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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1911)
MORNIHO CMTEBPBIBB. WEDWrgpAy, IIOVBUBCB 15. 1911, How About That Raincoat We can help you defy the rainy "weather. We hare W a cornpjcje linj of men', and Ladjej' Rairjprooj, SHpona anJ p.ventfffs. flrpp in etveeo ihcjwer and fit opj pp. Th rejp! whaj you Mjpt. Prlc. $6. t, $20.90. J. 7th & Mala St3 LEVITT Soipemton Bridge Corner cqhnty mm (Oootlno4 from' Ytrdy.) 1.78 26. I 9 Q? . 34 q . .,6.60 . 2100 T 10 RKWARO I for lb arrt and ooovlctlon I of sny pron or pro, who ft anlsruny " I Morning KnUrprle rrom th I prauiieee of ubcrlbr after papar ha bn pla4 thr y'4 ft carrier. Nolmon A Undberg HIGH CLASS TAILORING 306 tolling aidg Portland. Ptten Main 8161. "What la a bridegroom F A iwwrir bat ancouaUUred ad Hart t wedding." local PRicrs C. J Owen, of Hubbard, waa In tbla city Monday. X J H JobnaoD. of Clackamas, waa la this city Today. Dald Evan a. of Haieldal. waa In this riiy on business Tuesday. 0 A Marquam, of Marquam. waa la this city on ftueln Monday. Fred Htelner, of Beaver Creek, waa la this city on buslnee Monday. John Mulvaney, of Union Mill, ae rooipuiilod by hla aon, waa In tbla city Tuesday. John Ikarnell. ona of tba wall known tarniara of Union Mllla, waa In Or fon CHy Tuaaday. Burn. Tuaaday morning. November 14. to I ha wtfa of llanry Frotuong. of Wlllamelt. a daughter. DO YOU KNOW that tba Eoterprlee vearnd Bargain Parlod la now on? Be ai on Jaok paf for particular. Samuel Radlar and wtfa. of Seattle, ere In tbla city Monday and Tuaaday and wra guests at tha Electric Hotel. Mr. and Mr. J. LavlU wereVIn Portland tha drat of tba waak vlalilng at tha noma of Mr. and Mr. John Lltt. Mr. and Mr. John Mnlrany and dsushter. Mlaa Roel. of Meadow brook, war In tbla city Tuaaday on buslneaa. Tha Mountain Vlaw Dlbla Study Clans will meet Thursday afternoon at J:Jti o'clock at tha noma of Mr. John Laaitlltn. rra.l Srhafer, of Molalla. tha saw mill man. waa In thla city Monday and Tuaaday. registering at tr-I'lET trie Hotel. K.c- frank Gueather, of Oewego, waa In thU rlty Tuaaday. having corn a to vialt hla paranta, who recently ovd to Oregon City. ' If you ar not raadlng tha Morning Hiirriirlaa. why not? Year-end Bar lain period I now 00. Baa ad on bark page. Mra Malvln McCord and aon. of r th Portland, ar In tbla city vlaltln former'a paranta, Mr. and Mra W. if. Samson. There will ba a maatlng of tha Trua Mine Rcyal Orangemen, tha woman's "rminliatlon of tha Orangaman tbla toning at tha Shannon ball Ninth and John Qulncy Adama atraata. Arthur Wink, of Naw Era, who baa Un In tbla city rlaltlng hla mother, Mm. Ull Wink, who la at praaant t tba hpm of Mra. O. W. Grace, r rovHrlng from ber recent lllnaaa, haa returned to hla home. Mr. and Mra. F J. Mayer. Mlaa Minnie Klemaen, of thla city, war tha gueata of Mr. and Mr. J. L1U. rrlday evening. On of th featurea of th evening waa th delicious luncn en served by th