Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 17, 1911, Image 3

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llovr Aboat That Raincoat
- c k'-P 70U defjr the rtlnjr ve,her ' v
V , compete line of aaen'a and Ladies' Rainproof
tad Crave of ttea.
i fit one on. nf jnai wd you wani.
Price 1)6.50 to $20.00.
7ih & St.
ia ft I WARD
m tbe rrt and eouvtctloo
I itaVMly ramov. oopln or n
!Ein KntarprtM fro" l,
EerT been pl4 J
bi moved about a good
laeer eurrlad Uft "
1 hpikm you iw rH ei
librst ib raphy of your country
-Cm'I mjt that w know ao awn
l.k 1 1 bat we aoowt 15 laws
Lferatsi reai."
local peters
Free llowell. of Bprlngwaler. we
1 1 Ortgon City Thursday. . , '
Mr. Chrtetner. of Cam, wa la tbla
Idty ea buatueea Tburaday.
a NuL of Stafford, waa In Ihla
iqr Wednesday on buelneea.
Mr. Clrde Smith, of Mullno. waa In
I'll clijr on buatae Tburaday. -
h L Cobbe. of Welaer. Idaho, waa
Ita th Oregon City visitor Tbura-
aerial aala on bata lYtday- and
Iiatsrday. November II and la. Ml
C. GoMamUb.
Mr. and Mra. Ilutcblna, of Logan.
araamMia th Oreaon City vleitor
rnak Vorhlea. of Rainier, waa
aef th Oregon City bualnaaa vial
tart Wednesday.
Uyou ar not reading tba Morning
miarpnaa, why not? Yrnd Bar
nla Period la now on. Baa ad on
atrk page.
Mr and Mra. Ed llettmaa. of
riarkea. vara among lb Oragon City
tlaltora Tburaday.
ad Huntley's ad, today and
kmra bow to maka t cant buy 3i ranta
to fx &.
'J. C VauKhMl. ona of tha promlnant
NsMente and farmara of Molalla. vaa
la Ihla city Wednesday and Tburs
4aJ. Henrv llettman. ona of tha well-
aoan larmara of Bbubal. waa trans
acting bualnaaa In Oraton City Tbura-
uua r (i.Mamiii win bava a apa
lal ula uf mllllnary food a rtlday and
lalurtajr. Noverobar 17 and It.
BlUa Wrlaht. ona of tha wall kaown
tvtldmta of LibaraL waa In tbla city
Wadnaalay and Tburaday, raglatanng
H tba Klw trlc Hotal.
If you ara not raadlni tha Morning
EntaryrUi'. why not? Yaar-and nar
ila F-ri(Ml la now on. 8aa ad on
bark nar,.
Mia winnla Jackaon, forrnarly ot
thla pit I. Mt nnar a raaldant or
(Jonat-lmfry. Or., wharn aha la angagad
la toarlilnft. ta vlaltlog bar parania
In Orfon Clt for a faw waaka.
Nallle Damn, daughtar of Mr. ana
Hrt. U B. ruiron. of Portland, arm
mndilmiKhtar of Mr. and Mra- K. H
Coop.r. of thla city, la 111 with atomacb
trouhin at tfc hnnu of Mr. and Mra.
Coopar, t,t child having baan brought
nar for inmllcal treatmant.
vnn KKinur ihal tha Entcrprlae
rarnl nargaln Parlod la now onT
8a i on back paa for partlculara.
Mr. end Mra. l. C Utouratia r-
turnfd from McMlnnvilla Thurady
vaolng whara thay attandad tha f-
rai f Mr. Latouratta a Dromar, n
nlllurd il. Utouratte.
NBW YORK, Nor. !. Tha chief
Mecutlvea of elavaa Weatern atate
r coming to New York aarly Beit
month In ... tiattae anniialntea wun
lb mtropolle. i Thay will ba aooonj'
PnM hv leadine hankera and bual
"I men anil .III vlalt all tha lrga
eHa of the Eaat. Tha trip will b
Prely aoclal.
Oovarnnra who are to make the
our are: Johnaon of California, Bha
frth of Colorado, Hawley of Idaho,
Eowhart ot Mlnnaaota, Norrla of Mon
", Oddle of Nevada, Burke of North
rota, Weat of Oregon, Vaaey of
Bnnth Dakota, Hay. of Waahlngton and
ay 01 Wyoming. ' - .
Befnr ...nhln. n York City tn
Oovarnora will apand a day each in
B'"falo, Rocheater, Byracuee, Utlca
"d Albany, arriving here December
'tf to.i i nnt r.adlna tha Morning
Kntarprlae, why nott Yaar-end Bar
la Parlod la now on. 8a ad on
M on haok paga for aartlcuUra.
