Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1911. SHIFT WEIGHT TO THE ENDS Fc: Cc::!:ss Forced to R::g8 tela of tba Una. SFEED IS PRi:.!E FACTOR Lnf m4 Rangy Tys a Gridiron Flayer t Needed Far Cam' ta li s parties Under New Raise Ovtrt and Centers H4 Net Be Heavy. Weight as w0 aa speed will again be determining factor la football thia season, accord! of to experts, and ta experteoce of last arasoo will teach coacbea warn their weight will to of boat a rail. To auaay tb men Do of weight will Indicate a return to tb daye before tb "purity rulea,"" bat th weight la thia eaoa gam will bt li I dlffereot plac from be- for too reform Uoa to grtdtroa tac tics, and the quality of apeed will be tar atora ascasaary tbaa vr be for. la lb days before th frequent la Juris ceased a weeping change la tbe coda governing tb pastlna weight waa concentrated principally la the coatcr of the Ho, whll tbo eoda. th quarterback and often tbo halTea war comparatively tight men. - WU tbo present code, however. there la Itttlo call for waigbt la tb tbxaa cantral poaitlona ta tbo lino, tbo cantor and tbo guard, wbllo tbe fullback. rti beat tbo assistance of bia partner la tbo back fleld, aeveaeartly aaaat ba a faat snaa. Waigbt. la all profcablllty. will go to tbo ooda, while a call for quarterbacks who com bin ail tb old virtue of th dinner and ta addltJoa a cartala amount of weight baa gone oat from tbo various training " WHAT IS WORN. TKa ftkyseraser Hat la Mora Par Pall OversJurt Elfeete Median Tb akyav-ratMrr bat wttb eve blgb ar feather decwratlo la a rewrite ata la fall aillllavry. Ovrklrt effects ar need oa Man; t (bo ellrta of afternoua drain' a. the pot Jal bring of euiue rwutraatlug rulor wf of the material, wok b la alwi uijtk,vd tor tb trtuuulng. Tb INpter Paa collar la far too pret ty to b abaadoaed. for tt Bu well around the neck aud ta Ita la teat de etopmenta la arrtvl out In whit I Unea. embroidered In colored allk or woolen thread. . Tb wlUow plmhe bad tta day. had there ta every reason to believe that the ostrich pluoM of olden fancy wUl Uka Ita place. acrap of real lac thee days u worth tw bu weight la gold, ft oczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- wwww Www www www wwww ww w w wwww w w w w wwww w w w 60IIG 011 .Tb maa railed "las and rangy" by tbo baseball writers, who baa tb aacaaaary phyaical develop me at for a 5J After ten months of continoos publication, Morning Enterprise, th: BIG LITTLE Clackamas Cotmty Daily is read in more than a thot. f and Clackamas County homes every day N 9 I ' Help To Make It 3000 This is 2000 short of the mark set by tho Publisher for the first year, so in order to interqst that many new Sub scribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December will be a bargain period for subscribers. can.p'B ra roca t tb merest tooca of good tare raise a costume that Is quit ordinary to tb plan of aa aristocratic on. A small collar and caffs f real Brages or oth- ffecUre lac adds greatly ta a any-klnd of gowa or coat. Th dree pictured la a wonderfully good looking model, and to male It ma scarcely say trouble. Th only real work hi represented br th bat- toAholed scsliops and - Fraocb - dots. Thee decora tkrna may easily ba left oat and embroidery substituted. JTO1C CHOLLET. This Mar Xante amrtara. la eat ta stsas I for ehlldrs of two, tour and sts rears et I IS cents to this emce, gtrtum I 71JS. and tt win be promptl fee- I warded ta re br aaaO. It ta baste send aa additional two cent stamp (or letter I postaae, which tasorae awn prompt de I DECREES OF LA MODE. Buttone ef th Imin Ar Lsrae and BeautifitL Bottoas this season ar going to be large and eery beautiful. Oa coats and wrap where only aeveral ar employed they measure as much aa two or three Inches across. Three-quart en is th length of the rrgnlatioa tailored coata. Fringe Is widely worn. All of tb tailored suits and all other gowns that will permit of Its as sre thus trimmed. Tb marabou fan la on of the pres ent norelUea. The ones with pearl gray feathers and sticks ar th moat popular. Sid trills win be on of tb Im portant Itema la fall neckwear and ar made ta two effects those fori rear with tailored suits and those of I a mors dressy character. Little bonnets of sllrer lac with I "I .8 8 8 8 8 8 O During Bargain Period, which ends December 31, 1911, Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City, Gladstone, Parkplace, Willamette,--etc.; BargainPeriod Price for an entire year will be only $3.00 This Is The Way We Will Make It 3000 Two From You Will Help To -Make-It 3000 YOU CAN HELP. Tell two 'of your neighbors about this offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own re newal for next year at the same reduced rate. Are you onP Then boost for Morning Enterprise, the