' f ' 4 V 1" MORNING ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY. NOVEMHER 11; 1011. P FiSJTS ttRT. - , . Met Lenft Remain the Same Laea Um4 Creasy Millinery, AdTtre from Darts etate that skirts are to be the am Vrngih that they ' bar been during the aummer moot ha With tb exception f tb trailing vaotag goWa. This make It heews- -eery for wiian to wear tbe amarteet shoe. Lac la mock aae oa arm lac dreeay lata. Om kaadsom model el black AN INCENTIVE TO MARRIAGE By DOROTHEA HALE Ceavrtgst ay Awervcea fi Aaee atettoa. mi. . " atnwT nooaa tv n err. Yalrat 'was' of tbo mushroom variety and bad tta brni edged with lac about twelv Inch wide. Tbia laca hung orox tbo pdgo'of tba bat for two Inches. There to a tad tbia winter for draped bat brUaa. and botb Kvld and tlror be aa wU aa mallites tor thJe trimming, often edged with - Barrow tta of fr. A middy 'blowee that ta rat ta wltb tbo efeevee la a Hew and smart affair. It wWb found adaptable for every material Ibat la nd for bloaaea and to On for a tennis waist .... vp JCpiCHOLIXT. r Maatea patters la TUa May i cot la state frt M to C tech bust DMKir Band i to thla ei flic. Ctrtac aumbar, Htl. and H will oa promptly forward ta ytm kT BaA. If to haste and aa sednkmal two east etantp tor hMtar noataca. wtatcb swirei aaat ajaaipt 4aUfcyv la at Jar .aw aaa, uus He,..., VANITY'S VISIONS. MStliQicy 'Ciplofta-Wioga o Coarmaua Height Sait Conceit. ' '" Millinery wings aro bo ton- eeJu abla by reason of fbetr wUtb froai Up to tip. bat because of tbett cnormoua bdsbt 6oa amart UttloTaO baodal to of black' Takmra 'in boiiaet abape; a nnx. clone nttlB( affair that ahowa tbo batr In root. bot eaTolofio tbo entlro bead ln.4bo back. Tbo only trlmmlnf 1 'pp Tboro to aonmblnc a boa I tbo porta of natrtraooy tbat aootna to toqulro now coadltlooa. A aot bumdrnm atata la not Ukoly to bo condqdT to wod lock. Thla to aapoclalty true of I boa who aro paaalag oat of tbo bryday of ytxitb. If a man crowtac U v back olorhood or a woman into apluaiarbood wtoboa to rhaoc tbatr coodltloa tbolr boat c banco la to tako aa ocean oj axo at a aoaaon wbon tby wtU moot otbor travolor. Probably tharo aro tnoro martlaraa concoct td oa abipboard In pro ponton to tbo alio of tba paaaoa gor Uat tbaa hi any otbor community But after a couple bare mutually re- ootrod to caat tbolr lot toy dot tbem not tako any more aucb trlpa aep aratoly or wbat baa been accomptlan- od may bo Bodooo. WUllam klanlndalo bad coma to bt tblrty-Oftb year wit bout bring mated and waa looking forward to a lonely old ago with borror. Not being rery Ctoaoly tied down to boalneaa be re- aotTed to take a trip abroad Id order to relieve tbat ennui whlcb begina a bow Itaeif la bacbetora and apinatera while tbey aro croaalng Ufe'a equinoc tial. Dno. Mtoa Hoaa Eldrtdm. aged thirty, bad gtrea up trying to make ap ber mind to marry aonte one of the atn glo-aaen abo bad loog-knowa and coo eroded tbat If abo could not bo Inter net ed tn a booaeboM abo mlgbt at a at enjoy a change of aceno. Mr, llartlndale and Via Eldrtdxv met on a at earner running from New York to Naptea. Tbey left the Anwr Van coaat ta cbUly weather and funO tbo contraat on reaching tbo balmy at moapbere of tbo gulf amain delight fuL Tbey aat on dork moat of tba day and occasionally In tbo eeenlng. riatng and falling- wttb the await, Iteteatng to tbo awtob made by tbo meeting of tbc waraa and the veaaol and each other's chat, now watching a bird aalilng -a bore and wojrdertag bow It dare By ao far from land, and found It all de lightful. "What aa tntereattng womanr" re marked MrMeeltodel twblaaaelf. "If 1 had before met a girl like tbat I would by thla Urn bare been the fa tbar of a family "Had tbo. young I hare koowa ao long." remarked Visa EJdriJxe. "bad a tenth part of tbe ooul tola ma a poaaeaaea 1 would not now bare tbe proa pert before me Of finishing my Ufa an old makt." On tbo Mediterranean trip the steam er usually etopa at tbe Island of Ma deira. Mr. Martlndale, and Mlaa C- drldge went ashore toe ether and enter ed a garden flUed with tropical p lasts redolent bf Bowery perf