Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 11, 1911, Image 3

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, Dutjwe can prepar you for it from our large itock of
RAIN PROOF wcarlnr apparel. We have just what
you need to keep dry and comlortable. Our big; atock
of Ran Proof Slip-ona, Rubbers, Umbrellas, Slicker
Coat, and Panta and Aqoapelle Clothing will ward
0f sll colda and itckneu. We wish to call SPECIAL
ATTENTION to our winter high top shoes for men
ini boys, over 40 ityles and heights to choose from,
niade by the most reliable high top Shoe Specialists in
the world." We have Exclusive Agency for the Nap a.
Tan, OrigUl Chipara, PacL'ic Logger, .Dayton,
Rick a-Loz od others. We can fit you. It will be a
pleasure to have you call in and look them over. t
7tfa Main St).
Suspension Bridge Corner
WW r ,
for lbs srrsst aa eonvlctloa
f u; person or persons, who e
ioJaefully remove copies ol The
Morning Enterprise from the
miImi - of - aubeerlbere after
paper bee bHi plaoed Ihsre by
1 mould llss U Ml, sttempt
Vi rsrtreture. Cas yos glva me ft
Mat for seeF
A portrait wt yourself-Pecs
Nlmlmmn &
ICA Sailing aid, rotund.
' rfcene Main S1S1.
Stories from Out of Town
local esters
fred Daugberty, of Molalla, was
hus Hy rndajr.
Mr nd Mrs. llorrnea BroldL of
Oarus. wai In tbla city Friday. ,
L T. Jones want to Portland on
business Thuradajr. returning Friday.
J a 'iftn or nuttevllls. Or., was
imoni lha Oregon City laltora Friday.
J ur Bintlnar. of Molalla. was
mom tha Oregoo City vloitora in-
Ton can eat tha finest bsms Sud
bacon at llarrla' grocery. , .
w r. MumMttr. a well known iar-
mar. of Btona. waa In this cUy Thursday.
rut vrttT vkidw that tha Entarprlaa
rearend Bargain Parted Is now on?
Bee ad on back pegs for particulars.
General Hutchinson and J. M. Bat
laraon. of Portland, wars In Oragon
City on business Friday.
M v ii. tha nooular represents-
Uvs of tha Pacific Coast piscult Com
pany, waa In thin city Friday on Busi
o..H f Vaklma. Wash.,
iriauii 11UJ awe . w
... in .m. .u. i-w.rfa and Friday,
o wak registered ftt ths Electric
Hotel. i , and '.loser crsn-
berries, Just In st Hsrrls' grocary.
Mrs. E. W. HowaS, of MuUno. waa
In I til. C-.M. nn tier WIT hOUla
from Portland, whars slis hsa ban
visiting friends. .
If you srs not rasdlng tha Morning
ftiternrlaa. why not? Year-end liar-
ln period Is now on. 8ee d on
back pat;a.
U i ik !.. tin has haD visit
ing her paranU. Mr. snd Mrs. T. 8.
utwrenre, or Portisna, raiuru
her homa Friday.
Mrs. Clsrancs Knott snd children.,
of EMutern Oragon. nrrltad In OraRon
Cltr Prldav mornlns. and will SPnd
the winter hers.
If you srs not rasdlng tha Morning
Knterpnaa, why notT Tasr-cnd nsr
lain rertod is now on. Bes sd on
bc paga. ' '
You Ret ths lowest pries nd a -rs
hate check on til Cftsh purchsses ftt
Hsrrls' grocary.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Turnsr. of this
e'ty. wars called to Bftlsm Thursday
senlng to ths bsdslds of ths Isttsr s
father, who Is daogeroualy UL
Charles Itsbcock. o PorUsnd. son
f Mr. snd Mrs. C. 0. Bftbcoclu ot this
tty. who has bsan 111 for ths pst
lnr ..L. .i.l in this cltr Bun-
0y to remain unUI hi h1" ,BV
Pres. s .
Mrs. John Chsmbsrs, who hss basn
hs gueat of bar dsufhtsr. Mrs. Roy
WlllOneon. of VsncouTsr, Wssh.. sns
of bar dsughur. Mr. B. Bhannon.
' dellwood. hss rsturnsd to hsr homs
on tha Wast Bids.' ,
Clint Ruthsrford. of this city, has
-fceptad a position, with ths Int'"
tlonsi Whip Company, of Wssinsia.
