1 MORNING ENTEKPRI8E. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 3911. f,ft",,tT crrrcrfc"k"ifclu"'0,,,h lB rorl "8n," tut a tZZA OTTERS. 7 awaaawaawMaaMjM WHY A STATE DANK? should be Introduce to society aa "Ah. Rev, Cm V. T.Richeson and Girl For Whose Death He Is Held Weal T." . 1 irjvvy Used aa A sah laeas nethlng ef the security afrecded by government Sus. ervlalen. It la anSer (he direst sen. fel ef the Itate Banking Deasrtmsnt, and subject te rigid periodical eaanv Insllens ef He eapert ewdltere, wtt see that all the laws safeguarding peelter a's eamplled with. The safety ef year Interests la a, sured at raham Lincoln, and that k "George Washington" should be a am, low down derelict. The aacleat Jewa and Other natioOS gva ItDM that re flected torn characteristic or that a poke of Mm koUbw arhloveaneat, and not unoftea oo occasion the changed a mana Bam. Bach a pra tic cannot wall be followed ta the day, but It might be wall for mmu parent to ahow greater dlacrlmlaa tlon In th nam thay glv their chlldrea and not weigh then down through life with, aome absurdity. ruto a.l rrwt'y-r Siylea I. B. IROMI, tdltar m NMMMf. To- twa af vrwM whs effetilvety bv.s la Ite trtaniit ut a wUlis fell hai CU'leree) m-eutly. The hat felt Ntd Kail rre-hi'(el ornament nuf t aaa white wwil and Issaelt 4 iWMata, Whh Hie hat was sbuwa 1. U kl Mm mm eAas at Ttr3 if unanrmMi nuJ-wl kaad hag ,.f anliil -white weU with a aide he.u.1. like rrlua fr rblaJtaa. tf whkh It wuhi be hung train vae Klsatder. Mat iral fot hi wall liked a trim rung fur thla aasa. an. I kunh rv a.aianla fiver for the same mrae. A wrlacaas slip such ' un" OkO Tesr. kywakN ., .. ....MM Mneiths. s Mil ., .... .... 1 M war MmiIm, l.M Par w . mr aamn , j CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES The Bctok of Oregon City OLDKST BAWK III TIT! COUNTY hM h. mt ear rirat kian li l Ptret Psas. Mt tMk aa Unnlni .las rrararrrs poatttem ev . Mr hi Mkee a aatafai-tiry founds) Ua ...It 1yy.t??? mt mmt br Uw hrat mm. mt HfiR aMaTMBaaswSl Mm HI etkar Am Hrat paa, Mr .lea LmrmM lea or Km; to veawlar irw. wearo m ksa. Raise tar ktarprlae rtll sail?, for tdnni ear rfca WMb.tr. mm tba asr trmMfrrT-4 ft UK Sally ta Uw v. nuan . to rata wtu sa ae M took tor raw. mt the mmt. mm lto M took for epclaj paaHtow. party to m M Beiterpnaa. Lees' eatae. Streus edvarttaUka as asmta! vJvrlai at KcloHtu tack. a wJ BaMkrwM Bale" awrer me in nrst nti Haws ttrma u4 wall will'ae ailfias er saem. vita aateraet wUl ba ctoaly aeoeeead. aai lata um rat tot Vr mum to CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. 44 eeo THE MORNINQ ENTERPRISE U o mI at th following tor every oay: " Huntley Broa. Drors - Mala StreeC J. W. M cAnulty dgara a : Sevan ck and Mala. e) E. B. Anderson, a Mala aear Sixth, e M. K. Dana Coufecttoaery Neat door to P. O. w aty Drug Store , Electric Hotel. a) Bcboeoborw Cbafectioaery e SeveoU and X Q. Adama Nov. 10 In American History .1779-Jeeeph Hewea, "aigaer" for Northi Carolina, died; bora 173a 18W General Job EUls Wool. TJ. 8. A. retired, died; bora 1784. 18M Theodore R. Darts, war rorre- wpoadeat and artlat of Osrpera Weekly ta 1JW1-B. died: bora 1S4& 1800-BattlMbip Korth Dakota laanched at Qnlacr. Mi ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Front Boon today te soon tomorrow.: Sna acta 43. rtaea 629: day have shortMied S boars since Jane 21 and win abort ea a boat 1 boar more: mooa Uses 8:10 p. m.; 42S a. nv. mooa paaav lng planet Neptune from wet te east: lava's declination. 17 degrees 10 mla ataa eoath of releatJaJ aqaator. How would It do to number Instead pf naming children until they reach aa age when their bodies and mind are develoyed and their characteristics displayed beyond a doubt? While as a rale the present system may work all right not nnoften the names given are a sort of mlsflt. It is rather in congroue that a hot quick-tempered woman should bear the aame of "Patience,- or that one tipping the scale at 250 pounds should be known as -Tiny," "Lily.