Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
M0KXI50 EKTKUPRISE. - -.1: U'KUXKSIUY. .jt riOTUU 1ZXU3L A Thanksgiving Package la CI1A CSnCX fXKN la Pm aretX bM yapT srrrb a mmaUmmmmm' .1 . . ...... V 4, - ,i I Or ; " " ! ' " . Skirt a a mm lMfr the tWy lM( Mill. MM 0 the ae the aa Bar, sad a bait fre rn ai I . Evewg eeJrta ar to he . wrtk f rMtiM mmi aad WVb abort aqwar frame g patee ad aa far r weaew. a wedettag r wirk a tfata la OMw sweats w arrtwd aa aa aorkoa a Fans draaa ah ka yrslittlag. The) aJIra taur street aalt h Ira akkrt bait a thread brw rbaa the at lb a ua eeata aww ax's mifiiw a caau a a Bttle Soft at tb teo. aad a ay af the draeay M Sow aOghtty at tbe bci C gla aa I tbe destga mt this gwwa ntrt mm la cat ta sweat etyla. t4 lk ratter la aww aa4 extrewWy aUiatt1- Aa Bleotrated K la carried east ka btw Freach etrg wttm itww besa aad waist mt alar ear rkb fringe. ' XCD1C CHOIXET . Ma. Maa CHIC STYLES. A KM at Ore Meteriele A toft Mil I 11 If ItL a 1 Wl May Ma i www S c S aa Ti "a wtwlrwa wyw fcr aa U ai awMi .'IsT'eeX e ta , Everywhere la tb realm of faahtoa rat favor la gJv tm fabrlrs that ara mt tha aofteat texture. Tbla basis jood la dre ouJttogs aa wad aa ta aeparate track a tartala. V Hary Maa Barge notatt la bold in rn aalaat all cos re la tb add af r taaa tailored suits. . " Batia la going ts tt I smart ma teria tola arbiter far tailored sutta. It ' caaita la all cotora. aad If you want ta koow wkat It looks Ilka tblnk what sfiky aatrakhaa woo hi look Ilka. Jaat each rompers aa thee are necas aery tot tb Uny child. la them b ca Ta ceanra mourn a err rrep aad toddle ta hie tearfa footmt arttkoot lalarr ta bla clotbea. Id the fUoetratlaa bloe tbanbrar la oaed trim aa4 vttb a blue and white rberk. JVVIC CIIOLLET , Tale Mar Vutn psttarm la cat In alsM fer chltdraa er ee aa4 two ymr of age ami ia ceata la thle offlr. alvlna earn ker, 71 , aa4 M will ke pramatir ferward mt ta yom br mtmtl It ta Mate aond an a44tUnaal twe ennt ataaaa (er tetter poet ae, wtrtrh Incur aaere prerapt dettverr la era wtoe? aee tkle eoupoa. Me., -eaaeaeaeaeea Hia Hara taek. ? JooeaBrowa la aa onltx'ky dog SaHtk-.riaw'a that! Jona-IIU ob- jart fa aaarrrfof waa ta rat oat af a board lnr beMe. r iailtk WrUJ Jooea e-Now kla wife la rnoolof on ta op- 1 SINS OF OMISSION. A wronrdorr u very ohr a Btaa that kaa ten wanathing tmdone, ajot aiwart ba trial riaadooa aonetliiag. f Aarakaa. , '-Vara baa aver; 4ft aaat Mra Bardwtik ta baa beebaaaV f Tkakastrtac alaaar tfcia rear . to- e a a at blag aa ba tbaaixai Tka Maa af aar urua Mur be ail Ca laa fata i aaa af aaa. mkm aaaa wbat ha wi aa reaaforr Je wife. kt ttora ba ttuia ieafrt la a ad a eta?? Maxi:j brekea br tb waa 4 attla MaQr. tka babf. tt bad enrarred aa aaaar aaaafarraaaa acrar freaj awe Tkka at Cbe waj It aarr 1- ktra. aardwkek. waa takea U2 wwa babr a bad aU aaMthe aid waa awj. aad tbara aaa mm ar tka aeanxtd. tto baer. wbe anaioaa taaa ear tka faaaCy. a aalkkar raaae ta to take arwmj da tka marker akaa d haa ra- Mrm. Rardwarft bad aa a eat at tka aaxt atadaw mm tka raS aad ataca tka a a at ceeJd M leera mmr hoaaa It waa derided ta eewd tka kakr ta kar ta tka rare af aa e praea miaaiaaw. A kaaalaat waa Bt lad mrnt. tka baby fan lata tt aad a Us erbk tka ditraaa mm It mt both tka atilpaer aad tka ruiUin tied ea K. Taaa tka "pew t aaa" waa take ta tka . era bad ekarga mt mm as aad ka a tread ta taka It ta Ita raiartaaeaair aa arrldaat attarrad mm tka raftread tkat apaOed all