Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 17, 1911, Image 1

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f or City Occasional
! MUi; tMUh-rlr wlada.
!o ,K,t,WI,
J Mt aouth to "
' WATER'S mercy.
Tw evd By Belling Overhanging
rthM And Pulling Tham
alva ta Bore Othara Car
ried Mil By Currant
W0OlI.AM. Waah., Nov. ).- v
, io of l-drlvlng crew of thlr
lMa want '. Iheir deatha ibl. after
uoa In in rainswoilec. waters of Iba
North Pork of laa Iwl Hlvar, naar
tha mouth of llpellel "Creek, twenty
larva nlle above thl. city, when their
akllf a borna by Iba turbulent cur
real Inlo " eddy " eplil.
Tumbled lulu Iba chill mountain
itrMtn. even Iba few expert wlmroara
tmotig lbm baa liuie rnanre
Tbalr heavy caulked boot, and thick
tanking pulled lham down and niat
of I barn aank aftar fa atrugglae.
Tka dead ara:
Arnold Murk, of Woodland. single;
KU Peyton, of Woodland, aluale; Tom
O'Connor, of Uld.rneld. single; Ale.
Tflor. of Woodland. leaves a wife
. as lao aroall children; Galloway,
of Vseolt; Carter, of Yacolt; unl
Vfitlllo4 man of Yacolt. -
Of Iba all who escaped, two were
iapt by tba whirlpool again! Iba
tide of ibalr overturned Uml. They
aunaced to cling there unill tba bob
bing craft waa cat against tba bank.
To otbara, keeping Ibamaalvaa
aov iba currant. war rarrlad a
auartr of a mil down atrwam lafora
lbr could craal on Iba saving gravaL
To otbara, unable to aalm by tha
wotmI chance arose naar tba bank
and managed to clutch tba branchaa
ef overhanging trsee. by which tbey
pulled themselves to land
Tbuaa a bo escaped were (illlwrt
Murk. Juatue Murk. Frank Kald and
Riley McCarty, foraman of Iba craw.
U of Woodland, and two otbara b
bad baaa worklpa only a faw daya
.tad baa namaa wara But oainlalnad
I I ha maaaar lonadlatanra lalaphona
raport of tba dlaaatar that raachad
Woodland lata today.
I Da inraa Mura onjm wvra in
R1id Ollhart and Juatua raacbad
bora, aftar a flwrca airuaala In tba
fraaxlnf watara. It aa to find that
Arnold bad gona down almoat at tba
moment wbaa ba mlahl bava draaal
fclmaalf to, aafaty.
AnHbar of tha daad. Tom O'Connor,
of Hldarflald. to bava lfn a
L.I I . . I - . J . 11 1 . fl.iirH
.. wiiuritrHiin in If umjm. iiiv m
In Kldgawood. Tba atalwart
young rlTorman bad braad tha parlla
of tha logdrtvara lot In ordar tha
aiora quickly to aava up a modaai naat
. rt ( for tha coming- yaara of Biarrlad
UNt'OLN CKNTRR. Kan.. N. trt.
Hhrrrill Clark, a wealthy merchant;
N. Hlmma. a mlllworker. and John
chmlu. a farmer, wara placed on
trial loday for "aaaault and battery"
In connection with the tarring of Ml
,Mry Chamlterlaln. after Judge Oro
ara rtoolal of their application for a
change of venue.
Kverott O. Clark, prealdent of the
Rhady liend Milling Company: Wat
aim Hrranton, a farmer, and J.
tM. aatonlahad tha proaecutlon by
entvrlng pleaa of giillly and throwing
themolvpi on the mercy of tha court.
Pravlotialy Kdward Hlcord, a barber,
bid entered tha aama pla.
Panic aeema to have aeUed uix" the
men who atrtpped and tarred tha pret
'y rhoolieacher. after aha had been
lured to a lonely aptrt by tha local
hnrlwr. Rloord. who had Invited her
In a dance. At a apot In tha wwxla.
fr from any habitation or chance that
her ecreama would ba hear, they
era Intercepted by a band of men
h had an Iron bucket of tar warm
over a email fire.
Overcoata and Cravenettea we ara
i ihowlag. Our eelectlon compHaaa
- auch makaa aa Alfred Benjamin,
Clothcraft L ttyatam and Paragon.
Can you beat thamf Such makee ara
' "ly aold by tha beat atoraa In tha
country. '
$12.50 to 435
Nam tlma you're down cur way aaa
Pfice Bf others
Net Like Othara.
th and Main v
- t-
It U epected Ihat tiavernor Waal
etxm aetid nmvlrta to Ibl county
to work on tba Capital Highway and
(h-r roade. Tha following alatement
of lr. J. V. Raddy, of Madford. ahowa
hai the convlcta ara doing In Jack
win county.
