Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 12, 1911, Image 4

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    ' -J
i, i9ii.
-T .f.X .
ritl CBa Maa aa Ntala
- at fx; sV A. Ileyworta HU
lt4ir triMMl 1 a. at.: It B. Cm,
MrulM4M( : rtaitea far all Be;
(Brtatlaa K4rm t:M a. aa.;
Uwii DO. a4r. eabjact. ""Tsa
Cam Afaiast Ike oa. At It
a. aa. taa asrrtc 1U be devoted
' the eae tf nrWM aaaratloe.
TW McMiaartUa OeUece U.M
UwW wlU alas. aad Ke. r. C
ta4ara. BU NfnaNUUK l
ewwa. aa eshare will iMtj At
' H l a, the aaatar wilt ar-aca.
aaa)Mt. "The Paraaa a Toeay:
TW Tyreaay of Kaam." AH art
fiaraaaa iMkTM Cfcwraa (Ofcto
eras . II. Maa. paeanc, Sr
three will a kM at l;84 a. an.
Mahf schawl M a. am. The
aeetar aoesa ae aa Bay child raa
at arr school
CeeneMe Purest Water aaa Taath
etraata, a. A. HUleeeaaa aaatar.
, n sisters ll Water; Lew ateaa
a. b. wtt aeratea; Ills Maaa
I. ie a. am.: efucaooa rrlee at
; Mm eery BMrnlag at 1
rtrat Ceaeeea I Clx-Dt-a
im Mala etreete. Mom tag wor
sate el actor. Kraala woe-
shta t . .-. George N. Kdweraa.
a aaa Wa etertee Bettor, will
rra ataratag aa4 areata,
rwat Oft ef Cfcrlet. . aelewttet.
Nlata aaa CVatar stiteta Leeooa
mm. it; eab)ct. -Morula aad
liiarttli'; ftaaday acaoet Imaae
Wtry aft the eeretoa; Wedaeeday
aveaJag sntsUag at a.
Oewea EvsaaaHeal -Coraar . Eighth
a4 Mediae etreeta. Rev. P.
Wlaveetcfc aaeuar. reeldtaoe Til
Maaleew; waaeay Kaoai It a. ta,
tiermaa Scaraaar, Moaroe street.
eaawrtatestAoat; aaaralac eervtce
It; Taaa raoala It I I. a. aa
araacaUg at I a. aa.; armjr m
tax Waaaaaaay at T:M a. av
Qtaaataaa Cfcrmiaa Ear. A. H. Mal
MT. aaatar: Btbto acaool at 1 1
at.; araacaiac at 11 aaa
MnCaa , Vtr Ualaa (Coaarta
tkMkai Ca4ar acaool I a. aa,
Mra. J- H. Qaiaa, aapartauaaaat;
BtMSfa4 avary Taaraaay aftar.
Mataaaiat Cataaaaal Onirca Ra. K.
r. riamanwaa. -aaator. Saaday
acaool at :4L rraacaiac by tka
aaator at !:!.
rtrat TaytarUa Cawrch J. k.
La4bectMKk. aalalator: Bandar
araool at l a. bl, Mra. W. C
raa. aaparlataadaat: BMrataf
varaala. 11: aaDJort. -Wao Shall
Baita taa Battlar T. P. C C K.
:4&; topic, -Taa Caaa Acalnat tha
Saiooa." U. t:11-; Kaat Wllaoa.
aatf boar of aaeraa eong pracaa
. taa aariea. All ara walootaa.
rarkataca Caaoraotkw Ra. J. U
Joaaa aaator. raaldaaca Clacaamaa;
Chrtatlaa BadaaTor Thnraday ara
alac 1:1. Baadar acbool 10. Emery
rrvach aapartataadaat; praachlns
aarrteaa aaeh Saadar. altaraatlnf
baiwaaa 11 a. av aad T:l a. m.:
at. Paafa awttant Epiacopal
CWtkj C W. Roblaaoa. r actor:
Holy aachaiiat. a. m.; rooming
. prayar. boly aacbarlat and
11: aranln prayer ana aar-
7:W; Sunday achool 11.