hostaaa. Mr. L. C. nrown. of Santa rar ttara, CnL, who arrived In Oregon City last week, U visiting at the horn of Mra. R.InK M1IUr Mra. Hrowna Is ft nlec of R. H. Tabor, of Maldruni, nd will visit him and his wife b for returning to ber horn. Th ladlea of th Baptist ohurch will meet at th church parlors on Thursday afternoon. Tha afternoon will he spent In needlework for th linnr anil t.aa1v nt Ihla rltV. Th la dlea ware to meet at th bom of Mr. C. O. Millar on Seventh street, but as ther ar two sawing machines st tba church parlors It was deemed mora advisable jo meet tner. OREGON CITY TO PLAY MOUGHLIN CLUB The fast Mcl-oughlln Club, of Port land, has scheduled a footballl am W. f Sunday afternoon .in. ,. nonf Cltv football team, TKa .m. .rill ham nlAVftd Oil 1-BnB- iij ra.i no win r - . . . . . , man Park field. This will b tha third meeting of these two Mf"?"0""; u.i . "w. ri..K winning In 1910 by a soor of 10 to J. and th Pw .... j.--.i- K- Inra a b SCOr of B to 0. Oregon City has not been LIVE WIRES URGE POSTAL BUILDING (Continued from Pag L) Uvea In Congreaa to urge and Inalat upon an adequate appropriation, at tba coming evasion of Congreaa to convene In December, 1911, for the purpoee of alta and th erection of suitable public building, to b lo cated In Oregon City, Orewon, and. to be uaed for a Poatofflc. In aubmltttlng th foragolng iaolti tton, your committee now augreata that th aame b adopted and that coplea be aent to each of our Senr.iors and Hepreaentatlves In Congreaa Respectfully, TOM P. RANDALL Commute. MOffAn SCORES WEST SLOE LOCKS (Continued from pag L) Th menu for Tueaday'a luncheon was: Celery fit wed Toung Chicken Dumplings Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potato String Ileana Ilread and Hutter Italy Hill Deep Apple Pie Spanked Cream Coffe C. OUbrlcb. OlHHet N Or ran Cutting Robblna Hroa. D. L. Trulllngar J. Looney I. Bchard O. W. Robbing 1.00 W. II. Engl Jl R. Bchatiman 1.(0 L II. Dunton 14.00 II. Ilowman r youug boms 8. Kcberd W. II. Engl It Davidson J. D French D. H. Ramaby . . . . A. Ileugll C. W. Herman .... K. E. Judd ...... C. B. Herman .... Ceo. Ilergatrom . . K. Srbalsman .... J. Pelky A. Smith II. r. Harleea .... M S Hungat ... (lay HimgaU .... D. Kngl J. Vlck J Callahan ... P. C. Miller ... J. C. Vaughn .., U Looney , 8 Cordtll , P. J. Kayler ... W. W. kverbart W. J. Lawellaa McCvriy Lumber Co. r. Miiurd A. Millard ........... mo t.0o M. MllUrd Ss.00 E. Oenaarawakl A. Geaerowak) if. iipjeij II. Croin ..... B. Kltff ..... Roy ttTflcos .... Jas. milliard .... 10.(0 1.00 it I. 00 II. 00 Oeo. Oenaerowaki ...11.25 ISO 4 00 . . 1.00 00 .. 11.00 .. 2.00 . . 2 00 too 2.00 .. 14.00 .. 12.00 .. 1.00 ... B.O0 .. 4.00 2.00 . . 4.00 4 00 .. 23 00 . . 29.00 .. 12 00 . . 25.00 4.00 .. S3 00 .. .23 00 1.00 . 1.00 . . 4.00 .. 4 00 T Miller , D0 II. Fraser H-30 W. Avlson 00 O. Cougbman 2.59 Itert Lea aon Elmer Dibble .. W, Coi .. Harry Bltnar ,, C. W. Swan ... Chaa. Nwhltr Max Newblter 200 10.00 11.25 2.00 2.00 200 a.oo Robert Mattoon , 13.50 C. Thorp , 100 ptfttfi Hf. 1 J. K. Blefer .... . Clarence' SleXer .00 Jonarud Droa, ., . 