"Vh-n t'Kivernor Weat aent the con
vlcla to ua he gave tba charge of
them to lieorge Putnam of the Mel
ford Alall Tribune. William Oerlg. gen
eral manager of tba I'acirtc A Kaatern
railway, and myaalf. Of courae we
ara not In actual charge of the men.
but we ara reeponalMa for them while
they ara there.-
The map contain twenty-aeven at
preaent and but one other man I with
them. Superintendent Oreavea. repre
senting the county court and aupervle
Ing tha conatroftlon work. No fire
arm, barricade, chalna or anything
eliui of that character are to be aeen
around tha camp and the dreaa of the
men would not indicate that the camp
waa other than an ordinary road
r"Tha convict ara far happier than
at the penitentiary and all y ibat
they would far rather be there than
Salem. We ara providing tnem
with a d food and quarter aa poa-
""inatead" of l-H.klng upon the etal
,Uhme.,t of auch a camp with
and apprehenalon the people of that
aectlon r. all ple. with th. work
.,,g accomplished and bo.lln
the .ytm- e hav. found the work
,o l. ret ucce.a and ery effl
clently done. In fact, the WcKjbt J
' f hi. crew I equal to If no, a lt J
belter than that of a regularly PWI
he convict, ara l-lng i-ald at the
rata of IS cent, a day and all .Pna...
W. ha" found that a. far a. tl ka
wn- of road, urn lor h la
vitem la concerned It la about fifty
per cent of what It would ba 1th or-
d'nary paid '" Thu T
ro-d fund, do talc. a. much.
-W. ho,- to get more men if thl
..u-k and will not quit when thl road
Umpfeted to th. PtIHc : hUhwajr
and Xr that th. nada thn.ughout
lh!Tr;hrw how the convict fee.
about bain. Plre4 ou the r
incident occurred the other day whicn
ti en U.u.r.t.on. On. oM
h,iri heelt aent aaventeen mile rrom
I' w"-". team and wagon for .up
.Ilea Tim. laed and he did not
"turn Th aupcrlntendent became
ITwhat worr.ed. A fallow con ,v.ct
told th. auperlntandent that It wrt
iafa bat that th. man would return
and aura enough about ocLnk that
Evening ha appeared. The men are
. r .nxloua ti .how that thoae who
Si knocking th. ."' wronS
nd mat they can ba tru.ted.
. ...,.t n-a Mr.w i The lury
box in th. McNamara inai w.
juror, and accepted
th. aecond tlma lata today. Pwrnp
ory challenge, by th. .t. . -nd tha
defen. will be axercl.ed at th. open
lug of court tomorrow.
Jacob um...g. n ..".llow.
tha twelfth man accepted. HI. fellow.
In tha bo were:
Sworn juror.-Rooert nnln. carpen
ter; Byron Link, mill-owner; T. IX
Green, orchardlat; Hraw.ter C. Ken
yon. ckpltall.t; Clark McUln. banker;
J. D. Sekton, rallrad fanner; A. Orlb
Unit, retired walnut grower; Wlllett
Drunner, railroad- - engineer; . C. A.
Hoath. farmer; William J. Andre, car
penter; T. J. Elliott, farmer. .
Ijinalng. Iba la.t man In tha box.
atanda an excellent chance, It I. aiu
tonight, of being tha flrat man ex
cuaed. PatMnlaa our advartlaara. v.
Tbt No-mber laaiir of .ha IK-tH'
rlan. tao Oregon City High Bch ol
irptcaitM'. In many . reipatta ta me
ni'et :it. e'Mng number ol thit evrif
ttii i-ul-iit alii n. It I rhck full f
I t.'rna. reminl.cetirc-.
ti-T.)r ne. f l or'al. etc. "thj
delgn la-lM-autlful. and. In fact every
llOng alMint tha booklet reflecta cred
uku the Uff of edltora and con
tributor. . And laat, but not leaat. the
bulnei management muat not be
overloked. for the magaxln. haa ad
vertUemeiita galore. Tha labia of
content which la aa follow., will gtva
an Idea of ahat the magadne I. from
k l-i- it-ry ataudpolnt.
PilKy'. Uva Affair, There are Com
The Torrent. A Hallow
een Flory, A lay In the Playground (
of Kurope, To the (Jlrla, A r'reahmana
Vllt to Rome. Editorial. School
Note. Tne INew ireuoie. aiuhuh
cala. Vacation Notea. Senior Notea,
Junior Notea. Sophomore Notea, Ath
letlc. Exchangee, Qulpa and Cranka.
