Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1911)
' 1 MOUNINq ENTEHP1UBK, HUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1911, . ' . 0 f HV1TTS tht STORE of Ladies Fur Specialties 0,f prt"M one lhoru9h familiarity with all kind and ride ef fur hava taught wMf ltlftln I a. arts. W know Lhat -0B' voy 'ur1 only auoh vartetlee at w kallava "' v" lh aurpaa for which they ar i",,dd. Ouf ' vlll alp what y want. Wa hav CAM AL, NIAR SIAU SLUE JAf WOLF, NUISIAN OT Tin WVSR MINK, AUSTRALIAN MtHtR and many ethers tea Jywtroua to manllan. Call and aaa our Una. J. 7th & Mln Sta t0 RSWARO I ror Iho arroat an conviction I I of any ataoo or peraooa, who 4 ! I aalaefull remove eopla ol Tba luorniua Enlerprle. from ta , r JTpar baa been Plac4 "are ty mrd-Wbat ara yon adulating nt,yoa radr boy? Irtdo't yoo ever a Llr4 before LOCAL BRICfS A. Junes, of Carue, wee la lata axamw. " . Lry Haturday. " ft C. Pout, of Sprtngwelef, waa la tats rlty Haturday. Mr. Thomas Grace, of Clarke, was la lb la city Saturday. rraab Anderson, of Eldorado, waa la ikla rlty Haturday. frank Anderson, of Kldorado, waa la (bla city Saturday. Hata at reduced prtcaa at Mlaa Blubna. Heveuth'-atraet. ' Mr. Thomaa Uraoe. of. "CUrkeL 11 la i bla city Haturday. Mra Jennie Oreen, of Springfield, Or. In (bla city Haturday. fiiMvikl aala on hata Krlday and Saturday. November 17 and I. Mlaa C. tlolilatnlth. Joe Kddlnga, of Seattle. Vah.. i In tbla rlty on buaineea Batar aar. H.nry llatirlrl. of llaaver Creek, at among I ha Ore.on City vtaltor Kantrtli William Thomaa. of lleavar Creek, wai among tba Oregon City vlaltora 8tunla. Mla ('. CoMemlth will hav a ! tal aalc of mllllnrry bo.k1 Prldar and Saturday, Novrmlxr 17 and II. P. A Marl'haraon. a bulnaa man af furtliuid. waa In tbla city on bual- pri Mummy. Mr. and Mra. Tatar IV.blandrr. Boar ( rwk. ara In tbla rlty of on buloaa Haturday. writ. Mr a sample tra in i Ik. Erim lie lluaines I'nlvarslty, 630 Worrr.l. r block. Portland, Or. Mra. W. . Rurghardt. of Salem. Is la ihla city vlalilng her mother, Mr. Draper, of Tenth and 'Main street. Mlaa Alvlna Phlllppln, of Canby. aa In Oregon City Saturday, and be fore her return to Canby vlalted In Portland. Mr. and Mra. W. II. DUon and two children, of Ran Ilarnnrdeno, Cal., ar In thla rlty and will remain her for eral week. . Mra ( harle Catta. a former real ami f Oregon City, but now of Sell ood. wi In thla city Saturday. vllt Ing frlotid. The porttand Law ftchool will open lla second terra on November 87, at which lime new claaaea will be atart d In Ijiw. Those Interested tn tha atmly of law ahould write at once for a new catalogue free. Addrea Port land Uw Hchool, 031 Worreater block, Portland. Or. J. I. Phelpa. of Molalla. a well knnKii nf that nUce. waa In Wrlin for a aamnla fraa laaabn to hi remuwni oi in - rllt vairtalerlng at tb "wine iioiei, Mra. It, 8. Coe. of Canby. wai In thla city Saturday on her way to I'ortlHncl, where ah will vlalt her "n, Holtort Co and family. t t i .,1.1 ri. I .niovt n 1 1- t7l..n.l . a.if i i.- ..- .... avstam Of ,1, UQ HIV TVI V'mw -1 horthand for rapid, acenrat worK . j . . kna .rwillt nn ran of warning, u " ,' , one half as hard to learn aa th lit- i . . . a manio system, ana i aooui , aorda a minute mor rapid andboui twenty nv per cent mor easy to Ifatn and read. It does court "port tng with eaae, and la uauaul In an lins of work. -Mr. Henry Vollman, who haa been Im n. . .m ft.llfhter. rurxmna vibiiiob Paed through thla city Friday after noon nn v..p mi. home to Highland Tk i.i.. t th. n.rman Lutharan - . I.HIF. V. . IJ . " . ehurch will glv