Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 05, 1911, Image 2

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    - M0RN1N0 ENTEKPRiaE, StlNlMY. NOVKMHER A 191t
E t. BROWf, Edits and PvhMsaee.
iiml elaaa saatter Jaa-
"i (. till. at the neat me at Ora i
2 Ym"
raw if anew mo m.
On Tear, ' a
i Mentha, by mall
tmmr Month or atll.. .
ar win a. by earrter.,,..
tu tranter Uu In n to reet of
the Christian world.
On profeof Bailey's Uet th Bur.
pean nattona furnish lass than, halt
aa many divorce aa our nation, and
ret bad In 100 a population of nor
thaa two hnudred million.
There U no European country with
a divorce rate halt aa high as tnat,
and In koiu European couutrtee dt-
M m ' nrc ,mo,t unknown. In Ireland.
j for example, only on divorce was
granted In the rtv year from 1S1
to 10J. ;
Even I ho Democratic party has In
iriu lu it rnnka. With Hearst
bach In ha fold storm signals
- We par utr nret t Mtna....IM
Flret Pa-r. pr4 bach asded wnantoaa, .1M
Tafarrea' poallioe. ey , a. Pe
-Tarat wwrttoa..... Is
StateiiM poeitjoa, . tar Sac, par Mi
adif a Karrtlaaa IS I . ' . ... ,k line
ether taa nm ear tao Have lo oa oi -
m par'
rma dm
Brennan Monorail Train Shown
Members of British Parliament
In raaat ehar aaa fb-et pa, par
Leeats tee tar tlee; to ra-alar advar
Mn l Una.
Waal. rr "mla. To Real Ma
aa mi
i tea
Ratva for advertlarae: la Jks W
Bntarprla wlU a the at
Sally, for ttHwwii
ftar tb weekly. W1tra tb unn
b) Uaaaftrr rmaa tat daily a tfca wai
y. all boat eaaaca. th ml wUI a as
aa tara for tea af the aaaer, aaa las aa
tea me saetal
Cash samM
pan to aakeawa
ha Baterpnee.
Leal aaVaitamlaa; at lasal sliaiibaa
' rrca aaVarttataa; ana
arartlatBf at ttc tu SOv mm fetch.
"Flra Sal' aai Baakrupt bW1
toaaaiata st lacli firat Inaarttaa; a44i
, Jaaal taarttoaa aa mattaa SSa taab
. Maara Haaaa aa arU wnta anlalu
af unt with hitaraat to koraj raaaara,
win aa ai4ry aaopaA RaJirtiS -;
aarapaa war raturaaal anaa aaraaapaw
, M ay ataaaoa ta prrpay Miia
- ' i- -
. a Ja on aala at th lolloirlag storta
U looks now as It lha strugi
twrrn tha Chow-Chow and tha Chop
Soays woiikt soon
Ski Hi, i
Pjrlnoa of raca.
Pwhapa It aouW ba a food achenw
tor soma of Vncla 8am s aganu ii
InTaaUtata tha Pacific Coast Lumbar
Tha Italian army U avldenily not
itaalf la Turkey. Tha Turks
ajaavV' -
and Arabs nava aarioualy lntrfaM
with sTral excnrslona planned by
.v. I..U... fnr nlaasura trina Into
IUI UM - - - W "
tha Interior of Turkey.
Prealdent Taft saya tn tha Phllll
pluea they call them a PartlJo Inte
Mu.llsta ExploaWttis, and he wonderi
1 they have any of them In this coun
vary day:
. . Huntley Broa. Drags
" ' Main Straac
. W. McAnnlty Clg&ra
. , Bavantk and Main.
, B. B. Aadafson.
Main near 81xtn.
M. K. Dobd ConfecUooery
V , Next door to P. O.
. City Drag Store)
: " EUactri HotaL'
' Scaoanbom ConfacUonary
a . Beranth and X Q. Adania.
Nov. 5 In American History.
' lTt-Wsahlngtoa llaton. noted paint
er. born U Bontb Carolina: died
- 1843. .
1810 Alphonso Taft. Jurtrt and dlplo
; v Boat, tatber af Prealdent Taft.
' bora: died 18SL '
1906 WUllam T. Sir hards, famons
. aaarlna artist, died; born 1833.
(From noen today ta noon tcmorro-ar.)
Bon aets 4A8. hues 633: moon aets
30 a. m.; moon at aarending node,
crossing sna's path upward: UjM a
nv, eastern tlata. fall moon.
