t I at -, . . MOUN1NQ ENtKItPRlSEX RATUKDAY. KOVKMHKU IK, 1 J i; - i - !! t 4.4 "l 1 i K .. -. i V 1 i 1 ( ft I, nOBfJKfe iHTEBFRISE 1 MTV (L 41 i. M IW MM aAa t w, C aaaay en oat eke Am ef , S. iST.-, ; - Oa) Tear, W aee .. .. Ma Manila, be aS .. tar MMlta. fcv Ml .. a 1M LM I- . at CONTRACT ID VIRTISnCO RATES rtret Paae ear ...Va as PP etkar Jtoa fliiat saura. oar Baas aaila an 1 11 1 1 -.1 M -at aaartt. amk a. Oa ateaVy ! pan. eas 11 a mil una evaTarere eaaaVaaa ew paara, oar Baaa (rat annm. lee iiWi4 aoairw aaty eago, oar haa aaaa himiin Baar mmt a(tr (kaa flrat oaaa. oar koak I Ciiala ISr ar Ma: ta resjalae eer. Waaoa. r aaoa. Ta Baa. Ma, ao MM war tiro Omitlia. ewe-kaJf oaa aaoO eaattaaasuY I Batee tar aSintkaaat hi aba Weak 1 OJalwpi an art ee ( MOM Okiijr. far w Heaiaaaas K aaaaaataaw tar tk vaakQr. ,, taa MimiaiiM h tiaaafan.a fiwaa lot aaUr So ae i V. auaaal losses, tba tnlm wm oa f oa kM far raoaf tfca oaoar. oa4 lot aa . . mA oar aaaaail oawav ' 1"! rtnlt "mi 1 aiar aroar kar j lull at amkaowo la arTtaa of Eataronaa. 1 I , Mat , , . ... I Tkraaa mlnrtfMif aa4 aoaatal araaaaaa ( ' ' "yiitnir r.?i i V v 1 fs'!-' -lra mr oiu BaakraaA asar" oivar. V' r oaaaaata aW ork ftrat ti a: aMh aaartAooa aajoa aana ata oaak Him aa4 v armtao arttaka I 1 aaTaVa1ahaaaZwC laj'i ail laaaa a'" I V ". CITT OrTICIAL HIWfAoai. m MOKNINQ CNTERPRIlC U m aal ai U IbUovtac atoroa HnatWr llaia StroaC I. vr. MeAMUty Clean :" Sath aajl Maim. 4 ". ' Mais Mar filxtfe. 1L E. Dama--CoiioetJoa-jry i Kxt oor 4s P. O. 1 Oty Ormf Sfora Boctrle H0UL BeouaapOTB CXiafoetloaorf 8Bt aa4 Q. Aaaaa, . Nov. 18 In American History. 1777 Fort Lo. K. J, oppoaU Kw ' Tor Hfy. eaptmrad by tfc BrtOah. ISBft-Oastcr ' AJaa Arthur, tweoty- I '' Irkt pfwddcat ef tba Caltctf BtatM. (' 04 : bora laa .. V ; "1808 RV-ar4 Wataoa CnArr. antbor '" .'V - a otfttor of tba Centary Mac ' "'atiai. AM la Na-a- Tortt city: bora ' xa 'ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS (Fran aeao today ta oooa tomorrow 1 Boo oars J rlaaa -aJ- mm. i4aa -KiW a. n.: niot at oVarrndlaa: aooa. oaii'a path 4owaward. V'.' VICIOUS TASTES. "Waea a'aociety won an makaa each a pat of A monVry as to proride for It a eupertlr fnraUbd rooa. an ivory . ' bed for It to eteep apoa. -nv T Jlahea for It U oat from an! or mor aerana to 1 ' . a,-w, ' " I 1 upon it. It 1 Indicates not atmpiy a weaa mina. nod a fooliah bobby, but Is one of thoa straws which show tba trend ' of life among people who are poeseaa ed of far mora money than sense, and who nave no Idea of their obligations tothworKL Such people by their manner of life j ar Imitating th practice of the Idle rich daring the degenerate days of u - .nH .t.lrh nrarticra' . . were largely reaponalble tor bar e- cadence. It la not to be aappoaed tbat tbe Idle rich to thia country will exert ao great aa influence, but undoubtedly 'the J get many Imitators and, what la T 7TARRIA0E, THAT HOLIEST OF INSTITUTIONS, IS GETTING m IN THESE DAYS TO BE MERELY AN EXPERIMENT IN J Jy H THIS COUNTRY. Tbe modern woman in order to l up to data abandons much of tbat which is to be mont prized in her own aotil and which, if she but knew it, i certain to be most admired by others, ercn by the deeper snd better part of the moat worldly., MOTHERHOOD we once knew it and as it should be knnwn it now s rarity, sod so the children suffer. WIFEHOOD aa we once knew it snd at it should be known aecins almost noTongpr to exist. The HOME in every detail suffera, and the home j tbe FOUNDA TION