Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 16, 1911, Image 2

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a- -y-w.- j t-
. -
i i. t .
f. C BROCMB. Bdlaa and PwMtotrae.
I. IHt. at Um
a am r
reus t sutscnrmx.
waa lr. n . ....
i Koalas, fcr Mil .. ... IM
Mr Maatha, be ataA... I. a
' Far Nk, kgr earrtsr ..........y a
fmt rwe pee welt Iwwt
m rasa. P
mjmt th r ta drat Bag, per haa
twai aasaruoa
east mIm .aaa IM paa.
............ ...
Itnli tea we
Batae far iIiiiibW as A
fetarprtaw via
aaiiv. tar adn
Iter waafctV. Wfera tlx a'
k) MmIVtH trass the tally I Ok
W. tiat eaaac. Ua rale ra
a kK for nm f the
m for
Ctrcue .Siantataa i
artala at tea Ma aa bm.
a aaa Beakna W
IM dm llrat -mia
Sawe IM ea raa wiinau,
at wita aurm to laosl I
eHH aa iaar aoceeeaa. fcJied
aaraMa aevar iwutmi
a he- attjaae I
hj oa Ml at tb follow lAg a tore a
vary gay: .- "'.'
- Hualtoy Broa Drug !
"'i,-i Mala Street. . )
', -v J. W. MeAamtt Clgara
' i' 8ata U4 Mkta.
. :. B. B. Aodaraoo.
-Mala aaar Blzta. .
'A V W V? . j.--- -.. - a
r . pee b
aaase, aaa
CM aaaM WDaaeaaaay arar m
ni la eakaawa la aaaakaae afWaa at
Laga aSiwcaeag at tel S i iiiIbbj
rala . T"
Vh V, Naxt toor to P. (X . "
,. Otr Drw 8tor .
r c,-V 'jwe BotaL-
: , vi Sehoaebora CoofactioMry
Nov. 16 In American History.
4 16-fuirgrto Walt. Irat wUt aa-
Ore f New tngtaad. bora a tb
btaygowar la Gap Cod harbor-.
.4 lTTM.--
lttrr-OkUbesoa waa adaUUed to tb
- .'Xaloa. ;''. '
' 1910fFl desit Taft 'la addreae at
raaaama atat baanBaC said tbat
' . tbar aroMhl be a anaaxattow f
'tb refMbll ta tb rsttod Stat.
. ; Trom aoaat taday to dooo iwaorrew.t
, Sua art 4JSX. rtsa p:4(l; muoa rises
: 2& a. aa.: 20 pv'av, moon la coa
jaactioa with ' Venus. - f -anting fro at
wcat to east of lb planet. IV degre
. worth thereof: seea beautlfullj naar
la aaat before aawa: a. nv. Mars
aaartat earth a It approaches oppo
atUoD, distant 47J500.O0O miles: brlght
. st and tiring baa opportunity for
"J two Tear for dlerorery of poaaibl la-
baMUnts: apparent diameter 19.6
. .. aeronda: display about half tb bril
- Uancy of tb opposltlou of 1900; Mars
rises as sun set. '
Tb Iconoclast la a restless Indi
vidual. H I ajways smashlag something-
or other. This time It la a say
ing that man baa usd ao long that
ther la no record of IL
How often bar you used or beard
employed tb phrase, "blind aa a
bat?" Well, it la all wrong. Tb bat
la not blind at all. but baa a pair of
good eye and a sixth sense of direc
tion. This Is the assertion of an In- i
dlana man who baa been making a
atody of bats. He aaya the bats de
vote about three-quarters of their
time to sleep. They go Into winter
quarters about the middle of Septem- ,
ber and hang themselves upside down
to the top of cavea or walls. The
are hooks on tbelr wings for the pur
pose, and In that position they re
main until tbe end of March.
It Is only In tbe spring and early
summer tbat the bat flies around
algbu. The rest of the year rery
little la seen of him. The sixth sense
of tbe bat enables it to avoid collid
ing with other objects In tbe nark.
