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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1911)
v. MOUNINO ENTEUPIUSK. SATURDAY; XOVKMnKll .4. 1911. 'J. i'ii '"t'V 'V: 7: is LAYERS WHOSE ATTRACTS UdiiK :fc:lh!)6n8s th Good lb ca O ADrtcao ton. " EXPECT UUCH OF PEKDLET01 deny CrHlos Pvadiat He Will Eells LmI IimhI MfiiwMi Yale U tsswkjwtai e e4Brw4Qs)M Fj)C 8P99J wlUJBfJI , lag Butler m4 Mifiir Two Star. a TOMMY CLARK. Tb football Mm baa bow ad raacod tar aoogh to get a lie oa bat f BMa a ika dl (Terra! teams W procbW ia ba rocnpetitora lor All oasra. Of coaraa sosa of an who now abaw sack great are likely to tall by tbe way aua aa tn enamptooebip gaate ap proach, and etban who ara aow tolling faithfully oa Iba acrab taama will uka their placaa when th day of tb big roil around. ' At tba same tlma - ; J " mm -ly'-y y::fiv -pi I A ( Ysaaswest fctjf AAMrtHaaB AaWOflftftttaW. ara i , gssnra rouaaca. oaaa player who.' atecpt for ara pretty aura to r At frtacataai that ara three : arb hav attractad tba attandoa of tba Hear apache aa account of tbetr brtJ- Haat piaylag. They ara Pendleton. PaaflaM and Bakar. . PcndJetoa. of eaana. waa wall kaowa aa account of , Mb brUllaat pUytnjr laat season. But. If poaalbla. a promise to eve better tbat record. Tbla yaar tba roaches hav snored bin to quarterback, and - ta bia aw poetrJoa ita promta lo do sac-re apartacalar work tbaa at balf back but falL Paadlatoo Is oo of tb oa iba gridiron today. of all aa la a 4 a irk stsrter aad a woaderful dodger. Tba two other na who ara dlaplaylajr nuexpectea apcad ara Bakar aad I'eaSaid. Baker la fan. aad, walla aot aaaeatJally a Haa break- Didn't Know His Own House By EDITH V, ROSS Oartmiht by Aawrteea PtM Aom. . . cbuioa. laL w WWW W WWW WW WW WWW WW WW WW WW WW There lived yaara a( at TbeTJapiP a pretty Ptirrh clrl aamed Katrlna VeJd.-r. Katrtaa Botwltbatamllnc that tba bcaaty of bar forta waa obatnioted by a dtea patttcoata aad ber ahaHlr feat were core red with woodeu mIhx waa really a comely girl ao comely tbat wbea Ary Taa RchoonhoTen ia- ad ber booaa ona day padtlltnx m tba canal ba quite fell ta lore with ber. Not loat after tbla Ary met the girl at a dance where tba Bound f the woodea aboea on tba flonr waa Itke the bammerlnc la a carpenter' ahop. Tha roapla danced together. Ary whirled Katrtna around Ilka a top. Whether ao much whlrllnn turned tba yoang people'a brains or whatever tba caaaa. they fall violently tn love. Bat ta Uollaad young gtrl cannot marry without a dowry, and Katrt aa bad bo dowry. Old Van 8chon boraa, who aotd cbtena, waa well off aad could have art tba couple np very readily, but ba would aot Ha told hla bob tbat If ba cboaa to marry a dotleaa girt ba might do ao, but they would get nothing from him. Tha old man, though ba waa aa al- oermaa ana morn respected on ac count of bia position, waa given ta ttpllng. ' There waa a place near hU booaa -where ba mad to drink achaappa till lata at night tbea go borne and to bed. Ha lived In a row of dwelling, all prectarly alike and each built with Ra gabla end on tba afreet. Ona night Ary determined to play a prank oa bia father, fie bad ao object la doing ao except fun. bat before ha ba got through there waa a mora tin- at rero It than mere fun. () () () 3 o ( o 0 n o o ( p Van Srboouboven wbea ha came from tba taproom waa naed to counting tba I houaea till ba came to tba sixth, wbh h was hla awn. 8lnce they were all alike I ba bad no other way of determlntnc bla own domk-Ce. Tba door waa one at tboaa double onea rat la tba middle. One night wbea tba cheer merchant want bom fall of aebnappa be count ad the boosea. aa naval, and wbea ba reached tha sixth endeavored to put bia key In tba lock and open the door. Bat ba was along time finding the I aayooi,'ana when he did the key didn't lit ft. Then ha noticed that Instead of hla owa double door thai on be waa trying to open waa a aiagle while he waa standing stupidly trying to gat through, hla Dutch noddle I bow aa could bar mad a mistake la bia count aa upper window aasb waa ratoed and a bead tn a nightcap put oat. Then a cracked voice called: " no is trying ta break Into m noose r 1 beg pardon." aald tba man bfcw "I thought tbla