UaHad Sratkran Oornar Klgbth and
Taylor, Kar. U T. Oarfca paator.
raaldaaca, Portland; Snnday acbool
Iff a. aw, Praak Parkar. Mapla Lana,
aaparlBtandaat; rooming aarrice
11; T. P. 8. C. K. p. at-. aenlng
aanlea T.
WllUaaatta E."-No regular preach
ing aarrteaa: Sunday acbool S p.
aw, Mra. Raaaia, aapartntandant.
Zlaa LKharan Corner Jefferaon and
Eighth atraata. Rar. W. R. Kra
bargar aaator.' raaldenca 720 Jeffer
aoa; Sunday acbool t:30 a. m.. Bar.
Krasbargar, aupartntandaat; mora
-rag aerrica 10:30; arenlng 7:45;
Uitbar Laagua 7 p. m.
tM( OfMM Clt School Hou
O Staau will preach at S o'clock.
'. Sunday acbool ooaducted after aer
(ConUnaad trom Taaterday.l
Alfred Snider ... 40.00
'A. 1 Allan 44.00
t W. Kerr t H 00
Dob Allen ' 44.00
, Tom Allen 40.00
; J. Pounds 4.00
J. T. PulUai 3.40
Frank Mattoon .75
.'-W. C. Palna 10.00
- J. H. Smith 22.00
DfatHct No. 14.
Erernart and Hall
A. R. Stephena
Oregon City Machine Worka . .
O. P. Olbba
; M. C- 8prague
C. C. Gibba . . .
W. Lewla
C. Clark
, . J. W. Una . . . .
. John Green
E. Linn
. Wm. 8 prague
DletHct No.
W. Raln,y
."A. C. Warner
L. Matoon
W. R. Snook
Dlatrict No. 17.
. . Carlton and Roaenkrana Co.
':' Jaa Adklns
Jaa. Adklna
In. W. Owlnga
(D. R. Dlmlck
Dare Boyd
vj. M. Jonea
Iran Dlmlck,
.; S. Latourette
II. Molaen
, Ed Repp
-A. Tloa
,Wm. Tlca .
, H. Plpkey
''Rob. Vorpahl
C Kraft
Prad Daoy ,
.$ 28.75
. 80.00
. 28.73
r, .22.00.
. 2.30
. 28.19
. 29.21
. 37.50
. 10.00
. 19.60
, 24.00
i 20.50
r 80.00
- 20.00
-. J. Robblna
Frank Clnck
"''A. M. Olaen
A. W. RlKKi
; io.oo
. I.5Q
. 79.50
Dlatrict No. II.
Fred China
II. 8Uebley
J I. Engle-..
J. Pleratoff
1 13.00
(To ba continued.)
TyrtsM bf AaMrtraa Piaea
"Taa ara taa yaaag. av aaar. ta
taarry, by atvaral yaara. aad aa la
Klly. arba gradaatod aary la at year
aad la at the root at tha eeraaa Uaa
taaaata." Tba ward vara apokea by Mra. Bai
tar. vtfa af Major Baiter. Instructor
t Waat ratal, la bar daagbtar. Aa
atta. agwfr aaraataaa yaara aad eight
aaontha aad aagagad ta Uaateaaat
BUly Dolmaa af tba -th Ufa a try. -
-Baaldaa,' eaatlaaad Mra. Baiter,
arttb a taaalng aparkla la bar eye.
"BlUy ai coaching tba footbaO team for
tba aaaaal gam with tba askMlaa
aad baa aU be raa do ta Bt tbea for
tba atractia. Da baa aa tuna ta de
vote ta preparaOoa foa Baatrtmoay."
1 vtah yea vara aot aa darotad ta
ear boya rtnalng. akaanBa." aald tba
aaghtar '
."Aad I Hh Pllly ta bare hta ailad
am bla coaching asrlaajTaiy."
Tarbapa tf aa knew that you bad
caaaaatad ta aar aiarrUga It would
amake blm aa happy that be would pull
tba boya through Ua think about
yaar refuaal all tba time."
"im laU yoa what 111 do." aald Mra.
Baxter after eoaia thought "If Blllya
taaaa wtna IU consent ta your wadding
tba Btlnuta tba gaana la aTer."
-May I aay that to hlur
-Taa. yoa may. aad that tf ha toaaa
yoa asaat wait a year."
