I? I WIATMIR INDICATION. ! Oregon CUT Hslurday probab- 1 1 fwlr; wt lo nolthwest wind. J Oregon Hnlurdaf fair at, snow east portion. , ; . WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1866 V VOL. II No. 111. OREOON CITY, OREGON, BATUUDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1911.' , ' Pn Wkek, 10 Cktti V IS! GIFT WHY, MR. MORGAN I CALL IS ACCEPTED IIMICK MAY DITER RACE ' FOR"-" MAYOR MADE BY CARNEGIE BY REV. EDW IS BIG SUCCESS MOIRNDNCd liiGiisccdOLia i . a. ARDS MONlV TURNED OVER TO COR PORATION , TO HANOLt GREAT BENEFACTIONS. DONATION MADE IN FORM Of BONDS Ironmaster Want ' Fund UmI for 'Diffusion ' Knwlg And Understanding Among vl-vi' VilllK. Nov. 10. -Andrew Car. ' rgl announced tonight hat ha bail in i:'.o0,00o to the Carnegie Cor aeration, of Naw Ywl, organised bar today under a CbarUr pmN by lb Ntw York Legislature last June, "to promote tba advancement and dlffu tlun of knotMfi and understanding among lha people f tba United State " ' . , lu-bcU w In J h la f 1 ft a imp the cor- Duration organised especially lo re ceive It and to apply It Income to Ike purpose Indicated, Mr-Carnegie. In a ((element tonight, aaid that be InteuiUd lo leave with lb corpora ' tkia the work of tba founding and aid' lag librartee and educational Institu tions, Mrb ha aa an Individual haa carried on for wan year a. . The statement -follows. j 'Th Carnegie Corporation of Naw York..tncorptrBtd by an artpaaI bjr tba New York Legislature June . Ill,-aa organised November '10, 1II The purpoeee of tba corpora Hon stated In the barter are aa lullnwa: , . "Pert Ion I AndceWOeraegle. Elibu K'tot. Henry M. IfUchett. William N. Frew. Robert R. Woodward.-Charles U Taylor, Robert A.'' Franks.' James IW-rtram and their auccetaora are hereby constituted af'body corporate .. by the bam of tbe earned Corpor ation of New York, for tha pur pe of receiving and maintaining a fond or funds and applying tha' Income there of to promote tba advancement and diffusion of knowledge and under Handing among people of tbe I'nlled Kiaiei by aiding the technical school, Institutions of higher learning, librar ies, scientific reeearch, hero funda, useful publication and by aurh other "Mr ncteg ; and; "mean aa-aha II from time to time bo foil ad appropriate therefor. ' VTbe Incorporator met at Mr. Car- negle'e houa Friday affVrnoon, No vember 10, 1U. accepted the charter, adopt,) the conalltutlon and by law and elected the following offlrera: "President Andrew Carnegie; vice- president Kllhu Root; treasurer, Rob ert A Frank; aerretary.l James Ber tram. 4- "Mr Carnegie transferred to lha corporation, for Ita rorjorate pur PeB. f :S,000,000 par value flrat mort gage bonda of tha United Btalea 8teel Corporation. "It la Intended that the bualnoe of founding and aiding llbrarlea and educational Inalltutlona which had been carried on by Mr. Carnegie aa an Individual for many years will be turned over to th corporation at an early data and carried on by the cor poration." If ymi are not reading the Morning Rnterprla. why nott Year-end Har lulu IVrlod la now oa. Be ad on back pag. Pntriinlta our advartlaer. Today's Program AT THE Electric Theatre Plucky Bill Qrat Comady. The Indian Rustler Fln Wtrn plotur. aaaaaaaaaaat ' The Torn Scarf ', Drama. ' Matinee and new Pictures Daily POSTAL BONDS TO BE SSUED JANUARY 1 Tba following Information regard ing poatal banka ha been received at the local ioatofflr. IVpoalta may-ba "echaagfd Janu ary I for t'nlted Statea reglatered or rouiMtn bonda, denomination $10, 1100 and l&oo, bearing Intvreat of two aud one-half per cent anboalty. Tbe bonda are eiompt from 'tatatloo. Application for conrcraloo of depoaita Into bonda muat be mad before fV crtnbrr 11. There I no limit to the amount of bonda allowed ona deoa1 tor. Iktnda will not be alaocd to non dnMaliora. Bonda may ba aold or assigned to any person, however, by the hMer. and .when a registered bolid la assigned a new bond will be Issued la the nam of the owner. The depositor application muat In dicate whether bonda are desired In reglaiered or coupon form. Coupon bond are preferable for a depoaltor who Intends to hold them for a short time only and who ha ample facilities for their safekeeping. 