The The commercial traveler or
By Covtrnor
9 Paul Thompson.
OW, wi bkr entirelj disassociated the idea of unffrage out
we, wflh idea of Tto1en actiona or UN WOUAXJ.V
CONDUCT. Women go to tbe polls there as quietlj ifod
, with M much proprietr as
, ' Tbey want to belp tbeir sisters ererrwher to win the ballot, bnf
tbej find it strange to think 0 helping ovt those who clamor for it
belier quite generall in aj stated 1 think m I believe mraelf, that
the guffragiata, tbe jaonmilitgnt gropp, art campaigning b g. MORE
eomea it will be to their banner. .
dramnar Daa itoo4 th Ua autaaaca
aa VBf aa poaalbla aa4 la sow U
pva raballloa acainat IU Not only
taat M ku dacldad to waca war vpoa
It tarouaa ata powarful orcaatiattoo,
tha Commarclal TravaJara NaUoaal
Praaldaot Dow o tha laaxua aaya
Uat 150,000.000 U aaaually dlatHbut
d by commarclal traatara.. among
ball boy a, waltara and 'aortara, baatdaa
I32S.000.00 paid aa racuUr botal
chart. Thaa ara bug auma and
aay b aomawbat aiaggratd. but
It la tndlaputabi that tba travellog
maa ara anaually waictad of a larg
aum of tuoney tbrougb tb nirdlum of
tb Up a i tunc.
la bgtnnla( lla cruaad agalnat lb
aulaaaoa tb iraTlr bar waraoil
tb botal kaapera tbat tbay mint co
oparat wltb tb loagu or tb drunv
mra will arranga- for Dlrtainmat
at plaea otbr tbaa botala and UI
alao acr aanpl aooma not ' coo-
nactad wltb botaU.
Now Tork botal baa para profaaa to
bUr that tb cnuad - will b
trinjjig affair. la fact tbay ar ratbar
taclln4 to laugb at It Thar la
constantly growing aaatlmant against
tb tipping auiaaac and tbla foaling
will b graatly aocouragad and
atrogtbn4 by tb poaltloa taka by
tb travallng man. Tb botal bpra
may not b ao strongly Incllnad 19
marrimant aftar tb aalma bav
ban busv a ltttl whUa.
No matatr what tbalr oolor. all mo-
torcycl aaaa to mak about tb
aam sola. .
"Doat H to your wit," advise a
Chicago Judg.' Ha most bar Just
found mt tb fyfttf ftl-pllng It.
V - " ..
Ta taaoeaat bystander appear to
b aa aameroua ta China aa ls
wbr. ' -v'". v '. ' .
China traata a aw calendar. Nu
meroua enterprising buslae bouae
la tbla country would b oaty too glad
to eapply her wltb any quantity. .
. Say tb Toledo Blade: "Babies
used to be rocked to sleep. Now they
ar taken to tb Wroring picture
abow." . .
The dor of peace la a beautiful
bird but a blg-'gua o a warship brlaga
quicker results.
Champ Clark (a talking of tb an
nexation y of Canada again. Champ
Insists upon monkeying wltb tb but-
A New Jersey maa tried to cat aoup
with bis fingers. No wonder tbat
a lata la Infeeud wltb mosquitoes.
Saya Abe Martin: Ther seems t
be a unwrlttea law makln It all right
t' sieai t umorellr."
Clapp-trap la the way some of the
unkind newspapers of tb Middle
West refer to the utterance of tb
Senator from Minnesota.
Liquid Fuel Oil.
It has been sbowu that oil with a
flash point of 239 drgreee Fahrenheit
will not Ignite If fired Into with a shell,
snd If dynamite is exploded In a res
ervoir of this oil It only throw op jets
of oil wtali n do not Ignite. Tb only
dangerous liquid fuel oils ar those
whl-b hare not parted with their roln
tile. Inflammable canes, suru as abso
lutely erode oils. In sll ordlnsiy com
mercial furl oils these portions ar re
moved, and the oil 1 safe and contain
no .power of ontinroiix combustion.
Oil with a Are test or ltf) decrees lo
200 degrees Fahrenheit I as afe a
coal and It will not Ignite when stirred
! with a red hot poker nor wben hot
coals are thrown In It.
Playing en . tr vanity.
Mr. Totu to bis wife.--My der. the
air Is chilly. Fermer. i feurtre.
The Visitor isottu vol. i - Whv Ar,
vm . Tonr ...
tbe window?
Mr. Potts ttllttoi Bex uune you sre
here. If I asked ber lb KnylUli she
wouldn't do It. as she won't take In
structions from me before vlitor
But if I say It In French sbe gets tip
and does It at once, ao ss to let you Hee
that sbe understands tb language -London
Tbe preeent method of manufactur
ing lime waa known and practiced at
least aa early aa 713 B. 01
fNtronic our auvenlaer.
