Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 16, 1911, Image 3

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    ;:y. Y,,
flow Afcctst That Raincoat
f i cio kelp you defy the rainy weather. We have
Bov a complete line of rnen'a and Ladiea', Rainproof
Sllpooi dJ Cravcocttea. Drop in between ihowcri
,nd fit one on. Thejr pre jntt what you want.
Price $6.50 to $20.00.
Stories from Out of Town
7th Jc Mtn St J. Stfipenslon Bridge Corner
- - .v. .mat an conviction
far " 1. ........ .tw. a
Nlelmen A
lot aIMng tldg Portland.
an Main ftlti.
: - ... hwu w f-'
! SSLTi Bni-rprlM from ib
!Im p ubrrlbrt after
7.. b."
. ;
1 1 Ml
W. II. l mtill. In IVtrt.
Ian 4 on buslnaaa Wednesday, attend'
d ' r Ira conducted by lha Itv.
(llpy Hmllh.
Th oubi to have Mm rlaiatlua.
Im ir lied too ko1y to your bul
"I knew "
Th don't ra any light nuratur
at id do yooT "
-Oal; tba muiitklf aa bill.
local rvRicrs
fbd Smith, of Mutlao, waa la Ihla
tit; Tuesday.
nu'iiimn. rf Portland. waa ! Ihla
dlj on business Wednesday.
Wr and Vra. rrank Mlllr. of Bhu
WL r In Ihla city Wdnday.
Thomas Miller, of Molslla. waa In
this rliy Tueaday and wanasy.
J.mM i. itatea. of Redmond. Kaet
era Or-gtm. waa In Ibis oily Wad
IVana Irian ni ihla ellv. who baa
bata al KMorado, baa returned to Or-
Cli y.
Mlka IVrenser. of I'ulon Hall waa
la Oregon Clly on a bnaln trip
A W. DrlfTIn baa arrlvd la Orwn
City from tba Raat. and la visiting
III aim. O W. (Irlffln.
Mia Clara Rlrbaaon. of tbla clly.
kia rna lo HL John. wner ana win
visit for evra day.
Un j it imlawaon . of Portland,
wm In ihla clly Wedneaday visiting
kr ilnera, tba Mlaaaa Cochran.
' Andrew K or her. on a of Iba hard
.p. mil litinlamani daalara of Can
ey, In Ihla city Wednesday.
John . Andereon. ona of the were
knnsH r.rm.ra nf Kldnradll. VII In
Oremn fit jr tranaartlni bualnaas Wed
t-l.l ..I. . Ii.ta Crlitav and
Raturday. NovamUar 17 and 11. Mlaa
C. (ioldxtnllh.
If ..... .r. .n. ...lUn lha UnrnlDI
Bnirrtrlna, why not? Yaartid lur
mm I'rrioa la now on. bm au v
back .
Frd Hhafr. lha aawmlll man. of i. tM tki. .iiw ftip a faw
darn r.n bunlnfia. and U rtfiaUr-xl
at bf Klrrtrlc Hotel.
A I Mtm.M a. Kiaalnaaa fltialll of
Walla Walla. With., waa In tbla clly
on btiHlnaaa Wadnoaday, wirtaUrlng at
ma KUTtrie Hotel.
Mr, rtov Woodward and Uttla
"laiiKhifr. of thla city. ha Itona to
Eiiamdii, whrra thay will vlalt Mra.
Woixtwurd'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. B.
B. Womar.
III., ri n..i.t nv . Ill k... a anOO-
1.11. n Vj. VHiluainu B win ii. - -
Ul of tullllnary ooda Friday and
oaiiirday, Novambar 17 ana i.
J. H. lllnnkanahlp arrlvad in Oraon
CltV VL'silnaaitav mnrnltlf from Van-
oiivfr, Waah., and haa accepted a
ixwltlon In the office of the Wllla-
""tie Pulp a Paper Company.
