MORN ? WtATMM INDICATION. I ' Oregon City Fair Sunday; I..reer; northeast wind. I Ori-w' Sunday i north- llKiiut wind. Th) ) stall M 3f I e n PHGMIl I . If to every itlsa si V V WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1500 YOU II-No. 115. .OREGON CITY, OREOON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1911. Pa Wax, 10 (tera THE REAL ANGEL OF PEACE. 63 WRITE TO GIRL MASS DISCREDITS HILL CRIi i CLUE Iffll DEFEATS OMI CITY ta SEBflliG AHESHIMD HUSBAND 0(FNlILIt MIN. WOMKN AND CHILDREN BUTCHERED iY IMPERIAL ARMV. tEYOLUTIONlSTS RENEW STRUCCIi Ninklflfl Burned And Hundred Are uHd Under Ruin of Housee Thoweende Hemeloee. NANKING. No. II. More." than tooo nH lblnee moo. women and children "re dead and 75.000 other bc.iiit.lM a a result of tha wan ton slaughter todar In thla city by U Imperial!! army. Tha butchery It Mill suing on. Kaiufnrcement arrived today and joined Iba rebela and tba attack upon Ik Imperial)! waa resumed. Aroue ,4 Into a frenxy of rata agaluit thalr nnlo for tba maamarr of defense Ut Chinese tba rebela fought depr tly fr veogeance. Hnndred of bodlea lie among Ibf sinking rulna of dwelling. Tba property of tba Chinese wss Orat loot ad. than Brad. A lurid clow bunt over tba cliy during tba night, lighting up tba en trenrhntenU on . Iurpl hill, behind ahlrk tba Imperial soldiers awaited lb dsjr and tba renewed aaiauit or Ik rebela. Tba niuitle of artillery plaotel slong tba titn of tha earth work and tba moving of tha eenirtea could plainly be aeea In the red glare of the Brea. Panic relgnad among tba survivor of tba massacred; no atlempt waa made Ui bury the beadle dead ..that filled tba street Films At The TODAY Battle of Trafalgar When Two Hearts are Won Farce Comedy. awaaa . T-w-Tr - - ....r Lost Years , Keep th following picture In mind; you will not regret aeaing them. Colleen Bawn Thr separate parte, tfiOO ft. of film. Will be shown Friday, Novembet J 7th The Battle A Blograph Maetdrpleoe. Positively the greataat wa drama aver depleted on the photoplay eereen. NEIGHBORS AID IN PUTTING OUT BLAZE The home of J. V. Roaht ummr M la I la a roue, caught fire on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from a defec tive flue. The Mountain View fire company responded to the alarm and did good work In aavlng the building from destruction. Many of the neigh bora rushed to the fire and aleted In carrying outfalie furniture and extinguishing th fir. Tba bouaa waa badly damaged. : '. Overooata and Cravanattaa we are lowing. Our .aalaetlon eomprlaa uch make aa Alfred njamln, Clothoraft L System i and Paragon. Can you hast them Much makaa are on,y aold by the beat etorea In the auntry. . . . , i 1 2.50 to i35 , Next time you're down our way aae PftCtt Bfothcfs EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Net Like Othars. tit and Main . TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB A mMt delightful time waa bad by the mrmtra of the Tueeday Night Bridge Club Friday evening when Mr. and Mr. B. A. Chapman enter tained at their home on the corner of Sixth and Washington atreeta. The prUea won by Mra. O. W. Eaatham and lrAcL- Jetl A luncheon wa erred. Member attending were Mr. and Mra. John Adama. Mr. and Mra. V. A. Showman. Dr. and Mra. H. 8. Mount, Mr. and Mra. L E. Jonea, Mr. and Mra. It. B. Straight. Mr. and Mra. It T. MiHaln, .Dr. and Mra. A. 1 Heatle and Mr. and Mra. O. W. East-ham. JAILED AS THIEF, HE - SAYS, TM CRAZY" "Well. ! guea I am craxy again." aald DMman McConnell when arreat ed Saturday by Chief Shaw on a charge of ateallng a ault of clothing, i waa aent to an Inaane asylum In Ohio aeveral yeara ago,- continued the primmer, "and t gueaa the thing haa returned." According to tha Chief of Police McConnell atole the clothing and hid It on the river bank. Then ha went to a aecond hand atore and pawned hla own coat and walt coat. When arrested ha waa wear Ing tha coat which he la aald ta have atolen. "" Catenae 62 Pound Salmon. Johnnlhan llumphrya had on exhi bition at hla flh market Saturday a Chinook aalmon. weighing alxty two pound. It waa four feet long. The fish waa one of the largest ever caught In he Clnckamaa river. Tha salmon, which attracted much atten tion, waa caught by Henry Hlmler, of Parkplace. DO YOU KNOW that the Enterprise year-end Ilargaln Period I now on? Bee d on back page for particular. JOHN 8. FREDERICKS. Preeeeuilng AHeraty In tne MeNamsr Dynamiting Case. DEGREE TEAM GIVES DEUGIITfUL BALL J "A' . . . r a i - ' Si fcofi to DU1. by Amarleu t'twm INITIATIVE NOT IN DANGER, SAYS GRANT PORTLANDr Nov. 11. (Special.) That