Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 17, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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lwc Uabec tad -SwrUac"
Cwarvy war taatcfeed . several
; year ta tight at Pavto R-K.
' CM. Jut before they toddled
! tot th ring aa uMm brlJ
' ' grabbed ta receipt al ta r
I Mat eefree f ta f th
; t)t U wVh Ik boot w t be
! ald TW vu quite delay.
which gv Mabera tnaaaavc. Al
! Weed, a enaao t tak th
; ; trailer Itar New Tor. Maber t
ra Impaitvat aa4 ataried
I ; tooting far Woods. Je Uaat- I
parte waa the BrM ma a a et- T
wkm ta wojr rvter d- X
I A itrttl aa t walatto
' pierced tb alf
Thee ha gas." replied J.
; -ad sitting to Pallmaa. --S
fight." ynl Patar aad
; strode away.
. . .Hamphrto bopped to to th
ring a ad started:
- "Caattco. h a n; palnfal
I dtaty to tiaaoM there will ba
' a tgbt thai araeJa"-
V. Taara aa far aa ba go. Th
waa aodJea etching af matei ;
'. ', . a ad tb teat bom forth, to I
; ; aaat- Maber a ad Ooaray war ;
Jlwcay ta gee t mt
A New Detective
Oayrkrt by Atc Pre Aj
iaiM. ItlV
a. j
IUmm Taw Mm Haw CM He.
"Keep vaoi bead. M M th
Waiting Op that Earl Bpracktiag.
Brwa arnaaUoaaa qartrbrk, give
ra aspiring foot ball pUyara. Kpracfc.
Bsc raceatty headed oat few bits t
adric which wUI a oabt prwv t
la t schoolboy. Ba cited rrai
11 i a wr player bad for
' cactN U staspam lbia atwot
fot bail la th oxcitaoBeot of icaaaa
braa at tb tact that they got rat
tied. Cootneaa. b aaid. waa e t
tb anaJa rw)MlM "or Myr ma
RnrarkBa MM mime atroaa oa th
aaad aC good tic era thta yr. Taetv
ar ataay Uada T kirha ta football
aad at aaaay way Mk tana.'
any th tamooa gridlro atar. Th
aaoot coaarana M tb loaf, hlch paat.
McKay. Bmn'i caput a Mat yar.
waa th beat aaaa I r aaw at tkla
atylo. Ba bald th ball at am'a
7 o
rb or
Praaa 4 aaortaOoa.
tABXraraaovum. aaowa'a aaTioit.
- tracts and a a Mfti with tils head,
tb ball polDtlns la at aa amcl of
thirty detreca. Ba broortt bis leg op
traixbt'to tb kne uotil bis foot
torad toward st th aam angl as
th baU. B caught th ball too tb
aid, rtrlnc H tb aplral twist. Bla
kirk rootlaoed tbroagh aotll bla foot
was orar bla head.
"la th cast tb krag. low paot la
rtlnins favor. Th ban travels aboot
ten yards hlrb aad is hard to baodlc
The drop kick and place kV-k will
b more 1m porta ot this yaar. for lben
to a lark of arorlac play withlo (be
twenty yard Una. A team mnc hare
a ma who caa make Held goals. The
I liar kirk glees store dbtfanr. but la
leas arm rate fbao the drop kk-k. be
caoe the Deo handle tb ball In (be
former." .
HartSrick Vaeastil Athlete.
Baroid Bardwlrfc. the AfrarraHaa
rhsmpioa swimmer, has innraed b-m
from Eoglasd with laarela cnoogti (
aatlafy bla ambltloa fur eom time.
B woa tb ton. 22n and 440 yard
British cbamptoeshlpa. the eaipire' too
yard swimming sad hcarywelgtit his
tng chamnlonsblp sad aererm rai on
th roodoeot bealdea Mwlmming I. ad
boxing ar aa aaosoal tpaibloaao 1m
a cbamploa. .
I.' a detectjT. bar rvntly
worked ap aa entirety aew atethod
f proredar la erlmlaal caaea. th
eaa of amalU True, dog bar track
ed peraooa by tola eoa. hot they
bar bot o far as I kaow. dlaUogaiah
ad betwee ladlrlduata.
My atteatloa had ba draw to th
aiatter by reading tb following:
"Every human bring has a aperlOc
odor of bis owa. by whlra a ca be
yacognlsed by peraoaa of aeoalUv
amalL The caa to naeotlooed f a
man who. blind folded, could pick oat
each Individual la a compear of twen
ty by k la odor. Tb smell la not bora
with aa. bat develops gradually till
aboot tb ar of fourteen, after which
It remains unchanged. Member of a
family bar a kind of commoa dw.
which txtsts eo whe they bar
ttvd apart for a toog time."
