Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 10, 1911, Image 3

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ButjWe can prepare you for it from our large itock of
RAIN PROOF wearlnc appareL We have futt what
you need to keep dry and comlortable. Our bl atock
of Rata Proof Slip-ons, Rubtxri, Umbrellas, Slicker
Costs ad Pants and Aqoapclle Clothing will ward
off all colds and tlckncsi. We with to call SPECIAL
ATTENTION, to our winter high top shoes for men
,nd boys, over 40 styles and heights to choose from,
made by the most reliable high top Shoe Socialists in
the world. We have Exc lustre Agency for the Nap a.
Tao, Original Chips ya, Pacllic Logger, Dayton,
RIck-a-Log and others. We can fit you. It will be a
casurc to have you call in
7th & Main St.
I 110 RSWARD !
' rof the arreet an conltoo ;
a of any person or peraooe, who I
aula fully ro copies of The
a Vlorolng Knterprle from th i
prsmts of eubeorlbars after
paper baa been placed there by.
Heme Ortw.
lk you knew why All lb artists
gave aurh tout halrf
-Why. of course: ao ibey raa bar
kim bruba."-Le lure.
Uenrge Brbmldt. of Shubel. waa la
thla city Tburaday.
Charlea Thoroaa, of Aurora, waa In
thla rlty Thuraday.
Mr. and Mra. David Moehnke. of
Bhunel. were In tbla city Tburaday.
(iuatave Brhuebel and daughter,
Wile, were la thla city from Bhubel
You can get tba flneat hama and
baron at llarrla' grocery.
Krneet and Henry Ounther, of Bbu
M. were in tbla city on bualneaa
t). A. Marquam, one of the prowiln
tnl realdenta of Marquam, waa In Ore
gon City Tburaday.
Charlea Welamandel. of Carua, waa
among the Oregtn City bualneaa I al
lure Thuraday.
Mra. Carrie Newman and children
III liave for Pendleton today, wbere
they will make their pime.
Hruce Hood, of Madraa, waa In tbla
city Wedneaday and Thuraday, reg
Inuring at the Electric Hotel.
L. T. Bqulrea, one of tha prominent
young bualneaa men of Portland, waa
la thla rlty Wedneaday evening.
Nw mince meat and Jeaey cran
brrrlm, juat In at llarrla grocery.
Mra. p. p. Thorn peon and Mra.
Moore, of Portland, were In tbla city
Thuradny, gueata of Mra. Henry Mel
drum. Kcrrla Mayfleld. of Highland, one of
the well known farmer of that place.
aa In thla city on bualneaa Thure-
Mra. Joaephlne Bhewman. of Rl
Icy. arrlvod In Oregon City Thuraday
morrtlnr anil will vlalt her aon, W.
A UliAUrnan atitl wlf. I
KoLcrt Bchoenborn. of Elilorado,
nn In thla city Thuraday. and while
hnr vlNlted hla parenta, Mr. and Mra.
Hlchnrd Bchoenborn.
You get the loweat price and a re
bate "check on all caah purchaaea at
. Ililrrla' grocery
Mm and little daughter,
of Hprlngwater, who have been In
this city vlaltlng rlenda for a few
liy. left for their home Thursday
Mlaa Ixmlae Follcnabee, who arriv
ed a few day ago in this city from
Vancouver, B. C.. I a guest at the
hmne of Mr. and Mr. Ben Hayhurst,
of Canemah.
Captain J. T. Apperaon, who haa he
roine an enthualaatlo chauffeur, and
who purchased a Ford automobile In
tho early part of tha ummer. baa Bold
hla machine, and purchaaed ona of
he 1912 modela this week from tha
CheNter Elliott garage.
Mr.. Andrew Tuen and daughter.
Mr.. Mlch..l.on. were In thla cuy
Win.,i. m.iii of Mr. and Mra
J. 8, Lageaon, of Twelfth and Main
treeta. Mrs. Tuen and daughter ara
fcnt arrival, from We.t Superior,
Wla., and ar to make their bom In
Portland. .
Juat received 1,000 gallon, of South
rn California port Four yr,'1 o1"'
Ounranteed under pur food law
Only 00 cent, per gallon. Bring you
J". Nobel' Liquor Store.