faJralarJoaa A aaaa aaaatag tka acaaa af tka arrVleat. baariac a try aoma baafna baatda tka track, agat tka cea af4. foaad MaOr. Smmr by tar bar taantaac Baa waa a Bra aad aapareatlr aakart. A ekfid falla wttkv mmt rrakataara aad la there fore la ttakta-aa lalarr tkaaraaradartr Be tkaa ra tka fall waa p kare aaaa brake kf - tka Tka tader aaaft ap tka child aad ka baretaet aad carried It boa ta kla wtfe. Tba liiatait kad faJb lata a dttrb. aad tka ad Are era It bad bee dlaraiorad by tka water tkat It waa aaJnteUlrtta. Jtew. ktoOy had fiB tola tka kaada af a cewpla who bad mm ckUdr aad bad gtraa ap ajl hope af bartag chU- drea. -Kat kaowtac whore to a MaUr, t&rr eeacredid to- krr. at taaat ta they e id Cad bar pamta. aad If aot foaad they woald adopt her. After tka arrtdew t the Bardwicka aothtng af tketr cklld. Tba bad beew killed. (key coold aot leara whrre tka baby waa at tka tbao af tba arrideat. aba waa aorer fbaad. Bat thle waa aot retaarkabla. far oa aaa atda af tba railroad waa a atrcam. aad tka body aalgkt bare beea tkrows from tba car fcata tba water aad rarrWd away by tka rarrent. - At aay rata, there waa aot tba alight eat prebaMBty tkat Molly waa all re aad her parrota aaoaraed bar aa loaf. Mra Hard wick racorerad jTrom bar 01- aeaa. aad tba family affaire were art ta rlgkta. all except tba retora mt little MoOy. Tba day before Tbaatactrtag pfry hac frtewle aent tka Hardwfc-ka a dla aer fer tka acraaloa. Bat the moara tagv motkar declared tkat aba bad aot tka keert ta rook tt Thank firing day being a bollday. ioha atayed at boa, bat tbara waa ao reloirlac. Tb rtlldrew fotwd tt dlUVTilt fa make t. holiday whea their parrota were dlsmaL At aooa tba little ooee betraa to feel boagry. aad. yielding to their Important tie, their mother ceoee&ted ba roaat a turkey tkat bad bean arat tbrm, . Ska bad hardly got tt ta tba or whea there waa tka aoand of b 1 track el op ping before the boo A maa raa ap tba atepe aad kicked at tka door Wbea It waa open! tba rao of kla kicking waa apparent Both of tba man'a kaada were In aaa. la eoa be beld a betart, la tba ether a book. "Mga for thla." ba Id. Tbara waa a aimoltaaaoaa axclama tloo of rprUe aad Joy from tba fam lly aa Molly waa handed In Looking op at her mother, abe amlled and cooed. Mra. Hardwlck aelxed ker ami c leaped ker to her breaet. TJlgn lor thla. rep tel the man. holding t tba book la wklck ba took rereipta for erpre matter. Mr. Hardwlck barrtedJy aerate bed bla name, aad tba expreaa maa. roa Ding dowa tba atepa. moaoted hie wagon and drore away And no It waa that the nardwlr-kr bollday waa made both a day of re joicing aad' of tbankfolne . When tbey t down to dinner tba baby la It baaeinat waa placed on tba table, tad while ita pareota and brotbera and atatera ate tnrkey Molly pulled roatlly on ber bottle. An explanation came In rime. One day the reapie who bad taken Molly la a rd from a friend of tba Hard wicks' of tbelr loae, and It became ap parent that tbey were la puaeeaelon of tba missing child. Thla occurred tba day before Thanksgiving, and a pleas ant sarprl was arranged for tba par enta Tba baby was taken to aa ex Drew office, where It was siren In charge of a delivery roan, who was In traded to carry It to Its borne. That ' day was remembered aa the Tba nkagl ring of tbelr He. At any rata, tbey bad more to be thankful for tbsa ever before ar afterward. Little Molly was often referred to as the ex pra package, and tba eoalafqaet stock to ber. tVbeo