Suffragists of
Type Will Get
Ballot First
tbey would go shopping. .
other and that whoa Wrv
The Gortfeous lOaptismal, font
In the Great Mormon Temple
. 1. f J(
Capyrtcht by J pa r. Smith, trustaa
Latltr Pa
NB f Iba ukmi spitoUld airiKtura
tempi in salt iJikr City B (run la 1K-VI. it waa anuoaa aaa v
catad ta lA Tba building, wltb Its furnUhltutt. coal about I4.01U.
ixm It l uard for uarrugtra. baptisms aud all tb aarrat rltaa and
.vrmonUI vT ihr Churrb of Jaaus Christ of I.itr Day Batnls. t gtra iba
llortuoa rhurrh lla full corpora la till. Nob but Worm 00s ha baa lr-
rbltird to rntw H alnr Its dadlratloo.
tb Intartor. whWb la said to b wor richly dacoraiad thaa waa o4oaoa
.taoil. bav braa publlsbnt Tb foot show la ta plctur ta aaad aftar
th ittru of lb bra tan foul, or later, aa lb bUag Jaaaaa raraloa (1 King
fR 2S baa It. which stood la tb court of tb iawUh tabaraacl a ad aft
ward la tb tampl and coatalaad water for tb abtudoaa f tb piiata and
for tb washing of tb sacrifices ta tb temple aerrtc. Only the ata twee f la
aiea aupoortlM the Mormoa feat are rlald with gold
Heart to Heart
tour nnarjic.
How often do you think?
-Why." you aay. "I think practically
all tb rime except wben I am si-ep.
If wo yo ar a rare perana.
Moat of Us do not really think vers
often or vary much. W iy ibink
w think.
Moat of us lev our mlada drift. VT
glv very little time to genuine reflec
tion npoa thing that ar worth wbll.
ror laetanc
Tou drlv along a country road. One
moment you think f your bora, and
tb next a rabbit lopes aero the way
and laterrupta your train of thought
Toa get started when you meet a
neighbor wb auggeata aometblmt ele
And ao oa. Toa may put In an entire
day la tbat eort of mental drifting sad
do scarcely any thinking.
Toa ar ta a trolley t ar and look out
tbe window. Tour mind goes arnrry-
log to keep up with tbe kaleidoscopic
change of tb street eur. "My.
that auto Just missed tb car: There
goes Mr. So-and so. Much a noisy news
boy: How very warm It br
Do you a?
Tour thoogbta have drifted as a
boat, unattended, goes down tbe
Tou bar not been thinking ai all.
only dreaming. Tbe wheels of your
mental machinery bar goo round,
but no grist la torn.'! out.
Real thinking require concentra
tion and continued mental effort.
Toa ehot your mind's eye to things
about you tb sabcon scion mind be
ing oa guard and think and think.
Tb way to think to to think.
Tou bold your faculties to one thing.
If you hold them long enough from
eomewbere I know not where. do yoot
from aomewbf re. there come to you
thoughts tbat are worth whlle-
80 tbat If you want to d me real
thinking yoo must be careful your
mind does not skip around tbe corner
at some outside suggestion.
If it doe go thus scampering take
It by tbe scruff of tbe neck and tb
lack of tee breeches and bring It back.
Bring It bark seventy time seven. If
necessary, or until you ran make It do
some thinking for yon
Kept Busy.
"Tou seemed well acquainted wltb
him." remarked tbe new msosger to
the shoe ssleaman who bad Just been
talking with n rnromer.
"Yea: I meet Mm frequently."
"Jam lodre, maybe?"
"No: nothing outside the ator. H
hn tro mall Imys and gets an their
shoes her." Buffalo Express.
Unique Feee Warm,
Providence. R. I., owns the most val
uable municipal poof 'nn 'n tbe
world. It Is In th center of on of
tbe most fashionable residential dis
tricts of the city, and lb property Is
valued at f 1.000,000. The farm Is a
bequest made by . Ebenexer Dwlgbt
Dexter to the cltjr In 1824, and none
but those who once owned -and paid
taxea on real estate la Providence or
who father or mother was a real es
tate taxpayer in tbat city will b ad
mitted to the farm. -Box too Glob.