Mrs. E. C. Brook., who ba been
pending the aummer at Th
for the benefit of her health. re
turned to Oregon City. nd resumed
Charge of tha Electrlo Tb"""- Jr'
Br(wk.. who I. In the moving picture
bu.lnea. at Th Dalle", la doing a good
i pi
and look them over.
Suspension Bridge Corner
Nlolmen A
10 MIMng Bldo Portland.
Phono Main S161.
W. W. Mirn, janitor of Tba High
School, l III -
Kmnk Uaaaer, of Wllaonvllle, waa
la tb rlty Tburaday.
V. E. "Parker." of Maple I.ane, wu
to lb city Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. John Scott, of Bcotta
Mill. bo bar. been In tbla city
vlaltlng frlnda. bare returned to their
home. Mr. Bcott. who la on of the
etockholdera of tbe Okie Mountain
Mining Company, rame to tbla city to
attend a meeting, which waa held a
few daya ago.
Mr. and Mra. A. F. Parker, who re
cently returned from tbelr Eaatern
trip covering aloul all weeke, were
tendered a aurprlae Wedneaday eve
ning at the Christian church by 'the
choir. Wedneaday evening la the
been leader of the choir, and Mra.
and Mr. Parker baa for aome time
been leader for tha choir, and Mra.
Parker organlat on Sunday evenlnga.
Tha membera of tha church wlahed to
expreaa their appreciation for tbelr
klndneaa, and aa aoon aa tbe. laat
anthem waa eung Wedneaday bight
about 100 peraona aaaembled at the
door of tbe church, and eacorted Mr.
and Mra. Parker to me oaaeinriiu
where a aupper waa in wailing. iuj
-Onward. Chrlatlan Boldlera." render I
,d by Mlaa llaael Mulkey at me or
gan, all marched to their placee. The
tablea were prettily decorated. After
the repaat Mr. Parker waa preaented
a handaome black and Ivorybony
baton with gold mountlnga. tha pre
aentatlon apeech being made by Rev.
A. H. Mulkey, and Mra. Tarker waa
preaented a allver baking dlah. Mra.
Oawald making tbe preaentatlon
aiH-ech. Mr. and Mra. Paker respond
ed. During tha evening the Gladstone
quartet, eompnwd of Victor Gault,
Garland Ilollowell. Homer Hollowell
and John Mulkey. gave aeveral aelec
tlona. Profeaaor U A. Reed preacn ed
each member of the choir, there being
twenty, with beautiful chryeanthe
mum bouqueta.
Mr. and Mr. J. 8. 8mlth entertain-
I h aa nwaair HMUhtful manner at
u m K.naaa City Addition
inpir I1III1IVJ eae - .
Wednesday evening. Inviting all of
...... ,i.n,u .-..Mine In that vicinity
ine-r ,".V-. u m.r. nret-
, Th rooma oi ,... .d ait-
111V Ufui'l mvvt "
nri the evening waa do-
. t . .an !. w i n l in w xr i as
Wad to 'vocal and Instrumental
mualc and dancing, many of me oiu
Urn .quar. dancea being enjoyed.
Several election, on the violin, gul
,ar and banjo w.r. rendered Mr..
Bralth was asataieu V' . Hhlvely
ment of ber guest, by Mr. Bhiveiy.
ASW".r.erMi.-. Mar, Walker.
M1.:eMauda Riley. MU- Minor,
Mlaa NU Morley. Ml" Mfy RH'
M Minor. Ml.. Fannie m'''
Mia. Edith RU.y. Mm yS-'
, w ir. Mis. Irene fiorey,
m! Paulina Smith, , J. W. Hud
Ml.a Mary Mcfcin".;. - -
MCR-inniB, i. ---'
yern ismuu ..- and
Mr: om.,h otto Bmlth. F. E.
?T.CJo7dBmUb. Thoma.
John Qulvey.
will Not Olaoontlnu Practice.
It PP..r that aom Urn M It
wa. atated In thl. paper that wa wr
Intending to dl.contlnu. our practice
n'oren City. W. W
diet thla .tatement by aaylng that we
hav no intention of cloalng our of
lm h. on hand during our
nfflc. houra. Examination.
patronia our aovanlaer..
1 1
Stories from Out of Town
. .
Tbe Mllwaukle Orange met Friday
and routine bualneaa waa traneacted.
