Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 18, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    M i ,1 M
Otto Silk In Dm4 Fee Ceet Re
vera Cerenetien Red Peeylee tha.
Otto mas ailka are baring a Yonaid-
era bin vogue a a trimming, being ee-
-1 V-
peolally need for collar fl&- a 04
revere. Tbe big demand In ParU ha
wa for cream white, deep ye4bw.
l6tzi Prteetca to Clash Oa
Y::k CCrca Kai. 18.
Us and rorocittou red. Tbeee three
color tart bees aaed la comUnatlo
f a. ' " , a.
"l V-"- .. v , ' .
V 1 '
0. Btka.l4 Baula l ftJ
5 Vale Will Depend Me Captain
Hewn, White P' ineetow Man C
: Penan etnet a Wtrrj Blwe,
, Tbe eleven f fate and Princeton
, .m ready to ctsaa oa th gridiron la
Itsw Haven. Oeoa Nov. IS ror thtr
. ty-nll jeer th Tiger and HalUog
have e ansa It; renewed their loat of
- lMacto and Tal engaged la their
rat grldlroa battle ta 1STS. After 1873
there, waa a Is pa of tart year, aad
I': '! :- feS ;'
..: wt
fell "
: v - vV y
'ia-'V '.-X '
-. '
I. - FW kr AaaartaaB Faa aaanriaMao
rBuica-roa'a aamATioNai.
' alar tkaa tb hm berwtea
two ajalvanlUos feaa boroaaa aa aaaoaJ
.. TaJ aaa twt7 rktortea to be
cradft. Prlacotoa . bId. valla aorca
vara tlod. A Hat f tbo pmt played
. by ta two otoveaa ka as foltowa:
m TaK t aoala: pnco. an,
Taio, I tnekawM; Prmrataa. a. un.
Prlacatoa, I aval; falab an. Tala. I
aafiaUaa; PrtecwMo. a aa(lM UM. Tain,
I amfMlaa; PtImmom. U satolaa. lao.
Taia, : PrtnoXM. a IMS. Vato. t coala I
mt1f; Pitouatoo. I coal I aa(T UB3,
, Tal. t coal: Princeton. tan. Tala. I
oal; Prtnoaton. I tnnendawn, UnV Prtnoa
tan. t coal from toncboown: Tale, r coal
fraaaaald. Un Tala. I toncbdowa ; Prtoca
lao, UR. Tala. t ola: Prtncoton. t
UnV Tala. goala: Princeton, a UK. Prtoea
ton. I anal. I toacbdown: Tain. UM.
Tain, a aotota: Prtnoaton. n UN. Tain, t
(oala t tooendonma; Prteeaton. ItaX
. Xam. t aonla: Prtncaton. UH. Prtacn
too. 1 aoal: Talc. UK Tala. 3. Prtnca
ton. a U. Tain, : Prtacntan. M iOi,
Prteentaa. M; Tala. a. lar;. Tala. ; Prtnco-
. ton. a na. Prvxwton. t. Tala. a W
PrtaoMon. U; (aln. M I Ma. Tala. 9;
Prinraton. b MOT. Tala. U: Prlnoaton. a
Um. Tala. m Prtncnton. ' IMO. Prlncn
tsn. II: Tata. 1 UM. Tata. U; Prtaooton.
a iaa. Tata. S; Prtacoton. 4 IM. Tata.
Prtneaton. b Ufl. Tata. U: Piionton.
Ui UK. Tata, U; Prtncnton. 1 ISua. Tain.
IT; Pi Inaatua. b Ulb Tata, t; Prtncntoo. X.
TtM coming Kama aboald prora to ba
tor morttng of two good defraslra
trtima. aad tbat meana under tba prcn
nt rnloa a aUadoff to all intent and
pqrponaa. f t la tno probability of tbia
matching of defrnao againat defenaa
tbat leads mo to tbr belief that both
. teams will resort to drop or piara kick
las wbennrer tba opportunity offers.
Captain Down of Tala and Penfleld
and Parr of Princeton are no depends
bW nnder ordinary roodlUoua that It
nee dm aoreiMsry only to bring tbem
wltbiD striking dlsUara. 1 nball be
aurprtsod If either eleren attempts a
march nrer tbe goal Una Tba teams
ara too erenly matched for that sort
of tblng. and with kickers of about
tba ssmo caliber It would seem to bo
tba better plan to rely upon Held goals
for rtctory.