waa my house.' "Aad who ara youT" Tm Van Scboonbovaa. tba alder And n pretty alderman you are to b breaking tba peac at night prowl. tng around breaking Into people'a bouse. I have a mind to call the watch and bar yon taken In." Pray don't do that I'ra only ml taken tbla bona for my own. Do you maaa to tell ma that you. who have been born and lived ever I since in the same house, don't know where you lire?" I seem to bar been mistaken." Ton mean tbat yoo have been aj long at tba taproom tonight and have drunk ao many bottles of schnaDD tbat yon are fuddled." "Cant yoa direct me to my house r' "Not I. Do you suppose that I am going to Ami myself and go down and walk you. an alderman of this respect able city, to your own house f This loud talking aroused tboaa living aezt door, and np went their sashes and out went tbelr beada to learn who was disturbing tha peace. It waa Ary that bad been talking to his rather. He had taken the double door off binges and put on another one. Tbea, watching for bia father when tha old man came, he had lectnred him In a feigned voire. Those living next door.' being perfectly sober, bad recognised Ary'a voice and entered heartily Into the joke. "1 know who you are," said a wo man's voice next door. "Tou are Van Ichoonnoven. with but one son. who winded to marry Karrlna Vedder. a glr! far too good for such a father-In-law. You who ara an alderman should e an exnmp'e to others Instead o getting drunk and breaking tha peac of the town at midnight" Here an Idea entered Ary'a bead. "Ves; that Is right. Von are keeping two lovers apart, and tomorrow you will be paid for your meanness. This matter will be tbe talk of the town. Bat I tell you what I will do. I will give you a bed here till morning, and If you will then promise to mend your ways we will keep our secret." This brought tbe " old man around. ITU son threw him a key, with which tm opened the door. and. mounting the atslr. found hlmelf In bis own room: The next morning Ary went down early and rhsntred the door. The wo rn who IhhI done a part of the talk ing came in nrnl told him that If he did not cotfienf to hla eon's marriage and do well lr the yonng couple she I would Jell tbe town b had come home I so drunk that he didn't know his own j houe. I n n a. . tun wnonrtnoven mnoe a virtu- o; 8 O () () () ( ft () () () () ( ( C) 0 o 0 0 o nr. be la doing bia shsre of tbe attack ' Tba worrUneni over the continued ' absence of Captain Bart bas been re lieved somewhat by tbe splendid play ing of reo field at fullback. Thia yoaagarer. who la 001 particularly heavy, baa proved a good line plunger, a&d to open field work be la a wonder. On tba Tale team there are few mea who stand out conspicuously above tbetr fellows. Instead of na ring one or two shining lights, tbe whole team eoema to shine wwb about tbe aame roster, lo tbe back Held, tbongb. Is ooa man. rollback Anderson, who la dally attracting tbe attention of tbe coaches. Be learned moat of his foot ball at the University of Wlacoosin. bat la still eligible for tbe Tale team Bo baa been used In all of tbe Ell games to dare and seems to be tbe only mao who can be depended upon to gain consistently on line plonees Two other men who are displaying good qualities are Captain Howe, the voteran quarterback, and Pbllbln. tbe latter a brother of tbe Pbllbln who played ao well for the Ella In 1900 Bowa. In addition to maintaining his high standard of directing the team play. Is kicking field gosls In clever fashion Butler, tbe Cornell quarterback, prom tsea to become tbe best football player the Irbacans ever dereloped. At tbe University of IVnnsylvanin there la one man who 1 .wtshlnlnit every other player on tbe team He la Captain Mercer, last year the pick of many critics for All American full back. It Is doubtful If there la s faster man In football too on tbe American gridiron than Mercer Thl year be heems to be In' superb" rondl doa. Be starts quickly and gets ni hla speed wonderfully, Be has Inrrese ' ed hla value to tbe team aearly SO per aecessity and gave the promise. But how his house came by a donMe door at ntgbt and had a single one In the morning, though he smoked many pipes over tbe problem, be con Id