QF SOCIETY. ' . There- is no home, too often, in thia country for the children or tbe husband or, sa far aa that goea, for, the wife. '. And NAT URALLY the husband ia degenerating. It ia leaa hia fault, for the PRESERVATION OF HOME LIFE, tha transformation of the bora facta a plae In which b WILL BE GLAD TO BTAV, , is r rm-n'a tit ' ' '- - " .,-, -.'" r - vwUm t aaore NMrt, they a nit imuI of wnr aatarej dta eoateat. If a eorkU rvolaloa ee Aim c rr hi tata eoantry the reeooaatblnty for It will It asalaly with th claee that niakoe aw of aaoakeys and dogs laaa of chOdree, which, taraa Bight fato day. which mlaaeee wealth, and ku ao sera plea la smashing lo niece m dmmfM MM. CRAFT IN CHARITY. Tha o'.rarr of craft oc tba ru'r, of charity In CliW-oo haa 14 to taa oIlminaiKai or v tho rlty'a charity UL TbrM propl had bean rl1o umL fk,ur aa4 othor oocoaIUa from tha varkMia braacha avalntalnW by tha city charity aapartaiont. Oa tha roll oar fouad a pollcamaa. aa xfrll aahlavife.amptoyad aa a poJkca mat roa. Thry had rorold modlcaJ aar- tc frra- Of tha total of &.44 aa- daaTTtnt faalllaa found thara war 4 .(AM a bo aaJo;od a good lacotna. Thara war 7 la which chlMraa vera boMIbc rood poaltloaa and IS had baak aocowata. aoaaa wHh do poaiU hich aa $7.00, la aocna ta ataac tha had of th family ra- ralvad pay of aa muck aa $la par it, yat ha rclad tba acrJ- Uea of Ufa frM tha city a poor d- partBMnl. Mora ahocklac yat 147 of thaaa bafirUrtaa of tha city a boun ty war found to ba tha owaara of pro party. Graft of thia kind la of th moat doo- plcahl typ. And It la rrrrUtkona of thU character that hampar tha charltablf In thalr worh among tha raaJly daaanrta poor, for puraa (ring wbaa faara ar rouacd by auch eipoauraa. ' A writer ta tha Spactator polnu out taat boaae aarraaU kav on Croat adraaus oarr otbor wag oaraora. -They rJyiiw their employ ara.- rcotball haa killed only Ura or (our lata year, and tha taa.oa U al moat ended; 'which eaoaea tba la aa worth Ttmee to remark. -Another crop abortace." Aa Atchlaoa -woman, rwporta th Weekly Glob, who Mee in fear of gaa eaploaioaa. refuaee.t Usht tha caa fumaca la her horn with Any thing alee except aaiety matchea. Thia from the Toledo Bind: -Mlaa Lt,a LaFolletta waa aaletly married. She laal aa noiey aa bar papa." And aha la an actreea. too. If J. P. Morgan la roally anxtooa to know how to anac ramble ecga be might drop a fine to Doc Cook. CARD CLUB ORGANIZED. A card club waa organlted at the borne of Dr. and Mra. . u. ice un Eleventh and Cnt r atreeta Tbora day evening. A name will be decided upon at the neit meeting, which will h at tha horni of Mr. and Mra. Vatrb- J - i . Vnv.mhl 9H er. iuctuj r ' cuius. - It la planned to nave tne roeerinRa on Thursday evening, twice a month. hundred waa played at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ice. the first priie being on by Jesaa b. uarreiaon. n the conaolation prize by Miss Gene vieve Kellv. Refreslunenta were serv ed. Those attending were Mr. and if.. 1'. rK.r u. anil Mra J.aj. R. Garrrtaon. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Reddlck, Tretz. Miss Genevieve Kelly, Mr. HraQ,;y Charter Board Without Quorum. Oalnz to the absence of a quorum ,h. ri.rtr Ifvard did not bold a . .. .v.nn, Messrs , Hardlna Anitrewn nd Toz were tb only memtwra present. President Hardinc probably will call a meeting next week. Marriage Is Merely an Experiment. Husbands Worse, but WomenAre to Blaine By EVA BOOTH, Com mander of Salvation Army In U. S. 1 ii New Wrltfht GUdcr Acropline Needs No Power but Wind m2J. Pteto ky A arnica a Prroa Asoaclatteav FLTINtl ta aa aeroplane wltkoat a motor haa booM aoowa to b poastb a. Orvllle Wright has broke the worlds gltdlac racord ta hks trtala at Kill Iterll bill of the roreotly Impravod Wright gllOOT. Wbotbar a au it will be practicable to aoe thia typ of aeropUm aa a aolaohwia aerial oroat-tbe roar of tbe ewglne of tbe ordinary aeroDtan otracta graatiy from Its efflrprary la actual warfare th North Carolina expert mo ta aa already shown that aa at la tor m thU new asarblne may aoar tor a distance at luo feet and reiaala la lb sir wltkoat motive power otbor thaa that ftiralabed by tbe wld far aeveral mlaatoa. One glldea la a Mplaa mack aa one aalla la a yacht Mr Wrtgbt takea hla piar la tbe gilder oa aa of th sandy bills of tbe Kitty tlawb regioa. the machine la launched tar apace by aa a sJstaat ta the teeth of a stiff hrsMa. and tha aviator wtoer ta accordant wuh th wuvd praaaare agalaat hks caavaa wlaga. mucins OF ROSE SMTE 7 Wm Court No. 2. KalghU of-the R cava a dance and aocial Thuraday evening la Willamette Hail The speaker were: 8aprem Commander. Jodxe Wt ch bum and Secretary Kalta, of Hortland. TV Oregon City Coart No. t Baa the dtatlactloa of being th flrat court of the order to Install women aa members. Seven women were Initiat ed at th meeting Tharaday evening. earttptleart , Talks.- By rxrtroi a. tore. ' SCILET Last moot b, ,wba Rear Admiral vTtaSeld fVoU Kchley rroaned ever to tha other aide, hla coanirymen. In spired by oaatlmenta of grief and gratitude, gave him tbe full meaanre of honor that waa denied him llvlnz. Tbe laureta that eboukl have ro we ed bU brow were bang apoo hla tomb There la avu. parallel cu la all ear hlatory. Note lhh: When ewey atmk the apaeUh Cert In tbe harbor ef Manila he waa re ceived upoa hla return aa If be were a Roman eooqoemr. He waa loodi-d with gifts and honor. He was placed upon a prorata I aa aa exalted patriot. But fVbley- Scarreiy bad tbe echo of tbe Brook lyn's runs died along tbe shore of southern Cuba, where waa atrewn tbe sbsttered remnants of Cervera'a fleet, than the voire of detraction and alan ter was raised to rbeat the gallant Srhley of tba credit for hla famoua victory. And why? Tbe mallrn Influence that sought to give Commander Pampaon more than was bis due tried to acvompllah their purpoee by alandering fti hlrv an In famoua attempt. la this ratial of defamer were aooie of tbe nervlle. If not hired, agents of tbe public rreaa Bat How splendidly In tbnt time of un Jost attack did tbe cn-at Amrrlrao Bailor deport hlmaelf: Helf retmlnnl as In tbe atreaa of battle, the benitr Sibley mrt tbe rbarre with a mnnly dignity tbat would not ait to mnn ness and tbnt mnird Ha own aoawer. One of tbe grrateal ara flrhtcr- thr world has aen and one of tbe nolileat characters patiently bided the true verdict of "history. And the American navy Tbe navy waa always proud of Schley! And In Its great display of grief at tbe formal obsequies It sought to mske op to him what civilians had denied nail and farewell! He will forever stand a heroic figure In our naral hlatory a hlatory wboae Illustrious annals bold tbe record of many a brave and noble fighter of the ses. DO YOUR DUTY TODAY. Happy the man. and happy ba alone. He who can caO today his own ; He who, secure within, caa tar, Tomorrow, do thy worst, (or 1 have hved today. . Dry dm. Enemies ef tha Oyster. Tbonsanda of oysters perish la th sea by tba attacks