Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 17, 1911, Image 2

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    ... ?.
g. t. tKOOIC Is e4 PwhSoaar.
ft, Ml. at tke pee
,t (X .. (Ma she Art
it.-. . , 4-
Om Tar. ha m ..
lliaita ky Ml
llkft fc" Ml
eMM(((4 With, the positive MMtM
pel of tke battery, while tke atereo.
t,rp plate to (MMrt4 wtlk the Me
at Ire. aad from tke electric power that
rasa ib preee the electro-cheoilceJ
action la net ap making tke Imprint
a desired epoa the paper.
1 1
t se ularly
rww Hv m
nwiH rift ee Me, awe a
IM IWW awe
fiwmi m mt awe, awe x
as 1 twnioM
tUaa ee ssber tkaa rwwa ana, pes ka
first, tertw Ika
Km sweet mm .kaa fare pwew. w M
aSS.a fcvimnsa
lreje IS r Mm; k ran-wlae evr-
n Vt IM
Wuu. rwe Baa. T Mi was. m
Ml a were raw kMtM; w M eaa
aea sesitteaei
ri wis ke Um mmmn mm ka taa
It. for ilmiMMU set afMST
the weekly Hw aat m nat
Mfcrr4 treat UH SaOy M tk
v VIMM r MX. tke MM wva ke M
a , fa hi at twe sagat. aa Iks an
kx l kmil MisK
Mrtr se mum
' aeVeruerag
- ' ' wnk
- k !
man km vm niim mfiJbm
Mkwa ft kMj tvsAh
W kv wtiiil k i 11 '"
Is om Mi M U fblloktsc storM
HaUr Bro. Crgs
Mklk StiMC
. JT. W. McXntty Clkn
tmU u4 Mkla.
K. B. Ak4rao.
Mala mv Slxtk.
M. K. Dm-Coafkcttoikty
Nxt tear t P. a
City One filar
tectrte HadkL
Nov. 17 In American History.
. JSUk-rhfflp inmaoi Ottartirtm. fek4
r f tW Ottartwta IfKboAlMs.
V4 ta BtMan; harm IT2.
38M-Bobcrt CWtea Wnithroft. ataa
akta aad a eoRmfm of Webntr.
dV4."lMra ISC.
4taa aeoa taday ta aooa toaMrravj
Saa aau 47. im S47: Boot rfaaa
422 a. m.: 10 l a, put Japftcc
paaaac frota caC ka wmt af aaa, tbaa
raaarlair troa araatax to
A Loadoai technicaj pabBcaUoa
tells of a procaaa of prlotiac without
Raaor hm m bay acala wlta
tk aama of Poatmaatar Grl A
Mr. Httrkcock U cwalWra4 a parttc-
alUrtbla bacavlor. aa4 aa kU
ork la tha dapartaat U aappoaa4
to aa c4aaB4a4 mhao tk aotiea
f tka captataa of lnla(ry. It aaa ka
ramor4 that k aa to raaiga atxia
rroai tka 4partkaat. aa alaa taat ka
a to marrj aa4 "aattla kwa." Tka
PntBikster Gnral aaa tkoaxkt K
1m o 4ar both raoiora aaapkaite-
Italian Infantryman on Sentry
Duty at a Tripolitan Outpost
HaraKo. Wllaoa aa4 Clark; WUaoa,
HaraMMi aa4 Clark: Clark. Haraaoa
aad l'Ua Tka tkraa aaakocratlc
Wa4rs ara amlnsly Iaa4inc tka raca
ta tka PraahUotlal avaapatakaa. bat
akick U ta ika 4 apa4a a pd
daal oa tka awtloa of tka coaatry oaa
kappaaa to ba ta akaa BMktac tka to-
oulry. radrrvoo4 aaya ka I not a
aadidata. Soma of tkoaa ko tklak
tkay ara caadt4ataa ara not. la fact,
ta tka ran&ing. Bat tka axra aatiiaa
tka mora lBtervatlDB. aa a rala, tka
rata become.
Sapretna Jostle Pandlatoa of Nw
Twk City kaa ritktrully a4 aaaaibly
4clda4 tkat It Is a crtata to kara
la tka koaa a raaolvar for tka pro
tertioa of tha InmalM la tkat aoaaa.