never determine. o o o 0 0 0 C) 0 a o o o O ( () o 1 soil! Afte ten months of continotis publication, IWof ning Enterprise, tfc: BIG LITTLE Qackamas County Daily is read in more than a thou: and Clackamas County homes every day " . . . "7 '. " I ' : " Help To Make ll 3000 'This is 2000 short of the mark set by the Publisher for the first year, so in order to interest that many now Sub Boribers in Morning Enterprise, November and December will be a bargain period for subscribers; During Bargain Period, which ends December 31, 1911, Morning Enterprise can be secured an Entire year BY MAIL FOR $2.00. DELIVERED BY CARRIER in Oregon City, Gladstone, Parkplace, Willamette, etc., Bargain Period Price for an entire year will be only 83.00 This Is The Way WeVil Melt 3000 Two from You Will Help To Makelr 3000 YOU CAN HELP. Tell two of your neighboro about this.offer, induce them to subscribe and get your own rcn newal for next year at the . same reduced rate. Are you on? .J&enJboostLfoiiMoming ing four pages of LIVE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BUT MONDAYS. S3 in nJ 0 cccococccocacccoccoccccococccocccocccocccocccccccccsc-'J Patronit' our adverttaera. Saved' From tha Sea. Oeorge Klrlnn. gunner. U. S. N.. who died In 1H. waa a young boy nt the outbreak of the Greek revolution, and one lar us 'be and his mother wen on the liesch of their Islnnd home they were warned of the sironch of band of Turks. The mother Toned her boy Into a boat that whh near mid. piacliic hltn on tbe bottom, thrust lilm oft, remaining herself to await her fnte and distract attention from the child. He drifted from the shore and wus finally rescued by a Ismt fnmi one of the American -rtilMcrs then In the. Medlterrrie;ui, Mr. Mlrlnn entered the navy as a boy and ol con duct Iwcame a warrant otlli er, aervlng with rellt until his death. i cent by mastering tbe use of tbe straight arm In warding oft tackier faTercer does this better than any man Peonaylvaala aver had except Hollan back of the 1908 team. Umftaal aperii The Widow-I auppoae yon are fa miliar with warfar la all Its traripua forma, major T ' Tba Ifajor Not all. madam: not alL I am adit ta tba bachelor rankaEx change. " A tiaan Ultirma, ' ' Blnka (who baa given Jlska a dgai -ToaTl find, old chap, tbat la aome thing ilk a cigar. Jlnka (after few pntrat-By Jr, ther la a Blight re. "nc.. What la ItT-Boyal alaga- Leave your worries at borne when you travel. Tou can get a fresh sup ply anywhere. Hi Ungrsmmatital Nam. There are soma sort) a rues which Jar on the susceptibilities of purist. A story la told of aa Osford don who. after bearing tb viva voce of ao un dergraduate named Uttler. thus ad dressed bim: "Mr. LJitier.,your I J reek proa la disgusting, your Latin prose 1 disgusting, your traosislm la die rastlng. and your name la ongrammar IcmL London Rlark sod Whit -y A Narrow Esesp. A grocery man In a small town In Jersey had an exhibit of eggr In hla show window. One day he removed tbe egga and Oiled the window spue with a brood of tiny chickens. A col ored woman Who dealt 'at tbe store happened to paaa and stopped, aghast "Well, fo' d lan'a sake." she ex claimed. "If dam egga hain't done gone an' batched T "Well, what of ItT amlllngly queried a bystander. ' "What of Itf cried the colored wo man. "Why, Jea flnk what a narrer cape dat de angel cake dat 1 mad de odder day had from bein a chicken potpler-Phlladelpbla Telegraph. ; I Mar Werk. "I wish these people bad nor com pany." complained tb boueemald. "WhyT asked tb cook, "When nobody alt la tb chairs I bar to dost them off myself." Wash lagloti Herald, '. i Mieanax. ' 'Alcohol bolls at ITS degree Fahren belt 89 degrees lower tbaa tba tem peratura at which water boll AMONG THE CHURCHES First Baptist Church Ninth and Main streets. Rev. 8. A. Hay worth, pan tor, Iilble school at 10 a. m., classes for all agea. H. E. Croe, euperlntan dent Preacblna at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Rev. Hay worth will preach bia second of a aeries of sermons In tb evening on "Why more men are not Chris tians." . German Lutheran Church (Ohio synod Rev, H. Man, pastor. Bar vices will be held at 10:30 a. m, Biindty school at 9:30 a. m. Tbe ""pastor hopes to so many children at Sunday school. ' ' Cathollo Corner Water aad Tenth atreeta, Rev. k7 Hlllebrand pastor, realdence 912 Water; Low Maaa I a. m.. with sermon; High Maaa 10:10 a. m.; afternoon aarrle at 4 ; Maaa every morning at I. 