'These bonda are payable to bearer, and the title will pas by delivery without Indorse ment. Interest on coupon bouda la collected by uieana of Intereat cou pons, which are detached by tha hol der as they beeoeaa due. ' . i ELEVEN PASS STATE DENTAL EXAMINATION Dr. Clyde Mount, of th State Hoard of lentl Riamlnera, announced Fri day evening that eleven of th appli cant for license to practice dentis try In th atate out of nineteen who tried the examination held thla week Mn lortlnnd. bad paaaed. Tha clas waa a email one, aou th percentage of enccessful candl datea waa fair. Th board la com posed of Dr. Mount, dental anatomy and pathology; Dr. H. II. Olllnger. of Saloni; Dr. F. Vaughan. Aatorla; Dr. Jean Clln. Portland, and IV. W. 8. Kennedy, Tha Dalle. A meet ing will b held today to transact executive business. At tbe examina tion Juat befor thla on there wer fifty applicant. 4,419,000 SALMON EGGS ARE RECEIVED The United Statea Bureau of Fish rlea delivered to the Oregon Flan Commission November 8. 2.175,000 eyed Chlneek salmon egg and Novem ber 8 ther wer delivered 2.244,000 egg of th aame pecle. making a totnl of 4.419,000 egg. Within the next few day th United State Bur eaii will furnish about 4,000.000 mor from IN hatchery located on the Lit tle Whll Salmon Wver, tributary to the Columbia. These egg are to be hatched and reared to finderllng at the tie hatchery at nonnvllle. and with the egg received from Alaska from the Government hatchery, will make Bonneville elation crowded near ly to It capacity. . - WIFE SS . HUSBAND IS SCOLD Declaring that h la a cold and treated her cruelly Katherlne F. Hock filed ult Friday agalnat Auguat F. Litock. They wr mamea June n. 1911. . Th plaintiff auegea mai husband frequently told, her-that he wlahed he had never een her and ha wa aorry that h married her. Hhe-declare that h atruck her No vember fl. 1911. . . Ruby Greenwood filed utt for M ' vorc agalrt Henry1 .Oreenwood, alloglng deaertlon.1 They war mar . . - n.- u.w it loni Rha rifl in i ne ," ask for tha cuatody of their child, DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT. ho U th Wife ef the Ni Oevemer General ef Canada. y - SALOON MAN VICTIM OF CLEVER FORGER A smooth forger cam to town laat night, looked around for aVhlle, learned that B. F. Mitchell - waa a prominent man here, signed hi name to a check for 812.60, had D. M. Klem on, th saloon man, cash tbe check and departed. Xlr. Klem son became ausplcloua of tha man shortly after he had cashed th check and called Mr. Mitchell over telephone. The latter said h had not written the check and th aaloon man noti fied Policeman Frost who 'searched for the man several hours without success. GRAVITY AND ICE TOO MUCH TOR Dlt BEATIE Dr. A. U Beatle, school director, good road enthusiast, and mentioned a a candldnt for Mayor, discovered Friday that gravity operating on an Icy Incline wa a powerful fore. In fact the good doctor waa fortunate that he did not take a plunge In th Icy water of th majeatlo Willamette. Dr. Beetle was directing th unload ing of two tons of coal at the Oregon Commission Company when hla trou bles began. Th wagon was backed agalnat th warehouse on th Eleventh treet aide. Th wheela . had been chocked, but th horses persisted In slipping on th board street which was covered with a thin coating of Ice. Finally It waa decided to un hitch th horses, and when this waa don, someone removed a block from rtna of the front wheela. Th wagon allpr'!. turning aldewls and Dr. Reatle relied Ui tongu. It continu ed slipping down th lnclln with ac celerating speed toward the river. Dr. Beatle holding to th tongue for dear life. Finally the vehlcla crashed Into' th railing and It waa taken for granted that It would go Into the river,- but th barrier: held not any tighter, however, than did Dr. HeaUe to the wagon- tongu. D. C. Rohblns and about fifty other witnesses de clared that they, had never-befor aeen such an exhibition of pluck agalnat such odds a waa given by Dr. Beatle. - ' ' V. - ' - J , i .' . 