Mam., si trsvsllng salaamsn, bar tar
rltory being Waahlngton and Oragon
Mrs. Rutharford snd son. Winism, wl
ontlnus to maks thslr horns in urs
Hon City. - ' '
Patroniaa) our sdTsrtlsars.
(Communication. )
(to not forgot tba Utile onoa st tha
Home of tha Uoya' and Girls' Aid So
ciety of Oregon In Portland thla
Thanksglrlng. Tha managsment of
thla Institution appaala to all peraons
who ara Interested In the welfare of
dependent children of tha atale to
give tlliaralty this yesr. The work of
tba Institution baa vary much In
creauuid during ths past year. Many
mora wards ara under Ita rare, so of
rouraa aiDeneea of maintenance srs
increased In proportion. Ths sverage
number of children on band last year
at tha receiving homa was slity, bst
now It will eiceed that number by ftt
least flvs each day. Tha little ones
at lbs Homs bsvs basn sadly nffllctad
for ths past three months with an
epidemic of acarlet fever, although
lbs esses wers light, yet. It wss neces
sary thst ths children n Isolated for
two months. Tbs Bret of theea caaas
wars cared for at ths Contagious Banl
torium. but ths laat, to tha number of
fourteen, war taken car of In this
Institution. This certainly waa a
great trouble snd aipenaa to those In
charge. However, ftt this writing ths
Homs Is entirely free from tha die
rasa snd property fumigated snd ths
good work is again going on.
During ths past year -ecrp"
abeds have been erected on lbs prem
lees for ths use of ths children In ths
Horn, on for ths girls ftnd one tor
ths boys' playground. Thees sheds
are sixty by thirty fast with opsn
sides and contain rings, trspess. bori-
..i kin .nil Meters, also sand
courts for ths llttls ones. Anothsr ad
dition for tbs bsneflt of tns cnuareu
Is ths fitting up of ft manual training
room where ths boys can bo tsught
carpentry. Thla addlUon was nuds by
Clackamas county. . '
It Is ths sffort of the rnsnftgemetJl
to cars for cases of sbuss nnd neglect
to children throughout ths Stats, sa
peclally outslds of Multnomah county
and tha records will abow that about
four-flftba of ths children coming
through the Institution ftr from out
aide eonntloa. bene thla society Is
-i. ...r Muntv In ths state
snd It Is earnestly hoped that dona
tions for Its benefit will be llbersl
this Tbsnksglvlng.
Ths railroad and steamboat com
panlea ars carrying sll such donations
free of chsrgs If they srs pWnly
marked Boys' ftnd Girls' Aid Society of
Oregon, PortUnd, Or.
M. K. Klslnsmlth baa sold his team
to It. E. Jarl and moved his family to
Washington. '
I'hlllp Kder, of Pleasant Home, came
to Olson's sawmill last week for lum
ber. Ths horses became frightened,
turned and broks the coupling polo
and ran a mile before they got tang
li'd up In the woods by tbs aids of
the road It la ft nice team and one
horse lore Its hoof off In tbe wild run
swsy. Jtrl Iiros. srs busily enRaged filling
orders at their new mill site near
Kelso. They bavs Just flolshed sawing
tha mad planks to repair tha rad be
tweeti Hsndy snd During.
A flue fall so fsr but we think our
winter rain has set In.
Jue I jiii n dry hss returned from s
visit with his slstsr In Wisconsin.
Joel Jarl Is selling hay that Oar
ber, of lyigsn, baled for blm.
Victor Johnson and family were via
Itlng In Kelso Bunday.
Victor Krlckson baa force of men
clearing sli acrsa of land.
Mr. W alker who purchased part or
the Maivln Dlckenaon place, la slowly
recovering from ft broken shoulder
caused by his horse running away.
Fred Kamrath. our road supervisor.
Is busy with ft crsw of men testing up
tho old planks on tbs Highland road.
Robert Moehnks wont to Igan one
day last week and helped bis brother
Fred butcher. ' .
Robert Olnther snd family, E. p.
Otnther and Wm. Jones, of Central
Grange, attended Highland Orange
Henry Ilettman was busy chopping
grain one day last week.
Tbe Lutherans bsvs built snotber
horse shed to accommodate tbs vlstt-
ilng public,
He v. Miit is holding Gsrman acbool
on Hsturdsys.
The remodeled prsonsge of ths
German Congregational church la
nearing completion, snd adds to ths
genersl appearancs of tha surround
ing community.
Moat of our farmers hftvs sown their
fall grain early this year, and our
fields ara looking fresh ana gxssa. .' 4
Ths Luthersna held ooram union sot
vices last Bunday and many Luther
ans from outslds communities were
Hans Schroeder Is helping Chae.