100 450 4.00 175 125 32.00 BfBAiHl rf MMtttHa W. J. WUsoa I If. 251 C. H. Daucby f L. Dakar .... M. Kernoakl . A. Bowers . . . T. Renner ... EL Toung .... John Keller . J. Lawrence . Ed. Jachlnaen 4.60 4.50 2.00 17.00 52.00 42.00 2300 28.23 O. W. Keller , 40.00 E. Lacy ,. 8. Turel ... D. Horner . Howard . II. Gllmor Rowe" ,. OREGON CITY HIGH TO PLAY GUAM The Oregon City High School will play the Greeham High School foot ball team nest Friday, at Oresbsm. Tbe Oregon City team lat th fast Oresham men laat year, I ut new men ar on both teams and ' battle royal la ipected. The O reran City team, however, la confident of winning. Tbe tln-np will b about I bo same as last Saturday. OF GIRLS' POKER CLUB a members of th Poker Patlenc Clnp'Vef entertained in a moai ue- ftrTltfu manner Monaay evening yj las Wynne llanny It ber horns iO Fourteeafh and Main ' streets. " Th evening waa devoted to plSftng; carda, sfad th prlt. a hahdsome' silver Spoon, was won by 'Ms Bess Dmif- (On, . Delicious rrrsninenis rr Served. The hostess "ws assisted. In seating by ber sisier. 'lresnt wer Miss Helen Daulton, ui.. ri. narclav Pratt. Mlaa Dolly. Pratt. Miss Catherine Montgomery.Mlaa Nleta Harding. Mlaa an wnr-... Miss Wynn llsnny, Miss Bess Daul ton. MR. AND MRS. KANTZ GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY " James Psrtlow was host of a party at th historical horn of th Part- & -..Jlaa klow's at Mount I'leasani d"" evening, his guests of honor being Mr. and Mrs. J. Kants. who will soon 1.... tn, flout hern California, where they will mak their hom. Mr. Part low had Invited th Kants family to his horn to spend" (he venmg and . their surnrls when tney fimnoVtbe houae filled with frlenda. who had called to spend the a"1; A most delightful time wss had at .v- ,n.niihle home. Th evening was devoted to whist and music, and a :...mA ianclna. Including quaa rllles. The music waa furnished by . mi-Mr. Rlnoelle. A iam.1 i-.hiu" - . . k..-v-n was served. At a lat nour 1 1u.11.... - . u .nil Mrs. Kants success 10 their new horn In California. .M.nriin wer Mr. and Mr. i.nt. Mrs. L. C. Brown. SanU Barbara. C.l ; Mrs-Frank Ross ;!b '.'..w Ml.a Harsh Kants. Miss MHva Kan . Mis. Bertha Klk. M d MoLaln MI..' Mabel Chrlsten.en. Mis. Alene Chrt.ten-en. Mis. Cora Carver t r RlonelKa. Sr.. Oordon r-;i nreker. Steven Arthur King, rriii- v. . . I mvl t w Faniow Breaker, Fd Blomberg, Charles Cafver If you ar not reading th Morning BnterVi... why notT Yearnd Bar c-imi ta now on. Be ad on R. Btubba ijTi ,t ........ . D. H. Looney District No. 27. Jo Jackson H. Brth j A. Olaen O. Olaen A. Berth A. Qeerman O. Jackson Wm. Schemater C. Bartb J. T. Drak x-- J. Berth District No. 2S. W. M. Rath ' A. Romeatch I D. Scott F.,8cott v F. Huber 0. Huber O. Coover A. HugsJ R, Hardel F. Heckle L.. Shank Ceo. Coo L. Bowman ' Zeb Bowman Frank, Bowman Tudor 8lfle ......' O. Mulvyhin John Mulvyhlll A. Zwan A, Carter W. Frlan Ray Wyland N. B- Wad ............ Ben Wad Ed. Crlt Geo. Slaughter ...A D. M.'Oroshong ............ M. Nlckelson H. Edwsrds Ray Crlt Kd wyisnj ..... John Ferguson A. E. Thomaa Ben Thomas Vsl Davis "i C. Vorhela Earl Blr AL Wtland, v A. sacketf . ...... J. B. Maaon j. fo H. Kenelb F. Ferlan ..... y- U D. Shank- H. Engl J. C. Mrts J. Wllholt F. Sherman J. Coover N. Bab Ray Pelky C. Ramaey B. Johnaon B. Bird District No. 29. J. Graham H. Andrew g. Graham A. McConnell 8. Hsrrtss J. Resch W. A. Wunder District No. 30. F. B. Dsvldson .v. Chas. Horstman District No. 31. Wilson Cook j. Bushbaum E. Athey R. Schats Wm. ScbaU A. Rorland L, Schsber R. DeNewl . . v V. Thompson A. Gebhsrdt District No. 92. H. Heater E. O. Jones ,. C. Toot P. Neck W. C. Heater H. Voss Anton Batsgle O. Todd . O. Buston District No. 33. Trojan powder Co. s.00 150 .1 14.00 . 16.00 . 1.00 400 9.00 . 3.00 . 4.00 : 400 . 4.00 ; 4.00 . 1350 .3 38.00 . 6.00 1.00 . 15.00 . 10.00 . 11.00 . 10.00 . 3.60 . .3.00 . .14.00 . 29.00 . . 7.00 ; .10.00 '. 2100 . 11.00 . 13.00 . 11.00 . 11.00 . 27.00 . 12.00 . 6.00 . 11.50 . 11.60 . 11.60 9.60 . 8.50 . S.60 . . 3.60 . 3.50 . 1.60 , . 1-60 . 10.09 . e.oo . 1.4X1 . . 10(j ,. 0Q . 10.0 J ,. 8.00; .. 7.00 .. 12.00 , . 1600 .'. 00 .. 11.00 . . 36.00 .. 30.00 .. 22.00 . . 80.00 . . 23.00 . . 19.00 .. 30.00 .. 21.00 . . 20.00 .. 31.00 . . 6.00 26.00 22.00 13.00 2.00 8.00 3.00 27.00 28.00 48.00 10.00 14.00 10.00 14.00 W. E. Myers , O. H. Scback C. 8. Bard .." W. M. Betch W, A. Bard J. Boomon I. M. Burk . Dlatrlct No. 84 ! Wllaon at Cook $ 15.10 E. Willi 48.60 II. Brink ' 39.60 E. Tledeman .... . 61.76 C. Zimmerman ...T 63.00 J. Adamosky 43.00 C. Kellnhoffer 44.00 M. Tledeman 34.26 F. Roe I 19.00 T. Johnaon, Jr 18.00 C. rtauxel 9.00 Bauber 40.75 L. Thomas ...t -; 39.25 L, Toedtemeter ...r. 10A0 H.,01denatdt .'. 36.00 U Sauber ....I 81.60 M. Bock 22.60 M. Pendo 20.26 - 8t. CUIr 69.50 W, Kalaer 70.25 J. -Zimmerman .'. 90.00 F. Qroea .... J 90.00 a Colaen 1 17.00 T. Johnaon 32.00 A. Thomaa 76.60 J. Vandaraho 57.50 G. 8etU 59.00 Q. Nordorph 61.00 F. Zimmerman 23 00 Q. Tledeman .....r. 7Z.oo W. Koellermeler 83.50 8. Moaer Y.. 66.25 Pod A Co - 2.25 Trolan Powder Co. 48.85 District No. 87. Wm. Cyer H. Kleffer Oacar Whltten W. Baker T. A. Worthlngton ,. , J. Divert W. J. Carrel . Wm. Wanker .... C. Leyler a w. Krus Honeyman Hardware Co. .... Dlatrlct No. 36. H. Carmlchael .. Ud. Kattoie. 6; p.'fcoib pujrict No. 8J. L. Jaggar ......8 j". jaggar .'.I :7.77... ' felstHct Ne. 43. " Giant Powder po. T.'.. (eorg Judd fcstm''-.. ' i: D,J Burnett Wtn.' llanaor F. A. Thomss ... E, Oossett a F. Rector Wm. Schuelmao Dan Brascher J. W. Roots A Co. trl1 Id9- M- Lestr Dimlck T. Tiyker Lata' m Berkey Vf. T. itaaton O. kUblor W. FUgel . . . .' 