Of l.WW.OOa Immigrants Into Cana
da during tha pasTtteWda 8W.000 o
theae cant ba accounted tor by Can
.ji.. statiaiictaAs. When Uncle
Sam's attention waa called totha
Imply smiled and earn
matter ha
Only fourteen months until tha com
pletlon of the Panama Canal and ar
ticle of Incorporation of tha Oregon
City and New York Steamship Co
noeTnTnedyet. -
tlhem all aqiisllytreaponslh
a separate department of the city
a a a
There Is an unsightly spot at the
head of the Sereoth street steps at the
point where tha stairway railing In
tercepts the Singer Hill railing. The
taC'es organisation which has the
"city beautiful" at heart would no
doubt be pleased to sea that roses
and flowers , are maintained at this
spot If tha city or some publtc-spirlied
lnOlTiaual . wQUldwoadeeuell'.
In tk.m I. . I. I. A I " "r mmm r
Who killed reciprocity? "I". aaid
Champ Clark, "with my little bark. I
killed reciprocity."
Ida Lewis, dead la the old lighthouse
at Lima Bock, that guards tha har
bor of Newport. N. T-, doe not need
to", be 'called the Grace Darling of
America." 8b needa no glory by re-
, flection. Her fame win endure eq
ually with that' of Grace Darling. ,
In the fifties her father, who was
keeper of the lighthouse, was paral
ysed and his lC-year-old dangbter
'took n? hla duties. In 185S she be
gan a series of daring rescue that
resulted In earing many lire. A sail
boat ca pelted and four yonng men
were left helpless in a heavy sea.
Ida Lewi sailed oat in her skiff sn l
took them safely ashore. On a bit-
ier o7 in isoa iu rowiq qui innrujtu ggjy
a storm end sared a man drifting
helpless in an open boat. During a
terrible gale in 1867 sbe saw two m4
with a boat load of sheep about la
aink In the harbor. After haying1
saved the men she returned and saved '
the sheep. Neither wind nor wav '
held terror for this brave womau. 1
This heroine waa married in 170 to j
William H. Wilson, but she ha a-,
ways been known as Ida Lewis, and
as such the will continue to ba known I
She lived' her seventy-two years f
life in the lighthouse which had know
Colonel Bryan says the Republican
party baa atolen alxteen of hla choice
noUtlcsl Issues. But aa baa
not appreciated bis sixteen to one
Colonel aayn be never knew a Will
iam to do anything bad. And yet
their are a lot of bad bUla In tha
- , , Q
Thomas A. Edison on returning
from Germany, aaya the Germane are
being outclassed in modern architec
ture. He aaya tha English are the
highest type,both mentally and phys
ically In Europe, and be doea not be
lieve In tha much talked of worl'l
wide Industrial dominance of Ger
many. The American s will soon show
Germany what push Is, as American
drummers sre about to Invade nf
land .of the Kaiser.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, thinks
he can form a trust law that will put
alt the tusts out of business. Col.
Roosevelt saya there are good trusts
alid bad trusts, but the Iowa Senator
j propose to make the Innocent sif
i fer with the guilty and make all dis-
Personal Opinion
: by
We bear much Just now of the "com
mission" or "business" form of gov
ernment for Oregon City. Little dif
ference doe It make what we term it
if the new charter board only succeeds
in providing us a real "business" form
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Con
gregational church of Parkplace gave
a banquet to the young people of the
church Friday evening. There were
about sixty In attendance. The early
part of the evening waa devoted to
the following program: Violin solo,
Grace Barnett; reading Miss Edith
Lilly; vocal duet. Milton and cnaries
Miller: recltstlon. Miss Amy Peck-
over; vocal solo, Miss Rita Holmes;
recltstlon. Miss Fay French.
The banquet hall was prettily dec-
Am a nnl. w. h .ho mr..l , V " " rieu .Mil auiuuu. .cot.,
... - , " - - directly responsiDie lor an nm acta, ,aMe wjtn ro, and other cut now
in fact, if not In name.
Oregon City has long needed bus!
her father and which was the cradle ness injected into Its municipal veins,
of her fame.
and we are hoping for the best from
i tnese seven inieiiigeui men wu u.n
been chosen to rescue the city.
i Give us a plan which will provide
i for one man, if possible, to have con
trol of our civic business; make him
j T f
Phot by Amrrtcan Prres Aaeuctatlon.