- "DaJiy- or -Birdie." And so with men. It makes one am He that soma poor creature who dare not can his soul his own has such a misfit name as "Lycursua," that one mentally deficient should go at tonj kaVnHesfcig MT to tosaj nilm IU)ltt MW mi oaja m lam Kr iiif, h A Language All By Dr. L. L. ZAMENHOf. all our international communication!! VK OUOllT TO USE A NEUTHAL LANOUAGE. one that ix eacilr acquired by ill and used with equal right Let us speak in this neutral languap to anv man who doe not care to speak to ua in our own languap1. anl the chief ca uoe 'of NATIONAL HATREDS and every cH-oaxion for humiliating certain peopled will DISAPPEAR. . V A peutral language of this character has existed for some time. ' It serves its purpose to perfection, has already a considerable numl-f of adherents and possesses a rich and rapidly increasing literature. Those who wish to discover how this language may be uniformly employed by ALL PEOPLES and what a great UNIFYING FORCE it is let them not discuss the subject from a theoretical point of view, but let them attend one of the annual universal Eopersn'Ut congresses. They will then understand what it is that humanity needs in order to establish a DEFINITIVE .PEACtamong the peoples .,( the earth. - . As ESPERANTISM makes progress in the world, the men f different peoples will meet more frequently and converse in a neutral speech. They will com to understand and to LIKE. KACII OTHER BETTER. Tbey will feel more deeply that iher are of one heart, one mint and one ideal and hare the same suffering- and sorrow. Tbey will realize that all this mutual hatred f (M-opte is only a relic of barbaric time. On this neutral base, tbe one FUN DA MENTAL BASE, will be established the harmonious and pure "hu man" humanity of the future, of which the prophets of all lands and all age hava dreamed. - , The Social Service Convention held at Madlsoa, Wla, threehed out aome Terytlmrly aubjecia, and the effect will be apparent In the near future. The contention mace by one apeaher that while much baa been done In recent yeare to leaaea the labor of the farm er Terr Uttle had been done to lighten the ifork of the farmer's wife was very much to the point. Machinery haa been a great Bid to the farmer In planting, cultivating and harveatlng hla crop, but la the household work la done In Juat about the way It wa done fifty year ago. True, there haa been aome amelioration, but It I very alight aa compared with what the far mer haa received. No wonder that farm era' daughter show the aame dle poeklon aa the eons to leave the farm for the city. It Is a pity that they do. as a rule, but It Is natural under the circumstance. LIVE WIRELETS (BT EDGAR BATES.) At Uat some of those wood piles have disappeared from the sidewalks and pedeatrlana have come back to their own. a a Each year the War Department spends vast sums In establishing and maintaining recruiting stations in their efforts to induce mora young men to enter the army. From time to time we hear a lot of clamor from the autu oritie telling us how hard It Is to get new men to enaet. They fail to the reason of this difficulty. Army life at the best haa but few at tractions. The pay la a mere pittance, the duties are often laborious and when it comes to rations, the camp men dees not have many attractive dishe. Statistics show that the gov-' ernment spends but $1.05.96 for the actual maintenance of each man per year. Tis true that clothing Is fur nished but the costume, have a cer sameness ail u time wnlcn must get very monotonous at times. Give the soldiers decent pay, better clothing and more rations and the service will possibly prove a little, more