20 00 J. goreoaon 12.09 8. Long 22.00 R. petoraon 4.00 Geo. Vedder 4.60 W. F. Stanton 9 76 Lester Stanton 1.04 Detr4t Ne. 69. Creaaon Mill Company ....... f 38 93 H. H- Mattoon 36.60 H- Meyer 10 01 Fred Creaaon 4.00 Frank Cockerlln 2.00 General Roads Ed. Paetach.. Aultman-Taylor Machinery Co. Standard Oil Company A. H. A vert U Machinery Co. .. Beall A Co Wm. Cteeday D. C Fouta ....... M Bolton Asaoclatloo ,. Adklna-Lucke Lumber Co. .... Jas. Adklna Pop k Co. Beall Cot . .." C. Harkenrider .... Tualatin Mill Company ....... 386.25 Geo. V. Wlckfuad 40.00 A. V. Wlckland 34.00 Walter Johnaon 17.60 Sol Imel 8 00 Norman Lander 15.00 Billy Jone 6.00 W. Bennett 40.00 Ward Jone 600 Grant Mumpower 26.61 Wilson V Caoka-i,,,,.,..,... 1.40 W. W. Smith 16.00 Frank Preuachoff (.00 Ely.. River 4.50 Wllaon A Cook 1.40 E. Mompower 8-00 W. E- Mumpower 8.60 V. GYeen 100 a Wm. Dutcber Wm. Fin ... F. Qulnn Evans R. B. Beatl f .... t. ....... . Robert Matton '.. W. H. Mattoon Blair . GENERAL FUNp. County Court. ' W. H.. Mattoon , N. Blair G. Miller r. Oregon Commission Company L Goodwin Wm. Daggett Mrs. C J. Parker r Circuit Court Chaa. B. Runyon Justice ef th Peac. .8 22 50 . 16.00 . 18.00 . 14.00 . 17.00 . 31.00 . 43.25 . 71.60 15.37 35.75 1.20 ?! so Ml m 2.00 .$ 86.00 . 26.00 . 10.00 . 76.50 . 48.00 . 20.00 . 13.75 I 5.00 . 24.00 .8 .30 . 16.00 ,. 8.00 , . 12.00 . 16.25 , . 2.00 ,. 4.00 , . 2.00 , . 3.50 , . 3.50 ,.f 20.00 .. 16.00 . . 1600 . . 28.00 . . 35.00 . . 8.00 .. 4.00 .. 8.00 . . 8.00 ..$102.00 ..$ 6.38 ,. 16.00 : !"55 . . 8.00 . . 8.00 . . 8.00 . . , 8.00 .. 8.00 A. a Burnett 11-25 District N. 44. Wllaon A Cooke t 160 Dlatrlct No. 47. H. .Wagner $ 22.00 Chaa. 81ever 22.00 Clayton Freytag ... 22.00 O. W. Harrington 15.00 a Harrington ........... ' 27.60 Chaa, Peters ......... 7.00 W.F. lUberlach 5.60 Gladstone Lumber Co 1.3J Dlatrlct No. 48. Straua Lumber Co 3156.14 District No, 49. G. H. 8 n ford H. O. Sanford . B. T. Rawlins . M. Snyder .... H. H. Ander . O. T. Hunt ... A. T. Hunt ... J. F. Snyder .. Robt 8nyder . J.'.C Dennis .. G. II. Sanford F. H. Davie ., O. T. Hunt .............. Geo.' Hathaway L. J. Iaraelson B. Knowlea District No. 50. Burton Deardorff ........ Paul Duda Mr. Duda '. Lewis Koch' 'Andrew Anderson ... ..V, W. Christofferson ........ Ed Christofferson .. Otto VogeL E. Reed .:. Geo. Johnson F. Donley .8 7.50 30.60 6 93 8.15 1.20 7.90 800 150.00 16.31 33.00 1.00 20.00 80.00 f t-tt ...... J. W. N orris 7.60 1 Currant tap ana a PfcdOo Telephone Co. Court f C. A. Lawla . V, Harrl ... D. C Bobbins J, E. Seeley 1.90 Or. City 1c and Cold St'g Co. 1.90 O. H. Toung 10.M .1 18.71 .8 32.00 850 . 13.64 J. W. Jon .. H. L, ratter son Frank Mattoon Jonea Drug Co. Wllaon A Cooke Multnomah Lumber A Bos Co. F. a Gadk E. Dewey Central Door A Lumber Co. .. C. B. Baiter A. Simmons .......... t Tlmms Press A Co. Paciflo Coaat 8afe A Vtt Wka. F. T. Barlow ,.. Wm. 2ruger CUdstoee Lumbar Co. , Theo. Miller 1200 10.00 29.00 9.00 4.50 89.76 2000.00 91.00 363.76 92.76 134 70 72.98 nO.OO; 40 716 50 83.50 116.75 Clarenc Miller 173.00 66 80 852-70 1900 2425 27.12 33.41 40.15 1-26 6.37 Wllaon A Cook D. C Robblna .. Frank Roach .. Scrtptur A Beaullaa Williams Tranafer Co.',. Pioneer Tranafer Co. Pope A Co. Fred E. Aope ..