SEVERAL luenibers of the British parliament recently went to the White
myan awuieuMroi piare near i.onuoo. to witneaa a aruuuiraiu or
the Itrriiuan Monorail railway Tbey Included Ormter AUlib. Rigbt
lion I.ImviI Ceorce. Mr and Mrs Winston Churchill, fur Ceors tilbb
Sir Krneat l'iwl. I he Earl of Crewe and other distinguish! paraon The
Brannaa car l held n Us single trsok by nieens of a gyrofn-ope U Journrved
bark and forth alone Its rroked and uneven courae aa ateadlly If traveling
on a perfect mntllel uponlng two rails The laveatlon hat far brrs
little more than a toy. though great things have been predicted for It So Ion
as the i.MnoiMe. which la merely a heavy wheel kepi revolving at tilth upeed.
la ke mollis the car will maintain Its balance, even on a ewsying rope it
work m ibe prlncipsl of the familiar gyroaeop lop. which acleiitlats pretend
to amti-otaml. but which pvaaiee the laymen even after adentlnc etplaaationa
SMla aaaar Hill ataaatfla
a aa auaraal at aa east a ear
taaaruoa. batf a eaat a44itlor.aJ toaar
ttaaa. owe taah aay U par vala.
bah ear. t liaaaj at par atoaia.
laah wuat aaaaaisaar arSar anlaaa a
ha aa apaa amuat wit lha papar. Mr
nmaaota reapaaalblUt (or arrara. whar.
rrara nm rraa aurr, mi4 atw wi4 a
prwtf4 far palraa. attaimum atiaraa IS'
Mrs. K. T. Fields -waa hoatess of a
bridge arty t the Uust h Hall Satur
day ahernoort from I to B o'clock
a hen about au of her friends attend
rd The hall waa prettily decora tut
In cosmos, golden Volorpd marlgulds
snd ferns. Indian baskets 111 ted with
ferns were used along the sides of tha
hall, waking a very,, artlatlo eRrx't.
Mrs. Fields waa assigned by her
dmiMhtrr, Mlsa Clara Fields. Mlas
1 lolly Fields. Miss Itolly I'ralt and
Mini Kuth IliUhtlilll. The prliea.
ablt-h wera baud ialnled platea, rup
and sauter aud pitcher, arte U by
Mrs Kill. Mrs. W. K. I' Ren. Mrs. U.
A. llartUng. Mrs. F. WsGreeuman and
Mrs. tlettrge Hhanklns A drlRiuus
reiasi was served:
Those attending ware Mrs John
IMhwalte, Mrs, 1. L Purler. Mrs. A,
I. ltealle. Mrs. kt. U 4alourette,vMra.
II. P. Bright bill. Mrs. Meta Harlow
Lawrence. Mra. J. K. Ilutuphrys, Mrs.
W. A. tihewman.. Mrs. O. V Kanl
ham. Mr. C. O. Huntley. Mrs. U A.
Morris. Mrs. C. (1- Miller. Mrs. U R.
Jones, Mrs. Roatua Fouts. Mrs. Orairge
A. Harding. Mra. K. A. Chapman. Mrs.
Henry Meldruru. Mrs. Thomss P. Ran
dall. Mrs. ilertrud. Leathwalte. Mra.
Kenneth Htsntou. Mrs K p. Rands.
Mra C. I- MtourttS, Mrs. Kills, Mrs.
Thomas Myers. Mra. M. C, Htrlrkland.
Mrs. J. J. Tobln. Mrs.. M, C. Hrown.
Mrs. Henry O'MaUey. Mra W. A
L'Ken. Mra; Lena Chartuan. Mra. II.
Mo-int. Mrs. II. T- Mcltaln, Mra,
W. E., Pratt. Mra. J. N Wiener. Mra
A. A I'rlc. Mrs. F. W. tlreenmsn.
Mrs. George liankln Mrs. II K.
Straight. Mlsa M. I. Holmes.' Mlas
Fannie Porter, Miss Kale Porter, Mlas
Hess Deultoa. Mlas Helen Itaullon.