JTfc jUcato ajawyar Uto to
tody oa tka ekars of lolaUa tka
Solllvaa araapoa lav ky kartac a r
vOlTar la kU boaaa. Tba attoraay
saad oat a vrtt of kabaaa eoraaa, ra
taraabla bafora Jaatlca Paadletoa.
Tka lavyar cootaadad tkat tba -rUkt
of a kouaakoldar to haa waapoaa la
kia koaaa tor tka dafaaaa of kia faaUIy
aad kia property la aa laalleaakla
rtgkt.' aadar tka CoaaUtatloa.
Tka Juatke aaatalaad tka polat
ralaad, aad attk aaata tlata daclaxad
It to ba tka tataat of tka law. Tba 8a
Hraa act M laUadad to prrvaat
paopl troaa protactlac tkakr Ura aad
property aad tka coarU will ao la
tarpraC It.
Patttaf tka placaa of Ckiaa tocatkar
is goiag to ba oalta a Job.
It Ukaa time to do arerytkiac aa
for laataara caala tka Atlantic la
a diriobla ballooa.
BUU. Vaalotaa la aaUtW to taka
aa nock tlm aa aaa coasomcd by
Waltar Wellmaa.
Tka election of a Repabllcaa Lala
latere la New Jaraey la sptta of tka
acpeaaiva cmpaJga araged by Got
eroor tlUoa is aot at ail kelpful to
tka Goeraor's preaideatlal aaplra
tak laTeata4 by Cecil Beatbridsa. !
Hla diacorery came by acddeaL j
WkiW workiac wttk aa electric bat I
tery a spread a sheet of tin on the
table biylDK a sheet of saolst paper oa I
the tla. Ha pat aonte i-oiaa a tke 1
paper, aad was surprised oa picking
tkeaa ap to find aa lm prist la brass i
color. Ha reeaoeed tkat if coins could i
do tkls. ky aot type?
Fbllovtag tka BBsseatioa ka set
soma type aad placed It face dowa oa
a sheet of saoist paper, resting oa tin
Wken tka battery wires vera connect-1
ed with tba type, every letter came '
out oa tka paper without a blur.
For aeverkl years Bern bridge kas 1
beea explrimentlDg. and now ke an
nounces tkat ke ta able to print a
newspaper In any color by this pro
cess. He asserts that ke win be able
to decrease the cost of printing to aa '
astonishing degree, by eliminating tbe
outlay of ink.
Tbe taper rollers of his press" are
II old Tsl An were aU aad oa tka
Jcb la Ckiaa tke condition of affairs
would probably be raatty different.
Tsi-Aa bad tba faculty of caecklng
resolutions suddenly and effectively.
" " "1 tJia ' J
raes by Asserlcaa Pi us ssirlsttoa.
HATE V EH else assy ba aald of K. Ilaly"a campaa la Trtpotl can a
loocar ba regarded aa a subject for tba eeoUhaassroae eeesasaat
hick tka apparently oca atde4 eonteat at Brat evoked. Tba Tarka
aad Arabs bare ebewa tbsssssiTea a aaaaa eaeailee ta ba 4eapaed
tbeogh tbey ara 111 a rated aad pitle4 acalaat a f&e abaadaaUy eapplM vrtib
kU tka reauurres kaawa ta atooera warfare. Tka Its liana, waoee aaiy fwreat
war. tkat wagml sgalaat Abyaaiala wUb dlsaatroaa rasalta to raataala. bad
aot glrea tke world a kUk oplntna of their fighting qualities, aaa earaad
tka praise of disinterested rrtUrs for tba workmanlike way la wktrh tkay ara
gxang a boat tbe aitrvwaly diaagreeabW taak af enbdidng a country wboae e
pia. r a rood ly port loo af them, toslat apoa being Vad laatead of baroarfag
Wysl lrattaa sabjecta Tba asera poilri of tba groaad already gained fc a
asatter af grar difflcalty ta iWs af tba aatarsl taadeacy af tbe Arab popaia
tfcia ta deal sadden aad secret blows to tkdr coaquerars, and area abouid tba
ItalUaa eitead their operations ta tba Interior of tba country R wUI ba aee
eeaary ta Ware aaaay taoaseada af sock sturdy fighters aa tka sentry af ear
pkotograpk ta bold tka territery already galaad aad at a raet expeaaa II la
w.,-a tkat tka campaign aaa already eost t3O.00O.0OO.