I aBBBna---
Drop in between showers
l-.l . L -
Soipenjton Bridge Corner
Molten A
KM tolling lldg., Portland.
hn Main 6151.
Car af tha Handa.
Ilata yog avar an handa ao aMai
Ufa tbay actually rooayad tba moo
af tbalr ewnar U tba world at larga?
And baraa t yaa notlrad thick, blunt
Mnda that aotlraly marrad tba affacta
af a baauilful faca and figure of par
fact armmatryT Without gracaful.
wall kapt handa no atmoapbara of ra
laamant ta convayad and no baauty
anaambla la complata,"
Car of tba handa aboutd ba tba Brat
gnd laat Itam of tha toUat, Tba wa
tar ta whfc-b tbay ara batbad b brat
Whan Jnat tapld nnlaaa tba handa ara
aollad. In wbk-b caaa warm watar la
rafarrad. A atobbora at a In wiu gan-
ratly jrlald to pumlr atona.
Whan tha hair, tba faca. tna lactn
and all of baanty'a fratnrea bara ra
calrad tbdr allotted amount of atten
tion waya and manna of praaarring
tha whltaneaa and aonoaaa or ma
banda ara ronalderad. Itran. oatmaai
and almond maal ara oaafal aganta fur
thU purpoaa, aaparUUy to completa
tba drying of tender banda and to pr
rant cbappUig. Dry tba banda with
medium bard towel, than pollab tba
aktn by rubbing It with bran or maal.
Tha prlorlpla la that tba bran, becom
ing molat. ta partially aDaoruao oy i'
. . L . .LI- ll
open poraa. ana voa
whHe and aoO.
Tba wblta of aa agg mliad witn ooa
unca of glycarta. ta an aicatiani
agwnt for claanalng tba banda. It ta
aad tnetead of aoan. cot aoouiu b
w. allowed ta rrmala on tba aktn, khi
tha glycarta cauaa It to bacona dry
and barah. A bath of warm watar will
remove all trace of tba egg.
Th. naaalna af Tea re rerorui
pUloer In tba handa thaa In tha fara.
for tba aery good aod aufflrlent ran-
aon that tha faca receive, mora care
thaa tba banda Tboeo piomp.
Kami and roaa tipped Oogera re
tained by tha woman loog paat middle
aga ara tba raault of onnaggiag i
Do, af which tha bra a or maal bath
li g raatlr Import ni racier.
Beauty guggeetleea.
Tii. Mn wbo are too atout for
beauty are generally addicted to the
habit of wearing eitreraaly abort
klrta. wberea If tbey were truly wn-
tbey would wear govna juat
enough to recepe tha oor. ,
High heeled ehoee are aaw
for tb abort woman, aa tbey art aura
to deal my proportion-
reunion thla year nae oreo
the woman who lacaa id ".-
ha been decreed that collarleaa fro. k
are to be worn throughout tba winter.
What ma anon wv."u
do: ' ' .. ....
Phe abould not dreaa ner ua.r
but m It on me iop oi "
aha ahonld not wear eiirem-.
or Inillcroualy flat hata
She altould not leninncn nr,
line to aucb a dogree that ane la o.u .
IWPrtn"- ' ,.e.
She ahotiia nm rem i
lerubblng the Paea.
The face la a part of oor body which
need the otmoat attention. "
la alao tha part which la moat expoaod.
' : 'L. .re afraid of using any
! .h.t It open the pof ln
I w.y.nch a the, cannot nthrrw
la opened, that It takoa oui
. Jlrt. and. beat of .11 for P e poo
. .. ..J .hont a healthy clrcula-
pie. ii i"i"- .
L..- m rtch alow to tha cheeks
w Jch 1. an attractlv addition to moat
" ..... a email brush called a
romp"'"- ,.,r,iment
nallbrusb la. good a an
for thla acnibblng proceaa,
and there
.. . Anntlml
ehotild b aome eioow grra-v-.- -"
in other domeatle
week to tna race.
Pill Nuta.
riH not are two , to two and one
haif lncnea long and triangular In
. ,.v ti.. rido-ee. They are
anapa. "
brown and hav a ahell that la eery
hard to bra. The meat a of a cream
and onlta delleloue. At lha pre
,vawa "W M t m
ent Uma theae not are not nacd for
commercial purpoaaa. but are eaicn v?
the natlvea of the Rtralta Pettiemen.-
Pmtroaia our aerenlaers.
Stories from
1 1. WOOD.