alluring to the average young' man. a a The man who Juat bought an auto mobile saye the way to obtain the real cost of a machine is to simply double the catalogue price of the ma chine "complete." The machine "com plete" might be "complete- ail right, but bumbers. claton horns, electric connections for lights, touring trunks, lunch outfits, collapsible buckets, a few eitra tools and the thousand and ,000 other things that are "suggested- by the salesman "help some" when it comes to the final cost -Then after that comes the tax. Insurance, two or three automobile club fees and then one la only ready to begin to continually buy Juice and tires not to mention the regular autolst cos tume. A few weeks ago 'the postmaster gave us notice of a letter from a New York girl who is looking for a hus band in this part of the country. This girl haa received something lesa than sixty-two letters from Clacka mas county men since her letter was published. Is somebody flirting or do the boys mean business? a a a We know the age of Ann. but now long will It be before Oregon City Men Speak Will Link the World In Brotherhood the Originator of Esperanto 4 by all. f 7 a-. WTX- " N' EARLT all-the elements wbkh present In the trial of the Kev. Clsreore V. T Uh besun for I be war der of .MIss Jlvls t.lnnelL .The accused man. the ouUr immIot ef a fashtonsble fambrldM (Mass.! ibnrrb. I charged wltb reaiHjiiMll.Uli for tbe death of a young girl to whom he once paid marked attention, bat whose removal be Is supposed to have desired because of hi enuageuieni te the daughter of s wealthy parishioner Tbe mystery la rendered more itrrw some by the peculiarly deadly nature of the drug wbb-b cauaed the voting woman's death cyaalde of potassium and the testimony of a druggist l bat before the crime waa committed the clergyman purchased "enouch of i to kill tea men." Tbe devotloa to tbe prisoner of his flaix-ee and her family Is another remarkable feature of a case which la likely to be noteworthy aatoaa the sensational murder trlala ef the peat decade JV' has uniformed policemen? ! a a a The story of two old time friends fighting for the hand of their" lady I love Is an old timer, but wa have al-1 ways supposed that the victor always j married the girl. But that young lady who live to the east of a turn-1 ed the tables when she left "Damon 1 and Pythias" scrapping and hiked1 off with a third man. Why not unite forces and have the militia - boys and postofflce- people la the same three-story, block square, stone building? While the abolition of public drink ing cups Is generally conceded to be a splendid thing, the movement wss not carried out as far as It should have been In regard to transportation companies. As It Is the law seems to have been framed to help peanut butchers sell a ten-cent . collapsable drinking cup for twenty-fire cents, while the car companies still con tinue to keep cold water. A part of that law should have stipulated that these companlea place a goodly sup ply of paper drinking cups In a caae alongside of each water cooler. a a a In spile of the wide publicity of the value of tbe scheme, we haven't seen any of those nlckle-ln-the-slot paper mache comb machines yet HIGH SCHOOL CLOCK SYSTEM IS PERFECT The Standard Clock system In the Oregon City High School was given Itj first trial Thursday and gave per fect satisfaction. Superintendent ol City Schools Tooze and tbe High School teachers were delighted with the results. Clocks snd bells In the various rooms are connected with a master clock, which controls the ringing of the bells. All the -bells and gongs are operated automatically and the assembling of the classes and their moving from one room to an other la done on the minute and with out the slightest delay. Cuban Indiana. Cuban officials sppHed to ibe king of Spain In V04 for "!.tw negroes ths they may hevutue Inured to labor be fore tbe Indlitn cease In eilt." After 1.V3 there was uot nu lixllan ou tbe Island. White Queen Flour . This Is Ths Best 'lour Obtain able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of Coal Now. Hay, Grain, reed snd Kotrect . Poultry rood. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN ITS Oregon City; ' " lend interest te e merdr rase will be DATES ARE CHANGED The Congregational Brotherhood has decided to have Its banquets on the third Tueaday Inatead of the fourth Tuesday In each month. The neit banquet will be November 11 In. stead of November 28 as had been announced. President- Gary- said that the change had been made to obviate conflicting with other entertainment.' The president a Ian announced that the Purity Committee, consisting ot Dr. Hugh 8. Mount, Judge Campbell, K. C. Caufleld. k J. Tooxe and Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, would have Its re port ready In a few days. WILLAMETTE CLUB PUNS SEVEN DAIiCES Tbe Willamette Dancing Club sill hold, its first dance of the season li a week or two. a membership of airy five tbe desired number has b)i asaured, and the dances the eoavgg winter and spring are expected to te more successful than those given b- f tofore. The last eerlea eonslated if five, but arrangements sr bc'pg made for at least sevea this season. All persons who have beea invited te become memiiers are urged to en-all their names as soon as poasible t MUBIC FINE AT BALL. ' . ' f inclement weather Cuts Down A- icnaance st HoeDcr Kntnatnmrst. Aitnougb tbe attendance at t.te ball and concert given at T!tit.Ya Hall by . Hoclwr's Ladles Orcliritra Thursday night was not sa laitt sa had been expected, the entertaist k nt was a success. The playing ws f n and eacb or tbe musicians resj a! ad to enchores. The Inclemency oi he weather kept many persons : ay v.no had planned to attend. ft Hotel Arrivals. - r The following are registered f lh Electric Hotel: - i ' Hsrry csrus, J. c. Buller 1 Jim Bucks, J. A. Cronk, Norwood,-1 . f T.: u. a. Marquam, Marquam; V Clark, Loa Angeles, Cel.; C ilrown, T. Bemoer, Archie D Bgan ana wue, miss imas, m. Ltll U E. Raynor, New York; E,' K taae, urice nooa, Msaras, or. I r . Peculiar Table Cueteme. J ' ' In s .ImxiU entitled -oroeMc 'Man ners of the MldrVe Arcs", we 8 told tbat In thwe iiars dinner table were covered by s "nappe." tie tsb srlots, Upon It were placed a Ure sat Mlsr. bresd snd cups for wine, hat no iulvea or pistes. The rensnn for the khsence f the knives srose fmm ih ftiaaioa prnnlce In rogue of wle nrryina their own knives la s nheein artarned to their girdle. In sn enrtr work. Mf ten by Lydirate-Ttitles Pee liehsvior at Tahle"-tbe gneata are lot i bring no knives unsecured to ' tie;4 table, which ran only mesa that eich woe wss to keep his own knife- that Is. the one he carried with hlro clean Ara you a substriber to th Mom ma Enbsrorlnr ti not von should nan snd let us pr font nsme oa lb ub scriBtl'Hf- Hat tmmedlate.hr . I , arta vpaasur " over whra) ta wear any thla gown. It taa be made abort or kug. If a dreaaj effect ta desired tbe circular fiuunee hvuld be eerered wltb narrow flounces mt laoa, ' ... Jl D;c C1IOLUCT. This May MasAoa csiiarn la cut la slaea frsts MUM fcsrk awat SMaaura Bnl I easts te this enVa. ivta aumbar. Ti:a mm4 M wUI be kreaajMlr tdraisrdad la fee mr wwlL It as ksata sasd an sJllitxil iwe eaat atsais tor Mlar poatsaa, arairk auras asare preaas 4vry. la erdar- aa ase tki (was WwlawJ - AdJrase. a QUAINT CONCEITS. Tries sal wajs aa Mela, Slippers and Preeka All Aderwed With Fringe. Mwaibed draper We wltb f rinsed hor dera, suae pendent sub end trimmed wltb sflk fringe ecarfs and mantles are ansreroo. New black patent leather shuea hae mww White tnpe of ralfakltr This 1 I be very latest cry. Hows trim everything from the ro i -a pretty heads te- tbe allppera un h leader tosev The blows that hi e(Te lively trim aird with lare er baudlng la well gdapttd for lingerie goods This one asclnde a prettily shaped yoke. It Is astrrfuely dalaty In effw-t. yet very ainspes. JDDIO CI10LLET ' ' ..