Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 14, 1911, Image 2

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morning ckT.:r-;uad tuks'da y." Novmi 1
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'.ZZ'.V.'.j Emf-TIHE
cm ecu cut, cnxccn
,i7i-i rr -irt i-i y r"TH3
t, E. BftOOtE. Edits a- FWWtehee.
, A- r
w? a, iml a
. TtStS Sf KBltlf 1Mb
-.. '.
.. M U to atat .. ..
MI HiM b ft
Par n fc. fee I raw..... .... Jm
peat fm. pmr asaa Swat asareae....lSe
ty f. esce BitiSJiril J
wlaef,"ae) SBsMfiaBaBss pttfiae i
M finiPO... ...
paia aaf pate, est teaa1
iM Hi niiM Oa
Am in taaa fawt paae. ear mat
IweV assart taw.. . . .He
Aaa mhi wMr Jawa M peca. Bar
eased airtuai, es
Lara lee a Km; nwh
Was. Far Bate, Ta taA .. ewe
M wart ft MMM1 l
aMfe feAssWtAssssBBsaV
tataa tar tlmiliM as" aha Weak
eiaa via ka u MM aa a taa
tar iif naaa M aaBaaSBM
tar twa nstr lw is aiiiiirt
ta trneafertad frana Um tally- ta tne aaiS
V. vumm asanas. Ua rata M a N
aa aw tar raw tHjtmmmm. at Ma aa
faa'satai .
Least, stiff a taW aa mans a
tm admtWaa aaa w iaW tjislipl
S. ananas tat ia aa aaaara
e (a ulal caaalltaaa aa aiahi Ma
TVa tale- aaj akjH aW ir-t-Waasaata
e ewti tlrat aartwii M
M ail in hum aawsar Ma asae.
SWae Htmm mm M arnwa ardilia
T aiirn. wtta aurwt la awal us tire,
aN W ataal ainstin. taj i iaa I nail
we) W
Itr of Oregtm tpabttcane believe la
tat Oracoa tyatam aa araaatt 4a
alra tU aitaaaKM to athar atataa.
TaaraTora. I raaptfullr aulat
tkal RapablkaM UraCaot U aula
wrlta Mr. WUMam. atpraaalac Ualr
alr that aa a Mam bar t t Na
tonal Cocamlltaa aa arra Ua Moatloa
o( tba Oraroa a Ma af praalttaatUl pra.
taraavc vata taa all aUtaa vkara noa
aiblaw . " '
Wa voM ausraat Uat U Mr. WU-
BaaM cm Uk ear oC Wa aw family
foflttl naublaa ta. Ortgou. a
aattar M Vba otkar atataa ib'rt fof
tbamartv. It y ba tbat Mr.
rvmraa baa alraadV plM4 Orago U
k. t BNtllarta mlamk. and ballaTac
that It la uMiaaa for Mr. Wtltlama K
milt lortb furtbar afforta la a ataU
abrra lba,Tft Maloal b baea rat
aa4 found to ba rot tan.
Tba Batarprlaa coaaat koow wbatber
Taft vtU bara tba Orar dletJoa
ia tba RapabUca KaUoaal Coavaa
tioa, or tot It doaa kaov tbat Taft
wttt ba tba RatMbUcaa eaadldata for
Praaldaat aad It baxarda tba optatoa
tkat tba Soatbarm aad Kaatar Daoo
craU will aomlaata Uanaoev and tbat
tba Wood row WUaoa aaaUmrot wtU
blow aa-ay aftar a Uma. .
Mark 8ttWraa. a poUUcal wrttar for
CoUiar-a Waakl. ta a lr-aarla
Uamaa bo gU bla Orrgoa vta-ra
from Mr. Bouraa'a twrtca. 8ull1vio
mar-. u ;- ' '
lafora-1 - t Wtkl lr"'
a-oatd predict tbat all a uf -tban
(tba atataa U Nartb Dakota. ta.-or
ala. Nabraaka, Ot s H Na Jar
aay). will Wltooa a tba Dem
ocrat, and tbat all axcapt Naw Jar.
ar U1 aama LaFbUatta aa tba Ra-
a la oa aaia at tba toUowlsc atoraa
Maatiar Broa. Draca . . 4
. - .. Mala StraaC f
. i. W. McAaaJty Clears
ftavaaU aad Mala.
s B. Aadaraoa. '
. , Mala aaar Stxta.