Tbe lecture on elngle Ut will be bald
December let. Friday evening.
Jim Kahler of Oak flrove waa ber
Wedneaday on bualneaa.
Mra. Ann Taylor of Oklahoma la
vlaltlng Mra. A. F. Bnyder.
J N. Alger realgnnd bla poaltlon
ea fifth and alith grade teacher. Mra
K IluiMh will fill the vacancy tem-1
iwirarlly until a competent teacher can
be found to fill tbe place.
Mra. Dr. Townley, Mra. Ceo. Wla
alnegr. Mra. A. T. Bnydor and Mlaa
Ann Taylor attended tbe Eaatera Bur
lodge In I'ortland Monday night.
Iter, raulkenberg sola bla place In
the Henneman tract to J. R. Wettler
Her. raulkenberg baa accepted a call
to the Advent church at Baletn.
J. K. Wetaler baa leaaed the Faulk
enherg property to Prof. Robert OoeU
and the family will arrive from New
berg In a few daya and occupy the
same. "
C. N. (Turtle purchased the Davla
property at Evergreen Station and
moved hla family thre laat week.
They have occupied the William SHm
die bungalow tbe pant year.
VY.II. Curt In, I'realdent of the
Curt la I'ower float Co. baa purcbaa
ed the Fred Roberta cottage and will
move there neit week.
Claud Rider and family who lived
I the Roberta cottage will go to A I-
bany to live, wbere they bare pur
! rhaafd a ranch.
I A. U llolatead waa a Portland visit
or Tueiday morning.
Mra. T. R. A. Sellwood who waa er
luualy lit laat week la Improving.
! The maaquarade ball given by the
' Rrroll Quartette waa well attended.
, Mra. Sophia Btrelf represented an In
i dlnn maid and received flrat prize. A.
: J. Weller, Cow-boy oecond prlre; Lil
lian Wheeler, Buater Brown, third
prlie; pick Large, Jew Tramp, fourth
- rU, .
i The Gleaner" organization of the
1 ICvangellcal Sunday achool meet Tuea
1 day evening at the home of W. H.
Mra. Ella Maple la on tho tick lint
I Mra. J. C. Elkln and two children
; apent Thuraday with Mra. Maple. '
) Mra. J. A. Bblelda baa rented tbe
Keck property and will take roomer
and boarder.
Tbe Evangelical Sunday achool will
observe Temperance Day neit Sunday
and will have a apeclal program pre
pared appropriate for the day. Preach
ing at I P. M. T. P. A. at 7 P. M.
Mra. Sweeny and alater Mra. Hurd
went to Gladatona Wedneaday to aea
Mra. McMahon who la quite I1L
Rev. Henry 8pe' WIH preach Sun
day at 11 A. M. In tha Oak Grove M. K.
Mr. and Mra. U B. Dentley are be
ing fcllrluted on tha birth of a little
daughter Tueaday evening at (:S0,
November 7th. Dr. Grimm of Sell
wood attending.
Rev. Luckey, of tba German Meth
odlat church of Seattle. Washington,
waa here Tueadaylooklng after hla
U K. Armatrong la building a houaa
for Mr. Griffith on hla acreage weat
of the County road. -
Jim Kahler waa In I Mllwaukle on
bualneaa Wedneaday morning.
Mra. Ahalt entertained at dinner
Mullno Townslte Company, Incorporated. Office, room 9, Beaver
we wlii show you this property without expense to you. Telepone
Wedneaday tba following lad lea: Mra.
Jennie Davla and Mra. C. R. Davla of
Mllwaukle; Meadamee Webater, Oreeo
and Singleton of Portland. ' -
8. C. Oaboro of the Natural Coneerv
atory of Mualo of Portland waa here
Wedaeaday on bualneaa.
Tba Ladlea Aid of tba M. E. cburcb
will meat Tburaday, November 16th.
at tha realdenca of Mra. RobblnetC
B. C. Aleiander and R. Blackerby
were In Portland Wedneaday on bual
oeaa. .
A Hallowe'en aupper waa given by
Mr. . Spauldlng at her borne, aa
alated by Mra. J. B. Evana. It waa
very much enjoyed by tboee preaent
Tbe aupper conalated of tbe naual good
thing for that occaaalon, followed by
mualc, rarda and gamee.
