Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 16, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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, ,, ft
.V.I- ,
- it 'if -'A
zi sraiG CUTS
rraokle; liaddea and Bt lr,
tve tight wetgBCa wt New Vvrk.
eM I CaptaJa Bonds ptac at Kim
ford. Cms. la trtM for a will. tn
kasdrrd and afty dollar wa givvw
Utrai for upwMt. Tberr
taaleted befor tbey am that every
Jteraoe they should aavw U good
RMiads. . "SUira." they werd. - On
th tra Of t ctl day
4m aa4 Dorwty nuN lb dtapeaatag
NM .
Twere acbooasr C brew . waa
tb order.
Whea the bakr Wat placed o
the counter they tfi.a ta aU
roaada; always a drsio.
Ju-k Jokasoa ww.b r
that a la tareagb wtta ta ring. Tb
"bag earaaser n
4 this aanonac-
1 bnI la Loadoa ra
csoUy vkM tbey
pot th akld and
his ogbi with Boaa
bardler Wall la
England. Shortly
before Johataa
started oa bia Ew
ropeaa trip a baoca
at How Tork aporta
started kMdhur Mm
owe atghc UMfat
lew aaM: rJark.
fNl bo toreod t
Ixbt wtthte a yoar.
To kaow yooTaj
abort of. cbanr
aow. aad after our
trip abroad ibo book
toU will bo gooA"
Arthar laaaod back
a4 laasbod Uaaaair
Into kaota. A -
atialcbteood ap aat
Id: -So. air.
Hcr"i on rblckea
that-baa oaoagb
ataff to Hro oa for
tbo ro of bia Ufa.
. 1 doat ro U t
vor pat oa a gtooo
'gala." Johama
aubt aa wall antt
1 1 bo rln If a la
waltla for a
-wblto bopo to
arias ap. Oao
glaar or or tbo Oat of aoarywtisbta
roraala that tbora Mi a aaaa wbo baa
aoaalMa ebaac ot Natliia: loo
caaetptoa or wwoJd draw a good boaMO.
A battlo aitb Laaxford woold draw a
fairly good boaos. bot at that tbo pro
moter eoaid aevcr afford i pot ap a
fortaao for tbo aOU. ' It kwka aa If tbo
- goldea daa of tbo pugiUat r oor.
-8aT. I'd Uko to Trrrt MrOorrr
wbca bo waa at bia beat gotac-ap
, againat aoiDO of tbo fellowa wbo rlatia
' tbea tbo wbolo tblajt la tbo BjEbt
wrlgbt rlaao tboao daa. Trrrj'd rieaa
ant all ap la a coaplo of roajKU." re
aurkod Joo Baospbrtea tbo other day.
Joe ran't ee wbero tbe llgbtwolirtiU
of today woald bjtaro at all wUb tbo
mea of a few joara mtso. rlalmlag tbat
they oaUroty lark tbe ctam tbat aiade
tbo old tjmera ftmooa.
Harry Darta. wbn will maangr tbe
Cleveland Aatertraaa aett ommo and
wbo baa bees tbe rigtat bower of Coo
"ate Mark over aiaco tbo latter baa beea
at tbo bead of a team la Philadelphia,
waa oar glrea tbe araod bounce b
tbe Athletic- leader. M waa hack la
IfOH. wbea Coaaio waa auiaagrr oftbe
: PhtabarcH lean. ' Mark Ogared thai
Darta waa a fw pnlat aliy of beine a
' big leagao ratrber aad eot bin to
MlnoeapolN 81are tbeo OaTU baa
helped Mark wia four pennanta and
two world a ehaanptniih!p
At huarelry not far from the Rf"e-roe-Ktratford.
Philadelphia, bar morb
amaller. there ta parrot, a larcr erreo
parrot, wbsno rag awlan la tbe par
yr Frank Baker, tbe Athletk-' third
bnaemaa. went la there to ae a friend
' A Baker entered tbe parlor tbe parrot
v raffled ap bta feathers, rolled bia eye
and arreaaied: "Help: Delp'. Bad
naar Bad man! Tolly oraredr
-Why. whyr eirlalmed tbe laodladr.
-1 wonder what' tbe natter wltb tbat
parrot? I bought him In New fork
only tbe other day "
. Minor Cllege Beating Largo Univer
sity Elevens Regalarty.