Both teams bar suffered from an
meroai injuries to tbe players sine
the start of tbe season, bat It Is (
ported that tbe fall strength of tbe
elevens will bo pitted against each
other ta the coming battle.
Tale will depend morb on the abll
try of Captain Do we. lie Is the pivot
around which bangs Tsle's destiny tbla
year in tbe game with Princeton. With
Howe in. Tale has an excellent chance
to win. bnt with him oat U U qoea
Tor tbe Tiger men Pendleton wilt be
tbe mainspring. Tbe brilliant halfback
Is expected to be tbe whole show
against Tala. Last year the wearers
of tbe Blue smothered Pendleton's
plays, bat Prlncettlb men flgnre tbe
experience be gained In tbst game win
greatly benefit blm Id tbe coming bet
tie. All things sized Bp. there seems
te be little difference In Ntrengtb be
tweeo Princeton and Tale teams.
Tbe probable II neap of tbe two eler
en Is as follows:
Tale Left end. FranHa: left tackle
rVally; left guard. Child: renter
Ketrham: right guard. McDerlrt: right
tackle. Perry: right end. Arery: quar
fa-back. Captain Do: left halfback.
Beilly: right halfback, ttpakling; fall
back. Philbtn.
Princeton Left end. White: left
tackle. Phillips: left guard: Wilson: ren
ter. Blumentbal: right guard. Brown:
right tackle. MrClaln: right end. Wight:
quarterback. Parr: left bjIfHm-k. Pen
dleton: right halfback. Sawyer; full
bock. Dewltt'
rsa aatar wABtr op ltn.
with nary blue and black worsteds
Among the novelty waist are aome
that have the lower portion made ot
aatla In tbe aame shade as the suit
with: wbkb U la worn,' such as black
or navy bine, while the upper portion
la of white lace or 0Uet net. embroider
ed In eokm to harmonise
Metal frtngee ara used on evening
iwaeea aad dressy blouses. These
fringes are made from bullion cords
and are la both bright gold aad silver
and the darker antique metals.
There la a greet feeling for baring
all dreaa acresaorlee to match, even
hand bag following tbe fashion and
the appera of eboaa aa well aa stock-
In tbia bloan tbe Gibson plsK gives
a fullness that Is most desirable to altm
figures, but the aleevea and bodice are
cat in one rlece. The side plaiting Is
on of the newest feature of the aea-
Tata Mar at anton pnttnra hi eat hi elan
from MUM Inches bust aooasum. Bond
M esnts tn this office, airing number. Tta.
sad It will be prampUr forwarded to roe
mail. If la baste aend aa additional
two sent stamp tor letter poatage. which
nrns store proenpt delivery.
The Crass Pee Colored thone Vente It.
. estf In Papular Shsde.
Tbe edict of tbe fashionable boot-1
makers Is that the more vtvld the
shoes the more fashionable tbe wesrrr
There are pumps and slippers ot
Mar Method.
8tetlsr-Uo she married him to reform
blm? Dorr did she begin t
Bells By spending a lot of money.
Ton know bow bard It la for a rich
man to enter tbe kingdom of bearen.
Harpafa Buaar. .
I worxIeT why it we are not
al luadcr than we are. , How ra
ily a done! How mttantancoua-'
Hr acUl How mlallibty it is re
inemberrdl Drumrnood.
atousa woaa wrra unto uiit Lisa.
deep purtle. glowing cerise, brtlllalit
emerald green and flihlng royal blue.
yTUh white tailors i suits these shoes
are particularly striking, especially
when there Is' a hat to match.
On white broadcloth suit, semlt al
tered, bad a broad collar of emerald
green and White striped silk. With It
waa worn a broad sailor shaped bat of
emerald green felt with white kid
trimmings. Tbe shoes sod stockings
were tbe brightest of emerald green.
Another black aatln suit trimmed
with royal blue waa worn wltb royal
blue aatln pnmpe and stockings to
Of course tbese colored ahoe are
only for house and country wear.
Here Is a most attractive waist to
wear with a ellgbtly raised skirt of
cloth or any suit material. Tbe shaped
yoke la particularly becoming, giving.
a It does, a long shoulder line.