Aaaetta ruabed off to tbh teJepboae.
called ap bar lorar and announced tha
-Mother ta o mealed about our boya
winning tba annual game thia year.
aad that hae Inducad bar ta yield What
feba baa yielded.- I aever dreamed tha
aba would erer giro aa a chance. She
baa pof-alnteoMy aald that I abouldnt
aaarry before I am twenty."
Billy waa ao excited arer tha nawa
that be told hta rbunv who told hla
other chum, aad Annette told her
boaom fiiead. wba told bar other
boaom friend, and the result waa that
within a few daya every one knew
-aa a great eerret" that If BUly Dot
ma a brought tha army team up to aa
efficiency that would enable them to
beat the mlddlee-be waTf to win a wife.
If aot he would ha to to wait a year.
Baaidea the waiting there's many a
allp twlxt tha cup and the Up. Then.
Blare all the pout knew It. BUly told
tha team, adding that hla cup of joy
or misery waa la their bands.
II the world kTes a lorer. and tba
spirit the announcement infused Into
tha team waa something remarkable.
Every man went into more steady
training tbau before, and not a man
ahlrked a moment of practice when
tba team waa being coached. BUly
worked with them Ilka a Titan. In
deed, ao hard did he make It for tbem
that every man who waa not physical
ly ap to hla work got out and gare
place to a better. The result waa
that erbea the last few days before
tha game came round BUly waa con-
arloua of having aa good a team as
could be turned out of the material at
hla disposal.
Aanette one afternoon daring tbr
training went out to view the prsrtw
game, but her appearance was ranrknl
by a cheer, which brought the biuxh
of maidenly modesty to her rbeek. and
abe did not venture on the field again
Then came the day of the flirtw.
which that year took place at Went
Point. The president of tbe United
Btatea. the chief of the general staff
and hosts of others In authority were
spectators. The middles marched on
to tbe ground headed by their band.
while tbe cadets kept step to tbe
strains of their own martial mnslc.
Annette, conscious. that she. being the
prise of tbe day. would attract .on
bounded attention, refused to be prea
ant. but tbe captain of the army team
aent word to her that If she did not
come to cheer his boys be won Id not
answer for tbe consequences. This
brought ber to terms, and when Lieu
tenant Dolman escorted ber to ber
seat she was received by a bnxz
from tbe army team and tbe waving
of handkerchiefs from the spectators
in the first half the middles made
one touchdown, distinguishing them
aelvea by brilliant play. Tbe army
men ahowed aa much vigor and de
termination at the end of the half aa
at tba beginning. In tbe aecond half
that esprit born of tbe feeling tbat the
fate of a pair of lovers depended an
their efforts began to tell on tbe army
men. while tbe elan of tba earlier
part of the game ahown by tbe mid
dles began to give way. Billy Dolman
kept himself constantly before tbelr
notice. And from ber seat Annette
Baxter waved to tbem. When lime
waa called for tbe game to close tbe
score stood 12 to 4 In favor of the army
The army team before leaving tbe
field went In a body to where Annette
had been sitting to cheer ber. but tbe
bird had flown. Headed by Lleuten
ant Dolman, tbey went to Major Bax
ter'a quarters and demanded tbe girl
When It was found tbat tbey were
not to be put off Mra. Baxter an
nounced that aha waa ready to keep
ber agreement and tbat the wedding
ahould taka place ttiat evening.
And so It waa tbat In tbe presence
of the team, to whom leave waa given
ta attend. WUllam Dolman and An
nette Baxter were married. There was
considerable stir about Major. Bax
ter's quarters during the evening by
those who couldn't get inside, and aft'
er tbe ceremony tba bride and groom,
responding to calls, went patalde and
received hearty dheera from all who
wera Interested in tba game that bad
been won.
eipprepriate. , l
"8ba dyad her raven hnlr.
"Possibly to go with her crow's feet."
-Baltimore American
Anybody can wiiJ to live weJL
- Almost everybody does.-. Even a
criminal at timet deairea goodneaa,
tlnit ha doca not carry the wish into
Vet, and that m why he remain a
JouninaL It it not t few faint with'
y ft, but a lifelong struggle that make ;
tit valiant. . . . . t - ','"'
After ten ontiiaffi tfc
BIG LITTLE acckamas Gmnty Daily is fead In mof c tiian a thotjc
and Clackamas Cotmty homes cyqty day.
