Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1911)
VMllim ENTERPRISE OSUEGOS CITY, 0RE0OH t J' y ," r X E. BRODIE. Edltae and MUiMf. "Mere r I 111. at lh "" ne l 0 CltjfOr. vl Ute Act KmI raw r sutscitrTtMi. om T. uy mu Sir MIKm. ? art .. ., Mr. Month, by null rr wna, jr wnlii. ...... - . ...M I M IN I CORTRACT ADVERTISING RATES rmx ! tr mhji hm tairtioau...lS Vt I Nik, pm Bar as aiartlaa. .1 ' fim Insert) 1M wwferr' " peaittna SQr-Bc, r - 1 toarrUoa la. Mm papar h r tkM rtrvt Ma. Mr a rms HmmtIIow. . . . IS Ka rpn mImv Jta rtrt sac, par BMS) Saaartta... .......... Ur)s lee r Itn; to raewlar 4vr am e la. Wuu, rr "!. T hut ., ori raw aecMea d'llttOMl Rata far eevvr (tee I ataryrta viu be tit m nHf. far mimll hr Mi w ty. mm lb aonn hi trfwT-4 rroai trx Salty th . wtinaut nun ta r w a - fr raa af b er. aJS tea ea HK for pil aallta. . J 4 ahaM mnr rr aan rty m Mkixm t naterarie. raal at hMjt 4 mtatm rt Vrrui BaVrtttaa im1 nlal braaal iyrtlaiaiC c lo Me u btch. Ttn )" iul Bakrup tWay r i ann tt bMh rira bunw; a1 mtl tain lo a aua uttar lb ab. Nm ltraa aa4 vH wrlta artla tff BMMrtt. wtta aMrM ta loral tiatir. will b (4ry ampM. RiMt4 arteta Mr- t M by mum ar rtlm til mm wn I CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. ' , THE MORNING ENTERPRISE i Uoo m) t tta following StOTM Ter7 dy: . t Huotlr Broc One .' Maia 8trt. . W.. McAbnMy CIr ! ; 8ntk and Malm. ' - - B. a Aadanoa, - Mala tear 8 lit. M. K. Duaa Confactloabry 4 Nxt door to r. O. " Oty Dn( 8tor . 1 EObCtrtc HoteL 8caoibonr CoofetJoa7 8tbU ao4 .1. Q. Aaaaa. 4 DAMAGE ,T0 CROPS. It Is wltk not nnJuatlflabM) pride ,.Ukat Secretary of Asrlcvltnre Wilson directs attention to the tact that erery Imporatat aieteorologteal change that occrjred ia the Uulted States dnrinx the year as (orcasted by the weath er bureau long ta adraoce. Storm warnloc to lake, seaeoast, and West Lad las stations and forst warnings for the sugar, tracking, tobacco, fruit and cranberry regions were Issued when ever conditions required. , The bureau gaTe particular atten tion to the hurricanes of September and October, 1910. and shipping lnt 1 erects expesaed great gratitude. Val uable crops were saved by the warn ings of the spproJi of. cold waves - and large sums of money saved to the ..gTvnjers. , These warnings also- pre - eate4 injury to many shipments of pertshabre goods snd to farm stock. 'There wa a large deficiency in the precipitation over a considerable por tion ft the country and hence there - was sn absence of great floods, ex cept In California, where, during Feb ruary' and Marc & heavy winter snows and rains combined to catse floods, with damage estimated at fl.75,000. The smaller tributaries ef the Ohio river were Jn flood In July and Octob - and caused damage' 4 crops ni other 'Interests of $5,500,00. . The Hatfield McCoy feadista in West Virginia resched a peace agree-1 rnent without the aid or intervention j b)f Ml b W!y M M at lb An Honest Million Possible ; .. . - i Man Who 1 ' ' Makes i ? That Sum 'v Needs j r Courage and r , ! Aptitude Br LESLIE M. HAW. Formr Secretary of the Treasury HMAN CAN MAKE 140000 AND MAKE IT HONESTLY IF HE HAS COURAGE AND APTITUDE. .', .. Those wbo try to make $1,000,000 DISHONESTLY and FAIL think that nobody can-make it HONESTLY. There are those, you know, who have said that it is IMPOS SIBLE to do vuch a thing honestly. Ai far as. I bare seen in my time no man has served his country faithfully without receiving adequate reward, and that reward usually ia MONEY. Once in awhile there ia a monu ment, but not often. , BASEBALL is absorbing more interest among the boys of the country than is BUSINESS. ,. of The Hague tribunal The country Is all right but we e ut appreciate the fact because of the noise made by the demogagues. No disappointment was born of I he announcement that