I cat oat what I bad read and pat It
la my pocket book, where tt remained
for aom time. Bring a detective It oc
curred to m that her waa a aew
field of erlmlaal demooatrattoa that
had never even bee opened. I rea
soned wtth physlologtat aboot reduc
ing th hie to prarr. bat gained
BOinina; oi leot vaiue inw mnj
them, rinally accident pat m la a
way ta make th first step.
I waa called ta oa tb following
k: la Edward NoUa. a maa
wtth a wire and two children, went to
th civil war. After on of tho-e bat
tle to wbVh Urge aarnbrr of anl
destined bodle were hoveled tot
tranche r baried aader bradstonea
marked Takaowa' th soldier. Ed
ward Kolaa. diaaiHeared. Bts aam
waa reooned a moo 2 tb killed, aad ao
aoabC was eatertalned that be was
dead. Star a on waa found who
cwsid vewrh for bis death his wKlow
decltoed t marry agala tor aom
years after bis ar. posed death.
NoUa'a father daring th war aaad
a great deal of aaowey la army roa
tracta. Be died wit boot will aad
wttbswt home, aad tb fortaa by tb
Uw of toberitaar deer ended to his
twa chndrea, both boy and both ml
. Ten rears after tb battle la
whk-h Notaa waa anderotood to have'
beea killed hat wMow married agala.
Clec hasbaad. Thorns Chad wick, took
th ma aa moral of th estate betong-
tag t tb Nolan boy aad did what
ba liked wtth to. The Mrs. Chad -wlrk
died. . i
On day a ma a appeared who rtalm- j
ad to b tb departed NoUa. If be
era what berlaliued to b th prop
erty his father had left ttetoared to
'On of hi boys had died: Tb
other was la deOrate health aod left
th management of the property la bis
stepfather's hands, where tt had Been
Blare the death of NoUa senior.
Chadwirk was thrown tot aa aorom-
fortabl state of mind, for If Notaa
eooJd estabttah his ctala to th prop
erty Chad wick mast not only glv ap
Its msnagemeat. bat reader an ar-
coantlag. Nnc be was ansbt to nc-
eoant satlafactorlly. be aoald be in
Noiaa pot his rasa that to. rolled
lag proof of bla Identity-la my hand.
He refoed to state why be had n
shown ap hefre. bat 1 Inferred that
another woman than his wife was the
esose. The only point of taw Involv.
ed waa bis Identity with the son of
the Nolan who died leaving s fortune.
As la naost tn aa caars. those wio
knew anything aboot tb real yoan?"
Nolan stood on opposite sides of the
qaeetloa Nolaa'e letter, written
when hevtii voanr man. were pro
duced and compared with hi band
writing at the time of bis reappear
ore. Ho.n expert pronounced them
to have Nn written by tb aam per
son. wMle other said they hsd not
Picture taken when be was a bov
were compared wtth bla fare, bat
there was Uttl resemblance, tbongb
tt vii admitted that they might have
been Nolan's llkeneaa.
. I failed to flod any proof that tbe
msn waa Nolan Tad he arroanted
for hlniKelf from the day of the battle
tb dlfflrulty mlKbt bav been over
come. Aa tt win. 1 esw no way to
stnbllsa bis claim.
On day a man came to me and
"I understand man baa turned hp
claiming t be Ned Nolan, woo went
to tb war and waa kilted at tbe bat
tie of Getrvshnrc. I knew Nolan well.
and I ran tell If thl man is be with
oat looking at him. Nolan hsd a
mnrky smell to him. I on-e took tip
bis hat and noticed tbe odor In tbe
lining. It was quit stronc Any one
could smell It"
I selected a doen men and lined
them op. placing Nolsa tbo ninth from
on end. th third from tbe otbr
The I blindfolded Mathews, tbe man
wbo said be could Identify blm. and
Introduced blm Into tbe tine. Ha put
his fare op against tbe bodies of eight
men successively without a pause, but
as soon as be came to tb ninth, the
rlahnant. ha aald. "Glv me vour bat
Tb maa took off bla hat and plac-d
It In MatbeWs hands. Be smelled jr
rvl aald:
"Hello. Ned! Where yon been an
this timer
Th odor In th bat lining, wber
perspiration bad lodged, was vary evi
dent to roe and others.
This ess may be plainer tbaa oth
ers, but I brieve that every person
ass bts smelt tnd tb day wilt com
when rrtmlnsla will be detected by tt.
NoUa cam by bta wa. or, at toast,
ail that was toft.
Roller akatina.