Novemlier la here, a wlnlry month,
liluatarlng wlrula now bold full away,
Iff an tba element eeeis but to aow,
Mar mlaalona and aummong to obey,
llefore bar coldaat cblll fell upon ua,
A daisling canopy wide o'er apraad;
I'rotectliig a h tiny sleeping aaad,
Wlibln It a rapaula ao wonderfull fad.
Nature In all of Ita Infinite pbaaea.1
In porta ineaa. baauty and toll
la an Maal pattern to follow,
Ne'er allow defeat to mar or folL
Haturdar evening a farewell party
was given at the reeldeuce of L Ba
ker'a former home. Ha left for Kata
cada. Intending later to purcbaaa an
other home alta. Wa will mlaa tbam
and eatend our boat wlahea.
Mlaa Nelva Boy Ian vlalted Mra.
VVyona tiiahlneckar Tueaday and Wad-
neailay, then returned to the mill on
t'l.-ar Creek, where aba la vlaltlng har
broiher. other relMtvee and friend.
Mr. and Mra, Iwla Vallttn made a
bualnaaa trip to Katacada Krlday.
Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Baker and
Mr. and Mra. John Arquette war In
Oregon City laat weak on bualnaaa.
C. tv Burfua la remodeling hla aaw
mill, having added a cut-off aaw, dla-
poalng tba rulla Into wood. II ha
alo a feed chopped wblcb ba operatea
with tha aawmlll engln,
Arthur Hwartne left for Oragon City
but week, where ha and hla father
ara employed In tba paper mllla. Mra
Itwarlne la buay In charge of bar
atora bare.
Kd. IMbtile and Mr. llrardaley plod
dt-d through tha enow to Little Clear
Creek to abut tba floodgate and Mr.
Beardaley a III luck wa a dip Into
tha lea-cold dam. Shod In gum boot
It required Mr. nibble' aaalaunce to
again get the dripping man out of the
water. They- hxt no time la-reaching
Mr. B-ardaley'a borne.
A abort program will be rendered
by tha Endeavor Society nait Sunday
Born. Saturday, November 4, to the
wife of U. R. woudie, a 10-pound girl
Mr. II. U. Huntington' baa been on
the alck Hat. but la aom better now.
The Douglas boys hav been buay
hauling potatnea.
Laat Monday evening Mr. and Mra.
Alec Bsker were agreeably surprised
by several of their friends and neigh
bors coming In on them and ependlng
the evening with them.
Mra. R. B. Glbeon took dinner with
Mr. and Mra. Hewlett laai Tueaday.
Claude Woodlo waa over at the old
home place but Friday and Saturday
calling on Mr. and Mra. Howlett and
hla brother. Guy and Ray.
Mlaa Roaa Moehnke waa a gueet at
tha home of Mra. Viola Douglaaa the
latter nart of laat week.
Mr. R. B. Gtliaon and Mlaa Anna
Duncan called on Mr. Huntington
Rundav afternoon.
Mr. and Mr. Udell aud children
titiner and aoent the day with
iam fllhaoa Hundar.
i Friday evening laat Mra. . Viola
riniietaaa waa very much aurprlaed.
ao aurprlaed that she waa apeechleaa
for a short time, adoui so oi oer
rri.nda and neighbor came walking
up to the door without warning to
apend tta evening with her and child
ren. It waa a farewell party aa aha
i.i.nrfa mnvtna- to Eatarada eoon.
Thoe. nreeent were: Mra. Viola Doug
i... Mr and Mra. WIU Douglass, Mr
.A Mra. Walter Douglaaa. Mr. and
Mrl R. B. Glbaon. Mr. and Mra. Clark,
u and Mra. Murpny. nr. ana mra.
Fred Hoffmelater. Mr. and Mra. May
uiaaoa Blna Douglaaa. Anna Dun
can. Iekh Jonea, Roaa Moehnke. Meda
Murphy. Myrtle Hoffmelater, Mildred
and Florin Donglaaa, Ruth Hoffmelater
and little Beaate Meyeraj-Bd, Roy and
Carl Douglaaa, H. 8. Glbaon. Sheridan
n.i.anll Jonea. Carl and Murray
riark. nave Hoffmelater. Eneat. Wil
li, anrf ntfford Hoffmelater, Peter
Peecnel. Virgil and Olena Douglaaa
Perry Murphy, ana jonn Anonrr.
rtrwood wa. well repreeented at the
Sandy Grange laat Saturday by Mr.,
and Mra. J. DeShaser, Mr. and Mr ,
A Malar. Mr. and Mr. W. T. riacher.;
Mr. and Mra. B. u mbit. '-""
Clair trey ana n ju "
fine chicken dinner waa served.