umea. - IVben tbey ,ramo out of that garden they were engaged. : . Tbe rest of tbo voyage waa like sail Ing In the beatrena oa a balmy moon light . arlgbt. . Tbo critical faahloo- tn bkh tbey bad previously viewed embers of tbo -opposite -aeiea from a matrimonial point of view was re placed by aa Ideal appreciation of each other Induced ' by aa atmoMpbere en prejy different from any to which tbey bad been accustomed. " Tbey landed at N a plea, atrolled together through tbe xhnmed streets of Pompeii, aat oo tbe cliff overlooking tbe Mediterranean at Oorrrato and drove together to" Vmtitfl f And It seemed to each last the other resembled aonie dlvtuity perpetuated la fre i an I sr. an tbia shape to two enormously tafi white birds with wing tbat fly out toward tbo back of tbe hat to a prodl glona attitude. A good looking salt of black velvet aas aa uudernklrt of old blue broad Cloth aouuebed In black. The coat to cutaway, a stylo tbat to much fa vored In tbe more expraxlTe suits Cuffs and collar oa the root are of tbe blue cloth braided la black. ' A new Idea In hats la a foundation Of astrakhan cloth with thick and ailky eurL There are aome motbera who Hka make their none ehlrta. and to those ao Inclined tbe pattern given will prove valuable. Tbia shirt to of tbe BegUgee atyle wltb a aoft rolled ever -collar and ruffa. ' JVmC CHOLLET. Tbia star Msxtoa pattern la cut tn alsat for t H K, v, l t and at bust measure, kmd 10 cants to tMa afflea. stvtns numhar. rVi and It wilt be promptlr forwarded ta ran ar mall. If In haste aend an aAdl tional two cent stsmp far 1st tar posts whlcb Insures more prompt dallvery. In artlcrliig use this aoupon. Mia aoeeeeaeasa aa mi ' Net What She Expoetoal. T; Clara (flahlng for a compliment Tbia 'to your fourth dance wltb me. Wby don't yon dance wltb aoroa of tbe other girls T i Cha rile-Wall, tbo fact to I dance an badly I bat to aak 'them. - . ... V. 3 SralwworW. ". . Bra la workers are proved by ata fastlba to be long Ured. fir bnndred gad " tUJrty eminent men and' wnme a .were taken as a basis, and their du ration of life given aa average of about atxry-etebt and a half year. marble la ' the gallerto tbey quented. Tbey separated at Rome to meet later la America, where tbey were to make arrangements for their wedding Tbe Intervening time bad pasted Mr. Martlndale bad arrived at borne, and Miss Eldrtdge waa Bailing up New York bay Sbe pared tbe derk with a brow on which lowered a tneutal dis turbance. Mr. Martlndale. sbe knew, waa on tbe dork waiting for ber. Wby did abe not wesr a happy expression at tbe expected meeting? And Mr Martlndale wby did be walk tbruiisu tbe king dork bouse wltb a perplexed on nl fr ,n- abud der aa be i-auKht a glimpse of tbe ahfp on wbV-h stood bto nanr-eer Tbey met Each atrore to pot en a a mile of wci coma, expreasioa of heaven bom love Tbe effort was s failure. Each retain ed a secret which most be sooner or later broken' to the other. I can eodur thla no longer." said Mian EldrMge aa tbey rolled over tbe atony at reels tn a carriage. "1 could never act a part I moat confess at one. njonfoaar "Tea. I thought I loved fan. . I wa' mistaken. On tba return vnyaga 1 met tbo man who at oor t felt waa born for me and for whom t waa . bora. Forgive tna for tbe wrong I bar done you. 1 couldut help ft." A long el ten a sigh of relief e eaped from Mr. Martlndale' v "Your eonfeMrtiex' be said, "has tab aa a great toad from tny mind. ' 1, too. oa my return voyage met a girl who Charmed me and. 1 blaah to aay, won me from you." Tor a moment that amour propr. tbat dl1lkt for being supplanted, to which wt are all subject, kept, ber silent, but wbea sbe tboejght of tbe complication she bad escaped sba said smiling: "Oh. bow fortnnsteC .. . Both of tbeae persona had met others wltb whom tbey mlgbt bar mated, bnt It needed that aomethlng furnish ed by a voyag to Induce ualnn aome thlng that 1 as common on tbe oreao am seasickness, though much pieasant er. Unfortunately ail persona who de sire to be mated cannot try It, because It is expensive. . rw-wwJ WwwW Ve-wwW w-ww- 8 8 8 8 8 o 