the United SUtea Supreme Court will decide the caae of Klernan against the city of Portland In favor of the city, la the belief or City At torney Orant, expreaaed In a letter to a friend. The city attorney wrote the letter from Philadelphia where he spoilt aeveral daya gathering data on municipal government The letter will be cheerful newa to frlenda of the Initiative and referendum, aa the case to which Mr. Orant refera Invol ve the leaglllty of lawa passed by the people. "There la no doubt of the outcome of our case," eaye Mr. Grant. "We will win. I can tell by the questlona that were asked of na that tbe court considers It Is not a Judicial question, but a political question, and that any one dlaaatlsfled with the Initiative In Oregon, or claiming that It la not a representative form of government, can address hla grievance to Con gress. "Senator Bourne entertained u at luncheon one day and he told me that he will be a candidate for re-election. He aaya he firmly believea that tbe people should return him to Washington. Tbe grand baU given by tbe degree team of the Order of Pocabontaa Sat urday night at Buach'a ball waa a big aucceaa. The mualc waa furnished by Paraona' full orchestra. The encore were numeroua and tbe orchestra re sponded to each one. One of the feature waa tbe dancing of the I'O cahontaa waltx. when the lighta were lowered, and only those with tbe col ored abadea, colore of tbe order, were In evidence. Tbe decoration were artlatlo and unique, and the commit tee In charge la deserving of much credit. Tbe decoration committee waa composed of Mra. Webb Burn a, chairman; Mra. Mike Groaa, Thomaa Myera, Harry Wllliamaon; reception commltUie, Mra, Agnea Silver, chair- man: Mra. Clinton Kutnerrora. Mra. Henry Hennlngsen. Mra. Beaale Ru conlch. Mlaa . Josle Curran; floor. Jack Frost, Erneat Maaa, Henry Hen nlngsen. George Chamber: general committee, Mra. Richard Blttaer, chairman: Mra. Walter 8vmes. Miss Roae Tomasewskl, Mlaa Mary Ham (Hon. Miss Wanda Zak. Miaa Gertie Gawllsta; refreshmenta, Mra. Dora Hamilton. Mlae 'Anna Tomciewskl. Mlaa Stella Zak. Mra. Jake Surber, Mrs. Luverna gimpeon; - music and printing. Mra. Henry Hennlngsen, chairman; cloak room. Mra. Jack Frost. The member of the reception com mittee were attired In white dresses and wore red badges, red and white being tbe colore of the order. Dur ing the eveulng a luncheon waa aerved. ENTERPRISE DOES ITS SHARE IN OBTAINING MATE FOR PAIR GOTHAM LAIS. POSTAL RECEIPTS TAKE BIG .JUKP Marguerite Brltt, of Now York, Ex pected To Come To Clackamae County Soon And Charge Her Name. The noatal receipt In Oregon City have Increased considerably aince tbe Morning Enterprise published a let tor from Marguerite Brltt, of 1Z4 u.ii.u.n van na. New York Cltr. to Postmaater Randall aaklng bim to And her a husband. Mr. Kanaaii aio nnt ri nut the Information, nor did that alxty-three lettere for tbe young any or bla assistants, oui u is Known wnmin nave hn nosted In tbe Ore gon City office. Her letter, which waa dated October Z. waa aa iouow-. r am vnnnr ladv of twenty-one. lh rati, onmnlaxlon. Am looking for a nice young man. Would be glad to hear from him soon. I am. "MARGUERITE BKII 1. "1521 Madlaon avenue. New . York City." Mr. Randall, upon receipt of the letter waa just aa buay aa be could be establishing a postal bank, and, although he resetted It a greal deal, he aald frankly that he did not have the time to aeek a helpmate for the young woman. So ne turnea we lev ter over to the Morning Enterprise with tbe request that It be published. The amy-inree rep"u u.u"u proof, non est dlsputanaum. mai me unminr Rnternrlaa la a good adver tising medium, no matter what one'a quest may be. . AtM tira u hnnlnc that somewhere In that mas of letter the fair Mar guerite will And one Just tat ner ui ing. that ithe courtship may be short, and that ere the Idea of March she la the keener of a coay home In Clackamas county. May ahe emerge from that "Lone, lorn ereeturejatage "with whom everythlnk goea con trary" Juat aa soon as poeslble. nimAUpfin) FRUIT INSPECTOR SHERIFF DOES NOT THINK SLAY ER IS MAN SOUGHT IN COLORADO. steyens hae:g nrnmm Similarity of Murder Leada To Re port That Same Peraon la Slayer of Several Families. Sheriff Stevens, of Multnomah VISITORS OUTWEIGH LOCAL MEN AND THEIR INTERFER ENCE IS SUPERS. ELEVENS PLAY AGA!t GRIHI 25 Yale Regain Laurle In Eaay Victory Over Brown And Carllale ' Indiana Humble Har . yard Men. . county. la In Colorado Springe mak ing an Investigation into the murder there of the Burnham and Wayne families. He thlnka that the man probably la th same one who kllleo the Hill family at Ardenwald Station. Sheriff Maaa,' however, who haa been In charge or tbe search for the elay er or the ' Hills aald last night that b did not think tbe crime were coramiUed by tbe name peraon J "Mr. Steven la on hla way home from the Eaat," aaid Mr. Maaa. "and stopped at Denver, no doubt, to rest-' If tbe slayer of tbe famillea At Col orado Springs la the man wanted here Mr. : Stevens, I believe, . wtH soon get all tbe Information he de sires. 