Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 08, 1911, Image 3

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But we can prepare you for It from our Urge stock of
yAlN PROOF wearing apparel. We have just what;
iyou need to keep dry and comfortable. Our big stock
jol Rain Proof Slip-ons, Robbers, Umbrellas, Slicker
Coats and Pant and AquapcIIe Clothing will ward
oil all colds and sickness. We with to call SPECIAL
ATTENTION to our winter high top shoes foremen
and boysrbver 40 styles and heights to choose from,
made by the most reliable 1 lgh top Shoe Specialists In
the world. We have Exclusive Agency lor the Nap-.
Tan, Original Chlpava, Paciilc Logger, Dayton,
Rick a-Log and others. We can tit you. It will be a
leisure to have you call In and look them over.
7th & Main St3
Suspension Bridge Corner
10 rtSWAAO '
Kor the arreet an conviction
f u paraon or iwiui " i
nlawfully remove coplee of Tb i
lornlng Knterprlae from the
,(mll - of - aubecrlbere - after
tp.r bit been piece, were 07 "
rrler. ;
Playful Poesy, j
coui by
Nietmen A
m t
SOS MIHng Bldg Portland.
Phone Main tIBI.
low did
ii playing with the ral ."
Wad that bruise 00 your forebaaaT
he-be threw a ftatlron at ma."
L - - .A - III. aa .a.
Ira. Gardner, of Cama. waa In Ihla
horns Iwla. of Carua. waa In thla
V. M. Kama, of Mullno. waa In Ibla
k Tuesday. . -
to call between thoail )oum a&d In
vestigate our Bu-thu4 n4 mum.
Tha paranta of uiliti"ti elruady en
rolliKt or Intereeted arv eap tally In
vited to be prrem. , i.
fa eejaet t nMia.
Ilojar bold anluJv-i h highest
military and eJTir in-,4 Ut truest
and wart ao unjTri'f .kM up te
by (ba maaa of the !' .1. a.Vit the
Bloat Kiwarful filler, ft -a Y.iim Ilia
CrUvl. considered ft p.o tu( iv use
tbla form of eiprvwtlun (i ihrlr okas
aa: Tba emperor fc .
Ho Jar bare appretad I .1
i4 It: tha
New Tork
A Sallrt o tn AdVantife Far
Adoption of Duf Over
Dy Mrs. Martha Burgiss
Copyrlht by American Pnaa Aim
elation. 111.
I boa
I O. Ia. of Rodland, araa In thla
k Tuesday.
enry llettraan, of Bhubel, waa In
rlty Tueaday.
John Anderaon, of RIdorado, waa In
a rlty'Tuesday.
mi tan get tha fintat bama and
km at Harrta grocery.
Ilchael Oroll. of Clalrmont. waa In
rltr Tuaaday.
kbraham Thotnaa. of Ilaaver Craak.
In thla city Tuaaday.
trtiMt Wallaca, of MaadowbrooK,
1 In thla city Tuaaday.
ati-r nohlandar. of Baarar Craak.
1 In tbla city Monday.
ohn Andaraon. of Eldorado, waa In
i city Tueaday on bualnaaa.
nna and Mary Pa)alU. of Union
I. wera In thla city Monday vlaltlng
Vtxa. Jacob Stelner baa son to
tar Crack, whera aba will tlait bar
fir. W. Chambara BchulUa baa mo-
fronV tha Walnhard building 01 ma
tHonlc building,
homaa Lawla, ona of tha wall
bwn (arniara of Carua, waa In ora
Vi City Tuaday.
V n ukni. of Molalla, waa In
city Tuaaday, registering ai ine
trtrlc Motel,
lew mince meat and Jeaey cran-
yrlei. luat In at Harris' grocery.
t A
W. Vlnyard. ona of tha prominent
tm.ra iiotn. rnbv. wa In
city Monday.
Iilg aoap aala at Huntley a mia
lek. oood tlma to auppiy y'
knta for koma tlma to coma.
Pllne WrlRht. ona of tha wall known
aldcnta of Wrlght'i Bprtnga, waa In
city Tuaaday.