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OO'INO OM After ten months of continous pablicatlon. Morning Enterprise, tlis BIG LITTLE Qacfcamas Coonty Daily b read in more than a thbtis and Clackamas Cotinty homes every day. Help To Make It 3000 This is 2000 short of the mark set by the Publisher for the first year, so in order to interest that many new Sub scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December will be a bargain period for subscribers. e . During Bargain Period, which ends December 31, 1911, Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL FOR $2.00." pELIVERED BlT CARRIER in Oregon City, Gladstone, Parkplace, Willanjette, etc., Bargain Period Pricefor an entire year will be only 53.00 This Is The Way We Will Make It 3000 Two From You Will Help To Make It 3000 YOU CAN HELP. Tell two of your neighbors about this offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re newal for next year at the same reduced fate. Areyou bnP Then boost for Horning Enterprise, the only paper publish ing four pages ofTLIVE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BUT MONDAYS. Ambigueua. He I'm going to klaa you when I go. Rbe Lear the house at oncel Eicbange. ' The Vail of the Future. In - tbe Chicago wt-bootx a boy re fuand to aew. thinking It tielow tbe dignity of a man of ten years. "Why." aiiM (hV f earlier; -deorg Washington did bis own sewing In the warm, and do you tblnk you are better tbaa George, Washington V '' "1 don't know." replied the boy seri ously. "Only time ran tell tbat. "-Ladles' Horn journal. . wwV Ww DEGREE Ml GIVES Bia BALL TONIGHT The degree team of the Order of Pocahontas will give Its second annual bait at Busch's ball this evening.' The ha'j has been elaborately decorated by tbe decorating committee, whlcb Is con posed of Mrs. Webb Burns, chair man; Mrs. Mike Gross, Thomas Myers and Harry Williamson, parsons' or chesira of Portland, will fa rn lib. tbe music, for the dancing, and many of latest danc selections will be Blar ed. The reception committee will see tbat all the guest have a good tttfn."Tbe'feceptloB cotnmMee 1a as follows: Mra Agnes Silver, chair man: Mrs. Clinton Rutherford, Mrs. Henry Hennlngsen. Mra. Beast Bnoo nlch. Miss Joel Cnrraa.- DAUGHTER OT KINQ MEET. Articles Mad for Bazaar To Be Held At Woodmen Hall. The Daughters of tbe King met at tbe borne of Mrs. IL 8. Moody Friday, the afternoon being devoted to needle arork for the bazaar to be given De cember at the Woodmen IlalL fle freahmnts wer served by the hos tess. The next meeting .will be held at the home of Mrs. A. L Beatie. . . Those attending were Mrs. Theodore Osmond. Mrs. W. A. Bhewman, Mrs. Edward Schwab, Mrs. A. C Warner, Mrs. Augusta Warner, Mrs. H. 8.. i nmt. Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mlaa Elis abeth Rooa, Mra. J. , J. Tobln, Mrs. Carl Joehnke, Mrs. A.' l Beatl. . ,f - Hotel Arrive Is. -Tle following ar registered at tba El-Tt lc Hotel: ,','iines Warner, H. Kelly, P. L and C. Company; J. W. Standlnger, Mo- Ulla; J. H. Willi ana. George Clark, Fred Dougberty, Molalla; O. Sacey, Portland; U Inna Jamee, Portland Cert rud Hoe ber, Km ma Retch, Mra. Cretber, J. A. Owen, Oakland, C'al.; O. W. Owea. Oakland, Cat; C. A. Hud son. Portland: J. f. King, But tortile; Henry Cain, Yakima, Wash.; Olen Of Daed, Taklma; Thomas Fin ley, Port land; E. Caldron, Portland; W. E. Mumpower, Stone. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. - ,. v . Lorea C Parrls and Sarah Parrtsh to Eugene Waldorf sooth half of bloc). South Oawego; $100. J. W. Cougblln to T. B. Flnloy, lots 1 to 12, Nob IHll; $1.' Harry A. laliarre and Minnie B. LaBarr to WUllam J. Maeterson and Daisy J. Maateraon, 79.39 acres of seo tlon II,' townahlp s sooth, range 8 east; $10. Mrs. Maggie A. Rlner to U J. Bar ber, lot 28. Flnavoo; $2s. ' C C. and 'Mary E. E. Hoopes to Henry and Annabel Dnlsea Dannen nana, $ acres . of D. L. C. of S. 8. Whits and wife, township $ south, rang 2 east; $2,100. O. A. and Maggie Cobb to 8. T. Rider, lots M and 100, Can by Gardane; $1,000. - John and Mary 8. Kants to John F. and Sophie D. Charlton, 10 acres of section 6, township $ south, rang 1 east; $5,500. Lydla A. Wlneaett td John W. Loder. westerly half of lots and 4, block $2, Oregon City; $10. Martha L' Welamandel to John Welamandel. lot 9 of block 151, Ore gon City; $1. "TV P.