M. . Daaa CoaiactJoaarr '
f , Nait door ta P. O. . ' . a
. . , Oty Drac Star
Cactrta HotaL
. Bcaoaabora -Ooafacdoaan
. Baaaatb aad X Q. Aaaaaa,
. .
Nov. 14 In American History.
Uav-Ctapbea Dacatar, aaval offlcar.
. . . tether of tba amlnaat Casnawdoi
- fttepaaa Daratar. AM: bora 1731.
MOa-Tktory for tba Cabaa Ubcrabi
; placed Ot aaral Joaa Mlfaal Goaaaa
at tba baad at tba rrpabOr.
, ma-Joha La Farsaw- nral patatar
aad atalaad glaaa aUat died; bora
183S ;
(From aaoa todar to aooa tomorrow.)
Boa acta 439. rtoaa mooa rt
tut a. m.; Leonid mcteora poaaibla
, ' aaooa'a Ucbt afortaaaM ltarfrra.
' ' Uardlr a period ot tbrea day
paaaaa that Tba Enterprise does not
: raceiva by mall a batch of literature
. from tba National Progressive Ra
; ' pabUcaa Leagoa, of which Senator J.
y Boaraa. Jr, la prealdeoC Mr. Bourne
has appelated his prtTSte aeeretary,
A. W. Preeeott, kmg correspondent for
the Portland Oregoniaa at Balem, sec
retary of the Lague.-and Mr. Pree
eott, who wields a facile pea, has
Issued tons of "dope" for the news
papers to print without digestion. .
All reading Republicans know tbat
Ralph E Williams, member of tba Na
tional Committee ' for Oregon, doea
not like Mr. Bourne. His feeUng for
Oregon'ft Senator is reciprocated, no
' doubt. Mr. Williams is a Taft sup
porter. Mr. Bourn a la for LaFollette,
or any other antl-Taft candidate. Of
course, Mr. Williams, like thousands
; ' of other Oregon Republicans who ner
v ar roted tba Populist ticket, doesn't
; iraat Bourne to go back to Washing
ton for another term of six years ss
' United States Senator from Oregon.
'And it is a dead certainty that Mr.
; Bourne knows this. He Is not the
man to stand on one foot and let an
other man poke holes in his armour,
: and he send out this kind of political
"dope" to the Oregon newspapers:
'Mr. Williams as member of the Na
tional Committee from Oregon, Is a
errant of the party and not 1U mas-
ter. It is his duty to carry out the
wishes of the members of the party
so far as he can ascertain them. I
, believe that an overwhelming major-
Horida, Our Ncwcit and Digest
Warship, Seen From 150 Feet Above
It Is easy to forecast! The weather
maa la always at It. and sea what a
mass a makes of It
' as.
Champ Clark has discovered the
secret of perpetual motion la tba mat
ter of handing out interviews. ,
ao n
Tba doctors have ordered President
Taft i to stop eating pie, bat bo one
expects this baa to apply to those
made by Aunt Dana.
Aba Mania says: TV worst sud
den adversity Is getting married on
a salary."
Dr. Woods Hutchinson says mines
pie la a polyaachrid carbohydrate, of
highly calorie efficient He might
have been a little considerate and
heM off until after Thanksgiving at
Champ Clark would rather say fun
ny things than ba President
Judge Gary says the Steel Trust has
always obeyed the law. Ha is at
the head of It and ought to know.
e '
Soma people are not satisfied even
after roa agree wlta them.
'' -eee
The Chinese don't know much about
the workings of a republic but they
are wllUng to take chances with one
ot .1 -
After witnessing the naval -review
In New York the dove of peace felt
that It has a good ally la the Ameri
can navy. v
, Can yon tell the difference between
a Chinese and a Manchu?
Low cut English derbies sra quite
the thing for men folk just now but
they come Just as high as ever.
