Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 14, 1911, Image 4

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Voan's World
An Unusaal Htmr
Par Mim Laafra
by His Fto Ctt::co.
0 0 3M Icy
' '
Marine picture enow are m popalau
tuna of amassment that appeal alike
te both Juvenile tad grownup audi
ences. Bat o account of the ofte
meretrlcioai character of these abowa
many parents nave forbidden their
yonng children from frequentlug these
place of entertainment.
Now tbia ban of disapproval nay be
aafely Hfted for recently' a board of
ceoaora baa been appointed to pass
npoa the moral and educational t lew-
point of the picture play, and not a
film can bo used by any manager with-
, oat the stamp of tta approval
ia Uoe with woman's activities In all
branches of arte work Miss Irene
Langford of New Tork city, a grand
opera singer, who baa alwaya been In
teres ted In at re uplift movements,
baa been appointed a member of the
censors' board.
Tbla an usual honor came abont at a
testing of the board at which Mlas
Langford waa an lnrited guest At
this meeting the question of allowing
films to be nude, depicting the life of
Beolah Bin ford, was raised. Mlas
Lnngford protested on behalf of the
" profession. The feeling aroused by
her vigorous words pot at end to the
aspirations of the girl s manager.
To Miss Irene Langford, too. belongs
. the honor of being the first woman to
make a deposit la the first postal sav
ings bank, that opened Its doors to the
public In v Tork city last spring.
'.. Suppressing tbe Grandmothar.
Happy In having placed the fathers
under control, tbe next great step tak
en by the promoters of the automatic
baby was the formation of the "So
ciety Tor the .Suppression of Grand
mothers.' according to Ells Parker
Butler's article In Success 'Magazine.
The grandmother la tbe grestet ene
my of tbe sterilised, onrocked.' un
, kissed, nncuddlad baby. The a da ma n-
... the stubbornness of a grandmother Is
almost beyond belief. She will kiss
the child! " Regardless of germs, ml
crobea. Infusoria and rules, she will
take the little cuddly thing In her
arms, hog It up tight with cooing
words and kiss It right on tbe month
' too! " . '
. Tbe members of tbe society bad to
be exceedingly firm with tbe grsnd-
', mothers.
"Mother, the member would say.
"please do not kiss the child on the
, aonthr
"Very well, very well!" tbe grand
mother would say. Just s little huffed.
"But I sm sure, my dear, I kissed
. yoo on the mouth s million tlmi
when you were a baby, and you seem
none the worse for it"
1 prerer. mot her. not to nave my
baby kissed on the mouth."
, "All righty. Mule baby." the grand
. mother would say. patting tbe baby
on tbe cheek, "grandma can kiss tbe
pretty tttle footsies!"
r lease, piesse. mother." the mem
ber would say appeallngly. "please do
not kiss baby on the foot: Baby
might put her foot In ber mouth after
"Well." the grandmother would aay.
pulling her sbswl over ber shoulders
- snd arising with tears In ber foolish
old eyes. "I see this Is no place for s
grandmother. Goodby. baby; I am not.
, wanted here."
"Goodness! Goodness!" tbe member
would exclaim as she washed out the
baby's mouth with so antiseptic after
, the grandmother bad gone. "Mother
ls so old fashioned!"
Ye4ir. star Whs Rsoeotly Defeated All
the Cracks sat tKa Psoitis Ceast Fish
es' by Many t Defeat the Feather
weight CKampieiv ,
Now that Johnny Ktlbene has
cleared hla path toward the cbamptoo-
Ship goal now held by Abe At tell the
question presents Itself. What are Kll
bane'a chances with the bolder of tbe
championship title? " '
There will be a big diversity of opin
ion among the followers of lbs game
throughout tbe country. Johnny haa
toon sands of admirers who hare abso
lute confidence la hla ability to heat
tbe wonderful tittle Hebrew fighter.
and on tbe Pad 9c coast there are a
good many who will support him In
hla dispute with AtteU la ess they
are matched.
