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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1911)
- . j. ... .1. ' MORimTa ENTERPRI8k WKDNKSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 13, lDlt. CUTER TURFMEN - VJlLiDE BUSY CJflESTEITO 0FHI TRACK rXeereeMKAeveeVAAAeAAMAeeveeeexeeiexMMAA U 2 'wwwwwwwwwwww Mady!9 JMirrbr (I ( I 0 SOME : ; i Ptaej to MU Seventy D - Me f Kings" Soari-Jar Meat oo. Hoe Aasr lee Meeting. V -MMMb Coo. Ala Li . . - t Tvt tb winter mm lb Aoreewe . at th roasUog turf now a alnxMi , M m opportsuKle m ore afforded ' durtag tk NMr wota. With to .1 ctoatag oT tk racing at'llmUc I.aere , and Malluoro. eld, the winter eeaaoa v ;. property toegtna Th Srot of the wla- tar track to opa wse Jag Uiwn, Va ' wblca vUl coanatta aattl Nov. V Early la tt yf It wee aBoouoced . feat tbar mU b racing at Jacksoo 14 TlUa. rku frooa Noe. SO aotu Jan. S. ' ; ' Wt abac that awoocortk grsed stand f Woocrlef par baa beeo do . ottered by Br U kaa aot Bloc bcc v rebuilt and It Is posalbt that tkta eseeC- tax wUl b abandoned. - - Tk mwM anneencemeat for racing . ' U tb eesUce state I that f Francta , X Peoa. who. wttn ereraJ aasorlate. , prop to bar a long ojeettsg to V'. -Ckart to, a a V Jaa. W I tk data ckooaa tor tk pBlav aBd plaoa call ' p tot avvaaty day f apart, which woaM brtna radac bock to tk print bm hlxa of aotratal T tk aarty track.; Thcr vU b two abort hiQdo at tk City T ataxic aad tk ack looser watlar at Jwuoa,- Maxko. -Matt-J -Wtna, wko baa keao tk roan aptrtt T tk Jaaroa ttng vr atae tb bolkUac f tka eoara. will bar cfcarz T tk aport to tk City of Maxtco. and th klgfc cJaaa aport that k ba coo- 'octoa at Jnaret will roralt to BMay AMrieaaa aklpptoa- to tk Mutcaa : capital d frooi tkor to tb Joan . track..':.' '. ..: ; ' ... ... BUU aaotkar .ckaaco will b offered tko wko wooU rac koroM tb rear oraoai to Bavaaa. OL O Browork boa ptoBBOtod aa4 aaado aotrtaaoi of oeraral track, baa a ractnc ataaoo to tow to Oofao. ao4 tb work of track, cooatrocttoo to kttos roaDrt along to bo reaay to bar tk noting atart Jam. L Tboro aro other aad ataller neeUoK that or wttkto oaay roack of korae Baao. ao that attogatkor tb wtotor mm ooo gtToa eary prooalao of ketog a par tlroJarty bony ooo for tk koraenea. For many years o number of turf aaoa kare conQDed all their rartog to tko far wwataa4 while they bare beeo kaaoJcappnd I a groat Beamr by the !adTrao logtalattoa to California and too ao.beoo.ueot ntajoplno?" wit of tb aport tko far weatero rircnlt In larger bow than It ever waa to tb klstory of tactog. - ; ' i" ' , . ' TO TRY HILTON'S ' STUNT. . , 'v v .AneeWeoo OeHere Will Go Abreee N.t , Yoar to Try Tkelr Skill. : It begins to look aow as If the Inter ' national golf gaoio BUgbt work both wayo next year. Oo the ere of hU departure Harold H. ' HJItoo. tko fa mmm aTngflak golfer, declared hi In tention of retaralng to America a year banco to defend the title bo woo at Apawamla. N T, and now come tb new that tb Calted Mate wilt bo represented abroad. - Oswald KIrkby. tt Englewood (S. 1. ebampton. aald that he was going oer to th apring. . It la alao stated that fred Berreaboff will try his lock next year with the exception of the I 9 Ml tor American pram AaaoclatuD aboxo Mtvrvm in actio memorable 11t of Waiirr J Trarla bi 1004. when be cast dismay Into thr ranks of the Brttous by "Uniim" toe rup at Sandwich, tbe fffonn of Amcrl ran golfers abroad bar ifo dtvldrrt ' fallnrea . Oreat t bines were expected of Jeroinr Trarers wben be went nrer n few yean igx. bat bis sorry showing Is till remembered by all rln folluwers of tb game Tbeo there was the attempt of last season, wben Chick Brans, P, W. JVblttemore and J O Anderson - went across, tbe resn't of wblcb to (tflJ freab to tb memory of Ads to Seawtjs railing of tbe ckla. or aagglng chla musrlee, to oo of beaoty sorest en tlea. Tk womaa with a doable chla kaa Mtall chanc of coorertng aa lo preoatoo of freshness and