The jolly good times the "newly
weds" around town are having is
causing more than one young -chap
to alt up and take notice and do a
little tall thinking and a little taller
Borne people say yesterday was the
coldest November day wa have ever
had. We think that It will be a lot
colder for some people one day next
November the day after election.
Women doing jury duty might be
all right but it will certainly be up to
the defendant to have a good looking
i lawyer.
t . . .
j Never again can you write the date
! of your letter with the same three
i figures as you did yeeterday when
: you began 11-11-11. ,
Patronise our advertiser.
Christian Civilization In
.Danger Should General
Labor Strike Occur
Br W. BOURKE COCKRAN. Former Representative In Contrtt
HE possibility of a general xtrike in thi oonntnr is the over
mastering CAPITAL question f tJii feneration, invoW
inir not merely the prosperity of country or tho security
yf. of a government, but the existence of CHUISTIAN CIV
mzATioy. r
" I do not apprehend any inch catastrophe. I do not fer tnt 'n
telligent laborers will destroy the SOURCES Ofj TlIKItt OWN
UVELLHOOD.; : Cirilired men realize, I am confident, that" even
the wont conditions which survive under Christian civilization are a
VAST IMPROVEMENT; on the conditions they have displaced.
It remains trne none the lew that throughout Christendom, especially
in t!ione countries where Christian civilization haa culminated in the
- ' - -ner.t of froe institutions,5 UNREST 18 PEEP and DI
o-' y ,,ong workers. This revolt for
1" ,.
v .y.
-x K
- .
r r . V
- -: .
, Phots copyright by amsrlcea Prist Association, IML
SOMETIUXO Oka S190.000.0UO worth of Warships waa exhibited to a few
hundred tbousaads of tba mllUona of people who paid for them while
the 100 vessels of the largest fleet America ever saw lay at anchor la
New York harbor. It may Interest the ststlaticatly Inclined, by the
way. to know that the sum juet mentioned la approximately the same aa New
Tork city's budget estimate for the year 191X All the types of medera aaval
eoastracOoa were ta be aaea la the line which stretched aevea mllea ap the
Badsoaw frem tba tittle submarines, like the Plunger, to the giant Dread
aonghts. the sister battleships Florida aad Utah, with their displacement of
ZL83S tons. The Florida la the newest ship la the navy and. with the Utah,
the largest $he made, bar first pablk appearance at the time of the New
Tork muster of sea flgbtera, bavins; been tewed by a fleet of toga from the
Brooklya navy yard to her statloa la the North river The photograph shows
her oa her way down the East river to the rendesvona.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
. half a Mai ertelUoaaJ few
tlaaa. jb kaeh eare. U pmr mtmU, aaa
kMk ear, smw a mania.
Cash mast eesaassaar. erear wastes aa
tea aa aaaa aamraal isith tha Bauer. Ma
naanrtal wapeaalbUlty far errara: whan
arrars occur rraa am i aataS aaMaa ana at
arlaiad (or astraa. MhHsaass awerea Ua
j -ji. ij.---wi ,r
..WANTED. ..' ..
WANTED Tourlsta and local people
to see my coltnciion of arrow-beads
coins, Indian trinkets. I'.d iUdii
snd curios of .) aorU Will bu
or aell la this tiue. Have in gool
bargaina In aer imd-hand fumlturo
and toola. Oaorge Young. Mali u..
near Fifth.
WANTED Boys and girls. Here
Is your chance youngsters to
make your Christmas money
easy. The Morning Enter
prise will pay you a big com
mission for brinlgng In trial
subscriptions. If yon wsnt
to know more about It can or
write to the Circulation Man
ager of the Morning Enter
prise, Oregon City, and learn
all about what yon will have
to d6. The more yon turn in
the more you will make and
you can make a lot if you
S. ALBA 8AGER, teacher of wind sad
string Instruments, director ot band
and orchestra. ' WtU furnish music
for any occasion. Call at Electrin
Hotel '4
If yon are not reading the Morning
Enterprise,' why not? Year-end Bar-
gain period is now on. See sd on
back page.
sl.. ilia.