White Queen
this Is Th Beet flour .Ojrtalrv
ahl. . v
Lay In Veur, Wlrrtef Buppfy ef
Cal Nova
Hay. Grain, reed and. Kofrt
' ' Poultry Peed. , . , ,
, . Otzgon ?
Comirilsiloo r Co.
. iy prafonCity, ' , ;
- , - . -
'-'ft' ,
ui truat for ta Church l Jajaa Carta at
HalBU. lU . , ,
ta iba fatiad Hata la lb blorata
and uaill rrcaBlly uo pbotograpba f
(Continued rTomragri.)
tb work planned by lb xcutlv
bead; and to carry out bla Instruct
lona to tb letter. W know of no
other way that will enabl aa to aland
before ih Master wltb aasuranc at
the last great assise than to by
tb command literally.
Tbe last great commission that be
give th church aa a body la. "Go
y therefor and leach all nations'
"teaching them to obrv all tblnga
whatsoever have commanded .you.''
Her la a command not . only to
teach, but Just what that leaching
should be. Tb mlaaloa of th church
la to teach tb earn TEACHING
A scriptural bop can b axpreaaed
In th hutnbl opinion of th speaker
the greatest weakneaa of th church
today Is because they do not confine
themselves to tb word of God. for,
"Th word of God is quick and pow
erful and sharper than any two edged
sword, and la a dlacmr of the
thought and lalenta of the heart."
By teaching HIS word we honor and
glorify tb Maatr and great blessing
.romea to those who faithfully and
he neatly follow bla toachlnga.,
Th promise ar to tboe who ar
"begotten by th word of truth."
Bleealng la Ih preeent life and
eternal life In th world to com ara
offered to Ihoeb who accept bla word
and bold It up to a perishing world.
It Is to hold out thla great offer of
eternal life that lb church waa insti
tuted. Ar w doing our duty? If
not. why not? ;
Dr. A. L. DeatI aald .We'dneaday
that a wrong Impression . bad ' been
created by th published report of hi
address at tb luncheon f th Live
Wlree Tueaday relative to the con
Unction of a fre dock. He waa re
ported aa having said that tbe con
aent of tb War Department would be
necessary before a fre dock could
be constructed. HI reference to th
dock waa as follow:
"According to tb beat Information
obtainable, a dock could not b con
struct ed If It extended beyoad an ord
inary stag of water without tbe eCon
tent of the war I department. .
"I am In favor of a fre dock at any
place at th least coat where It will
be of tb most benefit to the people.'
said Dr. Beetle Wednesday..
A Brilliant Admiral.'- '. i
When Ixrd Carlisle visited toueisn
tlnople In 1854 h met a TurUlstt gd
nilral whose Ijfcorsne of naval niai
ten was eUAled only by bis bertor of
tb sea. If be went for a cruise 'be
wa Invariably seasick. .Do on occa
sion, wben pros! rated In his caMr.
hearing a noise which grilled hi
nerve, be Inquired whence It pro-
reeded. "From tb rudder f tb
ship." waa th reply. "Then have lb
rudder removed Immediately;" rder
ed lb afflicted admiral. Xoadoa
Venus and Jupiter.
. Tbe "earth's twin' alsttr." Ve'u. M
67.000,000 mllett from the sun. ; It re-'
celvea more beat than we do. , Very lit
tle 1 known of Venus, and ao few
markings are seen tbat It Is not know
whether Venus rotatee on Ita atti once
In twenty-four hours or once r 223
da ys, Jupiter, th giant of the sun'
family. Is covered with shell of ctourle
wblcb change so rapidly thst cendl
tiona tber can. b Interpreted only to
on way-that Jupiter la so larg sad
It bag cooled so slowly that K ht atlll
far too hot to support life, i '
- '"- ";-. ;
TauHsU In Italy. '''-'
now great aa Influence Is wielded
by tbe tourist travel abroad 1 ap
parent wben It I cooalderad that
Plorenc. Italy, and Indeed meat if
th towns of tbe district ar Itrj-'y
dependet on sightseers, tbla 4" ,.i
tbe fact 'that tbe district la prtc -
agricultural In ebaractec A prl cr
bad tourist season baa In razl.'y a
gratr- affect ,ea flnaoclal ror..: 'n
tber than a good or bad agrtri I
year. It I estimated tbat orgy O
00 vlalto srrrr la tbe 41tr't y"
Sate Etc
Maw. i r
j 1 1 at ear
! !,
Caa a y et
aaa aa oa e ) aawaf. )a
HaaalaJ risp i-
eMae earar tra a '
Brutia tar aaaraa. V
WANTIl Tourlstf local peopl
lo let My ootlectto 1 rrtw baUa
coin. Iudta4 tna vld atain
and curio l . ta ' VIU bu
or sell la Ibtatlue IUa vwti good
bargain la- lhod rurnliur
and tool,. nurtp rvoag. Mala us
near II ft a. ' ' ' "
WANTtDrMWi .l.f by tb day.