Frank VanOrdatrand, Jr., eon of Mr.
and Mra. Cbaa.. died at the Pacific
Hoaplul In Portland. Friday morning.
November Srd. aga 17 year. 7 montha
and 26 daya. Ha waa born In Mitchell,
Eaatern Oregon, Febuary 7th, 1884.
Hla father, Cbaa, Van Ordatrand and
Uncle. Frank, were In tha grocery
bualneaa bare for. nearly two yeara
and ara now In bualneaa In Portland.
Healdea hla parenta and uncle ha
leave a alater. Mra. Ivy Payne of
Mitchell. Oregon and other relative
and many friend to mourn hla death.
The funeral aervlCea were held at
Holman'a Undertaking Parlora Sun
day at 10 A. M.' Rev. Gray conducted
the aervlcea. Interment In River
View cemetery. Tha pall bearer were
tha fellow workmen at tbe Btetter
Paper Box Factory of Portland.
The Ladlea Aid of tbe German
Methodiat church of Mllwaukle. met
at the borne of Mra. A I. Wettler of
Courtney avenue, Tburaday afternoon.
Mra. Gertrude Kuebl left Thuraday
for a rlalt with her aon Henry at
Cheney, Washington.
M. A. Beldlng. formerly of Beldlng
Bro., Portland, ha opened a Jewelry
tore Jn Harrte A Reggln' Confec
tionery tor. Flrt claa work don
and guaranteed.
Fred Oreen. of Portland, waa out
Wedneaday evening.
Fred lehman waa here Friday at
tending tba butcher ahop while Mr.
Mitchell, tba proprietor, wa away on
Mr. AL Wetzler and two children
were In Oregon City Friday.
Mr. B. Lea Paget and aon Lowell
were Portland rlaltora Friday.
Mr. Cbaa. Whyte and two children
left Monday on a visit to relative In
St. Paul. Minn.
Mra. Blackerby. of Woodburn, will
apend a part of the. winter with her
daughter. Mr. L. E. Bantley.
Mr. George Blgham waa a Portland
vUltor Monday.
PoetofTlce Inapector Cletnmona waa
here Friday looking over tha poetofflce
Tba Clackamae County Sunday
School Convention waa well attended
both day and Friday evening. A
gplendld program.waa arranged by the
committee and appreciated by all who.
were able to attend tha convention.
The achool board purchaeed a new
flag and old Glory ware In front of
the building every day. The board
also ordered aome Venetian bllnda.
Tba achool board met Wedneaday
evening at tha achool house.
W. P. Clodfelter. of Mllwaukle
Helgbta. 1 painting Mr. Hargen'a
Mr. Cbaa. Hargen and children,
from Tualatin, will apend tha week'
end with relative.
Invest yoof imoney in a growing community
Increase in population means increase in land values
Your money will work nignt and day if invested
Terms so easy everybody can own a lot
Join the procession and boy at
W. M. Riaehart la moving to Cot
tag Grove.
Mra. Dedrlck'wtll leave tba eight
eenth for her aew home at KJrby,
Southern Oregon.
Mr. Virgil ClarVt little aon came
home Wedneaday from tha hospital la
A Are of unknown origin waa dis
covered lata Saturday night In tba
warehouse of Lindsay, and Mr. Llnd
aay and ona of tba clerka, who Juat
happened in probably saved tha whole
community from destruction by Are.
Remember tha dance Saturday ev
ening. November 11, In Oreen' hall,
given by tba Central Orrbeatra, of
Dr. McArtbnr was a Portland vial tor
Dr. H. M- Rnaa, of Montavilla. apent
Monday with bla daughter, Mra. E. C.
Mr. and Mra. Will Jennlng and
Mra. George Alcott and children are
vlaltlng with Mr. and Mr. Million
In Seattle.
Meaar. Jones and Wilcox, who
conducted an up-to-date dairy at tba
Vernleer Park, removed to Sellwood
during tba week.
Mr. Harry Bond, who baa been se
dating with, tba drilling machine, met
with an accident on Tuesday when a
knot atruck blm In tbe eya.
Mr. and Mra. Pratt.' of Gladstone,
were visitor at the J. P.' Strain home
on Sunday.
Mra. Lalne, while vlaltlng her
daughter Mra. Harry Roblnaon waa
called to tha bedside of a daughter
In Portland, being accompanied there
by ber daughter, Mra. Jean Roblnaon.