Read te Morning nerprh-e.
npm rrjajs jucv:j
Twelve parish In Tornado In Wlaooiv
sin. Three DU la Chleaoe, :,
' 1 And Hospitals Art , ".;
.'';)'' ''V;.. riiitd. . . ; :
' ruirAOO. WavuiiA soort of par-
tons' araeadwBTitreat tuffaring pre
vails among the pr as the result
or a violent storm wnrca
sweenlha the MWdle Weat for the
past two days.' Iee lug a trail ot
vaautloa la Its wave.
The uroDartv damage aireaay loiaw
tl.500,000. The. weather Is bitterly
cold. . '7.
niaal ranAFts received bare Indi
cate that twelve lives were lost In
Wisconsin Just across me uuuoia ow
A tt ratallttaa raaultina from a tOT"
aad'o. The atorm cut a swath half a
mile wide over a section twenty mm
la leorh aad was followed by
luge of rain, i Today aro weather
grips the devastated territory. Com
munication haa not yet been restored,
and the reports sra meager. vi
John Dudley or urana "V"" .
AiiTJOSepaTlupp of RUb CHy. MhiOT.
were found froten to death aaar their
homes. Ruppa perished In trying: to
swim ashore after the high wind had
swamped his hunting boat.
. TV. at nrm ta the worst in the his
tory of the Great Uhea. region for
years.' Half a score of vessew
wart beached by tne violence oi e
tempest and several large ships were
drivea entirely across Lake Michigan.
The government life savers were
forced to keep a tblrty-elx hoar vlgiL
TkM. mhmm nerlshad in Chicago
as a result of the Intense cold, aad
tho hospitals sra Oiled wlta outer
vLxllma Tha known dead are William
Johnsoo. Theodore Unneson and liar.
ry Green. The county autnonuee aere
re dtatribatlna coal aad household
supplies to the needy.
- Reports from Virginia, iu.. art taai
$200,000 damage was done by a tor
nado which awept that section Satur
day night, and that several hundred
persons art homeless.
The indications are that as a result
of the sudden cold, lake ahlpplnrwIU
bt tied up for weeks. Along the Ca
nadian border wheat traffic-la con
gested. The elevators are jammed
with rralP and the1 railroads, are una
ble to handle it raptdiyenouga.
1 ' anaai i r i
"Hew She Spelled Alias.
TThea AUce Jones was eighteen she
became Miss B. Alyaae Jones. When
aba went tb enter a normal school she
was asked her name by tbe dean.
She replied. "Miss lu A lyase Jne-A-l-y-e-s
"Tea." said the denn - "And how srv
you " spelllnit 'Jones' now 7" -Ladles'
Uorno Journul.
FOR SALE Launch, 23 feet long,
capacity 14 passengers. First class.
Inquire Dr. Stuart, city.
Fahjs LAJAti DimTck E blmlott.
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
o. It. EBT, Auornay-avLaw. Moaoy
loaned, ahetracte ftrnlshad. lead
Uiiae exsmlnd. titaut settled, gaa
arai law buwaaaa Over
oragoa City. '
XTKMH 4 sK3mnEBEX Attaraayaat
m, Uautashar advekat, will pre
ttce la all aourta, asaaa coilaotiaaui
prise Bldg Ovtsoa City. Oreemm.
HARKT JONES Buflder aad OeaeraJ
Contractors - Estlmatts eheei fully
aiea on all elaseea of , bailding
wnrh. concrete wsrks and reaoroos
eeaorete. Rea. Phone Mala 11' ,
H. COOPtaC fw Fire . Insuraner
aad Real Vatata. Let as handle
roar properties we bay. sell aad
esehaago. :, Office la sTaterprlse
tttda. Ortgoa City. Ortcoa- '
DR. LENA TL HODGES, Osteopath, of
J'ortUnd, . will be In 0regm- ' City
fomlaya. Wednesdsys and Fridays
of each week, at corner of Sixth and
Washlcgton streets. ; phone Mala
-v to
Jobbers report a fair demand for
quality potatoes for shipment to the
Southern markets, but for other than
fancy stock the market outlook was
declared to be anything but favorable,
for tbe Immediate future at leaat. Ore
gon potatoes now going to California
have to sell in competition with the
best produced in that state, and If the
vlewa of dealers are correct the pro-,
portion of , high-grade stock In the
Oregon crop this year Is relatively
"The output of strictly fancy pota
toes in this state this year will prob
ably just about equal that of 1910."