-fhambers to C S. Wbyte, lota 12, 13, Jlo;k 6. Second Subdivision of Oak Xlrove;' $1. . ,W - SHIVEUVS OPERA HOUSE. Essay sn Scenery ' Two NIoMs, No- vetnber 20 and 21 at S a. .ih,... I m ontbe earth and give the reaa "The mrrrnWinsTfta sniveiy s opera bouae November 20- 21. Ukes In a whole world's descrip tion aa to a world s main differences, w cannot give all the differences In a world for tbe want of time so tbs ESSAY can be read In one evening, but will give tbe principal differences. Dtfferencea are a SCN, MOON, STARS and EARTH, aa main differences tbe rest are all at odds and anything that looks dlffereot Is classed as differ ences. W show l ha way tbat a world com menced to form In the beginning if any the aay It divided and went tn difference holding substances unto Its finish, or tbe end of a world's pro ceedlngs. We put out the way that beat and gas started In a world, th result or heat and gas, the couraos It takes, the way the world makes Its waters, the way tb wstsrs ur divided, the eours tbey take. The way regltatlon starts to grow, thdlf. ferences, claaaed to some extent, the way all aecds are germed by a world, tbe way they divide growing two says while cirri motion holds control. We figure a SUN for motion, and give tbe differences for It, w figure that a moon la nothing but motion, and give Its substances. .W flgurs gaa as a renderer, w ngnr really all stara, and the way a world makes Its winds, and give th reasons for winds starting up to blow and tha aubatanc therein, and how winds srs shifted, and wby winds cease to blow, and why winds wlU continue o blow from some quarter of a world more than others, we figure a negative STORM to a finish, and s tlmat a positive storm. W put out th course, of a SUN and' MOON circle, we put out the course of ECLIPSES of the sun and moon, ws put out a COMET or a MIC TEOR. W put out positive and neg. atlv couraea and the reaults. W figure three globes and the result to! som eatent. .Weeetlmsta a m.n low water on tb earth and tb way it handle the lands, w put out all tbe reasons for tide waters, tba way th world works tn put tbem Into no tion end tha RAINBOW, differences. W reckon a Volcano from tb be ginning to an end. and motion ceasing wltb the explosion. W put out tb wsy a world makes Its COAlJt.'and by. they come soft and hard COAI.S. W put out how a world makes Its DIAMONDS, w put out how a world makes Us OILS, and Its I8IN-OLA88. W Agar th Substances for all Min eral and why there ar differences la Minerals, w gtv tb reasons for a moon coming " later sack srefilnt W have figured a wbol aorld, tak In a little of ZOOLOOT. and at tend aom toward a human Race, ui tb wbol world la always In motto, and glv many other difference. Tb ESSAY conalals of fifty scap sheets In print, and some BCC ERY. The ESSAY baa coat tbej aods of dollars and bard STUDY. not miss It. It ukss about two u , a half hours to read the EPS AT. a ADMISSION 0o Children at t . and flfteea, 25o. Do not resume tbs ESS AT 5 , you bar beard It ALL READ. T NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including' medical attention, board baths, costs no more tbaa yoa would 7 to II v at any first cU hotel. ' Rooms eaa be bad from 7$ cent to $1S0 per day. M1 In the cafsterla are served from 10 cents ad and la tba srrtll at tka usual grill priced. Baths range from 60 cent to $1.00. ' ' We Do Cure Rheumatism V 4- v.Vi ' - Hot Lak Mineral Batfia and mud given under aclau' tlflo dlrecUon have cursl tbobsanda. Write fgr HI"; trted booklet descriptive Hot Lake Sabatorium and , th methods, employed, Hoi. Lake Sanatorium Is aocss albls, as It Is located direct ly on the maid line bf the O.-W. R. aV N -railway, and special excursion rt ir to b bad t all times. Ask sgeots. I HOT LAKE SANATORIUM ' .aCrJ J?r LAKf OREGON. . TVALTCR ft. PICRCC. Pre srlgr. - ,lvt.