Wants, Fcrgle. Etc
waM m bmI' m aVTt east s sXT5
tMs .a kek awM m . ms
SMk earn, i awaki S4 par ".
Cka mm aeasanaaaa ar wawaa
m aa a mi wib m aaaar. H
ffaaea I iHW fay ast
aieara ereae hw aalalei mi
anaia ! itan Wauaa aaaaaa taa
aunaiiniia,l ' ms
WANTtD TaartaU an: kea4 people
to aea lay ooJlactkai : rrv-aU
coins. Indlaa tnaa : ataati
aad tartua of ut "mv Will bu
or sell la tkia ilaa. I e fa good
bargaiae' t eaeai ad furattwa
and tools. rOaorga uag. Mabt U
near "tftk. . . v
Bratclaaa aurk gu
w. C, tfaomr. Mover
be. tka day.
i . Mra.
OK Ora-
WAMTaUV-atojft S i tfrta, llara
la yoar ckaaoa ) . js gat ara aa
mak your CJari-uas aoaef
easy. Tka Uatniiig Katar
prtsa wUI pay c btg awa
mlssiaa bar WrU t C 1 trial
aubacnpitoaa. ,. i: at wvat
to kaow Bora kt t rt rail or
wnt to tka Cir u'Mloa alaa
-aaar. W taa M iniag Kniar
prtsa, Oraaoa Cry. as 4 learn
all about a kas will kava
to da Tka a ' ywa ram la
tka mora you. wi wake aad
you taa nsak a M It yoa
kuatia. . . ' '
FOR BALM Laawis. fas kac
capacity 14 psssst (ra. FTrat cUaa
Inquire Dr. 8 taat". rty
IX) R" 8 ALaV-A tae-T eenal aa
aea aad Iuak rvta Ooiag a groaa
bualnaaa af fruan 1U U liM par
moo ik tor eale at loa eash - Kent,
lacludlag two Bvi w raooM. IT l
rated oa carBaa la tktakty settled
residence district A aaooesHaakar
for maa aad wtfr i for I wo Bullae,
ranker partlcaUrs addraaa HIT K.
Sktar riirflaaJ e rill afwv S n m
POR SALB OaaaU poay. good condi
tion, baggy aaa ranaaaa. ES&. pkoaa
Oregoa Ctty, Ma I 1X51. t
A Stale Bank leans re thing af tka
security afrarded by fevemment aua
arvlslaa. It la M"dar ka direet aaa.
t'sl af tha State Banking DeaelmeM,
and aukjeet la rigid aariedlaal aaaav
laatiana af Ma eiperl awdlteea, who
aea that all tba lawa eafatwardinf da.
peaitara a'a asmpllad with.
Tha safety af year lataraata la aa
sured at
The Bdtak of Oregon Qty
O 0 UATOtiKaTTB P Meat
r. J MBTBR. CaaM
rinsm s sveel Banking BuaiMaa. Oaa eau A u,ai t .
CIIICA(U) TAItORS aulla made o
order from 110 and an. We ao do
- rleaaing. pressing aad repairing
Three doors south of poaludce.
J AUIA UAOKR. teacker of alad and
string Instruments, director of band 1
and on atra Wl.l rural. k ntuaU
for any orcsk. CH l Klectrlt ;
left half back; -Sap- Utoufstl. .
Oregog aty. quarterback; Carl tZ
ion, of Dallas, riabt aad. td nJJ:
of Kugena. right tackle rJL'
rartaa, of Cuaens. rlgkt guard luZn
Kellogg, of liaker. eeater; virtilT
Und, f Klamntk ralla. left J7
Kliner Hall, of luk.r. ,f, J?'
Robert Ilrad.kow at TV- iviuT. J
sud: Ilea Ckaadler. of artTlIT
William lleuaner, of rrtlkd; cksoai
Klaar, of Alamta; Jobs lkrsuaa. a
irtUnd: Aha llrout. of Konakaal
aad rre4 Aounsen. of Puniaad ak
UlUtM '
Washington Arm
NEW YORK. No. IS. Recent liti
gation and legislation- to regulate tke
trusts la discussed aad a remedy ' to
meet tke present situation Is sug
gested by Tkeooore Roosevelt la aa
editorial entitled: "Tbe Trusts, tke
People and tke Square Deal." publish
ed today la tke Outlook..