said a buyer. "On the other hand,
the state has s crop of second snd
third-grade apuds a good deal bigger
than that of last year, snd this In
ferior stuff Is tbe Weak factor In the
market at this time.".,
Prevailing Oregon City , prices are
as follows: ' ' l
Fruits, Vegetables.
Prunes on basts of fl 1-4 pounds for 43
60's. .
HIDES (Buying) Green hides,
Be to do: saltan, M to 6c; dry hides.
12c to 14c; sheep; pelts, 25c to 76c
each. nv.r ,
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAT (Buying) Timothy, $12 to
15; clover, 18 to $9; oat hay, best, $9
to $10; mixed. $9 to 112; alfalfa, 1$
to $16.80 , ;
0AT8 (Buying)' Gray. $25 to
127: wheat, $32 to $33; oil meal, $5$;
8hady Brook dairy feed, ; $1.15 per
100 pounds. ' ' ' i ''
FEED Shorts, $27 to $28; rolled
bsrley, $37.60; process barley, $38.60;
whole corn, $37; cracked corn, $38;
white. $26 to $27; bran $27 to $28.
Butter, Poultry, Eggs.
iil FLOUR $4.50 to $5.26. .
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 35c to SOe; fancy
dairy, 30c; creamery, SOe to 85c.
POULTRY. (Buying) Hens, He
to 12 1-8; broilers, lie. . " .
EGOS Oregon ranch eggs, 36c to
40c. '.."-! , ,. ' v
$1.25 to $1.50 per sack;' parsnips,
$1.25 to $L60: turnips, $1.25 to $1.60;
Prunes, on basts of f l-ie tor 46 and
beets, fl.50 " . , t
P0TAT0E8 Best buying '70c tto
85c pef hundred, m ! ' t - .
UNIONS Oregon, f 1.28 to $1.60 per
hundred; Anstrallsn, $3 per hundred.
!, Llveetosk, Meets.
, BEEF (Live , wel8t) Steers, fci
and 6Uc; cows, 4Vs; bolls, f l-2o
VEAL Calves bring ; from $0 U
12c, according to grade. , - . ,
MUTTON 8heep, So '. ao tc:
lambs, 4c and So. " '. I
HOGS 125 to 140 pound bog's,
snd Uc; 140 to 200 pounds, 100 aad
10Vtc . ,.. . - j - ,
If on sre not reading the Morning
-,rprine, e-v r'tT Yr-r-erl r-
r-- Remember the Finish. '
The profemor of elocution was In
structing sn ambitions yonng man la
tbe art of public speaking.
"When you have flnlxheil your lec
ture.' he said, "bow gmrefutly sad
leave the lutfnrm on tiptoe."
"Why on tlploer queried the am
bitious yoiini: man.
"So as not to wake I lie audience."
replied tbe professor.-Ited Hen.
What is it to be a gentleman?
Is it to have lofty aims, lo lead a
pure We, to keep your honor virg n.
to have iSe esteem of your fe!low
dtzens and the love of your fire
side, to bear good fortune meekly,
to suffer evj with constancy and,
through evil and good, to maintain
truth alway i Show me the happy
man whotc-itie exhibits these quali
ties, and him we will salute as gen
tleman, wha'ever hit rank may be.
UiV.A t,AsJ
4 A SU'.s Esnk lacks ac'.Mnj sf the
security irorded by (tvtrameat tup.
trvlslen. It It anise tne d'.rtet ten.
rtl tf the State Canklna Department,
and subject te H;ld psHef jal txaav
Inatlent tf Its tapart aui.ttrt, wht
see that all the laws asf:usrdin te
peeltort art tompHtd with. "
The safety tf your Interest It is
tared at
it The Bach cl Cra City
asaassasasaaaaii i ass..a . n i n? i i i n a n i in aa na ju-a.