yootk. Oo of the surest way or correcting this teodeocy la to study chla poa fo th mirror. Iil the chla op and tkroat It oat ao that th dlaogurtbg roll' to eliminated, tbeo drop the chin oo tho cheat, exagxerattug tb fault. By oo doing definite Idea of th valu of ckla elsratlon will be gained. With this practical demonstrattoo to Bind, practice carrying th chla high, bnt aot throat forward. Draw tb atosdea taut and hold them, so and tore! op tk practice Into a babiu which will aooa boroai a natural poa. Wkeo drying tbe face or naaaaaglng It with any kind of cream or lotloo make th bands Into a V ahaped trough by placing the ba of the palm to gether, patting tbe chla Into tbe V ad poahlng th hands gently, bnt ttrov ly. op sack aid of th face to tk to plea. Repeat tkla motloa at toast halt a doom times a day ana th sices fullness will gradually disappear. Ner sr us downward motions la massao tag any of th facial muscle, alwaya apward, Xh tendency of thee moa etea to to fall, and downward pressure bast sos tola process. Pushing them apward ksepa th cheeks fall and pre eoato hollows, the certain mark of age, from appearing In th face. rinnlng a ' firm bandage of muslin tightly about the- brsd so that there will be a Srm pressure under tb chla during tb night 1 banal and ef Sctoat aid to tb foregoing treatment. Tb collarteea dress reveala tko (Us figuring creasea'and, wrinkle In tbe neck. These sboald be massaged reg alariy with a good cold cream, aa tket are a alt aa ondeeirabl and onlte telltale aa tk age Una la the face. Wash Y" Own Hair. If yoa aro ccoatomed to baring roar hair khampoood trj doing It your salt ao that yoo may reap tbe benefit of, aa out f door, sun drying. A half ooor of fresh air and aunllght will do mor to atimalat tb growth of the hair and bring out Its natural color and roster than any amount of tonic atany women go ao entire year wrtb sat taking adrantag of namrs's own romody for toaterleaa. stubborn hair A pore soap, a rigorous robbing, care fol rinsing so that no soap remains la tko kalr nod a drying to tb direct rays at tk sun ar possible to erery wo man. Allow the hair to become tbor aoghly dry before combing It. then brush oat tbe taagle with stiff bristle brash. Continue thl brushing tor at least fifteen minutes. Lifting th Kraada to let tbe . sunshine filter throogk. Do not dreae tbs'halr for a half boor after It la bras bod out. but iet It hang loos about tb aboaldera Sleep tbe Peentsin ef Veuth. Any number of women who ar eat ing ruthlessly Into their allowance to iwell tbe cash drawer of th beauty parlors could aolee tbe riddl of ap peering freeb and animated If they would but make a practice of taking' :h proper amount of aleep. Tbe ralne of aleep as a restorative tad as a fountain of youth Is nnbe Serable until one bas bathed regular, ty therein. It almost seems magic In tta effect, sod many a woman who has Uacorered tbe secret Is the envy and id miration of her beauty pallor tnenda Eight noor for work, eight bourn for sleep and eight for piny Is the old rale. Cp to now no one has Improved n this proportion. If ynn care more for tbe preeerratlon of your youth and tttractlrenese than of your pleasure, ake not less than tbe allotted eight tours of sleep from the twenty-four. A Letioes Fee thr Brsws. When tbe brows bare Im-n lost by llneea or other canse tbey mny. if the roots are not killed, be made to grow gain by using tbe following lotion: inolnt with a sable brush h-o (trains f sulphate of quinine and two otim e f oil of tweet almonds. Another remedy equally good and )oe thai mny also lie gently ai!IVd to tbe roots of tbe Issues to promote Jieir growth Is composed of one lghth of an ounce of oil of nutmeg, me-eighth of an ounce of oil of -rosemary, .ooe-balf ounce of oil of sweet slmonUs and one hftf ounce of fine mre.of canthaiidei. Mli all tbe oils together and then add the rantha- ride. Incorporate well and apply to th roots with a fine brush night