1 1 v DO YOU KNOW that th Enterprise year-end Bargain Period la now on? See ad no back pag for particulars. x'' ' ''''-' ' RAILWAY 11AN FREED OF SALMON CHARGE Cbarle Smith, of Parkplac. who I employed In th railway mall ei vlce, waa acquitted of having a sal mon In hta possession during - the closed season r lory In the.Clreult Court late last night. The' Jury con aldered the case for more than ten hours. The defendsnt wa repreaent ed by George , C. . Brownell. - H. W. Trernbath, deputy fish warden, testi fied that he bbw Smith with a aalmon In a barn at midnight April 6. J. fierce,, a ho was with Trernbath that night, testified to tbe same thing. J 'bey declared they entered the barn nd bbw the defendant and the flab by th-light of matches. Smith de nied that b.had the fish, and hie tes timony waa corroborated by another wltneaa. , .. .'., WOMAN ARRESTED ON BENCH WARRANT Judge Campbell Friday set th trial of Mrs. Jane Tweedy, charged with threatening to ahoot a neighbor. for" BextWednesday. The trial waa to have been laat Wednaaday. but th defendant, who was out on a bond ol 1 1.200, did not put In an appearance, and Judge Campbell Issued a bench warrant for her. Sheriff Mass learn ed that ahe had moved from Logan, where she is alleged to have pointed a shotgun at a man named Allen, to Woodburn, wher he found her and aerved the warrant. There la no pro vision In the county Jail for women and Mrs. Tweedy waa allowed to go to a hotel. She I married and has five children. U REN WOULD HAVE FUN AS DELEGATE W. 8. U'Ren may be a dele gate to the next Republican national convention, and tak a hand there In tha flght for a progressive platform. Including auch planka aa tha election of United Statea senators by direct vote, th presidential preference pn mary. and Indorsement of the Inltia Uve, referendum and recall, aays the Portland Journal. Mr. U'Ren says he has not yet de cided whether he will be a candidate for delegate, but admitted that the Job would be to his liking. He saya he Is now well overloaded with work in the promotion of certain Ideas for submission to Oregon voters, but If he can find time he will be a candi date for the honor of sitting In tbe next national convention. "While a progressive selected for the resolutions committee would be kept qff the subcommittee to draft the Dlatform," sal a Mr. U Ren, in ai cussing what may happen, "he could offer an amendment In the full com mlttee and make himself a nuisance. When voted down he could aubmlt a minority report to the convention. There he would be suppressed again. But thla would he only the atart of the fight." , There seems little doubt that If Mr. U'Ren wants to be a delegate he can be chosen. Under the system of election required bjr the presidential primary law, each voter will vote for only one candidate for delegate out of ten to be chosen, and any candi date with a personal following equal to one tenth of the total Republican vote will be assured of selection. If there are many candldatee and ihe vote Is scattered, much less than one tenth will be enough. The possible sending of Mr. U'Ren to the convention will excite Interest throughout the country. It would rep resent a'challenge by the Oregon pro gressives In the castle of the enemy, and. mark the -opening of the fight for the principles of the Oregon sys tem In the national councils of