Mlsa Vara Caufleld. Mlsa Marjory f au
Oetd. Miss Dolly Prstt. Miss Ruth
Bright bill. Mlsa Clara Fields
Vaffc Earners
snnot beeems smpleysrs nntll thy
have Mvad nauh gapltal ta mak
A ssvlngs sessunt at this bank veil!
not anly prevld sspltsl, but will aiy
a training In finance whlh will prv
a valuabl business hslp,
The Bank of Oregon City
r J. allYSS,
oi OREGON dm, OREGON ' '
V raeaaata s arl
I SaehlMf wain, Upan trr S A. w
but would ba given over for thla pur
pose no doubt
a a
Tou who tske pride In your homes
and surroundings, how do you like Id
have a majestic telephone pole stuck
in your narking right In front of your
house, tha said majestic pole embel
lished with fourteen cross-arms, four
hundred wires, a cable and a couple
of tin cans? Seriously now, did you
ever before sea n city where These
poles are allowed to be placed pro
miscuously as they are here? While
the streets are being Improved and
many of these poles are necessarily
removed from the ground there la an
excellent chance to cause them to be
placed on the street corners and on
the edge of the alleys where they I
properly belongn any well regulated
city. We know that these telephone
companies are poor, struggling corpor
ations and tha burden of removing
these pole would ba almost dla
astrous, but w Insist that while the
property owners are being compelled i
to pay large sums for street Improve- j
ment, whether tbey wish to or not.
these corporations, to whom the peo-
pie bsre granted franchise privileges, ;
should be made to do a little Improv
ing too, whether they .want to or not.
Verily we do need a "business" ad
a a a
It Is plainly noticeable that a new
spirit has taken bold of Oreogn City
Civic pride Is manifest; the character
of bomea now building shows It, and
the tendency to keep up lawns and
parking Is another proof. No place
can ever be attractive with unkempt
lawns and streets. Let us fervently
hope that thla 'spirit will spresd to
the uttermost parts of town.
to sea -my colleciUw of arrow-beads
coins. India hnnku, CA tml
and curloa of .! sorts. Will bu
or sail In tbU lias Have tori a good
bargains In secondhand furniture
and tools. Gorgo Young, Mali; li
near Fifth. .
WANTED Position as clerk in store
by lady of experience. Telephone
distinction of leading the Christian
world In the number of divorces.
Figures compiled by William B.
Bailey assistant professor of politi
cal economy In Tale University, show
that the average number of divorces
In thla country for the past five years
and do not give him a buqcn or aa iert Mr4 Coffey, who is president of
vlsers on wnom ne can snui me; the Ladle' Aid Society, was assisted
blame. We must hsve such a system J D MM t Bnlnner, Miss Myrtle
that when mismanagement is shown iioime, nd Mr. Y. E. Lucas. Fol-
we can bolnt an accusing nnger at one
solitary Individual and say "vou are
the man. If more tban one man is
needed and can be afforded., make
Women Need Not Be Drudge
Iii Servantless Home
By Mr. FRANK A. PATTISON. Who Midi the Experiment
t Colonla. fi. J.
CTEXCE in the kitchen means that the woman of average in
come, gnd average family can actually have a SERVANT
LESS HOME and pot bocnm herrlf the household drmlgrv
' B dignifying and simplifying dotnstii labor modern itu
proved methods anil put domestic service; on higher plane than ever
before, and the servants employed In future will be WORTH
WHILE. ' " i '
It is time the present cIam of servants quite disappeared. .
' : The aertsDt system ia s SLAVE RTfiTEM.v,itiitnsea insist ....
long hours and little freedom for the maids. . No wonder tha latUT
swarm into factorien and shops, ' It Is true that the COMPETENT
- -rrt,l bonaeworker ia ao rarely found that shn ma bs called prac-
' 4
lowing the program and banquet there
were music and games, and a most
enjoyable time waa had.
Belle's lass.
"Belle bss lieen going In lately fur
arts and crofts."
"What's ber Idea r
. "Hhe declare that It i-ilcr both srt
and craft nowsdaya -u'ture a hns
bsnd." Boston Tr""cripi.
White Queen
his la Th Best Flour Obtain-
Lay In Your Winter Supply of
Coal Now.
Hay, Grain, Fssd and Kerrsst
Poultry Food.
Commission Co.
. Oreoon CRy. ,
WANTED Boys and girls. Her
la your chance youngsters to
make your Christmas money
eaay. Th Morning Enter,
prise will pay you a big com
mission for brlnlgng in trial
subscriptions. If you want
to know more about It call or
writ to th Circulation Man
ager of the Morning Enter-
prise, Oregon City, and learn
. all about what you will bare
to do. The mor you turn In
tha more you will make and
you can make a lot If you
The Oregon City football team and
the crack eleven of the Halloday Ath
letic Club, of Portland, will play this
I afternoon aUTanemab Park. The gam
U expected lo be the most exciting
played here thla eeeaon.