Inaanliy will be the defense of the Rev. Rlcheson. The Holy Ghost and l's society has given up the ghost. A Harvard professor ssys: -syncopation in harmoutsatton ' has no tm moral connotation" That U lo y and la other word players of rf time In Uerman band are not nec essarily musical malefactors. Trial marriages pave the sy for permanent alimony. "Tncle Sam Is keeping s hrp uh or the l?ly of ht ciu. in China. AUSKY ACCUSED OF TRYING TO TRAP WIFE PORTLAND, Nov. IS. (SpeclsL Supplied with affidavits snd other testimony taken before a referee with which he expects to win both the di vorce and alienation cases of Mrs. Cleta Pearl Alleky sgainst her hus band. Charles W, and his mother nd fsther. S. T. Jeffreys, hss return ed from San Francisco. Mrs. Alisky will come to Portland In a few weeks to sppear In her own behalf when the case la failed atJUregon v.iiy Th- I ulk of the testimony obtained by the attorney Is intended to prove the si leered attempt of Alisky to trap his wife and smooth the way for his dimm nrorodint. Attorney Jeff reys declares that while In Ban Frsn- cisco he obtained a complete conr t.on of tae alleged action from B. C Parker. who ssys he- wss employed by Alisky. The confession alleges thst when Mm aiiak ralUd at the office of her husband's attorney she-jtas met by a woman named scnmiarwno iure tir to a notorious cafe upon the prgm- lae of getting Mrs. Alisky to sign en gagements with a prominent., society club la 8aa Francisco. While at the cafe Parker and another man appear ed and the trio attempted to place Mrs. Alisky In an emDarrsssing poai inn It I rbarced. Alisky and a witness were waiting outside snd stepped Into tbe.csfe. denouncing his wife to his companion, it i masibU that Allskr win not return to Oregon to appear against Ss wife.. Overtures have been maae . M attorneys. It Is alleged, to have the case entirely heard upon depositions. , Mrs. Alisky is living in San Francisco with an aunt. Mrs. G 11- msn Eldred. WOODMEN READY EOR BIG MINSTREL SHOW Tbe minstrel show to be given st the Sblvely opera house next Friday evening, under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World, promises to be one of the most successful enter tainments ever riven by home tslent. Two of' Portland's leading soloists j will assist. An orchestra composed i of nine pieces, will furnish all of tbe latest muic between acts snd for tbe soloists snd choruses. Those composing tbe orchestra will be, piano. MIbs Nellie Swsfford; drum, Itov Baxter; flute. Clsyton Stafford: eornt, Charles Schoenbetnz; violin, Profexsor Eager; clarionet. C. A. Nah; trombone, B. T. McBain; violin, Leon DeaLanes; cello, A. H. Raker. From all indications standing room will be si a premium, so if you haven't i got your sests you hsd better "get 1 buav." Seats are on sale at Jones' drug store, Introlocutor C. B. Wilson, who wss st tbe minstrel show J0W Failures WMW Practiced Fraud Say Feat ( Impossible MOKNINQ BNTEKPH1SK. SUNDAY. NOVEMBKIt 13. 1811. 1. I Curious Exhibit M'Namara - " . , .. - - ' - . i- ,n . ; " - ' ' L . M o f i ih Thuio by American Preas Arsoclallnn Tiltk twuied Iteel roiumus and girders ef the Los Angeles Times bo I Ki lns will form su Ituportsnt etaiblt at the McNamarn trtaL They have been taken to the outskirts of tbe city, where tbey may be In spected by the members of the Jury. Though they nave been re moved from the arene ef tbe eiploalon to permit tbe erection of tbe new Time building. It la hoped that the Jury may still be able to decide, after listening to the testimony of experts, whether tbe state ef these remslns point to the fleatrorttou of lbs building by a gaa or a dynamite explosion. The ruling of tbe court hss msde It possible for talesmen holding either theory to sit In tbe Jury bos. given Isst year, has been secured to act in tbe same capacity Friday eve ning. The committee In charge la composed of M. D, Phillips. Harold Safford, Arch Ross, C. a Wilson, with - hV-T. Fields ss stage director The entertainment will be far .better than that of last year given under the auspices of the Woodmen. The fol lowing program will be given: Overture Orchestra Selection Orchestra Opening Chorus. "Band. Band. Band. Band Company Company "Baby Rose" H. Confer "liown by the Old Mill Stream".. 