The suit agalnat tke Steel Trust
by the , Government." klr. Roosevelt
begins, ' "has brought vividly before
our people the aeed of reducing to
seated to ma oa behalf of tka Steel
Corporation, aad my further kaodi
edge kaa convinced ma tkat this waa
"I believe al tba time tkat the rep
resentatives of tka Steal Corporation
told me tbe truth aa to tka change tnat
would be worked la tka percentage of
tbe buaineee which tka proposed sc
qulsltloa would give Ika Steel Corpor
ation and further Inquiry baa convinc
ed me that they did so. a-aa not
misled. Tke representatives of tke
Oyster Ray returned a Republican
majority aad without a word from the
Sfeakicg for ourselTet we would
prefer to fly across me continent in
a Pur.maa car.
What fun will the schoolboy find In
a corelen apple?
"Give me America," says Thomas
A. Edison '.Ve d li v . to accommodate
you. Tom. l.-it jou'll he to ask Mr.
Mosgan fr our fhsre
DO TOU KNOW that tbe Em-year-enj
Bargain Pened '
Bee a-d on back t
order our chaotic Government policy ! Steel Corporation told ma tka truth
aa regards buslneaa.'
He ends with tke following recom
mendation: "Tke National Government exercises
aa to wkat the effect of tka action at
tkat time would be; aad any atate-
ment that I waa misled, or that tba
tepreaentatlvea of tba 8 tee! Corpora-
Self Conscious
Babble Within
Does the Most
Harm to Jew
By Rev. Dr.
WISE. Eminent
control over Interstate commerce rati- Hon did not tbaa tell ma tka truth
waya and It can In almllar fashion, as ui the facta of tke case, la Itself
through an appropriate governmental . not In accordance with tba tmlk.
body, eierctse control over all Indus-1 "it kaa beea alleged that tha pur
trial organizations engaged la Inter I chase by tbe Steel Corporation of tbe
late commerce. This control should property of the Tennessee Coal A
not be exercised by tha courts, but
be aa administrative bureaa or board,
such aa the Itareau of Corporation a,
or the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, for the courts cannot with ad
vantage permanently perform execu
tive and admlnlatratlve functions."
Before taking up hia general theme.
Mr. Kooseveit paused to aeny that tbe : ores:
representatives of the steel corpora-1 "The Steel Corporation kaa. Includ
tlon misled bim while be waa Pre!-1 trig the property gained from the
dent. Referring to the salt against ' Tennessee Coal A Iroa Company. less
the Steel Trust, be saya: 'than tueniy per cent perhaps not
"One of the grounds for the suit ' over atxteen per cent a very much
lis the acquisition by the steeel cor- -mailer percentage than tha percent.
porstmn-or the Tennessee Coal A l
'Iran Company; and It has been al- j
'oged. on the authority of the Gov
rnment officials engaged In carrying '
i the suit, that as regards this tran
iioa I was misled by tbe represents
- of tbe Steel Corporation and tbe
. - a were not accurately or truthfully
! Wore me. Thta statement Is not !
1 1 - t. I believed at the time that
Iron Company gave tba 8teel Corpora
tion practically a monopoly . of 'be
Southern Iron ore a that ta, of the
Iron orea south of tka Potomac and
tbe Ohio My Information, which I
have every reason to believe la accu-
j rate, and not successfully to be ckal
! lenged. Is tkat of tkeaa Southern Iron
Ciry. or.
ATT !"".
i. U BOn. AAorYer-aVlAW. f
Issaad, aaaararta f
UUaa aasmfaal.
era! Mw kajejaasa Owe Beak at
CCSy. -
U BJKN A teat IfcBU A
'ttea ka afl awaria.
prtaa B-agU Orasaa OKf.
BVItOCX A0 CrwralaCT0R.
HA RUT JOxa-Bu4ar aad Oeaera
raauaaauc. awttasataa rksaitarty
gteaa aa aH claasia af buildteg
viiu aaa ratafoeeaa
Bas rvtea Mala IP
Brara Lag aa baadle
n. COOPatR. TV Ftra
aad Baal Barbara
ea at bar.
f-moe ta I
RUUu Orasaa oty.