Roller skating In excess Is declared
by competent physicians ta hinder th
normal development of th feet In chil
dren. Tbe natural us of lb feet d
'elops (beta In s II directions, roller
skating In only a few.
What Wsrrled Her.
Dangbtr--Oh, mamma. I do wish I
wee pretty 1 Mother-Too needn't
dear, benslbi men lb ink very Uttl
boat beauty. Dsugbter-But It ln't
sensible men I'm thinking s bout, mam
ua; irs Charlie!
- 1 "
After .ten months of continotis ptibsation. Morning Enterprise the
BIG LITTLE aaclcamas Coanty DJly h read in more than a thotis
. and Oaclramas Coanty homes every day
. .
Help To
Make It
This is 2000 short of the mark set by the Publisher for
the first year, so in .order 'to interest thatr many new Sub
scribers in Morning Entorprise, November and December
will be a bargain pei iod for subscribers. v v
During Bargain Period, which ends December 31 1911,
Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL
FOR $2.00. v DELIVERED BY CABeRIER in Oregon City,
Gladstone, Parkplace, Willamotte. etc.,- Bargain Period
Price for an entire year will be"only $3.00
This Is
The Way
Ve Will
Me It
Two From
You Will
Help To
Make It
YOU CAN HELP. Tell two of your neighbors about
this offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re
newal for next year at the same reduced rate. Are you onP
Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish
Hhiveiya opera bona Novmbr JO-
The Greenland Whala.
Tb heart of a Greenland wbal Is
muari of aaormoua size.. It to often
three feet In diameter.
Why destroy preaenl happtneaj
by distant imserjr wfucb may nerer
com at all or you may never liv to
tee it? Errry subwantial nA ha
twenty shsdows and most of them
shadow of your owa making.
Sydney Smith.
Miss Nora Hanlfin waa tendered a
linen abower at her bom Thursday
evening by several friends. Many
pretty and useful articles wera re
ceived by th bride-elect. Tb affair
waa a surprise, and was well carried
out. Boon after their arrival at tba
bom of th Hanlfin th young wo
men took posseaalo and games wer
?layed. A delicious luncheon was
frd by ti hostess' mother, Mrs.
l!erlert H. Irlu sad vocal and inatru
n a'al mm e waa rendered. Mia)
JU.IJ.s Is o;.Orgon Oty's wall
knov n ynune women, having lived
bar riat of hr Kf. Her ngag
ment to Mr. Ciarlrs Springer, book
keeper f-w Until, t A Company, of Porb
Und, wi'- fcUy announced, the
marrlag to take pUc at St. John's
Catholic cl.iirrh l.i hl city Tuesday
morning, KovoruVr 1' Mr. Spring
er Is weM known '.a tbto city, and waa
formerly manager of tba Western
Union TleTl'h Company here. Tba
following wr peec ati
Misses O BsrcUr- Prstt. Irene
Moore, Vlda ,0liltri, Alma Bol
Uck. Msym Mr;slk.TioHy ( Pratt,
Clara Miller, Ball ft till van, Helen
Mroaik, Wynne Hant rani (1. Por
ter, Roa Miller, AUra Ki;ittotC May ma
fileason, Martha, LrUman,, Augnata
Myers, Fmma Qultin, Mvgart Hani
rii, l athsrina Btrmott; 'ttl Kma,
Kn ti (tbran. Miss Ot'tvfe Bpr'UKr
fid ete'la Madden, of f'nUnd, mid
Vr and Mrs. Harbort liaiUdp. '
If ru not feeding Moiaing
r;'errrre, why not 1 ;Yghred pr-ff-'i
period Is now oil. I . ad iM
Hotel Arrivals.
Th following ar registered at th
Electric Hotel;
John Hayes, Portland; Preaa How
ell, Springwater; W. II. Bteiulur,
Molalla; John Clark, W. W. Williams,
Portland; W. L Cobb. Wslse. Idaho;
Prank Vorhela, Rainier; John Whit,
J. C. Vaughan, Molalla; E. Douthlt.
Silas Wright, Uberal; Nat Scrlbnor,
A. Klemaen, city; J. B. Cummlna. R.
de Nelu, Stafford; E. ML Boln. Ken-
ton Post, 8. H. Chss portisna.
Unclslmad LstUr.
Ust of unclaimed letters at tb Ore
gon City postofflce for tba week end
ing Nov. 17. 1911,
Woman list: Boyd. Edith; Morrill.
Mrs. Hattta (J); Moldenbauer. Mrs.
Nora; Olsen. Mrs. Nelll W, Wallapa,
Mrs. Frsnk; Wlillsms, Itura. '
Men's list: Alger, Alvln; Lolell,
Merrlte; f-ynch, Patrick T.; Malnor,
W. O.; McCIarety, J.
hlp Two Car of Potstoaa.