Th "big foor" In footbail is no
longer th aKgreaaJrely dangeronaronv
blna Uon tt unc waa. 'Tbe amaller
rollegea are aow teaching tbe big -oul-'
TernitJe aometblng of tbe jcrtdlroo
gam. It waa only by tbe rarest ico"d
lark a few. years ago tbat aa oatKlde
team could score orer Tale. Ptiaretoa
or Pennsylvania. Vet only a abort
time tiro the Army team routed Tale.
Annapolis played Princeton to a rtand
atlU and tbe Browns whipped f'ennayl.
ranis flarrsrd and Cornell mans red
to arrap tbroagb. -
," ft la realty surprising tb way tbe
team of tbe amaller Institutions are
. developing. Browa'a rise baa been phe
nomenal. Last year Brown annihilated
the Flla and crashed tbe Quakera.
v This year It has beaten Pennsylvania
' and scored on Harvard. - fc
Canadian Laarosso Teama ta Sweden.
. Canadian do be plan to get together
' tw lacrosse teama for tb Olympic
games ia Swede nest year. A repr
' aentatir of th Swedish Totrrtag club
propose to take the Vancouver Maan
rap team and tb champtoa Canadian
f .a cross assoriaUoa aoaior to tb
. gaoiaa. ' ',,
Ta P arsenal.
. namfatt-R'yaUy. m appetite mnat
be tempted tbia mawnlng. Of what
aball I pebtakaf . Landlady-How do
gga atrik yoa? Hamfatt-Oenerally
la tb madam, doa't b puhaoaaiV
Toledo Blad. .. ,
H. Ma Waent
"Talk about lackf
;,Wbara bappenedr
' -I found a ten dollar bill la my last
year's ault."
, -,.-J: Why. I tboagbr to war
married "Toledo Hiade. .
&r f. a. Mrranxv .;
CoajrrtaM h Aawtcu hm A.
ctettoo. ML
Anoa Wlaatoa waa a ry gootla
poraoa wltb ao aataral apt Had
tor leader hip U tboao political dioto
Baeet which eoacora lb wootaa at th
praooatday. Bat abo fU aader to la
tooac of Mr. MoatgonMry Slooa.
wbo waa greatly tatoreated U th mat
tor of obtaining rotea for women, and
tbat lady aiade a vltforoaa effort to In
fua aoei ot her own oatbaalasoi on
th anbjert Into Mlaa Wlaatoa. Tbo
ptoceaa waa Uko avoiding a atata ot
a aoft materUI which woo Id Bot bard
a. Ta describe kin Wlaatoa la wav
aa paHaacavaa a ta for wootaa
advocate, ah woo Kin t "jetL" '
x UowTr. after br Brat later lew
wltb the arranger woman an coaaid
rd herself eitovorted to tbo raaa
aad. being engaged to b married, be
Urd It Siting tbat ab aboatd aa
aoaac bw coareraloa to her torer.
8b aont for him and aald: ,
. marry. I deem It proper to aaooauva
to you tbat I am taking groat lutereat
ta a aaatter of which I doat know tbat
yea approra. fUar 1 expect f aa
aa ra a poairJoa la tbo working oat ot
bow Idea .
: -Wboo Idear
. "Why. It a oa or tboao Idea that
doat belong to a ay particular poraoa:
lf for everybody I meaa for Tery
-W'berdrdro"get'ltr '
-I doat ae tbat that baa anything
to do wltb tbe matter. It w on (Detent
for m to toll yoa tbat I bar Joined
tbe rotes for woaaea movemeat"
"Oh, toafa" all right l"m la faror
of lbatjookijllglet job bay rot rtgbt
away. . There- are ao aaany pesxllng
qaeettooa la war coaarrya political
atata that any brain la la a whirl all
tbe Urn trying to lad out which way
t ot apoa tbeem. I'd Ilk aalgbty
well to rora ay datlaa aa a ettUoa
rer to yoa. '1'
-Why. It" aU eery almplo. tsat Itr
-Simpler Not to dm. Tbere'a tbo
tariff, and tbe treats, aad the re fere n
daih. and tbe reran, aad a lot of other
thine. It take all my tiro to keep
ap erea with what tbey. mean."