nrsi-claaa work- arntea4., Mrs.
V. C Saovar, Ro U aire!, U re
nin Otv. ...
. V
,--':,;' .' '
. J ' .......
WANTED Boy- hnJ UrM. Hera
la ywar ebaar yusgtra 10 1
aak your C tb" meaey
- aay. . Tb I anting lCalr
ria W1U pay H'l P1
mtaaloa lor 1 iuxtig la Utal
sueernDUoa 1( Jow want
lo know wort abut It ll or
. writ to th 1rcutna Maa
Mr of U M rulng Batr
K. Oragur my. and taara
all about wb .t ru U bav
to dot', Tb x ro ura la
lb mora y t Ul mak and.
you oaa aaa at a at U (you
' i auatla, . 1 . ' ' 1
" a aw . .i L b
ror salc
FOR BALaVLa ara, St leal long.
oapadty U pat M-aaarv First class
' taqulra Dr. M Art. city. - ;
m mmm aay a aaacBHBBBaBi
r AaUIJOA'aV -4Jllcg Umws.
Lawytra, Crauo City, OT.
U IV EST. aiwaralUv. M
laaaia. aaar biraatkaa.
1X14 utstSMi. aatatea aatttod,
ral haw boa. 0er Baah
Cty. .
Uftrrt 4 rmVBUCU Attoraay
mw. Pear,. siar aavwaat.
1 t-i to fi aaarta.
" arte tU-j, Orawa Otv.
x"uiLr xn woToACToal
MAkUIT rZXTi lrMr aad Oaaarai
OauMrwaaar.- rr'aafn sksaituay
-! em -all slasis'f bwtMtag
ta waraa aae rtawrsas
:. phwaa Mate IP
t H COOrER, re TV laaaraaar
and tl ,KtM. tat' oe baadle
war mollis wa way
Offlew la
Cwua City.
CHICAGO tAILOR -awlla mad to
order froaa 110 and P. W also do
clasnlog. ' ereeslnw - aod repairing
Tbrw doots aoutb of poatoffrw.
. ALBA BACRR. uacaar of wind snd
string fast nimenta, H rector of band
and orrnaatra, WUI furnish music
for any occasion. CH at Electric
an ra. wmh
40fcaBfay' a
There Is a
Wonderful Difference
between the light afforded by an ordinary car
boo incandescent and the brilliancy of the new
MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates two and
"one-half times as much light with the same
-amount of electric current.
-:'A 40-Watt MAZDA Affords Twice The Light
of the 50-watt carbon lamp now fa general use
and costs one-fiftji less to burn. Vc recommend
its use to our
. (
their light bills in two. making electric light so
no store, however small, can afford to be with
out it. ' ,
t r
Ask us
lamps and clusters.
. Y .'
' '4
A. 1 .. ;
7 e-
L' -ft
A tUt auk leak athln f the
aurlty affwrded by tvrfman.t tup.
arvlslerv It la andar (he dlrt San.
f f th Blate anklna Departmant,
gad suajeet ta rigid arldlal eaam.
Uallens f Ma oapart auditor, wh
aa that all the law e'aurdina d.
pale ar eroplld with. ,
Th aafaty f yur Interests Is as
surd at w
The Bank of Ore cor; 4 City
D. 1 LATOt'BaTTTB fraatoawl
S a rat Banhlea bWle
Nolle la hereby glvea (hat In pur
suance of Chapter 10 of lb Charter
of Ih City of Uladsloa. and la pur
suanr of tb Ordlnanc duly passed
' by the Common Council of lb City
of tlladsion. at a reguUr meeting
held on November 1ib. Ill I. th
Common Council of th City of
Uladton. will open blda for aa
Issue, of not to exceed twenty thou
and ( dollar. Improvement
bonds for th purpose of building
and maintaining water works In
said city, oa Nevember 1Kb. Ill.
at T 10 p. m lo b Issued la denom
inations of five hundred (1100 00)
dollar each, latereal payable semi
annually No blda will be accepted
for leaa than par vain of th bonds.