During tha lecture hour a nice pro-
m aa elven and an' IntereaUng
dlariisalon on "The National League
tot Medical Freedom and the Kffecta
of a Medical Truaf waa entered Into.
At the next Orange meeung,
Saturday of December, each one-la
requested to come prepared to men
tion at lot one current event. Thia
can be made very miereaung am. w...
heln to Inform tnoae woo ao
the chance to read all that, la going.
The library hooka which were re
ported lost a few weeka ago were
found at me nrery u.u ... -.
where the driver had left them. There
waa no damage aone ana me uw..
. inmediatelv Bent to Salem -and
, new set haa returned and can be
k..a . th. library at Mra. A. Malar a.
vt.a icva R. Hart made a trip to
HU...I.I imma Monday.
4 anm-Malaryant jgrprtland on
a ...I 11'aarlnafinilT.
B D Hart went to Portland Wel-
neadny In the miereaia oi inn
trrwi Vrn urowera iw.uv.
Those interested In agriculture, re
siding In Flrwood district and any oth
er are urged to be present at a ape--ili
m.otina at Sandy Nor. 14. at I
n m., for the purpo of organising a
.'.m.,a' Borletr of Equity. Thla bo-
ita haadauartera In Indian-
ririv ... a Ita
jpolla. Ind.: la n"r'"'"l
sole purpoae la to benefit the farmer.
J., el. Lnd areatest object la "To ob
tain profitable pra for all the pro
L .:.- t,m farm, orchard and gar
den. The union of organisation Is tha
local union." Karmera a
complaining . '
nrlrea lor meir ureumj.,
middleman make, the
.v. .ir wi do not have the prive
iK. of ...king the price w. consider
our produce wor. nu .- "
. . But what wouia a mercnani
ihlnk If a farmer walked Into hla atore
ind told him what ha would nay for
hla goodsT Now farm.ra are .up
" .Ji he Independent, but are they.
and why notT Becauaa they do not
wake up and take advantage ol thlnga
Some say It a Impoaalble to get farn
era to hold together. Borne are mire
to alwaya be on the off aid and work
agKlnat-thatr own Internet Lat ne
all tur and maka thia meeting a
Out of Town
auccai and ahow the people that the
farmer In Oil part or the country ara
an eieeptlow. ,
Do not forget the Y. P. A. entertain
ment god aupper Saturday evening.
IL K. Kluck haa aent hla four work
leama to Salem where thay will be
need on a contract Job thla winter.
Annie Bacbman apent Saturday and
Sunday In Portland and Clackamaa.
A. H. Pope, of Portland, apett Sun
day at Howard ranch.
K. L. Mack la repairing telephone
Una thla week.
Clarence Caaeldy la logging for W.
A. Proctor,
A company of Bandy young people
enjoyed a very pleaaanl dancing party
at the Grand Central hotel Saturday
Dr. 1tipton waa in Greeham Mon
Prank llelbgton haa moved bta fam
lly to Oregon City where tbey will
make their home. ; '
Oecar Dablgren ha a poaltlon wlta
tha 8traua Lumber Company.
!r. Miller, of Portland, la ependlng
a -few day In Sandy.
George Wolf ha returned from
Warm Springe reaervatlon where be
waa In camp about ten daya.
Prank Mlcbeleona new houae wa
burned to the around Monday evening.
All the bouaehold furniture waa des
troyed, lioaa waa partially covered by
Inaurance. The fire la thought to be
of Incendiary origin. "
The Common Council of Handy held
Ita regular meeting Tueaday evening.
The Maaona of tbla vicinity are
talking of organising a Maaonlc lodge
In the near future.
Warren Wllklna la building a fire
place chimney for R. K. Eaaon.
Thomaa Catberwood retornea to
Pnrilinil Wadneadav.
H. E. Rraule of pieaaant Home waa
n town on ooaineaa - i ueaoay.
Tha Sandr Bank will erect a new
atore building on Main afreet In the
near future.
J. H. Hill la on the alck list.
F. M. Darling la going
to build
another green houae.
G. F. Glbbe and aon are in atuwau
kle tbla week where tber are going
to put up a aawmlll. .
The Mountain View lira aepanmem
waa called out laat Baturday afternoon
to tbe home of J. P. RoehL Tbe fire
waa soon extlngulahed after the chem
ical engine arrived. Tbe fire atarted
tn th reiiinc from tbe atove pipe.
Mra. Mattle wyatt ana Deny or
Ooldendale are vlaltlng with her par-
nta. Mr. and Mr. A. Manta.