Vou get tha loweat price and a ra
)ta check on all caah purcbaaea at
lrrla' grocery.
a-'. 8. Mullen, ona of tha prominent
fcldenta of Mllwaukla, waa In thla
iy on bualnaaa Tueaday. , ,
!P t ona of tha prominent
fllera of Mullno, waa In Oregon City
bualnaaa Monday, regiaierma -
Electric Hotel.
Ir. Clda Mount la In Portand thla
k attndlng aaaalone of Btata Board
Dental jciamlnera.
111. T. MoPaln haa purchaaaa iron.
lintley Broa. Co. 11I
udebaker 30 car.
t t n rvnhv. waa In tbla
y Tueaday on hla way to Portland.
-hwra ba want on buaineie.
M .a uh Thomaa Davlaa, 01
Vrui, wart In thla city Tuaaday on
kir way homa rrora r" "
Mra. Joela Kutch. of Milton.
hi called bera by tha oaaio
fther, tha lata Marlon Naught, will
Vra for bar boma today.
Tlma to buy umbrallaa for 'W
Ihool children. YOU can gev a
ke tt Huntley Broa. vo. a av
25 and I1.B0. ruliy guar...4
Rnv n f. of Canby. waa in thla
Ky Monday and Tueaday., Mr. I
real etata roan 01
Mr. arm Mr. T. C. Mill, of Wood-
burn, wbo bare been In thla city aa
gueata of Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wllaon.
have returned to their home.
Mlaa - Hwett, -4( Portland.- waa-in
thla city Friday and Saturday vlaltlng
br alater Mlaa Florenca Hewett, who
! teacher of the primary grade of tba
Mount plraiant achool.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Itoaa, Mr. and
Mra. rred Ouraert and Mra. R. O.
McCoikey. of Portland, ware week
end gueita of Mr. and Mra. O. A.
Ilerkel at their boma at Mount Pleaa
I ant.
Juat received 1.000 gallona of Sou to
era California port. Four yeara' old.
Guaranteed under pure food lawa.
Only 60 centa per gallon. Bring you
Jug. Nobel'a Liquor Btoro.
Mr. and Mra. John Lawla, of Rl
dorado, Mr. and Mra. Henry Parry
and daughter. Mlaa Mary, were In
Oregon City Tueaday on their way to
IMrtland. where they attended the con.
cert given at tha White Temple by
tha Walih choir.
Tha Rrlectlc Bualnaaa Unlveralty
ronducta both Day and Nljht claaaea
In the atudy of ahorthand. typewriting,
bookkeeping, etc. Now la a good time
of year for young people to commence
a coure ao aa to ftnlah by tha Com
mencement Tlma. June SO.
Mr. and Mra. Anderaon and daugh
ter, Katbryn, of Omaha, Nab., have
arrived In Oregon City, and ar vlalt
lng with Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wllaon.
Mr. and Mra. Lewla Anderaon, of Bell
wood, were In Oregon City 8unday vla
ltlng with A. J. Wllaon and Mlaa Hat
tie Wllaon.
The bualnaaa flrme that want a
ateongrapher that can do tha work
accurately, rapidly, and well, ahould
wrlta for an E. B. V. atenographer, 30
Worceater block. They know now.
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Bpence, or ijeave-
Creek, left Tueaday morning for Cleve
land. O- where they win auena me
National ' Orange convention. Tbey
will ba gone about alx weeka and
will tlilt frlenda and ralatlvea before
returning here.
' . . nit V. . (npfflif
Mlaa uouiee r
realdent of thla city, but who haa been
tha nait elaht month! at Van
couver. B. C. waa In thla city Tuea
day vlaltlng her brother, Warren
Follenabee. Mlaa Follenabea will make
her home In Portland thla winter.
.nM will anend a few daya In thla
rii before taking up her reildence
u. u 1. nrlcaa. of thla city, haa
JVIiea ava - - -
Juat received work from ber aon, Iaw
rence Drlgga. wbo la In Teiaa. aUt
i. that ha and hla family are plan
i anend the winter In Oregon
City. Mr. Drigg" Ii well known here
where ha ha a boat of frlenda He la
an attorney and before going to Tex
M wa prominent attornew In New
Vnrk Cltr Ha waa formerly an Ore-
Z?ltL?rMr: Geo Redd.w.y,
who have been on a two weeka' out
. ik. Tillamook country, have
V... to thnir home In thl city
They bad a moat enjoyable tlma. They
flatted for keveral daya In Tillamook
up ' naddawav and wife aay
Jobu Douglaa and bla wife. Maria,
were not lileaaed wllb i-bl Idren. Tin y
di'trriiiliitnl to adopt a ly and after
bavlug come to the rviolutkin con
forrtt aa to tba moat convenient age
the little fellow ahould be.