Larsen A Compsny,. of this city,
hipped this week two carloads of
potstoes, ona of which went to Port
land, while th other wnt to Cali
fornia markets. This compsny has an
order for six earlosds of potato
some of which are to b of tb Bur
bank variety, jrbll tbe others will
be of Early Rose and American Won
der. Then potatoes ar In excellent
condition and hav been sorted by th
grower, and will demand th highest
of market prices. At present th po
tato market Is qnlet, but no doubt
within a few weeks will liven up. Iaat
year this firm shipped many car load
of potato to California aa wall as
to Portland.
Rend Morning Bn'erprira.
ftssy an 4 tenry Two Night e, No
vember TO and 21 at p. m
. Th E8SAT wblcb is to b READ at on that h leave Ids body. W
tl, takes tn a whol world's descrip
tion ss to a world's main differences,
wa cannot give all the differences In
a world for the want of time so the
E88AT can ba read In ona evening, but
will glva tba principal difference.
Dlffrnees ar a SUN, MOON, STARS
and EARTH, aa main differences, th
rent are all at odds and anything tbat
looks different Is clamed a d I (Ter
ences, Wa show the way tbat a world com
menced to form In the beginning if
any th way It divided and want to
difference holding substsnces unto
Its finish, or the end of a world's pro
ceedings. Wa put out the way that
beat and gas'itsrted In a world, the
result of heat and gas, the course
It takes, the way the world mskes
Its water, the way tba waters ar
divided, the count they take. Th
way rgltatlon Marts to grow, th dlf
fsrencea. claned to som extent, the
way all sends ar gar mad by a world,
tb way they dlvld growing two ways
whll cirri motion hold control. Wa
flgiir a BUN for motion, and glvsth
difference for It, wa figure that a
moon Is nothing but motion, and glv
Its subsunces.
W figure gas as a render', w
figure really all stsrs, and tb way
a world make It winds, and glva th
reason for winds starting up to blow
and tba lubntance therein, and how
wind ar hlfted, and wby wind
ceaa to blow, and why wind will
continue to blow from som quarter
of a world mora than others, w flgur
negative STORM to a finish, and es
timate a positive storm.
' W pnt out th conra of a SUN
and . MOON circle, we put out tbe
course of ECLIPSES of th tun and
moon, w put out a COMET or a ME
TEOR. Wa put out poult I va and neg
ativ courses and tb raaults. Wa
flgur three globe and th rult to
om extent W sstlmate a man's
tiro on th arth and glv th reaa
low water OA. tha aarth mnA ty-
It bandies th lamta, wa put out all
tb reasons for tide waters, th way
tha world works to put them Into a
tlon and the RAINBOW, differences.
We reckon a Volcano from tba be
ginning to an end, and motion caslng
with tb aiploalon. w put out tb
way a world makea Ita COALS, and
why tbey com aoft and hard COAIJ1.
W put out bow a world makes Its
DIAMONDS, w put out how a world
mskes Its OILH. and Its ISIN-OLAS8.
Wa flgur th Suhatances for all Min
erals, and why ther ara difference
In Minerals, w glv tha reasons for
k eeM AAe
a moon coming later acb a'tnli
Wa bava figured a whola world.
tak In a little of ZOOl00T. ;
lend soma toward a human K.
tha whole world Is alwy IB
and etve man other difference,
Tb EB8AT conlt of fJj
scap sheets In print, nd soma BLi
ERY, Tha ESSAY ba cost Uw
ands of dollars and hard 8TUDT.
pot tlss It. It takes sbmit t
a half hour to read th R83A'
ADMI8BION 50o-CblldrsB
and fifteen, tie.- '
Do not rasuma the ESSAY JJJ
you bava heard It ALL REAP.
Treatment at Hot Lak, inclndlng medical attention, board
bath, coat no mors than yon would pay to ! at any flnt !
botl. Room can b had from 7 cnti to ft.SO pr U"U
In th cafeteria ar rvd from 20 cants up and in tba grill at '
uaual grill prlcs. Dathg rang from (0 cants' to $100.
We Do Cure Rheumatism
n taba Utnar.l Dtg
and mud gln under icm
tlfto dlrsctlon hT cr
thousands. Writs for lu;
tratad booklet dascrlptlra ot
Hot Lak Sanatorium
th mathods employad. H"
Sanatorium ouw
slbla, a It to locatad airaci
ly on tha main II" ot tn
6.-W. R. A N. railway.
speolal excursion ratss r
to ba had t H tints. A
agents. i