Moehnks dig bis potatoes.
Jobs ' Moehnks ' Is ' blasting out
Mr. Swops has commenced clearing
aoros mors land..
Will Ilettman snd family have boon
visiting with bis mother hers ths past
Mr. nad Mrs. Frank Oroaamlller had
tbelr baby christened last Sunday.
David Moehnks and Alvln Horn-
schuh ars repairing .ths well on tbs
school grounds. . .
Mr. snd Mrs. Ed. Hsttmsn had their
baby christened at bis mother's homs
this afternoon. - -
Henry Olnther, of IJttell. Wsshlng
ton. Is visiting bis pld homs for ft
short tlms.
Our school Is gsttlng along fairly
wall snd our teacher seems to bo do
ing tbs best, shs can. yst there srs
things being dons openly and dally
that are not ft credit to ths ones In
r : ,;.) CHtnnvviLLiv.
Hev, Dr!"Runysn preached in ths
M. K. rbnrch Bundsy. y
Dr.' Botklns was callod to Portland
ft few days sgo by ths illness of bis,
son, Dr. Wat- Botklns. . ,
Vincent Frlel, who hss boon work
ing st Government Camp, la spending
ft couple of days In Cbsrryvllls snd Is
on bis war- to Portland and Oregon
Miss Ruth Frlel. w)io bss been vis
Itldg hsr sister, Mrs. Crawford at Hii
dal Veil, spent Bunday In Cherryvllls.
Herbert Hussack, of Portland, spent
Bunday In Chsrryvllle.
J. T. Frtel, Jr 's suit for 180 against
E. J. Myers, before Justice Pomeroy
st Bandy, was thrown out of court.,
. ,.... i. f
.' NEW tRA.
Mrs.' M. Btauber left Tuesday for
Chehalls, Washington.' to visit her
three daughters snd son.
Mrs. Fred Blchenthaler waa up to
visit her mother, Mrs. Joe Rlef, last
Sunday. -
Wedding bolls will soon ring sgaln
for several of our Nsw Ers maids.
Cupid haa been pretty busy lately
among tha bachelors la thla burg.
Trtrr and Mrs; stayers ana two young
ladles, friends from Minnesota, who
ara visiting hers, wars given ft sur
prise psrty Sal ard ay evening and ft
large crowd waa there. All enjoyed
themselvea to full extent snd wars
served wrth -ft food lunch. All de
parted at ft lata hour, hoping thsy
would soon have such a gay tlms
again. -.
Mra. Wallace Woodcox will lesvs
next week for Ohio to spend ths win
ter with- bar mother. We bops sns
will sn)oy hsr visit there. .
Jos Pbelstcr bss his new launch
about completed. Tha new engine
wss tested Sunday and It works fins.
Mlsa Clara Kiel was given cup
snd saucer shower 1n honor of her
sixteenth birthday Bunday, Nov. I. by
a number of her young friends. Bhs
received many beautiful cupa and aau
cers snd wss grsaily surprised. Ths
rooms wars beautifully decorated with
flowers snd autumn leaven. Ths din
ing room being a mnsa of Urge pomp
kins filled . with flowers ftnd Jftck-o-i..i.mi
wltk Hants. A long
table was set rati of sassy good I kings
to sat. tbe center piece Doing a targe
hiwtxt.v raWni-eaeated to Mlsa Clara.
Games ware played and singing by
Lewis Roblnsow, After lunch wss
served dsncing was started. All tha
guests departed after midnight wish
Ing Miss Kiel many mors happy birth
Ammm Thoae Dresent were. Miss Lil
He Dustm. Miss Nsll Dustin, Dertea.
ri.p. Kiel. Elsie and EtUbell Cnater
Edna Anderson. Edith Newton, Ethel
Di.f TL.r mnA RrTSB Newton. LsWlS
Robinson. Edward Btauber, Hoy and
Allle Anthony, Rlnohart Kiel. nr. ana
Mrs. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Kiel, Mr.
Meyer, Mr. 8tauber.
' .'.. HIGHLAND. '
Saturday evening. Nov. 11. a shad
ow social and entertainment will be
held in the Lower Highland church.
Ladles bring a lunch and boys ths
caah. 1 hs proceeds srs to get "good
ies" for. Christmas. Everyone is In
vited to attend.
Mrs. Joe Thornton west to Portland
on Thursday.
The tnfanS till4 of Mr. and .' Mra.