0.. B Tonkin "Laay" Sheriff "To the Bad of the World With you" Frank Alldredge "Msndy Lee" Sextette "Let Me Have , a Kiss Until To morrow" ......... Harold Swafford Selection ... Male Chorus "The Vale of Dreams" Victor Oautt Mobile Bay" Arch Ross My Hula. Hula" Gilbert Land and Company Selection Orchestra Clog Dancing V. VeLarie Musical Trio. .Hsm and Egg Brothers Whllstllng Duet. Swafford and Sheriff Illuminated Club Swinging Robert Warner GUARANTEED EGGS ARE SOLD AT PROFIT The lr.en wbo are making tbe most money In the egg business today are buying strictly fresh eggs from farm ers under a special contrsct snd sell ing "guaranteed eggs' direct to tbe grocer says Hood's Dairyman. By dodging tbe middleman and buying only guaranteed eggs on a "loss-off basis ibey csn pay more to the farm er, while the consumer willingly pays the top price for a guaranteed article. It Is not an experiment but a wel Iboupht-out plan now In successful op eration and one that any creamery can sdopt that Is not located too re mote from a market. Tbe owner of a creamery In North ern Minnesota figured out tbat. Inas much ss the fsrmers In thst locality muat bring In their milk and cream to the loctl creamery regularly or at fre quent intervals, it would be a good way to get eggs In fresh from the farms. This cresmery, while privately owned, was essentially co-operative In tbat Its owner wss fsrslgbted enough to see thst any increased prosperity among his farmer customers muat eventually be to his advantage. Bo he outlined and laid before his customers this plan. Any psfron, or for thst matter, sny person who would sign sn agreement to market fresh eggs under his Instructions would receive his orlces which would be more thsn the merchant In the town paid, and In raah. At the present time there are about Rfi farmers wbo have signed snd are selling under this agreement. These are scsttered over a territory of varying distances from the cream ery, one msn driving fourteen miles to take advantage of the cash prices paid. The agreement which all have sign Is ax follows: For the privilege of selling to the cr-smerv snd getting a market estab liHbed for guaranteed fresh eggs. I tbe underslngned. hereby pledge my self to comply In every way with the following rules: I agree to deliver eggs at the cream ery that will not be to exceed I days old and to lie picked In (gathered) twice a day. . Eggs to be of uniform size (no und er size or over size.; Eggs to be clean and to be kept In a cool, dry cellar. Brown eggs to be put In one carton and white eggs In another and so msrked Each egg to be tamped on the aide and the carton on the top. White Queen Flour This Is The Bst Flour Obtain- .. sbls. Lay In Your Winter Supply ef Cesl New. Hay, Orsln, Fsd and Kotrect Poultry Food. Oregon - v Cociniissaoa Co. 11TH ANO MAIN STS.' In the Dynamite Trial WCTOm.SOKCON30IO3 (Continued from page I.) same frustration of their efforts Howe failed to kick the goal On offside play by Princeton. Yale got the bajl on the Tiger 20-yard line, where Howe partially redeemed him self by kicking a pretty Beld goal No score was made la the last half. HARVARD DEFEATS DARTMOUTH Cambridge Msn Take Kicking Bat tle By ft to a. CAMBRIDGE,,. Mass.. Nov. It (Special.) Dartmouth suffered bar second consecutive defeat In the "Big Four" games-when Hsnrsrd woo a kicking battle here this afternoon by a I to I score. Harvard's touchdown csme aa the result ot a blocked kick near the Dartmouth goal, when Hunt ington fell on the ball behind the poHtt. A Beld goal In the third per iod ' represented ' Dartmouth's onl score. The teems seemed evenly matched in the booting department and there was little attempt at running or line smashing. 