snd nornlnc. Rsse Pstal Saehsts. Bose petal sachets are to' be found scattered among the lingeries and lin ens of the dnlnty girl "he makes these delicious little whiffs of fra grance at borne and by ualng them fberally dispenses with all perfumes tnd artificial odors. To make them spread tbe rose lea res on a trsy and expose them to the sun light or worm sir ttntll they are dry. nicn lightly rnraple them op small In the hands and add other dry odorous Ingredients such aa cassia buds, orris root and ijandlewood. also a bit of the pientlsl oil of roses. Place tb Ingre dients in white muslin sachets flower fd with pink rosebuds. , . ' v Framing an Exeuse, , r Little Boy Please, Mrs. Grnmpy, molher wants to know If you will lend ,. her your waalitub. ' .Mrs. Orompy (grufByr-No, I csn't. ' Th hoops ar off. the bottom's out and lts fall of water. 3 Is ago w Times. tsd Wltesss.'. .'" ! , Lawyer For pefeodsnt - Now, sir. yoo say that my client d leap pea red la th darknea after . knocking yon down. What Mm of nlgbt was this? Coriafaauu-I - csa't ay exactly. T:-r cUent nad my watek-Uf Qermsn Psatant Farmers. It Is estlninted thst AA per rent of tbe land tilled by German peasant farmers Is owned br them. -, She Thought 8e. "Wben I marrlfd yoa." he said. "I thought yon were an anrrl.",. Sb looked t him coldly, "I Inferred at much." she said. There was some thing In ber tone tbnt told him there wss troobto fn store for blm. "Krom tb flrst," she wrst on. "yot seemed to think I could get along .without clothes.' London Telegraph. V, 8 8 8 8 8 oAitet ten months of conilnotis ptibUcationf IWofning EnicVprfsc. tHc BIG LITTLE Qaclramas County Daily is t ead in more thana tlidtis and Clackamas Co tinty homes every f day . Help To Make It 3000 This is 2000 short of tho mark set by tho:Publioher for the first year, so in order to interest that many new Sub scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and'December will be a bargain period for subscribers. is.. . ; iir During Bargain Period, which ends December 31, 1911, Morning Enterprise canTe secured an Entire yeir BY MAIL FOR $2.00. . DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City, Gladstone, Parkplace, Willamette, etc., , Bargain Period Price for ah erjtire year will be only $3.00 This Is The Way We Will Ue It 3000 , Two From You Will Help To MaRe It 3000 YOU CAN HELP. Tell two of your neighbors about this offer, indude them to subscribe and get your own re- . newal for next year at the same reduced rate. f Aro you on? Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish ing four pages of LIVE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BUT MONDAYS. In 0 21 CCOOCOCOOOCOCCOOCCOOCCCOCOCOCOCCCOCCCOCCCOCCOCCCCSC---c-J I . ,v- au..l.'. ,... w ... WWwwwWwwWwe-WUwsr H. R. USHER. Navsl Csptaln Who Msy Bs Premotso' te Bs Resr Admirsl. fH f"r S ' ' ' SBMeBSBBBBaaasBMaBBBBSasasassaMaBBBBBw r u It you sr not reading tbe Mire'Dj R'ferrrtso, why notT YeMiid Pnr- n't Period Is now on. Be tad on If von are not reading th Morning ICnterprls. why notT Tr-nd Bar Rain period Is now' on. . See sd on back page. . . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' BBSBMBBBSBSSt f r (leorK B, Young and Florone Young to M. C. and W. T. Young. 60 acres of section It, township I south, ranse 1 west; $3,800. Frank P. Howard to W. W. Irrin, land la Clackamas county; 21J. ' Msr Nlchoiaa to Prank'NlchoIas. 