D. a lTOCmaTTTl PnaHsat . . J. Uarra, c
treeeeee s aaras Saaklaf Baalnasa .. " 0en frees A, htt. f , ,
Lumber, lath, thlnflee, fenot-poeta tad doors, mouldlnn, suk
all kinds ot Inside "alsh. Priest right, lumber guaranteed in re
delivery. . " ;:''.'''):",. :,' ? -.V' i
Phtnt Mala ttSI. . ": 'K: -: Fsrawftiu.
DO TOU KNOW that the Enterprise
ysar-enrt liar gain Period Is now on?
See ad on back page for particulars.
" (Continued from Psge 1.)
Tht effect on dogs wss quite similar
on 17 more pronounced. Four pups
were experimented on, .."Bum" and
"Tipsy" were given regular rations of
alcohol while "Nig" and "Topsy" were
brought up to be total abstainers.
When tl.o sge for training these pups
came, tliey were all taken to the
trainer. "Bum" and "Tipsy" abso
lutely fulled to respond to the trainer.
Their retrieving faculties were des
troyed and their affection for their
master wss desd and the trainers
found It Impossible to produce eucb
affectum, one day "Bum" and "Topay"
ware seen out in the streets howling
like wolves. They were apparently
Borng backward In a process of degen-
White Queen
This It The Best Flour Obtsliv
, sble.
lay In Your Winter Supply of
' Coal Now. , . .
Hay, Grain, Fsd and Kor rest
. - Poultry Food.
Comtnfcslca (Jo.
11TM A" r'N CTS,
O A.; C. Short Cottnes-
Begin jAa3 Cootloo Fccg -Wdclcs
. . i : . '1 . -.
Every ettliea of Oreaon la cordially Isvltal a
attend tht abort courses of the Oregut Artrti
Iaii ' tural College, beartnotng Jan. 8. Elevsa dixira
j WW Uv eourso" w,u offered la Agriculture, ke
v.- . ,. cbanlciArta, Domestic Science and Art, Cos-
n nr? merce. Forestry and music. Every court
i-4lf Las signed to HEU the student la his dally aeii
- . Make this a plaasaat and proCUble wistarsst
T-ji, J i lag. No tuition. Reasonable accommodttloQi
lUYlieO pur beautiful illustrated bulletin, address
, II. M. TEN N ANT. Registrar. Corvallla. Orsca
Fsrmert utlneet Cturat by Corrsesaasssta,
oration. It took about laa thousand
years for the wolfs to become thor
oughly domesticated aad grow y Into
the Intelligent fctt. Bernard. Bat ap
parently only a tenet time waa requir
ed through' the effecta ot a loo hoi to
seed them,' back to tho wolf Stage
"NUT and "Topsy," however, .re
sponded beautifully to the trainer and
being free from the effects tf alcohol
oa their bodies; had rail retrieving
power aad their faculties for affec
tion aad abedieaco for their master
were remarkable. ' If alcohol thus af
fects the growth of eata aad dogs. Is
It not much mora palpable that the
human victim of alcohol, is elmlllarly
tfrcted. The experiments of this
committee apoa a semlsavatt l
tioQ of men, proved that by ctring i
ratloa of alcohol to them, tht ant
had to be dropped sad they wsrt sm
reduced to savagery. The Ckrutisi
church la Its effort to bmtsIIm aa
aad bring them Into a state ot aa
hood and clvilliaUoa aad chincfr.
haa to contend , with this swuia
Pharos h. What caa we do k i
maa who clings to his Matter Km'
Absolutely nothing caa be doet to
him until lit la willing to break tnt
from his evil associates aad Jolt ti
the people of faith and under tat M
ershlp of Jesus Christ aa la tat h.)
of tht gospel, appropriate tht kt
which God baa promised, ,
Homes la and Near Oregon QtT
. Sla Room Dwelllno Corner 18th' aad Dl vision SU Oregoa Chy.
all new, never been occupied; sidewalks, city lights and water; k"tl
lot. 120 ft front. 80 fl deep. Front room suitable for store; sixty
(smlliee llvs within one-half mile. Renu for $10 monthly. Pries. 812U-
SU Room Dwalllnh Frootlng on 'Jefferson Bt. 70 ft snd 106 ft
deep. Good condition. Bath room and' plumbing throughout ! Concrrtr
sidewalk and Improved' ttreeL Plenty of frnlL shrubbery sad hut
rich level lot for garden. Renting for 11840. Will take tome land H
trade. Price. $1760.00. a .. . .