GENE. Nov. M (Special I Oa Sat
orday tke football i earns of tka State
Universities of Uashingtoa ana ure
goa will meet la Portland to decide
tke Northwest ckamplonaklp. Pfteen
thousand faaa are expected ta be
preaeat. among tbem tka Uoveraora
of trern and Washington, tke preal
dents of tke two I'klteralUea, aad tka
Mayor of Seattle aad Mayor of Port
Cacb team cornea dowa to tke big
game wltk a record of victories aad no
defeats whitman had Washington
State succumbed to Oregoa; Idaho
and O. A C. fell before Weaklagtoa.
Sporting writers believe tbst Wash
ington all win. but tba man from
Oregoa kave determlaed to Upset tke
predictions. Tke Oregon students
point lo Ike tact tkat their team la
composed of booafide students wltk
excellent class standing. no have, aa
aa Ingrain of rkaracier. tke kabll of
being satisfied wltk nothing but tkelr
Excursions will be run from tbe val
ley towns, tke lllgk School students of
Portland, and the Law. Medical, and
Dental students la the Departments of
tba t'nlveralty of Oregon, located In
Portlaea. are organising to rout fur
the Beater State team.
Seattle la planning also for aa ex
cursion of one thousand, so (bat tke
team from the Kvergreen State will
aot be without Its backers.
Tbe Oregon lineup will probably be
aa follows- William Mala, of Santa
Barbara. California (Captain), right
half back; Joe Jones, of Portland, full
back; Dean Walkef, of Independence.
The Oregoa City sieves will aN
tka fast MeUMigblla Club tssa al
mniaae auneay aneraooa kt
mak Park
ThU "will be tbe third tkeetiai
of these teams, Mrlughlla rarrriat
;off tka koaora la tka trM t
, gsmea. The amre la IVoa a as I la t
, aad last year MettugMla rgiatsrl
, M agaleet the local aggregstloa.
la Ike games heretofors Ika Pstt
lead eleven used members of (be Ck
, lumbua Club eleven. It (keaght
that ike team will kave Its regular
it win p tav
, fans a belter line oa tke tree awrtti
of tka exposing teams Oregoa Qtj
kaa ant been scored oa this eaaate
aad the local boys prorata there stl
ba ao rhange la tkelr record after
Suoday's gsme.
Mra. K. L lucoa aad aa, Tsd h
con. of Portland, were la this tny
Tkursday. It lace Mrs llacoa ksd hsr
son kave. opened their ronservaisry
of musle la tke Maw rale belldlaf. thst
kave done well, aad have more thai
slaty pa al la oa tke msadoda aad va
Ha. It la tkelr tnteaaloa to argsah
aa orckeeira aad will appear kt n -cn
la tkla city at a later data Best
of Ike lllgk School hoys have karaa
latereeted la lauslo aad kave lakaa ay
Ika atudy of tka maadotln aad vtoaa
Tad Baroa. attbowgk only larj
years of age, ta a fine msslrlsa tat
since movlsg to portlaad wltk ka
mother from e Aageies. la Jasa.
kaa orgs al isd aa orchestra roaiistlai
of twenty-eg pieces. He la eagagsl
la orgsnlalag two others, oaa af akKh
will be eompoeed of yneag wooMa.
only, while tha other will be of km
vet In tbe case were as repre-
age It holds of tka Lake Superior ores,
which, even after the surrender of tbe
Hill le:.e will be slightly over fifty
per cent. According to my view,
therefore, and unless wblcb I do not
believe possible these figures can be
ucce4fully challenged, tba acquisi
tion of tha Tennessee Coal A Iron
Company'a orea In do wae changed
the ! nation as regarda making tha
S'-ei Corporation a monopoly.
ditTTiitv of Je-rwh ILfe u 1- r;jiirr-l br bas-lf- attack
from aithoul tLn It CKASKI.ESS- SKLF COXSTIOl.'S
BABBLE WITHIN. We are in no-little rLn?er twJav of
pari Kg more attention t '.: r an- wling against tu
than to what we are doing for curative. The wronpr done to tm m
tuuaijjr curable and mav U- brne without jniiiiniit hurt ! our
aorjla. Tbe only irreparable wrong wbi'-h can ! done to Israel i
done br Ierael.