The editor of the Heaperlan ara
Anilne llrowiiell. Edltor-ln Chief :
Kula Miuebel. Aaaoclate Mltor and
Kcbo Sw-nce. Aaltant Kdlior. Th.
biialne. ataff la comoed of C.llliert
Morrla. rlulnea manager; Charlea
Uealle. AaalHtant lltialnea. Manager;
John lambach. Supacrlptlon manager
amt Kdlth Alldredge. Allant 8ub
arrlption Manager. Tha literary Edi
tor la Kuby Kraticl and the Aaltant
I Iterary Kdltor Kt"3er Mealy. Th.
following are the department manag
er: Srhool notea. lxulne Huntley;
Kxrhange. Badne Harrison; IxK-al.
Erna Petxold; Alumni, Leola Korden
ant: athletic. Kent Wllmm; Quip
and Cranka. Pearl Francl. and Staff
Artist. Florence Whit..
K. N. Turnbull, a well known ranch
owner, of Hubbard, wa Instantly kill
ed by the explosion of blaatlng owder
while blBstlng atumpa TuesUy after
noon. The body waa mangled badly
and death waa Instantaneous. Mr.
Turnbull la In a critical condition, fol
lowing prostration from the shock of
the new. of her husband'a death. In
addition to the widow four children
survive the victim of the accident
' The Crusaders or Jerusalem Delivered
1 i '
Educational, Historical and Wonderful. Founded on Ancient
History. This is a $50,000 production and will positively be
shown today at ' , '
" The Electee Tfaeatee
No raise in prices for this gigantic production; Of special
interest to children. From' 1 a. m. to 1 1 p. m.
The flrat grand ball lo be given by
tha cadeta of the United Artlaan.
Saturday night. December t. at
Huttrh'a hall, promlae to be one of the
eoclal eventa of the aeaaon. A Port
land band will furnish th. mualo for
dancing, and the hall la to be decorat
ed for the occasion. The cadeta hav
ing charge of the affair are Mra. May
Naumann, captain; Mra. Sadie Eby,
Mra. 8chell. Mr. Jamea wtcKarland.
Mra. Erneet Walker. Mra. Emma
Thomaa. Mra. Orpba Hennlngaen. Mra.
Pauline ttchwarta and Mm. -MlnnU
Mra. Cbarlea Moran entertained the
member, of the Paatlme Club of Mel
drum at her home Thursday afternoon
In a moat delightful manner. The af
ternoon waa aent In a eoclal manner.
Among the features, which caused
much amusement, was the sketching
and the prlxe for the one guessing
the person', likeness waa awarded to
Mra. Victor Erlckapn. Dellcloua re
freshment, were nerved by the host
ess. The house waa prettily decorated
rlth chrysanthemums and evergreens
and the table wa. correspondingly dec
orated. Tha club waa organlxed laat
year and tha meeting at Mra. Moran'.
waa the first that haa been held aince
July. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mra. J. E. Seeley lo
two w.ek.
Those attending were Mra. R, H.
Tabor, Mra. Oua Wamblad. Mra. Vic
tor Erlckson. Mr. Mary M. Ryan, Mra.
Alex Olll. Mra. Nellie Sladen. Mr..
Ernest Walker. Mra. William Gardner.
Mra. Charle. Moran. Mra, J. E. Seeley
and Margaret Seeley.
Burn To Be Tried.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Nov. 10.
(Sneolal.) W. J. Burn., detective,
and Jame. Hoslck, member of the po
lice department of Loa Angclea, In
dicted In thl county on the charge
of kldnipplng John J. McNamara, will
be tried early next year. Prosecutor
Prank P." Baker announced. He "aid
he had Intended to delay the trials
until the completion of the MoNamara
casea In Los Angelas, but had decided
the end of those trial, wa. too far
$316,440 ADDED
mm ox coums $3,32$
Assessor Jack And Deputlee Ar
Complimented Upon Efficient
Work Mllwaukie Tracta
Are Increheed.
Ad Increase of $318,440 In toe aa-
aeasment of corporation property In
thl. county waa made by the County
Board of Equitation, which flnlno
It work ThunKlay. The property as
sessed wa. the power plant of the
Portland Electric Tran.portatlon
Company at River Hill.' $250,000 and
property of the Mount 'Hood Railway
A Power Company. $56,000. Assessor
jack did not aaaea. thl. property be
cause It bad been the custom of the
Bute Tax Commission to aeees cor
potations. '
. However, the commission decided
that Inasmuch aa the aaeeaament was
not on operating property It should
be made by tbe county board of equl
llzatlon. There were fewer complaint,
made to the board than ever before
and the entire reduction In the county
waa $3,325. The board which ia com
posed of County Judge Beetle, County
Clerk Mulvey and. Aaaeaaor Jack. wa.