1 am convinced, however, that the murderer of the Hill la not as far away aa Colorado Spring." The Ardenwald crime waa commit. ted in June, those at Colorado 8prlnga September 17. After that there were similar murder at Monmoutfi, TIL, where three member of the Dawson family were killed with an ax. Then flv membera of a family were killed In a atmllar manner at Ellsworth. Kan., October IS. The elmllarlty of the murder led to the report that the crimen were committed by the same man. k " IITH1 TO HAVE NEW SCI100UIOUSE A SNAP ; for somebody that wants it 100x274 fect on Taylor street I between 1 5th and 1 6th, Oregon City. $650 cash takes it it sold at once. ; KQo L. Bowman Beaver Bldg. -Phone Main 360, MISS CLARA FIELDS DELIGHTFUL HOSTESS Mlsa Clara Flelda was tbe hostess of a delightful party given Saturday evening In honor of Mlaa Emaa Clio and Miss Haael KrlckBon. of Salem. The house waa beautifully decorated with cut flower, autumn 1 and ferna. Games, and guessing and draw ing contest were reaturee or me party. Arden Hickman won the maajitns- contest and Mlaa Erickson the drawing contest Mlaa Flelda aerved a sumptuous luncheon. Toe following were present: rtollv Pratt. L. Caufleld. Bedonla Shaw, Haxel Francla. Ruth 'Brlghtblll, Edna Holman, Kmma (June, rtazei Erickson, Catherine Slnnot, Ralph nmwn ' Harold Crawford. Mr. Man ning, Fred Hogg, Oscar WoodOn, Ar- den Hickman, Roy Armstrong, jaca Busch and Carl Moore. PRESIDENT JO END LONG TRIP TODAY KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 11. fsni.iah "KYirtnnatelt encountered. fortunately ended," aald President ( Tift today during the last few hour of hi tour over th United States. Tomorrow he will take breakfast at the White House, for the first time alnce the twenty-eecond of last August. He la glad the trip la about over and his mood la Joyful In antici pation of hla return "home.'' In reply to Congressman Austln'a pledge during an addrea here that he wtuld support the President for re election, the President asked Austin not to weary of hla well doing. He maile no direct comment on politics, avoiding the subject O. E. Ftfeytag haa been appointed by County Judge Beetle fruit inspec tor of Clackamaa county. A. J. Lewla. who waa rrult inspector ror aeveral years, recently resigned the position. aa hi dutle on m iarm ai wouuv Pleasant would not permit htm 10 aci i- it., nt tninector any lon ger. Mr. Lewie haa visited many ot tbe farms and inspect ea me imn trees, and much good waa accomplish ed by his visits. Mr. Freytag waa rormeny a larmer, and thoroughly understand the buat neaa. He had charge of the horticul tural exhibit at Abe State Fair, which was one pf the beat exhibits at the fair. - Mllwaukle school district will not lose any portion of ita northern terri tory to Wlllsburx. but Harmony looeo fifteen acres of It territory to Wichita district A delegation rrom Milwau kee, with tbe director, attended he hearing before the boundary board w Clackamaa County and filed a re monstrance against the petition or Wlllsburg district with the result that the petition of Wlllaburg waa denied. Harmony'a remonstrance waa futile. Maggie Johnson, clerk of Mll waukte district, aald that resident of wninhim district can become nart of the Milwaukle district, and that they will be provided with a echoolhouee, or they may erect a building ot their own. She aald they may nee the pres ent building for two yeara without rent. The building 1 owned by Port land district A meeting of the vot ers rf Milwaukle district will be held November 27. when plans to build a achoolhouse In Mlnthom territory will be considered. Although defeated by a, score of It to 0. tbe Oregon City High School football team played a great game Saturday afternoon with the faat Newberg High School eleven, at Gladstone Park. The vlettore out weighed the local . men about five nmiiuta In tha nlarar. which WSS a great advantage on the allppery field. Several of Oregon Clty'e beet men were unable to play but the snbett- tutea did welL - ' Groaa, Graves and Caufleld played the best for