"1 think." aald Joliu, "you'll find that
a baby will t a good oVal of care.
Tbi-rc'a a colic prrlod. and (ba cblld
would bare to be brought up on aoinc
kind of artificial baby food, lud there'
only a -ertaln pntortton of bable
that live tbruugb Ibflr babyhood. If
your boy dlea you've bad all your
trouble for nothing. I tbluk we'd let
ter lake a child acven or eight yean
"It aeema to- me." teflled Maria,
;"tlul uuiu we U-i;la at the bculu,
nliig and rogreea wllb the cblld we
won't be uatHl to blm when be reacbee
that age. He'll be reud.v for the
whooping cough and tbe uit-aalea and
aurb dUeuaea, and wa won't ba ready
for bint to have them."
"rhe matter waa dlmaod between
tbem for a long while. Maria bolitlng
to tbe baby, plan, John during to
make the abort cut, Maria yielded
alnra abe aaw no wiy of getting a
child at all unleaa abe did. for Jobn
had aeeu comic pU tiin-a of men walk
ing tba floor at midnight with colicky
bauU-a atid did not propone to aubmlt
to any aucti etraln. I
Bo tbey went to an orpban aaylnm
and aaked for a rli-yenr-old boy. The
matron, wbo bad brought op family,
triad to,liKliM e theiu to aele t a atolld.'
alow moving little fellow wbo would
alt all day playluif with toy. But
Jobn referred a bright boy with an
Intelligent eye. . Bo they took tba Ut
ter bouie with them and congratulated
tbeniaelvea Ibat they were now a ram
lly. They called the boy Kobert
The next morning after breakfait.
when Maria bad Onlahed ber bouae-
bold dutU. abe remembered Rooert
and made a aeer. ii for blm. lie wue
nowhere to be found. Bbe called for
him not only In tbe houne. but ont of
doora. Thinking be had atrayed away
aba telephoned Jobn, wbo wai at
bualneaa, and Jobu reported the fact
to tba iwllce. Wheu her mental tea
I r a,,
th.roada are In good condition except
.v. nw.imtaJni where aoma were in
terrible condition. Tba lh"raw"
?' .....! -hii. on thla trip. Soma
of tha trout caught by Mr. and Mr.
I1 ...,rad alahteen Inchea,
ui.irn trin waa ninuo -
ima f rrv-nve mnea um
k tha boraa driven by tbem.
a a n,vH of Portand. waa In the
rltv Tueiday on bualneaa.
Barney Bhort. ot Mapla Una. wa
In tha city Tueoaytl,
Northwaatam Inatltutlon Starta Branch
i. nr.xnn citv Today.
Tha Northweitern School of MWc
. Di.nrt having eatabllahed a
branch achool In Oregon City -will at.rt
giving laeaona today and aeka that all
?Yl l... t.k.n a term of leaion
igre.ment pl.a.a ba on hand accord.
. .v.. kiinaHnr anhadule Home
1- .mi all who can. ba In at
iLi-V-w nnmmir achool children
4:30 o'clock. High School and people
working during tha day at t p.
-. m - m ManaAtlratT.
Tha leaiona and organlilng of club
and claea, are . ,to ba held In the
raatarn Btar'a baftquet ball, third
noor Maaonlo ball building, at tha
Kg mUonad on thl. Wednesday
and all Interaatad In mualo ar Invited
aaw nan adopted ao oa tub Tortioet
tMt bud renrbed tha boiling point Ma-
..... m
rla beard a can rroui tna top 01 m
talleat tree In the yard and, jolng out
there, aaw ber adopted aon on tbe
topmoat branch. Calling for him to
coroo don. aha held ber breath while
be did ao, every moment expecting to
boo him fall and He a eorpae at ber
feet. But be landed aafely. He had
been In tha tree all tbe.whllu. and
when hla foater mother aaked mm
why ho had not anawered her call ba
fixed a pair of roguish eyee on ber
and aald ha had ,fcen "hldln'.''