Chas. Wagner died oa Friday sao riving.
C. Sumner's two staters arrived
from ths East on Mondsy te make
a visit hers.
itanrv Ada la bavins- soma Im
provements made In tbs store snd Is
hsvlng a good deal of Daw shelving
out In. to make room for his larss
stock of nsw fall goods.'
Mr. Edmonson shinned a carload of
hops from WlleonvlUo Monday. ,
Wedding bells srs ringing out this
week, an account of which will bo
given next week.
Tk rhnlr mum hers of the Mat bod 1st
church are planning to give basket
social Id ths .near tuiirre.
The rain has spoiled ths potato dig
glng for this week. '
Mrs. Marlon YounaT and son. Wal
lace, spent Saturday n Portland. -
A large flock of wild geese went
south Wednesday
Numoer 481 drew tns dishes at
Aden's stors. and was held by Mr.
Peters, sn Insurance agent from Port
Mr. Runner's neat little buncalow
with five acres of land ia offered for
eale for 12600, aa Mr. Sumner has de
cided to farm. Doubtlesa this prop
erty will soon be snatched up, being
a corner lot, on Main street
Tha CiAA Fallows lodss Is taking In
new members pearly every meeting.
Mrs. OOO. TOaa naa oeeo speuuius
some tlms In Portland, under the doc
tor's cars. -
r-K irnt tiaa hiiirht a farm at
Cornelius, and will movs soon to thst
place. j ' ( f . . '
Professor Cala van, ot Oregon City,
waa tbs guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Cronln
Wednesday svenlng. ,
The Mother's Club, of Corral Creek.
mi in the schoolhouse Friday , and
after tha hnslnoss meeting was over.
a very enjoysble social tlms waa spent
sud Mra. Norman Bay, on nenau oi
tha membera of ths club, presented
Mrs. Chaa. Epler with a silver gift,
aa a token of appreciation of her work
in the club ever sines It waa organ
ized. Mra. Epler la soon to move away
sad wlir bo greatly missed by ber
many frienda.
Certain unscrupulous persons are trying
to use the good, reputation of the ;
. .... .
to their advantage by closely imitating . otir
name. "Imitation is the sincerest form
of flattery The genuine CARUS
DAIRY is still at the old Grand Union
Store at the top of the steps. ' . f
Pay all bills due
to Lloyd Evans, Proprietor, only.
It has rained enough so plows caa
Start again, and men ars looking anx
iously at the sky hoping tbe rain will
hold up until they finish digging po
tatoes. The Delkar bratfcers again put on
tbs mantle of good Samarttana and
with their force of men went over and
dug Mra. Nemlc's potatoes for her.
When she found them in her field shs
busied herself getting up a big dinner
and the men eat down to a loaded
table of chicken fixings and sll that
goes with It. Such neighborly acts
draw people of ths country closer to
egther In a bond 'of good fellowship.
Charlie Wagner's baby girl was bur
led In tbs family plat In ths Stafford
cemetery Saturday.
word went out for all those In
terested la the old Stafford cemetery
in mMt nn Raturdav. the 4th. and
clean ths yard of dead fern and other
debris, but only four or nve responueo,
nii thav made aulte an improvement
In the looks of the city of U dead.
demonstrating again that ut iew ao
the work of the world while ths many
aninv the fruits thereof.
sir Francis made his grapes lato
grape Juice ftnd bottled It last week.
He had 10777 bottles, a part ona quart ih ani tha rest two auart.
Mr. and Mrs. Mllem spent aa even
ing at Mr. OatTS's 'recently ana sire.
Nemic and Bethy were over to see
Mrs. Gags Tuesdsy evening.
Mra. Cebnardt made a trip u ure-
gon City Tuesday.
Ths regular day for preaching at
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.. at the aew
chapel Is next 8unday. the 12th, and
preaching by the resident pastor, ner.
Fucas. at the Baptist church every
Sabbath et the aame hour. AU are
mads welcome ftt either place
Mm rum went to Portland Friday.
returning Sunday afternoon. Lndle
Holton drove the norse ooms rrom
Oawego snd met ber TJrandma at the
depot Sunday.
afra. Powell received the sad. hut
not unexpected news of the death of
ber stster-et Batons hospital and
taking tba two children of her slater's,
shs and her husband want to Wood
land on ths Lewis river, where ths
bereaved Husband and ins eioooi uv
tie girl of seven, arrived with the
body that night and shs wss laid te
rest beside her mother, woo paaeeo
away a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs.