Chas. Redmond ha returned frdra
an extended trip aouth. Tba Lodge
people ar alwaya glad to sea blm
back and wish bla business Intereeta
would be nearer borne aa ha la ona of
tha promoters of thla place.
Mr. and Mra. Strain wish to kindly
thank the friends and neighbor for
tbe many good thlnga left at tbelr
home on Hallowe'en night, and for the
many acta of klndneaa shown during
Mr. Strain' lllnesa the pat aummer.
Two runaway' were reported here
laat week,- The Roy Stover borse be
came frightened and ran away, with
but little damage to tha wagon, Tha
Burn grocery team-of Gladatona ran
away doing considerable damage to
tha wagon and Injuring tha driver.
Curtla Miller, who waa unable to work
for aeveral daya. 1
Mr. and Mra. Harold Wilcox of
Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting at tha
home of L. Wilcox.
Mr. Davison of Idaho la visiting at
tbe A. F. RuaseD home.
Mra. Wurfel'a alater, from Portland,
la vlaltlng her.
Mr. Bentley and aon. from Reevea,
111., are, visiting bla brother-in-law, Mr.
Pbelpa. They will go from here to
California, where they ar looking for
a loca'lon.
Ml Anderson' alster, from As
toria, Is visiting ber. Mlaa Anderson
went to Portland Saturday and her
sister came horn with her.
R. E. Irwin received the sad newa
of the death of hla atep-father. whom
he vlaited In Iowa a abort time ago.
Tha teachere In Mr. Calvin's dlatrict
held a meeting bera Saturday after
noon. Through a misunderstanding
the teacher of our achool aaked the
patrona to aaalat them In providing a
dinner for tha teachers, aa Mr. Calvin
notified our teachera the meeting
would be Nov. 4, Mia Anderson and
Is A Safe Guide
Mac La wla avppoeed It wooM be an
all dar meeting. A lunch waa apread
and all waited for teacher, bat Done
appeared until 1 o'clock, Tha teacher
were then Invited to partake of the
lunch but could not do full Justice aa
they had all had dinner, and waa
quite a disappointment to alL There
were boat 11 teachere preaent Mlaa
Anderson gave a talk on primary reading.--
Mlaa Lewis on advanced reading
and Mr. Coleman on aew method In
Henry Qllbertaon . has moved hla
family onto tba GUbertson farm, north
of town.
M. Walton was out from Portland
last Saturday with a party of land
Mrs. Malar gave ber husband a
pleaaant aurprlae Batarday by Inviting
a number of neighbor 1n to spend the
evening. A very enjoyable evening
waa apent.
Mra. Viola Douglas and daughter,
Blna, of Eagle Creek, spent a few
daya wl'h the Jamea Da 8 hater family
laat week.
' Mr. Anderson haa moved hla family
onto the Walton ranch, which ha will
have charge of tha coming year.
Tha Miller family did not move to
Pleasant Home owing to soma mis
understanding about tba plac tbey
were to rent. They have now gone to
Vancouver. Wash., where they have
rented a 60-acre farm.
J. a. Da Bbazer made a business
trip to Portland Tuesday.
The good old Oregon mlat baa come
at laat. In fact a heavy mist at times
It la much appreciated by those who
found tbelr water supply becoming
low. We have had a long apell of
Ideal weather, which gave tha farmers
ample time to do their fall work, and
for the good of all concerned the rain
muat coma aome Ume, so why com
plain about it? Ona ahould have their
mind so filled with good, that weather
eondltiona would not effect them.
Mia Etta Hart, of Cottrell and Mlaa
Ethel Hart, of Portland, vlaited the
Hart famlllea laat week. -
Rev. Dr. Boyd and wife were out
from Portland Saturday.
Mra. Eva R. Hart and daughters.
Ethel and Ruth, and Earnest spent
Saturday and Sunday at Cottrell vis
iting their grandparents, isr. and Mrs.
L P. Hart.
The rainy weather, though needed
by the plowman, makea It disagree
able and lea cheery than the sun
shine. Autumn leavea ara falling fast,
laying bare tba trees, foretelling win
ter Is upon ns.