.... YWh knm. Cmm Itllll
Y Ur u tfviiu . ci ... w ..u .
...a that aventn tba couule talkea
tba matter over and concluded that
tba Bhort cut In railing children waa
i h. varr beaHnntn b failure. Both
agreed that tha mornlng'a experience
would t repeated IndeOnltely and In
thouiand Tarletlea. ' - - -
-l tblnk." aald Jobn. "that a cnuu,
will ba too much trouble for u We'd
better try a dog."
Roberta' place waa taken in ma
Douglaa home by little terrier, to
whom the couple gave the name of
Tito. Tito waa aa much of a euecwe
a hi predeeeanor waa a failure, ao
far a adoption waa concerned. The
dog had no dealre to climb treea and
need not be left to run about all tba
while, for be readily eubmltted to be
tied to a table leg or a newel poat
One winter night when Jobn had left
a unusually hot Bra In tha furnace he
and Maria were awakened by Tlto'a
jumping oa their bed and barking to-
rlferousiy. : Bmeuiug amoie, mey ru
tod want downstairs. . John opened
tb door leading to the cellar, but
quickly closed It again to ahut on a
lame that' leaped forward to con
aume him. Huddling an their clothes,
the couple gdt out of the houae Jwt
In time to save their live. .
"How much more valuabki ta a dog
than a child!" eflrlmd John. "
cblld would bare emed ua aa Tito haa
dona." ' . ,
Maria mad J do reply.
There were many way In which
Tito proved bltuielf more adnptable
to tba wants of the ooglaae than a
cblld would have been.. Their frlenda.
Mr. and Mrs. K era In. never could go
ont In tba evening, for their linn
daughter B'W liut I put to bed at
o'clock and could not be left alalia
In tbe bouwe. Tha Iiongluaea did all
tbe vtalllng. for they could take Tito
with them, i hsln blm to a aofa leg
nd take blm borne wllb tbeui at mid
night If they rhoBA to stay ao long.
John waa a bard working man and
gradually accumulated a little fortune,
on tbe Income of whlrh he and tfnrt;t
ronld live when tbey came to old ace.
Ona day Jobn bad trouble wllb.a safe
ty deposit company where ba kept bla
aermitlea and took them home wltlt
blm. Intending to rent another box tha
next day. Ha also drew bl account,
amounting to t'XiO, from the' bauklug
department of tbe concern and took
that home too. Wbethnr some evil
dUpoaed iwrson 'aaw Mm draw tbe
a-toney and followed blm, certain It U
that the aame night the hodwe waa
robt)ed. Tito, tbe aecurltlea and tbe
money disappearing at the aame time.
This, of course, was a terrible blow
to tha couple. In one thing tbey were
disappointed. Tbey bud alwi; aup
ofted that Tito would warn tbem
agalust borglara." Instead of (hat be
had been captnfed. But a strange
smell Indicated that the dog bad beeu
pot to Bleep by tbe robtx-r before loot
ing Ihejiouae and rarrled away with
tbe booty.
Maria endeavored to comfort Her
husband aa well aa she could, though
tbe aoHi abe gave blm were very thin.
"Well, dear." aW aald. "we have no
one but'ouraelvea to provide for. and
we doo't need mucb. If we bad a
child to leave behind ua we would
have something to worry about. If
we only bad Tlte back I would will
ingly give op the securities and the
John made no reply. . lie bad strug
gled for twenty yena to accumulate a
property tbat wonld aupport bin and
bla wife tn tbelr old age or tbat he
might feet tbat In case of bla death
abe would be provided for. and he aaw
no comfort In Ita loss, especially since
be had passed an age when a man
usually finds himself Indisposed to be
gin again. 1
Of course be reported the matter to
the police. The aergcant at tbe desk
questioned blm closely and when John
aald . tbat ,TItO-'had dlnnpiwaped the
aergeant aald tbat It wua possible the
robber bad made a mistake In carry
ing the dog off alive lustead of dVad.
Tie might be Idcntmed lv 1 no in case
the latter waa recovered. He took
John's addresa and promlocd to notify
blm if any clew were discovered, but
alnce nothing bad been loft behind by
whlrh to track him the cbiincee of re
covering tbe property were siignt.
Jobn waa very rourh dsitcourajrrd.