of a atrang enmy called cllona. a kind of sponge. air It burrow e into aad gradually destroy a th snails, causing them to fall to piece. Airy "Raiment,"" . Sine Uttl Paul wrote hla compoal fjoo od snow bis mother bopes be may baa poef. ""'' ' '" I don't really know what anow la, he begao. "bat 1 think It may ba air wUh clothe on." ,. s. ' An Optlaal DslHslan. ' " ' Unsteady Scot tto atrsBger who la helping him alougirni , ' terrible bleeged to : mon. for takklng ma alrrrn. and wad f taH Jmit asktnf yer Iwia brothee to tak' the itber? Phlladelpbla rr. , ' 1 ' v.. ;-a. BARCLAY BALL TEAM BEATS IllOUU la a brief bat exciting base ball gam Friday afternoon oa Cane ma h Park field, the Barclay school team won from th McLoughlla Institute, by a score of t, to 3. Th game waa called at tba ad of the third lubiug oa account of darkaeaa. hTcLoughlln piled p thro ran la the Bret taalng. and In the second Inning Barclay tied tha score, and with three men oa bases K obeli nk whipped oat a three bagger that won l he gam for hla team. Moody umpired tha gam, Story aad Story war .tha battery tor McLoughUa, aad Myers, KobeUnk'and Vatcher for Barclay. STYLES IN FURS. - -a, ,... e aaaaaaaa a Tailored Suite of For the Latest Nov elty In Peltland. Tbe fur novelty of Ike aeaaoa I a tailored i-wtuLiw' a:auV ut brtaidtaU rut exatly tike suits of rlwtb or slrk. It la aa rxrua!ve vogue thai will not be taken up riret by tbe very wealthy woman a bo affrt-ta faddish f lot bra. It will be lntrrelln- aewa to pro apet tlve parrbaarra uf furs to team tbat muffa will rontlnue la be large, with a aort padding giving a little thh koeaa. Stu f tbe eSertit o twvugb lr i-otly furs ar made Into tbeae Hat. roundlah muffs, with a dW. heavy frinte of tbe same rolur acruaa the bottom. The big. fal bohaler muff haa la-ro replaced by another atyle. a Irlangitliir creation, which la btrga. roomy and rather smart with Ita deep point hang ing low when rarrled. Nerkile-es are either very wide la scarf abape or tbey ar tiny cravats doublb aarasTan coat. aboutourjr fly Inchea wide, fitting snngly around the neck. The abort coat tbat Is finished with a ahawl collar la a favorite of th sea son. It I adapted to both th useful and dressy suit In th Illustration on of tha new rough suitings Is fin ished wltb collar of silk and fancy braid. 4UDIC CHOM.ET. This Msr Manton pattern la cut In s'saa from M to 44 (nrhae bust meaaure. ent 14 rents to this offlre. alvlns nnmlwr, Jtet. snd It will be promptly forwaritrd tn ynt by mall. 'If In haate und an aitillt'onil two rent stamp for Irtiar pna'SHi-, wiiCH Inaiirea more A'iry, ' Hl '' Gilding th PHI. ' Diner I suppose you are accustomed to. getting very large tips. .Walter Tea: the patrons here ar very gener ous. Diner Then yoa ran easily over look tbe trifling one I am compelled ta give yoa. Philadelphia Telegraph. Instinctive Action la Oeatlf. Tb cannon ball ' which plan red through th bead' and tore ouM th brain' of Charles XII, did Sot prevent bin from seising Ms' a word hlti.tThe Idea of attack and the necessity fbr defense Were Impressed upon hat mln' by a blow which we would natural! adppoaa'io 'htv beed to tremendous and Instantanonna to leave th least Interval for thought. .' ' wu aa - J as aoa oaoa a aaa, a, -toaaw halt a oawt stall! ill oaoar WANTEaV s WANTED Tom lata and lva poovle to my eolWttoai f st ro-aaUa olaa, India tnahet. ,:d aum aad cwrtoa of v'. aorta Wlll bu) or sell la thlt'iiua Ha sod bargaiaa la aer.as-kaiH fvraUur ana