- 17- The Mar afaaion pattarn la cut In alias rrera a It a Inrhea buat masaura Sn eswie ta tale otnea, glvlns number, 7K7, aw wui aa promptly rorwardad to you bp rna If ta haata sand an additional iwe cent vamp for latter pnstasa. which aaeuras einre prompt dallvary. la ordar InsT see this eeupon. Ke...... - 1 . Mate.,.. la ...,..,, THE GOOD AND THE BAD. Oii ought lo balance the good 'e bad and sIm lh- length of fsaa 4 man ha lived to form a true etinv not hia character. Prlybius, lh C;eek roatorisn, wyi, "There is ao rt 4Ntq why we should not some tmvt blame and sometimes com fner I the same nmnn (nr s a' vayi rigid, neither is it probable thst he should be alwav wmi " ' By Head the Morataf Baterprla. & 1 IJkTOUAaTTT Prasad J. bIBTMt, Case THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oi OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL. aa4Aud.su (mm a a'seral BanMng Oladctono Lumbor Company BUNQAL0W MATIrllAL OP ALL KIN0B. Lumber, lath, shingles, fence-posts and doors, mouldings, aaeh ut all klnda of Inside nlah. Prices right, lumber guaranteed sad proa delivery (YAftOB AT Phone Main HIGHEST PRICE IS REACHED FOR BARLEY With California sn eaaer bidder fur; the few small lots I' ft la Oregon, the market for feed barley baa touched a new high record at all paclfio north west poln i a. (tales are actually being made In the country on the basis of ltd per ton tidewater delivery. If Cal tfornle parties ant the barley they will be forced to pay this figure. Forty four Venta a pound was of tered for hope by Carmlrbael of Sa lem and the buyer for English account was hot after supples at tbe season's hlah record. eals bet seen dealers are reported si 43 He a pound, this price being actually paid by Klaber. Wolf A Net ler during the past II hours. Although dealers figure that there are about t.Soo bales of bops remain ing unsold In 'the hands of Oregon grower at thla time, fully 1.0AO bale of these are held by Interests who cannot be Induced to let go ! any price. In - fart, they are considered perpetual holders and when Ihe price reaches their prevlims limits they la variably put It that much higher. Prevailing Oregon City prices ars ss follows: HIDES (Buying) Oreea bldea. I ta ae: sailers, ta to (A; dry bide. lie to Me; sheen pelts, tie to Tie each. . Hay, Orsln, Feed. HAY-(Huylng Timothy. Ill lo tit: rioter, fl lo ; oat hsv. best. It lo tin. mixed. I) to III: alfalfa, U to 118 50 UATB- (Buying) Oray. Ill to 117: wheat. Ill to IJ1; oil meal. IJ1: Shady Brook dairy feed. 1.2I per 100 pounds. PEED Shorts. I:? to lit: rolled barley, ICT.SOr process barley, 1)1 to; bole corn. IJ7; cracked corn. 131; hlte. 126 to 27; bran $27 to Zt. Butter, Poultry, Egg. . . nx)vn it to to is ss. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter, JSe to 10c; fancy dairy, 30c; creamery, 30e to Ite roi'LTRT (Buying) Hens, lie 12 12; broilers. He EOOS -Oregon ranch eggs, S5e to 40c. Prwlta, Vegetable. DRIED FRUITS (nuvlnel I'mnes on baala of 14 oounda for 42. 60'a. BACK VEGETABLES Carrots. II. 28 to II to per sack; parsnips, 11.28 lo 11.80; turnips, I1.2S to Il.tO: Prunes, on baals of 6 He for 45 and beets, 11.60 POTATOES Best baying 70c to nbc per hundred. ONIONS Oregon. $1 25 to 11.80 per ...... . " iniiiureu: Australian, 11 per hundred Livestock, Meats. iiKKr tuvs weight) Steers. U snd BHe; cows. 4Ho; bulls, I lit y r.ALr-i aivea bring from lo 13c. according to grade ' U i u i iun obeep, jo an mo lambs. 4c and tc. II008 128 to 140 pound hogs, JJC and He; 140 to 200 pounds, 10 and BROTHERS IN LEGAL FIGHT FOR IAND ' (Continued from Psge 1.) in aerrn ot me neirs was a mort. gnge. it. however.