"If tbey hadn't got abend of tbe dog."
he aaid, "we would harajWn alarmed
by Wa bark. 1
"Oh. a burglar never thinks of enter
ing a bouse where there ta a dog." aald
the aergeant, ''without Brat eliminat
ing tbe beast."
Then be took down a minute descrip
tion of Tito. . "
When Jobn told Mi rla what the aer
geant 'bad aald she declared tbat If
Tito were alive ahe waa aure be wonld
lead to tbe discovery of tbe loat prop
"Thare lost tike ar woman," aald
John. "Bhe'a alwaya considering prob
able what ahe wishes to come to paaa.
My opinion la tbat the robber pr rob
bera killed Tito and took bla body
away with them."
Jbontba paed and nothing wa
heard of Tito or the lost property.
Then one day a telephone message
came to tbe Inntglaees that a dog bad
come Inte tbe possession of tbe police
which answered to Tlto'a description.
Would either Mr. or Mra. Douglaa
come to tbe station and Identify hlmt
Maria loat no time In reaching the
atatlon, expecting to find Tito there.
She was disappointed. Tbe aergeant
aaked ber to be aeated and. taking np
the desk telephone receiver, called up
a po ottlce In a distant city. When
the fiarty be wUhed to apeak with re
piled tbe aergeant aaked blm to "bring
tbe dog" to the phone and place the
receiver near bla ear. When the dog
waa reported In position Mra. Doug
laa waa asked to call Tito throngh the
"Tito." ahe aald In an affectionate
tone: "Tito. Did they take Tito away
from naT" . - -
A eeriee of Joyful barka came bacx
to ber tbat removed all doubt aa to tbe
Identity or the dog.
Nothing would aatlsfy the woman
but tbat her husband, wbo waa at
business, should be connected by the
wire with Tito that he might call the
dog and hear hla bark. Thla waa
done, and when Tito heard hla xoaa
ter'a Tolce be went wild with Joy.
"Tbe way we got on to the dog."
eatd tbe aergeant, "waa thla: A maa
who committed a burglary waa track
ed to hla room, where he wbb arrest
ed, and thla dog waa found there.
Hla collar, on which you told ua bla
name waa cut. bad been replaced by
a cheap one, A large amount of prop
erty jot different klnda haa been re
covered, and it la quite probable tbat
your may be among the rest
And ao It proved. All the missing
aecurltlea were recovered and a part
of the money. V
."1 told you ao," aald Maria to John.
"t knew Tito would be the meena of
recovering our fortune."
"How did you know Itf asked John.
1 Juat knew It: that'e bow,"
"I know one thing," replied the bo
band, "a dog for adoptloa beeta a child
an hollow." ,
wmi futs
o;i bq;:iy wbbd
PORTLAND. Nov. .1. ( Special )--
It 1 nut very likely that Benny Hen
derson, atar pitcher, will be aeen
azalo in a Beaver uniform. If Manager
Walt McCredle means what ba aaya.
Walt aald today that be didn't think
be would ever use Benny again, even
If the national commission ahould for
give blm (Henderson) for playing
while under suspension. Toward tha
latter part of thla eeaaoo, when Hen
derson waa needed moat. McCredle
dec Is res that be loafed 00 tbe Job and
didn't pay strict attention to bis work,
and In aeveral cases failed to abow
up at- tbe game, lie waa auspended
for the rest of the aeason, but insist ea
on playing ban wun otner teams,
thereby outlawing himself. "I have
fooled with Henderson a long time
and took him In with me after be
waa forgiven tbe last time for running
away from tbe rules of organized base
ball, but if he can't behave I don t
want blm," aald McCredle.
c:w;:stti d
Plana are being made for tbe min
strel show to be given at tbe Bhlvely
opera bouse by tbe Woodmen of tbla
city, Friday evening. Borne ot Oregon
Clty'e best musician! will participate.
C. ft. Wilson, who waa Interlocutor at
the minstrel given last year, will act
In tbat capacity at the coming enter
talnment There wtll be eeveral en
tertainers from Portland on tbe pro
gram. - A good orchestra will be In
attendance. The committee In charge
consists of M. D. Phillips. Harold
Bwafford. Arch Rosa, C. B. Wilson.
isl Association ef Canada
Cut Out Position ef Rover.