- t M. A. Magginny ..r,., U A. Cooper ....... . 600 Clarenc Simmon ........... 2.06 10.50 7.60 150 , 13.60 17.00 600 28.85 30.00 . 16.40 18.20 . 16.60 .65 . 1.00 4.00 , 2700 f 10.00 C. EL Boeley .... A. Carns J. Kaboureck ... ET. Lemay Fred. Msllatt ... J. M. Colebank . . W. Bergren ..... E. Ranch ....... C. A. CUrk ..... L. May ......... H. C. Toiler . . . . F. Nekton August Warner . J. F. Young .... J. W. Braker .... G. Terry . . . .t . . (.25 410 8.70 I .50 16.60 122.60 14.44 J3.60 40.00 .' io.oo W. W, H. Samaon , D. C Frost Joseph Bevclk. Sr ' ' Sheriff. J. C P. vVestengard R. A. Junken' E. T. Mass Western Union TeL Co. ... F. A. Miles Tag Department Cls B. Pratt Ona Renner Clerk. W. L. Mulvey I 6-30 Cls B. Pratt M. C, Mulvey yrt ltoss io' Renner lass A Prudhomm Co. u'rrows Adding Machine Co. Join Adams y! D. Cunningham Co. Alice Dwlgglna .. p. p. Cunningham W. W- nkCtf ct A rTTw -" .. .1' . DauaUal A UtMm .......... onca mo': A a rwsult of hMvtav rwcwtpt froas th country lamedlatoly trtbacsry 8a Portland tke apul aaarkat ba asa off to om nUnt during tkft pact weak or two. From handed of va ly orchard, larg and aiauUl. whr . (ka aflierrnv nt ttxm mtm rartla' kaa alnc th Brat of tfcwMnontn bn ac tively under way, tk growers, having atored all they ear u carry through th winter, ar taking tk surplo to th Portland market. SappHea ta tk hand of deaiera ar aid to be tk heavtaat for th aon u aaie, ana ui iron w wu wbwi la from th country In a liberal way. It I also believed that th ett' crop tor th year wa considerably abov tbe eatlmaUa of two month ago. tbe output of too amaU orcMrtfg scattered - throughout Wee tern Oregon being ft factor of no small Importance ta tk , present anowtng. Fnea conaeqawnt ly hav given way. ' Reese J.00 .00 3.p0 1.00 145 .50 .25 ...8 45.00 1J75 Recorder. L. E,'villlams Edith Smith Coroner. Frank Villa R. H. Smith J. W. Ellsworth J. Collins .' ; F. Thompson 4-30 .8 U.00 . 6500 1-20 L20 X.20 ..$ 29.00 . . 36.60 . . 40.60 . . 32.50 . . 87.00 .. 26.25 . . 33.50 . . 61.00 .: 65.00 . . 73.00 .. 23.00 .. 44.00 ., 37.10 .. 30.60 . . 8 00 .. 4.00 .2 67.50 . 60.00 . 25.00 . 10.00 . 31.85 . 47.50 . 81.85 . 15.00 . 20.60 . 70.00 . 7.80 A. W. Robbing Geo. B. Brooks Herman Groat . Grant Chrlstensen P. F. Tsppendorff .......... Dr. W. E. Watkln Gilbert L. Hedges , W. J. Wilson W. U. Moore O. M. Loughltn ........... W. r. Garrison ............ E. S. Jenne C. R. Hunter R. Donley Wm. M. Chllcot.....':.. J. 8. Donaldson E. Chllcot .... W. M. Buckmann ......... Dr. W. E. Carll Gilbert L. Hedge Wm. J. Wllaon Supt. of Schools. T. J. Gary Frank Buach William Bros. Transfer Co. 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 . 10.00 . 12.60 . 1860 . 1.20 . 1.20 . L20 . 1.20 . 1.20 . 1.20 1.80 . 1.70 . 1.80 . 1.70 . 15.00 . 10.00 . 