th party. . -. DO YOU KNOW that th Enterprla year-end Bargain Period la now. on? See ad onj back page for particular. CATTLE CLCRQYMAN BECOMES PASTOR Of CONOWECA- J TIONAL CHURCH. ' V i DUTIES 10 BE ASSUMED TOKORKOrV Minister I Harvard Qradust and Haa Held Important Charflea x " Church Office re Ar Re-electedv At the annual meeting of the Con gregational church held Thursday eve ning, a, unanimoua call of the church wa extended to the Rev. George N. Edward of Seattl. Word was re ceived Friday night from Mr. Edwards accepting the. call and be will take up hla duties at once and will occupy tbe pulpit both morning and evening tomorrow. ' ' ' Mr. Edwards is a graduate of Union Seminary And Harvard University, and uaa oeen in ma ministry . tor tea years. five year of which were In Connect! cut, two , years In Douglass, Alaska, and three year as -assistant pastor to Dr. Van Horn, of Plymouth Congjo- gatlonal church, one of the largest churches of Seattle. Mr. Edwarda supplied the pulpit In Oregon City recently Bad -made many friends, who are glad to welcome him to Oregon City. , Other bualness coming- before the church wa the election of officers as follows: Mrs. H. C. 8tevens and CoL C. H- Dye, re-elected trustees ; ' Mrs. Kate Charman, re-elected treasurer, and W. H. Miller, re-elected clerk. ' - Reporta were read by the officers of the church societies, showing all to' be In a prosperous condition- The Rev. Edwarda succeeds the Rev: Mr. Proctor, who resigned aa the pas tor of the church to take up his duties elsewhere. BERRIES OT AS WINTER DRAWS HEAR Mra". K. L. Newton has oa exhibition in the Publicity Department pf the Oregon City Commercial Club building on Main street, a sample of atrawber- rlea that have attracted much atten tion. These berries were picked from the patch in the Newton yard, Novem ber 8.- One of the berrtee ta five and one-half Inches ' In circumference. There are many more berries and blos soms on the vines. The fruit la of de licious flavor. Mra.; Newton also has blackberries on exhibition, the variety having been originated by her, and which she has named the "Golden Medal- r OREGON CITY ELKS V TO THE DALLES About ten members of the Oregon City Lodge of Elks will go to The Dalles today to attend the dedication and stag social given by the lodge of that city this evening. A special rate of $3.50 round trip haa been ar ranged. Lower bertha will be $2.45 and uppers $2.05. Dr. Clyde Mount Exalted Ruler, will go with the Ore gon City delegation. For those desiring to remain over Sunday two excellent trips have been planned by The Dalles Lodge. One Is to be up tbe river to the Big Eddy, and from there via the Fortage road to Celllo Falls. For those not want ing to take thla trip, arrangements have been made to show them the surrounding country and the Orchard districts., Arrangements have been made with the Pullman Company to park the sleepers at The Dalles so that they may sleep In their own cars Saturday night . KOERNER FUNERAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW Ths funeral of Rudolph Koerner, formerly president of the Oregon City Council will be held at 8 o'clock to morrow afternoon at the Sellwood Crematorium. Two special cars con taining members of the family of Mr. Koerner, friends and a delegation of .Masons will leave this city at 2 o'clock. The Masons will meet at Masonic Hall at 1;0 o'clock and go to Harding drug store where they will board their car. There will be a large at tendance of Oregon City peraons at the funeral. Nr. Koerner' son Wil liam, of Arlxona, will arrive here' to night , . .'....'. -4 , Sabbath Union To Meet The Sunday -School Graded Union for elementary teachera will - meet this afternoon at S oclock In the Con gregational church, Mlaa Amy Ptir cell has. been elected president.' All teachers are Invited to aftend.