Th bible atudy eta or tn Moun
tain View Sunday acbool met at tbe
home of Mra. A. 8. Martin of Hooa
.trt laat week, with eight laaiea m
attendance. Next week they win
meet at tbe home of Mr, swanaon.
All Intereeted In tha Sunday acnooi
leaaon are cordially Invited to attena.
A. G. and Will Jonea or EJaoraao,
were In town Sunday repairing their
houae. after the fire.
Mra. Eatella Hall ana cnuaren oi
Buena Vlata are vlaltlng her parenta.
Mra. H. B. Nlchola.
H. Brand A Bon have hougnt a new
deltverr wagon.
U. 8. and Mason Kellogg of Taylor
etreet are piaatertng a houae for Mr.
wamnrk at Mount Fieaaani una
Geo. Streece la tranaactlng bualnaaa
tn tha Raat thla month.
Mra. A. L HICgman ana nauua
apent laat Sunday among relatlvea at
Mount Pieaaant.
r W Runnall and family have
moved to town where they have a feed
Mra. Willie Qnlnn ' returned home
from Loeaa Sunday.
Mra. J. K. Morris and sons were
guesta of A. Mauta and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mra.' Walter 8lmpaon and
baby of Green Point have moved Into
thla erfy and will occupy part of their
fatber'a houae on Hood etreet
Mra. Frank Btlllwell la on the alck
list thla week.
We had aulte a snow bllxsard on
Tneadav. Nov. 10th. 1U. Th ther
mometer went down to 2 aegreea,
which waa cold for tbla vicinity,
Miss Mabel Francla apent Hunaay
among frtenda near 8alem.
Miss Hatel Francla went 10 mo
Sellwood Crematorium Sunday to at
tend the funeral of R, Koerner.
Mlsa M. 8. Carver la taking me
achool cenaua in tnia vicinity iuib
Marlon Noting haa been spending
the week In Oregon City, serving aa
a Juror. " '
Alison Baker went to wrregun
Saturday on busineaa.
Mr. and Mra. Reed Graham and
daughter Helen went to Portland on
Wednesday to spend a week wun rela
tive. '
Mr. Adf n haa been giving away cook
hooka lately, making the housewives
hPPT. . .v.-
Jake petera-went to roruanu im
week to purchase a carload of farm
Imnlementa ana mncnioery-
Mm. Sumner fell on me aupporj
Ice last week and broke ner arm.
speedy recovery.
The achool boys oi corrai v '-'-
planned a game of baseball with the
Hood View team for last Saturday
afternoon, but were compelled to give
It up on account of the bad weather.
The Odd Fellow gave a ueimmiui
oclal time with a auraptuoua repast
to the membora, of the lodge, their
wlvea and a few friend on Saturday
evening.-, '
a vrv nrettr home wedding took
nio. Wartnaadnr. Nov. 8th. ' at the
rairienia of the brldea parenta, Mr,
and Mra. Ira Seely, when Edna Beely.
the aecond eldest daughter, became
wife of Henry Boeckman. The
,ri.l. haa heen verr populfcf In Wll-
annvtu and la a great favorite In
musical clrclea. having been tbe or
ganlat In the Methodlat church al
most alnce It waa organised. Tha
groom I one of our moat capable and
nergetla young men, and had a beau
tiful home built and furnlahed tor hla
lovelr bride. fc Wa extend congratula-
tmna and tb wteh that proBperlty and
bannlnesa may be their portion on
tv.i tmirnav through life together,
, Tbe Ladlea Aid eoclety of the M.
B. church la planning to give a
Thankaalvlna attDPef and aa thes lad
ina ara noted for cooking good thing
to eat. doubtlees the aupper will be
well patroalaeaV . AU tha Thanksglr-
log dalntle will be furnished lavishly 1
and even if yoa do eat a good dlaae
at home It will pay oa t attend tbla
aupper wblcb the ladle will aerve la
splendid, oldfasbloned Thanksgiving
A basket aoHal waa given by at boo I
dlatrtet No. t Saturday evening. It
waa a aucceaa In every way. About
$17 waa realised from tba bask eta. W.
H. IL Ramaon wa tb auctioneer ana
did the work In bl nsual felictUrua
war. In other word a he know bow
K. C. Hackett Bold hla farm to E.
M. HowalL of Oregon City. Ore How
all. hi son ta placed In charge of aam
nd la to try hi hand at farming.