Although the aportlng enibitalaats of
tbe coast have the reputation of being
partisan to a marked degree and bit
terly prejudiced against all boxers
from other parts of tbe country when
they are opposed la battle to s native
sun, there are some fslr minded who
cannot get ground the fact that the
Cleveland, boy arrived on the roast a
stranger and la the face of discourag
ing conditions best three of the hard
set boje In his ctsas, thereby earning
recognition In tbe select circle and tbe
right to battle with tbe bolder of tbe
world's championship. . .
In other words. Johnny Kilbsne. byi
his gallant fighting, made tbe Califor
nia ns, prejudiced as most of them
were, like him. They will, or at least
a number of them, now back him In
hla match with Abe, for tbe Callfoo-
nlana are a shrewd rat when they set
out to wsger their money on a boxing
viewed from a strictly unbiased
point of view and with doe respect to
Abe AtteU and tbe wonderful ability
he baa displayed In tbe past, it now
looks ss If Kilbsne stands a good
chance of winning the title that Abe
haa defended so valiantly for so many
years. There are several reasons for
this conclusion. la tbe first piece.
Kilbsne haa shown high class In every
department of tbe game. lie haa prov
ed to be an exceptionally brainy sort
of a fighter, possessed of the secessary
speed, hitting power and ability to
stand punishment JJe baa also shown
remarkable endurance, for be has fin
ished sll of his battles In good condi
tion snd not been fstlgued to any extent.
AtteU Is reaching sn sge at which
the average pugilist begins to retro
grade, while Kilbsne is Just approach
ing his maturity aa a fighter. Tbe
brt fighters ever known to this coun
try reached their best between the
years of twenty-one snd twenty-four
years. Kilbsne is now going on twen
ty-two, snd be is still gaining In
strength snd bitting power.
Masting All Comers, Too, but They
Must Tsekle Turk First.
Frank Gotch. the champion -wrest let
of the world. Is being pestered by
knights of tbe mat from all over
America and Europe for bouts. Since
his triumph over Harkenschmldi
Gotch hss been in no mood to try coo
elusions with a man like Zbyst-o. bur
has been busily engaged perfecting a
tour around tbe world in which he
picka up lemona to drop in overnight
In tbe Gotch stable Is Tusuf Msh
mout. tbe big Tork. who hss forced
the shoulders of many good wrestler
to tbe mac Since Tusuf has been en
gaged by Gotch tbe champion baa, used
tbe .Turk as tbe "fall guy.' Every
time a wrestler challenges Gx'b to s
bout the champion replies, "Throw
Mabmout and then I'll consider your
ase." As tbe Turk Is almost as good
as Gotch ft tbe game, tbe climbers of
tbe wrestling ladder fail to reach tbe
champion. ,
A Millinery Hint,
Large black velvet hats stretched
ver stiff frames sre trimmed with
what looks like nothing more nor less
than tbe fat. chunky cord and tassel
, of a bath gown. Made of tbe plainest.
;, softest wjilte wool yarn, the cord goes
around tbe crown once and Is tied In
a knot at one side, the ends flnlsblntr
with a tassel. Tbe cord from one-
' brother's dressing gown would trim
half a . dozen bata. provided he did
not miss it and one did not grow tired
of an abundance of tbia kind of trim
' ming. '
To clever people almost everything U
' laughable, to wise people hardly aiy
rHnir -Goethe. .
Defender of - America's Cup Agsinst
ehsmroek I. snd II. Being Ovsrhsulsd.
Tbe famous old yacht Columbia.
which successfully defended the Amer
lea's cup against Sir Tboman Upton's
Shamrock I. and II. and which waa
afterward converted Into a bouse
yscbt. Is to race agabi. She baa been
towed to Magotby river and la being
fitted out with a racing rig.
The Columbia la owned by Captain
fhsrles A. Turker. who has been us
Ing ber ss a houseboat about Bflltlmorr
wsters. He now proposes to hare the
old cup defender thoroughly overhaul
ed. which will Include new mast, rig
ging and aalls.