their baiaar at Knapp hall on Dcraber 18- Planned by tha women to arv a hot a i i , a k... on '"ner at noon ana a.eo ' many article. v. . . M.rv of St. n uaugniera - - . Paul's Eplacopal church, will maat Bwurday of thla wak at tha homa of Mm t,i . r n..ll. S04 High treat. Tha meeting will be at 8.80 v CIOCK. Tonkin, of th. W..t ' mra. UDn jonaiu, Ida, who wai Uken to tha St Vln oai't hoaplui about thra weeki ago, .v. , . anralcal OP- .TraVif bom a thla city Saturday much 1"; , Mr.. A. J. WUaon, who mentlyna. tmd to her hom In thla city from t Vlncanf. Ho.piul. wbr. ah. un- t Vlncanf. Ho.piul. wbr. ah. u to awlndle ma- IT '"Lrl? ?dVr.,brmlng.Undo.8katc PROGRESSIVENESS LEVDTT ' Suspension Bridge Corner' Motion & Llndberg HIOH CLASS TAILORING SOS Sailing BldB., Portland, hona Main 11(1. Haturday. Ho many of lha light Una ayatama ara good tm lt. work, but ara nut rapid enough 'lor ' ronttnuoua. baavy dlctalljo I'nlvaraal abort band la au rapid that ona ran rlta hour aftr hour without worrltnant. Tbla la not trua of lha (Iragg ayatcm and tba otbar light Ha ayalama W II. Stafford, who waa aavaraly Injur 4 irblW"boma-abmit-g-month ago, whm Jia waa klrkrd on tba band by a bora, whlla loading It In bla barn at Mount I'laaaant, and alao bad had fl rlba brokan. la improv ing rapidly, and waa abla to ba In tbla rlty Haturday. Mr. Stafford waa In a prararloua condition for aavaral waaka. SPUD GROWERS WAIT FOR HIGHER PRICES I'olato growara ara holding- Ibrlr auppllaa for blgbar prlraa and tbara baa baan practically no outalda-moav mrnt during tba paat fw daya. lluyara cnntlnua to offir ganarally I II cantal for fancy ablpplng Ilur-1 bankiai country polota, altbough fl .OS and 11.10 baa both ln paid In aatrama caaaa for aitra arfacL Or dinary llurbanka ara ruling around lie to at country po'i" ,n thaa tba only movemant la ahown. leading ahlppara aay that tha mar kat la Iwlng hurt by tha auaanca of aolllng With tlht holding br trow ara tha huga crop or tha atata will ta bald back until lata In tha aprlng. Thla will parbapa halp tha aarly mar- 1 1 fc. - I . . nrlM hn Ihla C( ttlll win nun ---- . lima amount of aluff comaa forward. Thara waa no improvamani in altuatlon' at Han Pram-lino Haturday; In fart. Oregon Btock la ganarally quotad to par cantal laaa. Prevailing Oregon City prlcaa ara aa follows: fruits, Vaoataoiea. . . n t ..ntTi-ra llluvlngl , Prunee on basis of 14 pounda for 4J Wa- n - I.M.. I HIDES IBuymgi u' So to 6c; aaitera. 6c to Cc; dry bide. lie to lc; aheap pa, iao , each. . Hay, Oram, raao. , HAY-(.uylng-Tlmothy. 1J to I lit: clover. M to ; o nay. . to 110: mixed. to n. -. to tl(.&0 O AT8 ( lluylng) tlray. $27 o meal, $53: 11.26 per t:K: wheat. 128 to on stall Brook dairy feed, i(0 pounds, K - ... oi...., tT to 128: rolM barley. !... "";::; barley. 38.&0; whole corn $37. crsched corn. $38; white. $26 to $27; brsn $27 to $28. Butter, rouiirj, FLOUR-$4 50 tq $5.15. BUTTER - (Buying) - Ordinary country butter, zoo to - rtltena. 10c POUI.1K1 ij to lie. t ..v, ,n EtKlS Oregon -ancji r. . - - 45c. BACK VEGETABLES - Oanrot.; rrunea. on of 6 l-4c for 45 and ROc: beets, $1.B. beeta. fl.BO . POTATOES Heat ouyms - $ per hundred. NIONS-Oregon. $185 to hundred, Australian, w per l.lvaaxocK. and HC cow.. o; --.. .- VEALr-t-aivea 13c. according to an 8V4c; MUTTON ouvvv, l.mb.. 40 and . 50. 1JC HOGS 125 W i" u"" '-d .nd lie; 140 to 800 pounds. lOo and 10HO. . Manheed'a Sign. ..,,. It w,.M .V. r.mllv Little FrHiui4 imu -:Da.-.