He baa a choice piece of bind ana
ought to succeed. Hackett le pun
ning to move to Oregon city in eany
prlng. -
Arthur Cliff Intended to' finish hla
bungalow tbla fall, but ba been kept
buay repairing walla and chimney In
the neighborhood and ba neglected
the home
School dlatrtet No. 30 ba had It
well drilled and caaed up, and now
have plenty of good water. .
The young folk aerenadea two oi
Joe. -Bacbman'e daughter that were
married not king lnc. Thl char
ivari bualneea I one of tbe re lice of
barbarism handed down from on gen
eration to another that we don't aeem
able to cut grow.
Sheridan I J HI haa Juet nniabed a
cement basement for a houae he In
tends to build. .'
Mr. Borer baa a contract for
clearing out aa old orchard for Walter
Mundhenke No work done on Clack
amaa mad tbla summer, and around
Cape Horn and In other place It la
quite rough.
Winter aeema on in earneai juai
now and we are having an old time
Mra. Nannie Mumpower la working
In Oregon City aa la alao Mra. LUlle.
Mlaa Amy Johnaon la at tbe Old
home and quite poorly. She la very
unfortunate having heen etc tor ao
long, bat bean the trouble with a
heroic courage worthy of a atolc
Den Griffin's wife came aown rrom
Bonneville to be treated by Dr. 8tart
who aeema to .be the only ona -who
haa given her any relief a yet.
Whitman, our mall earner, la me
aam genlaf fellow a f old, aad w
couldn't do bualnee without him.
A parenta'-teachera' meeting will be
held at Marquam acbool . Saturday,
November 18, at 1 p. m. A program
will be given aa followa: "What tbe
Parent Expect a of tbe Teacher.- T.
JBglrvln; "How to Keep th Boys
and Glrla at Home." Guy & Larklna;
"The Relation of the Board of Dlrec
tora to the School," J. R, Sklrvln:
"Better Health and Condition," J. E.
Calavan, aupervlaor dlatrtet Na S.
Glenn Larklna. of Meadow Brook,
waa im laat Sunday calling on frienda.
Mlaa Mabel Miller, of Molalla, la
back again working In F. J. Rldlnga
store. V
ninf and Alfred Alaen are hauling
Hnra to tbe Fred Mortenaon aawmlll.
Tbe Glger boys have now atarrea
their aawmlll opon the McCoamefi
r-- . . j.
MarauamiMllliarr Ban a ib
to play at tne nau weooeauaj uis
November W for the entertainment.
Come out and bear them.
I . ... n . . j . 1 w
Mlsa Inea Berchet. or Marquam. ana
Percle Adama. of Portland, were mar
ried laat week.
An effort I being made to get the
drill out of tbe Stone oil weu ana
a man from Portland 1 expected out
to do the work. Th owner are U11
..nfldn of ultimata success.
It 1 Saturday, th 18th. Instead ot
tha ISth that the work la to be nnian
ed at the Grange Halt Plenty to o
In the house too, window to wash
atl. .
Several people on thl rout got to
work and repaired the mall boxes ao
they are more convenient. Mall poxee
are like aome other thing "approved
by the Government." . Most of them
caa be opened-without keya and are
not aafe or aecure.
Mlaa Myrtle Zimmerman, of St Joe
Mo., la visiting her aunt Mra. Fred
Qexber and other relative.
During October Clear Creek Cream
ery Company manufactured 19,423
pounds butter. The total cream re
ceived waa 49.254 pounds. Price paid
t uimni S7c nound for butter fat
and th toUl pounda of butter fat
1 W8- ' . . .. .
Gerber and Anderson nave llnlsnea
baling for the season, their record be
ing S.100 tone of hay. Surely the
horaea and cows will hat to do aome
"chawing" tbla winter.
U Funk, one of Logan'a prominent
farmers, la In Washington thla week.
The alngle tax promotera are try
ing every scheme to fool people. We
are tn receipt of the Pacific Monthly,
on the cover of which aaya see page
660. We aaw It, also read It a
"penny- dialogue by C. B. S. Wood.
They are aent to almoat everybody,
but guesa moat people can see Ita ob
ject. I
' The weather and potatoes are the
chief topics of conversation these
rainy daya.