Aftc ten months of continoas pablfcatlon Morning Enterprise, the
BIG LITTLE Claclramas "Gooatjr DIy is ead in mof e thatxn & thous
and Claclratnas Goonty homes evecy Coy. 1
Help To
Make It
This is 2000 ohort' of the mark set by the Publisher for
the first yar, so in ordor to interest that many new Sub
scribers in Morninc Enterprise, November and December
will be a bargain poriod for subscribers.
- i-
t "i . . l
" V- i ' : ' . . .. ...... . . .. .,. i' i
During Bargain Period, whioh ends December 31, 1911,
Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY HAIL
FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City,
Gladstone, Parkplace, Willambtte, etc., Bargain Period
Price for an entire year will bo only $3.00
This Is
The Way
We Will
Two From
You Will
Help To
Make It
YOU CAN 'HELP. 'Tell two of your -neighbors about
this offor, induoo thorn to subscribe and get your own re
newal for next year at the same reduced rate. Are you onP
Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish
This Mar Van ton pattern U cot la slset
for misses of fourteen, sisteen and eight-
em reara of age. Mend it cents to this
office, airing number. 7122. and It will be
promptlr forwarded te you by mall.- If la
haste aend an additional two cent stamp
for letter poet ace. wbleh Insures asors
prompt delivery. . . i '
. m NMriuM nvenf-
The Nlirefnlierr (iacetie. founded 10
11.17. waa the first newmaner printed
rrom metal type with printing ink.
laaae Watt.
Isaac Watts, the hymn writer, made
proposal of marriage to a Indy whom
he met frequently at the borne of bis
friend Ken. The lady made a cour
teous refusal, aaylng that "while sjie
admired the Jewel she feared ah did
not sufficiently admire tbe casket tbat
contained It," laaae Watts was not of
Imposing frame, being only flvs feet In
Making It Plain. ,
certain officer In a large ship wit
strangely fond of long words. Coming
on deck one morning, be wiahed to or
der a light aloft to be put out.
'Maintop!" be cried In affected tones
"8orr7" was tbe answer.
"Extinguish tht luminary."
"Extinguish tbat luminary."
Bat Just then tbe bluff old master
rams on deck, fleeing wbat was want
ed, be called out: ...
Dowse tbat gllniT
Aye. aye, air." was th ready reply.
and th light wis soon out.
A inoute t nature.
An old lady, lauding up some seen-
err, said to a well known painter. "The
whole trip along the river was Ilk a
aerie of your uperb etchings."
TeV refilled the artist. "Nntur H
creeping v." London Telegraph. .
VpfiW beeiime a msritline power In
1108 I J the iblrleenth and fourteenth
rtornrk-- she wsa antstreen of the sesa
Whoa Von gj loed'a 'condition q bis
last Ulaeeyii r2 grew worse be called
all bis wires "logother st)4 requested
that he might l slowed to rrmnln In
tbe boos of- Aytlta.r bl favorite.
They grtiflflrd his itb HUt only sur
riving i filid wa. Purimii; wife of All,
snd she was Ihe ao tre ef all, the
nobles of tun M1buuh)i w;r'U r
It rem are not xe4lo the Kornlna
Eiterrnae, why not Year-end Dsr-
r m Period is Bdsr on. '. r- 4 on
back pa.
The Oregon City High School
Oreaham High Bcbool rootball game
scheduled for today, will not be play
ed. Coach Pflngaten, of the local
team, went to Gresham Thursday and
announced Friday that tba game had
been canceled. This was prohsbly dons
to enable the members of the team to
see the Oregon-Washington gam in
Portland tbia afternoon. Waldo Cad-
field, manager of th local team, baa
several trlpa In view. If baa been la
correspondence with tbe manager of
the Astoria High School team fof
sometime and expects to play them
after Thanksgiving. A return game will
be played at Nowhere, November 26,
with the fast Newberg High team. .
x ,,
Bertha E. Fraley and E. L Fraley
to H. U Keata, Tract I, and northerly
(0 feet of Tract 4, Gibson' subdivis
ion of Tracts 10, 11, 12, 13, and west
480 fet of Tracta 1 and 2 of Logs
Tracts; $10. - ,
Ryvert Erlckson et al to Zoar Scan
dinavian Evangelical Lutheran ehurch,
1 acre of section 7, township 4 eoeth,
range 1 east; fl. .
Fred Hahn and Theresa Hub to
Lars J. Helum and Gunnlld Malum,
41.51 acre of aectlon 35, township 3
south, range 1 east; 34,000.