Agne. wbo bad beard lira. 8ton
rattle arer tbac thlnga aa a cat woold
raa orer ptaao keya. aald coofldentlyi
-Qb. I know what all tbeo thing
-What'a tb rfrndnmr
-Why. wbea tb gov rr nor ot a state,
for Instance, doeaat exactly kaow what
to do la a certain case be refer tb
aiatter to tb people. He submits I at
aa election." " ' -i I
-What"a tbe reran T" '
' -Why. wea a Jadg doeaat dertd
qoestioa tight tbey take away bia
Judceahln." t .
-9p1eadld: I see tbat yoa bar eas
ily discovered tb purport of these tw
BOTettlea. ever which I bar been pea
allag my poor brala aver alar they
were bora. ' I cast make oat whether
a trust ta economic development or
a assumption of mnoponMa treading
oa tbe people's light. I bare no idea
whether wa bare too many voters al
ready or too few. Tber are ao manr
randidatea for me to lnvHtlgat beforr
our election tbat I barm't tb time for
the work. I aball bar to da oar pro
viding wbea married, and I tblnk It
will be better to turn my political dtv
tles over to you."
-Ton couldn't, stnpkl. It'a against
the law for women to go to tb polls
to vote." " ,
-But yon raa tell ra bow to rota,
and 111 go to the poll and rot as yoa
aay. Wouldn't that be tb same
"I suppose so In onr rase, but every
woman couldn't do that with ner Oanc
or ber husl.and."
-8be might with her Bnnce."
-That's It. When shes married ber
bnsband will iili to rnt as be likrs."
-Well. U)iose ifc:t he wkhea to
vote one way and the wlf the other,
la tbat -esse wtji' tbe use of el t ber
of tbem votlDE The ou la a stand
off againat the other"
"I never thouctit of thal.-
"la other words, they -pair as ther
do In legislative bodies wben two
members on opposite sides wish to be
absent at tb coming up of an Impor
tant measure."
-I think we'll pair." she ssld softly,
feeling for ber1 lover's band.
"And If a case of referendum come
Bp In onr family I'11 refer It to yoa "
Tbst will be very nice -
"As to the recall But there's Bo
recall la marriiige. Is there?"
-Only divorce, and that's awful."
The dialogue waa Interrupted attbls
point by kisses and was never renew
ed till after their marrlnge. Tbeo one
day wben tbe couple differed oa eom
domestic subject tbe wife said:
. -What did yoa say. dearie, wben w
were -ngaged. about . matter of this
kind oi-curring between usT" "
-I don't remember.-
- -I do. -Too said. 'If a case of rater-
Mdum cornea up between oa I'D refer
It t yoo.t-
-Did I aay rhatr
"Tea: yoo did." '
-What did I aay about tb recall r
-Th recall? I don't exactly ramanv
ber tbat Wasn't It something about
Judge not deriding rlgbt and being
taken off thf bench?"
"Tea. Wben we were engagrd I told
yoa tbat I would abide In aU thlnga by
your decision, but Bow that wa are
married I And tbat yoa do pot la i
cases decide right la this instance
yoa are all wrong, aad I feel It a ace
aary to axercis tb prerogative of re
fill- ' . . ,., ... ,
"Well. I declarer
Dlamen KetisMna.
Diamond poliablng waa Invented by
Lodwig voa Berkem. Belgian, la
1475. -.. .... . v
..a 1 t
Fereign Keeentrtettie. ,
-Tb people is ibes foreign hotels."
aid tbe young tourist, "bav the
queerest way I ever eaw.'
"What'a tb matter now?" . .
-Why. I Just bow asked tbe clerk
la French what new from America,
and be replied tbat the Russlun In
terpreter was out. I'd Ifte to know
what connection be tbougbr tbar wa
between tbe two."-Lllncoti'a-
After ten
BIG LITTLE aachamas
and Clachamas County homes every day
' During Bargain Period, which ends December 31. 1911.
Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL
FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City
Gladstone, Parkplace, Willtynette. etc., Bargain Period
Price -for an entire year will be only $3.00
Two From
You Will
Th Moon and the Clouds.