Sis Room Dwelllno Near corner Of 1st and Center Bis.' Level lot
624 by 132 ft. All In cultivation with fruit aad shrobbery. Good btrj.
woodshed and chicken park. Near mills. Always ranted at $11 oou.
Price. $1500.00. s C, . , . , . -
Three Room Dwelllno Two blocks from depot at Gladstone' 1J
60 by 100, level end fenced. Good well and pomp. Renting for V
month. Price. $450.00 Terms. V- -;
v ' - . :. ', , .
Wlllsmstts Pslls Four' lots on car Una, 50iJOO ft tsch. JOultr
accessible. Level and In tht heart of tht city. Price, tech $100 w.
Quarter acre tracts 6 minutes walk of Wlllamtttt car. . Urol t
cleared. Ueautlfu! view. Prices for 14 acres, $50 and $100. Lot -
No better bargain anywhere for the money. -
: Ore8ori City Realdaace Late Corner of 10th had Vaa Buren j Bit
Oak trees growing, within 110 feet of improved strset. 8lsU
Level snd well drained. Will build cotUgt for right psrty. fj1.1):
corners, $225 each. Inside lotd. $200 each. Slit of loU "
Corners front on two streets. Inaldt lota front on ont street snd
alOngSldn. . , , v., '- - '.r.-
Lot 6i105. fronting on JUgh SL along alley In block 81; WJl
and handy to mills. Win build on this lot for proper psrty. "'
accessible and level Terms on thU. Price, $250, . -
BeautlM site at Mt Pleaasnt 100 ft tqusre, sightly.
of brush end rocks, grass growing tht year round ; store 100 y. c"0
800 yds., green boost serosa tht ttreet; toll rich. Pries, $25
Suburbsn Home-On Bute Capital ttlgnway, 1U nium
Oregon City. , Pisstered dwelling house; seven rooms; good irs
barn and ontbulldlngs; lots of frnlt; best of gsrden soli; "1,,-r-high
stats of cultivation; school close. Oood fences, "J w" '
verytblng handy and convenient for an Ideal home. Will Uks pnr
rty np to $1000 In trade. . Price, $4000. . v . , , . "
...... tti ..a all el'r'
A Wfll.
Ideal Farm u.a.i b.i i 7 a sjiiaa .fu acres
- - - ... - ....... , r v, i ' .
good six room house with good fJreplsco. good orchsrd. good i
good loratloti, good roade. good barn, good school, car Una iw
nille everything good and first, clsss. Price 11760. . .
- S7t Aerss tor 13500.00, $,' Mllss tf OregorJ City Best of
8 acres under plow, acres can be cleared for 825 n cJ1 wlU
timber with stresm of water. AU level and easily "'"It.move
"Hy sell for 88000 by spending $500 on It In bujldlngt snd imi
fnents. Joins the above "Idea) Farm Home.1! , ' '
. Also tH and S acre tracta of the best soil anywhere front '
down to $125 an acre. Join tht abort "Ideal Farm ITomo-
No false represenutlons permitted. -1 sell my own ptgggfJ
Money back If yoq are dlssppolnted. Tour success Is my succe
other Mlow should mske something. Not sfrald to nJ!!2JZ2---'.
hereafter. Rather teae my ssle than your confidence. BtxtePBjf-gZ
( experience with the method has paid. If any Item la ajyoJ
terasts you commnhjeate wtth me. Any reaaonable pln wjlMJL
sldered. If y0U can't solve It Hone nerhans torether we enjt-
Dor A p-:: c;;: .
I i