Among tbe UNWISE DEF E.VDF.IJS of I ra-l are such aa are
ever on tbe aeent of tbe faintett trace of anti-St'mitiKin, and thee
aoti-Setnitim L ant era re not seldom it l-g-iter, doing not little
to etnae the prejodieea which ther lament and to eroke the ill will
which ther rainljr bewail.
Not the least of tbe ilia of an unwise defence of Israel is the cir
rtirrtttance that IiraeJ'e third rate and fifth rati quani defenders are
permitted f use their SPURIOUS LOVAf.TY to Irael as a step
ping atone on which to rue to higher things for their own ejln and
lsrnefit ' ,
Instead of inbibitiona and denials tbe defender of Iirael must
Tba goreat method of defending tha people of Israel is tbrnurh
tbe medirim of ita own self rerpecL So long Jew guard him
elf within the refuge of gelf respect and eren of self reference the
world without can do but little to offend bim.
!! Congressman 0. W. Morris, of Ne.
Iirana. "I opposed the creation of
that court, and I shall favor Its abol
Ifhnn-nt, not because of any decisions
It fi f a made, but because It Is abso-
-tiiTfTy-uaeleag: Tha law was well de-4
Bried before we had the court." and
tbri la no need for It. I believe the
... .. progressives In Congress generally
carton of a esmp of Sons ., vat, to th ,aw
i fbls county is virtuslly f ongressman W. I laFoilette. of
ute l i,,- v A. Harding, of Meaile Washington, also publicly declared
rV. t, (.tatul Knc.r nt the Republic, himself In favor of almllsblng the Com-
aiJ ThyrsdaT lgkt Uie camp had not m rca Court Mr. LaPollette aald:
hs f..rr-.wj .. j as had Umi 'Senator Polndexler kss ex Dressed
esjiac' d. bat ere waa HtUe doubt my vlewa on the Commerce Court.
Ml" '"'- ' of tka undertaking, and I am with the Senator for tbe
Wken tv-t. Iloaiea have signed atK,lshment of tkls court"
tke applk iiifM- fit it organizer Hunt- .
T-.v org-.
ingtoa Wl. -rrt aad effect the
permanent raair. llot. Almost tbe
required nai -r .( aigaatorea has
been obtains- J kiremng bas the
roll, ant all pvion-Ugiile for mem
bership la tbe Ttni -eto ar urged
to call apon- hlui and tlgn K, .There
are at least It p- -a,tis la tke county
eligible for membersiilp in ike camp,
and It la berleved ti t eveutually the
majority of tketn wlit enroll, v.
- "
SPOKANE. No. ie"I baNeee
there will ba an attempt anada Af.Oie
coming eeesloa of ODnaresa ao rsvaa'
Origin af -Pants."
Tbe words breeches, trousers and
pantaloons are now ased Intercnanire
ably, hut originally tbe lruincstlon
vrere quite different Pantaloons were
at first nothing but ion stockings
worn In Italy aa a son of religious
habit by tbe devotee of St Pauls
moo lireechee originally reached from
the waist half way to the koe and
foslly to the knee, where I bey were
fastened with a buckle Trousers are
Ibe pre m atyle of lea- gear, a rom
Wlnatloa of tbe former two.
Just a Uusse. .
"Joba la making quite a lot of mon
ey newadaya. gueaa." ,
i. Ilaa be paid yon what ba owed
' ."No. bat he baan't tried to borrow
gay mo re. "-Toledo Blade.
There Is a
Wonderful Difference
between the light Afforded by aa ordinary car
boa incandescent and the brilliancy of the new
MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates two and
rne-half times as much light with the same
amount of electric current.
A 40-Watt MAZDA Affords Twice The Light
of the 50-watt carbon lamp now in general use
and costs one-fifth less to burn. We recommend
its-use to our customersnas it-more-than-cuts,
their light bills in two, making electric light so
inexpensive that no home, however humble, and
no store, however small, can afford to be with
out it.
Ask os'to show you tbe new MAZDA
lamps and clusters.
& POWER t0.
MAIN omce 7lh and Aider Streets
tba law creaUag tka ComnsaiO &yl . )
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