Tbe popular tmiresslon tbat th full
moon baa tb power to clear swny
clooda die bard notwithstanding tbe
almost unanimous prononnoement of
modern -ieotlflc Investigators against
It This may be largely due to tbe fart
tbat ao great aa authority In his day
as Sir John Henwhel regnrde1 the Idea
aa probably correct. - Mr. W. Ellis,
after a atudy of. tb 'Oreenwhb ob
aervatlcms. aueirsli thit the' Impres
sion may fet- ln to . tbe fact that a
cbare rrotn ie th rlesr
eUtt l-i murl u. Km likely to attract at
tentV .i wh;u l t I n full moon In
tb sky. ajid finny etaralo(;lstii agree
with blm. Touih'f Cpmalon.
'. . Japan, a Wit -
A Japaa: ortl fn'. Ar lubi.-beon la
New York I old 'a oty .tbnt recalled
th rtOHsovlspuviene v nr..-' . , i
.."In yout. rlt; ut ,'ras'UluRlm., he
as 1(1 'In tbos. trhiill djy when It
was pretty cerlBU UusU aud Jannn
would have te fljtl .ila'ihi and
Japanese mot at , n -;ti,iir.. rolliely
enough the Ww mkii I )sx iirsed tb
coming war, and then,, oh' Uey wtr
about to part lb ttuasliin Mdr" -
."'I won't bid yn'gooubr, tint aa re
voir. . Ill soon be In Tofc yoa knurr,
drinking your health la cbeBipatn.',
'Oh.' said th Japanese, risking hi
bead and smiling. Tta afral'l Jtiy roua
try Isn't rich enough tn gM, her-pii-oners
of war cbempajtn" , . ;
i .J
, ' - aisanant nliaiw f
The natives of India Iwlieve'ilist eiev
pbants bav a religion d fmut n1
worshin. '. r f ' '
f jou ar not reading th Morning
T2-terrm, why aotT. Year ml Jtcr
r"'t Tevlod la qo on, . Hti ad
back pag. .. - ." ' j,
months of continoos ptiblicationf Morning Enterprise, the
This is 2000 short of tho mark set by the Publisher for
the first year, so in order to interest that many new Sub
scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December
wili be a bargain period for subscribers. ' -
:afli ,
XOJJ CAN' HELP. Tell two of, your neighbors about
this offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re
newal for next year at the samp reduced rate. Are you onP
Then boost for Morning Enterprise, tho only paper publish
Matal Arrival.
The following ar registered at tb
Ehctrks Hotel: -'.,
Thomna MUler, Molalla; J. M. Wil
son, Portland; O. R. Bmltri. PorV
tnnrt fumes Hates. Redmond. Or.;
A. I- Pitman. Walla Walla, Waah.r C.
K. Urehnt. Chicago; J. A. Eaken. Aa
torla; .lamea Ashman, Portland; John
Haye, Portuna; w. 11. wrum,
Portland; Reorga Mlley, Naw York
City. 1 .' '
Math and Marv Henket to Emit and
Tlli'a Kltnr, 3S acrea of aectlon I,
townahlp 6 south, rang 1 east; n.ouu.
Eva K. and O. O. parmB to Blanch
TnAA to acrea of D. L. C. of J. M. II-
con and wife, township 6 aouth.rango
1 east; Uon, . -
Mr. J. A. 8Uef to Preton Howatl.
5 acrea of II. C. Brown D. U C. town
ahlp 4 south, range 4 t5 1750.
Bastern Investment Company to
Theodora Hardera, southwest quarter
of . aotithwaat quarter ot aectlon 20,
townshlo 3 aouth, rang at; ft.
Samuel l Parrat and TllHa Parret
to Gottlieb Schmld, 6 1-3 acre of
section 13 township 3 aoulh, rang
2 'west; 40 acrea of aectlon 13. towa
ship I south, rang 3 west; $2,000. .
Calvin P. Mora and Louis D.
Mors to A. C. Mcrarlana and Allc
Mcrarland, 11.25 acres of Jennings
Lodge: 11,1500. . , 1
; Charlo V- Walt et al to D. B. Oun
solns, 3 acrea of - Can by dardena;
165. i . . , ,
OlndPtone Real Estate Company to
Gladstone, part of block 111, Glad
stone; 11.
f , , .,. . .