Saturday morning, rxoveimmr
Stafford awok shivering wun m
mercury down to zo- aoove - 7
Ing It had done all U damage it could
tn killing late- fioweta. JTlnea, etc It
began to climb again aim "'"'"
about 45" and 50".
an ihd etnmenta or a nri cim ro
mance have been enacted right under
our nose, as It were, and even the
families most concerned never got
wise. ... . ,
On last Wednesday Alfred Thomaa,
r rharlna Thomaa, of Stafford,
and Mlaa El Stlenhelber. of Haxella,
quietly allpped away and were mar
ried by the Gretna Oreen Justice of
the Peace Samson, at Oregon v,uj,
4in another trophy to the long list
credited to this favorite JuBtlcea
name. Among Mr. Ram son s many
accomplishments he la an auctioneer
of no mean ability arid haa sold baa
keta at a number of socials In Star-
ford and offer to marry any young
man free, who paya iB.ou ror a oaaaei,
hnn. Alfred waa not ao Beared at
th unaccustomed role he waa celiac
upon to play that he negiectea o re-
mi Mr Hantaan as unaouoiwuij u
waa the yin man to add a touch of
romance to the occaaion.- 11 is ri--mA
that it waa a genuine elopement
Thev returned to the paternal roof ou
Friday and that night the boy gave
- Hiuatna walcome.
Mr. and Mra. Powell returned Tuea
Am laat emm the funeral of her sister
aad the, father haa conaented to tat
Friday IS Our Bargain
' Day
ISO Kid Gloves for Friday only ;
- - - - 01.10
Also a lot of remnants that
for today.
- '.
them adopt the little three year old
boy, Willie.
Manaon Fredenburg visited Ardeb
Gage a abort time ago. Tbey were
neighbor and playmate in Mlchlgaa
40 year ago.
Mr. and Mra. Mllem ana Mrs. cage
attended Grange at Oawego Saturday,
and reoort a pieaaant and profitable
meeting. '
a woman looking to be at leaat 60
years old and a man she aald waa her
aon campeJ near Mr. Powetl'a In a
covered wagon Saturday towards
night Soon abe was going from house
to houae wanting to aell a few yards
of coarse taoe, eaylng abe made It her-
aelf and It was all tbey baa to neip
them along on their journey rrom
Spokane to California. It might be
the aam outfit that waa along laat
pring at which time the woman had
a alck husband, she aald. and lac to
aell too. , Some of the neighbor took
pity on them and gave them reed lor
their horse and thameeive. iney
atayed by th aid of th road tin
about noon Sunday when they pushed
on to paature new. They had a cov
ered wagon with a atove In It and
three horee atandlng In tbe rain and
Mr. Helm preached In th new
chaoel on Sunday and on Tburaday
evening there are to be prayer meet
Qua Gebhardt haa been nmaning
aome woodwork In the room upstairs
for Mr. NuMbaum.
Mr. Gage haa been picking aome ap
ple. Apple ar few tn number in
thla vlclnltr.
a writer m the oregonian voice ui
antimenta of the average rarmer
whew he apeak of th fooUah law ex
cludinz all apple except thoae which
are perfect and aell at ao proniDiiory
a price that - workiagmen'a children
cannot have them while good eating
and cooking apple rot is u coun
trr ore hard. Wise lawmaker aome-
tlmea make mistake Just tike com-
nnri fnlka.
Mr. Aernl ha a nephew on from
Switzerland, a stranger In a atrange
bind, and he think he wlQ go back
soon to the Fatherland where they
apeak the language he anaerataaaa.
DOVER. . .
Mra, J. W. Miller left Saturday for
Brownsville, where she wlU visit with
her brother and slater.
H. H. Udell a aawlng wood for a
number of the Dover people.
A. Tennant of Portland, moved out
tbe Shaw place last week.
Mra. Cupp and Alice Berghouee
apent eeveral daya ln Portland laat
Mr. Rice ta la Portland thl week.
Mra Augustine MUler organised a
class In music last week. Her pupils
are Alice Berghouse, Mary and Elea
nor Bew. Iva Reld, Helen Keith and
Harold Miller.
The Independent Telephone Com
pany of Dover held their annual meet
ing Saturday. H. O. Huntington wa
elected secretary and th rest ot the
officer were re-elected.
The Cornerstone of the Cnby Meth
odist church waa laid last Sun
dav. the ceremony being witnessed
hv a tare audience in spite of the
rain. A waterproof box containing
documents and a history of the build
ina- waa denoalted in the cornerstone.
sealed and the atone then placed In
. After the opening service ni. .
H. Fry. pastor of tbe Suunyslde Meth
odist Episcopal church ot Fortiana,
addressed the congregation. He
praised the progressiveness 01
congregation in carrying through ucb
an undertaking. He urgea ma
to work with the local pastor. Rev,
C. L Creesy.-aaying- mat oniy nr
united effort could they finish, the
good work they haa eiariea.
A City et f hiloaopher.
Tha famou Dr. Samuel Johnson
wa born In Litchfield, to which town
he one paid a tremendoua compli
ment n had taken Boawell on a
vlait to Lichfield.