-wss la tbe form of a deed. He declared that be wa the owner of the property and not jonn w. Ileall. John W. Beall filed an answer da nylng the allegations of hla tirnth. snd declaring that he Is th owner oi tne property. J.' E. Hedge, of (his city, and N. A, reery, or rortland. represent Ihe de fendants and Wilson a Neat rti Iar Und. repreaent th plaintiff. John W. i wan, wno is her, is a minister, and uvea near tne Old home In l.--m. land, the plaintiff and another broth. er, Jaspsr Beall. of Ohio, also ar at- enuing tne IHSL Aunt Matilda' Journey. The curious effect sometimes nr. doced In telegrams by wsnt of puno tusuon or toe omission of a single word." ssys a reader, "csnnot fall .to hsv struck every on. bad s fe msle relative living In tbe north from whom I bad 'exnertatinna' ai.. t.- been ailing for some week, when one morning came a telegram asking my wife tn go at one sa she my aunt was mnrb worse an accordingly went. "During the evening of th follow Ing day I received thin disconcerting snnounrement: - "'Aont Mstllds went to 130 returninif by 11 M momlnr, New Tntk Mali besren si tomorrow Pstr.le one tdvertlscrs. Uvee) trees I A. faj. te f S PARK PLACI). Fa'mara atf. Wants. For Sale, Ett mm I a aer. l wsea at mmt SMik law I 4w kse mm mmmm Mnal wtlk laa kar, Ba VVANTE1V Tourists and local ptosis to see my collect Ua of arm kaMU coins, India trmkala. tie. sua and carlo of aorta Will et) or sell la IhU nue Hate curie seel bargains la se (Hid hand furaUf and tools. Oeorgo YounC htaia R. aer Ptrta. WOMAN WANTS WORK BT Till DATMRS. OUJB HILL. tU ftfti ' street WANTEO-lloys and girl. Her Is your chance youngsters ts make your 'chrlatmaa money faay. The Morning Eater prise will pay you a big coav mlseloa for Vlnlgng ta trial subscriptions. If yt east to know more about It call sr writ to th Circulailoa Mas sger of tbe Morning Enter prise, Oregon City, and tears all about what you will hart lo do. The more you tars la the more you will make sad you caa make a M If yoa bust I. WANTED Room ellb Dlaeo tot studio purposes only. Dues toe residence preferred. State to terms per month. Address P. 0. IWi IJJ. POW BALE. X)R BALE Lagnrh. 23 feet Mt rapacity 14 paaaengers. First tlsaa Inquire l)r. Stuart, city. FOR SALE One Jersey bull 4 rrt old; registered partite Jersey Oak If. Babler Oregon City. Or. Rocw No. I. FOR BA1JC Two nice level lots, si OreenpolnL cheap. Inquire Ester prlae office. CONCORD grapes, I cents s son. Bring your basket H. 0. w weather, Rlsley Station. FOR HALE Sti-room bouse an 4 l lots on Washington street: tl cash. Call 611 Fourth street I hooe Mala 24C3. PASM LOANS. rAkML0AKS-Dlmfck" a" U Lawyer. Oregon City, Or. ATTOPiNIYaV O. D. MMT. Attoraer-et-U. M0f leased, abetraots ftirolahsd. I title tmtad. tt settled, P Oty. IT REN A BCnUVBEU AttorscyMl Law, Dentacfear Advokat, will srs ttaa la all courta. soak coUeou" prla Bldg-, Or ace Cltv. Oreiea injTLerANDtsiaCTOA HABJIT JONT38 Bnflder and neaarel Ooatraetor. Bctlmatee "' advem aa all elasses of bsll4l I wwrk. awm waita an relafi :. Haa. Phoa Maui u- INSUP.AN0S- . H. COOPER. Fo Firs ",r,TI I aad ImI Rststs Lat ns "'' I mmt' - tiSV. Pt Offlna la aa-F-- Mai, Oregoa City. Oreaos waasaasasii PHYSICIANS. DR. LENA R. HOD0E8, OsUop' fjl Mondaya. Wednesdays and TrWl of each week, at corner of Slxtl i "l 1411. - -rf I CLIANINQ ANO PStiSIN ma m. . . . Ann 1 1 mans order from 110 and UD. W si"" -i cleanlne nrsaalna snd rCT" Three doors south of postoffce. MUSICIANS. I, AU1A 8A0ER, lescher of wln1 j string Instruments, director snd orrhestrs. WIU furnlal i rnwj for any occasion. C l tti" HoteL i i imw mil vur snufS. aerara seaer rraa MiwiH via k prkiled (ae aalran MlnisiuM ranM k aswem.-ismaa lapae we, sT MaMnRBaBBaBaasv - WANT10. - J