U..I-. II. II. itaimhtar Of
I " 1 1 ' tj ll.WIII.Hi HSU. "
Mra. Newman, who la very 111 at the
nnme or Mra. UXtle Hiricaun, i -lona,
remains about the aame. The
"ill" alrl la auirerina; from typhoid
fever "
if ... .... ...4i.. t. Mnrnlna
i jfuu ra n'i rwi "
Riiti-nirUe. why not? Year-end Ur-
i"in luriod la now on. nee au
bark pR,
William Koernar, who racentiy ar-
rlva.1 l at Tnt... to altand the
"ral ot hla . father, the late Rudolph
Roernar, waa In thla city on
neaa Tuesday, and whlln here was the
piimt of William B. Howell
Oliver Cbarals, of this city, has Bona
to Uicrsnde. Or. to Install automatic
prlnklers for the P. F. B. Fire B-
wnnuiehlna Company, nr. unria
in ...... i .n la ihla bualneaa
nd durlnc the paat year baa Installed
"any oi tbeie apnnaiera.
rin vnii irKrnur that (ha
yeaMnd Bargain Period Is now on?
"a 4 on back pae ror parncui...
A ran a. -aW... . t tnaitijkf. ni Patlm-".
n v.... t,-A in npAaron CltT to
v' Uflf l I I M aa w-a--- - - .
pend several months with Mr. ana
Mrs. Oliver , Charale. tne lormar .
lkAM laa Uaaaa laalfl niYllalVr. Mi
" im Mil. puvhiwih ai -a
nd Mrs. Buckleln Were former reai'
Qenta nf Draann City. .
u. ..a u.. ri.Ml Parr. WhO bate
villi ma. v. i. " " ' .v.
been reatdlng at Newberg,
lormer haa hats in tne ua
n... . i.i.i.. ik. tatter's parent a.
Mr. and Mra. C. H. Oale, who
mis city. Mrs. Parry u. .ad
in.. . ... . .via aii. nr. ana
"a Aiiie ui, ui "-
To tbe aurprlae of many who bad
beUaved lliat the recent declining
tendency of lha augar market would
contlnua for aome time to come, tbe
Jobber bare announced an advance
of ! raotr a hundred on all grade of
ID conimxtity. Tnia puia m mar
ket on atandard granulated and fruit
and berry auger on a $.0 baala. a
price atlll 40 cant under tne rennery
i...i. in .anlana'ioe of the advance
U la declared that tbe Jobbere werl
merely tired or aeinng oeiow coai;
tbal Ibe unloading movement bad
tune far en nigh to make sure that
tlcre would be no burdeneome eurplua
on their banda at Ibe lime of tbe ar
rival of the !1ral ofTertnga of tbe com-
pg crop TU market at the aavance
vaa held tc be h-aimy in tone.
W. L. Hugbea, of Portland, baa op
ned ehoe repair sbnp g j. Turks'
tin and hardware store, nt dmir la
lha poaUifflre.
Th. ll.tif. .1 V. Il i .k. t . t . . J
' . - - - ' um I "i i miiu
j ('antral Orrheatra Haiurday evening In
"if" a nan, la ma nii one ul B Bnriea
for Ilia a Inter. Tba liait one will take
plat the 2utb of Novaniber.
J. K, Hampaon was hir Thursday
looking after bis property.
Mra. it. J. Moore and Mm Hobbla
vera Portland vlallora Haiurday.
Whan K.I . OMl a.. .1..
In Ida he la building for tba Clacka
inn Houibern railroad Tburaday av
entiig be ateptxtd on a alxty penny
ilk and hurt bla left foot disabling
b'ni for a few dafs.
Jay le Welch of the Oliver Type
i writer (Vm parry, of Heinle. Waiblng
ton, ana here Monday on builnfia.
The Modern WoodniHii of America
nut TiMHiday evening In (ireen'e ball;
'th ri-gutar routlue of bualnesi and
ttime the flra( of AukuiI aliout thlr
t) two new reildencea bive been built
I In and around our ooiomnnlty.
Mr and Mra. Henry flrhuflar were
! Portland visitors Tueaday.
