advantage of Am offer by paying for a renewal -of your 8tibeHption at Itaryai Period ratr, and till neighbors about thin . a- ' . THE XIOBmd ENTKRPHI8E A WHOLE . BV MAIL . r j , -t- i cccocococococococcoocccococcoocococcoocccocccocccocccccccocccoccc. Head the atorniag Ecterprlae I A 4 7 0 li ( - ll iff., y 4 ', V '.: - r i - i t1" f v4, I . 'i . : 1 " .' 'I irwzxwW J 'I Jit I . . " ; ' 'fjf ' f i ;fj ;. SCENE FROM "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAI IN FLOWER" AT THE BAKER THEATRE, C A-.: Xr "Wben-KnigMheo'w' in Flower." An ' artraitoa hat should please the tborwrcgocra of thls efty will com to the Baker for sM next week- start Ing with" Ittn ku;i1 mstlna. ' today. vita Miss Ann tty, Vft eminent Irl "h-America stia" fa -CeJstsllar rle. The .cmnltg ( r' ia,l1 t0 on tna n10"1 torgeoiialy "W bn Knlbgt:"4tv " ' equipped on tne road from, a scenic the Paul Kester dramatisation of Charles Major's romsnrs of chivalry, Miss Day .will be seen In the role of Mary "'mdor, the madcap Ellgllsh princess, and will have the assist snr of a suportlng cast of twenty players. This season' production I standpoint. Ther Is a splendid op portunity to ti lavish with costume, Lscenery, setting and properties, and Mr, William K, Sparks has taken ad vantage of this to give the play 'an slabomte mounting. Remember the popular Jtfsdnesdsy bargain matinee as wl as tb matin Saturday. Elect rle Hotel. The followlna- are the KieetriA n-v. tel guests: E. M. Ellilredge, Portland; Jo Edd Ings. Best tie, Wesh.; Jack Hughes, Portland: R. C. Albertson. Umont; ISL'Jn W,f- 'd ,W0 rtlMwB. San Barnardino. Cal.; o. Hannon and N .t 'oJ"r,k Ab,KU- B'n Tanclsco; Not Srrlhner. F. F. Simmons. O. L Jenkins, J.- U php(- Molall.rcr If. Thoma'. MS'": ,J W. Thomas w. R. McDonald; Jennie 0rn Sprlngneld, Or.; P. A Mao! Pheraon, JVirlland. REAL ESTATE TRANIFII- If. ln to Portland (nimt fo pany. fractional lot No. 1. aaJolnM ht No. t, block J, Soulh Oiw; li- Henry Cans et al to rortln i ment Company, lot S of block t S0"11 Oswego; 1. Henry Oans ' to portlsnd Csaw Company, lots B and 0 of blow South Oswego; II. Gladstone Real Estate AmoA1' to H. B. Wllllsms, lota 1 and I " block 33, Gladstone; .r00. NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Uk. Including medical attention, hoard "J " no mtr than you would pay to llv at any flr-t eiw holel. Uoom. C.D h,d from CMU M M MlU .... i C", e,,r,a 'm to cent np and in the grill at unal grill price,. Bath rang from JO CnU to 1 1.00. Wc Do Cure Rheumatism Hot Uk Mlnsrsl n,'", nd mud glvn under ae'"' tlflo direction have vw thousands. Writ for trated booklet dsscrlptlrs ?' Hot Uk Sanstorlum th methods employed. W , Uk ianatorlum Is accet slble. aa It la located dlr' ly on th main Una of , O.-W. R. A N. rallwr. special excursion rate to be had at all tlmsa. agents. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM VAUTCR M. PICRCC. Prcs.-Mfir.