4nlaa accorspanlrd by a certi
fied check payabl to tb order of
th treasurer of th City of Ulad
atone, for at least apc cent of
th par value of bonds bid for. and
aald bids shall b oa Ih Interest
which said bonds shall draw, and on
th amount to b paid for aald
bonds. Provided, aald bonds shall
In no event draw a greater rat
than six per cent per annum. Bald
bids ah ill specify th number of
bonds which aald bidder will' pur'
rhaa. at the rate and for the aum
offered. AlTof sajd blda must reach
the Recorder of th City of Glad
stone, at Ih office of Croaa-A Ham
mond. Oregon City. Tlregon. not la
ter than November 13, A. i. lilt,
whlrb aald bid shall b enclosed
In aa envelope securely sealed and
marked. "Bid for lb water bonds
of the City of Gladstone." Tb right
Is hereby reserved to reject any and
aU blda. . '
O B. TOBYTAQ. Mayor.
WM. HAMMQMX Recorder.
Gladstone, Or . Nov. 1&. 101 1. ' Meldrun. The evening was deeawl
Mealed proioeala will be received by to business of lb rlaaa, aadrafra
th City Recorder of tOUdatoae, meats were served. Tbe aieeUapa-
Oregon, at tbe office of Croaa A bllaibea ar held on the wnal
Hammond. Oregon City. Oregon, so Tuesday of earh moafh.
aa to reach him not later thaa No Th members attending Ik SMrfla
vember 3. 111. for furnishing me- at Miss Moran'a home were Bat
lerlal and constructing tbe water Clarice Zomwalt. Miss llaiel Ototha
works system aod pumping plant., Mlsa Queenle Adams. Mlsa Aay r
The tlsiis may be seen, and apcin- cell. Miaa Anna Bmlib. Miss Mm
cations, forma for contract and bond Mora a. Mlaa Ella Pempeter, Mia C
may be obtained upoe application Mora and Mr. Mary Garaer.
ht Ihe office of Croaa A Hammond. -Oregon
City, Oregon, or of Loula DO TOU KNOW that th Catwwut
C. Kelsey. civil engineer, 404-406 Be ad on back page for Darticibri
Belling building. Portland. Oregon, ye rend Bargain Period Is ae
customers, asr it more than cuts
that no home, howcrer
. '
to show yoti the new MAZDA
MAINOfHCC 7fh and Aider Streets
J. MITn, Caw.
Oawa traen A. at.
Th plaaa a lit ta f,.v.. .
said Laole r a-.i . "
rifteea I'lOOi iiura. .kkT
fsll will be refunded J'Slt
lura of Ih pUna. In ,J!j
wlib a valid bid for uT.nrt
By order of tb Cowiaoi fw-
Of lb City Of OUdstoaT
WM. HAMMONU Hacorilr'
- ' r. l-ortland. (iregoaT
Tellow and wbll collie A.
wttb ou.hy tall; mrto,
Anawera to aam of "Htak." u
lyatesa lewtaiitg By. De. Baatk thm
Paefaet Batter actie.
BupaHntendeat of Dty t-Wial,
Toot and th teachers have ran
d that th acwtylen ligbllag aw
heating plaat Installed at the Hi
Hchool by lJr. A. U lleatl, eWg
tb gas franchise n this ally, b ghwr
perfect aatiafaciioa. All of lbs toa
bav not bee Installed vwlag to da
delay tf lb contractora, but tbay tt
be la a few days. Tb hot ptoiat aw
lb ftamea for ja bora lory wrk art
been la use' for some Hat riUj a
mlrabl success.
v Btaat Marries Ceuaia '
Ueaal W. tkiodcblld aad Lt
aey, of J3I Bchuyloe street, rwtbaj,
war married Wedaeadar at at
onuflboue by lb Rev. J. 0. baa
Miae MaudvMra, Materwa, Ma
leaa ef Buaday BehL
Th 1'hllathe CUs of th Bmo
Suaday 'Bcbool met Tuesday ewaaf
at th bom of Mlsa Maud Mans a
humble, and
- '