The National Conaarvalry of Mualc
haa opened a branch itudlj in the
1 Oreen building with a clais of twenty-
flv. iimilla Prnfaaaor Parkar will have
rhir.a of lha rlaaa hrr Tha branch-
ea thai will be taught at thu begin
ning will be piano, violin, mancioun,
guitar and banjo. Tbe weatern branch
all! be under the direction of H. C.
Undiay McArthur la alck . at bla
lioine on Railroad ajrenue.
C. A. Chamber haa moved lo th
city for Ui winter.
The Oak Drove girls' band will meet
In Voehurg's ball hereafter as Oreen's
ball baa been rented for dancing Per
th tt painter, . - ,
On Thankegtvlng eve. November
potato digging to o don In this dis
trict. Tlirtnomtr stood 14 Fareav
belt bar at 7.00 a. m. tUturday. f
It JS. Eaaon bought a brae of gam
rooitar Saturday.
Ueorg Maroiiay, whit on a hunt
ing trie. In trying to attract a. ahell
from bla gun. sploded tt and Injured
bla rlicht ay to aucb an extent that tbe
eyeball will have to be removed. Dr.
Iupton took him to Portland to have
the operation performed.
Heveral Randy bualneia men are al
ready paaalng out beautiful 1912 cab
The Bandy school will give a ptib-
llr ivimmamon&llve of
ThankKlvlng festlvltle Wednesday,
November Zwn.
i .luh narlumr returni-d to Portland
Haiurday after a tbre week' vaca
tion here. - V " ,
I llllun ll.lmaa haa raalmed her DO-
altlon aa bookkeeper t Bornatedt'a
. M M .
atore and operator tor tne rirwooa
Taianhnna Co.. and returned to her
borne In Taggart for tbe winter. Mlaa
Molina baa won many rrienaa aunng
her eUht montha' aUy In Handy.
Charles Barbour, Ed. Hart and Je
rome Howard ar attending th Ore
gon Apple Show In Portland this week.
Two horaea In the Handy livery barn
became tired, of their quartere about
two o'clock. Monday morning, brok
loo and wen over to th Bandy
hotel, entering the premise by way
of th board p"" between the
aaloon and th hotel. After prome
...Hin. ..n and titvn the verandaa and
craahlng through the flopre several
times In tbelr fforts to gain admit,
tanc., They were driven awey by
...... r . K. .tiaala ho aDDeaTed on
PVFM.W w . . . . - ' -
the scene anddenly In abbreviated
r v KAmn. ta movln hla family
from th houa on Main atreet over to
IToctor's addition.
M. Anderson marketed a big load of
poultry in Handy Tuesday.
Bugene Cummins ha elod down
bis sawmill for a faw days on ac
count of tfco saow.
Wellington Marshall I aawlng wood
for the Timber Urove popl.
Mra. Ham Elmer came horn from
Portland last week.
Ham Martin I working for Cum
mins' sawmill.
W bad about two Incbe Of snow
In Clarke last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mareon vial ted with
Mr. and Mra. lew.
Th. ara Inlandlnc to bV tMWb-
er's meeting on the th of December.
Mr and Mrs. lien Black and daught
er left for Uladatone, Oregon, last
Haiurday to spend In winter
Dr. Uotklns has returnea trora run-
land. . " ' '
Jeay Friel Is riatlog his brother,
J. T. Frlell. Jr.
Vincent Frlel Is visiting her par
ents. Mrs. Wm. Hugh Is suffering from a
light stroke of paralysis.
Dave Douglas has moved his family
back to Cherryvllle, and Is hauling
lumber for his new bouse. ,
Prevslllng Oregon City price ar
as follows: '
Fruits, VegeUDiea.
riDirn rniTlTfl (Buying)
Prunes on baala of 14 pounda for ii
&0a -
HIDEa-(Buylng) ureen -,
fc to c: Baiters. Ac to c; dry hldea.
He to 14c; ahep peiu. JSC to 750
Hay, Oram. Fee.
HAY (HuylnB) Timothy, HI to
HI; clover. $ lo 19; oat hay.
to 110: mlied. 19 to III; alfalfa. $15
to 1.M
OATH-( Buying) Gray. I vf
tit ta 13.1: on meai.