In 'session one month. Mr. Jack and
hia deputlea have been complimented
by ecore. of person, for tbe thorough
neaa and accuracy with which hey
made the aaaeasmenta.
The aaaeasment of the Richard
Scott Estate In Mllwaukie waa Increas
ed to $7,500 and small Increase were
made on one or two other Mllwaukie
Jonaa Carlaon. who la thought u
live In Portland, la - being detained
here awaiting an Inquest Into hi. san
ity. He waa found Bobbing on tbe
step of a atore at New Era, and re
fusing to give .any iniorumuou .r
gardlng himself. Sheriff Maaa and
Deputy Sheriff Mllee were summoned.
They brought the man to the county
Jail where he told hi. name, but de
clined to .ay where he lived or how
he got to New Era. He continued
1.1.1 . rt k. waa Inckod UD. A
uiiuiUH - -
letter addressed to C. 1 Graaer. bual
neaa manager of Local Union 11.
Labor Temple, Portland, wa. found
In one of hi. pocket.. Sheriff Maea
think. Carlaon walked from Salem to
New Era. Carlson wa. .till cryd
late Thuraday night.
' H. W. Trembath, Deputy Fish V'ar
i den. Indicted on a charge of shooting
Alex Douthlt. a fisherman, pleaded
! guilty Thursday to simple assault In
! Judge Campbell', court and waa fined
$76. Oeorge C Brownell waa employ
i ed by the State Commission to assist
I In the defense of the accused. Trem
I bath changed hi. plea from not guilty
f shooting and wounding to simple
i asaill ipon the recommendation of
Ibl. attorney and the District Attor
ney. He was alleged to have ahot
Douthlt at the Falla of me winamena
several month, ago, while the fisher
man wn. r8ln" ,h warden watch
hmiMc lit a row boat. x The defendant
said thai he called to Douthlt to halt,
but he it-fused to do so and he shot to
mrk the boat The bullet, however,
penetrated Douthlt'. left arm. John
DouthU, a brother of the wounded
man, who attacked Trembath with hi.
fists b.-on after the .hooting wa. fined
$50 on a charge of assault
3 '
-Cemmander ef ttte Duke ef tba
Abrum'i FlaaaKie Fiarameeaa.
dies of Ph'Eu;:o;;!A
William Cummlngs, for ' several
years clerk In tbe Oregon City poet
office, died at :30 o'clock Thuraday
evening at tbe home of hia mother,
Mrs. Helen Montour. 608 Fourth
street. Mr. Cummlng. had been. Ill
of Inflammatory rheumatism for three
weeka and Wednesday waa- stricken
with pneumonia. HI condition be
came ropldly worse and early Thura
day It became evident that be could
not recover. He waa conscious until
a few mlnutea before he died.
Mr. Cummlngs waa born In Wis
consin. May 4. 1867, and cam with
bis mother to Oregon twenty-five year
ago. . They lived In Oswego ten years,
coming from there to thla city. Mr.
Cummlngs was one of the best known
men In Oregon City and hia friends
were legion. He was a member of
tbe United Artisans. Assembly" No.
7, Oregon City, which will probably
have charge of the funeral.
" - - - ' i '
On. of tha most delightful DSrtles
ever held In this city was tbat Thurs
day afternoon when the members of
the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club
were entertained by Mrs. unwooa k.
Jones at her home on Seventh and
Monroe streets at auction bridge, the
nrlxe helna- won bv Mr4). M. D. La toil r-
ette. Refreshments were served. The
rooms were very prettily decorated
with red carnations, ferns and chrys
Those who enjoyed Mrs, Jones' hos
pitality were Mra. E. A. Chapman,
Mrs. O. W. Eastham, Mrs. A. A. Price,
Mrs. Charlea Ortfftth. Mrs. Tyra War
ren, of Risley; Mra. John Adams, Mrs.
M. D. Latourette, Mrs. C. D. Latour
ette. Mra. C. Q. Huntley. Mrs. Nleta
Barlow Lawrence, Mra. E. P. Rands,
Miss Alice Lewthwaite. Miss Marjory
Caufleld. Mra. R. McAlpln. Mra. Henrr
O'Malley, Mra. U A. Morrla, Mrs. H
'8. Mount. Mrs. Theodore Osmond.
Mra. William R. Logus, Mrs. L U
Porter. Mrs. W. E. Pratt. Mrs. H. E.