Charles and Mae Smith to Cobb A
Dillingham, land In section 14, town
ship 2 aouth, range 3 east; $1. -
Clinton 8. Fletcher to John W. Lo
der, 200 acres of section 7, g, town
ship 6 south, rsng 3 east; $1,000.
F. C. Miller, Jr., and Marie Miller,
to A. C. and Nancy Beaullau. pari of
lot 2 Of block 28, Oregon City; tL
- s
Head ta Morning nerprtri. '
Essay n6 Senry Two Night, No
vember 20 arte zi at p. m. r
HUlraly' vrra house November 20
1. Ulsa in a whole world'a descrip
tion a t a world' main differences,
we cann. f (Ira all th differences In
a world fur the want of time so tbe
ESS AT t i a IM head In one evening, but
will gin the- principal differences.
Different t ar a gUN, MOON, STARS
and BAI'TH, a main difference, the
rest are at odda and anything tbat
hjok ai lerrat - I classed a differ
ettoea, W ad iw th way that a world com
menced to form In the beginning If
any the divided and went to
dlfferen holding substances unto
it flnlsi., or th end of a world'a pro
ceeding . w put out the way that
boat aiwi gas aUrted In a world, lb
result heat and gas, th course
It take i, th way th world make
Its waiara, th war th water ar
divided, tike coarse tbey take. The
way recitation aUrta to grow, thadlf.
ferncr classed to som extnt, th
way all seed ar germed by a world,
the war they divide growing two way
wbil :mJ motion hold control. W
ngur nrlUN tor motion, and g1vth
dlfftretice for It, w ngur that a
fttoejo nothing but motion, and glv
Ha substance,- ,
-Vf flgura gaa a a"rnderr, w
fldar really all atari, and th way
wor'4 make Ks winds, and glv th
reasorjt foy wind atartlng'up to blow
and th substnnc thrreln, and how
wind ire shifted, and why winds 1
eette to blow.v and whr ,inH.
Oftl IUS to blow from um,
of . world more than other, w flgur
swsuTt itqhm to a nnlah, and
wate g pealtlv atorm.
We put ent th cours of g- gjjpj
ad MOOW circle, we put out the
our of aKXIPSEfl of th sun and
ron, w put out a COMET or a ME
TJCIL W sat out positive and neg.
attvi coarse and th result, w
63r' three globe and th result to
om extent' W eatlmat a man'
time on th earth and glr the rt
low water on the earth and the way
it nanaie th lamia, w put out all
th reason for tide water, the way
th world work to put them Into a
tlon-and the RAINBOW, difference.
W reckon a Volcano from tb be
ginning ko an d, and mo,on c,,nf
with the explosion, w pt out the
- w""u mases its COAIJJ, and
Wernurromh ofl n1 htr CO A LB.
DIAMONDS, we put out how a world
We ! ?UL- ind ,U WINDLASS
rlf'Z h! Btance. fW Mln.
in Mineral. W glr th reason for
a moon coming later each ml(
We bar figured a whole world,
take In a little of ZOOLOGY,
tend some toward a human Rsc. v
the whole world I alwr In aw"
and give many other difference.
The E8SAT consist of ' "
aoap aheet In print, and som oC
KKY. Th ESSAY baa J"0'
and of dollar and bard STUDY. 0
not mis It. It takes about two
a half hour to read the KS8AY.
ADMISSION 80c ChlMrta at m
and fifteen, S.
Do not reaume the ESSAY
you have heard It ALL READ.
TU E-SAjY Which la to be READ at on thtt he leave hi body, w fo
Tre.tment at Hot Uke, Inclndln, medical attention, board ao
M b.,, coats no more than yon would pay to lire at any Aral IM
, , ' Roomt "o be bad from 71 cent to $3 60 par day. Ms"
n tbe cafeteria ar served from 30 cent np and In th irW
U"al grill pric... Bath raai M cnU $,
We Do Cfc Rtietimatlsm
Hot Uits Mineral' nat
and mud glrsn undar wiw
tlfio direction bar cures
thousands. Writ tot M
trated booklet dacrtptlre
Hot Lak Sanatorium
th mtbod employed. H
Lak Sanatorium li CT
albl. aa it la locaid dirsw
ly on th main Un
O.-W. R. A N. railway,
special excursion rats
to be had at all time.
WALTER li. PICncc.Prcs.-Mflr.