the local team. Cau lil'i taoklin' waa no to hla average. and but for hla brilliant work the nin would have been larger. Orr mit ntv'a rletat end made a brilliant run. but tbe referee held mat it was off-aide, Newberg made Its two touch-down In tbe last half, both goala being klefced. The Interfer ence of the visitors was supero. . The teams will play again Novem ber 25 and Oregon City expects, to retrieve its lost laurels. Multnomah Beata Sailors. pfiBTUkNa Nov. 11. (SpeclaD From the blast of the referee's whis tle here this afternoon the Winged M teem played ring around the snech touted Philadelphia sailor team. The core was 21 to . KICK WINS FOR PRINCETON. Dartmouth Playe Great Game And : Pierces Line Repeatedly. pnivrirroN. Nov. 11. (SoeclaL) The righting aplrit of Princeton waa th only thing that anatcaed victory from defeat here today when after battling four quarters, Princeton man aged to boot the ball between the goal posts for the only score of the game. - In the first quarter Princeton was not In It The Dartmouth backfleld pierced the line at will and aeveral times the Princeton goal was in dan ger. , , . :. - With the opening of the aecond quarter, the Tigers ahowed new life and held their opponents to a lie. in the last quarter, ending np to 25 yards from tbe goal poets, a goal kick waa made and tbe game was CARLISLE BEATS CRIMSON. Indiana Scalp Harvard Eleven In Ex citing Centeet CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Nov. 11. (SpeclaD The husky Carllale In diana invaded the Harvard campus this afternoon and scalped the Crim son. 18 to 15. The game waa one of the hardest fought In the history of the Indiana seemed to have the beat team and won. . Both used the tor- Reed the Morning Errpriae. (Continued a., page I.) - ' X. L. CLUB MEETS. One of the moat enthusiastic meet Ingi ever held by the X. I Club, of Gladstone, was the one held at the rhoolhouse Friday afternoon, when seventy-five membera of the club at tended. Among the featurea was the talk on "Hoy" by County School Su perintendent Gary. Other featurea of ihe program were recltatlona by Mil dred Hall and Mary Lehman, and aonga by the primary gradea. A luncheon waa aerved In the aaaembly room after the exercises.' . Regardless of What It Costs Us We K;-F.;.Wilti. 1 ' - -; '." " Our- r - T . -: t A7E have a rather peculiar idea about running a retail store. We believe jJ that the merchant who looks out for his customers interests will never have to worry about his own interests. Business success, like happiness, comes to the average man indirectly. . , The fellow who goea about aeeklng happlneea Is the most unfortunate Individual Imaginable; the man who doea hi duty from day to day and tries to make other contented And " true happlnee. And so It I in business. We believe and alway have believed, that by aervlng your Interests we Customers ahall In the end aerve pur own best Interesta. Goods Must Be A s : Represented Every article we aell la exactly aa w represent It to be. There la no deviation from this rule. A child can buy here with the name assur ance lhat a Jewelry expert would have or getting rull value for his money. If we tell you a, locket Is solid gold, you may depend upon It that l'a IS solid gold; If we eell you a watch, you can depend upon Ita r quality; If your watch needa regu lating and nothing more, you will v never be charged for a repair bill. ' Jewelry Cleaned and Watches " Regulated Free If you have gems, or Jewels that need cleaning and polishing, bring them In and we will be glad to do the work free. If your watch la Irre gular In Its time-keeping habits, we shall be glad to regulate It and no fee will be asked. 1 Bargains are Bargains HERE Whenever you see an article ad vertised by thla atore aa f. bargara, It IS a bargain. Only goods sold at reduced prices sre advertised aa bargains. .- n - , PleaKe remember that. When you see an announcement of a Special Sale at this store, it means we have something apodal to aell either an ORDINARY-article at a REDUCED' v price or an EXTRA QUALITY at the . price of the ORDINARY. We Want Visitors Ai well 'as ! , ' Customers ' " We now have a most complete and Interesting display of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHINA. CUT ' GLASS, ETC. Come In and eee these beauti ful creations. Don't feel obligated to wait nntll you are reedy to buy. Come now. Tomorrow or next day. And bring . . your frlenda along. We like to have i( .visitors, . . ' ' ' . . ' i BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OREGON CITY JEWELERS Suspension Crt.c