Although handicapped by the loas
of two of" Its best men. the Oregon
City football team Is confidant of vic
tory. Rous, captain and left end, was
forced to give up football on account
of Its Interfering with his studies.
Moore, left end, who suffered a broken
cottar bona In the game last Sunday
will be out of the game for some time,
but says he will be bark st his old
position for the Thsnksglvlng lay
game. It Is likely that Cole will play
one end and either ligrsoa or Slier .
the other.
Chet Cawthers wss elected captain
of the team to Oil th varancy cauaed
QlaUatono Lumber Cotnpzry
lumber, lath, shingles, fence posts and doors, moulding, suk im
all kind, of Inside "nlsh. Price rlghL lumber guaranteed sad sraaw
delivery . ' .
Phon Main tttl.
Psrwer, Wl
LTtiat is the only con
sideration, first, last
But Aside from that
we always aim to
give the biggest pos
sible values for the
least money. . , '
Your town's foremost shoe store bss good shots fat
cTcrjrbody, in the mst complete assortments, st sll tint
The authentic styles and unsurpassable values in sll kinds
of footwear found here, this, Oregon City's only exclus
ive shoe store.
y Rods' resignation. Caatbers
Ithout a doubt one of the fastest '
kalf l..nb, . n H In t V. a I '
his weight, as his record of seven
touchdowns out of the eleven msdel
this season will show. Freeman, the
other half, and tng at full, play their
respective positions brilliantly. The
Isrgeat crowd of the season Is ei part
ed today.
Oregon City Shoe Store
506 Main Street.
Patronise our so vertiaers.
Hotel Arrivals.
.The following are registered at th
Electric TMel; IdaMcCorr f alem:
W. . .Abbott. Albany; A Trsrib,
P. J. Mstdeld. H. A. Hpragae, ty
Uad: A. A. Kell. Aunva; i. lb
Portland. -
FOR 8ALB Launch, 23 feet lowr,
capacity 14 passengers. First class.
Inquire Dr. Stuart, city.
CONCORD grapes. 3 cents a pound.
Bring your basket IB G. mark
weather, Rlsley Station.
FOR SALE Six-room bouse and two
lots on Wsshington street; IU0O
cash. Call G12 Fourth street
Phone Main. 463.
FOR REJiT 300-aor farm, 7S acres
In cultivation, good house, barn and
outbuildings; two wells and sev
eral springs, good water, land roll
ing and drains welL W. E Jones,
Beaver Creek.
FARMTXJA"NdWmIcli" Tbimick,
Lawyera. Oregon City, Or.
O. D. EBT. Attornay-at-Law. Money
loaaad, abstract furnished. Iaa
title eiamlnt 4. stat seUled, ges,
eral law bustns4
Oregon City.
U'REN 8CHUEBEL, Aturseys-el
Law, Dautacber Advokat, will pra
Oo In all eourta. make collections
aria Bldg., Orecon Cltv, Oregon. ,
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates ebeorfally
siren- on all class , of building
work, eoncrot walks ana rataforoad
eonereta. Re, pbo Mala ill
H COOPER, Foe fir tnaaraaer
and Real Estate, Lai na handle
vonr properties w bay, anil and
evchsnge. Offlp In aTaterst-Ue
Rldg.. Oregon City. Oregon
tTiTilli III I IT
DR. LENA R. H0TX1E8, Osteopath, of
rortiana, win ba In Oregon City
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
of each week, at corner of Sixth and
Washington streets, phon Main
CHICAGO TAILORS suits made to
order from $10 and up. W also do
clesnlng, . pressing and repairing.
Three doors south of postoffca.
X. ALBA 8A0ER, teacher of wind and
atring Instruments, director of band
and orchestra, WJI furnish mnslo
for any occasion. CH at Electric
HotaL ' :- t ' '
Only Knew The Saving
he could effect in his light bill by using Mazda
lamps he would never have an inferior illtimi
nant in his store at any price. '
He Would Prefer Electric Light
as a matter of economy, to say nothing about
the brilliant white light of the MAZDA lamps,
unrivaled for show window illumination.
If you would like to know more about the
service these lamps are giving others, ask us. v
MA I N OPflCE 7,h ond Alder Streets