. IX) YOU KNOW thai th Knterprlee
yrar-emt Bargain Period la aow oaf
Ea d oh Dck PK 'or "particulars.
tay hnc Seiniry two Night, N
. 1 vembsr 20 and 21 at p. m. '
L, Th E88AY which If to be REAP at
County Daily is
Bhlvely a oira hous November 20
21, Ukss In a whole world's descrip
tion aa to a world's main differences,
wa cannot r,lv all the differences In
a world for the want of lime ao th
ESSAY tan he road In on evening, but
will gtv the principal differences.
Differences are a BUN, MOON. STAR
and EARTH, as main differences, th
rest ar all at odds and anything tbat
rooks different la classed as differ
W ahnw th way that a world com
menced to form in . tho beginning If
any th way it divided and went to
differences holding substances unto
Ita finish, or tbe end of a-world's pro
ceedings. We put mil th way that
heat and gas started In a world th
result of heat and gaa, th courses
It take, th way the world makes
Ita waters tb way the watera ara
divided, th course they take. The
way regHatlon atarts to grow, th dif
ference, claased to aoro extent, th
way all aeeds ar grmd by a world,
th way they divide growing two way
while cirri motion holds control. We
figure a' RUN for motion, and girt th
difference for It. w figure that
moon I nothing but motion, and glv
Ita aubstanre.
W" figure gai as a renderer, w
flgur really all atara, and th way
a world make Ita wlnda, and gtv th
reasons for wlnda starting up to blow
and tb auhstanc therein, and how
wind ar ahlfUd, and why wlnda
cease to blow, and why wlnda will
contlnu to blow from aom afuarter
of a world mor than othera, w flgur
a negative 8T0RM to a finish, and es
timate a poaltlv storm.
Wa put out th course of a BUN
and MOON clrcl. w put out lh
coura of ECLIPBE8 of th sun and
moon, w put out a COMET or a ME
TEOR. W-put out poaltlv and neg.
ativa courses and tb results. We
flgur thre globes and th result to
soma, ex tent v We Umat a man's
Urn on tb aarth and glv the reaa
ona that b leave hi. body, W fol-
read in more than a thotis. ,
j low water on th artb and th way
it nanaiea tb lands, w put wit all
the ressons for tide waters, tb way
the world works tn nut ...
. . ' " MTM IUM J"
! "n ana tn KAJNBOW, differences.
w reckon a Volcano from th be
ginning to an end. and motion ceasing
I '" lh axploalon. Wa put out th
I 'oro '" lU.COAlJt. and
mey com sort and bard COAlJi.
DIAMONUH. w put out how a world
makea It OILS, and Ita ISfN-GLABB.
Wa flgura the Hubstsncea for all Min
erals, and why ther ar difference
In Mineral. W th ri,on, f
Tratmnt at Hot'Uk. Inolndlng mdlcal attantkm, board an
baths, coat n0 mor t,baa yoa would pay to Ilv at any flrat cUaa
hotel. Rooma can b had from 71 C.nt. to 2.t0 per day. - Mal,
In th cafeteria ar rvd from 10 canta up and in tb grill at Mi
usual grill price. Dath rang from 50 ont to flOo.
Wc Do Cure Rhcoaatisci
'"Vv. N.
' .-. . . .
WALTER n. Picrrcc. Prcs.-Mar.
a moon coming later each vaalaf
Wa bav flgured A wbol worlt
tak In a llttl of ZOOLOGY, aa4 r
tend somajoward a human Race, a
lb whole world I alwaya in votloa,
and glv many otbr dlffrnce.
Th KS8AY conslau of fifty
acap abeeta In print, and aoro BCB.v
ERY. .The ESSAY haa coat thw
and of dollars and bard BTl.'DT. w
not nils it. It takes about two a
B half hours to read Ihe ESSAT. -
ADMISSION BOcCbll'Iren at v
and fifteen, 25o. .
Do not raum th ESSAT
yon hav heard It ALL READ.
Hot Lake Mlnral Batt"
and mod given undsr cia":
tlflo direction bav en
thoiiaanda. Writ for III'
' tratd booklt dacrlptl
Hot Laka Sanatorium jn
th mthod( mployd, Hot
Lak Sanatorium la aoca
albl. as It la locatd dlrwt'
., It on th main lln of In
. o.-w n a, m. railway, ano
, apstilAl rcuralon rate art
, to be had at all tlmsa,