After ten months of continous publication, morning; Enterprise, t
BIG LITTLE Clackamas County Daily is read in more than a thou:
and Clackamas County homes every day
This is 2000 short of the mark set by the Publisher for
the first year, s6 in order to interests that many new Sub
scribers' in Morning Enterprise. November and December
will be a bargain period for subscribers.
During Bargain Period, whicn ends December 31, 1911,
Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL,
FOR,$2.0q. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City,
Gladstone; Parkplace, Willamette, etc., Bargain Period
Price for an entire year will bejonly S3.00.
This Is
The Way
We Will
Make It
3000 ,
Two From
Make It
tf-OU CAN HELP.; Tell two of your neighbors about
this, offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re
newal for next year atthe same reduced rate. Are you onP
Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish
- ,i I If you re not reading the Morning I Shlvely'a opera house Novemh-r wWwCwww
21. take. . . whol. worl,.. ? ," Mrth nd
tlon aa to a world's main differences.
Dsfsndaot In Lee Angalss snd
Jsil Where He Is Confined.
McDonsId Establishes Shot Put MarV.
Pat McDonald, tbe weight tosser.
made a new record with the twenty
four pound shot wently at Celtic
park. New Tork. He succeeded in pro
pelling tbe sphere a distance of 38 feet
10 11-16 Inches. This supplants tbe old
mark of 3S feet 2 Inches, made by
Ralph Boss In New Tork seven yean
. ' ' Tee Fast ' ". '
'-- Madge Didn't you think tbe show
ended rather abruptly Mabel Tes,
indeed. We had bnrely time to take
up our things, put on our bata and
coals and get outside the theater be
fore tbe curtain went down. fuck.
Maun Lea.
Mauna Loa. in the Randwlch Islands. I
13,00 feet high. Is tbe highest moun
tain which rises dlrertlv from the sea.
ase-sss- -Ulllli
ne Cause er Alarm.
"Bee bere. husband. I found a lock
t of hair among your old papera."
. "1 never gave it to you."
. "Don't worry. I don't remember
who did. Washlnrtoo Herakt.
' No Sals. , -
"And bow are these eggs?" asked
Mrs. De Jay, gflxlpsvat the contents of i
the crate through not lorgnette.
"Too can't bewt 'em," said the gro
cer. 1
"Mercy r cried Mrs. De Jay. Tbey
111 never do for me. I want eggs
that you can beat for omelets. Har
per's Weeklv.
Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar
gain Period la now on. See ad on
back page.
Suits To Collect On Notea.
.yry L. Drlgga Monday, Died suit
against H. Stelner M. Stelner and W.
Jasper for $276, aald to be due on' a
promissory note. K. V. Johnson sued
Silas 8. Hontx and Mrs. 8. 8. Bontz
for $125 alleged to be due on a prom
tsflory rote executed by the defen
"hdfita to C. D. Johnson, March 18,
1911. The note was assigned to the
plaintiffs. , . r
9) tni. by Americas Press Association
If yon are not reading the Moro'ns
Enterprise, why notf Year-end Ear
gain rerlod Is now on. See ad on
back page.
DO YOU KNOW that the Hnterprlae
year-end Bargain Period la now on?
See ad on back page for particulars
Willi im and Susie Evans to Wil
liam 8. Tull, .71 acres of Barlow; $10.
Robert O. and Cora Cramer to Ben
Janiln F. gcovll, 5 acres of Clacka
mas Park; $1,600.
W. B. Kurts to Harland H. Young,
lota 13, 14, Mllwaukle Park; $1.
Harland H. and Lillian L Young to
Fielding L. and Lynn B. Wilson, lots
13, 15, Mllwaukle Park; $1.
Laneing L. Grlbble and Albertena
Orlhble to C. H. Lorenz, part of the
Andrew W. and Nancy Orlbble D. L.
C; $4,500. "
U7.7,l Olade to Louisa Winder, lots
9 and 10, of block 9,'Csnby; $350.-
Mellnsa A. Bestow and II. P. Bestow
to E. C. JIackett, land In Clackamas
county; part of the George 'Abernathy
and wife, township t south, rsnge I
east; $500. ' i
DO YOU KNOW that the Enterprlae
year-end Bargain Period la now onf
See ad In back page for particulars.