only paper publish ing four pages of LIVE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BUT MONDAYS. arnraaaoTa's Baca. Btaar wesfB football experts predict . tnat Roeeasrald. aflnoeaota'a areat haJf- back, will be siren a poeiuoo on tbe all iMsi uus i. ll. Laat seaeoa a waa one of the best back IV Id nca In the l football player, will he a ralosble ar quhtltioo for any of the roacbe of the Two things ar abeolotely fnodamea tal In the eod. apeed and welfbt. With practically erery play la th catalogue aimed aroand tbe end or off tackle, the maa mardioa tb extremities of th tto most oer-eesarUy be safflVlent ly powerful to w1thstod attack after attack. ; Tb shot It too of tbe old pnsb and paO system ta lnterfereor aod help In- tb rnooer precludes possibility of plays Inside th tackle positions gain lac ground, so coarbe. aa waa the . rase last season, probably will he fore. sd to send play afte play axntost tbe outskirts of tb lloe Speed also la reqatred. for tb for ward paaa will wreak baror with tbe team which baa not a quirk pair of ends. It Is generally admitted that aader tb rule prohibiting tb cods from Interfering with men eligible to hjcriv tb forward pas once tbey bar paased tb On of scrimmage eereral sre boond to sift throagh. bow rrer eff retire msy be th end's work a tb line. So tb end will bar to bar all tb lnrniUr qualities la sizing op s pis " which la former years were supposed to be rested only In th angnst person f tb quarterback, file speed also most be need la offense, for be I one of tb beet ma atlglbl ta reeelr for ward pa Cause for Qetn. ' "Where ar yew. going T 1 don't kmrw. I'm Just golag." 1f than tb case why goT nts Urn t or tb girl aext door ta tab bar vocal lea soa." Birmingham Aga-Barald. , " Versatile. Mrs. BJooasTotir bnsbsnd. I bear. Is qnlt ersadla. , Mrs. . Brown mrthe Teraatile Is aa nam for It. Why. aa raa actoally stay out lata erery Bigot la tb week and not giro Ca ajaa axens twv.-Ezcbaaga. .. (0) LJ coco cococococooocooocccococccocccocccoccoocccocccoccoccccocccocccS xw ci sen La a surr. ruffla of fine lacs falling orer tb ball ar very dainty and attract! r. Pretty belts are mad of gold ribbon worked with ribbon embroidery. High stiff collars are numerooa de spite tb popalarlty of tbe batch or low neck. , Tbe circular skirt Is always a grace ful oa Here Is a model tbat la made with a doable box plait at tb bark tnat may be treated In sereral ways. Fancy allk makes the combination shown In tb cat JUDIC CHOLLET. This May Hasten patters la cut In slses from 23 to X2 Inches waist meaaure. Bn(1 IS cents to this office, giving number, 712. and It will be promptly forwarded te you by malL If In haate send an additional two east stent for letter postage, whlofe Insafs more prompt delivery. Unreasonable. Jobn, aald the iMrgaln booting half of tbe matrimonial trust a tbey sat at tbe break? it table. "I wish yon woold let me bare $10 tbls mora Ing." "lly dear." replied tbe m-ek and lowly bunhand. "I wln yi.n would break yourself of tbe bablt yon bare of dreaming tbat I luarrled ao heiress." Hereie. Olndya Why did she erer marry blmV ECiel-Oh. he aald. be couldn't lire without her: fllsdys-Well, she ought to get a njednl for life sarlng.-Rxi bance. the t-smoos rtena. Catherine de Medici when abe wwn to I'arls to marry llenry II. too with ber a famous Florentine er futnrr named Hene. and from tbat time Kraore made greai prugreM in tbe fragrant art. Their Quitting Time. Borne men ar as honest as tb day Is long, bat quit at sundown. Atlanta Journal. I he 1 are Crises. There ar thrve crimes in a man'a life wbeo he la old enough to be msds to turn tb grindstone, when bs reaches tb point where be hold the tools to be sharpened aud makes som on els trim the grindstone sod wben b begins to reaUxe that, after ill. It bas erer been a matter of holding bla own ooe to tb rrlndHtime.Wodga. AMONG TroT CHURCHES aasssssssssssBP First Baptist Church Ninth and Main streets, Rsr. 8. A. Haywortb, pas tor. Bible school at 10 a. m., classes for all ages. H. E. Cross, superinten dent Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by th pastor. Morning subject, "Father Porglr Them; They know not what they do' Er nlng subject, "A King In nam, not a puppet In fact" German Lutheran Church (Ohio t synod) Rsr. IL Man, pastor. Ser vices will ba beld at 10:30 a. rq. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. The paator hopes to see many children at Sunday school. Catholic Corner Water and Tenth, streets, Rsr, A. HUlebrand pastor. residence 112 Water; Low Mass 8 a. m.. with sermon: High Mass 10:30 a. m.; afternoon serrlce at .4; Maas arery morning at t. First Congregational Church. Elev enth and Main streets. Morning wor ship at 10:30 o'clock, with sermon by Rer. George N. Edwards. Sub ject, "An hour for God." Sunday school at 10:50 a. m. Evening wor ship at 7:30 o'clock. Subject of sermon by Rer. Oeorg N. Edwards, "A Gospel for tb. Present Age. First Church of Christ Scientist Service at 11; Wednesday evening meeting at I o'clock; reading room open every afternoon except Sun day from 2 to 4 o'clock. Morning subject, "Adam and Fallen Man, German Evangelical Corner Eighth and Madison streets, Rer. F. Wlsveslck pastor, residence 711 Madison; Sunday school 10 a. m., Herman Schrader, Monro street, superintendent; morning service ri 1 ; Young People at 7 P. m. and preaching at 8 p. m.; prayer meet ing Wednesday at 7: SO p. ta. Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul- key. pastor: Bible school at 10 a m.; preaching at 11 and 8. Mountain View Unlon-MCongreKa- tlonal) Sunday school 8 p. m., Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, superintendent; Bible Study every Thursday" after- noon. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. E. w, Zimmerman, pastor. Bunday school 8:15. Preaching by the pastor at 10:46. Junior Leagu at o'clock. Mornlna subject, "Good, Quality In Religion." Evening ser mon by Rev. Alfred E. Ayers, of Portland. First prsebytsrlsn Church--Rev. J, R. Landiborough, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at - 10 o'clock, Mra. W. C. Green, su perintendent; T. Y. 6. C. E., at U5 3 p. m. Epworth Leagu at 6:30 p. m. At 7:30 evening service. Morn ing subject, "Manners of tb Maa ter." Evening subject, (lod's Will Supreme." Parkplaee Congregational Rev. J. L. Jonea pastor, residence Clackamaa; Christian Endeavor Thursday eve nlng 7:30. Sunday school 10, Emery French - superintendent; preaching services each Sunday, alternating between 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; 6t. Paul's Rev. C. W. Robinson, rc tor. Dally services: Morning prsy r, 7 a, m.; Holy Eucharist. 7:30 a. m.; vnlng prayer. 7:30.; Sunday aervlces: Holy Eacaarlst 8 a. m.; morning prayer, 1:30; Holy Eucharist and sermon 11 a. m.; venlng prayer and sersaea at 7:30; Sunday school m.; Thursday venlnga, aermoa at 7:30. United Brethren Oraer Eighth and Taylor, Rev. L. F. Oark pastor, residence, Portland; Sunday school 10 a. m., Frank Parker, Maple Lan, superintendent; morning service 11; T. P. S. C. E. 6 p. m., venlng service 7. Willamette M. C-No regular preach ing aervlces: Sunday school 8 p. tn., Mrs. Reams, superintendent, Zlon Lutheran Corner Jefferson and Eighth streets. Rev. W. R. Krai berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer son; Sunday school 6:80 a. ra., Rt. Kraxberger, superintendent; morn ing service 10:20; evening 7:45; Luther Leagu 7 p. m. Waat Oregon City tehool House J. O Staats will preach at 3 o'clock Sunday school conducted after sr mon drewa to George If. rlr im . "f William Holmes IX L. C, township . ruing eaai; aio. W. T. and IlArtha M. Uster to W. C. Wheeler, 8 acre of section 17, township 2 south, range 6 sast; $10. Mlsa Henora Moar to J. T Strlts ?f J"n, RooU Horasstead Land Claim, section 6. township 3 south, range 2 east; IJ.S'y. -m!"ni M"rr Taylor to Clark jS;,U tVZn of ,,lock County Addition to Oregon City; J00. hip 2 south, raneg" 1 Mt; $10. , Joseph A. HebenwUer an4 Net" HaUererlser to A. V. Calkins, ose fourth acr of George Crow a I C. township 2 south, range 1 east: III A. V. Calkins to Joseph Wosrad on fourth acr of George Crow D. J C. township 2 south, range 1 no. Ilemsn A. Lea to Rolert 8. Cos. l ' am. of section 33utownhip I w , rang 1 east; $999. ' Fred Cooper and Stella Cooper Jacob Jackie, west half or kti I' ll, 12. Atkinson: $10. Carl Mobaupt to Antoue KreldlK" 1. 2, 7. I, block 136; $t.00. RIAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William H. and Jessie ADolegat to Nancy j. Ricney, land in tract 81, Willamette Tracts; $1, W. H. and Rebecca A. Smith to M. Wattawa and Josephine Wsttawa, southerly half of lot 7 of block 62, Or, gon City; $1,100. C. T. Howard to D. E. Scott, lot 1 ot block 12, Mullno; $l0. , Frank E. Andrews and Bessie An NOT' EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board n " hs, costs no mora tnan you would pay to lira at sny first ol ooteL Room, can be had from 7$ cants to $150 per day. in tbe cafeteria ar served from 30 cents up and In tba grill t ual grill pric,. Batb. rang from 60 cents to $1.00. We Do CtiiT Rheumatism Hot Uka Mineral BatM and mud given under scieU tlflo direction have earss thousands. Writs for lim trstd booklet deanrlptlvs ot Hot Laka Sanatorium th methods am ployed. H Lab Ssnatorium Is sw slbl. at It Is located direct ly on tba main Una of tb d.-W. R. N. railway. M special excursion rates art to be bad at all times. AH agsnts. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM VALTCR li. PICRCC. Prcs.-liflr. t