- , , ; If you are not reading the Morning Enterprise, why notT Year-end Bar gain Period la now on. See ad oa back-page-. ' " ' " " "CONEY ISLAND" AND MINSTREL , DRAW LARGE CROWDS TO ARMORY HALL. HACK FACE MEN CONYULSE AUDIENCE Athletic Association Pleased With . Financial Result of Benefit Parade Feature of Entertainment. While the imitation of Coney Is land, given by the High School pupil at Armory Hall Friday night waa an expurgated edition, so to speak, of tbe original "Coney." which haa at leaat helped to make New York famous, It was a fine- exhibition and Ju as successful as It was One, from a financial standpoint It wouldn't be fair to say Just what the profits were, but they were satisfactory to he High School Athletic Association, for jhichheterWnjnent was 'given. . . . . ."Coney Island" waa a anccess from start to finish. The parade . which preceded the opening of the hall crowded Main street. -There were about fifteen automobile and other vehlclea In Una, and on the backs of two horses were six high schooi boys. Tbe floats were gaily decorat ed, and the aame adjective may be used In describing the attires of sev eral of the occupants. - ' ' Bootba were scattered, about the. big ball. In one was "Matt and Jeff." In another -Mik and ; Ou,"-te-aav. other the "Kaizenjamer Kids," and the "Newly Wed'a Baby- and "Sambo- had shows of their own. A tepee; eampflre ahd Indian . basket were features of the Indian booth and tne booths , of the Japanese and Gypsy fortune-tellers were Just as attractive. The minstrels, with Waldo CouOeld as Interlocutef, made a big hit. albeit some of the Jokes suggested antedi luvian times. They wer all th fun nier for that reason. The coons were Lyle Gault, Charles Beatle, Peter Pot ter and -John Dambaea) aa taaveatav men were Ray Morria and John Bea tle. - - . : ' , The committee In charge' was com posed of Mtases Edith AJldredge, Eula Schuebel, Florence White .and AM. Levitt.- Th parade committee waa composed of Mis Florence White, Joseph Hedge, Joseph Sheahan and Kent Wilson, . -, PORTLAND WEATHER "COLDEST III YEARS PORTLAND,, Nov. 10. (Special.) Though Portland enjoyed the snow flurries today and even the Blasts of Ita coldest November day In twenty- five year, the mercury only dropped to 31 degrees above aero as ita low est point - Helena, Mont, was the coldest point registered In the United States, the temperature dropping to four points below sera , v One feature of today's weather re port as given out by the United State Weather Bureau waa the fact that there were not a doxen big cltlea In the country enjoying aa absolutely clear day. These fortunate places were Galveston, Kansas ' City, New Orleans New York, Minneapolis, St Paul, San Francisco, Sacramento, Washington. "D. C, and' In Canada. Winnipeg and Calgary vere the only cltlea which enjoyed a cloudless day WEST WANTS WORK ON LOCKS RUSHED SALEM. Or, Nov. 10. (Special) The attitude of the State Board Of Canal Commissioners, Including the Governor, Secretary of . State and State Treasurer, toward the situation at Oregon City relative to the Willa mette locks, waa expressed today In a formal statement Usued from the J office of Governor West He declares that the Government and the State Board are of one mind relative to the construction of the locks and that .aa soon aa negotiations for equitable valuation of property rights are set tled to the satlsfactin of the Govern ment and the State Board and subse quent recommendations of 'the en gineers have been approved by ' the department tbe. work, on the project will be begun. ' , "Aside from the first cost of secur ing right-of-way, either on th weat aide or the ' east side' of the river, there are no obstaclea In the way of the construction of the canal and the establishment of free lock. Both the east and west routea'ar feasible," says the Governor In . the letter. - If you BTe not reading the