Help To
Make It
.During Bargain Period, which ends December 31, 1911,
Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL
FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City,
Gladstone, Parkplace, Willamette, etc., Bargain Period
Price for an entire year will be only S3.00
Two From
You Will
Help To
Make It
Among ha preaent aoclal affair of
tha week waa tha urpriaa party tend'
ered Pancy Oswald at tha home ot ber
parent. Mr. and Mra. V. U Oswald,
at Gladstone, Priday areninc;, when
tha . jmbera or too Wllllna; workera
and of Oideon'a Band, two claatea of
the Christian church of Gladstone,
and a few frienda, wera tha fueata.
Tha evening waa apent In games, and
In tha original versa of poetry con
test Delbert Conway won first prize,
while Hazel Mulkey won second. Re
freshments were served.
Present were Panay Oawald,
Gladys Wyman, Hazel Mulkey. Mable
Case, Muriel David, Evelyn Gay,
Grace Wilson, Neva Peters. Mable
8 laden, Francis Croat, Anna Mulkey,
Helen Palnton, Anna Gardner. Rath
Oawald, Percy Wilton, Delbert Con
way. Kenneth Hendricks, Theodore
Lewis, Bertrand Blount, High Olds,
Leonard . Williams, , Mona Betters,
Mead Oawald, Mlas Mlna Mulkey,
Charles Slavers. Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Oswald, Mrs. Martha Oswald arfd Mrs.
Grant Olds. ' "
' A Peeslmletle Benedict .
AS they talked aver tbe three years
Of their married Ufa.' which , bad Its
npa anddowns, she said in ber philo
sophic! wsy. "What a change a man
can make In a woman a lifer
"Tea." be assented shnrply. nt I've
oWrved that ' she 'eotK more thnn
cluin-re on! of It. ITsnsMy s'lefukes I lie
whale mil "rhltm?e-i hlit Tlxes.
Read the Morning Bcterprlae
r v jf f , ' -if a .
i.rc-ver;) -
.-Mil : (
, " r ' '"' ' ' "" ' '
This is 2000 short of the mark set by the Publisher for
the first year, so in order to interest that many new Sub
scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December
will be a bargain period for subscribers.
YOU CAN HELP. Tell two of your neighbors about
this offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re
newal for next year at the same reduced rate; Are you onP
Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish
Hotel Arrivals.
The following ara registered at tha
Electric Hotel:
H. C. Spaulding, William Foster,
Otner Cause, Ralph Otis, Vergil Fen
dal. Thomas Hlggns, R. O. Moore, Roy
Slater, Wilbur Jensen, Prank Miller,
Arthur Stretch. Harold Weaver, W.
P. Brown. Basil Goodrich. Jesse Cum
mins, Lee Betsett, Newberg High
School football team; Peter Hair
neakl, George Gregory, Molalla; R.
DeNeln, Stafford r Ben Greenwood, E.
W. . Poster, Portland; 8Uas Wright,
Liberal; Charles Freeman, Mullno;
O. A, ,Marquam, J. P. Dlx. SchubeL
If you are not reading the Morning
Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar
gain Period Is now on. Sea ad on
back page. ' ,
William M. Wheelef to George
Spencer lot l of block'- IS Shaw's
Addition to Oregon CM J, 1100.
Annie M. and Alfred Hinman, to
Frederick Stahlneckef, 40 acres of
D. L. C. of Joseph O. Ueer and wife,
$4,000. ' , - '-A .
- Homer B. and " Bertha ' Ballon to
l unlce Ballon. 6 1-2 acres of Clack,
mas county; 1. r ". .. "
I. L. Clark and 8. A. Clark to W.
I. Clark, 80 acres of section 2B, town.
Khlp 4 south, range S east; $1.
George W. Larkins to Rath '' &
Ramsey, 1 acre of Ezra Fisher D. U
C. township 3 south, range 2 east;
$1.00. ....
Henry and Martha Hartfteld " to
John A. Miller, lots 14 and 16, Mult
nomah acres; $4,000.