Straight Mrs. W. 8. U'Ren, Mrs. Clar
ence Johnson, Mrs. J. N. Wlsner, Miss
Nell Caufleld. Mrs. Hugo Henary, m.
C. H. Melssner, Mrs. Edward Schwab,
Mrs. E. T. Fields, Mrs. J. H. Walker,
Mra. A. L. Beatle, Mrs. M. C. Brown.
, The Oregon City Charter Board ex
pects to establish a working basis at
the meeting In the city hall this eve
ning. President Harding aald Thura
day evening that copies of various
charters, embodying the commission
form of government would be sub
mitted to the members for their con
sideration. A Committee probably will
be appointed to make a report regard
ing the proposed changes in the char
ter, which will eventually be passed
upon by the entire board. Tbe fail
ures of the voters In several cities
recently to approva chartera, embody
ing the commission form of govern
ment haa Impressed tbe member, of
the board with the advisability of
proceeding slowly and with caution.
So anxious la the commission to pro
vide amendments that will pleaae the
people, the public la Invited to attend
all the meetings and offer suggestions.
It Is believed that with the asalstance
of the rubllc an Instrument can be
framed that will be adopted by ant
overwhelming vote. , a . I
If you are not reading the Morning
Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar
I gain Period la now on. See ad on
back page
4 '
The MHy 4mty mmmt.
twMn FHNmnI MMl CaNr ' ' Ha
latee In evary MaMan ef k a O, ,
aiN County, gapaC . ' v .
SO .000. Are ye a whT .'
Pa Wkxk, 10 0p
t . z
Special Tax Per Building THarwugh.
faraa Te BaDiacuaaed At Com- '
- maixlal Club Maes
Meeting.' -
County Jadge Beatla Thuraday 'call
ed a maeUaf of the road aupaTvlaOaa
of the county for December to con
slder a special tax for road par poa ss
and other matter relating to' Improv
ing the roads. It la optional with the
supervisors whether they attend, bat
It la believed that all will be preaent.
Tbe meeting will be called to order
In the county court room and after
tbe dlacuaelon of preliminary aCalre
an adjournment will be taken to tha
Commercial Ctab roeajaa, whoca it i
expected that a large number of tax
payer, will be preaent to meet the
supervisors and give eiiavetioaa re
garding the building of roade.
"The county court, of courae, favor
tie improvement of the roads," aald
Judge Beetle, "but the money muat
be provided flrat. Money ta the flrat
thing that muat be conaidered. The
rand for the building of tha Capital
Highway in thla county muat com
through a apecUl levy. In aome dla
trlcta a five-mill special Us haa been
auggeated for road purpose and In
others a ten mill tax Is coasideT-
ed " .--''
That the meaning will be one of the
biggest ever held In the county for
the dlacuaalon of Improving tha roads
la assured. Several member of the
East Side Capital Highway Assoeta
tloo declared Thuraday they would at
tend and tell the supervisors what
that organisation had accompHsae
In fact it la believed that the aaeet
ing will result In a better understsad
tag betewen tbe county authorities aad
tbe members of the sssoctatloa. aad
tlut more roads will be built In the
county next year than ever before
rn one year. - ' "
An almoet unanimous senuraent mada. and the only
101 .v., -
queatlon to aolve la that of ralaing
the money.
Thanksgiving day la drawing near
and while we are making preparations
for this happy time, let ne not forget
the little orphan bable at St Agnes
Home, Park place.
The Slaters xf Mercy have upward
of seventy-five little ones to provide
for and some- help from the charita
ble friends In Oregon City or surround
ing country would indeed be very
much appreciated by them, and the
children would enjoy the pleasure of
a real Thanksgiving.
nn vnn KNOW that the Enterprtae
I vrcr-end Bargain Period Is now on?
I Pre ad on back page for particulars.
6 heart in IV ' -
every Locket yf 4 -V . - ;
Ik. Iwart lr r-Hk !..
jaM Imh. Iki. "t. th ItM
will t. fcw.t la !.. Ik. lrl ! rlle
BM. 111. Ul..a I tmtwmrj vt
S.I.CI itkt wvrthv at It. Miiw cfl.
te loll. Unlaw, a H.C. k..rt n.a.f
mm. !' ,h ! nllaMUir
WMk a. A- la lackal
ka kla, Na. 9461.
Burmcistcr & AnCrcrcn
d". f
S X .A ' .. t
ejf - WW U'411.
& s Uckhr
II TXtsKsrk
JtWELIRB.: - 'v, ;
BuspenalaM BHeg 'Car,, Cftri "(
1 .V.
' vi
!i 'V
' "i