aba grew old enoagb aba waa told tba etory of ber strange adventure aad never ceaaed to wonder that on so yoang loald bar a goo tbroagb so macb. Andrea VerreehL Andr Verrorbl of luly was tba first to Uka caau from tba face In 14VJ. THREE CREAT . VIRTUES. , Tbere sra three great rtrtues to which every on should ba dedi catxj the ' virtue of civilization, which is polifenew; the virtue of moraliiy, wh eh i correirflrioutfieta, mad tha virtu of religion, which is htarulity. Read the Morning AXtarprta After ten II BIG LITTLE Clackamas Cotmty Daily and Claclxamas Coaaty homes evesy day. Help To Melt 3000 During Bargain Period, Which ends December 31, 1911, horning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City, Gladstone, Parkpiace Willamette, etcBargain-Period Price for an entire year will bo only S3.00 " Two From You Will Help To Make It 3000 cccococccococccocococccocccccoccco Heart to Heart Talks. By rrxvrTN A. ItYE COWM A. ABBtT. "II did bis best". . There could acarrely lie a better erd tapb tliaii that to write over the tomb af tbe lata Edwin A. Abbey. Amerl. as rtlat. Nothing le Uiaa bla beitt was g'Mid enoagb for II r. Abbey. Wben be was n at niggling llltitrnrr for Harper" a. a quarter of a rentur) ago, tt waa Id of blm Uiat be tuold have mad twice his wages bad be bean content to do la man tb beet that was la blm. Ha Uvd up to bla Id Is. Abbey's favorite work was bis II- tost rated Bhakee p ra. la tba paint ings ba worked from models eicloatv ly. Fortber, la bla desire for abao Int accuracy ba bought tb costumes and furniture af tb Sbak peareao period and poeed hla roodela ander tlie boat possible aarroaodlnga. AJways tt waa bla Hied determina tion to do bis bast Abbey polo tad many plctar only ta destroy them. Tbey a mad to b oo d. H ally migbt bar told tbem. Bat they did net asdafy hla artbrd Lrg labor loaf, yo aay. Abbey did not think aa, B fatttbai ll Motor wbick a0 below tba ai oat p by sseaasT aM to Mra months of continoos pobllcatfon, IWornlng This is 2000 ehoif the mark set by the Publisher for the first year, so in order to interest that many new Sub scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December will be a bargain period for subscribers. tYOU CAN; HELP. Tell two of your neighbors about this offer, induce them, to subscribe and get your own re newal for next year at the same reduced rate. - Are you on? Then boost ing four pages of LIVE C EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BUT MONDAYS. Abbey sooeeded. : Ha did aot becotn a great painter Ilka Michelangelo or Da Vinci ar kill let, bat bla work will live, and bl death at elxty was a distinct lu to tba world of art . Ilard work and high Id la crriM ml mak blm Oillsphael. bat It maW Htm la Abbey sttccaaafal, admired anl bappymaa. And yonT . . . . . Bard work may not make yoa great, bat It will make yon eacceeaful tn-l comfortable and. If along tight Ha, InflaantlaJ. ' Tba example of Edvro A. Abbey 1 af mora encouragement to the atrv gllng youth than is that of tbe or t w genius, it sbew what moderate tir Ity. coupled with consdantloua and or, may occompllab. '.' ' 1 Do your h t - , . , , Wben you look op at Abbey's ma tl work at tb Boston Public library. r a bis gr t picture at Harrtabarf r look npon a copy of bis paintings. ' It remind you that - , -1 B Old bU bast . t v ,V Vlneyerde af Pan a Though It dcM not. of cour ,tik vary gr t. proportions. I'orts o annual rln,tsg eeeaoa wblch aro be entirely iKOored. Maoy