11.60 O. B. January J. B. Cos John Bozlk A. E. Fitch P. E. Wyman . Arthur Wyman L. A. Gautchr J. W. Barber . O. F. Green ... R. E. Green '. . . T. P. Wilson . R F. Morton . C. a Green Fred Patterson John Benson Frank Clepnon John 8tewart John Berg . John Grahn , ''JJ, Q. Zlnserllng ...... Oregon City Foundry Straight A Sallabury C. J. Hood H. L. Hull Theo. Mirier F. A, Piper 8. N. Tanier Chaa. Matheon ......; Clarenc Ohorn ....... . Chas. Matheeon H. Bean John Green John Johnson I. Rlttenhoua .'.....,. B,. Barnes 1 Q. Dwlgglns Jo Myer ..." Frank Boajrdman Cbauncey Ramaby Clarenc Simmon ........... J. E. ' MeComb Bill Gadk JaH. n E. T. Maaa ...t. County Poor. C E. Swan Wm. Danforth David EL 'Jones C EJ. Burns Joe Zlelinskl W. T. Gardner 10.00 Mra,- Bradtl 1000 J. A. Jonea Geo. Laxelle .... J. E. Seeley .... T. R. K, 8ellwood i 00 17.06 17.60 1662 15.15 19.37 3460 22.50 I 23.12 15.00 28.00 28-00 8.75 69 00 45.93 4543 2150 10.60 65.66 43.28 2250 22.70 81-30 83.40 86.25 18.43 47.10 17.50 60.75 , 87.27 . 4746 . 46.26 . 40.00 . 133.12 . 147.76 i 109.60 80.50 . 2480 . 3471 . 354 07 .. 91.00 . 8t 00 . 11.40 . 66.06 ; 5(.75 71.7a 15.75 '76.60 49.68 84.60 4985 68.1 68.12 6937 60.C2 30.00 69.37 4611 46.25 Prevailing Oregon City prlofts are , aa followa: rrurta, Vaftetable. DRIED FRUITS (Bvrylas) Prunes on baala of 6 1-4 potsnda for 46- 60's. HIDES (Buying) Orwaa hid, 5e to 6c; aaltor. 5c to fte; dry kid. 12c to 14c; abep pelta, tS to 76c ISCy. HAY (Buying) Timothy, fll to 316; clover, 88 to 39; oat hay. bt. 89 to 310: mixed. to 812; alfalfa, fli to 316 60 OATS (Buy lag) Gray. 2C U 327; wheat, 832 to 333; U meat 868; Shady Brook dairy te flJtf pC 100 pounda. ... TEED Short. 327 to 828; rolled barley. 8370; pro oarley. 821.10.' whole corn. 337; cracked corn; 828; white, 826 to $27; bran 1 27 to H. FLOUR 34 60 to 36-26. BUTTER (Buytng) Ordinary country butter. 2Sc to 30e: OuaT dairy, 30e; crBMry. 80 to SML PODLTRT (Buying; Man, 11s to It 1-2: brotlera. lift - - EGG 8 Oregon raacn egg, goo to 40c. 8ACK VEGETAKLM Carrot, $1.86 to $1.64) par aAek; rarsnlpd, $1.26 to $1.60; tandp). 81-2 8L84: Prune, o baU of l-4o tor tt ftpkt bMta, $140 POTATOES Beet bwywc 70e to j 85c per hundred. CNIONS Oregon. $LM to $1M per hundred: AnotraJUa. $1 tor hnndrwd. BEEF liv weight) tttean-a, in and 5; cow. walla, 8 1-1. VEAL Calv orttg rrom so 13c, according to grade MUTTON hp. BC an iwc; lambs, 4c and 6c. " HOGS 125 to 140 Donne) hoga, JJc and lie; 140 to 200 pound, 1M and 10HC .$ 63.5 .$ 16-00 6.00 . 100 . 6.00 . 15.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 12.60 .$152.16 . 10.30 . 460 Fashion Llvry 8tabl 3.00 J. E. Calavan 221.05 Kmllle C. Shaw 112.65 C. F. Anderson 221.15 ; ' Asseeaer. ' Clara Mitchell .....$ 62 00 Edith Jackson 62.00 i . Surveyor. D. T. Meldmm ; .$t:0.00 Bui Thompson .............. 78.00 Psul Dunn 78.00 Harry Gray 68.00 Charles Bartlemay 6.00 M. Zogg $-00 t. T. Davis 1100 8. A. D. Hungate 34.W Gregory Boyer 10 00 Mary MaroJ 1100 Sam Booher .....'