0 acres of section t5, - township 4 noiith. rang east; $5. Frank Nicholas snd Cora Nicholas to Mary Nicholas, 80 acres of section 1(5. township 4 south, rang. 3 cast; $5.00. " DO YOU KNOW that th Enterprise year-end Bargain Period Is now on? See ad r back page foe particulars. MISS MATTLEV ENTERTAINS. Vlss Helen. Mattler Drored a moat delightful hostess at tne Bon of bar parents, Seeeoth and Monro streets, Saturday afternoon wben sh enter tatned some of her young friends. R "shments wer serred snd thrr wer music and gam. ' Th gneats wer Carol Ely.JHanrel Ely, Elolss Vm Valaeta hTa.Srs ITIlS TurnT. r.lyd gchuebel. Ruth Schusbel, Ruth Kslchum, Iorena Andrews, riorenc a nit raw. rinrencs McOeehsn. Oladys Trlmhle, Esther SUats. Oladys Eber If, Elizabeth Moor, Ebbl Sconton, Dora Bconton Camellia 'rrtei, siar- caret Lndborough and Mary Matt ley. ; , -. f , , I II . . DO YOU KNOW that th Enterprlss rear-end Bargain Period is now on? Sse sd on hack psgs for particulars. , shivelvs opera, Mouse. Etasy srt Scensry Two Nights, No i vsmbse SO and 91 at S B. m.. ' Hhlvely's opora house November in. fl, takss In a whole world's descrip tion as to a e-orhl'B main differenced, w cannot give all th differences In a world for the. want of tlms so tbe ESSAY can i rend In one evening, but will glv the principal differences. Differences ar a BUN, MOON, HTAR3 and EARTH, as main differences, the rest are all ai odda and anything that looks different is classed as differ snees. W show Mi wsy thst a world com menced tOirni In the beginning if any the way it divided snd want to differences holding substances unto Its finish, or the end of a world's pro ceedings. Wo put out th war that heat and gaa started in a world, the result of heat and gas, ths courses It tskes ths way th world makes Its wstrs, the wsy th waters ar divided, ths course tbey take. The way regltatlun starts to grow, ths dif ferences, clnnsed to some extent, the way all seeds are germed by a world, th way they divide growing two ways wbll circle motion holds control. Ws flgur a SUN for motion, and glv tbe differences for it, we flgur that a moon Is nothing but motion, and give Its substances, - . . W figure gas as a renderer, w flgur really .11 stars, and th way a world makea Its winds, and glvs ths ressons for winds sterling up to blow and th an butane therein, and how winds ar shifted, and why winds cease to blow, and wh .ini. m continue to blow from soms quarter ui wui ivi mors man otnera, w flgur a negative BTORM to s finish an ... tlmato a Positive storm. W put out th cours of a St;N and MOON circle n..t cours of ECUPBBS of th sun and moon, w put out a COMET or a ME TEOR. WO DUt OUt nonltlr- mnA .... ativ cours and th results, w ngur tnree globes and th result to some extent. We timu time on ths earth and glv th reas low wtter on ths earth and tb way uira in lanaa, w pot out all the reason for tide waters, th way the world works to put them Into ao Uon-and th RAINHOW, dlfferencea V reckon a Volcano from th be i'llH'".! 40 'V"'. a motion ceaatng Wlfh Ihal sr wsy i world make. It. CO W and Whv the mm. .nr .... . " " ... " uara -JKJa. I m.k.. it n'tt.-' ""," now a world makss Its OILS, and It. ISIN-OLA8S. W nur, Substances for all Mlm ?n M"inern.d.W "7 Br -'S in Mineral. We glv th reasons fr a noon eomlng later each evening. W bav figured a whole world.' Uk In tlttlo of ZOOLOGY, sad a tnd soms toward a human Race, sa4 tb whole world Is always In motion, and glv many othsr differences. ' Th E88AY consists o! fifty fx soap sheets In print, and soms SCEN ERY. Tb E88AY has coat thou ands of dollars snd hard BTUDT. & not miss It It tskes about two ana g half hours to reed the KflSAY. ADMISSION EOc Children at and fifteen, 15c. 1 Do not .raum th ESSAY wiiu yoa bar heard It ALL READ. NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board snd hni.i T D0 raort thut would pay to live at any first clwe i SL " b" bad fron " M.B0 per day. Ml nual gnu prleM j,, I Wc Do Ctire Rlicocidtisci Hot Lak Mineral BatM and mud glvsn, under "oisu "tlflo direction bsv eursJ thousands. Writ for Ulu"; trstd booklet descrlptfvs of Hot Lak Sanatorium and th methods employed. Hoi Uk ' sanatorium ! soce ' slbl. as t Is locslsd direct ljron th main lln of tn O.-W. R. A N. rMlw' .special excursion rates " to-b had at all time. ' seants ' HOT LAKE SANATORIUM s-efI l-AKE,ORB0CN. f WALTER M. PICHCC. rrM.-M:rj; . - i I Jt hej ESSAY back psga. ' V ! WblCH IS tO D REAU BI oum ku as leaves Ds body. W fol 1.)