tools, .neurg uns. Mailt uH nrtn. WASTKtV-nreeamaVln ta day. flrst-claaa work guaranteed. Mra. W. C. saom, Kooaevolt Uee, Or ami City. . , ; ' ' 1 WANTKte fV' HU houaa.ee ping, 1 or t room, aa aoar center of towa aa poaathie. Addraaa R. a ft. C (erptiio. -i ;- WANTCO buys aad gtrla. Here la yoar chanoa youugter to make yoar Chrtaimaa . taoaay. aay. Th Morning' Kntr oiio win par jo a bit com mlasasa roc brtntgns ta trial subeatyUoa. " If ywa want to knew avora khoit U'tall or wrlta to tha CtrculaxloS M sa gger of lb Moral kg Baler prts, Oroaua OU, aad War all about a bat yoa will have to da Th asor rati tara la th ator yoa will mak aad yoa Caa svk a 4 tt'yuw husOa. . - rem ait rOR SAJUC A. fwad .lor. aUcats oen aad haaca ravta Oorag a gross buslaea U froan to US0 per month fur ante at I'M caalk Seat - Including tw Mvfag reams. I IT. Ix rated aa carMao lu iBieklp settled reside ace alairte, a, moaay -maker for maa aad if, ar for two lad lea, - run her psrUcular addree 1117 K. Aider. Port a ad, a caO after p. m. FOR 8ALJ& OoaU woay. good coadt tkaa. baggy aad barooaa, iii- Pboas txregoa Oty. Mala int ooai POOKO. FUl'ND Bach rootalnlag men 'a . cloth lag. i laqatra Broaa A Klooa tra's aaeat morke', and pay fox ad vertisement. - ' " FARM LOAMS. r AKM WiJttLimTtkm Lawyera, OraTa City, Or. tNaalaa, ATTTnrm. o. a m, M a fteraajhed. laae tMhM etatea aanlad, saaa- oral law Oear Baak as Crty. ITRXM A CmTCHCX; Aturaoyaat lie, Psatsaajsr advokat. wtM era Uraj ta an arva asak oaliaotioas 0aa Otv. Oroaoa UILOCR AND COTaCT0ft. HARRT JOlfBS Bonder aad ilenarai ) Oaatraotor. Eatlmat chooifallj ' give oa all elaeees of keJUtea work, aoaerwt. warka as a rataforead . Re. PVta Mala ll "' umml-mt-TTi ia kaaaa aoaw a'Jia aLwiaa kfca miii -la' cue laiik ntr Sar anara. (art arrara ftae oanaaaad aaaa WOS ka orwttaal tar asWsav aaaal aas eoaewa lea Wonderful between tbe light Afforded by an ordinary car boa incandescent and tbe brilliancy of the new MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates two and one-half times as much light with the same amount of electric current. A 40-Watt MAZDA Affords Twice the Light of the 50-watt carbon lamp now in general use andcostsone-fifthless Joburn.Wc recommend its use to our customers, as it more than cuts their light bills in two, making electric lignt so inexpensive that no home, however humble, and no store, however small, can afford to be with out it. -Ask us to show you tile iciew MAZDA lamps and clusters. w tit ,. I f PORTLAtSlfcl.rtiLtyAY, LIGHT & i07ER,,CO. MAIN orriCC 7th ond Alder Streets V7HY A STATE DAMK7 A State Sank taeha aothing af tha security sir reed ky eevemmeM aua arvislen. It I andar tk dlreet ae I'ei af IK State Sanhlng Department, and sahjeet t rigid arladiaal aaanv Ustlens af Ua aapsrt awditara, tone e that all th law aafaswarding da altr a' malld arlth, Th safety your Interests I aa, eared at The Bank of Ofegon City OLDEST BANK IW TITK COOHTT ' pan am aim a m I ml II " " as i siqj D 1. LA TV I'ajrTTS Pi lallaot , P. J. MBYggL Can. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of oregon arry ,sqregon CAPITAL. aaaVaOaVaa. aaaraar waa INSUWANCI. B. H COO PVL Far Fir moaraaae aad Eaal Bssaia L4 aa baadW yowr ptoaortlea ! bay, aU aad Maaaa. txnea aa aatawa Cty. Oaajaaav CLIANINQ ANOPaiSaiNO. CM1CA0O TAI1RS ul wade to order from 110 aad up. Wa also do Cleaning, preaaing aad repairing . Three doors south of poetoflr. ; gggifc-Tiv.'.