Bha'dy Brook dairy feed. II Pr
joo pound,
k-a-n utinrii 117 to 128: rolled
barley. $37.80! process barley. 138 50;
whole corn, n; r",-. "'..V "'
bite, 2 to I7: orsn i -
utter. Poultry, IgB"-FIOUR-$4.B0
to IS M.
tiittteii (Buying) Ord nsry
country butter. X5e to SOc: fsncy
dslry. J0c; creamery, oc - --
POULTRY - (Buying)-Hena. He
to 11 11: broilers. 11c.
E008 Oregon rsnrn r-. "- -
onir VKniETABLES Carrots.'
lid to 1150 per sack; parsnip,
W to lt.0; tulpa. Il-Ilj ll-M:
prunes, on nssia oi
beets, 150
POTATOES Best buying 70c to
85c per hundred.
ONIONB-Oregon, 1M to ir
hundred; Austrsllsn, 11 Pr hundred.
Livestock. Mests.
BEEF 'Llvs welght)-eteers. 8
and c: cowa, 4V4e: bulla. I Mo
VEAlCal'M bring from o tt
ISC according to grade
MUTTON Sheep. So an 3HC
UH008-m to-140 pound hogs. 1
and lie: l0 to 100 pound.. 10c and
100. j -,
mrs. HOinrr hostess
Cf the weonrm.-. - .,,..
Club at her home on N l.ih treet atiia-riiwii "
w -'- ... -.nt play
by Mrs. U. it. "r,j:: a A. Price.
ond prlr. wwt . - dee,
oratlona wer of yMom B.
mum and asp.r-au- . b
A. Chspman win -
,t th next maeuna. - ,
Tboie anjoy.u ...... j Mr.
lal ty war ,.,,.
C. D. Itouretl. Mr "0.
ett. Mrs. B. a. vif.- -
Huntl.y. Mrs. a. . - M
ward Schwab. Mrs. B. P- H
M.s B?"". "r" j ' r p'HumDhrys.
lna cnarm.u. ?" - ,
a unrriB. niiii vi m -
Mra. i ' I..MIMI.
v i .i. Ktarifiw a aa "
ner. Mra. n t,.
Cauflald and Miss n. - WftV. 22
WILLAM T l a. .
.. '''JJ-?.11I1... Club mt Tuaday
a w"v",i.; , .1.. th first
,!Ot t 7 Kv.mber M at
w "? "JTr. . "1,... is com-
po .? XFJZ Th. narty
If yon ara not wading th Morning
-jnurpria by not? Tar-nd I Bar
,ln prtod Is now onf 8 ad on
an all nlaht dane will b aivan In
(ireen'a ball. Refreahmenta will be
crved and a good time aaaured.
Mr. Ilargen hurt bis hesd Haturday
evnilng by running Into a spike, caus
ing a bad brula and a painful wound.
Mra Abalt wnt to Oregon City
Wedneiday on business.
Mra. Arnold waa a Portland" visitor
Mrs. George Miller and two' child
... f i via Waahlnarton. rn Mon
day with Mr. L. B. Arnwtrong. Mra.
Miller and family formerly lived her
and all of their friends were glad to
M tbem sgaln.
T R- Worthlngton returned hom
from BrookOeld. Washington, wher
his sons ar hauling wood to the riv
er. Tbeodor had an encounter with
a cougar near the spring one vnlng
end In th morning thy found tracks
from two of thos wild anlmala. Thla
la th third on they has seen but
bare been unable to capture one or
kin . . . Wl K
Mlaa Lelb Cuahman, a Lincoln bucn
achoolmate of Lliy Graham, apent
Tuesday afternoon and evening with
Mr. J. H. Graham and family.
Mr. and Mra. L L. CUrk wer Or
.... - laltri- Katurdiv.
Mrs, John Davis and sons. Clay and
Wallac. went to Hooo Kiver iai
w lalt with rebitlvea.