Lawrence Baker, after spending
many years In Elwood, baa sold his
place. - He and family will apend a
few montha In Eatacada, and later
will buy In or near Oregon City. Many
rriende regret their departure, ana
wish them welL
Mr. Jagman la the new neighbor,
who bought L. Bakera place.
Rev. John Park and wife are both
on the alck UsC
Lola Boylan la Improving fast from
a spell of sickness,
John Arquett haa sold hla farm
Mr. Marshall Mr. Arquette and fa
ily Intend to winter In Colton.
Elmer Dibble la building n new
chimney. ,
A crowd gathered In a aurprlae par
ty at Mr. and Mra. Lewta Vallen'a laat
Friday night A very enjoyable Urn
wa spent Refreahmeata were aerved.
K. Dibble's 60-foot well went dry la
the month of October. 1
Miss Neva Boylan vlaited Mr. Bltt
ner's home Sunday.
A. a Henderson la remodeling Mra
Udjjngrcgon City, Ore,
Moln 360.
Blanch CUott'a
W. T. Hadfoj
ftorinrwaUr Friday.
Mr. Blanch JDllott aad Cc) I' X
nah Btromgreea want t EkrtaoaO L-t
Elmer Dabble and family were In
Estaeada Wednesday.
Miss Neva Boy Ian epeart Maoday
with Mr. Mary Bnrfua.
Mm Mellike drove to Oregon City
Tuesday Mr. M. M. Sarfas want
with him. intending to go oa to Seat
tle. Wash., to apend tow weak srfck
her daughter, Mra. H. u oatrwae.
Rav. a. 8. Haadersoa preaches at
EH wood church next Sunday morning
and evening, perhapa tbla wit be hla
farewell aennon.
Ed. Hettman moved to Portland laat -week.
Mrs. Ed. Hettman la aUylng with
her mother In law for a few weeks.
Mr. Bottemlller la sawing wood. .
Mr. Marshall waa out aelllng beef
on Monday.
Mr. Ilayner, of Canby, moved to tha
place ha purchased from Mr. Hett
man. Mr. Sullivan la back home from
Portland, where he attended tha Jury.
W. a Klelnamltb wa' In town laat
Tbe Klelnamlth Broa. purchased two
cow a laat week.
Mrs. Bam Elmer went to Portland
Mondsy to visit relatives.
Odolph Elmer recently from Manila,
P. I., waa In Clarke to vlalt hi broth
ers and alstera laat week,
Mr. Bottemlller made a . bualneee
trip to Mllwaukle last week.
Ed. Bnol la la town having some
dentist work done. ...
Mr. Marqnardt waa in town last
week. '
The weather aUU hold fair.
Tbe roads ar getting to be quit dus
ty for tbla Urn of the year.
Hallowe'en paaaed py ratner quiet
ly In thla burg.
C. 8paagler had his clover thraaa
Mlaa Bertha Riga and Mlaa Joe
Thomas front Cape Horn apent Wed
nesday afternoon of last week with
Mrs. Clyde Smith.
Charier Casta, of Carue, and Lola
Havward of Clackamas were married
at the latter-a alater" a. Mra. Lily Hoi
comb In Clackamas Sunday. Mr. and
Mra. Caato ar well known her. They
will make their fntaaas Aom at Car.
where Mr. Casta Tiaa Tw-autlful home.
We wish them much happtneaa.
C. Caaaeday, of Came, mad bus
iness trip to Mnllno Tuesday.
Robert and Albert Schoenbom, Be .
Jonea and hla father-in-law, all return
ed horn from tha mountains Sunday.
We haven't learned what their tack
waa while they were gone.
Mra. Bain Howard apent a few daya
laat week with her folks. "
Mr. and Mra. Otia Dtx apent Sunday
with Mr. and Mr. Clarence Mailott
and family.
Mr. ana airs, i
ea Perl anahHai
ryFlaher wWr
Jonee' SundaW a
Mr. and Mra. Elmer Krickaon. Hiaav
Haxel Erickaon and Hen-
visitor at Ernest
F. J. Riding was Jn Portland thla
week on bualneaa.
Jack Faltnwr haa rented the Kd
Toung plac and haa moved In.
Tha Braaa Band la gaining In num
bera rapidly. It now haa about twen
ty pelcea.
Hallowe'en was not forgotten In thla
pan by the hoy.
-4 Down
Notify us end