Powell returned to their home oa
Ths wedding of Miss Wallls Barms
to Rile Garrett, which was solemn
ized Wednesday noon, Nov. 1. by Bsrr.
Morons Oeser. of Macfcaburg. at tha
home of the bride's paraBta, Mr. and
Mrs. IX Manns, waa ease wx u "
oromlnsnt events of the season.
The parlor waa decorated wHh ced
ar aad whit roses.-An srch was
formed ot cedar and whit roses with
tvnttrni white hell at the center.
The dining room was decorated with
cedar and pink rosea.
The bride was beautifully attired In
white silk embroidered net. carrying
a boquet of white chrysanthemums.
Miss July Harms, sister of ths
bride, waa bridesmaid, and Ue host
man waa Harry Garrett.
At twelve o'clock ths bride aad
tnmin vnarrhd In f A tm sSvaABMl atf
Lohengrin's wedding march, played oa
ths piano by Miss Alma Harms. After
ths wedding ceremony tha gnests war
led to the dining room what. a de
licious dinner wss served. Tae pros
.nti mmrm nnmtfnai and beejsflflBl.
consisting oi silver, china, glass, lin
en and furniture. , , , . , . ,
Those d resent were: Rev. M ureses
Oeser. Mr. , and Mrs. a. Harass, Mr.
and Mrs. R- L Garrett. Mat aad Mrs.
George Rueck, Mr. and Mra. Geae Gar
Mit Mr anil Mra. floloa Kisser. Mr.
aad Mrs. 1V.C Harass., aad Mra.
Herman Harm a aae rami it. air. axes
Mra. Jacob Rueck sad family.
Robe, Gussle aad Iva Rueck.
Jnl Kate aad LJrv Harass.
Hun Oarrett. Carl RaedL
Manas. Earl Harms, Ike, Cheater aad
Mel vtn Rueck, Orover. RndW saWI Mm
den Harms.
v.nm Mmnl. Wft tar PawtaSsad
Wednesday evening to remaia aevsreJ
days sad arter they return wui m
Can by their future home. .
Olof Olaon a Bttle boy. who was sad
ly burned In the face by sosa sesaee-
aive gaa In a caa. is tmurovtag.
Clyde Marquam aad his mother, ,
Mrs. J. K. Marsjaam. wsat ha BUvsrtaa -Tuesday.
, . . . ,
There -waa a saves! sessi t the
earaoaage last Monday night for the
benefit of Rev. Comstoch. ;.,
SpeUing scbool ia held at the hall
every Satarday night.
Tbe brass band la galniag saembera
quite rspldry. It now numbers P la
fhm twenties. Several
girls belong to the band.
... riitH mt In th Com-
1 n vvuniaf.ii v -
msrclal Club parlors Jhursdsy after
noon. Mrs. Kosme ---Srtlcls
on ths sarly hl.tory of Oregon,
dating from 1M to the present d.ts
and shs wss followsd by Mrs. Evs
Emery Dys. who sn
ths sariy dsys. Ths srtlcles wers
.vsrytsrssting. Mra. Wolfs sang two
lohTs in ft .ry m.nner
ju.i.a .... received Into
Four canuiui- -- ...
LVmhershlD. Ths nsxt meeting will
memnersnij "w . . K .it
be hsld Novsmbsr 83, which will ns
"Fsdsrstlon Dsjn
I ivnw ihat tha Entarprlss
yend BsTgsin P.rlod I. now on T
llYH oa i bsck pags for particulars.
Will No Dlseontlnus rVsetlss..
... .k.i aome time ago It
was stitsd in this p.per thst ws wsre
Intending to discontinue our p.-"
In Oregon City. We wish to contra
,. rz -.7... kv urine that wa
hsvs no IntsnUon of closing our of-
flcs sad will bs on nana ou"W ".
usuftloffics hours. Exsmlnation.
', patronise our suvtnlsers.
' iBeessssM
EASY ;Is A Sc Gtrfde J -4 Down
0:i ; 'up ' - ' - a 1 ft WORD
DOLLAR jf21"" " JO
" m WISE
tucde ic a m mm MIM. AT MULINO NOW
A J. JLA-lXaUt tO eV-w ave-r AVTt7
Invest your money In a growing community 1
Increase In population means Increase In land values
' Your moScv will work nlghl ond day If Invest AT Mil LI NO -
i Terms so easy everybody con own a lot
Join the procession and buy
''' , . . j- t . . ,
' IW. L'. BOWMAN Agent ,