-'isM,. ' ""m '" a.w,'t a MUSICIANS. J. AIJ1A SARER. teacser of wind and - string lastrumenta. dlrwctor of band and orrheatra. Wl.l faraUh mualo for aay occaaloa. CH at Klectrli ilel ii if , mmi'in Dafytna le Oistienary. George r.'l.t and llrsre Valole tn troduced the atrssge w-rd -greenlb-la place of "greenery" lot their writ lor p hake, pro re wrote 'hist" and "dreat" and la aakl to have signed hla as we la sliieea diffrrent waya. and Cartrle was fond ef surh terms aa Meoaiblrat' and "iHtlab'eal.- Even Quern Victoria often spelled separate "ana-rale fMckena lalroduced the most erceatrtc pua tostUm whea writ ing -iVkwk-k." Jsne Auslea wis very rtlsl ta tbe re of the word "eirea slveljr" when she obviously meant "t reediQxty." sad the critics bare arm. ed Mlao Marie frrl!l of using "per Splenic Jl" lu-trad of "pereplcertty BEING HAPPY A DUTY. b is our du lo b k-appy aad there is ao duty we ao Batch uader rat as this duty of beaag happy. By beinf happy we sow aaony mom baaarnts upoa th world which retnaia unknown area to ourtrlves or when thry ara dnclosed surprise nobody so much a the beaWarhaf. A happy" aiaa of woman at k rata-' ating locus of good wifl. aad hat or her entrance into a ruum is as though another candle had been kghted. Robert Lmms Strvensoa. 0etKea Apology. C"ethe once sioiosiied to a friend for riling a long letter bees use he hai no llibe lo orttr a abort on. There Is a Difference Oa) from f A. at. ta t a. a bearaMn, 1031X1 OrTllE PEC?U oriqon. citv is scoma To the Kdllori 7 I notice a your Issue of Novaa. It aa announcement to the start Ika a mooting of the Ra'l Hide lllghea, Aaaorlatlon waa lo ba bald la u, I'ommerrlal Club parlors, eta, etc I have ao doubt la my oa aia4 but thai I ha 1'acinc Highway U1 ati graud thing for a favored f don't to think thai befora Or'tent City tecomea ao enthusiastic over the Pacific Highway that It wuaJd w I good thing to attend lo some af lu ow roads first. No one aho has us the South Road leading ta Mo lalla and Highland ran fall to botim lb dlsgracofal stala of tha rued W rioting to thia ell), and mora esses Tally aa Th mohiettr y)u fca (k, city limits yoo. strike Ike el Un County Road. How la It. Mr Editor. I bat Onus City Shows auch a wonder! lack at appreelatloa of the farmer,' traan Wo have asked repeated! for oifra hltrhlag space for our teams, hot Ore gon City lakeav-au hMKl and that tl low lb mala traveled road to b h surh a disgraceful slala of rtpalr at lo bo a terror to an aho have t m It. I have oftea seen la the Moratat Knterprtao auch rommaada aa ap port yoar bom to a," "PatroalMoer advertlsera. but any should tl fara era patronise Oregoa Clly store Vai I be buslneaa men do not car whetW Ihe road leading Into towa la ptsstob or thst there Is any place for hla M hitch hla learn when he gets thara spend a good deal of money la Cast and Portland, all of which ruhlftltj belonga to Oregon City, aad east b mora I Indue my neighbors ta at likewise and shall continue lo as m until Oregon City takee a tuatbls a Ibe undenlat fact tbat II la tar better to take good car of th kin Ihst la la their hand, thaa ta ha reach Ing out after two thai ar la tat bu"- . i i-' Very respectfully. A CLACKAMAS COCNTT FARMBl Busch Hall Imprevtmeat ' Frank Buach la having a BrepUrs Installed la hla halL A msatsl H be one of tha attractive features. Mr. and Mr. Ituarh have gone to much e ponse lo mak tha ball attract! Many dances will be held I bars Ua winter. IX) YOU KNOW that the Knterprlei year-end Bargain Period la ao sat Pre ad on. back page foe partchy ...t 7