DO YOU KNOW that tha Enterprlae
rear-eni Bargain Period Is now, on
See ad On back page for particulars.
' BBwaaMaassasBsi
Ettay an j Scantry Two Nlghtt, Na
vamber 20 and 21 at S p. m..
The E89AY which is to be
' i , I
Shlvely't opera houte November 20
21. takes In a whole world's dwH
A tlon as to a world's main difference
w obiiiiiii. Kive an tne differences In
a world for the want of time so the
ESSAY tan ba read In one evening, but
will glvo the. principal differences.
Differences are a BUN, MOON, 8TAR8
and EAHTH. as main differences, the
rest are all at odds and anything that
looks different Is clatted as differ
ences. -Wa
thow tha way that a world com
menced to form In the beginning f
any the way It divided and went to
differences holding substances unto
Its flnlnh, or the end of a world's pro.
ceedln. We put out the way that
heat and gas started In a world, the
fatult of heat and gas, the courses
K tba way the world makea
Its. wiiurs,, he Wkr tha watara
dtvld'! the fourse they take. The
way i puliation marts to grow, the dlf
alaaaad to some extent, the
way hi xseds ara germed by a world,
tha they divide growing two ways
whll circle motion holds control. We
uur.! a run rare motion, and give tha
dlEei ncts for It, we figure that a
moot, ik nothing but motion, and give
Its s ibtaucst. , ,
W-. ngnre gas as a renderer, we
flgB'" ivslly all stars, and the way
a wi'tid makes Its winds, and give the
reat ms (or winds starting up to blow
and the substance therein, and how
wlnn. are shifted, and why winds
caw (o blow, and why winds will
com una- to Wow fr0m soma quarter
of . x-nfld more than others, we figure
a n.!rtlve STORM to a Inlth, and es
tiro ui a positive storm.
Ve pot ont the course of a SUN
M MOON circle, we nut o, ,h
omime of KCLIPSES of the sun and
mo n we put out a COMET or a MB
TTOR,' We nut out no.niv. .7 "
jtWa eourse and the results. We
fir tnree globes and tha r..n
wae extent. We ettimate a man's
tfrne on fhe earth and give the rets
OBH thut h leaves his body. W
low water on the earth and tha war
It handles the lands, wa put out all
the reasons for tide waters, tha way
the world works to put them Into ao.
tlon-and the RAINBOW, differences.
W reckon a Volcano from tha ba-
i'.15Iln.? lo "n.end' nd mot'"t ceasing
with tbe explosion, w put out the
Zli i'i.Jr0PW m8k ,U COALS, and
why they come soft and hard COALS.
DIAMONDS, we put out how a world
W- S III ?llJL fnd ,U IN-OLA8S.
arla hw Bh,tt" tOT all Mln-
fn Mi:r.dt.Wh lher tr differences
In Mlnsrals. We give the reasons for
Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board w-
ba ha, costs n0. mora than you would pay to live at any flnt
hotel. Rooms can ba had from 75 cants to $8.80 per day.
n the cafeteria are served from 80 cenU up and In the irlH '
usual grill prie,,. th rang from 60 cents to $1.00.
Do Ctifc Rhcvm&ti stn
' ' ' itl. tit- Mineral BtM
' V .r . .
WALTER li. PICRCC. Prcs.-f?;r.
This Is
The Way
Ve Will
Make It
A moon coming later each avenlog
Wa have figured whole world.
taka In a little of ZOOLOOT. ui
tend soma toward a human Rae. '
tha whole world Is always In moth
and five many other dlirartM-
The. ESSAY contltt of fifty
tcap sheets In print, and awns 8U
DRY. The ESSAY has J ?
ands of dollars and hard 8TUDT. "J
UDl HUBS Ik It immwm "
. v.i v ,. KS 8 AT.
and fifteen, 86c.
Do not resume the ES8AT
you have heard It ALL ROAD. .
and mud given under td
tlflo direction have c'fw
thouaands. Writ
trated booklet detcriptlvi i ot
Hot Lake Sanstorluni n
the methods employed.
Lake sanatorium It o-
slble, as It U looated dirtcr
ly on the main line of J
O.-W. R. N. nn
special excursion ratet t
. - v.j .ti tlmst. "