0. C. AMD 111 ELEVENS PLAY TODAY Tbe football game between the Ore gon ' City team and the fast Mr Uiughlin Club, of Portland, at Cane mah Park this afternoon romle to l one of tbe hardest fought gsmea of the sesson. Neither team has been scored on this season. The local boys held the best team la Portland to a scoreless tie two weeka ago. I The lineup of the teams will be . as follows: Oregon City. MrLoughtln Club , W. Montgomery Burns & Ward .....' Jackson I R. O. W. Freemen Miller L a. IC. Freemen Herchler (Mgr.) ! R. T. i Smith O. Hsnlon I I T. 'Feller Stiles ! R. E. 1 Laurence Kelley U B. White (Mgr). Jones (Cspt.) Q- k'srothers (Cspt.) f Reed R. H. ' F. Freeman Johnson ' L IL , Long Smith r. Subs, Oregon City J. Montgomery, Telford, Lngeson. Subs, McLoughlln Club Kelley, Young. . INSTITUTE EXPERT TO ADDRESS TEACHERS A local teachers Institute will be ; held in Milwaukle next Saturday, j when O. W. Harlan, an Institute In i structor of Winona .Lake, Ind., will speak on "Reading" and "The Prob- lemn of the Rural School." Mrs.- Anna S. Hayes will give a j model class exercise In music. Miss , Maud Langhead, who addressed the leacUers at. the annual Institute, will give two lectures on primary work, j The women of Milwaukle will serve; dinner to the visitors In the Grangs HalL . ' I BABY'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED. 4 mmmmmmmmm William Henry Ice Has Osllghtful . -. , , Little Psrty. The second birthday of William Henry Ice, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. O. Ice, was observed Friday afternoon. The dining and living rooms of the Ice home were decorated with chrys anthemums and cosmas. There were two candles on tbe blrthdsy cake. The guests were Teddy Osmond, Ed ' rd Latourette, Merle Osrrstson and Charlotte Martin. Mrs. Batcher as nt.rf -Mrs. Ice In receiving. Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Miss Zlda Gold smith and Mrs. OarrsUon also were presenL.. Then He Drifted. "MUM .Cppson-Mildred." said the poor not" otherwise bonext yoong mon. "I have psdefed my own canoe for years and feel sure that I cao support yon. WUI yon be my wlf.r "Nothing doing In tbe canoe line." replied the naughty maid.' "If yon bad sailed jonr own yacht for years I might have considered your proposal'' rV.oNewe. . . .. , , . Wants, For Si!?. Ets. wui m law iS si aa t a btearttos. half a ,-.r. tt. .ate ta-b aar. II S bJ bt sard. H ',r?.?.T!.Vi.aa . cast brum ami'' stsar Dm a wMU Ike Ws IIumUI ryMJbUllr ! wr-r rrmr -t tr bJ erlntrd t elr. atllura Wre lb WANTS. WANTKIV-Tourtst and local swopl to see my cltciUsj ot r.v4iea4 coins, Indlsi tii-. jl stsa,w and curios if sons WH1 lu or sell In thu'ilae Have .uod bsrgsiss ln-srr.hsod rurntHiw and tools, ileorfw touaa, nw.Wn near Fifth. WANTElWlreasikl by ll" sy. Itrst-clsa work gi'"'U- "W. C. Snover, Roosevelt sueet. Ore. g.ui City. " ' WANTKIV For JlKht'hoaaiekeeprat 1 or I looms, as near centrr of town as possible. Address IL C- lerprle. " 'r"1'-' WANTKl Jb -clearing large traot or Isnd ettnsr br Job or coatrnrt; have hhmI machine and trgm. I. R. Buardmsn, Glsdsoae, Or. p VANTBU-Doya and girls, I tee . Is yoar chanoe youngsters to .' make ymr Cartetaaaa axatey" : easy. The Mnrntag ' Eater prise will pay yo a big cib mlloa .fir brtmag In uta subscriptions. !l, osf , went to know more a bus I n eM or write to the Clreulatloa Man ager of the Morning iar prtae. Or gun City, and War all about what you lll have to do. The mom yt lur a in the .snore o will mast and yon nan make a M If you uaiio. - - 'r FPU Ait'. FOR BALX A good . datlcates seo sad Koch roonl doing a gross business it from 5 i to U30 per month fur sale at 190 J sash. Rent. Including f wo living, rooms, f 17. !jo rated on car Mae ta thickly settled residence district. VA money-maker lor man and wife, or ax tww ladles. Further particulars Ureas I1U B. Alder. Portland, or call after a p. m. FOR BALB Oentle posy, gool condi tion, buggy and bSrns, fl phons orerm city; Main i:Ji. FOR 8ALK by C II. Uvesay, carload of Trojan powder. Just received. FOR BALK Last spring's pullets. 7&c tsrh. Phone Farmers lib. FOUND. FOI'NI) Back containing men's clothing. Inquire Drawn ft Klooe tra's meat market, and pay. for ad vertisement FARM LOANS. FAkMLOAN!-ttu.lcn Vbimk. I Lawyers. Orsgoa Oty, Or. attorn srrm. i O D RRT. Atioray-st-la. Mone kated. sbairsets firnkibed. Isns titles essastnsd. estatts settled, awn . era! law bnsinee Over Baak e Oregoa City. The 1912 Sensation Is In Town $785 1 Think of It I $785 Buys A 5 ; Car Fully Equipped The car that makes all streets paved, all roads boule vards, and all hills down grade. The best car for the money, I- f - IQuctiuc an ruiu ucius icccivc less commission 101 suica .any-car in the world. Gme and have a social chat with us ' and J earn why we sell the cheapest fine passenger four cylinder canjin tlieiworld. . - ' r.. , V.;.. a- - ' "' ' v i lr." G .'- J. ; at fyk &tt&fa Sts. . (T WHY A STATE DAHKI 1 A llaU lanh laeks nethlsg sf the sesurlty afferdsd by gevtrnmtnt aup ervlslen. It Is under the direst sso fei ef the aste snklna Ospsrtmsnt, and subject ta rigid psrlodissl uim Inatleni ef Its eapert sudltera, who see tbat all the lews safsgwarslna de positors are semplled with. The safety ef your Interests Is as wrsd at The Bank of 0LDFST BANK U 1 usTt)URsTTTl Pre-Meet THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY . OREGON CAPITAL. bS0.0OC.0u Treeeeets S ersl aseklea a)tslMee U'HaVN A aciUICUeU AIUrasyat Law, Destscbe dvokat will are Uee ta all sourts. asake eoHeeUoas prtae Ilia. Orenoa Utr. Oreaw El, HI , ww ft-.t Jt " ' ' auiLDasj AND COTwCTOst. HARMT aad aoaorai t'a tract or Estlmatas rbeeifally aivaa on all elsseee of beJIdise wars, eoerrete walks aae retslureeS nonrrsts. Kes. Pboae Maw u INaUNANCC. . H COOPCR. r Fire laewraaes aa Real F-stete. Lot ss aaadts soar erosertlee e Uny. sell as esehsaaw. umce mm'w ttiag., Oregon C". Oreea CLIANINO ano psnaaiNO cinninii Tilinud adtt msle to order front 110 and np.-Wosbd cleaning, preaslpa snq repainna Three doors south of pnstonYe. MUaiCIANt, J. AWIA 8 ACER, teacsef of wl4 snd string Instruments. Ilrector of band and orchestra. Wl.l furoUh mul? E"M;'F Pacific Highway Garage Gasoline. Repairs. Storage Oils. Wc always have 5 and 7 passeng er cars for hire. Fifth str..t, Ms.n Tslspnons. Pselfls . M. E. PARK, Manager Passenger Ford Touring CALL the Fofd Gat age Oreffoa City IW TITK COUNTY F. I MITBJt. Ca.hh Oee) tr A, M t r ft any occasion. Cll at Klecine -lloleL PROfMtaiONAL. " MHM. MARAII RANKIN, practical nurse. III! Center street. Tls phone Mala I Ml. Oregoa Clly -frioav Rioot Club miiti. The Friday Night lirldg' flub nut at the hene of Mrs, J. II Walker bus week; and a must delightful svealsg as -rt In plsylag brldg. Mrs Walker served refreahments. Tss neat meeting will t at the soma of Mrs Rdeard sVhvsb. The memberi attending Friday night's meeting ere Mrs. Kdsrd Srhvali. Mrs. ThMxiore Osmond. Mrs. kt p. Rases. Mrs. P. W. Oreenmsn, Mrs. lUary (t'Mslley. Mrs. II H. Moody, Mrs. g TrArlson. Mrs. C t.-tjitoretts. Mrt- J Walker. Miss Fannie (J Porter. Miss Kste INirter. Mis S'.H Cas field. rx YOU KNOW hst the Kntrrprr. yearend Bargain Period Is sow so? Bee ad hack pegs f'" particular. I EEHIDEBS and Southern Pad" Trs Heme A II Tcfc?!:c3 Main 1 1 9 A72