Morning Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar gain Period Is now on. See ad on back page. COMMITTEE URGES FORMER EX ECUTIVE OP CITY TO BE- ' COME CANDIDATE. ; UTOURETTE DECLKES T& CfFER Andresen Only One to Announce e . j. i Far and Prlnd Thin '.;. Opposition. Grant B. Dimlck la being arged by ,- hi friends to become a candidate for ' Mayor. A committee of prominent , cltixena waited upon him Friday eve- . nlng and asked him to allow the nse. of his name. Several person called '' npon hlmS aturday In hla office and;'.' made the aame request, ! ' . - -I have not made up my mind what ' I shall do.- aaid Judge Dimlck to a '. Morning Enterprise reporter. . "It ' 1 , a proposition that should be eonsld ered carefully Having served four terma a Mayor I am well acquainted )( with the ardueua duties of the office. ' The office reqnlree-mneh of maa'a time, and, consequently his private lav ' te recta auffer to aom extent1 I ex- ' pect to make a decision .la a few days." - . '." - " ' ,"-- 1 ."' vt , ' '4. Grant B. Dimicfc who haa been akV , to become a candidate for Mayer. . ., Jadge Dimlck is the. only man to occupy- the ' office four . consecutive term and was urged to allow the use . of his name for the' fifth. ' A petition signed by SO voters was presented to him when he declined to be a can-, dldate the fifth time. , Judge Dimlck waa County Judge four and one-half ; years, and pas a formidable candidate for the nomination for gOTernor sev eral years ago. He Is one of th best lawyers la the state, and the success of the Clackamas Southern Railroad haa been largely due to his efforts. ' William Andresen; President of the . City Council, la tbe only candidate aa yet for Mayor. Mr. Andreses did not announce until he waa virtually com-' pelied to do eo by hla friends. A peti tion presented to him waa signed by several hundred voters.' In caae Judge Dimlck does not offer Mr. Andresen's . friends think he will not have opposi tion. M. D. Latourette, Secretary of the Commercial Club, and one of the most enterprising t and pab-lii-splrited business man In the city, . positively ahnounced Friday that he would not make the race for Mayer. Mr. Latourette considered the matter for several weeks,, apd., al though he was urged by scores of business snd professional men to of fer, he felt that it would be to hla Interests not to become a candidate, , '. l"i COUNTY TO COMPETE ' IN BIG APPLE SHOW Secretary Laielle, of the Promotion Department of the Commercial Club, said Friday that Clackamas county would have a fine exhibit at the Port- . land Apple Show , which begins next Wednesday. . The applea will be ship ped -from this city by boat Tuesday. .. noon. All persons who contemplate contributing to the exhibit are urged to have their products at tbe 'Promo Hon Building not later than Monday afternoon. Mr. Laielle went to Port land Friday afternoon and completed arrangements with Frank W. Powera. Secretary of the Oregon State Hortl- cultural Society for the exhibit. A space twenty feet1 long and ten feet' wide has been allowed this county. . The show will be held In the Yeon ' Building. The display will consist of Jonathan, Northery Spy, Spltenbertf, Wagner, Gano and King. OREGOTiYPLAVS NEWBERGJEAII TODAY Newberg High 8chool will play Ita , . first football game with Oregon City . High this afternoon at 2:20 o'clock on Gladstone Park Meld.' The game ! expected to be a fast one, though Ore. . gon City I handicapped by tbe km . of Sheahan. Ita taat end. The local - , men will lice np as follows) GaulL center; Qulnn, left guard; J. Beatle. right guard; Caufleld, left tackle; C. Beatle, right tackle; Grave, left d; Dambach. right end; Wilson,' (cap tain), quarter; Rotter, left half; Croaa, rint half; Mlchels, full back. Wa? dron, Dungey,' Seeley, Morris. 8tne.6W and Johns, substitutes. n ....... .' . - .-1 juorne. ,