Tbe National not key Aaaoriatloo ef
Canada at a preliminary meeting held
Informally and eecretly recently , ar-
ranged for changes In the rules to lie
adopted at tbe annual meeting the sec
ond week In November. It was prac
tically decided to cut down tbe now
ber of players ou each team and by
doing away with tbe rover bav teams
of only alx men.'
It la considered tbat tbla will
tbe game much faster and will also
tend to make tt more open, but roi
tower of tbe aport bere are not of
ene mind on tbe radical change.
morantomeet; driscoll
Fwo Clever Englnhmen Will Battle In
i London Deo, 2.
Owen' Mora n and Jem Driscoll. tbe
English featherweights, have stgoeo
articles for a twenty ronnd bout at tbe
Empire Bkatlng palace. Birmingham.
England, on Dec. 2. The purse la 113.-
0OO. and a gold belt goes with tt. while
each man will bet 12.000, Tbe weight
la 120 ponnda at 2 o'clock.
If both men are at tbelr beat critics
lo thla country believe tbat Drlecoll '
will be tbe winner on printa.' aa be
easily outctaaaea Moran aa a boxer.
Gladiators of Old.
A man wbo bad once been a gladia
tor waa alwaya regarded aa disgraced.
If a combatant were vanquished, bnt
not killed, tbe people decided hla fate,
taming down their thurole wben tbey
wished blm to be kilted. Cootestante
were taught the poeturee to be as
sumed In falling and tn dying, and
auch food waa eaten aa would thicken
their blood In order to give the apecta
tora a more leisurely view of their
death. Combats of gladiators con
tinued until tbe relen of Honorlna.
Brat chrlstinn emperor, tn 404 A. P
when Teletnachos. a monk, rushed be
tween two ndverar1ee all Rome and
by hla self sscriflce occaaloned tbe de
cree for their abolition.
Hocber'a Orchestra ' Te Appear At
Busch'a'Hall Tomorrow Evening.
Vb concert and dance to be given
at Huach's ball tomorrow evening,
November 9. by the HoonVr'a Ladles'
Concert Orchestra oromtsea to be a
most enjoyable affair. There will be
solos, doeta and quartets, and all are
blgh-caaa maslclana commanding high
aatarlee. Among the musicians are
MUl Gertrude lioe ber, violin soloist:
Miss Irma James, drummer and bell
soloist Miss Tvonne Bacry, pianist;
Mlsa E. Rueck, clarionette soloist;
Mlsa E. Wilson, cornet soloist.
An excellent program baa been ar
ranged at follows: Waltx, "To Our
Sweethearte and Wlvea, (Prlnceea To-
lnnde): two-step. "To tbe Gentlemen,
LKIng Chantlcler"; waits. (To Oregon
City) ''Sweet Remembrance ; minuet,
"To our Forefatbera, "Colonial daya'
twoetep. "To the High School," Yale
Boola; waltx (to Busch'a Hall) "My
Hero:""two-etep. (To the Enterprise)
' Put Tour Arms Around Me:", achot-
,. Itleche, (To the Masons) "Sugar
n"e I uw.n- waltz fTn the Elks" "The
The Walsh "Ulan."
Prefix "Han" ot-cura In tbe names of
more than 4.V) place In Wiles It Is a
CeltW- word tn1 slir'tlflea tin trx-Wwne
Moon;" waltx. (To the Elka' -The
r.lrL the Man and the Game:" two-
aten (To tbe Football Team) "Alex
andere Bar Time Band;" three-etep.
(To the Red Men) "Blrda 01 spring;
waits. To Home Sweet Home) "Blue
Danube." There will be alx extra
Tbe entertainment la given under
the management of the Golden State
Amusement Company, and A. B. New-
land, who la advance agent, la In thla
city arranging for the concert. There
la no doubt that there will be a large
attendance at tbla entertainment and
The Oregon City High School foot
ball team will play Ita moat imporuui
game of the season. Saturday at
r:itmna Park when it meets the
Newberg High School team. Tbe New
berg team baa a good record and will
give tbe high achool a tuaaeL
Coach Pftngaton la bavlpg the boys
out every nlgbt at practice. The line
up for thla gamer haa not Deen aeciaea
yet, but probably will be announced
today. ' t
Willing to Walt. ,
A Uttle girl on being told VT
mother tbat wben a child died an anfrt
came and took her np to heaven
thought deeply for a moment, then
aald. "Ma. If an angel cornea asking rot
' me aay I am not In."