'tret Conoregatlonal Churelv Morn ning service at 10i30 o'clock. First Church of Christ BalenWsL Bervlc at 11 l Wedneaday vning meeting at o'clock; reading room open every afternoon . except Bun day from 9 to 4 o'clock. . " German Evangelical Corner Eighth and Madison street, Rev. 1. Wlavaslck pastor,-rasldanc 711 Madison; Sunday school 10 a. m., Herman Bchrader, , Monro atrL auperintendent; morning servle 11; Young People at T p. m. and preaching at p. m.; prayer meet ing Wedneaday at 7:30 p. m. Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul key, pastor; Blbl school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 and S. Mountain View Union (Congrega tional) Sunday school l-p. . ' - ' Mrs. J. II. Qnlnn, superintendent: Bible Study every Thursday after. noon. Methodist Episcopal Church-Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, pastor. .Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching by tha pastor at 10:45. Junior League at o'clock. First Presbyterian Church--Rev. J, R. LandHhoroush, pantor. Morning worship st 11; Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Mrs. W. C. Oraen, su- .' perlntendent;. Y. p. s. C. E., at 6:45 S p. tn. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. At 7 : .'10 evening service. Parkplace Congregational-Rev. J. l Jones pastor, residence Clackamas; Christian Endeavor Thursday eve ning 7:30. Sunday school 10. Emery French superintendent; preaching services each Sunday, alternating between 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra.' t Paul's RevCW. Robinson, rec tor. Dally services: Morning pray er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m.; evening prayer. 7:30.; Sunday services: Holy Eucharist I a. m.; morning prayer, 10:80; . Holy Eucharist and sermon 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30; Sunday school m.; Thursday venlnas, sermon at 7:30. United Brethren Corner Eighth end Tayior, ksv. u f. Clarke pastor, residence, Portland; Sunday school 10 a. m., Frank Parker, Maple Lane, superintendent; morning service UU- c- a 9- m.. evening senrtc 7, Willamette M, E-No regular preach- ui rTices; ounuay school 3 p. m- Mrs. Reams. snnarintanii Zlori Lutheran corner Jefferson and r- niaui sireeta. Rev. w R irn. berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer , son; Sunday school 9:30 a. m.. Rev. Kraxberxer, superintendent; mortv Ing servle 10:80; evening 7:45: Luther League 7 p. m. West Oregon City School House J. O Staats will preach at 9 o'clock Sunday school conducted after ser - uon. ' . "tAL ESTATE THANSFESt.' Sarah A. and F. W. Malon to Eastern Investment, southwest quar ter of southwest quarter of seclioh $i oo miuth' ran, vastl lluldah M- Malone an4 Jamaa Ma itVnt ot outhwe.t Muih rl-u 35. township outh. range 5 east; II. veitmen. rt ' t0 ' VMtment Company, southwest quar ter of southwest quarter of 82. township t south, ran I 11.00. , John C. Karr and Maude Ksn- Eastern Investment Company, w west quarter of southwest quarter a section 93, township I south. riM aat; 1. m Ernest and Emilia rhUtrota Hammon Pallson, land In skUos i i and 1 township I south, rants I Thomas Kloh and Nettle f. KWIJ Thomas F. Hope and Luna Hoy acres of a L. C of J. 8. Rlaley. ship 9 south,, range 1 east; li NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Uka, Including medical attention, board M " ,w than yon would pay to llv at any first eU TM fc"n U tna 1 ent to 1160 per day. n the rsfelerla ara served from 90 cents np and In th. grill uul grill prices. Baths rans-frora B0 cnU to, 1.00. Wc Do Cute Rtctf aatisci ft -I Hot Lnk Mineral and mud given under w llflo direction bsvs w thousands. Write for w trated booklet descrlptlre o: Hot Lake Sanatorium sm tha nstbods employed. H' Lak Sanatorium Is scc albl. aa It Is located dtr ' ly on th main Una of tr j n.w n. s ti. railway, al rAtl I aan Fsiltfft ratal ar m iiwuiai rsavHiaivH to b bad t all ( agents. HOT LAIte SANATORIUM tALTCR M. PICCCC. Prcs.-Mj:r.