-eof,hreeand:r.;. ment In H" form of knlckerlnH ken., ment in im- ....,.. a..iarmln-d tittle FrtHU'ea oimu.. - -UIlk,,!a.he-:!on 01. one. Tn- 7. n-wl. ,.d.n with g.Hl tare - - ' brawbed Infant waa -?Th " cried the rroud mother, -aw I . I '-Bml- h WD,.p.r. "now can I call pa BUir-Lonaon Wand-Wby do yon have ancb m,. .palled and ongrtm.tlcal notlc i in wlndowst Sharp Trade- Jo ,.m , oonc, and ' m. Trad.'. Jt Wand-Why do yon hav. .neb mla- ar:og the ciii:ciiu Plrat Baptlat ChurchMain and Ninth atraata . A. Hay worth, paalor. Praarblng by tha paator at 10 a. m. and 7: SO p. tn. ; morning aubjart. "Kiplolta of Kalth'; avanlng aul iact, "A Kl b Man'a Cbanca." Sun day arhool at 10 a. m., II. rt Croaa. auparlntandant; claaaaa flr all . agaa; Cbrlatlan Kndeavor at t:S0 p. M. .All ara Invltad. Hav. Mr. Kayworlb, of tba Ural Baptlat rhun.h. will praarh In Wlllamatta. Sunday aftrriioon. at 2 o'clock, In lha naw church lhara. Oarman Lutharan Church (Ohio aynodfr-Hav. H. Mau, paator. Bar vlca will bo hald at 10:30 a. tn. Hunday acbool at 1:30 a. m. A bual tM-aa mealing will bo hald aftar tba a'rvU'e, Catholic Cornar Watar and Tanth airaeta, Ka. A. Hlllabrand paator. rvideiica ill Watar; Law Maaa S m tn.. with aarmon; High Maaa 10: da . m.: aftarnoon aarvlco at i; Maaa arary morning at S. ' f irat Congregational Church Morn ing wonhlp at 10:30. Harmon by (ieorica'Kelaon pdwarria. Bubjact, "In Uamrmtiranra of Ma," to ba folloacd by tba Communion aarvlca. Huuday acbool at 11:60. Kveuliig Kuralilp at 7:30. Hubjact of aar mon "Tha Hellglon of Hunablua." , rirat Church of Chrlat, Sciantlat, Ninth and Cantar atraata Laaaon arrinon, II; Sunday achool Immad latrly a,ftar tha aarmon; Wadnaaday ! availing maatlng at 8. , Carman tvangallcal Cornar Eighth : and Madlaoa atraata. Ra. T. Wlevaalck naator. roaldonco 711 Madlaon: Hunday acbool 10 a. m., Herman Hchradar, Monro atroat. auparlntandant; morning aarvlca 11; Young Paopl at 1 p. m. and prearhlng at S p. m-j prayar maat lng Wadnaaday at 7:80 p. m. Oladatona Chrlatlan Rav. A. H. Mul key, paator: Hibla achool at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 andj Mountain Vlaw Union (Congraga ttonal) Sunday ..achool- 8- p nx, Mra 1 u rinlnn annartntandant : Hlble Study avory Thuraday altar. noon. Mathodlat Kplacopal Church Rav. E. r, Zimmerman, paator. Sunday achool at :45. Praachlng by tha paator at 10:45. 'Irat wreebyterlan Church Rav. J. R. Uandaborough. mlnlater. Bun day arhool at 10 o'clock. Mra. W. C. -Urean,- auperlutandant; morning worship at 11. aubject, Tajthfully Allowing"; Y. P. H. C. B.. at :45, topic. "Mlaalona In South America." Acta 111:13-30,: avanlng worahlp at 7:30. aubject. "Our Sourca of Strength." A half-bour of aacrod aong pracedea tha aarmon. All ara Parkplaca Consranatlonal Rar. J. L Jonea paalor. reaioanc uiacaauiBa, Chrlatlan Endeavor Thuraday ovo nlng 7:30. Sunday achool 10, Emery French auperlnteadent; preacning aervlcM each Sunday, alternating between 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; gt Paul'a aroteetarrt Eplacopal -Church? C. W. Roblnnon. rector: Holy eurharlBt, S a. m.; morning prayer. 10:30; holy aucbarlat and arrmon, II; evening prayer and aar mon. 7:30; Sunday acbool 12. United Brethren Corner Eighth and Taylor, Rev. U F. Clark paator, realdenre, Portland; punday achool 10 a. m.. Prank Parker, Maple Lane, eupertntendent; morning . aervlc 11; T. P. S. C. E. 6 p. m.. evening aervlc 7. Wlllamatta M. C. No regular preach ing aervlcea; Sunday achool 8 p. m.. Mra. Reama, auperlntendent. ,,aaaaaaasssssansanBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBSaBBBSfnaB a aa aa m Did YoaHeaIt Knock, weee You Asleep You can't make money by waiting until opportanity has passed, it