l.vvD L-H Lit jv
HOOD RIVER. Or.. May. 7. (tjt
ml )- The Ulest thing t Hood River
fruit for the public I canoed aptdoo,
the big plant Juat InetaHed , by the
Hood River Apple Vinegar Conapaay
having been start ad p - today. Te
canning plant employe Ofty banda and
with labor saving macninery aiso ou
turn oat sixteen gallon cana of apple
per minute. The appiea need are culla
which Hood River growers rafua to
put on the market and when canned
will go to bakeries and hotele for plea
and apple aatice. Among; tbem are
the famous ; Spltzenbergs, Tallow
Newtowna, Ortleya and other vaneuea
allghtly blemished. Thla ta the Brat
year canning baa been resorted to to
work up the poorer quality 01 www
River appiea and the result Is expected
to be ao aucceaaful that plane are al
ready being discussed by the compaay
to enlarge the apple canning depart'
ment of ita plant next year.' . r
prevailing Oregon City price are
aa followa:
HIDB8 (Buying) Green - hide.
5 to 6c; sal ten, tc to c; dry Bide.
12e to 14c; abeep pelt, 16c to 76c
Hay, Grain, Feed. .
HAT (Buying) Timothy. - f II - to
16; clover. $8 to $; oat bay, beat. $9
to $10; mixed, 9 to fll; alfalfa. 115
to 116.50 .
OATS (Buying) Oray, 2 to
27: wheat, 632 to $33; oil meal. 83;
Shady Brook dairy feed." $1.26 per,
100 pound.
FEBD Short. $27 to $26: rolled
barley, $37.60; proceaa barley. $38 60;
whole com, $37; cracked corn, $38;
white, $2 to $27; bran $27 to $28.
Butter, Poultry, Ego.
FLOUR $4-60 to $6.26.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 26c to JOc; fancy
dairy, 80c: creamery, 30c to 15c
POULTRY (Buying) Hena, 11c
to 12 1-2; brollera, lie- t
EGGS Oregon ranch egga, 35c to
40c. '
FruKa, Vegetable.
prune on baala of 6 l- pounda for 45
60'a. -
$1.25 to $160 per aack; ponntp.
$1.25 to $1.60; turnip. $125 to $L:
Prunes, on basis of 6 l-4e for 46 and
beet, $1.60 '
POTATOES Beat buying 70e to
860 per hundred...,:...-
ONIONS Oregon. $1.26 to $1.50 per"
hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred.
Ltveatock, sMeeta.
BEKF (Live weight) Steer. 6r
and 5e; cow. 4e; bulla. 8 1-le.
VEAL CaJvee bring from u'
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep. Jc an $Hc:
lamb. 4e and 6c .
HOGS 126 to 140 poona dors, w
and lie; 140 to 200 ponnda. lOe and
lOttC .
The BL John'a Young People' Club
met at McLougbUn HaO Monday eve
ning. About seventy members were
In attendance. After business waa
transacted dancing waa Indulged In.
Are yon aabarrlDet' to tbe Morn
ing Entorprla-i? II not you ahould eaJl
and let ua pa! your name) oa the e
acription Hat immediately
Eicctric Ii
Abstract beliefi and opinions may
have very bttl to do wkh the wordi
and actions of tha common dava,
but what the heart beEevea -the
warm, loving human heart colore ,
the whole hlc The mind may ao-
cept the teaching thai all men are
brother and yet go it cold, idnah
way, but when the heart believe it .
humanity bnda ita part in business,
justice growa kind and( generosity
and yott have not, Jost step into his house some
evening after dark and compare the light with
your own. Study each point of convenience,
cleanliness, clearness, beaoty carefully and
then figure ont for yourself if it would not pay
you well to have your house wired for electric
light at once. Electric light is cheaper and
better today than ever before.
If your houae le located on any of our dletrlbutlno Unea we shall be glad
to advise you about having It wired and will give' yo- mere facta about
the efficient eleotrio lighting of your heme.
r Has
f- - aa
MAIN OITICe 7th and Aider Streets
- 1
. "I . , . .