Mra. Klrkley'a funeral waa held
v. ...Hair aftarnoon'
Robert Roaenan haa moved up to
Sunnyaid to Uk cbarg or ni par
ul farm
Mr. and Mrs, MUlara, aecompaniea
by their eon, Cbarles and family, took
In th Doll 8how at Meier a Frank's,
Jack Hunter haa gone to work in
Root a Lwthwalt' garage aear the
Wedneaday Mr. and Mra. George
Alexander celebrated; tneir euver wea
riln. annlvaraar bv Invltlnx tbe Lad'
lea' Club, neighbors and relative to
make merry th day. May tney live
to celebrate tbelr golden weuuiui.
John Baker .ta having hla houae
George OdelU on of Sandy'a bual
neaa men. waa united In marrlaga to
Mlaa Allc Pahud at th hom of th
bride's parents. Hlllsboro. ' t v
The Flrwood Phon Company Is
placing aeversl new phones this week.
Snow is flying and there la Ma qf
Miss Zelma and Archie Cummin war
down with pneumonia. Tbe last we
beard they wer Improving. '
Willie ?eintyr cm noroe n ia
taylng with bia.father, Mr. Mclntyr.
Ed Mclntyr cam hom from Wash
ington sad Is staying with bin mother
William Clark and Haul Country
man were married last week and mov
ed to Portland. -
aaintrfav nlaht aom on orlad open
on of Ibe window of the 8outhern
Pacific depot, and ranaacaea an at m
drawera. but did not get anything of
value, they took aome amall articles
sod th agent's punch. They did not
leave any cine. i
James Mattnews i aom i
Oah In PortUnd Sunday at a restaur-1
.m and ml Dtomaln Doiaonlng. H
wm sick for a few days but Is better!
now. I
: G. Balcom haa been alck for th
past week but I out again. , ."
The City Council met Tuesday v
antna and th regular routine of bual
neaa waa transacted. W. Jk. Hanaon
baa reIgned his office as city
corder. The council will appoint one
to All bis unexpired term.
Mr. and Mr, jo usdhh. u
land, aoent Tueday with th cnas.
Laklns family. ,
W.A, Hanaon ana bo. n.eii"Bg
In Oregon City Tuesdaf on buslne.-
Remember the danc Saturday er
nlng given by tb Erroll Quartett.
Tb United ArtUans gav a danc
and Supper Tueeday vnlng. Vla
llora were her from
uM nanrea Miller and two child
ren of Lyle, Washington, wer hr
visiting relatives lor two ween, re
turning home Tuesday morning. ,
Mayor Streib and Judg Kelso went
to Portland Wednelay on business...
Church Note.
Evangelical church. Rev". B. Rade
baugh, pastor. Snnday achool at 10:30
A. M. Preaching at 11:30 A. M. T. 7:00 P. M. Preaching at I
P M. " Ptayer meeting Wedneedar
i m.r.1. nractlc Tburaday
evening. Teacher's Training Friday.
St. John The Baptist Catholic
church. Low Mass and sermon at
A. M. High Mass, sermon ana ownw
dlctlon at 10:00 A. M. , .
Mrs. Homer Mullen waa in PortUnd
i . nn hnatnea.
Mrs. Maggie Johneon waa In Oregon
City Tburaday on bualne. -
A peciai scnooi "'
held at the achool houa November
JTth at 8 P- M whea om important
matter will b brought up. On will
bo to levy a special tax for th main
tenance, of the school, and to consider
tbe oueatlon of - consolidating th
Wlllsburg and MUwaukl school1 dla
A.m An1 lha eatabllshment of a
branch school house on th east aid
of th district, ana sucn wow .-
PEOPLE are not leaving so much tochapec
in these days of universal telephone service.
Inatead of Hiking disappointment they telephon and get ti-facta.
Will school b held on a stormy morning, will your friend be In h
you call, what doea th weather man predict and , when doe th train .
leave ar samples of myrlsds of queatlona constantly paaalng over th
wire, and being answered by tbe proper authorities. , ' v, " i
There are also questions to be asked about tb telephon sarric. low
somebody can b reached over the IVfTI Ixmg Distaac Telephon and what
It will cost, and similar questions, which are being anawanaf byth rV
formation operators. ' ' ' . '
Pacific Telephone and Telccph COe
Eyerr Bell Telephone is the Center of the Srstesa
ne that may properly com bafore
th meoting. .