gardeai ot tb French capital shelter gdrlijrs and some of tbe bav quite a iVp fla tlon. . On of tbe beat known of ib City's miniature" vineyard's (a t bar of1 1 ids rosmoer or oeputles. , Tils Waa created In the. reign of klng.t.ool Philippe when rln were planted to! tha Agues au and Montesquieu cnort- ysrds of tb Palala nonrbon. Tb Church of St Louia baa very pro ductive vlnerard. and tker b at a good y rty bare t In, m gard el to tbe Bscrs Coaor. Psrbj Prase, t for Horning Enterprise, the only paperpublishi 0 I Man aa a Machine. It la little xtsriLuu to learn thai atsa la aaiwrlor to nil nm ba iilm.-M in tbe beat artlrii lul uni din,-, iliy ;) clency la only II per tent. Tli tiu mn machine give a rollt of fn.tu i3 ta J per cent on the fuel: In other words, an tbe fnt rotiaitmed A maa always wsates rncrry during the flrt flv mlnote- of work. Monday' labor la msa la tbe worst, and TueMlay'a lb beat In the week-tint la. accord ing t m large namber of eiiriment i d by s dlatlngulxbed pnfr.r. Maa. be coualders. Is more liable to make mistakes la the afternoon than la tb morning. la thla tb resaon bank elo rlyt-P rson'e Weekly. Raparlee. i Beggar I bar a poor wife and tea nail children,- lady. Lad v Wben waa along hara Isat week f on told me you bad eight Beggar-T.. lady; biassed with twias last Tneaday.-Eichanga. . m'' ; . t ' Head te Morning nerprtre. : ' Hotel Arrlvala. Tb following ara registered at tha Electric Hotel; I J. Faneaborn, Mt Angel;' O. A. Ifarquom, Marquoro; A. B. Ward, Tra manUer, Wh.; M. Vlnyard, Canby; Herman Ay era, flliaa Wright Liberal; a P. Wilson, F. 1 Hedford. pikes P k; A. B. Hssklns, Molalla:' T. praaiey, dsn Francisco; F. T. How ard, Mullno; W. M. Kerna, Mulino; E. H Wilson, Chicago; R. B. Lea, Canby; H. A. 'Berkman, McMlnnrllle; H. Q. L r Redland Park; o. C. Welch, Fltevyia, Tann.; Harry RostalL . 'CARD OF THANKS. W wish to thank, the many friends is read in more KAMAS COUNTY NEWS in and keqai tiscM sod rpwaliy tae member of Meade ptwt No. J, O. A. R. for the klndneta shown during tha li- L .vernen' n los. of our father. Marion Naught, god also for the beautiful floral offerings MR8. JOSIE KUTCII, JOHN NAUUHT, LEONARD NAUOHT. FRANK NAUOHT. W1AU-IBTATI TWANtftW. Oregon 8wedUh Colonlx tha Com pany to John A. and AuguaU Croa tilst. M I, Carlabor-g Tract; NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Uka, Inclnding medical attention, board batha, ooets do mora - tkaa yoa would pay to lira at any flt w boui. ,Rooma can ba bad from 71 eotg to I.M pw in the cafeteria ara served from JO aanta ap aad la tha grill t otual grill priemm . Bath raag from 10 aeata to 100. 1 . - We Do Care Rhcamatism I . I HOT LAKE WALTER li. Entcfprhe, tb a thot: WW- This Is The Way Ve Will Make It 3000 5 W. R. gad Ida J. Ellis to Millard, H.I7 seres of Cssseyl birr ban Tract 1; U.rW. LAora M. Roblneoa Ralph Roblnaon. lota 1L . blocl n Windsor; fe " ' ' W. H.' .nl Wm i- RI'h''JJ Robert Rr-he-t i i t. 3 are "I n""" Hill Parks ItO. y "wis) Rebecca J. aad Ralph "7 John W. Ijonmr. land la township 4 sooth. rase 1 Aaaa aad E. M- Howell wjt t lUckett. Vu 7 i'C-a Oregon City; ton4 m City; $3,000. .. .' i ' Hot Uka Mineral and mud g Ti tlfl dlr-tion to" thousands. Writs frr HI"J trated booklet deecrtpUr Hot Uk iantorlam th methods employed. H , Uk eanatorlum U oT albl, as It la located sHrwcs ly tn tha main line of. A. to u a, m. railway. Ba special aicurslon rstss tr to b had t all time, agents. SANATORIUM PICRCC. Prcs.-M.r.