is calling you now to MULINO. ' , t - ; . The majority of fortunes throaghotit the country have been made through the increase. iA real estate values Mulinb5 has two stores, a blacksmith shop, a school .a church, a shingle mil 1, jjf and a flour mill. A railroad will be completed to Muhno in sa months, don t you that is a healthy start for an infant? ; ' ' n.,u in M,.iinA nAw the nrlrrt will be double bv thetime the railroad is there. Terms easy, a little doKd ttKontft to see it, we will cal. for you. no expense to yoa Mulino mwnsite Company. Incorporated, Room 9 ' Beaver Building, Oregon City. , Telephone Zlen Lutheran Cornar Jefferaoa and ElghU atraata. Rav, W. R. Krax bargar paator, reeldeace 730 Jaffar aon; Sunday acbool 1:30 a. m., Kav, Kraiberger, auparlnUndant; morn ing aarvica 10:30; avanlng 7:4; Uilbar League 7 a. m. Waat Oregon City School Houaa i. O Staata will preach at 8 o'clock Sunday achool conducted aftar ear mon ... SHIVCLV'S OPKRA HOUSC. Kaaay and ftcenery Two Night a, No vember 20 and 81 at S p. m. The ESSAY which la to b READ at Hhlveiya opera bona November 20 21. takea'ln a whole world'a deecrtp tlon aa to a world' main dlfferencea, we cannot glv al) the dlfferencea In a world for tb want of time ao tha EH HAY tan b read In ona avanlng, but will glv tb principal difference.! DlftVrencea ara a BUN, MOON, STARS and EARTH, aa main differencaa, tb reat ara all at odda and anything that look different I claaeed a differ ence. Wa ahow the way that a world com menced to form In the beginning If any tha way It divided and went tn dlfferencea holding aubatancea unto lla flnlah. or tha and of a world'a nro- cadlna,-W put out tba way that heat and gaa atarted In a world, the reault of heat and gaa, tb courae It take, tb way tb world make tta water, th way the water ar divided, tb ooura tbey take. Th way regltatlon atarta to grow, th dif ference, elaaaad to aoma eitent, tha way all aeada are germed by a world, the way tbey divide growing two way bile cirri motion bold control. Wa figure a BUN fore motion, and glv tb difference for It, w figure that a moon l nothing but motion, and glv It aubatanc. "Wa llgur""gaa""a a renderer, w flgur really all atara, and tb way a world make tta wlnda. and glv tb rraaona for wind aurtlng up to blow and tb aubatanc therein, and how wlnda ar ahlfted, and why wind to hlnw. and whv wind Will contlnu to blowr from om -quart Of a world mora man omera, we usura a negatlv STORM to a flnlah, and ea- tlmat a poaltlv atorm. Wa put out tb courae of a BUN nM unoN rlrcla. wa nut out th courae of ECLIPSES of tha aun and moon, W put out a COMET or a ME TEOR. W put out poaiuv ana ..i... .wtnr&M end th reault.' W flgur three globe and th reault to aome eatent w aaumaie a mau a time on th arth and glv th reaa ona that b leav bla body. W fol low watar on tb earth and th way It handle th land, w put out all th reaaona for tide water, th way th vorld work to put them Into no tion and th RAINBOW, dlfferencea. Wa reckon a Volcano from th be ginning to an end. and motion ceaalng with th cxploalon. w put oui ma . m.kM tta mAL. and whv they com aoft and hard COALS. Wa put out bow a worm mates m DIAMONDS, w put out how a world make Ita OILS, and It I8IN-GLA88. W flgur th Substance for all Mln rala, and why ther ar difference In Mlnerala. W glv th reaaona for a moon coming biter each evening. W hav figured a who! world, w tak in a little of ZOOLOGY, and en tend aome toward a human Race, and th whol world I alwaya In motion. and glv many other differences. The ESSAY constat of fifty fool scap aheeta In print, and aome