Th regular all dav meeting of the
Grange will be held Saturday. Novem
ber 18th, when the annua! election of
officer will be tb main feature of
tb meeting, and th representation
of taia Orang to th Stat Orange
will be diacoaaed. Mr. Robbin will
have charge ofth dinner
Wednesday, November 23rd,-rlb
Motbenr and Teacher' Club will hold
their regular meeting In tho school
house at S P. M. Tb program will
consist of reading and discussing th
best methods of preparing lunches.
Mrs. Zo H. Clark, of Portland, haa
been elected to the vacancy In the
chooL Mra. Clark Is a Pennsyl
vania teacher of several years' x
perienc and cornea highly- recom
mended. "" f" "
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Elmer will leave
.Wednesday evening for tbelr old home
In Colorado. They expect to b gone
aeveral week visiting friend and tak
ing a moch aeeded rest
..i .v. titti. ao- of Mr. Roeen-
.. vraUM. . -- . - -
burg, who haa been UL. ia improvUg.
f The Boys' Clnb noios u rajiw ,
meetings Mondays andTWednesdaye ot
each week. They bar gained many
new members sine school opened.
At tbelr entertainment tbey cleared
20. which they paid to tmjir instrne-
Mrs. Durbln. of Mitwauai neignva,
opened a kindergarten, la the band
ball, commencing wvaneaaay
Ing. ' . ..
m.... VannhM 1KIB IBB fw-
tenta of th Mllwaki reUnrant wUl
b aold at public auction. CP romancing
.. ia .'.iii a if William Sbindler
t owner and W. W. H- Bampaon will
be tb auctioneer. . ,
. Dtni AND.
E. W. Brock I repairing th tele-
phooe Hoe and evral new phon
ar to be put In Boon. . .
Real etat ia changing hand faat
again. Th Conner, Morgan Bad Bruce '
farm a have tnten Bold 1117. ;
The Raduuid Sunday achool will
have Cbrlstmaa exerctaea and ar pr- ,
paring a good program. ...
Tho road work haa shut down until
better weather. .
Booney and Kerr have started tblr
sawmill again.
Mra. Myrtle Slmson Is visiting her
later. Mrs. N. McKilUcan.
Mrs. Shaw, th school sprvlsor, -was
tlsiUng choota in Kedku0 ltty.
CAN BY. ' "'
Mrs. L. T. Batten, of Canby. wa
shopping la Portland laat Fridajr.
Curtis Selby, of Mount Plauast,' waa
haklng hand with old trtestd m ;
Canby this week.' " T - - "
Herman Harma' team ran away laat
Thureday wbil he was hauling po
tatoe to Canby. The king bolt broke
and the horaea am on to tosra with
an of ika aima. They atrwck owe
of the PacUle Highway goM
and tor it loss. ' .
taranea White's taasa
frlRbten4 and -ran away. H ara
hauling cream from WUsoavtrl. th -
wagon turned over an apussa mu m
tb cream. , ..
Rnllln Portav Bald th STTOUna WMIffl
be whit with snow Friday morning
and It waa. and tt Is still snowing at
th present writing. It seems Uk
we have on prophet IB our town. -
, Hair or more or im weua wj
ar about dry. . som or ta
that never bav been dry bar to a
dug deeper. - ,
Hilton Mack 1b digging potatoes,
which ia turning out a fair crop. Ho
cleared th land himself and planted
tb potatoes himself. H haa about
threo-quartere of an acre- , 1
; v J-4 Down
y Monthly
ggY Is A Sure Guide.
" '
DM fefef 33 '
MAKE 2 f
wo a t TTKjmt?D win t AT MULINO NOW .
invest vour money In o growing ."""""V )
' -.'cnwy.wrr MULinO
Y0Ur m?L So W evervBOdycja own , o ,
Ki, L. 15UVlVliUN Agent; : ,,..
ii - -
II a a. SSSlSaa-.a-a . . . ..
back nag. .
ana maaacta to "