"I found." write Bo well. -two
trange manufacture for ao la
land a place, aall cloth and at ream era
for ahipa. and 1 observed them rnak-tna-
aome aaddleclotb and dressing
sheepskin. But upon the whole the
busy hand of industry seemed to be
aulte slackened. 'Surely, air aald 1.
yon are an Idle aet of peop'- 8lr Jnhnaon. we are a city of pbllos
epher. We work with our heada and
make the boobies or mrmingnaui i
for na with their handa."
.. L.auntarfsit Bi'lia
Meat connterfeiu fall down oa tbe
portrait, bee suae there never were
two artlsta that could get th earne
axpreaslon on th face of a anbject
aer an'ngTaver who could make aa
exact duplicate of ale o'wa wark.
we put a special price on
White Queen
1 -.
Thla la Th Beat Flour Obtain,
Lay In Yewr Winter Bwpelr
Coal Now.
Hay, Grain, Feed and Kotract
Poultry Food. '
" Oregon
Oregon Crty. , ,.A.
CAiifo::i kto
Unable to secure Oregon aavtatee
because grower want to 0 lajigfi t
other partie. California dealer axe
trying to ponlah Orecoa gioWar. .'
While there la a healthy tor
Oregon potatoe from Ariatr g.B
to Sue f . o. h. Wlllamexte VaL-ry yotnta
for good ablpplag atock. Uijfere ireee
the Sooth are trylaej t boa aeJaea.4
here to aucb a furore that grower win -
no longer aell at theae price. I
It la atated that the same w'xm k
are actnally ahadlng the prio la
California, untoading there' while "' .
booetlng the price here to stop. toe ,
Southern movement '
Several attempts have aweei aaaoe
tately to aaderaeD Orecoa) aaatoe ta
th Arisona market" aaya UeKlaley -J
Mitchell, a ahlpper, "bat thaa far w
have seen red the buIK f O pea-
neea. W have on hand at C4a tlma'j
order for many ear a th adce ; .
now being offered. If the price ia
boosted beyond the Bgnrea the trade .
will go to California growera and atay
there Juet what they ar working for
at thia Uma"
For selected east era Maltaomah and
Clackamaa potatoe th trad U pay
ing from ft to S1.1 t at b. country
point for Bwrbanka. American -Won-dera
are bringing arownd SL1S and
11.15. The latter are In demand for .
a peed. - . .
Prevailing Oregon City prleea are
1 followa: , .
FruKa. Vega table.
Pro nee on baata of 1-4 pound for 45-
Sc to 6e; aalters, 6c to c; dry hide.
12e to 14c; aheep beta, 15c ta 75c
Hay, Grata, Feed. s
HAY (Buying) Timothy, $11 to
$15; elover, $8 to $9; oat hay. beet $9
to $10; mixed. $9 to $12; alfalfa, $15
to $16.50
OATS (Buying)'--Gray. $25 to
$27; wheat $31 to $31; olljneal $53; .
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pounda. ' ' " . . t
FEED Shorta, $27 to $28; tolled
barley, $37.60; proceaa barley. $38.50; ;
whole core, $37; cracked corn, $38; ,
white. $2 to $27: bran $27 to $28.
Butter, Poultry, Egg.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25e to 30c; - fancy
dairy, SOc; creamery, soc to s&c
POULTRX LBuying) ttene, 11c
to 11 1-2; broilers, lie. j;
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 35c .to
4OO. 7 '
$1.25 to $1.60 per sack; parsnips,
$1.26 to $1.50; turnips, $1.25 to $L60;
Prune, on baaia or 8 l ie ror 46 ana
beeta, $1.50
POTATOES Best buying, 70c to
85o per hundred.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 to $1.50 per
hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. ,
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF fLIve weight) Steers,. 6t
and 5Hc; cows, 4tte; bulls, t 1 2c
VEAL Calves . bring from $0 U
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON 8heep, 2c . an IHc;
lamb. 4o and 6a.
HOGS 115 to 140 pound hog, 1JC
and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10 end
10V4C -. . '- . , . ,
150,000 Production To. Be Preeant
With No Increae In Prta.
' Th pioneer management of the
Electric Theatre takee pleasure In
announcing "The Crweedere af Jama- .
lera Dtlvred," on of tb moat ex
pensive historical photo-play aver
flushed on a motion pW-tur acres for
today only. It la a $M.004 prevettca,
and of especial Intereat to eti?vX
Do not mi thla great -ahow. K k
crease la price. Theatre eve tXCk
11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
I 4 p
V , , r j
a ... .'i
- . ,
: r V'
i T
in pace.