SCEN ERY.' The ESSAY baa coat thous and of dollars and bard 8TUDY. . Do not mlsa It It takes about two and M. la. half hours to read tb ESSAT, ADMISSION SO Cblldrea at tea and fifteen, 2Sc A Do not resume th ESSAY antll you bav heard It ALL READ. ' BWBBawasaBBBaaaaaaaBBBsaaaBBeaaBW) Ha Feraave th Blsha. A certain lhp. aa ardent advocate af tratofallm. found on of bla Sock, t" wbont Im had preached for years, leaning In Help! drunkenness agalnat a wall -WllWnar criad tn bishop. Inei praaalbly shorkad. "Oh. WUklns! Yon In tbla aiat' I am aorry. I aaa aorry. I am aorryr k A a tba bUbop ri -Mng on WU kins pulled hlmae" h-r and hic coughed after him "Blb... t.lho.r - Tba ldliu hnateoed back In tba nope of heMrtilK' raanlutioo of re pentant- "ISUbofi. If yoo ar really aorry I for give your- lmdon Mall. Our Varying Meade. "Ye, environment doe Influence ua." "How oowT "You never aee a man coming out of church with bla but H-rcbd on thld of bla beadM-Loulvllle Coorler-Joor- naL : i HUG THEATRE Svnth and Taylor atraata Phonee Main 1 and A-1122 4 Night beginning Sunday, Nov. 10. Special Price Matinee Wedneaday. , Wm. A. Brady praaents Jule Eckert ' Ooodman'a Pamou Drama "MOTHER" Katie Putnam In tb Title Role Miss Jewel Power In th cast. Mr. Goodman Is a Portland boy. Mia Jewel Power la alao from Portland. Prices: Evenings: $1.S0, fl. 75c, 80c, 25c, 25c. Wednesday Matinee: $1. 7Sc, 50c, 35c and 25c. " '' ; Saata now aalling for the ngagmnt AT HCILIQ THEATRE. 3 Night, beginning Thursday. Not. 23 Special - Price . Matinee Saturday Henry B. Harrla presents Th Comedy Baccesa "THE COMMUTERS." . By Jamea Forbea Author of "The Chorus Girl" and "The Traveling Salesman." Funnier than either. Pricea: Evenings: $1.50, fl. 75c. 60c, 35c, 85c. Saturday Matinee; fl. 75c. 50c, 35c and 25c. Seats go on sal Tuesday, Nor. 21. COMING, AT HEILIO THEATRE November 26, 27, 28. . -LAWRENCE D'ORSAT. In "THE EARL Or PAWTUCRET"' Presented by John Cort, ' Thanksgiving Attraction at HelUg 7 Night 3 Matinees, : Beginning Thursday. Nor. SO ' LAMBAROI GRAND . OPERA CO. L, BOWMAN n Eipress PfBuaiQ Combinatiori No. 1 4 full quart bottles of Monogram whis key $3.00 ' Combination No. 2 4 full quart bottles of Sunny Trail and 1 bottle of wine gratis $4.00 . , - .. -y Combination No. 3 2 full quart bottles Spring . Valley whisky i Bottled in Bond " under, government supervision, I bottle brandy , and I bottle delicious Port wine $4.00 Combination No. 4 1 bottle King. Hill, "J bottle Prince Albert, I , bottle best Cognac and 1 bottle Cream of California Port $5.00 When you want you to make our store your head quartefsruse our phone let us extend you any reasonable courtesy and help make your visit most pleasant.' largest and best equipped Liquor Ileus? . west of Chicago. Spring Valley iWine Co. Eattre Comer 2nd smi Yamhill Sts. , PORTLAND, OREGON. ; Remember Wc Prepay Express! Postal Examination Held. Poatmaster T, P. Randall held a civil service examination. Saturday. At which ther were nv applicant, all of whom were men. Out of them one will be selected to fill the vacancy caused by th death of William Cum minga, who waa stamping clerk. Patronise our aavertlaera. Agent' - are . in -Portland we . CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the poetofflc employe, member of ' lodg and Mends who ao kindly aaateted ua during our late bereavement In the lose of pur son and brother, William Cummlnga, and ahw for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. HELEN MONTOUR. MR. AND MRS. J. W. DAVENPORT. il . .v a. . i . p'uiiniui ana wy.." v- . - Improyint rtpli. w" out on