Eassy aid Scenery Two Nights, No
vember 0 and 21 at 8 p. m.
The RSSAY which In to be READ at
we cannot xlve all tha rtifr,-n-
..f J Tfllli in on "nlng, but
win give the principal differences.
Dlfferencen are a SUN, MOON, STARS
and EARTH, as main differences tbe
rest are all at odda tnn nihi..
.ir.ii ia classed as dlffsr
enc. i
JHUa 7 lbe way that a worl
menced to form In the beginning if
any the way it djvlded and went to
i. - I n,ul aubstancea unto
.t. ,.u.m,, or me ena or a world'a Dro.
"'",n' Put out tha way that
uw ..a Ks started in a world, the
JT,uJl. ,Kett and tne cor'
t taken, the way the world makei
divided (he courae they take. The
way retjlutlon starts to grow, the dlf.
ferenceH, classed to aome extent, the
wayail seeds are germnit hr
lhKi,W'T t9' "'d Powlng two war,
while circle motion hnlda control. We
figure a SUN for, motion, and glva the
difference, for R, w. flgut. that a
moon In nothlns but mmtnn 1
its subMancee. ' " .
W figure caa as a Vr,.-.
figure really all star. .il 'ZZ.
A world makes Ita winds, and give the
reason for winds stsrti- " u.
. a. "ub,,",nc therein, and how
ceasV b?Mh,ft'd- ."d " wind
cease to blow. stM .,.. .i . .
continue to blow, from iome quart,
of a world more than nt w. a"
t'lmata aV8,T,nM t0 ""'
timate a positive aor
We put out tha OAlirtlSa t as O fill
nd MOON circle, w.
TEOR. tu V1 " comet or a me
teor. We put out positive and neg.
flrure three globes and the result to
time on the earth tint . "
on.. Out he leaves hi. body. Ws "ol
It handles the landa, w. put out all
u. resaona ror tide waters, tbe way
m ' ',d Zr to Put .lhem into ac
W. KAINBOW. dlfferencea.
W. reckon a Volcano froinlhe be-
Wkn th-10 "D.n.d' 'nd motlon ceMln
way hInrK,, W out tb
lh, thev rimra,lkr ,U COAl "n"
DIAMnvna1 h ' world makes Ita
make. KV, PUt."t how '
We figure fnd IU JSIN-OLABS.
Jala I 8ub-tnce. for all Mln-
fn Mine a4.sWhw.,h.;v: fhT
we give the reasons for
moon coming later each ersninf.
We have figured A whole world.
take in a little of ZOOLOGY, snd
tend some toward a human nsc w
tbe whole world Is always In motk.
and give many other dlfferencea.
The ESSAY consists of fifty to
cap sheets In print, and aoms SCEN
ERY. The ESSAY haa cost tho
ands of dollars and hard STUD", vo
not tnU. it It takes about twoM
a half hours to read the E9SAT.
ADMISSION 60o Children at w
and fifteen, S5a.
Do not resume the KS3AI
you have heard It ALL READ.
bTh.Mtment " Hot Uk' nc'"'imf msldlcal attention, board art
hn -t r 110 mor thaa ould pay tn live at any first olai
In th. Sr,"", C" b had fron to M-0 P Mes.
usual m , MrTed from wnu up and in the grin t
"u.l grm priCM. jtu rtng from fl
We Do Core Rhcamatism
'ifot Uke Mineral Bh
and mud given under Mis"'
tlflo direction have our
thousands. Writs for Illus
trated booklet dencrlptlv. oi
Hot Lake Sanatorium w
the method, employed. Hoi
Lake Sanatorium I" ccer
aihta sa it la located direct
L ly on the main line of th.
A. ... .... and
J.-W, K. I . ran--.
special escurslon rate.
to be hsd t all tlmsi. A1
- V v. ..v
' st rn