..,.., 8.00 Oeo. May 10 00 Nlles Johnson 7.00 Fred Baker 10.00 Putt on Home 16.00 S. M. Kelso 10 00 A. Pluard 7.00 Richard Hartgreavee 8.00 W. O. French 7.00 Mlnny Pulley '.. 7.00 J. A. Randolph .............. 10.00 Mra. Ella McLeod 8 00 Dock Motler 10.00 Jessie Allen 10 00 Electrlo Hotel 1600 L. Mane '. 4.00 F. T. Barlow 14.35 L. Hartk 9.00 C. R. Thorp 23.50 H. W. Streblg 24.80 farr Bro. O. M. Kunsman 5.65 Sam Smith .... 10.00 Mrs. A. O. Guynup 26.00 Mrs. L. Guedon 87.00 n n. Meatta 2.16 Indigent Soldier Mrs. M. A. Haver Printing and Advertising. Oregon City Enterprise ......$18159 Wild Animal Bounty. J. C. Vaughn M. E. Kandle , Juvenile Court E. L. Shaw .3 10.00 ,? 1.60 400 .$ 8.70 CHINATOWN AND BOWERY. Everybody ha heard or read of New Vork'e East Sid. Mora Inter acting .type of humanity can p found there than any other plac 1 th United States. In aom owiers ip squalor and misery of tl awat shops, . tenement. , cheap lodgtng houses and t U tiU to'pltl fuL On th Bowery ar th famous re aortS such aa the "Atlantic Garden," Barney Flynn's Oaf," 'KaJly a Dane HaH.", MBtv Brodie'a Plavc" nd other. Her ar the Italian with thetr puah carta, fruit aUnda ana atrc piano. There "Little Hungary" with It reetaurant and rathskellers. Just around the corner Is Chinatown where the Celestials live In their own land. Thla cosmopolitan quarter ba been reproduced In picture on which neither time nor expense ha been apared to make them on of tl moat sensational interesting od instruc tive attraction ever pr)titd to th public. Manager 8ckram or tno Grand Theatre should be compliment ed ou securing a . feature aa thla 'and will offer It today. November 16 only, at th Grand Theatre. vioiAAsme VIIUAI1P3 Mra. Viola Ashbaugh, of tbla city. and Mr. William Morris, of Monro. Or, were married In thla city Mon day evening, Judg R. B. Beatl per forming the ceremony, to marriage waa very quiet, and Immediately af ter the ceremony th bride aod bride groom left for Portland, and will leave for their home at Monro to day. ' Mrs. Morris Is well known in thla city, and is a daughter of th lat Isaac Fan-. Her mother la one of Oregon City well known aettler), The bride ha a host or mends in tnia city who extend their liest wish. The bridegroom la a well . known young business man of Monroe, where h has lived for some time. HISS FAY LEEK W3 JR. IIVESAY B Miss Fay Izora Leek, th only daugnter or K. L. Leek, was mames) at noon Sunday to Jama R. Llvay t th noma of the brtd' paraata. Justice of th Peac Samson off! elat ing. After tbe ceremony a deltdtful dinner was served. Ther weramor than fifty guests, all of whom, lnM M m ml u ra H.nunn wava Tmim . tivea of the bride and bridegroom. l!r. Llveaay 1 a farmer of (afctouaO .'lelghta. . ;...-' Justine of tk Paca SaBiar" delated at the wedding of Ul ) Young and Cliff Haxalwood, of I cus. The wltne Wart B tl.t. and Lillian Toung. s 111 ' : ' '1 Rad th MoniltMl JBwurprtst. scored on Ihls season, u w... ,)BCk pRo, . . .Wnrl In 'turn "IB Viu V 1 irttljlHJue " against It old rlvala. 1 : m-- ' J